Business Ethics PDF

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BATCH: 2018 – 2020

Marks: 100

Instructions to the Students:

 Kindly answer all questions/case studies in the assignment.

 All Questions/case studies carry Equal Marks

 Online Assignment would have to be completed and submitted within the mention date
and time back to the Examination Department via the online application Microsoft team.

 Format in which the assignment is to be submitted is as follow:

A. Use MS word /MS EXCEL


C. Kindly number each page

D. Please do not copy the questions.

 The cover page of the assignment must be in the below format.
 Roll no-
 Name of institute-
 Batch-
 Specialization-
 Semester-
 Subject Name -
 Submitted by-
 Submitted on date-
 Total no of pages written-

 Answer for each questions/cases including sub question should have minimum 4 pages and
max 5 pages.

1. The President and CEO of a MNC, Catalina Networks sends an email to the entire
workforce. Below are excerpts from his email.
Dear Employees:
At Catalina Networks, we support and encourage a culture that fosters …
Key to our success is an equally strong commitment to doing business ethically and
responsibly, and our reputation depends largely on the support of every employee, myself
included, in this endeavour.
Never compromise your integrity or the Company’s reputation in order to achieve a goal.
In a moment, a single wrongful act can destroy a reputation that has taken years, if not
decades, to build.

We take great pride in having earned the trust of our customers and the business community
in which we work.
And, as we focus on becoming the most innovative and successful company in the world,
and the most sought after employer anywhere, we must recognize that only great
performance with integrity will enable us to grow.

Yours sincerely,
President and CEO
Catalina Networks

a) With regards to Business Ethics, what would be the ‘term’ you would associate the
above email with? (2 marks)

b) As mentioned, the above is just an excerpt. Fill-in the above blank lines with your
thoughts in approximately 100 words. (10 marks)


included in the above email describe what details would it cover? (4 marks each)

2. a) Describe five Unethical Issues in Marketing. (10 marks)

b) Imagine that you are a sales manager in a company. Your competitor’s salespeople
are getting into homes by pretending to take a research survey. After they finish the survey,
they switch to their sales pitch. This technique seems to be very effective. What will you
do? (10 marks)

3. In one of the Town Hall meetings addressed by the Executive Management Team, the
following questions are asked by different employees either face-to-face or via email:

a) I am in need of money for my sister’s wedding. Can I sell the company shares?

b) My husband is planning to start a company and wants me to be a Director of the

company. Can I accede to his request?
c) Is it OK for me to speak to the press whenever the quarterly results of the company
have been declared?
d) Once I am back from a business trip, can I submit the bills to the Finance department
for claims?
e) I joined the company recently and just realized that I am developing technology in this
company that is very similar to what I developed for my prior employer. Should I
inform my manager?

What do you think would be the reply from the Executive Management Team? Each part
of the question carries 4 marks each. (4x5 = 20 marks)

4. a) What are the various ways by which you can report concerns regarding accounting,
auditing, financial or other matters related to the conduct of business in an organization?
(6 marks)

b) Explain any three. (9 marks)

c) If you are a victim, what will be your preferred method and why? (5 marks)

5. Telesphere Engineering is a very liberal start-up company. They provide great benefits to
the employees, one of which is Work from Home (WFH). However, of late the company
realises that employees are taking advantage of WFH policy. Some of them are misus ing
the policy. The HR Manager swings into action and comes up a policy for employees
wishing to work from home. An email is sent to the entire workforce of 50 employee that
states the Do’s and Don’ts.

List 8 Do’s and 8 Don’ts that are listed by the HR Manager in the WFH policy & describe
them giving suitable examples. (20 marks)

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