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Month : August Chapter 10: Animals – Form and Movement

HOTS (Pg 127)

Why do doctors often ask elderly people to take at least one calcium tablet per day?
Ans. With age, the body does not absorb efficiently. The elderly people need to take
calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis.
HOTS (Pg 127)
What would have happened if our spine would have made of only one single bone?
Ans. If our spine is made of only one single bone, we would not be able to bend or twist
our body.
HOTS(Pg 130)
Which joint allows movement to a greater extent – hinge joint or ball and socket joint?
Ans. Ball and socket joint
Why are two – wheeler riders advised to wear helmets on the road? Why is it such an
important traffic rule?
Ans. To prevent head or skull injury, two – wheeler riders are advised to wear helmets
on the road.
Name an organism each that has
a) 8 legs: Spiders
b) more than 30 legs: millipede
c) 5 legs: Kangaroos

II Short Answer Questions.

1. Why do animals show movement?
Ans. Animals move in search of food, shelter and to prevent themselves from predators.
2. Mention the different ways in which animals move?
Ans. Animals move by:
a) walking and running: tigers, humans.
b) crawling: snakes, snails.
c) swimming: fish, ducks.
d) flying: birds, bats.
3. How does a cockroach move from one place to another?
Ans.The legs of a cockroach are long and enable them to walk, run or climb fast. A
cockroach walks in a triangular pattern, forwarding three legs at a time.
4. Snakes do not have limbs. Does the absence of limbs restrict their movement? How
do they move?
Ans. Absence of limbs does not restrict the movement of snakes. They have a flexible
backbone. The vertebrae are attached to strong muscles, which enable them to move
very fast even without limbs. The scales of the belly help the snake to grip the surfaces
while crawling and climbing. The body of the snake bends alternately making a wave
like motion, helping the snake to move.

5. What is a bone marrow? What is its function?

Ans. The soft spongy tissue inside the bone is called bone marrow. It produces new
blood cells in our body.
6. What are the main types of joints in the human body?
Ans. There are four main types of joints in the human body which allow movement in
different directions. They are a) Ball and Socket Joint b) Pivot Joint c) Hinge Joint
d)Gliding Joint.
7. How are x-rays used for diagnosing medical conditions?
Ans.X-rays are used in detecting fractures and other medical conditions such as cancer.

III Long Answer Questions.

1. Differentiate between
a) Vertebrates and Invertebrates
b) Upstroke and Downstroke
c) Backbone and Spinal cord
d) Tendon and Ligament
e) Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton

Vertebrates Invertebrates

Vertebrates are animals that have a Invertebrates are animals that have no
backbone or vertebral column backbone or vertebral column

The bones and joints enable movement in Invertebrates show movement because of
vertebrates specialized structures

Eg. Humans, fish, crocodiles, snakes, Eg. Insects, crabs, snails, starfish, etc.
birds, etc.

Upstroke Downstroke

Wings lifted upwards while flapping Wings brought downward while flapping
wings in birds is called upstroke wings in birds is called downstroke

Backbone Spinal cord

It is a curved flexible series of bones from It is a part of the nervous system and
neck to lower back that protects the spinal connects body parts to the brain.

Tendon Ligament

Muscles are attached to bones by strong, The bones are held together at a joint by a
white, connective tissue called tendons. tough and flexible tissue called ligaments.

Exoskeleton Endoskeleton

2. How does an earthworm move?

Ans. The earthworm’s skin releases a thick, slippery liquid which helps keep the skin
moist and also makes it easier for it to move through underground burrows
Each segment of an earthworm has numerous tiny, bristle-like hairs called setae, which
help them in gripping the soil while moving.
An earthworm moves using two sets of muscles, one set that is present in each segment
and the other set that runs along the body. It moves by repeated contractions and
expansions of the muscles. When the segment muscles contract its body stretches and
becomes thinner.It fixes the front part of the body to the soil.The lengthwise It releases
the front part of its b contract and its body becomes shorter and wider. It releases the
front part of the body thus pulling the body forward.
3. How does a snail walk on rough and sharp surfaces without injuring itself?
Ans. The body of snails releases a slimy substance called mucus, which enables them to
move on rough, sharp surfaces without the risk of injury.
4. Describe the features of fish that help it to move underwater.
Ans.*Bodies of fish have a streamlined shape which minimizes the resistance to flowing
water and enables them to move smoothly and quickly through water.
● Fins help in moving forward, changing direction and balancing in the water.
● The tail (caudal fin) is directly connected to the spine. The wave-like motion of
tail pushes the body of the fish forward through water.
● The tube-shaped swim bladder or air bladder helps fish to stay afloat and adjust
the depth under water.
● Bodies of most fish are externally covered with a layer of slimy mucus, which
reduces friction and aids in swimming.
5. Explain the features of birds that help them to fly.
Ans.Birds have streamlined bodies which minimises air resistance.Birds are light in
weight but have a strong skeleton. The bones of the bird are hollow and filled with the
air. This bone structure helps the birds in two ways- it makes the bodies the body
lighter and it supplies oxygen needed to lift their bodies for flight. While flapping the
wings birds make use of their large and strong flight muscles. Flapping of wings has
two stages - Up stroke and Down stroke. Repeated upstroke and downstroke gives
their body the required lift and speed.
6. What are the functions of human skeleton?
Ans. The functions of human skeleton are
The skeleton gives shape and support to the body.
The skeleton also protects the delicate internal organs such as brain, heart and
The bones of the skeleton along with the muscles enable the movement of the
various body parts.
The interior of the bones contain a substance called bone marrow which produces
new blood cells. On an average the bone marrow produces about 500 billion blood cells
in a day.

7. Explain some of the important parts of the human skeleton.

8. Bones and muscles together enable us to move a body part. Explain this with an
Ans. Bones and muscles together enable us to move.
Refer Pg 129, (first para) We are able to move……lengthens.

A. Blinking of eyes is a type of movement. But, why do our eyes blink?
Ans. When we blink our eyes,
● The eyelids provide suction across the eye from the tear gland to the entire
eyeball to keep it from drying out.
● When we blink, the hairs of eyelashes create a line of defense and protect
the eye from irritants and keeps eyes safe from potentially damaging
stimuli such as bright light and foreign bodies such as dust.
B. We cannot move our elbows and knees backwards. Why?
Ans. We have hinge joints in our elbows and knees that allows only up and down or
one directional movement. Hence, we cannot move our elbows and knees
C. Imagine a child born without bones. How would it affect his/her appearance?
Will the child be able to move?
Ans. Bones form the skeletal system of our body and grows as we grow. With the help
of muscles, bones allow us to move or show movement of body parts. The bone
marrow is also responsible for the formation of blood cells in the body.
In the absence of bones, the child’s body will have a shriveled appearance. The child
under such a condition will not be able to move.
D. Birds like emu and ostrich have lots of feathers. Still they cannot fly. Why?
Ans. Birds like emu and ostrich are called flightless birds. Unlike most birds, their flat
breastbones lack the keel that anchors the strong pectoral muscles required for
flight. Their puny wings can't possibly lift their heavy bodies off the ground.
Hence, they can’t fly.
E. Name two parts of our body whose movement is not under our control.
The two body parts whose movement is not in our control are-
•Heart as we can’t stop the thumping of heart.
•Blinking of eyes as we can stop blinking for a few seconds but not for longer
F. Image Study
Identify the animals by observing the images of their skeletons.

Snake Frog Dinosaur Chameleon


Activity:1.worksheet based activity on movement in animals.


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