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Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight Weight Weight

A1 Pull Up Neutral Grip 4 6-8 2m

B1 Bench Press 4 6-8 2m

C1 Dead Stop Single Arm Row 4 8-10 1m 30s

D1 Low Incline Dumbbell Press 4 8-10 1m 30s

E1 Dumbbell Pull Over on bench 3 8-10 1m 30s

with slight decline

Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight Weight Weight

A1 Trap Bar Deadlift 5 6-8 3m

B1 Leg Press 4 8-10 2m

C1 Dumbbell Single Leg 3 10-12 1m 30s

Romanian Deadlift

D1 Heels Elevated Dumbbell Hack 3 10-12 1m 30s


Order Exercise Sets Reps Rest Weight Weight Weight

A1 DB Seated Shoulder Press 4 6-8 2m

B1 EZ Bar Preacher Curl 4 6-8 2m

C1 Dip 3 6-8 2m

D1 Alternating Hammer Curls 3 8-10 1m 30s

E1 Dead Stop Tricep Extenson on 3 8-10 1m 30s

the floor with dumbbells

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