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Лекция 3

7.Classicism – 17th-18th centuries, romanticism – 18th – 19th centuries

8.romanticism – gothe, shiller
Classicism, Enlightenment - Drydeu ?

Лекция 4
1. Ukrainian history of translation began soon after the adoption of Christianity (988)
2.Greek and Old Slavonic
3. 1240
4. Religious translations (king’s bible, kamyanko-stramelyve bible, book of psalms)
5. 1632
6. From Greek, from latin (Seneca works), free adaptations versifications of prominent Italian
and polish poets as torquato tasso and the translations of boccaceciads
7. Skovoroda, Kondratovych
8. This period is marked by the suppression of the Ukrainian culture and language by the tsatist
government. But many translations appeared in Halychina in magazines Dzvin, Zorya,
Bukovyna, Dilo.
9.The poets and writers of soviet Ukraine worked in close contact with all the soviet and
Russian authors, who’s works they translated into the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian writers
translated practically all great works of the world literature into Ukrainian during the period of
the existence of the soviet state.

Лекция 5
1. 1. Translation as a result of process of translating, i.e. the designation of a translated
2. translation as a process, i.e. an action from the verb “to translate”. The term
“process’ is understood here linguistically as an interlingual transformation of a text in a
certain language into the text in another language, i.e. translation is an interlingual
2. Scientific description of translation as an interlingual transformation
4.achievements in comparative linguistics
5. The whole complex of the disciplines studying translation at different angles. The main
component of the translation science is the linguistic theory of translation around which other
branches are formed, based in such sciences as literary history, psychology, informatics, applied
mathematics, applied linguistics and so on
6. Any language exists both in oral and written forms.
7. 1. The translation of informative texts
2. the translation of specific technical and scientific texts
3. the translation of political and publicistic texts
4. the translation of belle-letters works/fiction
8.there are two types: synchronous and successive translations.
Successive – follows an original text/speech, which has already been spoken as a whole or
pronounced with some intervals
Synchronous translation is spoken almost simultaneously with the pronunciation of the original
text. However it may be delayed or on the contrary precede the spoken text in the original
9. There are 2 variants: 1. Translations at sight, at the same time with reading the original text
2. translation with preparation: the text is being translated after its
10. the text in the original language is spoken and the text in the language of translation is
written. But this kind of translation is rarely practiced, because writing lags behind
pronouncing. One kind of this translation is a dictation translation.
11. written-written translation, oral-oral translation, written-oral translation, oral-written

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