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: Department : Position Title

: Time In Job : Employee

: Date : Interviewer

1. Describe briefly what you do and, if possible, how you do it. Include duties in the following

a) daily duties (those performed on a regular basis or almost every day)

b) periodic duties (those performed weekly, monthly, quarterly, or at other regular intervals)

c) duties performed at irregular intervals

2. How would you define success in your work?

3. What do you feel is the most difficult or complicated part of your job? Why?
4. Have your responsibilities changed since you were hired? How?

5. Are you performing duties you consider unnecessary? If so, describe.

6. Are you performing duties not presently included in your job description? Describe.

7. Do you have “lulls” in your responsibilities? If so, how do you fill these times?
8. Describe any exceptional problem you encountered this past year?

a) What kinds of independent action were you allowed to take?

b) What decisions were you permitted to make?

9. Who is your supervisor?

10. What kinds of questions or problems would you ordinarily refer to your supervisor?

11. Are you responsible for any confidential material? If so, describe how you handle it.

12. Are you responsible for any money or things of monetary value? If so, describe how you
handle it.

13. What kinds of interaction do you have with staff?

a) With trainees?

b) With guests?

14. To what extent and by what means are you held accountable?

15. From whom do you receive instruction? By what means?

a) Are you adequately supervised? Explain.

b) Are the instructions you receive clear and consistent with your job description?
16. What do you feel is necessary in terms of formal education or special training to
optimally fulfill the responsibilities of this position?

17. What sort of on the job training is needed for this position?

18. What sort of continuing education is needed for this position?

19. What special skills, attributes, or knowledge of specific work aids are needed for this
20. How many staff do you supervise?

 Directly: ____

 Indirectly: ____

21. How many trainees do you supervise?

 Directly: ____

 Indirectly: ____

22. Describe the activities that are part of your supervisory duties.

a) Work assignments

b) Instruction and training

c) Performance appraisal
22. Describe the activities that are part of your supervisory duties.

d) Discipline

e) Grievance handling

f) Placement

g) Work flow

h) Program improvements

i) Developing new programs

j) Troubleshooting
22. Describe the activities that are part of your supervisory duties.

k) Reports

l) Follow through

m) Other supervisory duties

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