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What is the truth?

The concept of truth is undoubtedly highly debatable, and it has brought great
conflicts between philosophers who still give much to talk about, it is the main
weapon of religions, and a key piece in any political discourse. But first, what
does truth mean? Where does it come from?

Let us remember that the sharp ones were one of the first to speak on this
subject, among those we have Aristotle, who affirms that `` Saying what is
not, or what is not, is false, while to say what it is that it is, or what it is not
that it is not, is true '' A somewhat confusing phrase perhaps, but quite
realistic, since we can say that the truth is facts, things that are real and
according to Aristotle, things that they be what is, in other words what is real
and authentic. Another thinker who talks about the truth was Plato, who said

‘’ The world we live in is nothing more than an imperfect reflection of a

supersensitive world, of “ideas”, where truth is an ideal to be achieved
together with beauty and good. For this, our soul (which does not belong to
this world, but to that of ideas) must only "remember" what it was at another
moment of its existence. "

This made me remember the book of ideas, the ideal and the intelligible, as
Plato spoke a lot about that not always what we see is reality, and therefore
not always what we appreciate is the truth, I think that the truth is perspective,
and many people may consider it in a very different way, especially when we
talk about religion, because we know that devotees of religion are too
believing in the Bible, Koran, among others.

Speaking a little more about how philosophers speak of truth, let us also
remember the book The Myth of the Cave, also written by Plato, I do not want
to place much emphasis on history, but if on what he wants to convey, or at
least on my opinion. Sometimes we have the truth in front of us, but we ignore
it for fear of what will be, we know that sometimes the truth can be painful, or
it may not always be good, but something that we are clear about is that the
truth makes us intelligent, makes us knowledgeable and can resolve existential
doubts, instead, many people prefer to live in ignorance, and avoid thinking or
doubting things, without reason to know the truth.

Referencias: (Pag 4) (Pag 1) (Pag 3)

Mito de la Caverna y El mundo de las ideas por Platon

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