Find Your Niche

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1.What is the market that you would like to sell to?

> The market that we would like to sell is the resegmented market since our proposed solution has
already have an existing service (application) and needed to have an innovation and development.
The proposed solution of our group will bring convenience and improve specifications.

2.What is the Niche that you would like to sell to?

> El Buscador would like to offer a new Fashion App where in it will
deal with the daily problem of our customers who encounter difficulties in choosing outfits.

3.What characteristic did you use to segment your market?

> We consider the age, interest/ style and benefits that will surely help our customers that's why
we came up with the two-market segment (Psychographic and Benefits).

4. Prepare a mental image of your customer.

Use the following questions to guide you. You may add additional questions, which are specific to
the venture idea you have.

a. Is your customer male or female? Or are you targeting both?

> Our venture target both male and female.

b. Are you targeting adults, children, or both?

> Our target customers are young adult to late adult.

c. Which age group are you targeting?

>From 15 years old and above

d. What are his/her needs?

> They need help that will deal with their daily problems in choosing their outfits.
e. What sort of profession is he/she involved in?
> Student, Teacher,

5. How are the needs of your Niche different from the rest of the market?
>Our App will deal with the daily problem of our customers who’s having a hard time in deciding,
choosing or picking what to wear that will suit to their skin color, body shape etc.,
>The App have different features to help the customers; you can scan the available clothes; you can
customize a model and update it with your body details or you can simply put your picture for easy
> It can give you the actual look or visual with your chosen pair of clothes that you want, without
wearing it in the first place simply by swiping it left and right.
>It can minimize the time you spend in choosing what to wear.

6. What is the size of your Niche?

> the size of our niche would be 50% of our total potential customer.

7. Broadly, how will you communicate with your customers and distribute the product/service?
>By creating advertisements, pages and sites that they can visit to stay updated and inform using
the different social media platforms.

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