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NOTE: You are not required to resolve any validity issues with the following models (i.e., do not run
transformations, Welch ANOVA, etc.). Instead, run the models as specified and comment on their
validity as well as what the next steps would be to resolve any validity concerns.

Download the provided Excel data file and complete the following analysis using Minitab software:

1. Using the data in the ‘Part 1’ sheet, select two variables and conduct a two-way ANOVA. Justify
your selection and discuss how this model could be used to identify sources of low production
rate. Then, identify a third variable that you believe should be treated as a nuisance variable and
create a blocked ANOVA to control for the effect of this variable.

2. Continuing your analysis of the ‘Part 1’ data run a general full factorial DOE model using the
original five factors and their defined levels (a mixed-level design). Discuss the validity and fit of
the model and interpret the results.

3. The data in the ‘Part 2’ sheet has been limited to four observations per treatment combination.
Using this data, create a 2k factorial model by restructuring the Supplier factor as two, two-level
factors and treating Line as a four- level block. Use Minitab to generate a 2 5-2 model with one
block and extract the relevant data from the provided dataset to complete the analysis. Discuss
the validity and fit of the model and interpret the results including addressing aliased

4. Identify the treatment combinations that would be needed to complete the full fold-over for
this design and briefly discuss how the fold-over model would help to interpret the results from
Part 2. Complete the full fold-over, discuss the validity and fit of the model, and interpret the

Submit a Technical Report that describes the problem and analysis approach (assumptions, limitations,
etc.), summarizes the results of your analysis including screen shots from the Minitab output, discusses
findings, and makes recommendations based on the analysis. Also, submit the final Minitab output file.
There is no minimum page or formatting requirements but the report must be formal/professional and
cannot exceed 10 pages.


Address the following writing prompt as an appendix to the Technical Report (Appendix A).
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the DOE approach in general and specifically for your
area of study. Evaluate the primary limitations of this approach including addressing common criticisms
of DOE. Identify potential alternative approaches and discuss the relative contribution of each approach.
Provide three to five references. (750-1000 words).

Complete the following analysis by hand (showing complete work) and include a PDF copy of your
hand-written work as an appendix of the Technical Report (Appendix B). Book ( Design and analysis of
experiments 10th, 9th or 8th edition) Douglas C Montgomery

Consider Problem 10th 6.42 (9th - 6.43; 8th – 6.39) from Chapter 6 in our textbook. Please note that, while
you should show complete work, it is acceptable to show abbreviated calculations and/or provide an
example to demonstrate the process for parts 2 and 3.

1. Construct a 25-2 fractional factorial model using the optimal generators (showing your design
matrix and selected observed values). Comment on the alias structure and any concerns about
interpreting the results.

2. Calculate the Estimated Effects for each of the five main factors (not for the interaction effects)
and identify those with the strongest effects.

3. Calculate the Sum of Squares values and complete the ANOVA table. Comment on all significant
effects and identify important alias relationships.

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