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As of 12 p.m. ET DJIA 20647.53 g 0.26% NIKKEI 19217.48 À 0.08% STOXX 600 378.53 À 0.33% BRENT 52.25 À 1.79% GOLD 1252.20 g 0.25% EURO 1.0756 g 0.54% DLR ¥111.09 g 0.04%

What’s U.K. Starts the Clock on EU Exit

News Prime Minister May
opens two-year
window for talks on
Business & Finance
leaving the bloc
ushner Cos. said it The U.K. on Wednesday for-
K ceased talks with
China’s Anbang Insurance
mally began the process of exit-
ing the European Union, em-
for a $7.5 billion redevelop- barking on an unprecedented
ment of a mixed-use sky- path from which British Prime
scraper in Manhattan amid Minister Theresa May said
concerns about the potential there would be no turning back.
for a conflict of interest. A1
 The EU blocked the pro- By Jenny Gross in
posed tie-up between London and Laurence
Deutsche Börse and LSE Norman in Brussels
primarily on concerns the
Nine months after Britain
merger would effectively


voted to leave the EU, Tim
create a monopoly. B1
Barrow, Britain’s ambassador
 Samsung unveiled a new to the bloc, hand-delivered a
flagship smartphone, its letter to European Council
first launch in the wake of President Donald Tusk for-
product-safety issues that mally notifying the bloc that
beset the firm last year. B1 the U.K. will be the first mem-
ber state ever to leave it.
 Westinghouse filed for
“This is an historic moment
bankruptcy protection, rais-
from which there can be no
ing questions about the fate
turning back,” Mrs. May said
of four half-finished nuclear
in Parliament. “Britain is leav-
reactors in the U.S. A1
ing the European Union.”
 BlackRock has started Managing Britain’s exit will
relying more on robots be a major political test for
rather than humans to Mrs. May, who has only a A TV in Edinburgh, Scotland, shows Tim Barrow, Britain’s envoy to the EU, left, delivering notice to European Council President Donald Tusk.
make decisions on what to small majority in Parliament.
buy and sell. B7 She faces competing pressure close trade ties. dramatically shift its internal She promised to “represent ing that “in essence, this is
from lawmakers on the right The negotiations will also dynamics. every person in the United about damage control.”
 Regeneron and Sanofi
wing of her Conservative test the unity of the remain- Striking a conciliatory tone, Kingdom” and added that “we “There is no reason to pre-
said they would charge
party who want a complete ing 27 nations of the EU— Mrs. May attempted to reach will do all we can to help the Please see BREXIT page A4
$37,000 annually in the
cutting of ties with Brussels which have different priori- out broadly—offering assur- European Union prosper and
U.S. for their newly ap-
and from politicians in Scot- ties—and the endurance of the ances of good will to the bloc, succeed.”  J.P. Morgan Chase looks for
proved eczema drug. B3
land, who say they will secede bloc as a whole. to fellow Britons however they Mr. Tusk, speaking in Brus- post-Brexit home..................... B5
 Charles Murphy, a part- from the U.K. if Mrs. May fails The U.K.’s exit, and the voted, and to EU citizens who sels, expressed regret about  Heard: Investors face quiet
ner at hedge fund Paulson to cut a deal that maintains shape of any new deal, will make the U.K. home. Britain’s decision to leave, say- before negotiating storm........ B8
& Co. whose former firm
invested billions with Ber-
nard Madoff, died in an
Samsung Tries to Bounce Back
apparent suicide. B5
 Uber published a break-
down of its workforce by
gender and ethnicity, part
of an effort to push back
against criticism. B3
 The FDA approved a
multiple-sclerosis drug
called Ocrevus. B3
Nations and companies scramble to adapt to bigger barriers to trade, finance
World-Wide BY BOB DAVIS AND JON HILSENRATH ing public backlash.
Nationalist politicians are on the ascent.

After World War II, the global economy On Wednesday, the United Kingdom formally
 The U.K. formally be- rose on a wave of trade and finance, lifting started proceedings to remove itself from
gan the process of exiting hundreds of millions of people out of pov- the European Union. In the U.S., President
the EU, embarking on an erty in developing countries and providing Donald Trump pulled out of a Pacific trade
unprecedented path from rich countries with cheaper goods, lucrative pact on his first working day in the Oval Of-
which Prime Minister May investments and hopes for a more peaceful fice, declaring, “Great thing for the Ameri-
said there would be no planet. can worker, what we just did.”
turning back. A1 That tide is now receding. For traditional economists, globalization
Nine years after the financial crisis, is a pathway to prosperity. Rooted in the
 Trump signed an order
FRESH START: Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S8, its new flagship global trade is barely growing when com- works of Adam Smith in 1776 and David Ri-
to reverse rules aimed at
smartphone, in New York on Wednesday, after being beset last pared with overall economic output. Cross- cardo in 1817, the classical canon has em-
pushing U.S. utilities to
year by product-safety concerns with its Galaxy Note 7. B1, B4 border bank lending is down sharply, as are braced the idea that trade is the basis for
shift from coal plants to
international capital flows. Immigration in wealth because it makes nations more effi-
cleaner-burning fuels. A6
the U.S. and Western Europe faces a deepen- Please see STALL page A8
 Trump promised to
change the H-1B visa pro-

Westinghouse Seeks Bankruptcy Protection

gram, but the government
will open another round of
applications using rules that
have long been in place. A6
Westinghouse Electric Co., Toshiba said. clear business for us. There- “The commitments are not
 North Korea is prepar- By Russell Gold in
a major player in global nu- Toshiba said last month it fore, we don’t see any more just financial and operational,
ing to test its sixth nuclear Austin, Texas, Takashi
clear construction, filed for would take a write-down of risk,” said Toshiba Chief Exec- but there are moral commit-
device, an analysis of com- Mochizuki in Tokyo
bankruptcy protection, rais- more than $6 billion due to utive Satoshi Tsunakawa at a ments as well,” Mr. Fanning
mercial-satellite imagery and Matt Jarzemsky
ing questions about the fate the U.S. cost overruns. To con- news conference Wednesday. said in an interview. “As a
suggests. A3 in New York
of four half-finished reactors tain the financial damage, it But Mr. Tsunakawa faced good partner, we expect
 More than half of the in the U.S. allowed its subsidiary to seek an angry customer in South- Toshiba to follow through on
Democrats in the Senate A storied name in nuclear Carolina, a financial disaster bankruptcy protection and ern Chief Executive Tom Fan- those commitments.”
say they will vote against power, Westinghouse incurred that threatens Japanese par- says it plans to exit from the ning, who arrived in Tokyo on Westinghouse said it ob-
Trump nominee Gorsuch’s billions of dollars of cost ent Toshiba Corp.’s viability. nuclear-construction business. Wednesday and said Toshiba tained $800 million in debtor-
Supreme Court bid. A6 overruns building the nuclear Westinghouse had $9.8 billion “This is a de facto with- should finish the job that led in-possession financing, al-
reactors in Georgia and South in liabilities as of Dec. 31, drawal from the overseas nu- to its subsidiary’s bankruptcy. Please see POWER page A2
 Trump’s nominee to
lead the FDA plans to re-

cuse himself for a year
from decisions on more Riding a Hobbyhorse: Yes,

Oracle #1
than 20 firms. A7
It’s an Organized Sport
 Malaysian police are in-
vestigating allegations that i i i
Talks With
North Korea is violating in-
ternational sanctions Finnish youngsters on stick horses Anbang
through Malaysian busi-
nesses. A3 compete in jumping, dressage Fall Apart SaaS Enterprise
 The U.S. Senate ratified
legislation backing Montene-
BY ESTHER FUNG Applications Revenue
BY ZEKE TURNER dressage on hobbyhorse-back. AND PETER GRANT
gro’s bid to become the 29th
member of NATO, a move
Though the horses aren’t 1,000+ Employees Segment, 2015
TURKU, Finland—At a re- real, competitors say their sport New York real-estate devel-
that threatens to increase
cent equestrian competition, demands dancerly rhythm, oper Kushner Cos. said it has
tensions with Putin. A4
dozens of girls and a team of gymnastic control and the ath- ceased talks with Chinese in-
judges studied rider letic skill to complete surer Anbang Insurance Group

CONTENTS Markets...................... B8 Ada Filppa’s every jumps over obstacles Co. for the planned $7.5 billion
Business News.......... B3 Middle Seat............ A9
Capital Account.... A2 Opinion.............. A10-11
move as she ap- that can be chest- redevelopment of a mixed-use
Crossword.............. A12 Technology............... B4 proached a series of high for many partic- skyscraper in Manhattan.
Finance & Mkts... B5,7
Heard on Street.... B7
Life & Arts......... A9,12
U.S. News............. A6-7
Weather................... A12
World News....... A2-4
jumps, measuring
the length of each
ipants—mostly girls
between ages 10 and
The disclosure came after
lawmakers and ethics experts #2
stride and noting 18, although boys are last week expressed concerns
China: RMB28.00; Hong Kong: HK$23.00; the tension she kept allowed to partici- about the potential for a con-
Indonesia: Rp25,000 (incl PPN);
Japan: Yen620 (incl JCT); Korea: Won4,000; on her horse’s reins. pate—all while keep- flict of interest given that Oracle Salesforce
Malaysia: RM7.50; Singapore: S$5.00 (incl GST)
Later that night A Hobbyhorse ing control of their Jared Kushner, son of com- Cloud Cloud
KDN PP 9315/10/2012 (031275); MCI (P)
NO. 066/01/2017; SK. MENPEN R.I. NO: 01/ Ms. Filppa, 16 years horses-on-a-stick. pany founder Charles Kushner, 14.5% 12.4%
old, packed her two horses in “Your steps have to be light is the son-in-law of President
the back seat of her black and beautiful,” said Elsa Salo, 16. Donald Trump and occupies a
compact car and drove home What seems like high art to key advisory position in the
to her parents’ house in Naan- these disciplined youngsters can administration.
tali, an archipelago area on look quite different to everyone The younger Mr. Kushner
Finland’s southwest coast. else. After all, hobbyhorses are has taken steps to protect oracle.com/applications
She is a rising talent in a basically toys—and people rid- against potential conflicts. For Source: IDC “Worldwide SaaS Enterprise Applications Market Shares, 2015: The Top 15 by Buyer Size,”
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & new sport with more than ing them have clowned around example, he has sold his per- doc #US41913816, Dec. 2016; Table 4. For the purposes of this report, SaaS enterprise applications include
the following application markets: CRM, engineering, ERP, operations and manufacturing, and SCM.
Company. All Rights Reserved
10,000 athletes and followers in during intermissions at eques- sonal stake in 666 Fifth Ave., Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Finland: equestrian jumping and Please see HORSE page A2 Please see TALKS page A7
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A2 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


France’s Ideological Standoff The Center Cannot Hold

Support for France’s traditional left- and right-wing parties has
collapsed, making room for the nationalist National Front and upstart

En Marche.
n France as in most of the espouses a more uncompro- reforms and export-friendly only 5% to 10% depreciation
Round 1 voting Round 2 voting
West, politics has long mising, coherent rejection of tax changes. With an inde- by a free-floating franc is 1995
been dominated by a left- economic, geopolitical and pendent currency, France “reasonable.” Still, he doesn’t Socialist
wing and a right-wing party. cultural integration. Ms. Le might devalue to eliminate its rule out capital controls to Conservative*
This year an earthquake is in Pen wants to take France out cost disadvantage. In the deter capital flight. National Front
the making: If current polls of the EU and the euro, euro, it couldn’t. This trans-

are borne out, neither the which could precipitate the formed a French trade sur- istory and theory sug- 2002
left-wing Socialists nor right- collapse of both. plus equal to 3% of GDP in gest that this won’t Socialist
wing Republicans will make it 1998 to a deficit of 2% in restore France’s indus- Conservative*

National Front
past the first round of the rance makes a singu- 2016. trial glory. Like Mr. Trump’s,
presidential election in April. larly appropriate bat- “The euro has not only Ms. Le Pen’s plan to bring 2007
Instead, two parties that tlefield over national- killed one of the engines of back factory jobs is fighting Socialist
have never held power will ism. The modern nation state the French economy…it the march of automation and Conservative*
proceed to May’s runoff. And can be traced to the Peace of caused our economy to bleed shifting consumption. The National Front
both agree Westphalia in 1648 when one million industrial jobs,” competitive benefit of devalu-
their contest France, putting national in- says Mikael Sala, an eco- ation is eventually neutral-
isn’t over tra- terest ahead of religion, sided nomic adviser to Ms. Le Pen. ized by inflation. Conservative*
ditional issues with Germany’s protestant The euro, he says, is a “politi- “Suppose France gets out National Front
of right and princes to contain the power cal experiment” that forces of the euro,” says Philippe
left, such as of the Catholic Holy Roman the wages, corporate taxes Martin, an economist at Sci- 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
CAPITAL taxes and Empire. Three centuries later and welfare policies of mem- ences Po university advising
ACCOUNT spending. Ma- it switched places, choosing, ber states to converge. “Our Mr. Macron. “Do you think 2017 OPINION POLL AVERAGE
GREG IP rine Le Pen, with Germany, to subordinate welfare state may be costly for one second Italy and
A If François Fillon and Marine Le Pen win the first round
leader of the sovereignty to an ever closer but it’s part of our identity.” Spain will remain? Of course
National Front, European Union. The National Front yearns not. So we devalue by 20% 2017
says it’s between “globalists Jean-Marie Le Pen led the for a return to the state-di- and they will devalue by 30% Socialist
and patriots” or, as support- National Front from its cre- rected capitalism, or diri- or 40%. In the end it won’t National Front
ers of Emmanuel Macron, ation in the 1970s as an au- gisme, of the 1960s. It would have any effect on long-term En Marche!
leader of the upstart En thoritarian reaction to wan- require life insurers to devote growth or productivity and
Marche! (“Forward!”) put it, ing French colonial power, 2% of their assets to French will deter investment.” B If Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen win the first round
“open and closed.” but his xenophobia and anti- venture capital, let the With support for the con- 2017
That makes the French Semitism repelled main- French central bank print servative candidate François Socialist
election the starkest and stream voters. His daughter money to finance government Fillon, a former prime minis- Conservative*
National Front
most consequential contest Marine has sought to ex- deficits, favor French firms in ter, undermined by scandal, En Marche!
yet in the world’s ideological punge those elements and government purchasing, re- establishment hopes are rid-
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
divide between nationalism now focuses on European in- quire “Made in France” labels ing on Mr. Macron, a former
and globalism. tegration as the source of and impose “smart protec- economy minister who quit * In 1995-2002, Jacques Chirac; in 2007-2012, Nicolas Sarkozy; in 2017, François Fillon
The data exclude third party candidates except National Front and, in 2017, En Marche;
The nationalists who led France’s ills. tionism” against cheap im- the socialist government last in 1995, two conservatives ran in the first round
the British vote to leave the French unemployment, at ports. All of that is illegal year. He would seek to Sources: NSD–Norwegian Centre for Research Data (1995-2012, actual results);
European Union and put 10%, is more than double Ger- within the EU. deepen eurozone integration OpinionWay, Ifop-Fiducial, Ipsos (2017 polls) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Donald Trump in the White many’s. The National Front Analysts predict a Le Pen and press Germany to adopt
House operate within estab- zeroes in on the euro’s role. victory would tank stocks and fiscal policies that reduce its fiscal policies to its neigh- will lose—but with the big-
lished conservative parties Between the euro’s creation cause interest rates to rise as trade surplus, while liberaliz- bors’ needs, and French legis- gest vote share since the
and thus coexist uneasily in 1999 and 2011, French la- investors, fearing redenomi- ing French labor markets to lators watered down labor party’s founding. If the glob-
with traditional free traders. bor costs rose three times as nation, flee. Mr. Sala dis- bolster competitiveness. market revisions once cham- alist Mr. Macron fails to re-
The National Front arose quickly as Germany’s thanks agrees, and predicts a free- It won’t be easy. Germany pioned by Mr. Macron. vive France, the nationalists
outside the mainstream and to the latter’s labor market floating franc may depreciate has rebuffed calls to bend its Polls suggest Ms. Le Pen will be ready to pounce again.

POWER the value of assets belonging

to Toshiba shareholders
would fall short of liabilities.
The bankruptcy filing cre-
Siemens AG’s decision to
abandon the industry, Areva
SA’s financial and safety
problems, the falling market
growing nuclear industry, fed
by a renaissance of new
plants, is dimming quickly.
The most profitable part of
Continued from Page One ates new risks of delays at the value of China General Nu- the nuclear industry at this
lowing it to continue U.S. nuclear-power plants. The clear Power Group and the point could be in decommis-
operations while it seeks to plants, which are the first junk-bond status of Russia’s sioning closed plants, a stark
reorganize under chapter 11 of started in the U.S. in nearly Atomenenergoprom as evi- reminder of the problems
the U.S. bankruptcy code. four decades, are over budget dence of global turmoil in the facing the industry.

Apollo Global Management and years behind schedule. business of building nuclear- The bankruptcy filing is a
LLC agreed to provide the Westinghouse is expected power plants. humbling fall for Pittsburgh-
loan, which Westinghouse to soon run out of money and A person familiar with based Westinghouse. It in-
plans to use to bolster liquid- stop construction without Toshiba’s planning said the vented the pressurized water
ity for its fuel and consulting help from Toshiba or a rene- company is interested in reactor found in half of the
operations, a Westinghouse gotiation of the contracts, handing control of Westing- world’s nuclear fleet. It pro-
spokeswoman said. which Southern and Scana house to Korea Electric Power moted its AP1000 design as a
“We are focused on devel- The Vogtle Unit 3 and 4 site, a Westinghouse project, in Georgia. have said they won’t consider. Corp., known as Kepco, which blueprint that would be easy
oping a plan of reorganization Southern’s Mr. Fanning said is building a reactor in the to build and deliver on time.
to emerge from chapter 11 as monitor the situation with ¥650 billion, or nearly $6 bil- his company agreed to fund United Arab Emirates without Westinghouse bet that it
a stronger company while Westinghouse and Toshiba, lion. Assuming the Japanese construction for the next 30 any apparent problems. A could deliver and took on in-
continuing to be a global nu- and we are preparing for a va- parent has to carry out that days while the parties talk Kepco spokesman said “we creased financial risk to propel
clear technology leader,” said riety of possible outcomes.” guarantee and that it won’t be about a longer-term solution. have received no official offer the projects, according to legal
Westinghouse interim Chief U.S. taxpayers could also repaid money directly owed to The Westinghouse filing is from Toshiba. If any offer filings and interviews with
Executive José Emeterio be drawn in, since the fed- it by Westinghouse, Toshiba just the latest chapter in the comes, we will put it under people involved in the con-
Gutiérrez. eral government has pro- said it expected a net loss of troubled story of the global careful review.” struction process. That bet
The filing is likely to start vided a $8.3 billion guaran- about ¥1 trillion ($9 billion) nuclear industry. Even if such a deal is ar- backfired as costs rose, creat-
extensive negotiations be- teed credit facility for the in the fiscal year ending “This development illus- ranged, Kepco is expected to ing an unmanageable debt.
tween Toshiba and the utili- construction of the two reac- March 31, 2017. trates that there is no bright be mostly interested in West- Westinghouse, which says
ties for which it was building tors being built for Southern Toshiba said it expects un- future for nuclear anymore,” inghouse’s profitable busi- on its website that “We Are
the reactors, Southern Co. and in Georgia. der those conditions to end said Mycle Schneider, a ness of servicing existing re- Nuclear Energy,” now faces an
Scana Corp. Toshiba said it had guaran- the fiscal year with negative Paris-based independent con- actors, selling new fuel rods uncertain future that most
Scana spokeswoman Rhonda teed Westinghouse obliga- shareholder equity of about sultant on nuclear and en- and decommissioning retired likely doesn’t include building
O’Banion said “we continue to tions to the utilities of about ¥620 billion, signifying that ergy policy. He pointed to plants. The potential for a any new nuclear plants.

HORSE land at the Hobbyhorse Cham-

pionships just outside Hel-
sinki, where she placed second
last year. She has taken up a
den, dismiss such comments
as elite snobbery. Competitors
who invest real time, money
and tears in the sport say it is
“Some of the horses are good
at jumping and some are fast,”
said Elli Toivoniemi, 32, co-pro-
ducer of “Hobbyhorse Revolu-
nizers must work as volun-
teers, according to constitu-
tion of the Finnish Stick Horse
Enthusiasts Association, the
more popular nowadays.
Yet Kyra Kyrklund, who won
the dressage World Cup Finals
in 1991—on a live horse—and
Continued from Page One regime of squats and jogging much more than just horse- tion,” which is premiering in sport’s governing body. tied a Finnish record by compet-
trian events for decades. to prepare for jumps as high play for the ponytail set. North America in May at To- The movement has become ing in six Olympics, said naysay-
“People assume that it’s a as 4-feet-three inches and Ms. Filppa’s cousins have ronto’s Hot Docs Canadian In- so popular that a teacher at ers should hold their horses.
game or we are…more or less trains up to six hours a week. been asking her when she’s go- ternational Documentary Festi- Turku’s Wäinö Aaltonen elemen- The devotion of young stick rid-
crazy,” said Venla-Maria Uutela, The sport’s growing stable ing to put her hobbyhorse out to val. “The level of creativity and tary school added a new rule ers may be a first step toward
20, chairwoman of the Finnish of riders is eliciting perplexity pasture. “If your hobbies are ice imagination really struck me as aimed at students such as 10- greater success. In dressage, she
Stick Horse Enthusiasts Associa- in serious equestrian circles. hockey, nobody asks you when something radical,” said Selma year-old Lempi Henell: “No said, “the top riders today, they
tion and author of two books on Professional riders puzzle at you’re going to stop,” she said. Vilhunen, the film’s director.” horses in the classroom.” do not come from wealthy fami-
the sport, including a volume the age of the top contestants, “I am always happy, I always Hobbyhorse riders insist Lempi’s mother, Saara Mal- lies. They are nerds.”
dedicated to hobbyhorse acces- some of whom legally qualify smile when I do this…and I’m al- their sport isn’t just economy ila, 46, who works for the city,
sories. But riders do “not just as adults and can drive them- ways improving,” she added. equestrian. But frequent real said she can’t afford more than THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
run around neighing through selves to competitions. “Why would I want to stop?” riding lessons don’t always fit two €27 hourlong riding lessons Dow Jones Publishing Company (Asia)
bushes,” said Ms. Uutela, who is “You’re kidding me!” said The sport has grown so much into family budgets, parents say. a month for her daughter. But 25/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,
Hong Kong
applying to veterinary college. Gunilla Swartling, director of in Finland that a secondary hob- The sport’s success speaks to an together with another mother Tel: 852 2573 7121 Fax 852 2834 5291
At the Alfons Cup last week- the Swartling Riding School in byhorse market is emerging on egalitarian streak coming from she spent €90 to rent a hall for
Andrew Dowell, Asia Editor
end in Turku, Finland’s sixth- Stockholm, Sweden, founded Instagram. Competitors create Finland this year after the coun- the recent competition, and has Troy McCullough, Senior News Editor, Asia
biggest city, Ms. Filppa com- in 1905 by her great-grandfa- identities for their hobbyhorses, try became one of the first to spent up to €40 on hobbyhorse Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
peted in jumping events on ther, an officer in the Swedish which change hands for as much experiment with a guaranteed fabric. Lempi’s grandmother Hugo Restall, Editorial Page Editor
Charmi, which she describes as cavalry. “Wow. I thought they as €160, about $174, depending basic income. Kristiina Malila, 69, has learned Mark Rogers, Advertising Sales
a Danish warmblood stallion. were 9 or something…It’s like on their provenance and type, Registration fees at hobby- to sew the horses. Still, she Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
She rode Jadwa, her caramel- using a doll.” according to Alisa Aarniomäki, horse competitions are kept as said, she wished the sports of Jacquelyn Drozdoff, Communications
Simon Wan, Technology
colored Arabian mare, for the Hobbyhorse riders, includ- 20, a biology student in Helsinki low as possible, about €0.50 her childhood—“skiing, skating
dressage event known in eques- ing an estimated 5,000 in Swe- who sells them. per event. Competition orga- and running after boys”—were Jonathan Wright,
Managing Director Asia & Publisher
trian circles as kur, or freestyle.
Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
While the British pop song Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
“Wings” played off a portable
speaker, Ms. Filppa squared her
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842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01; New York:
shoulders while leading Jadwa 1-212 659 2176.
through passage, a serene but Or email: Mark.Rogers@wsj.com
powerful walk. The piaffe, a Printers: Hong Kong: Euron Limited, 2/F., Block 1,
Tai Ping Industrial Centre, 57 Ting Kok Road, Tai
rhythmic jogging in place, made Po, Hong Kong; Indonesia: PT Gramedia Printing
her blonde ponytail bounce. For Oceanwide Holdings’ Group, Jalan Palmerah Selatan 22-28, Jakarta
10270; Japan: The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd.,
the extended trot, a move that planned development in down- 1-1-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8051;
involves taking the biggest step town Los Angeles will include Korea: JoongAng Ilbo. 100 Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu,
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possible while maintaining full more than 166,000 square feet Malaysia:Dasar Cetak (M) Sdn Bhd, Lot 2, Jalan
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control, she raised her thigh, of retail space on two floors. A 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor. (ROC No: 048885)6;
flexed her ankle and pointed her Property Report article Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings Limited, 82
Genting Lane Media Centre Singapore 349567
toe forward without losing bal- Wednesday about the L.A.
ance. When the song came to an condo market incorrectly said Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
end, horse and rider bowed in that the project will include ©2017 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
front of the judges and Ms. Fil- seven floors of retail. USPS 337-350; ISSN 0377-9920

ppa patted Jadwa’s neck.

Judge Anni Toivonen, 11, Redwood Regional Park is
awarded Ms. Filppa first place 6 miles east of downtown Oak- By web: http://wsj-asia.com
for her “elegant movements” land, Calif. An Off Duty article By email: service@wsj-asia.com
By phone: Hong Kong: 800 901 216; Australia:
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2970 2702; Japan: 0120 779 868; Korea: 0030
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | A3

Is Said
Firms Probed for North Korea Link
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia— foreign-exchange earnings that

To Prepare Malaysian police are investi-

gating allegations that North
Korea is violating international
may be used to support weap-
ons development.
MKP is now the focus of Ma-

New Test sanctions through Malaysian

businesses, including one that
has used North Korean work-
laysia’s inquiries, though other
companies are also in the mix,
according to the person familiar
BY JONATHAN CHENG ers to build thousands of with the Malaysian investiga-
homes in Africa. tions. MKP lists former Malay-
SEOUL—New commercial- sian government officials, in-
satellite imagery suggests By Jake Maxwell cluding a former senior member
North Korea is preparing to Watts, of parliament, as shareholders
test its sixth nuclear device, as Tom Wright or directors in corporate regis-
the U.S. and Chinese leaders and Nicholas Bariyo tration documents.


plan to meet in April on how The U.N. said in its February
to contain Pyongyang’s weap- The North Korean director of report that MKP owns a bank in
ons program. the company, Malaysia Korea Pyongyang called International
An analysis of commercial- Partners, travels in North Ko- Consortium Bank. Such arrange-
satellite imagery released on rean diplomatic vehicles in Ma- ments in which foreign compa-
Tuesday by North Korea ex- laysia and Africa and was rou- nies own banks in North Korea
perts showed signs of activity tinely greeted at African airports are often used to keep financial-
at the nuclear test site at by his country’s ambassadors, flow channels open and evade
Punggye-ri in the country’s according to a person familiar sanctions, the report said. The
northeast, where North Korea with MKP’s business activities. U.N. said it inquired with MKP
had previously conducted tests. North Korean laborers—em- but hadn’t received a reply.
Joseph Bermudez and Jack ployed by MKP in Africa, accord- Calls to a number for Interna-
Liu, analysts for 38 North, said ing to the head of a joint venture The U.N. Security Council voted to approve tighter sanctions against North Korea in March 2016. tional Consortium Bank on
the imagery, taken on March with MKP and others familiar MKP’s website led to an auto-
25, suggested that communica- with the company—typically mated message saying the line
tions cables had recently been must give most of their earnings Projects Abroad for $50,000 each, according Trust Medical Services Hospi- doesn’t exist.
laid and water had been to the regime as a condition of to a person familiar with the tal in the Zambian capital, ac- MKP is an example of compa-
drained at an entrance to an going abroad, according to hu- Some enterprises of Malaysia company’s business. cording to the company’s nies that “mix licit and illicit ac-
underground site. man-rights groups. Korea Partners, which has website. tivity to generate revenue” for
That evidence “strongly MKP has earned tens of mil- headquarters in Kuala Lumpur u Lusaka, Zambia MKP Pyongyang, said Andrea Berger,
suggests that test prepara- lions of dollars or more on con- and has employed North worked with the state-run u Pyongyang, North Korea a researcher at the Middlebury
tions are well under way,” struction projects in Angola and Korean workers in Africa: National Housing Authority to MKP owns the International Institute of International Studies
they wrote for 38 North, a Zambia over the past decade, ac- build 428 houses in Zambia’s Consortium Bank in the in Monterey, Calif.
North Korea-focused website cording to two analysts who capital, and a further 253 are North Korean capital, accord- In the late 2000s, MKP built
run by the U.S.-Korea Institute separately evaluated MKP’s busi- u Luanda, Angola MKP built under construction. In 2007, ing to a United Nations re- 5,000 low-cost houses in An-
of the Johns Hopkins School ness operations. 5,000 low-cost houses and MKP began construction on a port, which cites the com- gola’s capital, Luanda, using
for Advanced International The company has strong sold them to the government $12 million hospital called pany’s website. North Korean workers, and later
Studies in Washington. ties to the North Korean gov- sold them to the government for
The analysts cautioned, ernment, according to several $50,000 each, a total of $250
however, that the apparent ac- North Korea experts, including to look into the company and The attack, which South Ko- North Korea’s embassy in Malay- million, the person familiar with
tions may be an effort to de- one of the analysts, Park others. The U.N. originally raised rean officials said was orches- sia were unanswered. MKP’s business activities said.
ceive experts monitoring Syung-je, chairman of the Asia concerns about MKP’s opera- trated by Pyongyang, chilled re- Malaysia is specifically trying Angola’s government didn’t re-
North Korea’s nuclear test site Strategy Institute, a Seoul re- tions in 2014; it raised those lations between Malaysia and to determine whether North Ko- ply to requests to comment.
for signs of activity. search center. concerns again in a February re- North Korea and led the U.S. rea used the Southeast Asian In Zambia, the chief executive
In January, Pyongyang Employees at MKP’s head- port, and said the Malaysian and others to press Kuala Lum- nation as a hub for earning for- of a private joint venture be-
launched a ballistic missile into quarters in Kuala Lumpur de- government hadn’t responded to pur to clamp down on North eign exchange in violation of the tween MKP and the state-run
the Sea of Japan as President clined to answer questions. At- its latest queries. Korean businesses in the coun- U.N. sanctions, which were de- National Housing Authority said
Donald Trump met with Japa- tempts to reach Edward Han, Malaysia has had friendly re- try. Malaysian police named nu- signed to cut Pyongyang off it had built 428 houses there
nese Prime Minister Shinzo who is identified in Malaysian lations with North Korea, with merous North Korean suspects from global financial flows, ac- and was constructing an addi-
Abe at the American leader’s corporate records as the North business connections and rela- in the killing. cording to a person familiar tional 253, sometimes with
Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Korean director of MKP’s hold- tively lax travel restrictions for Malaysian officials said after with the inquiries. North Korean workers.
Mr. Trump is tentatively ing company, and his Malaysian North Koreans. But Malaysia has the attack they were concerned U.N. sanctions from 2006 “We don’t really have a prob-
scheduled to meet with Chi- business partner, Yong Kok ramped up its scrutiny of several their country might have been prohibit countries from trad- lem with” using the workers be-
nese President Xi Jinping in Yeap, weren’t successful. companies after the Feb. 13 as- used for illegal behavior by ing with North Korean individ- cause MKP is a Malaysian-regis-
Florida in April. The United Nations is exam- sassination of Kim Jong Nam, Pyongyang. uals or companies suspected of tered entity, said the chief
North Korea conducted two ining MKP for possible viola- the half brother of North Korean A Malaysian government supporting Pyongyang’s nu- executive, Charles Holland.
nuclear tests last year, suggest- tions of sanctions against North leader Kim Jong Un, at Kuala spokesman declined to comment clear-weapons program, in- —Ben Otto and Alastair Gale
ing it is ramping up activity. Korea and has pressed Malaysia Lumpur’s international airport. on the investigations. Calls to cluding those that send home contributed to this article.



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Germany Considers
Bases Outside Turkey


Tensions prompt tions underlines the rapid loss
of trust between the two North
Berlin to weigh Atlantic Treaty Organization
alternatives in fight allies over recent months.
Wednesday’s news came a
against Islamic State


day after German officials this
week accused Turkey of con-
BY RUTH BENDER ducting extensive spying in
Germany and weeks after
BERLIN—The German gov- Turkish President Recep
ernment is weighing alternative Tayyip Erdogan accused Ger-
locations to Turkey for its man politicians of Nazi prac-
forces involved in fighting Is- tices for banning electoral ral-
lamic State amid rising tensions lies by members of his AKP Turkish President Erdogan has inflamed tensions with Germany, leading Berlin to look for alternatives to the Incirlik air base.
between the two countries. party in Germany.
Berlin has identified eight The spat comes amid listing alternatives to Incirlik ber, but six lawmakers are still Berlin wasn’t in negotiations Germany’s federal prosecu-
possible alternatives to Incir- months of rising tension since for opposition lawmakers. The waiting to be allowed to visit with other potential host na- tor said on Tuesday it was in-
lik air base in Jordan, Kuwait last summer’s failed coup list was drafted in November, troops there, according to the tions and had no plans to leave vestigating potential spying
and Cyprus, according to an against Mr. Erdogan. The pres- after Turkey and Germany document. Incirlik. Logistically, the Turk- activities by Turkey’s intelli-
official document seen by The ident’s subsequent crackdown clashed over Ankara’s refusal Parliament must authorize ish base remained the pre- gence agency MIT in Germany.
Wall Street Journal. Germany on opponents at home, the re- to let German parliamentari- all German military deploy- ferred option, it said, because The decision came after Turk-
has about 250 soldiers, six re- cent arrest of a prominent ans visit the base, a ministry ments abroad, and several it had NATO-level safety stan- ish officials handed the Ger-
connaissance planes and a re- German-Turkish journalist in spokesman said. Germany lawmakers have warned they dards and was more easily ac- man foreign-intelligence
fueling aircraft in Incirlik, Turkey, and a campaign by the largely provides surveillance could rescind the mandate if cessible than the alternatives. agency, known as the BND, a
where other countries in- AKP to urge some three mil- to the coalition. they can’t visit the base. German politicians also list of suspected Gullen follow-
volved in fighting Islamic lion Turks based in Germany After the German Parlia- “The government must act pushed back this week against ers in the country.
State are represented, includ- to vote in a referendum this ment voted last June to label fast now,” said Jan van Aken, Ankara’s aggressive pursuit on A spokesman for Turkey’s
ing from the U.S., Saudi Ara- month that would consider- the Ottoman-era massacre of a lawmaker with the Left German soil of suspected sup- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
bia, Denmark and Qatar. ably extend the Turkish presi- Armenians as genocide, An- party, who was refused a visit porters of the putsch—in par- didn’t immediately respond to
While Berlin has yet to ap- dency’s power have sparked a kara barred German lawmak- this month to German troops ticular followers of U.S.-based a request for comment. The
proach any country about a backlash in Germany. ers from visiting the base. It stationed at another Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, a for- BND declined to comment.
move, the revelation that it has The German Defense Minis- appeared to relent later, au- air base in Konya. mer ally turned nemesis of Mr. —Ned Levin in Istanbul
been researching other loca- try prepared the document thorizing a visit in early Octo- The ministry stressed that Erdogan. contributed to this article.

BREXIT Mind the Gap

Britain imports more from most EU countries than it exports to them.
Continued from Page One The U.K.’s 2015 trade with its top 10 EU partners
tend that this is a happy day, Height of each segment reflects trade value in billions
neither in Brussels nor in Lon-
U.K. imports from Goods Services U.K. exports to
don,” he said. “We already
miss you.”
The triggering of Article 50
Trade balance

of the Lisbon Treaty, which

governs EU law, opens a two- 61% (£70.24) 39% (£44.76) Germany
year window for Britain to ne-
gotiate the terms of its exit
from the bloc, unraveling 44
years of ties.
Many of Britain’s anti-EU 54% (£37.32) 46% (£32.07) France
politicians have been waiting
for this moment for years.
“The impossible dream is hap-
pening,” said Nigel Farage, 56% (£36.93) 44% (£29.33) Netherlands
one of the leaders of the
Brexit movement, in a mes-
sage from his Twitter account. 40% (£17.66) 60% (£26.09) Ireland
“Today we pass the point of
no return.”
The negotiations are ex- 63% (£24.72) 37% (£14.62) Spain
pected to be tough. Early indi-

cations are that Britain and 61% (£23.25) 39% (£15.14) Belgium
the EU are far apart. Mrs. May
has said Britain would pursue 55% (£20.66) 45% (£16.72) Italy
a clean break from the EU, re-
gaining control over immigra- 55% (£10.27) 45% (£8.54) Sweden
tion, leaving the jurisdiction 64% (£10.04) 36% (£5.61) Poland
of the bloc’s courts and exit- 46% (£4.63) 54% (£5.47) Denmark
ing its common market. Protesters marched in central London last week against the U.K.’s plan to leave the European Union. Source: HMRC (goods); ONS (services) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
British officials have said
they want to negotiate the panies that trade with the EU alongside negotiations over ture relations can begin. security databases, and Those guidelines should be fi-
best deal they can for trade will have to align with rules the terms of its exit, acknowl- “During the negotiations, whether the U.K. will stay un- nally agreed upon at a Brus-
with the EU. European leaders agreed by institutions of edging that reaching a com- we first have to clarify how to der the jurisdiction of EU reg- sels summit on April 29.
have said they don’t want to which we are no longer a part, prehensive deal within that untie these links in an orderly ulatory agencies for issues, After that, EU governments
punish the U.K. for leaving, just as we do in other over- time would be difficult. way,” she said. “Only then— such as nuclear power, now and the European Commis-
but won’t grant Britain a bet- seas markets. We accept She warned that if the two but hopefully soon—can we handled by the bloc’s institu- sion, which is set to lead day-
ter deal outside the club than that.” sides fail to wrap up an agree- address questions about our tions. to-day negotiations, will likely
it had in it. One of the first—and likely ment within two years, secu- future relations.” U.K. politicians who sup- take several weeks to set a de-
In her letter to Mr. Tusk, most contentious—issues in rity could be affected. Mrs. May has said one of ported staying urged Mrs. tailed negotiating mandate for
Mrs. May said she wanted a the negotiations is set to be “In security terms, a failure her priorities is to guarantee May to keep close ties. “It is Michel Barnier, the EU’s
free-trade agreement “of how much the U.K. will have to reach an agreement would EU citizens living in Britain crucial that in this two-year Brexit negotiator. Only then,
greater scope and ambition to pay to exit from the bloc. mean our cooperation in the and U.K. citizens living in period the voices and con- possibly in late May, are nego-
than any such agreement be- While some U.K. officials fight against crime and ter- other parts of Europe con- cerns of those who want to tiations set to begin in ear-
fore it,” covering sectors such have said the country rorism would be weakened,” tinue to have the right to stay preserve close links between nest.
as financial services. shouldn’t have to pay any- she wrote. “In this kind of even after the U.K. leaves. The Britain and Europe are not “The task before us is mo-
Mrs. May said she accepted thing, EU officials say the bill, scenario, both the United EU has said talks on that issue shouted down and silenced, mentous but it should not be
European warnings that Brit- which would include pay- Kingdom and the European alone will likely take at least and that those with power beyond us,” Mrs. May wrote in
ain can’t choose what it would ments for programs the U.K. Union would of course cope several months. over this process are held to her letter, saying that the U.K.
like to keep from the EU while committed to before it voted with the change, but it is not The U.K. and the EU will account,” said Anna Soubry, a and EU could build a partner-
dropping obligations it to leave, could be as high as the outcome that either side also have to decide what to do Conservative lawmaker. ship “that contributes toward
doesn’t. €50 billion ($54 billion) to should seek.” with unspent EU funds that Within the next two days, the prosperity, security and
“We understand that there €60 billion. German Chancellor Angela were supposed to go to U.K. Mr. Tusk is expected to send global power of our conti-
will be consequences for the Mrs. May said in the letter Merkel said negotiations over farmers, how to implement draft guidelines to the 27 re- nent.”
U.K. of leaving the EU,” she the U.K. wants talks on the fu- the divorce have to be con- cross-border security arrange- maining capitals framing the —Jason Douglas contributed
said. “We know that U.K. com- ture relationship to take place cluded before talks about fu- ments including access to EU talks from the EU’s side. to this article

INDONESIA assets kept outside Indonesia AUSTRALIA
was $77.2 billion, an official said.
Tax Amnesty Is Seen Mr. Widodo’s administration Cyclone Brings
Falling Short of Goals is striving to boost tax revenue Moderate Damage
to help fund much-needed infra-
A tax amnesty to bring home structure projects across the na- Cyclone Debbie wrought wide-
billions of dollars stashed over- tion, home to 250 million people, spread but moderate damage in
seas by wealthy Indonesians will as low oil and commodities Australia’s northeast, authorities
likely fall short of expectations, prices have drastically reduced said, as flooding rain and fallen
tax officials said, dealing a blow revenue collection. trees slowed troops and emer-
to President Joko Widodo’s am- The government said the am- gency workers attempting to
bitious spending plans. nesty program raised 123 trillion reach the worst-hit areas.
Since the program was intro- rupiah in cash from penalties No deaths were reported a

duced in July, wealthy taxpayers taxpayers paid to get the assets day after Debbie smashed tourist
had pledged as of Tuesday to they haven’t disclosed both in resorts, flattened canefields and
repatriate 146 trillion rupiah ($11 the country or overseas cleared, shut coal mines in tropical
billion) of assets kept in havens lower than the government’s ex- Queensland state as a Category
like Singapore, the Cayman Is- pectations of 165 trillion rupiah. 4 storm, one rung below the
lands, the British Virgin Islands —I Made Sentana most dangerous wind-speed level.
and Hong Kong, officials said. A woman walks by a yacht that was washed ashore after Cyclone Debbie hit Airlie Beach, Australia. As poor weather persisted and
The program ends on Friday. The MONTENEGRO several Bowen Basin coal-produc-
money must be invested in the Montenegro’s bid received bi- strong message of resolve to Russia has opposed NATO tion facilities stayed shut, analysts
country for at least three years U.S. Senate Backs partisan support from the Sen- Russia as it invades its neigh- membership for countries in said Debbie could push coking
after repatriation. Bid to Join NATO ate, which voted 97-2 in favor of bors and seeks to upend the in- Central and Eastern Europe and coal prices higher—while tourism
The haul is far below the 560 the measure. Leading Republi- ternational order,” said Sen. Ben the Baltics, arguing that the ex- operators, even in unaffected re-
trillion rupiah ($42 billion) in The U.S. Senate ratified legis- cans and Democrats described Cardin of Maryland, the ranking pansion of the alliance threatens gions, reported canceled bookings.
pledges Bank Indonesia had lation backing Montenegro’s bid the vote as a signal to Mr. Putin Democrat on the Senate Foreign Moscow on its own border. Resorts along the world-fa-
sought to increase the funds avail- to become the 29th member of of U.S. resolve to defend Europe. Relations Committee. Montenegrin officials have ac- mous Great Barrier Reef and
able for investment, help lower the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- “Montenegro’s membership in The two senators who voted cused Russia of backing a mili- coastal areas bore the brunt of
chronically high borrowing costs ization, a move that threatens to NATO will serve to strengthen against backing the bid were Re- tary coup in October, a charge the storm with wind gusts stron-
and fund government spending. increase tensions with Russian the organization, enhance Ameri- publicans Rand Paul of Kentucky Moscow has denied. ger than 260 kph (160 mph).
The total value of declared President Vladimir Putin. can national security, and send a and Mike Lee of Utah. —Jay Solomon —Reuters
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | A5

American Jobs
On March 20th, Pratt opened America’s most modern corrugated box factory in Beloit, Wisconsin.

We’re excited about
great employers
like Pratt Industries
making this kind
of commitment to
creating well-paying
jobs right here in
As a leader in paper
and packaging,
Pratt Industries’ new
manufacturing facility
is another indication
Wisconsin is open

for business.
— Wisconsin Gov.
Scott Walker

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Anthony Pratt tour the new box plant.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone on the Pratt team on last week’s
opening of our 68th factory — the $60 million box plant in Beloit.

Thanks also to our customers and the local, state and federal governments
for making America the world’s greatest manufacturing environment.

We at Pratt Industries are fully committed to the Trump administration’s

vision of creating manufacturing jobs in America.

Our company has invested $2.5 billion to employ 7,000 Americans in

well-paying manufacturing jobs.


Anthony Pratt
Executive Chairman, Pratt Industries

Pratt Industries is one of the largest corrugated box manufacturers in the United States.
Our boxes save money and save the environment.

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A6 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Trump Loosens Obama’s Climate Rules
President says rollback
will save coal jobs;
order draws EU rebuke;
Asia backs Paris accord
Donald Trump took steps to be-
gin unraveling the centerpiece
of the Obama environmental
agenda, signing an order to re-
verse rules aimed at pushing
U.S. utilities to shift from coal
plants to cleaner-burning fuels.

By Louise Radnofsky,



Cassandra Sweet
and Brian Spegele

“My administration is put-

ting an end to the war on
coal,” Mr. Trump said ahead of
the official signing at the En-
vironmental Protection
Agency, repeating a campaign
slogan he used to champion
policies he said would bring
back mining jobs.
He said he was paring back
regulations that impeded job Mr. Trump signs an order to reverse rules aimed at pushing utilities to shift from coal plants to cleaner-burning fuels. Right, a bad-air day in Beijing this year.
creation, while still ensuring
clean air and water. Asia on Wednesday said they cord target. “Australia takes mate change at the Ministry of mate change and official esti- what Republicans and busi-
But while the moves are be- would continue their drive to- its international commitments Environment and Forestry, mates of the social cost of car- nesses say is a burdensome
ing billed as job savers, compa- ward cleaner fuels. very seriously,” said Environ- adding that she believes the bon, methane and nitrous and costly regulatory environ-
nies and energy experts said This leaves an opening for ment and Energy Minister U.S. people still support the oxide and rescinds a tempo- ment created under the Demo-
the order is unlikely to reverse China and other countries to Josh Frydenberg. fight against climate change. rary ban on new coal leases on cratic administration. It also
the U.S. utility industry’s shift seize leadership in the global In India, Piyush Goyal, the In the U.S., Democrats an- federal lands, which Mr. gave the president an opportu-
to natural gas, solar and wind effort to curb the rise in tem- minister for power and coal, nounced swift opposition to Obama’s Interior Department nity to move beyond the diffi-
as leading sources of electricity. peratures, as set out in the said a day before Mr. Trump’s Mr. Trump’s action, which is all issued early last year. cult collapse of health-care
The order Tuesday drew a 2015 Paris Agreement, which announcement that the coun- but certain to trigger legal and The moves are all but cer- legislation in the House last
rebuke from the European went into force in November. try is “pursuing religiously” political pushback that could tain to trigger legal and politi- week and hand a win to allies
Union, which said Mr. Trump’s China, the biggest emitter its goal of developing 225 take years to resolve. The roll- cal pushback from environ- who have fervently opposed
order reversing key clean-en- of climate-changing gases, gigawatts of renewable and back will likely take “some mentalists. The actual repeal the power-plant rules.
ergy policies would eliminate won’t change its climate- clean energy sources by 2022. time,” the White House said. could take years as the litiga- The move also raises ques-
the main pillar of U.S. efforts change policies, a spokesman On Wednesday a senior official Mr. Trump’s order begins a tion and rule-making process tions about what steps, if any,
to fight climate change, under- said. “We still advocate that reiterated the commitment to formal review of President Ba- run their course. the Trump administration
mining America’s leadership in all sides should move with the the Paris accord. “It’s not sub- rack Obama’s Clean Power “Ultimately, litigation will might take to comply with a
a critical global effort. times, grasp opportunities, ject to some other coun- Plan, which would have re- keep these agencies on course, global pact to address climate
“Now, it remains to be seen fulfill their promises and ear- try’s decision,” he said. quired utilities to reduce power but this order is a big waste of change that roughly 200 na-
by which other means the nestly take positive action to Indonesia, whose forest- plant carbon-dioxide emissions time and effort, done to ap- tions agreed to in Paris in 2015.
United States intends to meet jointly promote implementa- clearing fires are a source of to 32% below 2005 levels by pease a dirty industry and A senior White House official
its commitments under the tion of [the Paris] Agreement,” greenhouse gases, also recom- 2030. It also initiates a review right-wing climate-denial fa- said Monday that the Trump
Paris Agreement,” said Miguel Chinese Foreign Ministry mitted to the Paris Agreement. of a regulation that would im- natics,” said Sen. Sheldon administration hasn’t reached a
Arias Canete, climate action spokesman Lu Kang told a reg- Even if the U.S. curtails aid to pose tougher emissions re- Whitehouse, a Rhode Island decision on how to proceed
and energy chief at the Euro- ular news briefing. Indonesia for climate pro- quirements on new plants. Democrat. with the Paris Agreement.
pean Commission, the EU’s ex- Australia’s conservative grams, “we will not stop or It further pulls back 2016 The White House action is —Emre Peker
ecutive arm. government said it had no withdraw,” said Nur Masripa- guidance from the Council on part of a broad push across and Te-Ping Chen
Meanwhile, officials around plans to abandon its Paris ac- tin, the director general of cli- Environmental Quality on cli- the government to rein in contributed to this article.

H-1B Visas Set for Lottery—Again

BY LAURA MECKLER Electronics Engineers-USA, a members of the same. Still, received more than 236,000
professional society that lob- Ms. Consaul said: “This is the applications for the 85,000 vi-
WASHINGTON—President bies for changes in the pro- plan. If it changes, we will let sas, of which 20,000 are re-
Donald Trump ran for office gram. “For whatever reason, the public know.” served for people with ad-

promising changes to the H-1B they decided not to take it.” Early this year, a draft of an vanced degrees. That exceeded
visa program, which brings Michael Short, a White executive order for Mr. the previous year’s record and
highly skilled foreign workers House spokesman, said “re- Trump’s consideration was was the fourth year in a row
to the U.S. But on Monday, the forms of the H-1B visa system widely circulated and directed in which the cap was reached
government opens another are something that the admin- the government to re-examine within five days.
round of applications using istration is actively consider- a range of visa programs to During his presidential
rules that have long been in ing and working through.” ensure they prioritize and pro- campaign, Mr. Trump prom-
place. Some lobbyists have been ex- tect “the jobs, wages and well- ised to reduce legal as well as
Demand for the program pecting Mr. Trump to an- being of United States work- illegal immigration, saying for-
badly outstrips the supply so, nounce changes to the pro- ers.” But that order hasn’t eign workers drive down
as in past years, the govern- gram around now, but nothing been signed by the president. wages and threaten American
ment will use a lottery to de- appears to be imminent. In Congress, a bipartisan workers. At times, he was par-
cide which companies get Arwen Consaul, a spokes- bill pending in the House ticularly critical of the H-1B
them. The visas are coveted by woman for U.S. Citizenship would punish companies seek- program.
The Senate may vote on Neil Gorsuch’s nomination next week. tech firms, which have unsuc- and Immigration Services, ing H-1B visas by imposing “These are temporary for-
cessfully lobbied Congress to said Tuesday the agency plans burdensome requirements if eign workers, imported from

Most Democrats Vow increase the cap, set at 85,000.

Large outsourcing firms
typically scoop up a substan-
to use the lottery system if de-
mand again outstrips supply,
and this week, the American
they don’t pay workers at
least $100,000 a year. The cur-
rent threshold to avoid those
abroad, for the explicit pur-
pose of substituting for Amer-
ican workers at lower pay,” he

To Oppose Gorsuch tial share of the visas, and

they have drawn scrutiny for
importing foreign workers,
Immigration Lawyers Associa-
tion sent a notice advising its
requirements is $60,000.
Last year, the government
said in a statement last year.
“I remain totally committed to
eliminating rampant, wide-
BY BYRON TAU not impress our caucus,” said particularly in cases where spread H-1B abuse.”
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New they are hired to do work once Much of the criticism has
WASHINGTON—More than York, the Senate Democratic performed by Americans. focused on Indian outsourcing
half the Democrats in the Sen- leader. Smaller firms that request just firms, which receive many of
ate now say they will vote A filibuster by Democrats a few visas have said they the available H-1Bs. Their U.S.
against President Donald would mean Judge Gorsuch have a hard time planning be- subsidiaries bring in workers
Trump’s nominee to the Su- would need to win 60 votes to cause of uncertainty about that typically perform work at
preme Court, setting up an ac- move forward in a body where whether they will win any. American firms that in some
rimonious showdown over Republicans control 52 seats, Changing that distribution cases was once performed by
Judge Neil Gorsuch’s bid to fill and where filibusters of Su- would require a time-consum- American workers at higher
the seat left vacant by Antonin preme Court nominees have ing rewrite of regulations gov- wages. Some U.S. outsourcing
Scalia’s death last year. been exceedingly rare. erning the program, experts companies have a similar busi-
The battle shows signs of Republican leaders say that said. Given that no action was ness model. The companies
becoming bitter, with Demo- Judge Gorsuch is a model ju- launched right away, the new say they are unable to find

crats promising a filibuster, rist and that they will move administration has been ex- Americans to do these jobs.
Republicans threatening to in- forward with his nomination pected to maintain existing Employers pay fees to sub-
voke a rules change known as with or without Democratic rules for this year. mit each application, though
the “nuclear option,” and cooperation. “There was a window in only a fraction of the applica-
Democrats essentially daring They note that former Pres- which the White House could tions are expected to win vi-
them to try. ident Barack Obama’s two suc- have made serious reforms,” sas. Universities and nonprof-
More than two dozen Sen- cessful Supreme Court nomi- said Russ Harrison, director of its, which aren’t subject to a
ate Democrats had said they nees were confirmed by government relations for the cap, also use H-1Bs to hire
would vote “no” on Mr. Gor- Senate majorities that in- Institute of Electrical and Tech firms in particular covet H-1B visas for foreign workers. many workers each year.
such’s nomination, while no cluded Republican support.
Democrats had said they “We’re going to get Judge Gor-

GOP Is Unlikely to Risk a Shutdown

would vote “yes.” such confirmed,” Senate Ma-
The Senate Judiciary Com- jority Leader Mitch McConnell
mittee is scheduled to vote on (R., Ky.) said.
the nomination Monday, with Democrats remain furious
a vote in the full Senate com- about Republicans’ handling of BY KRISTINA PETERSON funding from Planned Parent- to start construction of a wall repealing the Affordable Care
ing later in the week. the open seat last year. GOP AND NATALIE ANDREWS hood Federation of America, along the U.S.-Mexico border. Act showed that the party will
Senate Democratic leaders leaders declined to hold a vote the women’s health provider, “My guess is that comes to- likely need to turn to Demo-
say they support an attempted or hearing after President Ba- WASHINGTON—Republi- in a spending bill needed to gether better without” those crats in both chambers to sup-
filibuster of Judge Gorsuch’s rack Obama nominated Judge can leaders signaled Tuesday fund the government after requests included, Mr. Blunt ply the votes needed for a
nomination to a lifetime ap- Merrick Garland in March that they were likely to ex- April 28, when current fund- said of the late-April spending number of measures, includ-
pointment on the court, citing 2016 to fill the seat, saying clude the most-contentious ing expires. bill. ing legislation to avoid shut-
concerns about his record of whoever was elected in No- provisions from legislation Separately, Sen. Roy Blunt The developments indi- tering the government.
judicial decisions while serv- vember should choose the next needed to keep the govern- (R., Mo.), a member of the cated Republicans are starting Democrats said their dis-
ing on the federal 10th Circuit justice. ment running past April, de- Senate Appropriations Com- to factor in Democratic de- cussions with Republicans
Court of Appeals and about his That gamble paid off when escalating the partisan ten- mittee and the Senate GOP mands as they move forward over the bill were progressing.
independence from the Trump Mr. Trump won, but Demo- sions that risk prompting a leadership, suggested that the on must-pass legislation, as Lawmakers will be on recess
administration. crats now view the seat as es- partial government shutdown April spending bill likely Democrats were sure to resist for two weeks in April, return-
“The bottom line is very sentially stolen from Mr. at the end of next month. would exclude two other con- all three of the measures. ing just five days before the
simple, and that is that Gor- Obama, putting pressure on House Speaker Paul Ryan tentious provisions—President The inability of House Re- government’s funding runs
such did not acquit himself Democratic senators to mount (R., Wis.) suggested that the Donald Trump’s request to publicans to coalesce last out, and so there will be little
well at the hearings and did and sustain a filibuster. House wouldn’t try to strip boost military spending and week behind a bill aimed at time for negotiations.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | A7


Loans to Manafort Reflect Trump Ties

Bank run by a former with Mr. Manafort and none dorf, a lawyer and investor
planned. working with Mr. Manafort.
campaign adviser Since the mid-2000s, The New York and Califor-
threw a lifeline to the around the time Mr. Manafort nia loans went into default
started working as a political last year as Mr. Yohai ran
drive’s ex-chairman adviser to wealthy pro-Russia short of cash, people familiar
politicians in the Ukrainian with the transactions said.
BY MICHAEL ROTHFELD Party of Regions, he and im- Genesis started foreclo-
mediate family members sure proceedings in Brooklyn
Paul Manafort, the onetime bought at least six properties in September, New York state
campaign chairman for Presi- in New York, Florida and Vir- court records show. In Cali-
dent Donald Trump who did ginia for more than $16 mil- fornia, Mr. Yohai filed for
lucrative consulting for Ukrai- lion, property records show. corporate bankruptcy in De-
nian tycoons, faced foreclosure Mr. Manafort’s recent finan- cember as Genesis was mov-
on several real-estate invest- cial problems relate ing to foreclose on those
ments but received a $16 mil- to loans taken out to support properties as well, court fil-
lion lifeline through another the development projects of ings show.
former Trump adviser, real-es- his son-in-law, Jeffrey Yohai. As financial troubles
tate and court records show. Mr. Yohai began borrowing mounted, Mr. Manafort turned

Mr. Manafort was at risk of two years ago from Genesis to Mr. Calk’s bank, Federal
losing both his Brooklyn, N.Y., Capital, a California lender, to Savings. In late November, he
townhouse and his family’s in- flip high-end properties in Los and his wife borrowed $9.5
vestments in California prop- Angeles, according to promo- million from the bank, with
erties being developed by his tional material for the proper- two other homes they own
son-in-law, the records show. ties, loan records and bank- and $630,000 in a bank ac-
But in November and Janu- Paul Manafort borrowed $16 million to halt foreclosure on his home and invest in other properties. ruptcy-court filings. Mr. count to be used as collateral,
ary, Mr. Manafort and his wife Manafort, his wife and daugh- property records in Virginia
received as much as $16 mil- A foreclosure proceeding on The loans show how Mr. said the loans “all reflect ter put about $4.2 million into and New York show.
lion in loans from the Federal the Brooklyn house was with- Manafort, who resigned under arm’s-length transactions.” those projects, bankruptcy- On Jan. 17, the Chicago bank
Savings Bank, a small bank in drawn in January. Mr. pressure from the Trump cam- Around the time Mr. court records show. agreed to lend them up to $6.5
Chicago run by Steve Calk. The Manafort also planned to put paign in August over his activ- Manafort was dealing with Genesis declined to com- million more, which records
loans equaled almost 24% of more money into the Califor- ities in Ukraine, continued to Mr. Calk’s bank, he was tell- ment. Mr. Yohai couldn’t be show was secured by the
the bank’s reported $67 mil- nia investments to salvage tap connections from Mr. ing associates of plans for po- reached. Mr. Manafort’s Brooklyn property and $2.5
lion of equity capital. them, bankruptcy-court filings Trump’s circle. tential private-equity deals spokesman said his wife and million in cash the couple
Mr. Calk was a member of show. Mr. Manafort, a political with Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a daughter declined to com- agreed to deposit into an ac-
Mr. Trump’s Economic Advi- In an interview, Mr. Calk consultant and investor, de- wealthy real-estate investor ment. count. The next day, Jan. 18,
sory panel who overlapped said the loans to clined to be interviewed. In a who backed Mr. Trump, The Early last year, Genesis lent Genesis agreed to withdraw
with Mr. Manafort on the Mr. Manafort were “absolutely statement, he said he had bor- Wall Street Journal has re- $4.4 million secured by the foreclosure action in
Trump campaign. Messrs. not” related to his role in the rowed at 7.25% interest on the ported. Mr. Barrack, a Trump Mr. Manafort’s Brooklyn town- Brooklyn, according to court
Manafort and Calk knew each campaign. He said the loans Brooklyn property, a higher- adviser who was his inaugu- house, according to court re- records.
other before the campaign, a were “grossly overcollateral- than-market rate, in what he ral committee chairman, has cords. Those proceeds sup- —Jim Oberman
person familiar with the rela- ized,” with multiple properties called a “straightforward” said through a spokesman he ported Mr. Yohai’s projects, and Peter Nicholas
tionship said. securing them. transaction. The statement has no business relationship according to Matthew Brown- contributed to this article.

FDA Pick’s Industry Failed Deal Is Setback for Anbang

Links Prompt Recusals BY ESTHER FUNG
China’s Anbang Insurance
The Trump administration’s Group Co. has had a tough
nominee to lead the Food and time pulling off splashy U.S.

Drug Administration plans to real-estate deals since it

recuse himself for a year from scooped up the iconic Waldorf
FDA decisions on more than Astoria Hotel in 2015.
20 companies, including some On Wednesday, New York
drug giants. real-estate developer Kushner
Scott Gottlieb in recent Cos. said it had ceased talks
years has held positions and with Anbang for a planned
received millions of dollars in $7.5 billion redevelopment of a
income as adviser, executive, mixed-use skyscraper in Man-
paid speaker or consultant to hattan.
the companies, according to fi- That came almost exactly a
nancial-disclosure documents Nominee Scott Gottlieb has year after the Chinese insurer

he has filed with government done paid work for some firms. made a high-profile retreat
ethics officials. from a bidding war to buy
Among the companies are ics to recuse himself from in- Starwood Hotels & Resorts
cancer-therapy startups, such volvement with the medical Worldwide Inc. The hotel
as Cell Biotherapy Inc., and companies at the FDA for a chain went to Marriott Inter-
large concerns, such as Glaxo- year after resigning positions national Inc. for $13 billion.
SmithKline PLC and Bristol- and divesting his interests. The Beijing-based insurer,
Myers Squibb Inc. An FDA commissioner one of China’s best-known
Much of that work involved rarely is required to get in- overseas investors, had shot to New York’s Waldorf Astoria, shown last month. Anbang purchased the hotel for $1.95 billion in 2015.
assessing the prospects of volved in company-specific de- fame in the international deal-
fledgling companies, investing cisions, instead directing pol- making circuit with its $1.95 Anbang’s shareholders in- making abroad. This time, Anbang had been
in some and advising them on icy covering entire industries. billion purchase of Manhat- clude a collection of 39 Chi- But Chinese investors are in talks to provide as much as
medical and regulatory mat- Dr. Gottlieb’s work with tan’s Waldorf Astoria, at the nese companies, some of still doing deals overseas. half of the $2.5 billion in eq-
ters. such a wide range of drug time the steepest price ever which at one point shared the “When you think about invest- uity for the planned redevel-
Dr. Gottlieb, a physician, firms could provide fodder for paid for a U.S. hotel. same contact address or legal ing in China, there isn’t so opment of 666 Fifth Avenue,
has provided some of that Senate Democrats to attack his Last year, Anbang made an representative and in turn are much to buy. Properties aren’t according to people close to
seed money himself. Other nomination in hearings sched- abortive attempt to steal Star- owned by other companies, ac- cheap,” said Theo Cheng, An- the negotiations. A Kushner
venture capital came from uled for next week. Unlike wood from Marriott, sealing cording to online corporate bang’s head of overseas real- Cos. spokesman added that the
New Enterprise Associates, some other Trump cabinet its reputation for flashy deal registry filings reviewed by estate investment, at an indus- firm remains in active negotia-
where he has been a venture members who are relative making. It had partnered with The Wall Street Journal. try conference in France tions with other potential in-
partner, and from T.R. Win- novices to federal government, New York financier Chris Anbang’s chairman and earlier this month. “There’s a vestors for the project.
ston & Co., where he has been Dr. Gottlieb previously served Flowers on the Starwood bid. founder, Wu Xiaohui, is mar- whole bunch of capital that for The disclosure about ending
a managing partner and in- in government, as a deputy But Anbang pulled the bid af- ried to the granddaughter of different reasons needs to talks with Anbang came after
vestment consultant. FDA commissioner under Pres- ter questions about its owner- former Chinese leader Deng come out to diversify and seek lawmakers and ethics experts
The consulting work for ident George W. Bush. ship and political connections Xiaoping. better returns.” last week expressed concerns
GlaxoSmithKline, for which he According to the docu- in China—concerns that kept Since the aborted Starwood Mr. Wu, who has hob- about the potential for a con-
was paid $87,153 in 2016 ments, during 2016 and some Wall Street banks from deal, Anbang has made lower- nobbed with former U.S. Sec- flict of interest. Jared Kush-
through the first two months through March 1, 2017, when taking the insurer as a client— profile property deals in Can- retary of State Henry Kissinger ner, son of the real-estate
of 2017, involved helping the the disclosure period ended, and increased scrutiny over ada and Japan, according to and Stephen Schwarzman, the company’s founder, Charles, is
company make decisions about Dr. Gottlieb made more than the company at home. data from Dealogic. billionaire chief executive of the son-in-law of President
drugs in its research pipeline. $3 million in gross income. A few weeks before the For more than a year, Chi- Blackstone Group, said in a Donald Trump and occupies a
In all cases, Dr. Gottlieb The income included a re- Starwood pullout, Anbang had nese regulators have intensi- dinner gala earlier this year key advisory position in the
pledged to ethics officials at tainer and bonus of $1.85 mil- inked an agreement to buy fied controls over capital out- that friendships built at a per- administration.
the Office of Government Eth- lion from T.R. Winston. Strategic Hotels & Resorts flows and spend more time sonal level between business —Phred Dvorak
from Blackstone Group LP in a scrutinizing potential deals partners help improve ties be- and Peter Grant

deal valued at $6.5 billion. that Chinese companies are tween China and the U.S. contributed to this article.


Ex-Pentagon Chief
come communities and programs
to develop entrepreneurship could
expand work opportunities and
Takes Harvard Role benefit the overall labor market. Continued from Page One
Ms. Yellen said low- and moder- the building that was to be re-
Former U.S. Secretary of De- ate-income communities and mi- developed as part of the An-
fense Ash Carter is heading to nority groups continue to strug- bang deal, and dozens of other
Harvard University as director of gle to find jobs despite steady properties to a trust controlled
the John F. Kennedy School of improvement in the overall labor by other family members.
Government’s Belfer Center for market, in remarks Tuesday at a But some ethics experts
Science and International Affairs, National Community Reinvest- have said the measures have
where he plans to pursue his in- ment Coalition conference. fallen short, and members of
terest in connecting the technol- —David Harrison Congress expressed concerns
ogy, defense and public-service over the Anbang talks.
sectors. Mr. Carter will draw on WASHINGTON “Kushner Companies is no
initiatives he championed as de- longer in discussions with An-
fense secretary to leverage the Woman Strikes bang about 666 Fifth Avenue’s
country’s technological capabili- Capitol Police Cruiser potential redevelopment, and

ties to benefit its global position. our firms have mutually

Mr. Carter made overtures to Sili- A woman described as “er- agreed to end talks regarding
con Valley while at the Pentagon, ratic and aggressive” drove a ve- the property,” according to the
and last year created the De- hicle into a U.S. Capitol Police statement by a Kushner Cos.
fense Innovation Advisory Board. cruiser near the Capitol on spokesman.
—Melissa Korn Wednesday morning and was Anbang had been in talks to
taken into custody, police said. provide as much as half of the
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Shots were fired during the ar- $2.5 billion in equity for the
rest attempt, but the incident planned redevelopment, accord-
Yellen Urges Better appeared to be criminal in na- ing to people close to the talks.
Public Education ture with “no nexus to terror- “Kushner Companies re-
ism,” a Capitol Police spokes- mains in active, advanced nego-
Federal Reserve Chairwoman woman said. No one was injured tiations around 666 5th Avenue
Janet Yellen said better educa- and the Capitol remained open. with a number of potential in-
tional opportunities for low-in- —Associated Press Kushner Cos. ended talks with Anbang about potential redevelopment of 666 Fifth Ave., above. vestors,” the spokesman added.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A8 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


STALL ries than makes economic

sense,” he said.
China, once an assembly
platform that sucked in com-
Continued from Page One modities and manufactured
cient by allowing each to spe- goods from abroad, put them
cialize at what its workers do together and reshipped them,
best. is now producing much of
Few of them fully grasped what it needs domestically.
globalization’s downsides in a Benjamin Dolgin-Gardner,
modern economy. Tying to- founder of Hatch International
gether disparate nations eco- Ltd., an electronics manufac-
nomically also expanded the turer in Shenzhen, China, said
labor pool globally, pitting he now uses Chinese-made
workers in wealthy nations LCD screens rather than ones
against poorly paid ones in made elsewhere in Asia for the
developing nations. That tablets he produces. Memory
greatly boosted the fortunes chips for MP3 players are also
of the world’s poor, but also made in China rather than im-
created a backlash in the U.S. ported from Japan and South
and Europe. At the same time, Korea.
freeing financial flows led to “China is increasingly can-
debilitating financial excesses nibalizing supply chains,” said
that ended in crisis. Alex Wolf, a London economist
“Globalization is in retreat,” at the investment firm of
Larry Fink, the chief executive Standard Life Investments, re-
of the big investment firm ducing exports from Korea,
BlackRock Inc., said in a Feb- Taiwan and other nations
ruary memo to employees, whose economies are tightly
outlining a new corporate linked to China’s.
strategy. “We need to be Ger- The reaction to the finan-
man in Germany, Japanese in cial crisis in many countries
Japan and Mexican in Mexico.” included new banking rules,
An earlier era of globaliza- adopted globally, which re-
tion, which stretched from quire banks to hold bigger


1870 to 1913, ended when the capital buffers against securi-
world descended into war. Ris- ties and loans. That has cut
ing trade barriers later played into their willingness to take
a role in the Great Depression risks across borders.
of the 1930s. The present era One of the hottest trends in the shipping industry last year was the dismantling of giant container ships for scrap metal. Regulators in China, Cy-
may not turn out as cata- prus, Iceland, Brazil and other
strophically, but nations, com- countries imposed capital con-
panies, multilateral institu-
tions and ordinary citizens are
Changing Attitudes INTERCONTINENTAL Global crisis 40
trols to limit the waves of po-
tentially destabilizing money
and aftermath
already scrambling to adapt to
a world with bigger barriers
Stifle the Flow of Trade EUROPE
35 washing into and out of their
financial systems. In all, 31 out
to trade and finance as blow- 30 of 108 countries tracked by
back builds.
The surge of international agreements that ASIA
economists Menzie Chinn and
followed the Cold War has waned signifi- AFRICA 25
Big banks, such as Citi- Hiro Ito became less open to
group and HSBC, have reduced cantly since the global financial crisis. OCEANIA 20 global capital flows between
their global footprints. Indus- 2008 and 2014, while 13 be-
Preferential trade agreements signed 15
trial firms like General Electric came more open.
are developing strategies for a each year, by continent That is a sharp reversal
more localized world. Guard- from the five-year precrisis
ians of globalization, like the 5 period, when 40 countries be-
World Trade Organization, came more open to global cap-
struggle with challenges from ital flows and 12 became less
China and other emerging 1950 ’60 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 ’15 open.
powers. Poor nations are find- Europe is the epicenter of
ing it harder to count on ex-
As popular sentiment has turned against globalization, the once-steady reduction in tariff levels has stalled and many the global lending crunch.
ports for economic develop- countries have turned to protectionist measures. Hungary privatized most of its
ment. Wealthy nations face Average tariff rates, by country’s level of Products subject to World-trade banks after the fall of Commu-
less-hospitable overseas mar- nism in 1989, drawing inves-
economic development temporary trade barriers policies
kets, while their workers grap- tors from Austria, Italy, Bel-
30% 3.0% implemented* 300
ple with the demands of auto- gium and beyond. By the mid-
mated workplaces. LIBERALIZING 2000s, Hungarian
25 2.5 150
Critics of globalization said homeowners had become avid
a slowdown in cross-border 20 2.0 0 consumers of mortgages is-
trade and finance will help sued by Austrian banks de-
ease pressure on wages of un- 15 1.5 150 nominated in Swiss francs,
skilled workers in wealthy na- 10 DEVELOPING 1.0 emblematic of the rapid glob-
tions, stem the threat of finan- alization of European finance.
cial bubbles and reduce the 5 0.5 450 After the financial crisis,
influence of multinational com- ADVANCED
the Swiss franc soared, push-
panies in developing nations. ing up the cost of those mort-
“Maybe the U.S. will supply 1980 ’90 2000 ’10 ’15 1990 2000 ’10 ’15 2010 ’15 gages. Nearly one-third of
more of its demand by itself,” Hungarian borrowers went 90
said Clyde Prestowitz, presi- At the same time as both opinions and regulations turned against trade, the global flow of goods and finance itself has days or more delinquent on
dent of the Economic Strategy begun to shrink. Cross-border finance has stalled as banks and other investors retrench, making it tougher for emerging their mortgages, inviting a po-
Institute, a policy research markets to grow. litical backlash.
group in Washington, D.C., Hungarian Prime Minister
who has long urged the U.S. Merchandise trade as a share of global GDP Cross-border capital inflows Viktor Orban’s nationalist Fi-
adopt more-aggressive trade 55%
desz party won parliamentary
policies. “That could be a good FOREIGN DIRECT LENDING AND elections with a landslide in
thing and create jobs.” 50 INVESTMENT OTHER 2010 and Mr. Orban set out to
During the globalization ep- INVESTMENTS increase Hungarian ownership
och that started after World of the banking sector to at
War II, trade growth usually SECURITIES EQUITY least 50%. His administration
far outpaced—and helped imposed taxes and fees on the
drive—overall economic out- 35 12 trillion sector and demanded banks
put. Now it is barely keeping 30 10 convert Swiss franc loans into
up. The slowdown has long local currency denominations.
outlasted the financial crisis 25 8 Foreign bank lending con-
of 2007 to 2009, which helped tracted for eight straight years
20 6
set it off. through 2016, according to the
Between 2011 and 2015, the 15 4 Institute of International Fi-
value of global merchandise nance, a banking trade associ-
exports contracted 10%, ac- 10 2 ation in Washington.
cording to the WTO, marking 5 0 As foreign banks departed,
the largest drop over a four- the country’s economy minis-
year period in post-World War 0 –2 ter, Mihaly Varga, told local
II history, driven in part by 1960 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 ’15 2000 ’10 ’15 reporters that the policy
tumbling commodities prices. “boosts economic sover-
Merchandise export growth *Counts policies documented between 1 January and 31 October of a given year to correct for reporting lags. eignty.” A 2016 review by the
over a 10-year time frame is Sources: Design of Trade Agreements Database (agreements); IMF and World Bank (tariff rates); World Bank (trade barriers, trade to GDP); Global Trade IMF, while lauding Hungary’s
also the slowest of this era. Alert (policies); IMF via McKensey Global Institute (capital flows) Bob Davis, Jon Hilsenrath and Andrew Van Dam/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. rebound from the recession,
“We have a deflationary said the government had sim-
mind-set,” Jakob Stausholm, omist Gary Hufbauer calculates to pay. “If you want to move in mal,” after falling by about 1 strategy to focus on regional ply shifted risks from private
chief financial officer of Mae- that U.S. output in 2016 was $2 an easy way, then you can’t percentage point a year be- centers. In explaining the hands to the public sector be-
rsk, the Danish shipping giant, trillion greater than it other- achieve double-digit growth,” tween 1986 and 1995 and 0.5 move last year, GE Chief Exec- cause the Hungarian govern-
told investors in February, wise would have been because he said in a recent interview. percentage point annually for utive Jeff Immelt said he ment took big stakes in banks
while reporting a $1.9 billion of greater trade and financial “We have to carefully manage the following 13 years. would prefer to operate by and other companies.
loss. A few days earlier a court integration since 1950. Slowing it, but there is a way out also. Multinational companies free-trade principles, but “a In wealthy nations, the big
in Seoul declared that Hanjin the pace of globalization will We have a huge potential in used the 1990s and 2000s to localization strategy can’t be hope is that a reversal in glob-
Shipping Co., the world’s sev- actually slow U.S. income terms of exports.” build global supply chains—for shut down by protectionist alization will lift wages of un-
enth-largest shipper, was gains, he said. The lethargic recovery from instance linking rubber planta- politics.” skilled workers by reducing
heading for liquidation. No less is at stake for a the global recession, especially tions in Malaysia to tire manu- In practice, that means GE competition from low-wage
Among the hottest trends country such as Ethiopia, weak demand for capital facturers in China and retail- is building up its manufactur- nations. That hasn’t been the
in the industry last year was which has averaged growth goods and big investment ers in the U.S., or coffee ing capacity in China and In- case so far. Globally, wage
the dismantling of giant con- rates in excess of 10% for the projects, helps to explain the growers in Colombia to Star- dia and other big markets to growth slowed to an average
tainer ships for scrap past decade as part of a push global trade slowdown. bucks restaurants. supply customers there, rather 2.1% in the past five years,
metal—862 in all—along the toward industrialization and than counting on exports and compared with 2.4% in the
beaching yards of Pakistan, greater international expo- global links. As part of the five years leading up to the
Bangladesh and India. sure. The country has little to strategy, GE signed a deal in 2007-09 financial crisis, ac-
Annual movement of capital fall back on if its globalization
‘We need to be German in Germany, 2015 to build locomotives in cording to the International
across borders—in the form of bet sours. Japanese in Japan and Mexican in Mexico.’ India, rather than relying on a Labor Organization.
stock and bond purchases, for- Hoping to emulate China’s global production site in the In the U.S., wages and sala-
eign direct investment and ride on the globalization wave, U.S., as it once did. ries of workers rose 2% a year
lending—fell more than two- Ethiopia is building a half- Surveying the global econ- in the past five years. That is
thirds, to $3.3 trillion in 2015 dozen manufacturing zones to Protectionism is another These webs of commerce omy from Beijing, where he down from 2.9% in the five
from $11.9 trillion in 2007, ac- produce garments, textiles and cause. Global Trade Alert, a supercharged trade but have co-owns eight electronics and years before the crisis.
cording to McKinsey & Co. shoes for multinational firms, trade monitoring group, begun to retrench, as compa- medical equipment factories, That hasn’t stilled globali-
Overseas bank lending, partic- along with railroads and counts nearly 7,000 protec- nies localize their production Dwight Nordstrom, chairman zation’s many critics. “Globali-
ularly from Europe, has been power plants. The construc- tionist measures enacted and import fewer components of Pacific Resources Interna- zation has made the financial
hard hit. The stock of cross- tion spree, which keeps the air world-wide since the recession for assembly. The World Bank tional LLC, said he is “waiting elite who donate to politicians
border loans held at banks in Addis Ababa thick with of 2009. About half of the said global supply chains to see how the politics shake very, very wealthy,” Mr.
around the world contracted dust, has created rising exter- measures are aimed at China. stopped growing around 2011 out” before building any Chi- Trump said in June 2016 at a
21%, to $28.2 trillion in the nal debt loads, which jumped It has been 23 years since after expanding about 4% an- nese plants aimed at the ex- Rust Belt stop in Pennsylvania,
third quarter of 2016 from to $20.4 billion in 2015 from the completion of the last nually for the previous two port market. “but it has left millions of our
$35.5 trillion in 2008, accord- $2.3 billion in 2006, according global trade deal in 1994 and decades. That is because local-con- workers with nothing but pov-
ing to the Bank for Interna- to the World Bank. no other is on the horizon. General Electric Co., which tent rules may require firms erty and heartache.”
tional Settlements. Ethiopia’s prime minister, Since 2008, the International since the 1980s has expanded like his to build factories in —Matina Stevis, Anjani
Peterson Institute for Inter- Hailemariam Desalegn, said Monetary Fund reports, tariff its global footprint, said it is different countries. “We may Trivedi and Margit Feher
national Economics trade econ- the debt is a price he is willing reductions have been “mini- time for a “bold pivot” in be forced to have more facto- contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | A9

TURNING POINTS | Clare Ansberry

When College Rejections Land

If college decision letters arrive with bad news, let children vent, call it ‘the wrong fit’ and see opportunities
HOW DO YOU DEAL with your
child’s first real rejection?
It is a question that Priscilla
Sands, head of the Marlborough
School, an elite girls school in Los
Angeles, addresses every year
when students learn they didn’t
make it into their top colleges.
She knows they are disappointed
and distraught. She also knows
that what looks like a setback
might not be.
“It’s an issue for parents. They
need to understand the pain, but
also not rob their child of an op-
portunity to use it as a growth ex-
perience,” says Dr. Sands, who

didn’t attend her dream college,
worked in a diner as a single mom
to support her children and didn’t
get jobs she thought she deserved.
By the end of March, most high-
school students will have heard
from colleges whether or not they
have been accepted. Competition
to get into top schools has been
getting stiffer nearly every year.
Many colleges and universities, in-
cluding Yale University, Brown
University, Duke University and
Cornell, reported record high early
application numbers for the class
of 2021, according to IvyWise, an
educational consulting company.
Most students have until May 1 to
decide where to go.
Claudia Vulliamy, of London,
had several rounds of interviews
and an overnight stay at Oxford
University, where she wanted to Dr. Priscilla Sands, below, head of the Marlborough School in Los Angeles, meets with a group of seniors, above. Art,
study classics. right, made with the rejection letter received by Claudia Vulliamy.
While hopeful, she prepared
herself for bad news, but was to make an awful announcement tant one to help kids learn that riences that are rewarding in the
“quite disappointed” when the let- that I didn’t get into Oxford,” she while painful, they aren’t the end long run, something she herself
ter from Oxford arrived saying she explains. Friends, who likewise of the world,” she says. discovered. After high school, she
didn’t make it. She texted her received rejection letters, were Anisha Shah, a 19-year-old says she “sort of bounced around
mother, Louisa Saunders. “I cheered, says Claudia, who will freshman at Washington Univer- and didn’t know what I wanted to
thought, ‘Be ready to be sympa- either go to Durham University in sity, who attended the Marlbor- do.” She took continuing education
thetic and feel disappointed on her England or take an art ough school, discovered classes at a junior college. When
behalf,’ ” says Ms. Saunders. foundation course for a just that. She was her then-husband, who was in the
When Ms. Saunders arrived year. Her mother crushed when she military, was stationed in Panama,
home, she said Claudia was “rela- tweeted it, saying: didn’t get into Yale, she left school, went with him and
tively chipper.” She had taken the “Yesterday, my but remembers her started a dinner theater, which
Oxford letter and cut out key daughter learned parents’ comfort- didn’t require a college education.
phrases—“after careful consider- that she hadn’t ing message, the Later, when he was out of the
ation” … “sorry not to have bet- got into Oxford. most important be- military, she wanted to attend
ter news” …. “not been possible By the time I got ing it wasn’t about Brown University and study the-
to offer you a place” … “no lon- in from work, she’d her, or anything she ater arts. Instead she went to, and
ger under consideration”—and in- made this from her did or didn’t do. It graduated from, the University of
corporated them into a painting. rejection letter.” It was more that Yale Rhode Island because her husband own schools and obtained her
“I suppose when you are rejected was retweeted 52,000 wasn’t the right place for taught there and tuition was free. doctorate in Educational Leader-
by something, your first instinct times at last count. her particular talents. Her She waitressed, wrote for a lo- ship from the University of Penn-
is to slightly mock it,” says Clau- Diane Barth, a clinical social dad likened her to a “trumpet cal newspaper and taught theater sylvania.
dia, who called the painting ther- work psychotherapist, reminds player” and said Yale didn’t need a to support her children after get- “I talk with parents and the
apeutic. Her mother called it parents that helping their child trumpet player in its freshmen ting a divorce. Dr. Sands ended girls about how my life took all
“brilliant.” manage this disappointment will class but that another school did up moving to North Carolina and sorts of twists and turns, how I
Claudia wasn’t going to show help when they don’t get the job and when she found that school, it teaching drama at a private girls’ was disappointed and didn’t go to
it to anyone else, but when her or promotion they wanted, or are would be the perfect fit. school, where her mother was the college I wanted or get the job
mother reacted so positively, she jilted by a girlfriend or boyfriend. Dr. Sands says not getting into headmistress. She eventually re- I wanted,” she says. Each disap-
decided to share it with friends “There are a lot of disappoint- the “best school” in terms of rank- alized she wanted to become a pointment, she tells them, put her
on Facebook. “Then I won’t have ments in life and this is an impor- ings can lead to choices and expe- school administrator and run her on a new path forward.

THE MIDDLE SEAT | Scott McCartney


AN INNOVATION AIMING to streamline at the baggage-service office to file a claim.
how air passengers reconnect with their lost “We view that as one of the worst cus-
luggage comes with a major asterisk: Airlines tomer experiences, because the minute that
would no longer count that luggage as lost. plane took off, American Airlines knew that
Several carriers already alert travelers bag wasn’t going to fly with the customer,”
when their checked baggage doesn’t make says Julie Rath, managing director of cus-
their flight. Those texts or emails save pas- tomer service recovery.
sengers from waiting needlessly at baggage The system means the mishandled bag
carousels. Customers can go straight to the won’t be reported to the DOT unless the
baggage-service office and fill out paper- customer files a separate complaint. “Our
work, including where to deliver the bag goal here is really make it as easy as possi-
when it does show up. ble for the customer and don’t make them
But soon United, Delta and American and wait,” Ms. Rath says.
others say they’ll be able to not only alert Alaska says only that it will have more to
travelers but also let them give electronic say about baggage changes later this year.

instructions for where they want the lost Delta is downright guarded on the topic:
bag delivered. “We will comply with direction from the
That’s a huge timesaver for passengers. DOT,” a Delta spokeswoman says.
It’s also a quiet, clever way for airlines to United says its electronic-response sys-
improve their baggage-handling stats. tem will launch later this spring. Text mes-
No stop at the baggage office means no sages will allow customers to immediately
paperwork. No paperwork means no report set up delivery options by clicking on a link
to the Transportation Department. Those that connects to United’s website, spokes-
lost bags will never be found in government man Charles Hobart says. The alerts are
statistics. likely to be delivered to customers in-flight,
Baggage handling is one of the biggest if they use the plane’s Wi-Fi service, or upon
sources of travel hassle and complaints. Pas- landing.
sengers still chafe at the $4 billion annually United confirms the change will reduce
paid to U.S. airlines in baggage fees. Law- Airlines say they’ll soon be able to let you electronically send delivery instructions for lost luggage the number of mishandled bags reported to
makers have forced airlines to alter baggage so you don’t have to wait in line at the baggage office. That also means your mishandled bag the DOT.
rules, such as requiring refunds of those won’t get counted in government statistics. “That’s not why we are doing this,” Mr.
fees when bags aren’t delivered in a timely Hobart says. “We’re offering this option
manner. thors of the annual airline ranking. “If they ing the situation. purely as a way to improve the customer ex-
The DOT statistics, which count the num- start hiding what they are doing, how can American, Delta, United and Alaska air- perience and provide more self-service op-
ber of mishandled bags on domestic trips, you make a good consumer decision?” lines say they will implement mishandled-bag tions.”
are a factor in the Middle Seat’s annual The DOT says current regulations require response systems for customers this year. United bought equipment to increase the
scorecard of airline performance. The Airline airlines to count only passenger-filed mis- American says its system will eventually number of times a bag tag gets scanned
Quality Rating, an annual study based on handled baggage reports. If a passenger sync with its baggage-delivery company so along its journey to five from three, enabling
analysis of DOT data, also relies on mishan- agrees to a rerouting of the bag on a later customers can track bags after the airline the airline to have better information on each
dled baggage reports to compare airlines. flight and doesn’t file a report with the car- turns them over. The first version, which bag’s location and send alerts about mishan-
“This would create a false impression in rier, the late bag won’t be counted. Asked if American is rushing to launch before sum- dled bags to customers, Mr. Hobart says.
the performance of an airline,” says Dean the DOT is concerned that its data will no mer, will let customers give delivery instruc- United has contact information on about
Headley, associate professor of marketing at longer reflect the true number of mishan- tions and avoid waiting for the last bag to 90% of its customers, so many get alerts
Wichita State University and one of the au- dled bags, the department says it’s monitor- come up the carousel and then wait in line now when bags miss flights, he says.
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A10 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Too-Darn-Bad
China’s Australia Extradition Bust Scandal at Google
i Keqiang’s state visit to Australia The Australian government’s response has
didn’t quite go to plan. As the Chinese been muted, including a statement that it Selling ads against Which is fine, but it also means en-
user-generated con- during the limitations inherent in the
Premier talked up economic and cul- can’t provide consular assistance to Mr. Feng
tent was always a possibility of monetizing such content.
tural ties over the weekend, as a noncitizen. But Parlia- risky proposition, in This passing storm, in fact, is one
agents in China detained an China’s abuse of a ment reacted more appropri- which Google and its that Google has long anticipated. Some
Australia-based professor professor shows its legal ately. On Tuesday a multipar- advertisers indulged of its big initiatives have been aimed
and barred him from leaving tisan group of lawmakers with their eyes open at finding ways, preferably without
the country. That helped turn system can’t be trusted. compelled Prime Minister BUSINESS
on Google’s YouTube paying, of getting traditional televi-
lawmakers in Canberra Malcolm Turnbull to abandon By Holman W.
platform. sion-style content, made with pleasing
against a pending extradition his ill-conceived drive to rat- Now this predict- potential advertisers in mind, against
Jenkins, Jr.
treaty with Beijing. ify the extradition treaty with China, which able challenge has which to use its ad-targeting skills.
The professor, Feng Chongyi, is a Chinese had been the top agenda item in relations with produced an alleged These include its Google Fiber proj-
national and Australian permanent resident Beijing. This is a victory for human rights and crisis for the internet, as businesses as ect, its attempt (with the Obama ad-
diverse as Hyundai, L’Oréal and ministration) to force new set-top box
who was visiting China with his wife, an good sense.
McDonald’s march off in a huff and rules on the cable-TV industry, and its
Australian citizen. A former head of China China seeks a treaty (and has threatened say they can no longer advertise on current effort to develop a YouTube-
studies at the University of Technology Syd- to halt counternarcotics cooperation without YouTube. based cable-TV substitute.
ney, he studies human rights and democratic one) because it wants international respecta- That ads are ending up next to
activism. Mr. Feng has warned of Beijing’s bility and help with “Operation Fox Hunt,” its content they find inappropriate and
growing influence in Australian politics and effort to round up corrupt officials and other offensive might seem a big yawn. Hey, advertisers, some of
media, including investments in Australian fugitives who have absconded overseas. Some Google’s algorithms are good at pick- us supply content that’s
outlets and pressure on editors: “The net ef- are surely bad guys, but Beijing also hunts ing out which viewers are likely to
fect is now the Chinese community in Aus- journalists, activists, Falun Gong members and bite on which ads, then good at tasteful and family-friendly.
tralia, actually their major cultural con- other political targets. The treaty would have tracking these users across the web
even when they linger on sites de-
sumption is still [Communist] Party a chilling effect in Australia even if local offi-
voted to anti-Semitic rants or terror- For his part, Facebook’s Mark
propaganda.” cials retained nominal discretion. “We should ism promotion. Zuckerberg has also made it clear
Chinese police say they’re keeping Mr. Feng be deporting the spies, not their dissidents,” Understandably, though, advertis- that somehow getting Facebook into
in China on suspicion of “endangering state said one Aussie lawmaker who helped bury ers, especially those with a brand to the TV business is his next big prior-
security.” That catch-all charge apparently re- the deal. promote, aren’t keen when this fact is ity. Again, the goal is professionally
fers to the professor’s research meetings with Canada is still pursuing an extradition rubbed in their faces. That was always produced content against which to
human-rights lawyers, activists and fellow ac- treaty with Beijing, while France and Spain al- a risk they took. And lord knows, deploy Facebook’s copious ad-target-
ademics—all targets of President Xi Jinping’s ready ratified deals. But the reality of China’s plenty of content producers are willing ing information gleaned from its 1.8
harsh crackdown on liberal ideas. The 56-year- legal system is that it remains an assault on and eager to produce content that fits billion users.
old isn’t in prison but remains in limbo in the human rights, and subjects extradited into the the needs of advertisers. You are look- Show us how it’s done, boys. For all
city of Guangzhou, subject to questioning system have no meaningful chance of receiv- ing at one right now. the moaning about cable bills, Ameri-
Not without poetic significance, the cans have been willing to pay them. In
from authorities and clearly unable to speak ing justice. Here’s hoping Australia’s example
YouTube fury was kicked off by a fact, Americans suddenly seem almost
freely about his ordeal. shows Canada the way. newspaper, the Times of London, endlessly willingly to pay for content.
whose investigation found numerous Millions not only fork up for cable but

Yellen’s Labor Forces cases of respected brands showing up

against unacceptable videos. Worse,
for Amazon Prime, HBO, Netflix,
Showtime, etc. They fork up for Spo-

technically a few pennies of the pro- tify’s ad-free music service. To assure
ederal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen set munities and in distressed, white-majority ceeds even flowed to the unacceptable access to all this content, they pay
aside her monetary-policy cap Wednes- towns across the U.S. content’s creator. two broadband bills, one at home and
day to give an interesting talk about the What to do? Ms. Yellen of course led her list Is it me or are certain Google part- one for mobile.
importance of getting the with improving general edu- ners, like newspapers, taking a muf- On top of this, Americans are still
least well-off Americans into The Fed Chair elevates cation, which has faltered, fled delight in this scandal? Print pub-
lishers have long chafed under
keen to pay for content in yet an ad-
ditional way, via their tolerance for
decent jobs. a good cause beyond she modestly noted, “for a
Google’s business model, which con- ads. Sorting out the right ad-sup-
She bluntly cited data on wide variety of reasons that sists of collecting 100% of the revenue ported business models for the future
the people who the economy’s interest rates. are beyond the scope of this from selling ads against content that will be a challenge. Linear TV—the
recovery passed by. From talk.” She emphasized the im- someone else bore 100% of the cost of kind pouring out of your cable box—is
2011 through 2015, unemploy- portance of work, noting the producing. largely doomed, except for sports and
ment in low- and moderate-income communi- long-term benefits of high-school seniors who The parent of Britain’s Guardian news. Or so insists Netflix CEO Reed
ties averaged 13%. worked 20 hours a week. newspaper positively chortled amid its Hastings.
She described the lifetime income dispari- Her speech had other good ideas, but we crocodile tears: “It is completely unac- Facebook, Google and their col-
ties that exist between those with a college ed- were struck by how virtually all of Ms. Yellen’s ceptable that Google allows advertis- leagues presumably are inventing a
ucation and individuals who don’t complete remedies flowed from government institutions. ing for brands like the Guardian to ap- brave new future for the ad-backed
high school. Between 2011 and 2015, the high- Maybe it’s asking too much to think the head pear next to extremist and hate-filled consumer services. Ads would become
videos.” less cluttery. They would be more pre-
school drop-out rate in less well-off communi- of the Federal Reserve would mention public- Noisily marching off too were AT&T cisely targeted, serving both market-
ties was an awful 23.5%. school alternatives, and perhaps she believes and Verizon Wireless, both currently ers and consumers better. In the pro-
Let us note here that one of the indisput- charter schools and vouchers are bad ideas. adapting their business models to cess, incalculable opportunities
able realities pressed home in the 2016 elec- But nonprofits funded by the private sector are compete with the dominant duo in supposedly would be created to dun
tion is that these destructive, downwardly doing strong work. Noting them would have digital advertising, Google (or its par- the masses with valuable new services
mobile pressures exist both in minority com- benefited the Fed Chair’s good cause. ent, Alphabet) and Facebook. The on a free, ad-supported basis.
wireless carriers would do so, notice, Google and Facebook should get on
by giving advertisers professionally with it. That means refraining from ex-
Trump’s Energy Progress produced content to serve as backdrop
for their ads.
cessively censoring their users. It also
means providing advertisers with en-

Confronted with such challenges, forceable guarantees about what type
ne area where President Trump is a 2015 hearing. The Obama Administration
Google and Facebook have long in- of content their ads will appear next
notching early victories is unleashing rolled out these new calculations with no sisted they are tech companies, not to. Neither likes the idea of opening its
American energy, which for years has public comment, and the models surely media companies. They shouldn’t be systems to third-party monitoring.
been held hostage to pro- wouldn’t survive a rigorous held responsible for the content that Maybe that’s the place to start. Also,
gressive climate obsessions. A new executive peer review. users generate. Their role is to enable maybe one or both should think about
On Tuesday Mr. Trump order stops Obama’s Our contributor Paul Tice communication, not censor it. buying and running a newspaper.
signed an executive order to makes an intriguing case
rescind many of the Obama war on fossil fuels. nearby that the Trump Ad-
Administration’s energy di-
rectives, and he deserves
ministration should go fur-
ther to bring regulatory cer-
credit for ending punitive policies that tainty for energy investment. He argues that
Opioids Shouldn’t Be
harmed the economy for no improvement in the EPA should revisit its 2009 “endanger-
global CO2 emissions or temperatures. ment finding,” which blacklisted carbon diox-
A Doctor’s First Resort
The order directs the U.S. Environmental ide as a pollutant. By Marc Siegel Stop program forces physicians to
Protection Agency to review the Clean Power The Trump Administration could update

consult a state-run database before
Plan, which the Supreme Court stayed last this finding, as recent literature has revealed ercocet, my patient announced, writing prescriptions for highly addic-
year in an extraordinary rebuke. The plan es- a pause in rising global temperatures that was the best antidepressant tive drugs. In Maine, a new law estab-
sentially forces states to retire coal plants can’t be explained by carbon reductions. she’d ever had. An orthopedist lishes a prescription-monitoring pro-
early, and the tab could top $1 trillion in lost Meantime, progressives will continue to flog had prescribed her the drug for back gram and limits the amount of opioids
output and 125,000 jobs, according to the the endangerment finding in court as long as pain resulting from a fall. When the that a doctor can prescribe. These are
American Action Forum. Also expected are it exists, and then use it as a pretext for more patient, who suffered from depres- good policies that should be employed
sion, asked for more, I refused, ex- nationwide.
double-digit increases in the price of elec- regulation when a Democrat returns to the
plaining the opioid’s high addictive New Jersey is going after irrespon-
tricity—and a less reliable power grid. All White House. potential. Still, I worried that if I sible physicians, including one who al-
for nothing: A year of U.S. reductions in Another question is whether President didn’t give her a prescription, an- legedly prescribed more than 60,000
2025 would be offset by Chinese emissions Trump will withdraw from the Paris climate other doctor would. oxycodone pills to patients he had
in three weeks, says Rice University’s deal, which would—in theory—force annual Close to 50% of the opioids pre- never met. In Maryland, Gov. Larry
Charles McConnell. U.S. emissions reductions of 26% over 2005 scribed in the U.S. are given out by Hogan declared a state health emer-
The rule also fulfills a campaign promise levels by 2025. That decision is “still under dis- primary-care doctors like me. Our gency after heroin and fentanyl killed
to end Barack Obama’s war on coal. It’s true cussion,” according to a White House official pain training is minimal, yet patients nearly 1,500 residents in the first nine
that market forces are reducing coal’s share who briefed reporters Monday night. frequently ask us to help them man- months of 2016.
of U.S. electric power—to some 30% from Yet the Clean Power Plan would only fulfill age or overcome it. Too many of us President Trump campaigned on a
about 50% a decade ago—thanks mainly to a fraction of the U.S. Paris commitments at jump too quickly to Percocet, Vicodin promise to fight the opioid epidemic,
and codeine, drugs that merely mask and stemming the flow of illegal drugs
fracking for natural gas. Yet Mr. Obama still an exorbitant cost. Not even Mr. Obama’s en-
symptoms instead of treating under- across the southern border could help.
deployed brute government force to bankrupt tire regulatory agenda would have reached lying causes. But a better long-term strategy is to
the coal industry. Mr. Trump is right to end the targets. Already other countries with no Frequently patients suffer from lit- keep people from getting hooked in
that punishment and let the market, not fed- intention of reducing their emissions are de- tle more than muscle spasms, which, the first place.
eral dictates, sort out the right energy mix manding U.S. compliance and threatening while painful, might be better treated Opioid abuse cuts across economic,
for the future. tariffs, so a prompt exit may minimize the with heat, physical therapy, muscle re- social and ideological barriers. It’s nei-
The story is similar on a methane rule that damage. laxants or Advil. Sometimes even ther a Republican issue nor a Demo-
the executive order will begin to roll back. Environmental groups are accusing Mr. proper posture or weight loss will do cratic one. The 21st Century Cures Act,
Total U.S. methane emissions have dropped Trump of “reversing climate progress,” even the trick. These are do-no-harm op- which President Obama signed before
15% since 1990, as Bernard Weinstein of as they call the order “symbolic” because the tions. But doctors may be too rushed leaving office, provides $1 billion to
Southern Methodist University told the regulatory damage to the coal industry— or self-serving to consider them. help states set up prevention and
Patients deserve some of the treatment programs. Medicaid’s addic-
House last fall, even though domestic oil-and- from rules on mercury, ozone, dust—is
blame. Typically, they wait until an tion coverage for the poor should also
gas production has doubled over the past de- mostly irreversible. In any event, Scott appointment is almost over before be preserved, no matter what shape
cade. One reason is that energy companies Pruitt’s EPA can expect lawsuits that may mentioning pain. Savvy physicians the GOP’s health-care reform efforts
have a financial incentive to capture the stuff take years to untangle. should anticipate this. We also need ultimately take.
and sell it. Still, the EPA promulgated expen- The Trump order is a promise in the bank to be better at diagnosing underlying Alicia Reddy, a nurse known as the
sive new emissions targets, equipment rules for the voters who elected the President be- problems correctly and having a list “addiction angel” of Staten Island, N.Y.,
and more. cause he promised to focus on jobs and rev- of initial treatments (not including says that addiction is a family illness.
The order also dumps the “social cost of ving up the economy. It’s also a welcome re- opioids) at the ready. “In most cases,” she explains, “the fam-
carbon,” which is a tool the Obama Adminis- turn to regulatory modesty: One of the more Some 100 million Americans suffer ily is as sick, if not sicker than the ad-
tration employed to junk mandatory cost- outrageous aspects of the Obama anticar- from chronic pain, according to the In- dict himself.” Friends and relatives of-
stitute of Medicine. Doctors use this es- ten need to “learn the difference
benefit analyses for regulations. bon agenda is that agencies rammed
timate to justify a quick opioid pre- between helping and hurting.”
For example: An EPA power-plant rule through what Congress refused to pass in scription. But four out of five heroin Sadly, physicians like me need to
predicted net benefits from $26 billion to legislation. abusers started with prescription pain- learn to do the same.
$46 billion, but as much as 65% of that de- As for climate change, President Trump’s killers. Only 27% of those taking opioids
rived from guesswork about the positives order will have the same practical effect on are using their own prescriptions. Dr. Siegel is a professor of medicine
of reducing carbon, as Bracewell & Giu- rising temperatures as the Clean Power Plan: Attempts to clamp down on abuse at NYU Langone Medical Center and a
liani’s Scott Segal explained to Congress at none. vary from state to state. New York’s I- medical correspondent for Fox News.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | A11


Trump’s Next Step on Climate Change

By Paul H. Tice These actions are a good start, ment officials seeking to sue the ad-

but all they do is reverse many of ministration for any actions related
he executive orders on cli- the executive orders President to climate change, including this
mate change President Obama signed late in his second week’s executive orders.
Trump signed this week term. While easy to implement and Issuing a new endangerment find-
represent a step in the theatrical to stage, such measures ing would be a bold move requiring
right direction for U.S. en- are largely superficial and may thorough work, but the Trump EPA
ergy policy and, importantly, deliver prove as temporary as the decrees would be well within its legal rights
on Mr. Trump’s campaign promise to they rescind. to undertake such an updated review
roll back burdensome regulations af- Because they don’t attack the cli- process. In Massachusetts v. EPA
fecting American companies. But it mate-change regulatory problem at (2007), the Supreme Court ruled
will take more than the stroke of a its root, Mr. Trump’s orders won’t that the Clean Air Act gives the EPA
pen to make lasting progress and re- provide enough clarity to U.S. energy the authority, but not the obligation,
verse the momentum of the climate- companies—particularly electric util- to regulate carbon dioxide and other
change movement. ities and coal-mining companies—for greenhouse gases. The EPA needs to
On Tuesday, in a series of orders, their long-term business forecasting “ground its reasons for action or in-
Mr. Trump instructed the U.S. Envi- or short-term capital investment and action” with “reasoned judgment”
ronmental Protection Agency to re- head-count planning. and scientific analysis.

work its Clean Power Plan, which To accomplish that, the Trump Addressing the 2009 endanger-
administration, led by EPA Adminis- ment finding head-on would show
trator Scott Pruitt, needs to target Signing an executive order eliminating climate-change regulations on Tuesday. that Mr. Trump is serious about chal-
Reconsider the EPA’s the EPA’s 2009 “endangerment find- lenging climate-change orthodoxy.
ing,” which labeled carbon dioxide properly peer-reviewed as federal “pause” was subsequently eliminated Thus far he has sent a mixed message,
labeling of carbon dioxide as a pollutant. That foundational law requires. through the downward manipulation as demonstrated by this week’s am-
as a pollutant, based on ruling provided the legal underpin- With the benefit of hindsight—in- of historical temperature data, this bivalence on CPP (reworking rather
nings for all of the EPA’s follow-on cluding more than a decade of ac- latest IPCC assessment calls into than repealing) and his administra-
now-outdated science. carbon regulations, including the tual-versus-modeled data, plus the question both the predictive power tion’s silence on U.S. participation in
CPP. insights into the insular climate- and input-data quality of most global the U.N.’s 2015 Paris Agreement.
It also provided the rationale for science community gleaned from the climate models, and further high- Simply standing down on regula-
would restrict carbon emissions from the previous administration’s anti- University of East Anglia Climate- lights the scientific uncertainty sur- tory enforcement, cutting govern-
existing power plants, mainly coal- fossil-fuel agenda and its various cli- gate email disclosures—there would rounding the basic premise of an- ment funding for climate-change re-
fired ones. Last year the U.S. Supreme mate-change initiatives and pro- seem to be strong grounds now to thropogenic climate change. search and stopping data collection
Court stayed enforcement of the CPP grams, which spanned more than a reconsider the EPA’s 2009 decision An updated EPA endangerment for the next four years will not suf-
pending judicial review. dozen federal agencies and cost the and issue a new finding. finding based on an objective review fice. Ignoring the EPA’s 2009 endan-
Mr. Trump also directed the Inte- American taxpayer roughly $20 bil- In 2013, the IPCC issued a more of the latest available scientific data germent finding would mean that it
rior Department to lift its current lion to $25 billion a year during Mr. circumspect Fifth Assessment Re- is warranted, along with a more so- is only a matter of time before an-
moratorium on federal coal leasing Obama’s presidency. port, which noted a hiatus in global ber discussion of the threat posed other liberal-minded occupant of the
and loosen restrictions on oil and The endangerment finding was warming since 1998 and a break- by carbon dioxide and other green- White House reasserts this regula-
gas development (including methane the product of a rush to judgment. down in correlation between the house gases to the “public health tory power, bringing the country
flaring) on federal lands. And he in- Much of the scientific data upon world’s average surface tempera- and welfare of current and future and the domestic energy sector back
structed all government agencies to which it was predicated—chiefly, tures and atmospheric carbon diox- generations,” in the words of the where Mr. Obama left them.
stop factoring climate change into the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report ide levels, causing the U.N. body to original endangerment finding.
the environmental-review process of the United Nations’ Intergovern- revise down its 2007 projections for As long as the 2009 finding re- Mr. Tice is an executive-in-resi-
for federal projects. The federal gov- mental Panel on Climate Change— the rate of planetary warming over mains on the books, it will provide dence at New York University’s Stern
ernment will recalculate the “social was already dated by the time of the first half of the 21st century. legal ammunition for environmental- School of Business and a former
cost of carbon.” its publication and arguably not Although this initially reported ists, academics and state govern- Wall Street energy research analyst.

How Trump Can Break the Washington Gridlock

Donald Trump with just Republicans. It doesn’t a minority faction of Republicans work; not enough of them will break tion to continue government funding
wasn’t elected to work like that in our country. We are who will accept nothing less than ranks to change the dynamic. beyond its current expiration date of
perpetuate the ideo- not a parliamentary system.” policy purity—as they define it. This In today’s polarized climate, real bi- April 28.
logically driven grid- Sen. Lindsey Graham, speaking is the inevitable consequence of try- partisanship needs to make it impossi- On Feb. 8, all 36 Problem Solvers
lock of the past six Saturday at a town hall in Columbia, ing to legislate with the votes of ble for the most intransigent forces to sent President Trump a letter re-
years. But his deci- S.C., said that what should happen only one party. But there are signs veto potential agreements. This means questing a meeting to discuss where
POLITICS sion to pursue a next is that “the president should building coalitions from the center they could work together with his
one-party approach reach out to Democrats, I should out, beginning with the forces in both administration. The signatories
By William
on health care reach out to Democrats, and we The answer is to get parties that do not reject the very le- pointed out that “the most conse-
threatened to do just should say ‘Let’s get a shot at doing gitimacy of compromise. quential and long-lasting reforms are
A. Galston
that. Now that this this together, because it ain’t work- both sides together If the White House gets serious usually bipartisan, from the passage
approach has failed, ing doing it by ourselves.’ ” from the outset of the about this approach, it won’t need to of Social Security and Medicare to
Mr. Trump has an opportunity to be- Maine’s Sen. Susan Collins ex- start from scratch. Thirty-six repre- the last time comprehensive tax re-
gin again with a more inclusive strat- pressed optimism about this strat- legislative process. sentatives, evenly balanced between form in 1986 was achieved.”
egy, as many members of his own egy: “With the demise of the House Democrats and Republicans, have They declared their willingness to
party are urging. bill, there’s a real window of oppor- formed the independent Problem begin working immediately with the
Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent, a tunity for a bipartisan approach to that the White House is contemplat- Solvers Caucus, co-chaired by New White House on tax reform and in-
leader of the center-right Republican health care.” ing a course correction. “This presi- Jersey Democrat Josh Gottheimer frastructure legislation. “Addressing
Tuesday Group, told NBC on Sunday Why didn’t the House Freedom dent is not going to be a partisan and New York Republican Tom Reed. either issue on a broad bipartisan
that “in order to reform health care Caucus support the GOP health bill? president,” Chief of Staff Reince (Full disclosure: I am a co-founder of basis,” they said, could “give a signif-
in this country, we are going to have “I have no idea,” Mick Mulvaney, Priebus told Fox News. “It’s time to No Labels, a bipartisan group that icant boost to our economy and pro-
to do it in a durable, sustainable way President Trump’s budget director, potentially get a few moderate Dem- some years ago set in motion the vide Americans with confidence that
and in a bipartisan manner.” told NBC on Sunday. “I know the ocrats on board.” process that led eventually to the government can work for them.” As
Ohio’s Gov. John Kasich declared Freedom Caucus. I helped found it. I It isn’t clear, however, that Mr. formation of this caucus.) Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.), a
the same day on CNN that “you can- never thought it would come to this.” Priebus understands the implications Many of these elected officials member of the Problem Solvers, re-
not have major changes in major Mr. Mulvaney must have slept of his statement. Real bipartisanship have been working together across cently said: “I think that’s going to
programs affecting things like health through the events that culminated means getting the parties together party lines for years and can boast have to be the new coalition.”
care without including Democrats in John Boehner’s resignation. around a table at the beginning of some modest legislative successes. If Mr. Trump wants a strategy
from the very beginning.” Mr. Kasich The question now is whether the the legislative process. Asking Demo- Now they are developing common that can break the gridlock and pro-
placed this point in a broader con- Trump administration will allow its crats to sign on to bills that Republi- approaches to many of the forthcom- mote the common good, he knows
text: “The Republicans tried to do it entire agenda to be held hostage by cans have already drafted won’t ing issues, beginning with the resolu- where he can start.

Can Bias Against Asians Be a ‘Trade Secret’?

Shortly after the U.S. double standards than are the gen- groups that really have less and less of any wrongdoing. Mr. Blum’s organ- institution that claims race is not a
Supreme Court’s eral public—even those who suppos- meaning in our multiracial and multi- ization represents a group of Asian determining factor in who is admit-
dispiriting decision edly benefit from race-based affirma- ethnic society.” plaintiffs who are suing Harvard Uni- ted. Mr. Blum suspects that Princeton
last year in Fisher v. tive action. In 2006 Jian Li filed a complaint versity over its admissions policies. engages in similar shenanigans, but
University of Texas, But the Gallup poll also illustrates with the Education Department’s Of- The judge in that case has ordered the school has been pressuring the
which upheld the use how America’s discussion of racial fice of Civil Rights after he was denied Education Department to deny him
of racial preferences preferences in higher education has admission to Princeton University. Mr. the information that he requested
MOBILITY in college admis- become so dated. Nowhere men- Li, who emigrated from China at age Princeton sues to block more than a year ago.
sions, Gallup re- tioned in the survey—and only glanc- 4, had a perfect score on the SAT and Concerned that the government
By Jason L.
leased some encour- ingly referred to in the Fisher major- graduated in the top 1% of his high- the government’s release was finally going to fulfill the FOIA re-
aging poll results. ity opinion written by Justice school class. He alleged that Princeton of documents that could quest, Princeton sued the Education
More than six out of Anthony Kennedy—are Asian-Ameri- violated civil-rights laws banning dis- Department on March 17 to block the
10 white, black and Hispanic respon- cans, though they are the country’s crimination on the basis of race, color show discrimination. release of the admissions documents.
dents said they disagreed with the fastest-growing racial group and have and national origin. The suit argues that the material be-
ruling. And seven in 10 people—in- become increasingly fed up with their The complaint was initially re- ing sought is exempt from FOIA, a
cluding 76% of whites, 61% of Hispan- treatment at elite colleges. jected, but Mr. Li appealed and the Harvard to turn over six years of ad- claim that the government has re-
ics and 50% of blacks—said colleges “The old paradigm of affirmative government reopened the investiga- missions records, and Mr. Blum sus- jected. The school also maintains that
should admit applicants based “solely action being about white versus black tion in 2008. Seven years later, in pects that the data will show that releasing the data would compromise
on merit.” has been completely upended,” says 2015, the Obama administration, Harvard is unlawfully capping Asian student privacy, and it likened its ad-
Of course, the Supreme Court’s job Edward Blum of Students for Fair Ad- which strongly supported the use of enrollment. missions process to “trade secrets”
is to interpret the commands of the missions, a group that opposes racial racial preferences in college admis- America’s Asian population has ex- that, if exposed, would put Princeton
Constitution, not opinion surveys. preferences. “California, Arizona, sions and obviously took its sweet ploded in recent decades, and Asian at a competitive disadvantage in at-
Still, the polling results are a re- Texas, Florida—these are states that time reviewing Mr. Li’s case, issued a attendance at highly selective schools tracting students.
minder that the courts and the col- are becoming majority-minority, mul- report exonerating Princeton. with colorblind admissions, such the Don’t believe it. Admissions offi-
lege administrators who cheered the tiracial, multiethnic. We’re compet- Last year Mr. Blum’s organization California Institute of Technology cers switch schools all the time, pre-
ruling are much bigger fans of racial ing as different racial and ethnic filed a public records Freedom of In- and the University of California, sumably taking knowledge of admis-
formation Act request with the Edu- Berkeley, reflects this demographic sions procedures with them, and the
cation Department to gain access to trend. At Harvard, however, the per- criteria used by elite institutions to
the same documents that the federal centage of Asian undergrads has re- evaluate applicants is not the equiva-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY government used to clear Princeton mained remarkably consistent for an lent of an iPhone patent.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson Nor is student privacy an issue
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp since names, addresses and other per-

Notable & Quotable: Tax Cuts

Gerard Baker William Lewis sonal information can be redacted. Mr.
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher Blum’s organization simply wants the
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: number of Asians who have applied to
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; From James Freeman’s Best of the Washington’s Joint Committee on Princeton, their SAT scores and grade-
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Web, WSJ.com, March 27: Taxation and Congressional Budget point averages, and other information
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President Office. U.S. workers—and those who that the school used to analyze appli-
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: There will be many opportunities would like to find work—need the cants academically.
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; for bipartisanship and Republicans economy to grow faster than the me- What really concerns Princeton is a
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; should seize them whenever sensi- diocre pace of the Obama era. . . . potential discrimination lawsuit. What
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; ble. But Republicans should first Across-the-board cuts for individ- ought to concern the rest of us is the
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; agree among themselves to stop uals and a big cut in the corporate apparent determination of elite col-
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International playing by Washington budget rules rate are reforms to which the Free- leges to punish Asian students for their
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: that were largely written by Demo- dom Caucus won’t object. Such a academic success. Asians have long
Almar Latour, Publisher; crats and were created in part to program is bound to spoil the cele- been the forgotten victims of liberal af-
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: prevent tax cuts. bratory mood at DNC headquarters, firmative-action schemes, subject to
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; This means that House Republi- but a big tax cut will turn frowns up- unwritten “just for Asian” admissions
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head cans should abandon the idea that side down for a broad swath of the standards that recall the treatment of
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: their pending tax relief effort must electorate, and begin the growth Jews in the first half of the 20th cen-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 be “revenue-neutral” according to break-out that investors have been tury. Princeton wants them to shut up
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
the chronically flawed projections of hoping for since Election Night. about it. Let’s hope they don’t.
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A12 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Though a couple decades off, his
prediction proved prescient. In the
1970s classical artists and academi-
cians like Gunther Schuller and
Joshua Rifkin rediscovered his mu-
sic. Mr. Rifkin’s disc for Nonesuch
became the classical label’s first mil-
lion-seller. Director George Roy Hill
used his music in 1973 for the film
“The Sting,” propelling Joplin’s rag
“The Entertainer” to No. 3 on Bill-
board’s “Hot 100” chart. He received
a posthumous Pulitzer Prize in 1976.

Interest in Joplin is still robust.

The latest entry in Joplin’s catalog
is the four-disc set of all of his piano
music by pianist William Appling
that was recorded shortly before his
death in 2008 and will be released
Saturday (available from William
Appling Singers & Orchestra). Mr.
Appling was a sensitive artist, ever
Clockwise from far left: sheet mindful of Joplin’s admonition, “It is
music for ‘The Entertainer’; never right to play ragtime fast.”
Scott Joplin, c. 1903; sheet Joplin demanded that his music be
music for ‘Maple Leaf Rag’; a treated not in the usual slapdash
scene from ‘The Sting’ way, but with proper attention, re-
spect and charm. Mr. Appling’s pre-
vious focus on
early American
hymns and
forms these in-

Hail the King of Ragtime

which are
heartfelt, often
delicate, and
filled with sub-
tle rhythmic
A new album of all Scott Joplin’s piano music reminds us of his genius shadings.
And having
BY STUART ISACOFF light parlors that lined the town’s fectly suited Joplin’s natural inclina- all of Joplin’s
main streets. The musical coin of tions. While absorbing the jazzy rags in one
the realm was ragtime, a style that rhythms from his surroundings, he place allows us
APRIL 1 MARKS THE centenary of borrowed its structure from the inherited a love of both classical to feast on the
the death of Scott Joplin (1867 or March, Polka and Schottische, with music and opera from a German- variety: We
1868-1917), the “King of Ragtime,” 16-bar strains and an “oompah” Jewish immigrant named Julius marvel at
and to mark the occasion there’s a bass, but highlighted syncopa- Weiss who gave him free lessons. It a standout from the beginning, pieces like “Scott Joplin’s New
new recording of his complete piano tion—the “weird and intoxicating” lent his music a rare lyricism. Stud- and when “Maple Leaf Rag” (1899) Rag,” with themes in minor keys,
music by William Appling that re- effect, in Joplin’s words, that hap- ies followed at Sedalia’s George R. appeared, the public caught on. touched by the sounds the com-
minds us of Joplin’s genius. As one pens when the normal pattern of Smith College, established for the The piece eventually sold half a poser surely heard in New York’s
of many brilliant talents who strong and weak beats in a piece is education of black students. Along million copies. Yiddish Theater district, and “Great
emerged from the country’s under- disrupted by means of an errant the way he formed and toured with But the pianist had even higher Crush Collision March,” with dense
class as the 20th century was just accent. In classical music, that a vocal quartet, and played cornet aspirations. He composed two op- dissonances commemorating the
getting under way, he shepherded topsy-turvy device is often used as as well as piano (notably leading a eras, yet couldn’t manage to suc- purposeful head-on collision of two
an American musical genre to new a way of toying with expectations band at the 1893 Chicago World’s cessfully stage them, facing seri- trains north of Waco, Texas in
heights of sophistication. Despite his and temporarily heightening ten- Fair). He was a serious, studied mu- ous financial losses in the attempt. 1896. On the 100th anniversary of
life’s string of successes, in death he sion; in popular music, it settles in sician and it showed. Sadly for him, by the 1920s, rag- his death, it’s good to report that
resided in a pauper’s grave that re- as a jittery permanent condition. Joplin’s affinity for combining time was becoming old hat, re- Scott Joplin is very much alive.
mained unmarked for 57 years. Yet ragtime was far more genteel folk sounds and European art mu- placed by new styles like “Novelty
This son of a former slave, born than the “hot” music that soon blos- sic is apparent in much of his out- Piano,” with virtuosic, intricate
near Texarkana, Texas, was raised somed in New Orleans, Chicago and put. Even his earliest works, like figurations and peppier rhythms. Mr. Isacoff, who writes on classical
in Sedalia, Mo., where encounters New York—it was not rowdy but “Original Rags” (1897), have both At his lowest point he died of music for the Journal, is the author
with a beat-up old piano obtained charming, bouncy yet refined, and contrapuntal gestures like contrary syphilis, in the mental ward of a of “When the World Stopped to
by his parents led him early on to ever graceful as it sabotaged the motion—a classic technique of New York hospital. But not before Listen: Van Cliburn’s Cold War
pursue musical opportunities in metrical foundations of its senti- having the hands move in opposite he predicted that he would be rec- Triumph and Its Aftermath,” out
the saloons, dance halls and red- mental ditties. This approach per- directions—and blues licks. He was ognized 25 years after his death. this April from Alfred A. Knopf.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 69 “Bullets Over 26 15-year-old
-10 Broadway” Oscar player
-5 13 14 15
winner 28 The buck stops
0 16 17 18
70 Tick’s kin here
10 19 20 21 Down 32 Show indecision
Tokyo 15
22 23 24 25 26 1 Contemptuous 34 Gilbert of “The
h gh 20 snort
25 27 28 29 30
h Taipei
T p 30
2 Metallurgist’s 37 Summoned the
Kolkata specimen
h 35 31 32 33 34 butler
Hong Kong
Hanoi 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 One might do 39 Japanese glaze
k k Manila
Warm some banking
42 43 44 45 40 Designer Jacobs
Cold 4 Hindu
la LLumpur
46 47 48 49 50 51 embodiment of 41 Dunvegan Castle
Stationary setting
g p chivalry
52 53 54 55
Showers 5 Florentine poet 43 Poker night
56 57 58 declaration
Rain 6 Brand with a bull
59 60 61 62 63 64 mascot 45 “Dawson’s Creek”
T-storms network
65 66 67 7 Camp accessory
46 Speculative
Snow 8 198 inches question
68 69 70
yd y Flurries 9 Italy’s backbone 47 Oxygen-
Ice LEADING LADIES | By Dan Fisher 10 “Parade de dependent
Cirque” painter bacterium
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 24 Cave roundup 52 A silvery color
11 Be sympathetic 48 Felt in the dark
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Game hunter’s activity? (or red, in a
Geneva 20 6 s 20 7 pc Ottawa 5 -2 pc 3 -2 c whodunit)? 50 Ratio separators
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice Hanoi 27 22 pc 23 18 t Paris 22 11 pc 19 9 t quarry 27 Fuming 12 Menacing words
Havana 30 16 s 30 18 s Philadelphia 13 5 s 11 7 r 5 Messing with 55 Sculpting 15 Thoroughly 53 Shows its age,
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 25 21 c 24 16 t Phoenix 31 15 s 22 11 s 29 Copper cousin
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W an Emmy medium defeat in a way
Honolulu 29 23 sh 29 23 pc Pittsburgh 13 9 c 16 8 r 30 Ball-bearing
Amsterdam 20 11 pc 21 9 pc Houston 26 14 pc 30 18 s Port-au-Prince 33 21 s 33 21 s 10 Smash letters 56 In the vicinity 17 Phoenix setting 54 The Muses, e.g.
Anchorage 6 5 r 10 4 c Istanbul 18 8 s 12 6 c Portland, Ore. 13 4 c 14 5 pc
Athens 20 13 pc 18 10 t Jakarta 32 25 pc 31 24 pc Rio de Janeiro 27 21 pc 27 20 r 13 Piece for 57 Humble 21 “Heavens!” 58 Shuttle’s spot
31 Go “poof!”
Atlanta 27 16 c 23 12 t Johannesburg 28 10 s 30 11 s Riyadh 31 21 t 33 20 pc Placido 61 Peyton’s
Baghdad 28 15 pc 26 15 pc Kansas City 11 4 r 12 5 c Rome 21 7 s 20 8 s 33 Koi containers 59 At the very 22 Brawny
Baltimore 12 5 pc 13 10 r Las Vegas 26 11 pc 22 15 pc Salt Lake City 15 3 r 13 5 c 14 You might be most competitor brother
Bangkok 34 26 pc 34 26 pc Lima 27 22 pc 27 22 pc San Diego 21 15 s 20 12 pc thrown for it 35 Second child
60 Group of 23 Many a Yemeni 62 Future school
Beijing 17 5 pc 17 5 s London 19 11 pc 17 9 t San Francisco 19 11 pc 20 12 s 36 Destroy over
Berlin 15 9 pc 21 10 pc Los Angeles 25 12 s 23 11 s San Juan 27 23 s 28 22 s 15 Game hunter’s commissioners 63 Piper’s follower
Bogota 19 11 r 18 10 sh Madrid 23 9 pc 19 6 pc Santiago 25 8 s 26 9 s quarry time 25 It’s taken into
overseeing account 64 Salon stock
Boise 8 2 r 15 2 s Manila 34 25 pc 35 26 c Santo Domingo 31 20 s 31 20 s 38 Bill producers Everglades
Boston 9 1 pc 4 2 c Melbourne 17 11 pc 17 10 pc Sao Paulo 23 15 pc 22 15 pc 16 Like Jerry’s
Brussels 21 11 pc 20 9 pc Mexico City 27 12 pc 28 10 s Seattle 12 5 sh 13 8 pc “Hello, Dolly!” 42 Succotash avians? Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 27 19 pc 27 17 s Miami 29 22 s 30 20 pc Seoul 15 4 pc 15 4 pc songs? beans
Cairo 27 16 s 26 16 s Milan 23 9 s 22 9 pc Shanghai 14 8 sh 15 7 c
65 Skeptical M
Calgary 11 -2 pc 13 -1 c Minneapolis 9 0 c 12 -1 pc Singapore 31 25 pc 31 25 pc 18 Dominion 44 Sign of a bad utterance C H A
Stockholm 6 2 r 8 2 r A D A
Caracas 31 25 pc 31 25 pc Monterrey 31 15 s 35 13 s
19 Cut counterpart window washer 66 No longer with L OW C A R B D I E T
Charlotte 20 14 c 23 11 t Montreal 6 -2 s 5 -1 r Sydney 24 16 r 21 16 pc P E E WE E S Q U I R E S
Chicago 8 4 r 7 2 r Moscow 0 -8 pc 3 -4 sf Taipei 26 19 pc 27 14 r 46 Funny fellow the company?
20 Like brain C O L D A R M M I D S T
Dallas 23 12 pc 30 15 s Mumbai 33 27 pc 34 27 pc Tehran 19 11 pc 22 10 s O L E C R A B D I P R A E
Denver 18 2 pc 7 -2 sh Nashville 25 11 t 20 8 c Tel Aviv 25 14 pc 22 13 s activity 49 Frenzied 67 Sanction M A C R O A I R G U L P
Detroit 6 5 r 13 3 r New Delhi 39 23 pc 39 22 pc Tokyo 16 9 pc 12 6 c 22 Kilmer of 51 Uncle to George 68 Racketeers’ B R O B D I N G N A G
Dubai 30 23 s 31 24 s New Orleans 25 15 t 27 16 s Toronto 4 0 sn 5 1 r C E O I O N E C R E D O
Dublin 14 9 t 13 6 t New York City 12 4 s 7 3 r Vancouver 11 4 s 11 6 c
“Willow” and Charlotte nemeses H A D O N B E A D Y E Y E S
Edinburgh 15 8 r 15 6 sh Omaha 8 1 r 12 2 c Washington, D.C. 13 7 pc 15 10 r I R E N E I D L E E R A S
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles.

Zurich 21 4 pc 21 6 pc A S S E S N Y E T L E N O
Frankfurt 21 9 pc 23 9 pc Orlando 33 19 pc 30 16 t


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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | B1

Yen vs. Dollar 111.0940 g 0.04% Hang Seng 24392.05 À 0.19% Gold 1252.20 g 0.25% WTI crude 49.30 À 1.92% 10-Year JGB yield 0.055% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.388%

Samsung Looks to Restore Trust Chinese

Phone maker unveils
new flagship device
Smaller Share
The Galaxy S8 is the com-
pany’s most closely watched
January that the root cause of
the overheating could be
product launch in years. “If
after brand took hit
from Galaxy Note 7
Samsung's mobile division share
of total company profits
the product is really good, it
will help bring back the loyalty
and trust in the Galaxy brand,”
traced to battery manufactur-
ing problems and design flaws.
To avoid a repeat mistake,
Samsung adopted an eight-
4Q 2016
said Samsung’s mobile chief,
D.J. Koh, in a meeting with
The Wall Street Journal at the
point quality plan and added
other safety measures for the
Galaxy S8. The device, in a
NEW YORK—Samsung Elec- Galaxy S8 launch event. break with previous launches,


tronics Co. unveiled a new The company plans to an- doesn’t feature a more power- BY NEWLEY PURNELL
flagship smartphone on nounce the smartphone’s price ful battery. But Samsung em-
Wednesday, its first launch in soon. It will hit shelves on ployed cutting-edge 10-nano- As the U.S.’s top technology
the wake of product-safety is- April 21. meter chips that take up less brands ramp up operations in
sues that beset the South Ko- Samsung will lean heavily space and work the battery India, they are running into
rean technology giant last year. 20 on a new virtual assistant, less strenuously. unexpected resistance: their
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is similar to Apple Inc.’s Siri, “It could have happened to Chinese equivalents stepping
longer and slimmer than prior called Bixby, that uses artifi- anybody,” Mr. Koh said, refer- in to bolster their Indian rivals
premium models. Its screen cial intelligence to field com- ring to the Galaxy Note 7 epi- with billions of dollars in in-
now extends to the device’s plex tasks. The feature, which sode. Samsung’s investigation vestments and expertise.
top and bottom edge, and it 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 is turned on with a button on into the device’s battery In recent years, Ama-
has no physical home button. Source: the company the side of the phone, can problems allowed the com- zon.com Inc., Facebook Inc.,
Unlocking is now done THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Samsung’s Galaxy S8 complete multiple tasks with a pany to obtain “tremendous Uber Technologies Inc. and
through a touch-screen home single voice command, such as data that we believe will be others have announced ambi-
button, full-face recognition or est smartphone maker, needs a to catch fire. The incident locating a nearby steakhouse important for all our prod- tious plans and rapid rollouts
a fingerprint scanner on the controversy-free rollout fol- caused a dip in customer loy- and hailing a taxi. ucts,” he said. in India, calling it one of the
back of the device. An ear- lowing last year’s recall of Gal- alty and trust, bruising Sam- Samsung’s monthslong in- last great untapped internet
phone jack is included. axy Note 7 devices, after faulty sung’s chic brand and costing vestigation into the Galaxy  Samsung goes to greater economies.
Samsung, the world’s larg- batteries caused some devices the company $5 billion. Note 7 debacle concluded in lengths to impress.................. B4 The U.S companies plan to
use their war chests to domi-
nate India’s market of more

Tencent than 1.2 billion people, most of

whom are just now connecting
to the internet. The companies

Makes It have been able to use their

capital to capture significant
market share, but local start-

Harder to ups have put up a good fight,

challenging the U.S. giants
thanks to help from China.

Short Tesla More U.S. tech companies

are pouring money into their
Indian subsidiaries, expanding
BY CHARLEY GRANT their offerings directly into
AND SPENCER JAKAB the market as it starts to ma-
ture, and largely without the
A $1.8 billion investment regulatory challenges found in
in Tesla Inc. isn’t chump China. Amazon is investing $5
change, even for one of billion in its operations in In-

China’s most valuable com- dia, while Uber is putting over

panies, Tencent Holdings. $1 billion into the country. In-
But what does it mean for dia is Facebook’s second-big-
the electric-car pioneer? gest market in terms of users,
If one takes the view that after the U.S., and more peo-
the market is generally right, ple use its WhatsApp messag-
then seeing ing platform in the country
HEARD ON the money- than anywhere else.
THE STREET losing com- But joining the battle for
pany’s value India’s internet newcomers are
briefly pass China’s tech titans—including
that of 113-year-old Ford Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
Motor, the world’s fifth-larg- Emirati company NIMR Automotive produces armored vehicles and is looking to export to both Eastern European and Asian markets. (e-commerce), Tencent Hold-
est auto maker, suggests it ings Ltd. (social networking)

Arab States Cultivate Arms Firms

opens up vast new possibili- and Didi Chuxing Technology
ties for Tesla. Cynics, on the Co. (ride-hailing)—all of which
other hand, see a star-struck are providing muscle to their
Asian company pouring cash Indian counterparts.
into a late-stage American Wealthy Gulf Arab states 2015, Saudi Arabia military ex- Alibaba this month led a
bubble as so many others have a warning for Western Big Spenders penditures totaled around $87.2 $200 million round of fund-
have before it. suppliers of military equip- Countries with the world’s largest military expenditures in 2015. billion, according to research raising into a new e-commerce
As with Elon Musk’s busi- ment: If they want business, firm Stockholm International arm of Indian mobile-pay-
ness ventures themselves, they have to transfer technical U.S. Peace Research Institute. ments and online-shopping
the gulf between hype and knowledge to local companies China “We spend more than Britain, startup Paytm. That followed
reality is enormous. The that are part of a rising, and France, and don’t have in- its 2015 investment, with its
Saudi Arabia
truth lies somewhere in be- homegrown defense sector. dustry. We have a strong de- financial-services affiliate Zhe-
tween, but probably toward Russia mand that we should meet in- jiang Ant Small & Micro Finan-
the less exciting end of the By Margherita U.K. side Saudi Arabia,” Saudi cial Services Group, of more
spectrum. Stancati in Riyadh and India Arabia’s defense minister, Dep- than $500 million for a 40%
Tencent’s investment cer- Nicolas Parasie in uty Crown Prince Mohammed stake in One97 Communica-
tainly shouldn’t be dismissed Dubai bin Salman, said in a televised tions Ltd., Paytm’s parent
as the company simply trying Japan interview last year. company.
to be one of China’s cool kids. Saudi Arabia and the United Germany The prince added that, under “India is an important
Rivals Baidu and Alibaba also Arab Emirates, with troops South Korea new official policies, the Saudi emerging market with great
have invested in autonomous- fighting in neighboring Yemen government would agree to de- potential,” said an Alibaba
$0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600
vehicle ventures back home. and participating in allied air- fense deals with foreign provid- spokesman.
Military expenditures, in billions
Given the rapid convergence strikes against Islamic State, al- ers “only if they are linked to lo- Chinese interest in Indian
between various technologies, ready have some of the region’s Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cal industry.” startups has shot up just as
the notion that a Chinese per- most advanced forces. But they That message is trickling U.S. investment has waned. In
son may one day use Tencent’s are limited in their ability to they see defense as a sector that money it allots for military down. AM General, the South 2015 and 2016, Chinese tech
WeChat app to order an au- maintain and repair sophisti- can help diversify their oil- equipment to go to local firms Bend, Ind.-based maker of the companies invested a total of
tonomous electric taxi from cated military equipment let based economies. by 2030, up from 2% today. Humvee, said in February it was $3.2 billion in Indian startups,
Please see HEARD page B2 alone manufacture it. The Saudi government, the Even if the kingdom only starting to export commercial more than twice the $1.4 bil-
The rulers want to become world’s No. 3 defense spender partly achieves its goal, the im- chassis abroad. That allows cus- lion invested in Indian start-
 Heard: Tencent hits a speed less dependent on the U.S. and after the U.S. and China, last pact will reverberate through tomers, including partners in ups by U.S. companies during
bump with Tesla .................... B8 other Western countries, and year said it wants half the the global defense industry. In Please see GULF page B2 those years, according to AVCJ
Research in Hong Kong.
An Amazon spokeswoman

EU Blocks Merger of German and British Exchanges declined to comment on how

Chinese investments have
changed the playing field in
India, but said the company
BRUSSELS—The European exchanges had agreed to continue to explore potential has made rapid strides in the
Union formally blocked the merge last March with the deals in the sector. country and is “committed to
proposed tie-up between aim of creating Europe’s big- Deutsche Börse supervisory long-term investment” in e-
Deutsche Börse AG and Lon- gest stock-exchange operator board Chairman Joachim commerce infrastructure and
don Stock Exchange Group and one that could better Faber also said he regretted technology in India.
PLC, primarily because of con- challenge rivals in the U.S. the commission’s decision, Please see INDIA page B4
cerns the merger would effec- and Asia. adding it was “a setback for
tively create a monopoly in “We could not approve this Europe…and the bridge be-
the clearing of fixed-income
trading in Europe.
merger on the terms which the
two companies proposed,”
tween continental Europe and
Great Britain.” INSIDE

said EU antitrust chief Mar- The EU’s decision now

By Natalia Drozdiak grethe Vestager. forces the companies to switch
in Brussels and Ben The EU’s decision came on tack and look for ways to drive
Dummett in London the day the U.K. government earnings higher independently
officially notified Brussels without the hundreds of mil-
The decision on Wednesday that it would break away from lions of dollars in cost savings
to block the $28 billion deal the bloc. Brexit wasn’t a fac- and additional revenue that
had been expected after the tor in the antitrust review by the proposed tie-up was
LSE in late February rejected the EU, but it was seen as a meant to deliver.
demands by the European potential hurdle in Germany, The proposed LSE-Deutsche Börse tie-up sparked monopoly fears. The companies proceeded
Commission, the bloc’s anti-
trust authority, to sell its
where the deal still needed
regulatory approval and faced said it plans to buy back £200 Börse proceeded as planned.”
with their plans despite the
U.K.’s vote to quit the EU last
stake in Italian trading plat- pushback over plans to base million ($249 million) of its The British exchange said it summer. On Wednesday, the TACK SHIFTS
form MTS SpA, a solution that
would have addressed the EU’s
the joint company’s headquar-
ters in London.
shares, an amount the LSE
said is “broadly equivalent to
regrets the commission’s deci-
sion, but that it was confident
U.K. government triggered Ar-
ticle 50 of the Lisbon Treaty,
main concerns. After the EU’s announce- the return it would have made in its prospects as a stand- the formal mechanism to with-
The German and British ment on Wednesday, the LSE had the merger with Deutsche alone entity and that it would Please see MERGER page B2 FINANCE & MARKETS, B7
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B2 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Fairfield Greenwich Roche Holding.............B3

Access Industries ....... B2 Group.........................B5 S
Advanced Ford Motor..................B1
Samsung Electronics..B1
Electronics..........B1,B2 G Sanofi..........................B3
Alibaba Group Genentech...................B3 Scana...........................A2
General Electric .......... B4 Snap.............................B8
Alphabet......................B3 Sony Music
Amazon.com..........B1,B4 Entertainment..........B2
AM General.................B1
Apple...........................B3 Hike ............................. B4
J.P. Morgan Chase......B5 Tencent Holdings........B1
B Tesaro..........................B8
Kuehne Nagel
Baidu ........................... B1 International.............B4 Tesla............................B1
BlackRock....................B7 Thales..........................B2
Boeing ......................... B2 Toshiba........................A1
Bremer Financial.........B2 Lockheed Martin.........B2 T.R. Winston...............A7
Bristol-Myers Squibb.A7 London Stock Exchange
C-D Uber Technologies.B1,B3


Cell Biotherapy...........A7 Universal Music
Clovis Oncology .......... B8 Master Toys................B4 Group ....................... B2
Comerica......................B2 P V
Deutsche Börse...........B1 Paulson........................B5 Vivendi ........................ B2
DHL..............................B4 R W
Didi Chuxing................B1
Raytheon.....................B2 Warner Music Group..B2
F Regeneron Westinghouse
Facebook...........B1,B3,B8 Pharmaceuticals.......B3 Electric......................A1

INDEX TO PEOPLE Prince, seen performing at the Super Bowl XLI halftime show in Miami in 2007, died of an opioid overdose in April.

Calk, Steve..................A7
Jones, Van...................B2
Kalanick, Travis...........B3
Nelson, Tyka ............... B2
Pulitzer, Jonathan ...... B4
Prince Sale Stirs Discord
Deora, Madhur............B4 Koppelman, Charles....B2 Universal signed three Prince estate, people familiar chance to bid on all licensing stay on as an adviser to
H M Schreiber, Zvi..............B4 with the matter said. deals, and that they made the Comerica, but a judge decided
McMillan, Londell.......B2 T
deals with Prince’s Sony Music executives were best possible deals for the es- otherwise. Two of the heirs
Han, Edward...............A3
Hauser, Stephen L......B3 Murphy, Charles..........B5 Tsunakawa, Satoshi...A1 estate, including rights excluded from bidding despite tate. Mr. Koppelman called the Mr. McMillan doesn’t repre-
repeated attempts to engage complaints “sour grapes.” sent—Tyka Nelson, the late
J Musk, Elon..................B1 Tusk, Donald...............B8 to unreleased music with the estate, people famil- Mr. McMillan said that it singer’s younger sister, and
Jackson, Alfred...........B2 N Z iar with the negotiations said. was “not all about the half-brother Omarr Baker—
Jensen, Marcia............B2 Nelson, Prince Rogers B2 Zagieboylo, Cyndi ....... B3 BY HANNAH KARP Warner Music, which released money”: He said that he and didn’t want him to stay on.
Prince’s first 18 albums, also Mr. Koppelman weighed fac- Ms. Nelson and Mr. Baker,
Universal Music Group in voiced interest but received tors such as each company’s who are represented by a team

MERGER pants, the EU in February de-

termined the
wouldn’t address concerns

that the merger would create

January won the licensing
rights to Prince’s “vault,” a
trove of the late pop star’s un-
released music, but there
minimal information in re-
sponse, some of the people
said. Estate representatives
said Universal didn’t get much
size, scope, expertise, copy-
right-management ability and
Mr. McMillan said the gen-
that includes former Prince
adviser and CNN political
commentator Van Jones, al-
leged in a January court filing
Continued from page B1 a de facto monopoly in fixed- wasn’t much of a bidding war. information about the assets eral lack of transparency was that Mr. McMillan had been
draw from the EU, opening a income trading and demanded The auction process is rais- either—because there wasn’t typical for such high-profile making other deals that prior-
two-year window for talks set the LSE sell its stake in MTS. ing questions among people much available. dealings and that there was a itized his own interests over
to disentangle decades of The fixed-income clearing close to Prince’s estate about The deal, which concerned particular dearth of informa- maximizing revenue for the
close ties. business of LSE’s French clear- whether the estate could have the unreleased music in “the tion on Prince’s musical assets. estate. Mr. McMillan denied
Despite claims from ing operation is “vitally de- earned more for the rights vault” and the licensing rights The process has deepened those charges.
Deutsche Börse executives pendent” on trading feeds than the $30 million that they to Prince’s independent al- the divide between the artist’s The heirs declined to com-
that Brexit made the merger from LSE’s MTS platform, ac- said Universal ended up agree- bums, was the last of three six heirs, who splintered into ment through their represen-
that much more important to cording to the EU. ing to pay. signed by Prince’s estate with two groups following the art- tatives.
ensure stable financial rela- “Without these trading The deal for the rights to Universal Music in the past six ist’s death, butting heads over Mr. McMillan said he and
tions between London and feeds, the viability of [the Prince’s independently re- months. issues from a tribute concert Mr. Koppelman presented all
Frankfurt, the U.K. govern- French clearing] business line corded music was sealed less All three deals were guided to the singer’s legacy. the offers in all three bidding
ment’s plans disrupted the in the future would be se- than a year after the artist by the advisers in charge of Mr. McMillan is acting as a contests to interim adminis-
deal. verely undermined,” the EU died in April of an opioid over- making deals for the estate: business adviser to three of trator Bremer Trust, a unit of
German regulators and offi- said, adding it therefore dose without leaving a will. All Prince’s former lawyer Londell the six heirs, though he Bremer Financial Corp.,
cials opposed the companies’ couldn’t tell whether the di- three major record labels—Vi- McMillan and entertainment doesn’t have an advisory role which made the final deci-
plans to locate the combined vested business would have vendi SA’s Universal, Sony executive Charles Koppelman. with the estate’s new adminis- sions.
entity’s headquarters in Lon- been a viable competitor in Corp.’s Sony Music Entertain- With a combined value of trator, Comerica Bank & Bremer Trust spokeswoman
don, which would soon find it- the fixed-income market. ment and Access Industries’ about $60 million, the three Trust. Prince’s half-brother Marcia Jensen said that the
self outside the bloc. To Deutsche Börse’s sur- Warner Music Group—had deals netted each man about Alfred Jackson recently ended company’s “fiduciary role as
prise, the London-based ex- voiced interest in the rights, $3 million, people familiar his business relationship with the court-supervised special
change in late February re- but his estate’s interim admin- with the negotiations said. Mr. McMillan, according to a administrator of the Prince
buffed the EU’s demands. The istrator submitted only a pro- Messrs. Koppelman and representative for Mr. Jack- Rogers Nelson estate was to
The EU said the LSE defended its position by posed deal with Universal to McMillan said Sony, Warner son. preserve, protect and maxi-
merger would create a saying that the MTS subsid- the court overseeing the and Universal had ample Mr. McMillan had pushed to mize the value of the assets.”
iary is part of its Italian busi-
de facto monopoly in ness, a significant source of
fixed-income trading. revenue and profit, and any
sale would damage the ex-
change’s relationship with se-
curities regulators in Europe.
HEARD what Tesla needs to develop
the Model 3 sedan on which
its valuation rests. Tesla has
said it expects between $2 bil-
Wheel of Fortune
Market value of major
auto manufacturers
dence still argues strongly
against Tesla being worth $46
billion or anything close to it,
even if it raises enough cash to
Faced with that opposition, After LSE’s February an- Continued from page B1 lion and $2.5 billion of capital make the Model 3 a mass-mar-
Deutsche Börse had tried since nouncement, both companies Didi Chuxing (China’s answer to spending this year before the General Motors ket vehicle.
September to discuss the pos- said they would continue to Uber, in which Tencent also has Model 3 starts production. The $53.3 billion But actively making a bet
sibility of establishing dual implement the merger, but an investment) is plausible. The company also has $2.4 billion against the stock is another
headquarters in the U.K. and in also signaled they would each odds of that vehicle being a in long-term debt maturities Ford Motor matter. Even before Tencent
Germany as a compromise. But be ready to stand indepen- Tesla, though, look slim given over the next two years, at a took its stake, Tesla’s top five
the LSE refused to address the dently of the other company. China’s policy of supporting its time when operating cash flow shareholders collectively
issue, according to a person fa- Recent financial results domestic electric-car industry. is persistently negative. Tesla owned 53% of the company.
miliar with the matter, repeat- seem to support their claims. Tencent, like many Chinese Yet even if Tencent doesn’t $45.3
Such concentrated ownership
edly removing it from meeting Last year, Deutsche Börse in- companies, prefers to spread put another dime into Tesla meant its stock was prone to
agendas over recent months. creased earnings 14% from the its bets around and probably and potential synergies come Fiat Chrysler Automobiles surges when it merely hopped
Late in the EU’s review, the prior year, adjusted for the sees its investment as the ba- to naught, Tuesday’s invest- over financial bars that the
exchanges had offered a single sale of a business, but the fig- sis for possible future coopera- ment slightly increased the company had recently lowered.
remedy to assuage any anti- ures also partly reflect bene- tion, yet it implies no further auto maker’s chances of suc- Source: FactSet Now another 5% of the stock is
trust concerns: to sell the fits from cost-cutting and commitment. And the funds it cess.That is because Tesla will THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. basically removed from the
LSE’s French clearing opera- gains from its derivatives- plowed into Tesla shares don’t have to return to the equity market.
tion to pan-European rival Eu- trading venue. For the LSE, represent fresh cash for the market many times in the fu- price, means that future capi- Tesla’s gain of about 30% so
ronext NV for €510 million earnings in 2016 rose 17%, company beyond its already ture for billions, and possibly tal calls will be less dilutive. far this year has cost short
($551 million). LSE on when excluding one-time costs announ-ced $1.2 billion capital tens of billions, of dollars. Given the onslaught of com- sellers a pretty penny.
Wednesday said that proposed associated with an asset sale raise. Tencent’s vote of confidence, petition and execution risk, —Charley Grant
sale had been terminated after and an acquisition. That amount is less than like any boost to Tesla’s share though, the weight of the evi- and Spencer Jakab
the EU’s decision. —William Wilkes
After a test of the proposed in Frankfurt
remedy with market partici-

contributed to this article.
GULF of business,” Bernard Dunn,
president of Boeing Middle East,
North Africa and Turkey, said in
an email.
to Russia. The U.A.E.’s defense
ministry said in February it
would jointly develop a light
combat fighter with Russia’s
Martin or the Boeing of Saudi
Arabia,” said Yehya Al Ghoraibi,
the company’s chief executive.
The company is expanding
The Mart Continued from page B1
the Gulf, to assemble custom-
But such opportunities are no
simple matter for foreign con-
state-run defense corporation
into helicopter maintenance and
repair. In the more distant fu-
ized versions of armored vehi- tractors. Policy rules in the U.S. “It was completely a state- ture, Mr. Ghoraibi is considering
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY cles locally. and Europe would allow the ment to the Americans and to expanding into areas ranging
“The bottom line is they manufacturing of some compo- the Europeans that, if you don’t from tank manufacturing to
want to spend more of their nents to be outsourced, but the give us what we need, if you bomb making.
money in their country,” said rules are stricter for sensitive don’t help us with what we The U.A.E. is already produc-
Nguyen Trinh, an executive at military technology. need, we have no choice but to ing armored vehicles. In Febru-
AM General. In Abu Dhabi two years ago, try to get it somewhere else to ary, the country’s armed forces
Saudi Arabia’s Advanced a senior U.S. Defense Depart- protect our legitimate security awarded a contract of 1,750 ar-
Electronics Co., a Riyadh-based ment official told potential Gulf needs,” said Mr. Sebright. mored vehicles to an Emirati
supplier of defense equipment buyers and industry executives Saudi Arabia reached a deal company, NIMR Automotive. It
such as signal jammers and la- earlier this month with China to was a rare example of a local
sers, recently entered a new jointly manufacture drones. business securing a deal of such
partnership with Raytheon Co. “It’s a very important mar- size.
for a Saudi government contract
The Saudis want half ketplace, and we have to adapt In 2014, the U.A.E. merged
to develop cybersecurity capa- the money they allot to it,” said a Gulf-based execu- more than a dozen state-owned
bilities. Raytheon declined to tive with a U.S. defense firm. firms under a conglomerate
comment on the contract.
for military gear to go Many Gulf-based defense called the Emirates Defence In-
Local defense firms cite the to local firms by 2030. companies were established de- dustries Co. It is led by Luc Vi-
deal as evidence foreign suppli- cades ago under offset pro- gneron, the former head of
ers are scouting for new or ex- grams that required foreign Thales SA, Europe’s leading de-
panded partnerships. “Instead suppliers to invest part of their fense electronics maker.
of us pulling them, they are the that they wouldn’t be allowed in compensation locally. The push NIMR, one of the conglomer-
ones pushing, they are ap- the foreseeable future to buy into manufacturing, however, is ate’s subsidiaries, produces
proaching us,” said Mohammed Lockheed Martin Corp.’s radar- new. about four vehicles a day and is
Al Khalifa, vice president of evading F-35 Joint Strike Alsalam Aerospace Indus- looking to export to Eastern Eu-
TRAVEL AEC, which is jointly owned by Fighter, according to Danny tries, a firm based in Riyadh and ropean and Asian markets.
British weapons maker BAE Sys- Sebright, president of the U.S.- partly owned by Boeing, wants In a sign of how the develop-
tems PLC and Saudi investors. U.A.E. Business Council and a to manufacture its first com- ment of the local defense indus-
Save Up To 60% Big global contractors such former Defense Department of- plete aircraft by 2030. Last year, try is shaping career perspec-
First & Business as Boeing Co. say they see op- ficial, who was there. with Boeing’s help, the company tives, many of NIMR’s engineers
Businesses For Sale.
portunities for opening new The official alluded to rules started assembling wings and are Emirati.
Major Airlines, Corporate Travel Call (852) 2831-2553,
Never Fly Coach Again! (65) 6415-4279 production lines in the Middle to ensure Israel maintained a forward fuselages in its factory “My father thought a suc-
www.cooktravel.net or (813) 6269-2701 East. “Boeing will continue to competitive military edge in the to upgrade F-15 jet fighters for cessful path would be in oil and
(800) 435-8776 look for potential partnership region. the Royal Saudi Air Force. gas,” recalled 29-year-old Om-
opportunities for mutual growth The Emiratis decided to turn “We want to be the Lockheed ran Alhashemi.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | B3


Eczema Drug Gets FDAClearsDrugtoTreatSevereMS

‘Responsible’ Price BY THOMAS M. BURTON

The Food and Drug Adminis-

tration approved a multiple-scle-
BY JOSEPH WALKER medical officer. ICER recently rosis drug called Ocrevus, the
shared an early version of its first treatment for the most se-
Regeneron Pharmaceuti- draft evidence report with Re- vere type of the disease, known
cals Inc. and Sanofi SA said generon so the companies as primary progressive MS.
they would charge $37,000 an- could take it into account The medicine, from Genen-


nually in the U.S. for their when setting Dupixent’s price, tech Inc., is generically called
newly approved eczema drug, Dr. Rind said. ocrelizumab. Primary progres-
a price the companies said Dupixent’s price falls within sive MS affects about 15% of
they reached after months of the cost-effectiveness range the estimated 2.3 million MS
negotiations with pharmacy- that ICER projected for the patients in the world. The pa-
benefit managers. drug in the draft report, which tients with this severe type
The Food and Drug Admin- was published on Friday. have watched for years as
istration approved the drug, It isn’t clear that all PBMs more than a dozen other
called Dupixent, for U.S. sale agree the price is justified. treatments have emerged for
on Tuesday. Through their ne- CVS Health Corp., one of the other MS patients. The FDA Genentech is planning to charge $65,000 a year for the company’s new multiple-sclerosis treatment.
gotiations, the companies said largest PBMs, said it is working also approved the drug for the
they aimed to set a price the to ensure the drug is available to more common type of MS. between the ages of 20 and 50, chair, to aid in mobility. There pal investigator in pivotal
pharmacy-benefit managers, patients with a demonstrated Genentech plans to charge though it can begin far earlier, are 14 different medicines that studies of the drug published
or PBMs, would find accept- need for it. At least some PBMs $65,000 a year for the treat- or as late as 75. Its course is are generally called disease- in the New England Journal of
able. PBMs administer pre- say Dupixent’s price is reason- ment, likely adding fuel to the highly unpredictable, hence the modifying, because they aren’t Medicine in December.
scription drug benefits for em- able given its significant medical debate over drug prices. name of the more common form cures. They include Avonex, The drug was a product of
ployers and insurers. value to patients and when com- “This is an historic day for called relapsing-remitting multi- Copaxone, Tysabri and others. collaboration between Dr.
pared with similar therapies for the MS community with the ple sclerosis, for which the drug These help to reduce central- Hauser’s team, other academic
psoriasis, another skin condi- approval of the first-ever also was approved. It can cause nervous-system inflammation partners and scientists at Ge-

tion, that have list prices of treatment for people living a wide range of symptoms, like and reduce the number and nentech, part of Roche Group
$50,000 annually or more. with primary progressive MS. loss of balance and poor coordi- severity of flare-ups. of Switzerland. Ocrelizumab
“I’d characterize it as a re- This is a real game changer,” nation, fatigue and weakness. As Ocrelizumab was developed interferes with a type of white
sponsible price,” said Steven said Cyndi Zagieboylo, presi- the name suggests, it can go for MS based upon many years blood cells that can course
Annual charge set by Regeneron Miller, chief medical officer at dent and chief executive of the away and then flare up with lit- of basic scientific work in the from the bloodstream into the
and Sanofi for Dupixent. Express Scripts Holding Co., National MS Society. “The Na- tle predictability. lab of Stephen L. Hauser, chief brain, leading to inflammation
the largest PBM. tional MS Society hopes this is The majority of MS suffer- of neurology at the University in the myelin covering of
Eczema, also known as just the beginning of the de- ers don’t become severely dis- of California, San Francisco, nerve cells. Damage to the my-
atopic dermatitis, is a common velopment of the next genera- abled or paralyzed, but many and director of the UCSF Weill elin sheath and to the underly-
In exchange, the companies condition that causes itchy tion of treatments for MS.” will need a cane or crutches, Institute for Neurosciences. ing nerve fiber are key facets
sought, and in some cases re- skin. Severe forms of the dis- MS typically strikes people or even a scooter or wheel- Dr. Hauser also was the princi- of the disease.
ceived, assurances that the ease can be debilitating, caus-
PBMs wouldn’t implement cov- ing large areas of patients’
erage restrictions that could bodies to be covered with in-
prevent patients from getting flamed patches of skin.
the drug, Regeneron CEO The FDA approved Dupixent
Leonard Schleifer said. for adults with moderate to se-
Dupixent will be one of the vere forms of the disease for
most closely watched drug whom topical treatments, such
launches this year, with global as steroidal ointments, don’t
annual sales potentially reach- work. Regeneron and Sanofi
ing $3.13 billion in 2020 if it estimate that 1.6 million peo-
gains favorable insurance cov- ple in the U.S. meet the FDA’s
erage, according to analysts approval criteria, but their
polled by FactSet. launch will focus on about
As the companies worked to 300,000 patients who are most
set the price, Dr. Schleifer also in need of treatment.
met with officials at the Insti- The companies will provide
tute for Clinical and Economic copay assistance to some pa-
Review, a nonprofit group in tients and pay rebates to in-
Boston that analyzes the cost surers; after those costs are
and benefits of new prescrip- taken into account, the compa-
tion drugs. Regeneron pro- nies estimate that net revenue
vided the group with previ- from the drug will be at the
ously unpublished data that “low” range of $30,000 to
ICER requested for a continu- $35,000, Dr. Schleifer said.
ing analysis of eczema drugs, —Denise Roland
said David Rind, ICER’s chief contributed to this article.

Leonard Schleifer of Regeneron. It will launch Dupixent with Sanofi.

Uber Offers Data on

Workforce Diversity
BY GEORGIA WELLS through transparency.”
AND GREG BENSINGER Uber is one of the last big
tech firms to release its diver-
Uber Technologies Inc. on sity report. Companies includ-
Tuesday published the first ing Apple Inc. and Facebook
breakdown of its workforce by Inc. began reporting their di-
gender and ethnicity, part of versity statistics in 2014 in re-
an effort to push back against sponse to calls for measuring
criticism that the ride-sharing progress toward more diver-
company’s culture is hostile to sity in the industry.
women. Overall, Uber’s workforce of
As of this month, women about 11,000 contains a
comprised 36% of Uber’s em- slightly higher portion of
ployees, in line with other tech women than Apple, Alphabet
companies, thanks to a preva- Inc.’s Google and Facebook, al-
lence of women in customer though a smaller portion of its
support and other nontechni- leaders and technical employ-
cal jobs. On the technical team, ees are women. Uber doesn’t
15% of staff were women. count its roughly 1.5 million
But Uber faces an uphill contracted drivers.
battle improving its numbers. In the U.S., 8.8% of Uber’s
There is a dearth of top tech employees are black and 5.6%
talent, and recent scandals are Hispanic. Apple employs a
could hinder Uber’s ability to larger share of black and His-
attract job candidates who are panic employees than Uber,
also being courted by other particularly in technical and
companies. leadership roles.
Civil-rights groups have But experts in diversity cau-
been calling for transparency tion against relying on top-line
into the makeup of Uber’s figures to understand how
workforce for nearly a year. women and underrepresented
Last month, a former engineer, minorities are advancing in
Susan Fowler Rigetti, pub- the workplace. The data don’t
lished a stinging assessment of reflect the internal climate for
the company’s workplace, these employees.
which she said was permissive Separately, Uber said Tues-
of sexual harassment and sex- day that it is pulling its opera-
ism. tions out of Denmark in April
Chief Executive Travis Ka- in protest of local laws that
lanick acknowledged his com- are favorable to the taxi indus-
pany is late to post its report. try there.
“I know that we have been too The company has pulled out
slow in publishing our num- of other markets before, in-
bers,” he said in a statement. cluding Taiwan earlier this
“The best way to demonstrate year and Austin, Texas, last
our commitment to change is year.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B4 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Samsung Makes Edgy Bid to Impress Israeli

When was the last time Freight
any new smartphone really
looked different from last
year’s model? Well, the Sam-
sung Galaxy S8 that debuted
Wednesday looks like it
beamed in from the year
This thing is nearly all
screen. The S8’s bright pixels
curve all the way to its
edges, with
just a sliver
of metal at BY ERICA E. PHILLIPS
the top and
bottom. In- Shipping-technology
side, there’s startup Freightos raised $25
PERSONAL Bixby, a vir- million in a funding round led
TECHNOLOGY tual assis- by General Electric Co.’s GE
GEOFFREY A. tant that Ventures, the company said
FOWLER promises to Wednesday.
operate any The Series B round brings

aspect of the Israel-based company’s to-

your phone by voice. And if tal funding to $50 million—
you want, the S8 can double one of the most well-funded
as—get this—a desktop com- entities in a group of technol-
puter. ogy startups trying to take the
What’s this feeling? Oh booking of freight transporta-
yeah, gadget envy… some- tion online.
thing many iPhone owners Freightos operates an on-
will struggle with for the line marketplace that it likens
next few months. to travel-booking websites,
I haven’t had a chance to D.J. Koh, president of mobile communications at Samsung Electronics, with the Galaxy S8 smartphone on Wednesday in New York. where shippers can compare
test Samsung’s claims to de- rates and book transportation
termine whether the S8 Is a but measures 6.2 inches di- Other aspects of the S8 you’re watching to your TV. Is it a Chromebook or an for their cargo. Freightos spe-
good buy; I’ll do that ahead agonally. hardware will be less sur- (You can even ask her to Android tablet? There are a cializes in trans-Pacific air and
of its arrival in stores April Longer screens make a ton prising to Samsung follow- change her voice to male.) lot of unanswered questions. ocean shipments. Shortly after
21. But from my first look, of ergonomic sense. Within a ers. It now uses USB-C plugs, There’s a dedicated Bixby Samsung says Microsoft Of- launching its online platform
it’s clear the S8 is Samsung year, I expect many—even a the new standard plug for button on the side of the fice and Adobe Lightroom last July, Freightos bought
at its most ambitious, push- new iPhone—to join this phones and laptops. It’s wa- phone. She also uses the have been optimized for Spanish startup WebCargoNet,
ing both its proven hardware trend. LG kicked it off last ter-resistant. The standard camera to visually identify DeX, but notably Google’s adding its database of global
chops and its investments in month by elongating the headphone jack remains, and products and even famous Chrome browser hasn’t. Non- airfreight rates.
software to keep Android screen in its G6 phone, you can expand storage. places. supported Android apps sim- Freightos and other freight-
people in the fold. though it doesn’t curve There’s one hardware dis- I didn’t get to test many ply appear as they do on a booking platforms compete
The question is: Will it be around the sides like the appointment: The back cam- Bixby functions. Samsung phone, as rectangles. with traditional forwarders,
enough to douse memories Samsung. era is largely the same as says she’ll work with a hand- Although Microsoft has though the startups have yet
of the fiery end of its last big The new shape does come last year’s S7. That was a re- ful of Samsung’s own apps promoted the idea that to grab significant market
phone, the Galaxy Note 7? with a few compromises. ally good camera, but others when the S8 comes out in phones are powerful enough share. The world’s largest
What stands out most is Battery life, a problem with like Apple have moved on to April. It plans to add Bixby to replace laptops, its mobile freight forwarders, such as
how much Samsung has past Samsung phones, isn’t multiple lenses that let you to other connected Samsung Windows 10 is available only DHL Global Forwarding and
evolved phone design beyond likely to improve now that zoom or do interesting devices, like TVs and wash- on phones that almost no- Kuehne + Nagel International
Apple. Its ace in the hole is there’s more screen to light things with depth. ing machines. body uses. With DeX, Sam- AG, ship millions of containers
screen tech. Samsung was up. The long screen, whose The S8’s biggest ambi- But Samsung faces gigan- sung might have the distri- each year and often pay signif-
able to do away with most of aspect ratio is 18.5:9, looks tions—and biggest risks—are tic competition in getting bution power to make the icantly lower rates for ocean
the frame around its screen, great if you’re watching an in its software. It runs An- other apps, services and de- idea finally catch on. freight than smaller competi-
and bend its edges so it ap- ultra-widescreen movie, but droid N, but Samsung wants vices to join in. Bixby com- That’s assuming Samsung tors, according to supply-chain
pears to float in your hand. will give you black bars on to give reasons to choose its petes with Apple’s Siri, doesn’t blow it again. The consultants Armstrong & As-
This isn’t a gimmick: Be- the sides of more common phones over Android rivals Google’s Assistant, Amazon’s memory of the fires that sociates.
cause of design, this bigger 16:9 HD videos. like the Pixel, a high-end Alexa and Microsoft’s Cor- caused an unprecedented re-
phone doesn’t feel bigger. Since there’s no frame to phone created by Google it- tana. There just won’t be call of the Note 7 are still
Now there’s a 5.8-inch screen hold a physical home button, self. enough space on the island raw. Samsung says the S8
in a form only slightly taller it is now part of the screen, This is the first Samsung for all of them—and Bixby is will go through its new 8-
Freightos raised
than last year’s S7 with a 5.1- and responds with a little product to include the vir- last to arrive. point battery quality system $25 million to help
inch screen—the old fore- haptic jiggle when you press. tual assistant dubbed Bixby. The S8 has one other un- but didn’t have further spe-
head and chin are now barely The fingerprint reader has She—yep, another AI that expected software talent: cifics. For example: How
finance its efforts in
there. (Measuring screens is moved to the back of the defaults to a female voice— With an adapter, the S8 can many phones will be X-rayed shipping technology.
so confusing we had to make phone, and you’ll have to can take voice commands for transform into a computer, for battery problems? If just
a chart, but rest assured, the learn not to accidentally anything you’d normally ac- capable of driving a monitor, one phone combusts, Sam-
new phone has significantly smudge the camera when complish by touching your mouse and keyboard. It’s ac- sung is toast—pun intended.
more screen area—and about reaching for it. You can also phone, Samsung says. For ex- tually a Samsung-modified Samsung wants to put its With the new funding, Chief
half a million more pixels.) unlock an S8 with your face, ample, you can ask Bixby to version of Android called battery woes behind it, but Executive Zvi Schreiber said
Not big enough? A second or by using a front-facing in- show you the last photo you DeX, which creates a desk- that’s going to take more Freightos aims to expand the
model called the S8+ follows frared camera to scan your took, change the screen top-like experience including than just having the coolest- number of routes available, in-
the same squeezed design iris. brightness or beam what resizable windows. looking phones out there. cluding more services to and
from Europe. The company
also wants to provide its soft-
ADVERTISEMENT ware to freight forwarders,
companies that help retailers
Legal Notices and manufacturers book their
cargo on ships and planes. Mr.
Schreiber said Freightos is
BANKRUPTCIES providing its software in some
capacity to several top global
             % ( * A
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    :.%F  .  .- - -  B % ..%F  service of its own, established
            (- %#%..' *  4( ( .- 9-  #'  # 
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    #  ! $ $'C  ' forwarders will need software
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The investment in Freightos

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since 2015. GE Ventures in the shipping
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Uber and WhatsApp de- WeChat social-networking cipal Strategic Investments led
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Chinese companies might Ltd., which competes with helping containership opera-
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0  >>F B: /* . its budding internet economy The Chinese companies are forceable contracts.
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is familiar territory. With tens offering more than cash. They GE Ventures will receive a
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0 >>=F :% 0.
0 ><< F B: of millions of new users con- are giving Indian companies nonvoting seat on the Freigh-
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55  < F  :% 55  >< F :$
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phones and affordable data less-affluent populace. vestment but declined to dis-
 &- .%  "  # ( # (-  % *.D.C E-  ( #, 770DC <E  ' ( #, %E3C  I  5  $ plans, India’s startup environ- Alibaba frequently hosts close the amount.
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7.))C D A     4  (((
:67DC ment today compares with Paytm employees at its offices In an emailed statement, GE
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55 << =F / 6*#.% /.%
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55 China’s a decade ago, some an- and sends staff to India to en- Ventures Director Jonathan
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55 ,&F 6.% 9. /.%

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alysts say—when rapid adop- courage the exchange of ideas, Pulitzer said, “As a global
 !   " #  .  <+ - . :% 2-   .$ ; < F :  .-
55 G;F :  .- /.%
tion of the web and strict gov- said Madhur Deora, Paytm’s shipper with significant opera-
#.      (..* %%+ 8 39  ' :%
0 55 <=GGF : % /.%
55 G; F  29- 4
.-% 4%% 
, 4- .
G= = &
= 9.
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55 <;;= 2 %% (  #%)  3% % ernment controls on foreign chief financial officer. tions tied to shipping and lo-
A F 8  :6 39  ' B % ' 
= = 6 
'. /%
%% = >= firms allowed Chinese web “It’s really the scale and the gistics, freight digitalization is
companies to flourish. scope” of operating in a bil- a strong strategic comple-
BANKRUPTCIES Many Chinese companies lion-person economy that Ali- ment” for GE. He added,
have launched their own baba is able to help with, he “Freightos has helped many

brands directly in India, but said. logistics providers operate
              most have failed to take off. Alibaba’s senior managers more efficiently and we are
! "#
    $#  % &"  #      
  (    # )*   +,, ! "#
  The English-speaking populace have provided input as Paytm excited to support them in
ADVERTISE TODAY         #    +    
  (  #  that dominates India’s internet has grown, offering insight on their journey.”
     '  #   
  (  '   $'    
(852) 2831-2553     #   , - # '  )./)012*       , is more familiar with Ameri- the right way to engineer Also among the new inves-
3           '  '  4 '  , ! 
or  5 .67 8  !   9  % &" %& )000:  3 6. 60).  )0;00 ,, <$-  can and local names. As a plan Paytm’s app, for instance, tors in Freightos is Master
(65) 6415-4279  , -
    #    #    #  #  #  
B, the Chinese leaders are now based on ways mobile usage (HK) Toys, a Hong Kong toy
, - 4   '       #
Susan.Tsang@wsj.com     ,
3 '#        '  =  
> # # # = 
buying into Indian startups ea- surged in China. manufacturer. Toy shipments
For more information visit   '   
'   4 '  , !   +   ! "# ger for money as they try to China’s Uber rival, Didi, is are among the most common
wsj.com/classifieds ?   #   $ " @ A   :*0 B  3  % &" %& )00).
3 ; - 9#   $ , C       #      survive the competition from helping Ola untangle the prob- on the Freightos marketplace,
 #      !   " # !  $  % 
   &'(( )%) *+   ,(- ,(., (     '#   =     U.S. companies. lems that come from the scale and the company says it
! "#
           #   ,

            #  =   B'   
Chinese ride-hailing app of serving a billion-person shipped more than 100 million
#           '   ! "#
> '  Didi, which proved it could economy while juggling hun- tons of toys by air ahead of
,    '   '  $'          ,
C&   # !,#E#E  /  , beat a global leader last year dreds of thousands of drivers. the holiday season last year.
© 2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
-   #         #   +  , #   '
     +   '     B     
when it forced Uber to give up The “enormous and complex” Master (HK) Toys isn’t a
All Rights Reserved. +,, # 3#  )277   , %  $'    =       on China, has had a stake in ride-sharing demands require Freightos customer but plans
               # #  '#   
#   +  , ANI Technologies Pvt. Ltd.— “creative solutions,” said a to start using the service, Mr.
the company behind India’s Didi spokeswoman. Schreiber said.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | B5


Bank Looks for Post-Brexit Home Pound

J.P. Morgan scours
Europe as it weighs
changes before the two-year
negotiations finish.
Slips on
regulatory effects and
logistics of new base
“It’s complex and there is
no easy solution to this,” said
Joe Cassidy, a partner at con-
sultancy KPMG. Closely
Step to
watched factors include
French elections and whether
the EU allows the U.K. to grad-
Leave EU
LONDON—A group of 75 ually transition out of the
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. staff trading bloc, Mr. Cassidy said. BY CHELSEY DULANEY
spent the past nine months Each U.S. bank is different,
evaluating European cities on but their plans share common The pound steadied but re-
factors ranging from employ- themes: to build on infrastruc- mained lower Wednesday as
ment law to the frequency of ture in existing offices across the U.K. formally began the
flight delays at local airports. Europe, keep as much as pos- process to exit the European
They are picking the bank’s sible in London and see what Union.

new homes after Britain’s exit happens, executives say. The British currency was at
from the European Union. Goldman Sachs Group Inc., $1.2408 midday in New York,
The bank is checking out as which already has a banking down from $1.2450 late Tues-
many as eight cities including license in Frankfurt, is upgrad- day but up from $1.2377 dur-
Paris, Frankfurt, Luxembourg ing infrastructure in several ing Asian trading Wednesday.
and Dublin, people familiar European cities and is prepar- Nine months after Britain
with the plans say. Its staffers ing to shift hundreds of staff, voted to leave the EU, the U.K.
have begun pulling together Richard Gnodde, a vice chair- formally notified the bloc on
paperwork to apply for li- man at the bank, said recently. Wednesday that it will leave,
censes. It has scouted for real J.P. Morgan CEO James Dimon says up to a quarter of the firm’s 16,000 U.K. employees may move. Morgan Stanley favors Dublin becoming the first country to
estate in locations including as its main European subsid- do so. The triggering of Article
Dublin and Frankfurt. A final ents in Asia and Latin Amer- If J.P. Morgan decides to turn Each venue has distinct iary but is considering Paris 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which
decision on its Brexit plans ica, and a sprawling back- Paris into a hub that can sell pros and cons. The bank’s and Frankfurt as secondary governs EU law, opens a two-
will be made in the coming office operation in the English products across the whole of Frankfurt office, for instance, options, according to people year window for Britain to ne-
months. seaside town of Bournemouth Europe, it has a choice. It can doesn’t have the infrastructure familiar with the plan. gotiate the terms of its exit
J.P. Morgan is a U.S. giant, helps process transactions for either connect the Paris to host a major trading plat- At Citigroup Inc., executives from the bloc.
but it employs 16,000 people its global clients. branch to another European form. Space in existing offices have a spreadsheet rating cit- Investors had been expect-
in the U.K., and in 2015 a third For its European clients, subsidiary or get regulatory might be tight; the unit al- ies on 26 factors as it decides ing the formal negotiations for
of its $33.5 billion of invest- that compact setup might not clearance to transform it into ready houses around 450 em- where to shift a chunk of its weeks, which is likely limiting
ment-banking revenue came function after Brexit. Under a subsidiary and pump in capi- ployees. There are also exter- London-based investment the pound’s weakness, analysts
from Europe, the Middle East current EU rules, J.P. Morgan tal. nal factors to consider. bank, according to executives. said.
and Africa. That makes it Eu- can sell products to European Currently, J.P. Morgan has Germany will hold elections These banks are hoping to ini- ”Much of the bad news and
rope’s largest investment bank clients from London and set three European subsidiaries this year featuring candidates tially need to move only hun- uncertainties are priced in the
and one of the most promi- up a network of branches with banking licenses: a bank with varying views on busi- dreds of jobs each, executives currency,” said analysts at TD
nent among scores of foreign across the continent. But after in Dublin, one in Luxembourg ness. The bank also has to say. Securities in a research note.
lenders trying to figure out Brexit that will probably no and a Frankfurt-based invest- make sure there is enough Once new sites are selected, “What’s more, actual negotia-
their post-Brexit futures. longer be the case. J.P. Morgan ment bank that handles some space in schools for its staff’s applying for new banking li- tions do not begin until late
On Wednesday, British Chief Executive James Dimon of the lender’s euro clearing children. On the plus side, censes could take up to a year. Q2, leaving the market with a
Prime Minister Theresa May has said up to a quarter of the operations. It also has Frankfurt is home to the Euro- In J.P. Morgan’s case, any deci- bit of a grace period.”
officially declared the U.K.’s company’s staff in the U.K. branches in several major Eu- pean Central Bank and near sion to shift capital and exper- Meanwhile, the dollar con-
intention to quit the EU, may have to move. ropean cities including Am- some big German corporate tise from its U.K. subsidiary tinued to edge higher as inves-
touching off fraught negotia- Fixing for Brexit isn’t sterdam, Milan and Brussels. clients. into a European unit then re- tors refocused on the U.S.
tions with Brussels. London’s easy. Maintaining an office on The bank’s executives are Once the divorce talks be- quires sign off from multiple economy and path for U.S. in-
banking industry will be a key the Continent isn’t enough to still deciding which operating gin, banks will embark on a regulators including the U.S. terest rates. The WSJ Dollar
sticking point. insulate the bank from Brexit’s model to use. Given the uncer- balancing act. The longer they Federal Reserve, Britain’s Pru- Index, measuring the U.S. cur-
Like its American peers, J.P. effects. For instance, J.P. Mor- tainty around Brexit negotia- wait to adjust operations, the dential Regulation Authority rency against 16 others, rose
Morgan concentrated much of gan has operated a fancy of- tions, the bank is hedging its more clarity they will have re- and the European Central 0.1%.
its European corporate and in- fice on Paris’s Place Vendome bets and considering plans to garding the Brexit deal the Bank. European client con- The U.S. currency fell to a
vestment-banking activities in for over a century. But that scale up both branches and U.K. may get. But if they wait tracts would then have to be four-month low earlier this
London. A cluster of British le- Paris office is only a branch, subsidiaries, according to peo- too long, they may not have rewritten out of that new en- week after Friday’s failure to
gal entities also handles its cli- or outpost, of its U.S. business. ple familiar with the plan. enough time to implement tity. repeal the Affordable Care Act
raised doubts that the Trump
administration will be able to

Foreigners Still Favor London Office Market

push through its tax-reform
and stimulus plans. The dollar
rebounded after data Tuesday
showed a measure of U.S. con-
BY ART PATNAUDE the show,” said Walter agreed to pay £1.15 billion for JLL. cording to property brokers. sumer confidence at its high-
Boettcher, director of research the Cheesegrater, the nick- The drop in the value of Office rents are also ex- est level in 16 years.
As the U.K. officially files at Colliers. name of the tallest tower in sterling has been a major fac- pected to fall. Landlords have Federal Reserve officials
for divorce from the European The U.K. government for- London’s main financial dis- tor. While the yuan has lost been increasingly offering in- continue to indicate that the
Union, one British asset re- mally kicked off Brexit on trict. It was one of the city’s value against the dollar, it is centives to tenants, such as central bank remains on track
mains fashionable for foreign Wednesday, delivering a letter biggest-ever real estate deals. up 15% versus sterling since rent-free periods or fitting out to raise rates this year. Chi-
investors: shiny London office to Brussels officially saying it the Brexit vote last June. office space free, brokers and cago Fed President Charles Ev-
buildings. intends to be the first country In addition to making prop- analysts said. ans reiterated on Wednesday
Investors from outside the to leave the bloc. The event erty cheaper, there is a view Now, with Brexit negotia- his support for higher U.S. in-
U.K., especially those from marks the start of a two-year
‘It’s foreign money that sterling “may appreciate tions just starting, “nothing is terest rates, adding that he
China and Hong Kong, have window for negotiations with driving the show.’ once there is more clarity certain. As a result, caution is sees an increasing chance the
dominated a London commer- the EU. around Brexit and its eco- likely to remain a prevalent economy could perform better
cial real-estate market that Foreign property buyers in
—Walter Boettcher of nomic implications,” said Ben theme among investors and than he expected.
has otherwise gone quiet this London have been selective Colliers International Burston, head of U.K. office occupiers,” said Colin Wilson, Fed-fends futures, used by
year amid caution over Brexit. amid uncertainty about how and capital markets research head of U.K. and Ireland and investors to wager on the
Since the start of January, these talks will proceed. De- at JLL. broker Cushman & Wakefield. Fed’s interest-rate policy out-
85% of the £3.86 billion ($4.8 mand has focused on large Caution around the impact Some foreign investors are look, show a 48.5% chance
billion) of central London of- buildings with low vacancy Investors from China and of Brexit has been com- taking a longer-term view, that the Fed will raise rates at
fice deals have been from levels, and therefore less per- Hong Kong bought more than pounded by falling London of- brokers and analysts said. its June meeting. Higher rates
overseas investors, according ceived risk, brokers said. £3 billion of central London fice values after a multiyear Private investors from the typically support the dollar by
to property broker Colliers In- CC Land Holdings Ltd., property last year, more than property boom. Office values Far East are “just looking to making U.S. assets more at-
ternational. backed by a Hong Kong prop- those from the U.S. or Europe, in central London are widely play the safe-haven card,” said tractive to yield-seeking inves-
“It’s foreign money driving erty tycoon, earlier this month according to real-estate broker expected to drop in 2017, ac- Mr. Boettcher at Colliers. tors.


Partner at Paulson & Co. [ Search by company, category or country at asia.WSJ.com/funds ]
Dies in Apparent Suicide FUND NAME
VP Classic-B Units
VP Classic-C Units
03/28 USD
03/28 USD
YTD 12-MO 2-YR
VP Classic-C Units CAD H
03/28 AUD
03/28 CAD
AND ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS VP Classic-C Units HKD H AS EQ HKG 03/28 HKD 11.03 12.0 20.9 NS
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by VP Classic-C Units NZD H AS EQ HKG 03/28 NZD 13.56 12.4 23.0 2.5
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the VP Classic-C Units RMB AS EQ HKG 03/28 CNH 11.44 9.8 27.1 NS
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United VP Classic-C Units RMB H AS EQ HKG 03/28 CNH 10.87 13.1 23.8 NS
Charles Murphy, a partner States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies. VP Multi-Asset Fund Cls A HKD OT OT HKG 03/28 HKD 10.11 5.1 NS NS
at hedge fund Paulson & Co. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. VP Multi-Asset Fund Cls A USD OT OT HKG 03/28 USD 10.25 4.9 7.7 NS
VP Taiwan Fund AS EQ CYM 03/28 USD 18.68 11.5 24.1 7.3
whose former firm invested NAV —%RETURN—
billions with Bernard Madoff, For information about listing your funds,
died Monday in an apparent n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866 please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg
suicide. CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 03/24 USD 310782.95 2.6 7.3 -2.1 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
Police received a report of a
jumper at the Sofitel New York

Hotel in Midtown Manhattan

at 4:40 p.m. Monday, accord-
ing to law-enforcement offi-
cials. The man, who was later
identified as Mr. Murphy,
n Website: Https://Www.Valuepartners-Group.Com/ Tel: (852) 2143 0688
China A-Share Fund Cls A AUD H OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A AUD UnH OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A CAD H OT
03/28 AUD
03/28 AUD
03/28 CAD
China A-Share Fund Cls A EUR H OT OT HKG 03/28 EUR 12.21 6.3 11.2 -1.4
jumped from the 24th floor, China A-Share Fund Cls A EUR UnH OT OT HKG 03/28 EUR 12.22 6.0 13.3 NS

one of the officials said. He

landed on the fourth floor ter-
China A-Share Fund Cls A GBP H OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A GBP UnH OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A HKD H OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A HKD UnH OT
03/28 GBP
03/28 GBP
03/28 HKD
03/28 HKD
race. China A-Share Fund Cls A NZD H OT
China A-Share Fund Cls A NZD UnH OT
03/28 NZD
03/28 NZD
Emergency Medical Services China A-Share Fund Cls A RMB (CNH) OT OT HKG 03/28 CNH 13.58 8.3 16.7 2.0
China A-Share Fund Cls A USD OT OT HKG 03/28 USD 12.29 10.4 11.2 -1.7
responded and pronounced the Charles Murphy was an architect of investments in AIG and Hartford. China A-Share Fund Cls A USD H OT OT HKG 03/28 USD 12.39 6.6 13.2 -1.0
China Greenchip-A Units AS EQ CYM 03/28 HKD 57.27 12.6 20.7 -4.9
man dead at the scene. China Greenchip-A Units AUD H AS EQ CYM 03/28 AUD 9.67 12.6 21.3 -5.4
“We are extremely sad- vestments into Mr. Madoff’s tect behind Paulson’s invest- China Greenchip-A Units CAD H AS
China Greenchip-A Units NZD H AS
03/28 CAD
03/28 NZD
dened by this news,” John firm over nearly two decades. ments in insurance companies China Greenchip-A Units USD AS EQ CYM 03/28 USD 9.47 12.5 20.6 -5.7
China Greenchip-A2 QDIs Units AS EQ CYM 03/28 HKD 10.43 12.5 20.6 -4.9
Paulson, founder of Paulson & Mr. Madoff was convicted of American International Group GC Hi Yield Inc - Cls A MDIs GBP H OT OT CYM 03/28 GBP 9.92 5.7 20.6 NS
Co., said in a statement. running a Ponzi scheme that Inc. and Hartford Financial GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls A MDIs AUD H OT
GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls A MDIs CAD H OT
03/28 AUD
03/28 CAD
12.9 In print & online. Contact:
“Charles was an extremely cost about $17.5 billion in Services Group Inc. Mr. Mur- GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls A MDIs NZD H OT OT CYM 03/28 NZD 9.83 6.4 23.5 15.4
GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls P HKD Acc sh OT OT CYM 03/28 HKD 14.98 6.2 21.9 13.1
gifted and brilliant man, a losses for customers around phy pushed for the companies GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls P HKD MDIs sh OT OT CYM 03/28 HKD 9.44 6.2 22.0 13.1
GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls P MDIs SGD H OT OT CYM 03/28 SGD 10.35 5.9 21.5 13.3
great partner and a true the world. He is currently to break apart as a way to im- GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls P USD Acc sh OT OT CYM 03/28 USD 15.08 6.1 21.8 13.0
friend.” serving a 150-year sentence in prove shareholder returns. GC Hi Yield Inc-Cls P USD MDIs sh OT OT CYM 03/28 USD 9.49 6.2 21.8 13.0 wsja.advertising@dowjones.com
GC Hi Yield Inc-ClsA MDIs EUR H OT OT CYM 03/28 EUR 10.37 5.6 19.8 11.8
Mr. Murphy’s stint at Paul- federal prison. Both companies resisted the Hi-Div Stk Cls A RMB H Acc OT OT HKG 03/28 CNH 11.37 13.7 21.2 5.5
Hi-Div Stk Cls A RMB UnH Acc OT OT HKG 03/28 CNH 13.54 10.5 23.8 7.6
son followed his work at in- Fairfield Greenwich agreed breakup plans that Mr. Murphy Hi-Div Stk Cls A1 OT OT HKG 03/28 USD 80.75 12.6 18.8 3.0
vestment firm Fairfield to pay $8 million to settle the advocated, but the firms did Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 AUD H MDIs OT
Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 CAD H MDIs OT
03/28 AUD
03/28 CAD
Greenwich Group and earlier civil-fraud charges and neither proceed with other changes, Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 GBP H MDIs OT OT HKG 03/28 GBP 9.30 13.5 18.0 1.7
Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 HKD MDIs OT OT HKG 03/28 HKD 10.11 12.9 19.1 3.0
at several investment banks. admitted nor denied wrongdo- including divestitures. Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 MDIs OT OT HKG 03/28 USD 11.05 12.4 18.6 2.9
Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 NZD H MDIs OT OT HKG 03/28 NZD 9.92 12.3 19.2 4.2
Mr. Murphy had joined Fair- ing. Fairfield Greenwich’s Last year, Mr. Paulson gained Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 RMB H MDIs OT OT HKG 03/28 CNH 9.62 14.1 21.5 5.4
field Greenwich in 2007 from founding partners agreed to be a board seat at AIG alongside a Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 RMB UnH MDIs OT
Hi-Div Stk Cls A2 SGD H MDIs OT
03/28 CNH
03/28 SGD
Credit Suisse. In 2009, Fairfield part of an $80 million settle- representative of activist inves- Intel-China Converg Fund-A AUD H AS EQ CYM 03/28 AUD 10.08 14.5 17.5 NS
Intel-China Converg Fund-A CAD H AS EQ CYM 03/27 CAD 10.83 6.5 10.1 NS
Greenwich faced lawsuits and ment with some of its investors. tor Carl Icahn. Intel-China Converg Fund-A NZD H AS EQ CYM 03/28 NZD 11.38 10.9 13.1 NS
civil-fraud claims for helping to More recently, Mr. Murphy, —Leslie Scism Intel-China Converg Fund-A Units AS
Intel-Chinese Mainland Foc Fund AS
03/28 USD
03/28 USD
steer billions of dollars of in- 56 years old, was a key archi- contributed to this article. VP Classic-A Units AS EQ HKG 03/28 USD 286.20 12.4 22.5 1.3
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B6 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 12 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
19217.48 s 14.61, or 0.08% Year-to-date s 0.54% 378.53 s 1.23, or 0.33% Year-to-date s 4.73% 2358.46 t 0.11, or 0.005% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.52 23.53
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 19633.75 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 378.53 308.75 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.27 17.55
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.97 2.23
All-time high: 2395.96, 03/01/17

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20000 385 2390

19500 375 2350

19000 365 2310

18500 355 2270

Session high
DOWN UP 65-day moving average
18000 345 2230

Session open Close

65-day moving average
65-day moving average Close Open

17500 335 2190

Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17000 325 2150
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 12 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 12 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2694.90 –6.80 –0.25 2193.75 • 2720.47 6.6 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1802.27 –9.79 –0.54 1471.88 • 1956.39 5.0 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 971.06 0.74 0.08 691.21 • 1044.05 22.3 5.250 Australia 2 1.751 47.3 44.0 55.0 118.4 1.746 1.814 1.972
4.750 10 2.725 33.3 29.1 34.3 78.0 2.711 2.737 2.586
Americas DJ Americas 568.90 0.30 0.05 480.90 • 577.65 5.3
3.000 Belgium 2 -182.3 -184.0 -123.8 -0.507 -0.576 -0.450
-0.545 -181.3
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 65232.30 591.85 0.92 47873.65 • 69487.58 8.3
0.800 10 0.824 -156.8 -156.2 -169.3 -142.1 0.858 0.701 0.384
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15639.39 40.82 0.26 13217.17 • 15943.09 2.3
0.000 France 2 -0.507 -178.5 -178.9 -179.7 -121.5 -0.483 -0.533 -0.426
Mexico IPC All-Share 49094.28 –244.96 –0.50 43902.25 • 49523.94 7.6
0.250 10 0.927 -146.5 -144.9 -150.6 -132.4 0.971 0.888 0.481
Chile Santiago IPSA 3744.81 –13.50 –0.36 2998.64 • 3764.58 16.2
0.000 Germany 2 -0.747 -202.5 -200.3 -216.5 -127.6 -0.698 -0.901 -0.488
U.S. DJIA 20647.53 –53.97 –0.26 17063.08 • 21169.11 4.5
0.250 10 0.347 -204.5 -202.9 -218.6 -166.6 0.391 0.209 0.139
Nasdaq Composite 5883.90 8.76 0.15 4574.25 • 5928.06 9.3
0.300 Italy 2 -0.087 -136.5 -138.3 -129.2 -78.3 -0.078 -0.028 0.005
S&P 500 2358.46 –0.11 –0.005 1991.68 • 2400.98 5.3
1.250 10 2.130 -26.2 -26.5 -30.6 -56.6 2.154 2.089 1.239
CBOE Volatility 11.38 –0.15 –1.30 9.97 • 26.72 –18.9
0.100 Japan 2 -0.251 -152.8 -156.7 -153.4 -101.2 -0.261 -0.270 -0.224
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 378.53 1.23 0.33 308.75 • 378.53 4.7 0.100 10 0.055 -233.7 -236.0 -234.0 -189.2 0.060 0.055 -0.087
Stoxx Europe 50 3149.03 13.28 0.42 2626.52 • 3151.89 4.6 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.770 -204.8 -202.8 -209.7 -129.7 -0.723 -0.833 -0.509
France CAC 40 5069.04 22.84 0.45 3955.98 • 5073.23 4.3 0.750 10 0.589 -180.3 -179.2 -191.5 -157.6 0.628 0.480 0.230
Germany DAX 12203.00 53.58 0.44 9214.10 • 12233.76 6.3 4.450 Portugal 2 -0.125 -140.3 -144.8 -128.4 -54.2 -0.142 -0.020 0.246
Israel Tel Aviv 1400.48 –0.52 –0.04 1372.23 • 1504.42 –4.8 2.875 10 3.680 128.8 131.1 147.2 91.9 3.730 3.866 2.724
Italy FTSE MIB 20276.80 –53.62 –0.26 15017.42 • 20388.87 5.4 2.750 Spain 2 -0.213 -149.0 -151.8 -152.5 -77.6 -0.212 -0.261 0.012
Netherlands AEX 513.58 1.43 0.28 409.23 • 518.88 6.3 1.500 10 1.635 -75.7 -76.1 -85.6 -43.3 1.659 1.539 1.372
Russia RTS Index 1124.91 –0.67 –0.06 839.62 • 1196.99 –2.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.603 -188.1 -190.0 -193.6 -144.0 -0.595 -0.672 -0.652
Spain IBEX 35 10367.60 –21.40 –0.21 7579.80 • 10424.50 10.9 1.000 10 0.615 -177.7 -178.7 -186.5 -129.6 0.632 0.529 0.509
Switzerland Swiss Market 8661.53 64.51 0.75 7475.54 • 8704.11 5.4 1.750 U.K. 2 0.150 -112.8 -112.3 -117.8 -31.9 0.183 0.086 0.469
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52444.78 135.55 0.26 48935.90 • 54704.22 3.5 4.250 10 1.155 -123.7 -122.5 -124.3 -39.1 1.195 1.151 1.414
Turkey BIST 100 89269.72 –912.01 –1.01 70426.16 • 91497.00 14.2 1.250 U.S. 2 1.278 ... ... ... ... 1.305 1.264 0.788
U.K. FTSE 100 7373.72 30.30 0.41 5788.74 • 7447.00 3.2 2.250 10 2.392 ... ... ... ... 2.420 2.394 1.805
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1566.78 –2.05 –0.13 1308.52 • 1570.38 10.1
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5873.50 52.30 0.90 4924.40 • 5873.50 3.7 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 12 p.m. New York time
China Shanghai Composite 3241.31 –11.63 –0.36 2806.91 • 3282.92 4.4 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24392.05 46.18 0.19 19694.33 • 24593.12 10.9 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 3/28/2017
India S&P BSE Sensex 29531.43 121.91 0.41 24673.84 • 29648.99 10.9 One-Day Change Year Year
Indonesia Jakarta Composite 5592.51 51.31 0.93 4704.22 • 5592.51 5.6 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
357.00 -0.75 -0.21% 387.25 354.25
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 19217.48 14.61 0.08 14952.02 • 19633.75 0.5 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 969.00 -3.00 -0.31 1,088.25 968.25
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite 1750.41 –4.01 –0.23 1614.90 • 1754.67 6.6
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 423.75 -0.75 -0.18 477.00 416.25
New Zealand S&P/NZX 50 7133.57 68.34 0.97 6664.21 • 7571.11 3.7
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 111.675 0.075 0.07% 114.200 103.150
Pakistan KSE 100 48375.63 –147.78 –0.30 32922.40 • 50192.36 1.2
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,086 -43 -2.02 2,273 1,869
Philippines PSEi 7324.00 –7.46 –0.10 6563.67 • 8102.30 7.1
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 139.65 0.80 0.58 159.30 136.20
Singapore Straits Times 3184.57 26.75 0.85 2729.85 • 3184.57 10.5
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 17.22 -0.34 -1.94 21.21 17.02
South Korea Kospi 2166.98 3.67 0.17 1925.24 • 2178.38 6.9
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 76.60 -0.28 -0.36 79.46 71.55
Taiwan Weighted 9856.25 –20.20 –0.20 8053.69 • 9972.49 6.5 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2173.00 5.00 0.23 2,279.00 2,093.00
Thailand SET 1574.97 –1.75 –0.11 1356.69 • 1591.00 2.1
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.6800 0.0040 0.15 2.8360 2.4800
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1254.40 -4.40 -0.35 1,268.10 1,152.20
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 18.205 -0.047 -0.26 18.540 16.000
Currencies London close on March 29 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,928.50 4.00 0.21 1,939.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 19,900.00 365.00 1.87 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 5,800.00 106.00 1.86 6,156.00 5,518.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,314.00 -4.00 -0.17 2,445.00 2,022.00
s Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,783.00 5.00 0.18 2,958.50 2,555.00
Yen Bulgaria lev 0.5499 1.8186 –2.1 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 9,785.00 35.00 0.36 11,095.00 9,430.00
Croatia kuna 0.1447 6.911 –3.7 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 244.00 5.80 2.43 n.a. n.a.
Euro Euro zone euro 1.0756 0.9298 –2.2
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2723.00 16.00 0.59 3068.00 2642.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0398 25.125 –2.2
s WSJ Dollar index Denmark krone 0.1446 6.9178 –2.1 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 49.27 0.90 1.86 57.50 47.01
–10 0.003474 287.86 –2.2
Hungary forint NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5437 0.0236 1.55 1.7770 1.4825
Iceland krona 0.008973 111.45 –1.3 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6696 0.0332 2.03 1.9065 1.5824
–20 Norway krone 0.1173 8.5235 –1.4
0.2548 3.9243 –6.3
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.229 0.052 1.64 3.5070 2.7370
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01764 56.695 –7.5 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 52.33 0.91 1.77 59.89 50.00
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1126 8.8807 –2.5 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 464.50 4.75 1.03 523.50 444.00
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0028 0.9972 –2.1
Turkey lira 0.2733 3.6590 3.8 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1287 7.7694 0.2
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0370 27.0150 –0.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0647 15.4476 –2.7
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2404 0.8062 –0.5 Cross rates London close on Mar 29
Brazil real 0.3207 3.1181 –4.2 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009001 111.09 –5.1
Canada dollar 0.7477 1.3375 –0.5 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003169 315.59 –5.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6525 0.3770 –0.05
Chile peso 0.001508 663.30 –1.0 Australia 1.3057 1.6198 1.3094 0.0118 0.1681 1.4043 0.9763 ...
Macau pataca 0.1246 8.0282 1.4 Egypt pound-a 0.0551 18.1543 0.1
Colombia peso 0.0003465 2885.82 –3.9 Canada 1.3375 1.6590 1.3410 0.0120 0.1721 1.4383 ... 1.0243
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2263 4.4190 –1.5 Israel shekel 0.2761 3.6220 –5.9
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7024 1.4237 –1.4 Kuwait dinar 3.2841 0.3045 –0.4 Euro 0.9298 1.1534 0.9323 0.0084 0.1197 ... 0.6952 0.7120
Mexico peso-a 0.0531 18.8320 –9.2
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.835 0.4 Oman sul rial 2.5974 0.3850 0.01 Hong Kong 7.7694 9.6378 7.7918 0.0699 ... 8.3570 5.8091 5.9505
Peru sol 0.3081 3.2452 –3.2
Philippines peso 0.0199 50.163 1.1 Qatar rial 0.2746 3.642 0.04 Japan 111.0940 137.8100 111.4100 ... 14.2990 119.4800 83.0700 85.0800
Uruguay peso-e 0.0351 28.450 –3.1
Singapore dollar 0.7164 1.3958 –3.6 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7503 –0.01 0.9972 1.2371 ... 0.0090 0.1283 1.0727 0.7457 0.7638
Venezuela bolivar 0.100100 9.99 –0.1 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008977 1113.97 –7.8 South Africa rand 0.0766 13.0480 –4.7
U.K. 0.8062 ... 0.8083 0.0073 0.1038 0.8670 0.6027 0.6174
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065725 152.15 2.5 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7659 1.3057 –6.0 Taiwan dollar 0.03309 30.220 –6.9 U.S. ... 1.2404 1.0028 0.0090 0.1287 1.0756 0.7477 0.7659
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 90.19 0.14 0.16 –2.96
China yuan 0.1451 6.8899 –0.8 Thailand baht 0.02905 34.420 –3.9 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 12 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.98222% 0.43400% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5139.00 -0.73 6.29 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2130.00 0.90 -5.02 Last: 154.87 t 0.10, or 0.06% YTD s 9.9%
Three month 1.14678 0.62510 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 228.00 0.88 20.19 € SAP SAP 91.09 0.53 10.00
Six month 1.41989 0.89890 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 49.80 1.01 13.83 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4814.00 0.85 0.38 € Sanofi SAN 84.51 0.68 9.90 High 155
One year 1.79400 1.21415 67.60 1.30 2.25
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1505.00 0.60 -7.30 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6124.00 -0.39 -10.96 € SchneiderElectric SU Close 150
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 32.30 1.13 6.18 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 44.88 1.13 6.50 € Siemens SIE 125.80 0.52 7.71 Low t 145
One month -0.39786% -0.32714% AU$ BHP BHP 23.97 0.29 -4.35 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 35.14 1.27 7.79 CHF Syngenta SYNN 439.50 1.29 9.19
Three month -0.35786 -0.24900 3.93 9.34 € Telefonica TEF 10.42 -0.86 18.14 50–day 140
HK$ BankofChina 3988 0.51 14.24 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.35 0.38
moving average
Six month -0.25014 -0.13657 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 96.35 -0.57 9.61 € Total FP 46.62 0.43 -3.36 135
One year -0.11900 -0.01586 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.34 0.32 -3.71 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.78 1.15 -1.07
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 124.33 1.08 23.82 € Unilever UNA 46.80 0.65 19.65
CHF ABB ABBN 23.22 0.30 8.10
One month -0.37300% -0.33200% ¥ Canon 7751 3486.00 -0.17 5.80 £ Unilever ULVR 4031.00 0.62 22.43 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24
€ ASMLHolding ASML 123.60 ... 15.89
Three month -0.33000 -0.24300 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18500 -0.96 -3.80 € Vinci DG 73.75 -0.24 13.99 Jan. Feb. Mar.
€ AXA CS 24.05 0.71 0.25
Six month -0.24200 -0.13200 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.41 0.47 7.37 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 210.70 0.21 5.43
€ AirLiquide AI 107.05 0.80 1.33
One year -0.10900 -0.00400 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 24.05 ... 19.06 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 281.90 -0.56 0.53
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 86.40 -0.46 5.11

AB InBev
ABI 102.85
2.29 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month 0.01157% -0.06743% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.35 1.11 15.45 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4954.50 -0.11 11.65 Last: 3149.03 s 13.28, or 0.42% YTD s 4.6%
Three month 0.02436 -0.00429 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 86.14 1.03 4.53 € BASF BAS 92.10 0.61 4.29
$ AmericanExpress AXP 78.40 -0.31 5.83
Six month 0.04214 0.02350 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 9850.00 0.50 -2.48 € BNP Paribas BNP 62.04 0.19 2.46
$ Apple AAPL 143.35 -0.31 23.77 3175
One year 0.14757 0.10457 ¥ Fanuc 6954 23235 1.82 17.26 £ BT Group BT.A 322.35 -0.59 -12.14
$ Boeing BA 177.34 -0.01 13.91
$ Caterpillar CAT 92.98 0.04 0.26 3100
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 620.30 0.80 -1.85 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 7.18 -1.14 11.99
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 91.50 0.33 8.67 $ Chevron CVX 107.83 0.62 -8.39 3025
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.72 -0.66 15.39
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3436.00 1.69 0.61 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 33.78 -0.71 11.78
One month 1.1000% 1.0000% £ Barclays BARC 227.30 -0.35 1.72 2950
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 156000 -2.50 6.85 $ Coca-Cola KO 42.41 -0.05 2.29
Three month 1.3000 1.2000 € Bayer BAYN 106.90 ... 7.84
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.17 0.39 11.18 $ Disney DIS 112.42 -0.56 7.87
Six month 1.4000 1.3000 £ BP BP. 461.20 1.71 -9.50
$ DuPont DD 81.80 -0.05 11.44
One year 1.7500 1.6500 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3701.00 -0.67 -3.72 £ BritishAmTob BATS 5318.00 1.90 15.07 2800
¥ KDDI 3001.00 1.01 1.40
$ ExxonMobil XOM 82.22 0.46 -8.91
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 72.36 1.02 2.32 $ GeneralElec GE 29.48 -0.49 -6.72 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2456.00 1.28 -1.37 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 16.36 0.28 0.03 $ Jan. Feb. Mar.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 228.62 -0.31 -4.52
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1632.00 1.71 0.15 £ Diageo DGE 2316.00 0.43 9.76 $
U.S. 4.00% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 146.38 -0.56 9.17
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 712.30 1.05 -1.10 € ENI ENI 15.12 0.47 -2.26 $
Canada 2.70 2.70 Intel INTC 35.56 -0.11 -1.96
1652.00 1.54 2.80 1678.50
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 208.90 0.84 -0.43
HSBC Hldgs
HSBA 656.40
0.09 7.46 $
0.17 -0.08 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 21
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2651.50 -0.49 -0.43 € INGGroep INGA 13.92 0.07 4.11 $ J&J JNJ 124.98 -0.54 8.48 Last: 20647.53 t 53.97, or 0.26% YTD s 4.5%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 33.24 1.22 8.38 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3825.50 -0.04 7.99 $ McDonalds MCD 128.80 -0.50 5.82
Britain 0.25 0.50
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4924.00 0.08 0.24 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.52 -0.79 3.87 $ Merck MRK 63.83 0.77 8.43 21100
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1114.00 0.36 -5.23 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 202.60 0.57 11.69 $ Microsoft MSFT 64.99 -0.46 4.59
¥ Panasonic 6752 1267.50 3.72 6.56 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 66.54 -0.37 6.45 $ Nike NKE 56.61 -0.02 11.37
Australia 1.50 2.00
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 43.80 ... 12.89 € LOreal OR 179.80 0.62 3.69 $ Pfizer PFE 34.34 0.53 5.73
U.S. discount 1.50 1.00 19800
Fed-funds target 0.75-1.00 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 38.60 0.78 22.35 £ NationalGrid NG. 1013.00 -0.05 6.45 $ Procter&Gamble PG 90.71 -0.06 7.89
Call money 2.75 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2089000 0.72 15.93 CHF Nestle NESN 77.60 0.71 6.23 $ 3M MMM 190.71 -0.15 6.80 19150
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4436.00 1.05 -0.38 CHF Novartis NOVN 74.50 1.02 0.54 $ Travelers TRV 120.55 -1.03 -1.53
Overnight repurchase rates 18500
U.S. 0.82% 0.48%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 8034.00 1.57 3.46 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 236.00 0.38 -7.34 $ UnitedTech UTX 111.97 -0.68 2.14
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 3704.00 3.03 13.10 £ Prudential PRU 1708.00 -0.84 4.95 $ UnitedHealth UNH 162.98 -1.43 1.84 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4134.00 0.15 -7.31 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7311.00 -0.12 6.17 $ Visa V 88.58 -0.60 13.54 Jan. Feb. Mar.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 114.10 -0.26 16.43 £ RioTinto RIO 3258.50 1.20 3.17 $ Verizon VZ 49.08 -0.45 -8.06 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 191.50 -1.54 5.51 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 255.40 0.91 9.80 $ Wal-Mart WMT 70.63 0.44 2.18 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, March 30, 2017 | B7


BlackRock Shifts to Robots Over Humans

Fund giant moves to
overhaul its lagging
stock-picking business;
plan means job losses

BlackRock Inc. has started

a shake-up of its stock-picking
business, relying more on ro-
bots rather than humans to
make decisions on what to buy
and sell.
The firm has become the
world’s largest asset manager,
with $5.1 trillion in total assets,
in large part because of its
dominant position in low-cost,
passive investment such as ex-
change-traded funds.


But its stock-picking unit—
which depends on money man-
agers to choose investments—
has lagged behind rivals in
performance and clients have
been withdrawing their money.
The company has taken the
view that it is difficult for hu-
man beings to beat the market
with traditional bets on large
U.S. stocks. So the firm on
Tuesday announced an over-
haul of its actively managed eq- Clients have pulled money from BlackRock’s actively managed stock business in three of the past four years even as the firm’s total assets climbed to a record.
uities business that will include
job losses, pricing changes and climbed to a record $5.1 tril- and they’re bailing like hell.” stock-picking unit isn’t the first at roughly half the cost of ter integration of research and
a greater emphasis on com- lion. BlackRock had $275.1 bil- Many other firms that spe- but goes further than past those they replace. data informing both traditional
puter models that inform in- lion in active stock assets un- cialize in handpicking stocks changes. In 2012, BlackRock re- The firm will also run coun- and quantitative stock picks.
vestments. Seven stock portfo- der management at the end of are also struggling with low re- placed management teams of try- and sector-focused stock Despite immediate job cuts,
lio managers are among several December, down from $317.3 turns and shifting investor some of its largest stock funds products in which executives executives said that, 18
dozen employees who are ex- billion three years earlier. tastes. Since the 2008 financial and analyzed the investment believe they can outperform, months from now, the firm
pected to leave the firm as part The author of the company’s crisis, clients across the money- process of each team. funds that pursue specific out- will have roughly the same
of the revamp, a person famil- new strategy is former Canada management industry have Yet by the end of last year comes such as social impacts, number of staff in the unit be-
iar with the matter said. Pension Plan Investment Board moved hundreds of billions of more than half of the assets in and riskier funds that make cause it will continue to hire
The firm is offering its Main Chief Executive Mark Wiseman, dollars to lower-cost funds that BlackRock’s traditional actively more concentrated bets. The people as needed.
Street customers lower-cost who was hired last year to turn track indexes, known as passive managed stock products under- changes weed out actively Executives acknowledge po-
quantitative stock funds that around the stock-picking busi- investment funds, instead of performed their benchmarks or managed stock funds that tential risks from the staff-
rely on data and computer sys- ness. The effort is the first test aiming to beat the market. peers over one year, up from closely follow indexes. ing and fund changes. Too
tems to make predictions, an for Mr. Wiseman, viewed by BlackRock has also benefited less than a quarter a year ear- The planned price cuts in- much manager turnover at
investment option previously some company observers as a from investors’ embrace of pas- lier, according to the company’s volved in creating that lineup funds can spook customers and
available only to large institu- potential successor to Chief Ex- sively managed investments. earnings report. Over three will result in a loss of $30 trigger withdrawals. And
tional investors. Some existing ecutive Laurence Fink. The amount overseen by the years, 38% underperformed, million in revenue annually, changing fund mandates can
funds will merge, get new in- Mr. Wiseman—who spent his entire firm has been bolstered compared with 40% at the the firm said. The firm will lead clients who want what
vestment mandates or close. first six months examining the by its exchange-traded-fund same time in 2015. take a $25 million charge in they initially signed up for to
The changes are the most strengths and weaknesses of business, which comprises Under Mr. Wiseman’s plan, the first quarter to fund lay- head for the exits.
significant attempt yet to reju- the business with staff, consul- about a quarter of all assets BlackRock will change the in- offs, staff relocations and re- But executives said the
venate a unit that has long tants and clients—said the firm under management. It also sells vestment mandates of some search investments. planned moves will better po-
lagged behind rivals in perfor- is trying to play offense as investment and risk-manage- funds and focus on a slightly San Francisco will become sition the business to be com-
mance. Clients have pulled smaller rivals struggle. ment technology, giving it a smaller lineup of stock prod- the firm’s hub for quantitative petitive longer term and take
money from the actively man- “We’re in really rough seas, broader mix of businesses than ucts that includes nine quanti- investing, and some emerging- advantage of BlackRock’s scale.
aged stock business in three of but BlackRock is an aircraft many of its rivals. tative funds that will be avail- markets staff will move to Asia “We should be acting like
the past four years even as carrier,” Mr. Wiseman said. The effort to improve the able to individual investors. In from London. Another change, BlackRock, not a part of Black-
BlackRock’s total assets “Everyone else is in dinghies, performance of BlackRock’s some cases, those funds come Mr. Wiseman said, will be a bet- Rock,” Mr. Wiseman said.


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B8 | Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Money Markets Gain Sway in China Nasdaq
Edges Up;
Central bank leans on
How Money Flows Through China's Financial System Higher and Higher
sector via interest
rates to control
The complexity of financial linkages in China is rising. Volume of interbank lending
in China, in trillions of yuan
Oil Prices
liquidity in the country PEOPLE’S BANK OF CHINA
(Assets: 34 trillion yuan)
lends to banks
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
SHANGHAI—Money mar- CHINA’S deposits The Nasdaq Composite In-
kets are often described as the dex rose Wednesday, headed
financial system’s plumbing. (24 trillion yuan) BANKS SYSTEM for a fourth straight session of
When they work, which is (81 trillion yuan) 100 gains, while the Dow Jones In-
all banks lend to
most of the time, hardly any- CONSUMERS/ dustrial Average slipped.
one notices, but when they get 50 The tech-heavy Nasdaq was
blocked up, it creates quite a JOINT-STOCK SMALL CITY/ up 0.3% in midday New York
stink. BANKS RURAL BANKS 0 trading,
(43 trillion yuan) (44 trillion yuan)
That is why China’s money 2006 ’10 ’16 WEDNESDAY’S poised for a
market—in which banks and 10 trillion yuan = $1.455 trillion MARKETS small gain
other financial institutions Source: Wind Info. in March,
from each other last month (Trusts, brokers, funds, insurers, etc.) other indexes have wobbled.
alone to fund their daily Note: 10 trillion yuan = $1.455 trillion. Assets as of Dec. 2016 (PBOC, policy banks), 3Q 2016 (big four and joint-stock banks), Beijing has set reducing the The failure of a U.S. health-
needs—is becoming one of the 2Q 2016 (small city/rural banks) country’s debt buildup and care overhaul has spurred con-
world’s most important mar- Source: Deutsche Bank THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. high leverage in financial mar- cerns that President Donald
kets to watch. kets as a top policy priority. Trump would struggle to en-
China’s central bank has That has handed a new le- such as Industrial & Commer- central bank is that lenders The central bank has raised its act key corporate-friendly pol-
raised interest rates twice ver to the Chinese central cial Bank of China Ltd., act as are plowing the funds they seven-day repo rate twice re- icies such as tax cuts, deregu-
since early February. That im- bank, which is using money- lenders. raise in these markets into cently, its first increases since lation and infrastructure
mediately pushed funding market interest rates as its The volume of interbank speculative investments, fuel- October 2015. spending.
costs to the highest in two main tool to control the lending, usually uncollateral- ing asset bubbles. As interbank borrowing The Dow industrials were
years, hitting smaller banks amount of money in the coun- ized, hit a record with the One big problem is the rise rates soar, they are feeding off 48 points, or 0.2%, at
that have come to rely on the try, a big change from the days equivalent of $34 trillion in of what are euphemistically through to hurt China’s al- 20653 on Wednesday after a
market particularly hard. Last when it ran the economy by loans last year, nearly 100 called wealth-management ready slowing economy, as big gain Tuesday. The S&P 500
week, some small rural banks directly controlling banks’ to- times the amount of lending in products. The products bundle banks pass on the higher was up less than 0.1%.
failed to make good on short- tal lending. 2002 when data provider together all sorts of assets or costs. The energy sector in the
term loans from other lenders. But as the money market Wind Info’s full-year records debt, even other wealth-man- A quarterly record of 104 S&P 500 was up 1% after
And while anxiety in the becomes more influential, so began. agement products, and aren’t companies have dropped or larger-than-anticipated de-
market has eased somewhat has the risk of widespread Banks also use large transparent. These are sold to delayed the equivalent of $14.1 clines in inventories of crude
this week, short-term borrow- damage to the world’s second- amounts of repurchase agree- bank customers offering much billion of bond-issuance plans products including gasoline
ing rates are still high. Broker- largest economy when it jams ments, or repos, in which one higher returns than ordinary since the start of this year, ac- suggested strong demand for
ages and asset managers are up. bank borrows in the short deposits, by making big, lever- cording to Wind Info. oil. U.S. crude climbed 1.5% to
having to pay interest of as “Because there’s been a term from another, typically aged bets on everything from The central bank’s control $49.07 a barrel.
much as 6% on short-term bor- trend for small banks and non- using a Chinese government government bonds to garlic. over China’s markets is also In Asia, Hong Kong’s Hang
rowings, more than double the bank institutions to play a bond as collateral. Turnover in Critics consider them a big being tested. After the latest Seng Index added 0.2%, while
central bank’s benchmark rate. larger role in the money mar- the repo market surged to the risk to banks and individual rises, its seven-day repo rate the Nikkei Stock Average was
Tightness in money markets ket in recent years, the risk of equivalent of $216 trillion last savers, with the outstanding remains a low 2.45%. But big up 0.1% to 19217.48. Several
is a worry because if banks a liquidity crisis is growing,” year, about 24 times its vol- amount issued having bal- state-owned banks that bor- Japanese stocks underper-
stop lending to each other, said Julian Evans-Pritchard, a ume a decade ago. looned to the equivalent of row directly from the central formed as they went ex-divi-
they soon stop lending to the Singapore-based economist at China’s central bank plays a $3.8 trillion, or 35% of gross bank are charging much higher dend. The Shanghai Composite
broader economy, too. A sharp Capital Economics. big role, using daily open-mar- domestic product. rates when they lend to fell 0.4%. Australia’s S&P/ASX
rise in interbank borrowing China’s banks for years re- ket operations to adjust the Because the products are smaller institutions. 200 climbed 0.9% to 5873.50,
costs thanks to a liquidity lied on deposits from ordinary supply and cost of funds in the often short term, there is a “That means the transmis- its highest level since April
crunch in major Western mar- customers. As the economy ex- financial system. When there risk investors won’t be repaid sion mechanism is not well de- 2015.
kets in 2007 heralded the panded and banks lent more is a cash shortage, it offers if the value of the investments veloped, which can dilute the U.S. government-bond prices
global financial crisis. China’s aggressively, they borrowed loans to banks, usually ranging drops sharply. At that point, effectiveness of policy rose. The yield on the bench-
money market has become just more from each other in from seven to 28 days. Its the issuers of wealth-manage- changes,” said Tim Condon, mark 10-year Treasury note fell
as central to the country’s fi- money markets to get extra seven-day repo rate has be- ment products often look to economist at ING. China’s to 2.383%, according to
nancial system as those of its funding. Typical borrowers are come its main policy tool, the tap the money market to get money market is distorted by Tradeweb, from 2.411% the prior
U.S. and European counter- smaller banks, which have equivalent of the fed-funds the funds they need to pay the big five state banks that day. Yields fall as prices rise.
parts after rapid expansion lower deposit bases, while rate. back investors, a problem if dominate the supply of funds, The Stoxx Europe 600
this century. large banks flush with funds, What is worrying China’s rates have risen. he said. gained 0.3%.

Email: heard@wsj.com

Moves Onto
Tencent Hits a Tesla Speed Bump OVERHEARD
China’s most valuable Who said day trading was
Fully Charged
Snap’s Turf company, Tencent Holdings,
has become global tech giant
in less than two decades
Sales of new energy
easy money?
Certainly not biotech in-
vestors after Monday after-
vehicles in China
Facebook couldn’t buy thanks to its dominance of noon’s price action. Shares of
Snapchat, but it can afford to China’s computer gaming in- 500 thousand cancer-drug developer Tesaro
build its own. That is making dustry and the phenomenal were halted for pending news
Snapchat parent Snap look success of its instant-mes- 400 late in the trading day. Inves-
vulnerable. saging app WeChat. So its tors had long speculated
Facebook said Tuesday it $1.8 billion investment in 300 about Tesaro, whose shares
is launching three new fea- electric-vehicle maker Tesla have more than tripled over
tures on its main app that for a 5% stake is a bit of a the past year, as an acquisi-
mirror key features of the head-scratcher. tion target. Shares of Clovis
Snapchat messaging app. In There is an element of Oncology, a biotech develop-
doing so, Facebook aims to “me too” about this. Tencent ing a similar cancer drug, im-
encourage users to share is often grouped with search- mediately snapped 3% higher
more on its platform. It also engine company Baidu and e- 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 as traders sensed an immi-
threatens to curb growth commerce giant Alibaba as Sources: CEIC; Zuma Press (photo) nent flurry of deals.
for Snapchat, which Face- the holy trinity of Chinese THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. An electric concept car is shown in Beijing last year. The good times for Clovis
book tried and failed to buy tech. The latter two have al- traders vanished quickly; Tes-
for more than $3 billion in ready made strides in electric backer of Shanghai-based bias toward supporting local profit on its Tesla stake. aro’s news turned out to be
2013. vehicles: Baidu aims to roll NextEV, which is aiming to car makers and battery pro- But Tencent’s investors an early Food and Drug Ad-
For Snap, whose shares out commercially viable au- bring its autonomous electric ducers. The cash-hungry elec- aren’t buying its shares for ministration approval for its
fell nearly 7% Tuesday, the tonomous vehicles next year, vehicles to the U.S. by 2020. tric-car company may happily its stock-market acumen. drug to treat ovarian cancer—
relative ease with which the while Alibaba is developing But it is unclear how taking take Tencent’s investment dol- Having built a reputation as good news, but not the sort
much larger Facebook can “internet-connected cars” in a minority stake in Tesla, with lars, but may not offer much one of China’s best-run tech of thing that triggers a deal
encroach on its turf raises a joint venture with local car no specific plans for joint ven- in return if it doesn’t get any businesses, Tencent should frenzy. Within minutes, Clovis
questions about the depth of maker SAIC. The three com- tures or other projects with further benefit. be careful to avoid becoming shares plunged 5% before re-
its competitive moat. Insta- panies have all invested in the Elon Musk-run outfit, will Sure, Tencent can afford known as just another bounding. On the bright side,
gram, which Facebook owns, Didi Chuxing, China’s suc- help Tencent crack the elec- this: The company generated sprawling Chinese company perhaps the episode helped a
introduced in a “stories” fea- cessful answer to Uber. tric-vehicle scene. Mr. Musk nearly $10 billion of cash wasting its money on vanity few traders see the wisdom
ture last August that mim- Tencent itself has invested may hope Tencent will aid from operations last year, investments with little obvi- of a buy-and-hold investment
icked Snapchat Stories and in several domestic electric- Tesla in navigating the Middle and it is already sitting on a ous strategic value. strategy.
may be responsible for the vehicle startups. It is a Kingdom, but Beijing has a nice $490 million paper —Jacky Wong
deceleration in Snap’s user
growth over the past two
To the extent its efforts
result in limiting Snap’s user
Investors Face Brexit Quiet Before the Negotiating Storm
growth, Facebook will also For nine months, the U.K. Minister Theresa May to Eu- to settle obligations under- reasons to bet on a rebound.
be preventing future ad dol- has been living the Brexit Brexit Divide ropean Council President taken as a member, to the By purchasing power parity
lars from shifting to its dream. Even with the trig- Performance since June 23 Donald Tusk triggering Arti- Northern Irish border, to and other measures, at $1.24,
smaller rival. The ability to gering Wednesday of the for- Brexit referendum vote cle 50 won’t change anything questions around the U.K. the pound is undervalued,
capture a growing slice of ad mal process for leaving the immediately. It will likely financial industry outside Nomura notes. Yet there are
budgets matters for both European Union, the lull can 20% FTSE 100 take a couple of months for the single market, the com- too many moving parts for
companies’ valuations. continue for a while. But as 10 negotiations to start in ear- plexity of the talks is clear. that to be a comfortable po-
Snap’s $32.5 billion diluted the clock ticks on negotia- 0 nest, with the EU’s 27 other The process is supposed to sition, with the economic
market capitalization rests tions, the real shape of members needing to agree take two years, but in real- data starting to show hints
–10 Sterling vs. U.S. dollar
heavily on expectations for Brexit will emerge for inves- formally how they will ap- ity that period will be short- of Brexit strain. Inflation has
growth. tors—and for the pound, still –20 proach the talks. Further de- ened by Europe’s political risen and will rise further,
Facebook’s announcement the key U.K. barometer. 2016 ’17 laying matters, both sides calendar and the need to al- squeezing consumers who
came a day after a barrage of The fate of the pound and Note: As of midday Wednesday in New York will need to see the outcome low time for ratification. In- have already been running
mostly positive analyst notes the U.K. economy are inter- Source: FactSet of German elections in Sep- vestors will need to juggle down savings to sustain their
on Snap as banks that served twined in Brexit. So far, that tember. news on a stream of conten- purchasing habits.
as underwriters for the com- has led to some curious ef- the EU, meaning for now it That doesn’t mean the tious debates on weighty Brexit is unprecedented. A
pany’s IPO initiated coverage fects. The fall in sterling of gets the benefits of the status quo goes on forever. matters such as tariffs, drug messy negotiation, including
of its shares. Investors some 17% against the dollar cheaper currency and all the The task ahead of the nego- regulation, and the status of an outcome in which the U.K.
should question whether the since the June vote reflects trade and regulatory condi- tiators is daunting in its British and EU citizens liv- gets no special trade deal
rosier estimates among them investors’ concerns about the tions for businesses remain technical, legal and political ing in each others’ realms. with the EU upon exit, would
properly account for the U.K.’s outlook. the same. scale. From the issue of The question for the require a much lower pound
Facebook risk. Yet the economy hasn’t The ceremonial handing- whether the U.K. owes many pound and investors is to compensate.
—Miriam Gottfried worsened. The U.K. is still in over of a letter from Prime billions of euros to the EU whether there are any good —Richard Barley

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