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Complete the text with present tenses: present simple, present continuous or present

perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

I am from England, but at the moment I _________________ (live) in Wales because I

_________________ (study) at Banger University. I _________________ (be) here for six
months and I _________________ (love) it. The most interesting thing is the language. Lots of
people her _________________ (speak) Welsh as their first language. I love the sound of
Welsh, but I _________________ (not learn) to say anything except “hello”. I have one Welsh
friend at university. Her name is Bethan. She _________________ (live) in Bangor all her life
and she _________________ (know) the best places to go out. She _________________ (not
speak) Welsh as her first language, but she _________________ (understand) it. At the
moment, she _________________ (read) Barack Obama’s autobiography in Welsh! When we
go out, people think we are English. They _________________ (not realise) that Beth can
understand them. Sometimes, it is very interesting!

Complete the text with present tenses: past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple.

My family and I finally _________________ (go) to London last month. It _________________

(be) my dream for several years. We _________________ (visit) the Tower of London near the
Thames and I _________________ (speak) to one of the beefeaters, the guardians of the
tower. Of course, we _________________ (not forget) to visit Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.
In the afternoon, while we _________________ (do) some window-shopping at Piccadilly
Circus, we _________________ (see) Kate Middleton and Prince Harry with their children. We
_________________ (never think) we would really see them!

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