Revisd Proforma Invoice (PI)

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PEALE rare Stan “Memo Nos NESCO-SPM-L1-025 Dates-Apri-2020 ‘To Project Director ‘Smart Pre-Payment Metering Project Northern Electty Supply Company (NESCO) Lid Biddyut Bhaban, Hetem Khan Rajshahi-6000, Bangladesh, Ema pd smofinesco SUBJECT: Submission of Revised Proforma Invoice (PI) Reterence: 41. Tender Reference No.: NESCO/SMP/Purchaselé2 Date: 30-01-2019 2. Contract No. 27.28.0000. Date: 16.01.2020, 3, MEMO No. NESCO/PO-SMP/2010-2020210 Dear Sir In reference to contract with contract no: 27.28.0000.082.91,001.20-212 on date of 18.01.2020 and your letter with memo no.: NESCO/PD-SMP/2019-20201210, We, JVC of ‘Shenzhen Star Instument Co.Ltd and Oculin Tech BD LTD, would ike to exlend our great {attude for your tus and suppor. ‘As per your request, we hereby attached cur proforma invoice (1) or goods ane software for the purpose of amendment of Letter of Credit. ‘Thank youn advance pene Name: TANG YINZHOU Designation: Project manager ‘Authorized signstory of JVC of Shenzhen Star Instrument Co, Lid and Ocul Tech BD Ltd mee Bacsinsce PROFORMA INVOICE [Buyer Address PINO. | Szs20200218-R1 Northem Electricity Supply Company (NESCO) Ltd, [ Contract. Ne, | 27:29.0000. Bidayut Bhaban, Hetem Khan Rajshaniso00, | Date ‘6% april, 2020 = Bangladesh, Delivery Aadrose ‘CHINATUSA/IAPANISINGAPORE ‘Sales 8 Distibution Division, NESCO Lid, ‘Shipment | Partial Shipments allowed Rajshahi : ‘Sales & Distibution Division 4, NESCO Lid, Shipment | Part/Full Load Rajshahi Loading ‘Sales & Distribution Division, NESCO Lid, Natore | Supplier address sles & Distibution Division, NESCO Li, ‘Shenzhen Siar Instrument Co, ia Chapsi Nawabgan ‘Sales & Distibuion Dision 2, NESCO Ltd, ‘Star Industral Park, Baolong instal iy, Longgang CChapai Nawebgan), clstct, Shenzhen, China Price basis CIP LC charges | By Buyer (All Charge due to extension of IC validty period wi be paid by therespectve party who 's responsible forthe extension) Port of Shipment: Any SeaporiAir Port of China, | LC Valiity | Oi(one) year fom date of LC. Hongkong, Singapore, Port of Destination: Chittagong Pott Ohaka Air Pest Involee details: st Description | ‘Country | Portof | Guan | Unitprice | Total amount | HS CODE No of | Shipment | sty | qusoy~| (uso) origin (oes) 1 | Sippy ree pastas ing Phase Smart. Preoyment ites win | cdma | Stench | 45 | usp4i2a| usosetesea | oxzsor200 ‘Communication Moc 8 (Gay maze of Powe ine . Commarea as Network ‘Teznnabgy) | Suppl of Rey Pas Bees “Tree Pate Smart een «| ci usoieeeo| uspaseste0| oxzmsotaaa Gomminoaton Was 03s ° ates Toca TaD Communicaton 2 Network Teinocgy. BAUR STM sTanistRUMENT DOULINTECH ‘Suppy of GU (bat CConertatr Unt) wth Eelosure Box and SM ‘Card wth Upine Connect trough GPRS (2626440) & Downink Connect tough any trode of Poe ine [Gammuriaton as Network Secmolgy cone anon | | sss ‘17708000 ‘Supa of Hand Held Unit “Shenzhen | vo | USDERBAG Supa alia harovare (Storage / Server 2 Natworg and Sowers Shenson Usp staa7 Uso 507 Se ‘Tana errseo10 ‘Tobecsm Technealy FResporave each ber) Tenderer most prove Intortsing wh 03 Tres) ther Sddor's Matar (Aoproved by Prosing Enly) on Demontaton Totnsure meeroverbilty Tenderer mist prove ha ther fered MOMS haw espa 0 Faraelaemmodate ‘multiple HES fom dort Manutaeree ‘Smutanecusy uso 9200.00 (GeRS EDGE ose seh Regie Stare [och sytem and aptetor ine Shonen so ata sb Ta20 ‘Sip Pier Wa egured (Got System & Aspen) rn a ‘Sngapore Honora UsDrO T7808 ‘asa ar (Gen System §Apeeaton, ‘Shenzhen Usbiaeaat Sano! ongtona ‘Beas @ ‘UPS BVA back wih Roguros Stware (Sch System ane apaeaton) ‘Shenzhen asa VaR ‘ora With equ (Got Systm an appaton) ‘Sershen Uso sriat ‘arian Ditatoee Sener em Shenton wsoia ana 73 Soa 8007 8 arte Aap Seer S021 S28 essing kM Sonor ‘Shacshen S019 828 Uso27 58 us Sener ‘Shenton [x _| USDIBSea28 Us0%9 50.28 ‘eerteo1000 Beokp Sener 5/8) 8 ‘Seen [1 | sD sassae Usp aez 7 Shenwen | 1 | usDearaee usp emase erieos ‘tral Serene Shermen | + [USD Uso ss0ss14 eric TANG “ta GB RANE OCULINTECH STIM_sragnastaouanr [SAN ewan TSA] Sharon Teoma | Uso mee]| asTERCD 2 | Tope ube Tae) ian eo | sb 27738 earn sav 21 | Rack Moutes Rover usa [ Shenzhen uso 34¢07.1 | usbea.s42 | a5176z3600 | 22 | fact Mout Mined] USA] Sater uso] soeaae74| estan Sent aatses | Rack oom Frat —]— Ta Sa uso a | arr a | Eaaer Pini wi oquted ‘usa | Shenzhen’ Usp 142441 | USD1,42441| 6449921200 Go yo en terdend aon wired Saas | us| Stor USO ae) UeDT aT = 2 | Lae sare] abr | | BRA Come Ta] Bhan Wao) Us aaseo| eacaioo Bi] Galina UPSTORVA OG | usa | Sheraton ‘uso | Uso 1st 22 | —eeovan2000 | Scaenroged ae Sipe son ym s sepicson) ‘eit Read | usa | San weotariaa | Wao terres] eerie Saree {Gon cyten an wei) | Data Sever va | Behan Tao | oe | area sasoare | Aewlcaton Barver eA | Senter uso | use sae] —eeris0s000 sasries 31] aecorg m8 Sener | UB] Soe TURD tas | UBD oonas | arieiowm we | Sus Sener TEA [ Bammer | 1 | Usa | UBD seis | ernie 38 | Back Seer UGA Stenen [1] usb eessza| uso casaze | eerie 3 | Rao wih Hone Cownr@ | UBa | sheen | 1 | usbanszas |-uspamane | ~errenn (5°) External Storage usa | Shenzhen [1 ‘usD ‘Usb | 847150«080 sons te|—_soataa a | ea Soach Us| Seren | 2 | bam | UBD sen a0 | sire or [tote Usk | Seren [1 | Us airs | usDani73s | eerie 26 | recat ae Us| Shier [8 | URDe | USO esses TD ‘aa | Rack Mounted Managed usa | Shonzhen | 2 | USD 224anq5 | inn aann7 10] _est7ez000 Such “40 | Rack Mounted Fire wail Usa | Shenaren [2 | USD T7811.04 ‘uso | esi7ezse00 | 2088 | Rae |e |wemer | sre] Ui ear) ma see Seer! _ onrg ap aud Sons rch | 7] USO T=8878 | USD ears | our 7 ees foe Vere) Veo | een] The Tarn eae ea @ a ence TEA Sonatas | TS] Usb Teas | aT sssasco | Uae UPS TORR OT usK | Sater JF uso | USOT | seas) tes regu woniz {Shem yt tegen 7a | Mofo aT coun | raion | 7 ror sacco00 | ESS ERS OOM —| che | EERE | 0 | vee espe agen oem senso Shear Uneeoe N ° ° _| fuse : a | Wein warren | uaa sicane | 2 | vsisnas | user | erat srpuabon an vending " seoxeoan9 etre “a | al pesto Sore |e Teor ae | URDT ao | wT ‘on a me els vin rqured Tid og = Pay Venbng Pati Sotware tee et | 7@ | Once uremic] Usa] aneane | 1 | URDenomno0 | UsoeoIn | —eBISASTT Enemy Ean or a : A (rasta ers Bros _| Frese one TOTAL AMOUNT 7 - sosroress0 ay USD To lilion Nine Hundred Seventy Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Tee And Ney Cents Only Bank information: ‘Company name: Shenzhen Star Instrument Co, Ld Bank name: Bank of China, Shenzhen Branch, Shenzhen Easlomn Sub-branch ‘Acoount No: 745857061621 Bank adress: No 59,Gongyuan Road, Shatowiao, Yanan Distct, Senzhen,PR.China ‘Swift Code: BKCHCNBASA Remark: 1, Delivery schedule: 300 days after contract signing. If Forco Majeure occurs, the delivery schedule shall bo extended accordingly based or the mutual agreement botweon buyer and supplier . Warranty period: 3 years 2. 3. Payment torm: As per GCC 27.1 as below ‘The method and conditions of payment o be made fo the Suppler under this Contact sell be _ Tis eae mene Bist {a) Payment for Goods supplied rom abroad Payment of foreign curency potion shall be made n USD in he folowing manne: 1. The curren or Currencies in which payments to be made tothe Supplier uncer tis Contract shallbe spect n the subject othe flowing general principe: Payment wil ba made in the ‘uency or curencis in which the Contact rice has bean sated inthe Supple’ Bid, 2s wall as In ote currencies in which the Supplier had indicated in ts Bi hat intends to incur ‘xenatures in the performance of the Contract and wishes tobe paid. LC Charges within ‘Bangladesh shal be paid bythe Purchaser and those outside Bangladesh paid bythe supplier. ‘The payment for goods supplied trom aboard to be made ae follow (70% (Seventy por con) af the Contract Price for supply of material and equipment with accessories shipped shall be paid through LC an submission of shiping documents specie in clause GCC 23 of the bid document. ProjactDirectorEngneer wil crtty the Invole and the payment advice wil be (ocounts Deparment) (i) 10% (ton percent) ofthe Contract Price of goods recelved shal be pall through letter ‘of credit upon submission of claim supported by the acceptance cette Issued by the Purchaser specified in GCC Clause 24, Acceptance certificate wil etude damage report along vith the invoice tobe certified by engineer and passed for 2ayment by the Purchaser's representative Project DirectorEngineer wil oerly the purchaser's representative (Accounts Department) wl seu the invola andthe payment advice. (10% (Ten percent) af the Contract Price for supply of material and equipment with accessories shall be paid though LC after instalation and commissioning of the repayment metering System, on submission of documents Le, Provisional Acceptance CCotieate and successful commission of system slong with the lnvooe, Project DirectorEngineer wil certty the invoice andthe payment advice wil be fsued by the Purchasers representative (Accounts Department (i)10% (fen per cent) of the Contact Price shall be paid though later of cred after Instaaton and successul commissioning of Pre-payment Metering System on submission of Final Acceptance Cenifate and invoiced duy cated by engineer and assed for payment by the purchaser Project DirecoriEngneer will ctl the invoice {and the payment advice wal be issued by the purchaser's representalva, (Accounts Department. “Tie GA

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