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Splendor (2014)

2-4 Players Designer: Marc André

Object: Use gems and gem bonus cards to purchase VP cards and win Nobles to reach 15 VP
• Shuffle each level card deck separately, deal 1 row of 4 cards each face-up; lowest level to highest
• Shuffle Noble Tiles and deal # players + 1 at top of card columns – rest to box
• 2p: remove 3 of each gem color [except gold ] 3p: remove 2 of each gem color [except gold]
• Pick a start player, play clockwise

Game Play
• On your turn take 1 of 4 actions:
o Take 3 gems of different colors [as many different as possible if 3 unavailable]
o Take 2 gems of same color [only possible if at least 4 of that color left before taken]
o Reserve 1 face-up development card [or from deck] into hand. 3 max reserves per player,
cannot be discarded. Take 1 gold token .
o Buy 1 development card from table or a previously reserved one [gold token = wild]
• Players automatically get 1 Noble on their turn if they meet the requirements in purchased cards
• At the end of turn, players can have at most 10 gem tokens – return excess to supply
• Refill row to 4 cards [if possible], next player clockwise

End Game & Scoring

• When a player reaches 15 VPs, complete current round [equal turns]
• Most VPs wins. Tie: fewest purchased cards

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