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Exercise 2: Data Representation

Part A
1) Express the following IPv4 addresses in the dotted-decimal notation:
a. 11000101011010101011001001001101
b. 11000110001011010011001000010110
c. 11000111011001100111001000110011

2) Determine the 1’s complement of each of the following binary numbers:

a. 11011100
b. 01101001
c. 01010010

3) Determine the 2’s complement of each of the following binary numbers:

a. 00111010
b. 10110011
c. 01101100

4) Express each of the following decimal numbers as an 8-bit number in the 1’s
complement form:
a. -34
b. +103
c. -99

5) Express each of the following decimal numbers as an 8-bit number in the 2’s
complement form:
a. -68
b. +101
c. -109

6) Determine the decimal value of each of the following signed binary numbers
which are in the 1’s complement form:
a. 00010011
b. 10100010
c. 11001001

7) Determine the decimal value of each of the following signed binary numbers
which are in the 2’s complement form:
a. 00111001
b. 11010011
c. 11001001
Part B

8) Convert each of the following pairs of decimal numbers to 8-bit binary (2’s
complement representation), add them (keep your answer in the 2’s complement
form), and indicate if an overflow occurs:
a. 33 and 15
b. 56 and -27
c. -46 and 25
d. -110 and -84
e. 90 and 80
f. -120 and 72

9) Convert +4.7510 to a 32-bit binary word, using the IEEE 754 floating point
standard [1 sign bit, 8 bits for the exponent, 23 bits for the argument].

10) Convert -10.62510 to a 32-bit binary word, using the IEEE 754 floating point
standard [1 sign bit, 8 bits for the exponent, 23 bits for the argument].

11) Convert -69.37510 to a 32-bit binary word, using the IEEE 754 floating point
standard [1 sign bit, 8 bits for the exponent, 23 bits for the argument].

12) Convert +103.562510 to a 32-bit binary word, using the IEEE 754 floating point
standard [1 sign bit, 8 bits for the exponent, 23 bits for the argument].

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