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Female <>


Human <>

*Class <>*

Thief <>

*Alignment <>*

LG <> NG
<> CG
LN <> TN
<> CN
LE <> NE
<> CE




Candlekeep <> (AR2600

<> – 2922.1980
<>), Candlekeep Coastway
<> (AR2700
<> – 3140.3680


*Other Relationships*

Gorion's Ward (half blood)

*Ability Scores <>*

*Str <>* *Dex

<>* *Con
<>* *Int
<>* *Wis
<>* *Cha
9 18 16 17 11 16

*Total Scores*



*Special Traits*

Able to dual to mage <>

*Other Infomation*

*Voice Actor <>*

Melissa Disney

*Companion Codes*


“ Heya! It's me, Imoen. ”

*Imoen* is a neutral good human thief

<> and a potential companion
<> in BGIlogoonly
/Baldur's Gate I
This icon indicates content for all games of the 1^st /Baldur's Gate/
installment, including original and enhanced editions and their
expansions, but not /The Black Pits/.
/Baldur's Gate II <>/
This icon indicates content for all games of the 2^nd /Baldur's Gate/
installment, including original and enhanced editions and their
expansions. This may include /The Black Pits II/.


[show <#>]


Imoen is the childhood friend of Gorion's Ward

<>. They both grew up
together in the library fortress of Candlekeep
<> from the time when she
was brought there, when they were both about the age of 10.

Baldur's Gate
<> & Tales
of the Sword Coast

Imoen (Prologue) BG1EE



"/I snuck off too./"^[1] <#cite_note-0>


In the prologue <>, she will

greet you when you approach the front of the Candlekeep Library
<> proper. She
surprises you by knowing more about your impending journey with Gorion
<> than you do.

“ My old friend Imoen pestered me today. She has a strange way of

showing her affection for me, and sometimes she can be quite annoying.
Still, she's a nice girl, and I'm glad to know her. ”

— Journal

Imoen (Chapter One) BG1EE



"/Heya! It's me, Imoen./"


Imoen is available to recruit from Chapter One

<> on. She's the first
companion who offers to join you and will join despite any answer given
in dialogue.


Her valuable thieving skills can be very beneficial for a starting

party, such as detect and disarm traps, open locks, pick-pocket, etc.
She also has a very high charisma
<>, making her an effective
leader in regards to yielding better prices in shops and good reactions
during particular conversations. She doesn't have major conflicts with
any other party members, but despite what she says about sticking by you
no matter what, she will leave if your reputation drops low enough in BG1.

Imoen has one of the highest overall stats of all companions in the
entire saga, being a human thief with a Dexterity
<> score of 18 and an
intelligence <> score of
17. You may dual <> class
her anytime after level 2 to a mage
<>, and the 161,000 experience
cap <> present in
Tales of the Sword Coast Icon
/Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast
This icon indicates content from the original /*Baldur's Gate: Tales of
the Sword Coast*/ campaign.
and Baldur&#039;s Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoD
/Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the /*Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition*/
creates a manageable cut-off point for regaining her thief skills. A
dual-class <> by
definition must have its new class exceed the level of its old class by
one level in order to regain the benefits of the old class. Imoen may
become a level 7 Thief at 40,000 XP, which will still allow her to reach
a level 8 Mage at 90,000 XP (130,000 XP total). This allows a
significant investment in 2-3 Thief skills, primarily lock-picking and
find traps, as well as a third proficiency
<> point, well
placed in Long Swords. If you want maximize Thief level - dual class
immediately after Imoen reaches level 7 Thief in order not to waste any
earned experience, plus it will match up canonically
<> with next installment. But
if you want reach level 9 Mage to gain level 5 spell slots - dual class
at level 6 Thief. At level 1, she has 8 hp and Weapon proficiency
<> in Small Sword
and Bow Baldur&#039;s Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1
/Baldur's Gate
<>/ (1998)
This icon indicates content from the original /*Baldur's Gate*/ campaign.
Tales of the Sword Coast Icon
/Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast
This icon indicates content from the original /*Baldur's Gate: Tales of
the Sword Coast*/ campaign.
or Short Sword and Shortbow (Enhanced Edition
<>). Her
starting equipment are:

Short Sword <>, Short Bow

<>, 40 Arrow
<>, 3 Potions of Healing
<>, Oil of Speed
<>, Wand of Magic
Missiles <>.

Her level 1 Thieving Abilities

<> are:

* Original: Open Locks 25%, Stealth 30%, Find Traps 30%, Pick Pockets 25%
* Enhanced Edition: Open Locks 25, Find Traps 35, Pick Pockets 25,
Move Silently 35, Hide In Shadows 15


“ When asked about her past, IMOEN slaps your shoulder playfully. She
says that you of all people should know, seeing as how you grew up together.
Indeed, some of your fondest memories are of meeting this sprightly
young lass. She apparently came to Candlekeep much as you did, though
ten years later in life, and she spent much more time with the gruff
Winthrop <> than Gorion
<>. "Puffguts," she would call
him, much to the old innkeep's dismay.
She seems the eternal child, and is quite content to play the part of
little sister, though you are both of comparable ages. You can tell by
her hearty smile that she will always be willing to travel with you, no
matter what path you take. ”


Play sound
IMOEN15 <>
Heya! It's me, Imoen. [Expand <#>] Initial meeting
Play sound
IMOEN25 <>
Gettin' out alive, I am. Morale failure
Play sound
IMOEN27 <>
Good on you if you save the day. Happy
Play sound
IMOEN10 <>
Mutton-mongerin' riffraff. Unhappy-annoyed
Play sound
IMOEN17 <>
I've done had enough of this. Unhappy-serious
Play sound
IMOEN19 <>
'Tis something most unnatural here, and I want no part of it.
Play sound
IMOEN09 <>
Ye're all buffle-headed. Leader
Play sound
IMOEN11 <>
/*yawn*/ I'm gettin' a little sleepy. Tired
Play sound
IMOEN05 <>
Booooorrrring. Bored
Play sound
IMOEN18 <>
My blade will cut you down to size! Battlecry1
Play sound
IMOEN12 <>
Play sound
IMOEN02 <>
I feel so cold. Hurt
Play sound
IMOEN13 <>
Play sound
IMOEN19 <>
'Tis something most unnatural here, and I want no part of it. Dungeon
Play sound
IMOEN26 <>
I care not. Select1
Play sound
IMOEN03 <>
Yep? Select2
Play sound
IMOEN04 <>
Whatcha want? Select3
Play sound
IMOEN06 <>
Ha, ye're a queer fellow. Select4
Play sound
IMOEN24 <>
This way. Action1
Play sound
IMOEN17 <>
I've done had enough of this. Action2
Play sound
IMOEN07 <>
I am gone. Action3
Play sound
IMOEN08 <>
Do ya wanna tell me a story 'bout trollops an' plug tails? Please?
Play sound
IMOEN28 <>
I know nothin' more, so leave me to go. Action5
Play sound
IMOEN27 <>
Good on you if you save the day. Action6
Play sound
IMOEN30 <>
Back home, Puffguts would always tell me a story. Action7
Play sound
IMOEN14 <>
Poor sod, takin' the dirt nap so soon. To death-general

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear





*Class <>*

Dual-class Thief <> (level 7) >

Mage <> (level 5)

*Alignment <>*

LG <> NG
<> CG
LN <> TN
<> CN
LE <> NE
<> CE

*Other Infomation*

*Voice Actor <>*

Melissa Disney
*Companion Codes*


By the time Siege of Dragonspear

takes place, Imoen has started an apprenticeship as a mage under the
guidance of Liia Jannath at the Ducal Palace
<> of Baldur's Gate
<>. Unlike in
the other games, Imoen can not join the party as a regular member,
because she is at first too busy with her training and is poisoned by
assassins during the first scenes, which prompts her to stay at the
palace while the protagonist travels north to fight against Caelar
Argent <>'s crusade.
She does show up again during the finale, where she awaits the
protagonist <> outside of
the city walls of Baldur's Gate
<> alongside
Dynaheir <>, Jaheira
<>, Khalid
<> and Minsc
<>. The six of them then leave
the town behind them, starting the events of Baldur's Gate II


Play sound
BD63941 <>
[Expand <#>] Well, here we are in a creepy ol' tomb again. The last of
Sarevok's followers are down here, according to the Flaming Fist. All
you gotta do is find their leader and bring her to justice.
Play sound
BD63945 <>
I really want to! I wouldn't be much help, though. Ever since I asked
Duke Jannath to teach me how to sling spells, she's had me cooped up in
the stuffy ol' library, studying boring books about the Weave. She only
let me come down here after I promised to bring her any arcane scrolls
or tomes I could find.
Play sound
BD63972 <>
It's strange having these new arcane powers. Back in Candlekeep, I
never dreamed I might be a spellslinger like Gorion some day. Life sure
has taken us to unexpected places. You more than me, I guess.
Play sound
BD64792 <>
It seemed practical. After all the weird places we've been, I thought
it would help if I knew a couple spells and could figure out what the
magical gadgets we find are for.
Play sound
BD64793 <>
Then... well, I had a knack for it. Magic. I like studying my spells
and remembering how Gorion would do the same back in our Candlekeep
days. Feels like I still have a connection with him, you know?
Play sound
BD64798 <>
Hey now! Dusty ol' tombs sure make you grumpy. Let's keep moving.
Play sound
BD64801 <>
You have a point. We can talk more about this later. For now, we should
keep moving.
Play sound
BD63973 <>
We'll follow behind you. I've got your back.
Play sound
BD46254 <>
You sure are a ray of sunshine, aren't you?
Play sound
BD46255 <>
Can't you take anything seriously?
Play sound
BD46259 <>
I don't know why I talk to you sometimes. I really don't.
Play sound
BD35341 <>
You're the closest thing I have to family, <CHARNAME>. I love you. You
know that. But after Sarevok... I need things to be... quiet, just for a
little while.
Play sound
BD55749 <>
Stay here with me. Leave Caelar to the Flaming Fist. Dealing with
people like her is their job—let them do it. But you won't, will you? I
know that look in your eyes. I'm wasting my breath.
Play sound
BD35333 <>
Promise me you'll be careful. All right? I don't know what I'd do if...
We've just lost too many people, you know?

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

& Throne of Bhaal
Edit <>





Female <>

Human <>

*Class <>*

Dual-class Thief <> (level 7) >

Mage <> (level 8)

*Alignment <>*

LG <> NG
<> CG
LN <> TN
<> CN
LE <> NE
<> CE




Irenicus's Dungeon
Spellhold <>


*Other Relationships*

Gorion's Ward (half blood)

*Ability Scores <>*

*Str <>* *Dex

<>* *Con
<>* *Int
<>* *Wis
<>* *Cha
9 18 16 17 11 16

*Total Scores*


*Special Traits*

* In party no matter the reputation

* Bhaalspawn <> powers

*Exclusive Equipment*

Imoen's Belt <> (only

in Irenicus's Dungeon

*Other Infomation*

*Voice Actor <>*

Melissa Disney

*Companion Codes*


Prologue Edit

At the start of Shadows of Amn, Imoen, who is already a dual-classed

<> Thief (level 7)
> Mage, has freed herself from capture, and very soon comes to the
player character's rescue. When the player awakes, she tells Gorion's
Ward <> that they
have been captured and tortured, but she doesn't know why. She relates
something she overheard her captor saying: he wants to release the
player character's 'potential
<>', though it is not
known what that means.

The player must escape the dungeon and may take Imoen with the party or
not. Whatever the decision, once outside, Imoen is back with the player
in a cut-scene in which Imoen attacks Jon Irenicus
<>, their captor, with
magic. But what is not known to the party is that casting spells without
licence is forbidden in the city of Athkatla
<>. Because of this, Cowled
Wizards <> appear and
spirit Imoen and Irenicus away to an unknown location

Recruitment Edit

Imoen is available to recruit in Chapter 4

<> while
the first part of game consists of the player gathering information and
funds, and performing quests
<> for the purpose of
finding out where Imoen has been taken, and to gather the necessary
resources to rescue her, which is eventually realized in Spellhold

Gameplay Edit

Imoen is a dual class thief (level 7) > mage with enough skill in Open
Locks and Find/Disarm Traps to fulfill the fundamental needs of any
party competently and is capable of reaching maximum level in her Mage
class. She'll attain Bhaalspawn
<> powers following the
defeat of Irenicus by the end of /Shadows of Amn/, The changes improve
her stats as well as add a number of innate abilities. All occur at a
random time:

* +1 Strength <> permanently

* +1 Dexterity <>
* Cure Medium Wounds
* Draw Upon Holy Might

In Shadows of Amn LOGOSOA00001 Icon BG2EE

/Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
– Shadows of Amn/ (2013)
This icon indicates content from the /*Shadows of Amn*/ campaign of the
/*Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition*/.
her Thieving Abilities
<> at the start of
the game in Irenicus's Dungeon 1st Floor
are: Open Locks 100, Find Traps 95, Pick Pockets 35, Move Silently 30,
Hide in Shadows 25, Detect Illusion 0, Set Traps 5. She lost 5 points in
Move Silently compared to the first game.

The Imoen you meet at Chapter 4 has her own default spell selection,
thus it's not recommended to teach Imoen any spells in the first chapter.


“ IMOEN chuckles when you ask her about her past, assuming you are just
trying to keep her mind on happier times and places. She indulges you,
and certainly does cheer up when speaking of how you spent your youths
together in Candlekeep. She arrived there the same as you, in the
company of your foster father Gorion, but despite this similarity, she
grew up much more carefree than you did. Indeed, her lighthearted
outlook has long kept her immune to the hardships of the world, though
the dark confines and horrors of your current location have definitely
taken their toll. ”


Play sound
IMOEN02a <>
No, no! No, I'm not gonna end up dead in this place! I have to get out!
I have to get to the surface! [Expand <#>] Morale failure1
Play sound
IMOEN03a <>
I got enough trouble without fightin' these odds!

Morale failure2

Play sound
IMOEN04a <>
Now I remember why traveling with you was always so much fun. Happy
Play sound
IMOEN05a <>
I'll stick with you no matter what, but we should still try and be
decent to people. Unhappy-annoyed
Play sound
IMOEN06a <>
I think all this has really changed you. Come on, this isn't like us at
all. Unhappy-serious
Play sound
IMOEN08a <>
Aww, come on. I'm not cut out for the leadership stuff. Leader
Play sound
IMOEN09a <>
/*yawn* /I'm getting sleepy. Wish we could stop for a bit. Tired
Play sound
IMOEN10a <>
If we're going to do nothing, let's at least find a safer place to do
it. Bored1
Play sound
IMOEN11a <>
I'm withering away just standing here. Let's get going. Bored2
Play sound
IMOEN12a <>
My blade will cut you down to size! Battlecry1
Play sound
IMOEN13a <>
If I have to fight to get out of here, so be it!


Play sound
IMOEN14a <>
You're not gonna keep me here!


Play sound
IMOEN15a <>
You asked for it!


Play sound
IMOEN16 <>
Oh, I'll show you a fight! Battlecry5
Play sound
IMOEN18a <>
Play sound
IMOEN20 <>
Come on, now, don't let me suffer in this place. We've both had enough
of that. Hurt1
Play sound
IMOEN21 <>
I'm weak enough without my wounds. Someone give me a hand over here,
please? Hurt2
Play sound
No... no... NO! I'm not dying here! I'm not! Oh, my head hurts! I have
to get to the surface. I have to go! Dying1
Play sound
IMOEN19a <>
Play sound
IMOEN22 <>
I wish I could spend more time in the forest. Oh, it feels so alive.
Play sound
IMOEN23 <>
I don't feel like I fit in with the people in the city anymore. City
Play sound
IMOEN24a <>
This place is just too darn creepy. I really want out of here. Dungeon
Play sound
IMOEN25a <>
Glad to see another day. I think the light hurts my eyes though. Day
Play sound
IMOEN26a <>
Might as well be up and about. I don't think I'd sleep anyway. Night
Play sound
IMOEN27a <>
Yep? Select1
Play sound
IMOEN28a <>
Whatchu want? Select2
Play sound
IMOEN29 <>
Name it. Select3
Play sound
IMOEN30a <>
Ready and willing. Select4
Play sound
IMOEN31 <>
Somethin' up? Select5
Play sound
IMOEN32 <>
Time to move? Select6
Play sound
IMOEN33 <>
Gotcha. Action1
Play sound
IMOEN34 <>
Good to go. Action2
Play sound
IMOEN35 <>
Right you are. Action3
Play sound
IMOEN36 <>
All right, all right. Action4
Play sound
IMOEN37 <>
No problem at all. Action5
Play sound
IMOEN38 <>
You can count on me! Action6
Play sound
IMOEN39 <>
This way then? Action7
Play sound
IMOEN40 <>
Right as rain. Select rare1
Play sound
IMOEN41 <>
Just like old times. Well, except for the torture and all.

Select rare2

Play sound
IMOEN42 <>
Gotcha good! Critical hit
Play sound
IMOEN43 <>
Next time... Critical miss
Play sound
IMOEN44 <>
Gotta try something else. Target immune
Play sound
IMOEN45 <>
Sorry, but I couldn't hold that last item. It's on the ground.
Inventory full
Play sound
IMOEN46 <>
Easy as pie. Picked pocket
Play sound
IMOEN47 <>
Now you see me, now you don't. Hidden in shadows
Play sound
IMOEN48 <>
Ugh! The magic fizzled. Spell disrupted
Play sound
IMOEN49 <>
Shh! It's set and ready to go. Set a trap

Dialogues Edit
Play sound
IMOEN01 <>
[Expand <#>] Wake up, you! Wake up! Come on, we have to get outta here!
Play sound
This poor creature wishes to die? Right here? We should...
Play sound
He's... he's dead now? This pathetic creature... Death is... pretty.
Why would I think that? Oh, <CHARNAME>, I've got to get out of this place.
Play sound
It's good to see you again, little brother. Ha ha! I rather enjoy
calling you that. So... you ready to go? I'd prefer to travel with you,
if I could.
Play sound
It's good to see you again, little sister. Ha ha! I rather enjoy
calling you that. So, you ready to go? I'd prefer to travel with you, if
I could.
Play sound
IMOE2506 <>
Minsc, I want a hamster.
Play sound
IMOE2509 <>
You know, Jan... I was listening to a story you were telling a little
earlier. I thought it was quite fascinating.
Play sound
IMOE2524 <>
No more worthy than you, "brother." And I've learned things since we
last met that you couldn't begin to dream of.
Play sound
IMOE2502 <>
So... Sarevok. You've had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for
quite a while now. What's it been like?
Play sound
IMOE2503 <>
What... what was it like to die, Sarevok? Seeing as you've been through
the experience repeatedly, I can't help but wonder if you've developed
some... perspective on it?
Play sound
IMOE2527 <>
So... it's finally come down to this, has it? After all we've been
through, right from Candlekeep and Baldur's Gate, through Irenicus and
Bodhi and their plans... I wonder what Gorion would say now?


Imoen is a care-free, optimistic, cheerful and easy-going character. She

seems happy to have escaped the boredom of Candlekeep
<> and eager to discover
the world beyond the city walls. Imoen will try to joke around with
Gorion's Ward <> and
almost any other companions in the group and lighten their spirits in
the hardest moments to come. She never picks up fights with any others,
no matter how different they are.
Imoen is also unyieldingly faithful, extremely attached to Gorion's
Ward, to the extent that she thinks it's her responsibility to safeguard
the Ward and sees herself as the Ward's guardian angel.

In Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Imoen appears a bit worried and more mature, as she struggles with her
newly-discovered Bhaalspawn heritage and the nightmares related to it.
Nonetheless, she retains a great portion of her care-free attitude.


* Imoen did not exist in the original concept Baldur's Gate. Her
character was a late addition to fill a non-psychotic-thief gap in
the early levels. There was no recording budget left, so her lines
were scraped together from voice-over left from a scrapped demo. The
original character was a guard named Pique.^[3] <#cite_note-2>
* On the flipside, she was originally supposed to be available as a
companion for the entirety of Baldur's Gate 2. After the part about
her abduction by Irenicus was added, Nalia was created to fill the
gap. That is also the reason as to why Imoen and Nalia are so
considerably similar to each other. /(confirmation needed)/
* The model for Imoen's Baldur's Gate 1 portrait was the wife of the
team's lead terrain artist, Dean Andersen.^[4] <#cite_note-3>
* In the original /Baldur's Gate
<>/ during
the prologue <>, Imoen
has the portrait of Mordaine
assigned, which clearly shows an elf
<>. This is also her portrait
if the player chooses to use her actual one during character
<#cite_note-4> On the other hand, Mordaine
<> – despite the pointed
elven ears – comes as a /human
<>/ mage
<> during the combat
training in Candlekeep
<>'s storage cellars
<>; being the
pregenerated mage for character import
<>, however, shows her
as an elf again. The /Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
fixed this by making Mordaine an elf in general, giving the
prologue's Imoen her original portrait and switching to another
<#cite_note-5> for her: less elven – less thief
<>, however, too.
* In Imoen's Siege of Dragonspear LOGOSOD00001 Icon SoD
/Baldur's Gate:
Siege of Dragonspear
This icon indicates content from the /*Siege of Dragonspear*/
campaign of the /*Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition*/.
dialog file:
/Imoen: Was that another doppelganger?
Chaname: The vile creature used your form to get me to lower my
guard. A good trick, though not good enough./
There’s also BDIMOEDO.DLG in addition to BDIMOEN.DLG which is the
real Imoen’s, in BDIMOEDO.DLG, there’re unvoiced lines which a
Greater Doppelganger in disguise of Imoen trying to trick charname,
likely a cut content.


Imoen Character BG
Coloring as per original /Baldur's Gate
Imoen IMOEN Portrait BG2
/Baldur's Gate I/ portrait
<>, brightened for character
generation <> in
/Baldur's Gate II <>/

Add a photo to this gallery

External linksEdit

* Imoen <> on the

/*Forgotten Realms Wiki
<>*/, a wiki for the
/Dungeons & Dragons/ campaign setting /Forgotten Realms/.


1. ↑ <#cite_ref-0> |IMOEN.dlg; State 0|

2. ↑ <#cite_ref-IMOENr0_1-0> |IMOEN.dlg; Response 0| – "/I'm afraid I
cannot chat today, little one. My foster father wishes me to prepare
for a journey, but will not say to where./"
3. ↑ <#cite_ref-2>
4. ↑ <#cite_ref-3> How BioWare revolutionised the RPG •
"/And for Andersen, it gave the chance for his wife to be
immortalised forever in the BioWare classic. 'She was initially
pretty cool with the idea of modelling for the portrait [of Imoen],'
he recalls./"
5. ↑ <#cite_ref-4> |PORTRAIT.2da
(/Baldur's Gate/)
6. ↑ <#cite_ref-5> |PORTRAIT.2da
(/Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition/)

[Collapse <#>]
v <> • d
<> • e
*Baldur's Gate

Ajantis Ilvastarr
<> *•* Alora
<> *•* Branwen
<> *•* Coran
<> *•* Dynaheir
<> *•* Edwin Odesseiron
<> *•* Eldoth Kron
<> *•* Faldorn
<> *•* Garrick
<> *•* *Imoen* *•* Jaheira
<> *•* Kagain
<> *•* Khalid
<> *•* Kivan
<> *•* Minsc
<> *•* Montaron
<> *•* Quayle
<> *•* Safana
<> *•* Shar-Teel Dosan
<> *•* Skie
Silvershield <> *•*
Tiax <> *•* Viconia DeVir
<> *•* Xan
<> *•* Xzar
<> *•* Yeslick Orothiar

*New companions BG:EE*

Baeloth Barrityl <>

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Baeloth Barrityl <>

*•* Caelar Argent <>
*•* Dorn Il-Khan <> *•*
Dynaheir <> *•* Edwin
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*Baldur's Gate II: SoA*

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*Baldur's Gate II: ToB*

Sarevok Anchev <>

*New companions Baldur's Gate II: EE*

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<> *•* Wilson

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