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For the most part of Philippines' history, the region and
most of Mindanao have been a separate territory, which
enabled it to develop its own culture and identity. The
region has been the traditional homeland of Muslim
Filipinos since the 15th century, even before the arrival of
the Spanish, who began to colonize most of the
Philippines in 1565. Muslim missionaries arrived in Tawi-
Tawi in 1380 and started the colonization of the area and
the conversion of the native population to Islam. In 1457,
the Sultanate of Sulu was founded, and not long after
that, the sultanates of Maguindanao and Buayan were
also established. At the time when most of the Philippines
was under Spanish rule these sultanates maintained their
independence and regularly challenged Spanish
domination of the Philippines by conducting raids on
Spanish coastal towns in the north and repulsing
repeated Spanish incursions in their territory. It was not
until the last quarter of the 19th century that the
Sultanate of Sulu formally recognized Spanish suzerainty,
but these areas remained loosely controlled by the
Spanish as their sovereignty was limited to military
stations and garrisons and pockets of civilian settlements
in Zamboanga and Cotabato until they had to abandon
the region as a consequence of their defeat in
the Spanish–American War.
The Moros had a history of resistance against Spanish,
American, and Japanese rule for over 400 years. The
violent armed struggle against
the Japanese, Filipinos, Spanish, and Americans is
considered by current Moro Muslim leaders as part of the
four centuries long "national liberation movement" of the
Bangsamoro (Moro Nation). The 400-year-long resistance
against the Japanese, Americans, and Spanish by the
Moro Muslims persisted and morphed into their current
war for independence against the Philippine state.

 Travel Trivia: Basilan is the hometown of the Yakan people, a peace-loving group
known for their colorfully patterned clothes and elaborate weddings. 
Top Destinations: 
 Bulingan Falls
o Charming Bulingan Falls in Lamitan City by Langyaw
o A Waterfall in BASILAN Not Everyone Dared to Visit: Bulingan Falls in
Lamitan, Basilan by Pinoy Adventurista
 Lampinigan Island
o Lampinigan Island- Basilan's Hidden Gem by U-J Almocera 
 Malamawi White Beach
o MALAMAWI ISLAND, "The Hidden Paradise of Basilan" by Pinoy
 Muslim-occupied territories have cancelled festivals in favor of Hari Raya or
Eid al-Fitr
Explore Basilan:
 Braving Basilan: A Traveler's Tense Adventure by Rappler
 Lamitan: List of (9) Tourist Spots and Attractions to Discover in the City by

Travel Trivia: Since May 23, 2017, fighting between the militant Maute
group and the Philippine government forces have been going on in the city.
In response, the president declared Martial Law in Mindanao. 
 Top Destinations:
 Aga Khan Museum: 
 The Aga Khan Museum of Islamic Arts in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur by
Harry Balais
 Lanao del Sur: An Enriching Tour at the Aga Khan Museum of Islamic Arts by
Pinoy Adventurista
 Lake Dapao:
 The Lake Dapao National Park in Lanao del Sur Philippines by Trip the
 Limunsudan Falls
 Explore Iligan: Limunsudan Falls by Explore Iligan 
 Travel Blog: Limunsudan Falls, Philippines by Jeminah Birkner
 Mount Ragang
 The Mystery Behind Mount Ragang by Trekker Trail 
 Hiking Matters #335: Successful Ascent of Mt. Ragang 
 Explore:
 Exploring Lanao del Sur: 6 Things the World is Missing Out On by Rappler

Travel Trivia: Maguindanao holds the second-

longest river in the Philippines, the Rio Grande de
Top Destinations:
 Lake Buluan
o Sa Lawa ng Buluan, Maguindanao by Vinci
 Masjid Dimaukom (The Pink Mosque)
o Masjid Dimaukom: The Pink Mosque of
Peaceful Mindanao by Trekkero 
o Masjid Dimaukom: Pretty-in-Pink Mosque of
Maguindanao by Saan Pow Punta 
 Inaul Festival 
Explore Maguindanao: 

 Solo Trip to Cotabato City and Maguindanao

by I Wandered

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