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Supply the blanks with the appropriate tenses of: present tense, present continuous, simple past,

past continuous, present perfect and future (will)

1. I was in a hurry, so I (not have) ______________ time to phone you.

2. Jenny (wait) ______________ for me when I (arrive) ____________.

3. How fast _____________you (drive) ___________when the accident (happen)___________?

4. I (not see) ____________ Tom today.

5. A: Do you know what’s that book like?

B: I have no idea. I (not see) ____________ yet.

6. A: Can you drive?

B: I (learn) ___________. My father (teach) _____________ me.

7. Normally I (finish) ___________ work at five, but this week I (work) __________ until six.

to earn a little more money.

8. The River Nile (flow) _____________ into the Mediterranian.

9. Let’s go out. It (not rain) ______________ now.

10. I (get) ____________ hungry. Let’s go and have something to eat.

11. Louise usually (phone) _________me on Fridays, but she (not call) _________last Fridays.

12. The phone (ring) ____________ three times while we (have) __________ dinner last night.

13. A: When I last saw you, you (think) __________ of moving to a new flat.

B: That’s right, but in the end, I (decide) ___________ to stay where I was.

14. Please don’t make so much noise I (study) _____________.

15. Sandra (take) ____________ English course next month.

16. Sshhh… The baby (sleep) ___________.

17. We (learn) ___________ English now.

18. I (read) ____________ the novel you gave me, but I (not finish) ____________ it yet.

19. How long ___________ you (learn) ____________ English?

20. The bird market isn’t far away from here. I (walk) ___________ there two times.

21. You must tell me what you (do) ____________ since I last saw you.

22. Hadi (buy) ___________ a new car two weeks ago.

23. He (be) _____________ late three times this week.

24. A: I don’t know Anna’s husband. I (never/ meet) _____________ him.

25. Anna (go) __________ to school 5 minutes ago.

26. Hadi and Anna are married. They (be) ______________ married for 20 years.

27. We (listen) ____________ to the radio when David (rush) __________ into the room.
28. Jeanne (come) ____________ here in a few minutes.

29. He (get) ____________ up early this morning.

30. My brother isn’t here. He (just leave) ______________ for school.

31. It’s already 5 o’clock. The train (not arrive) __________ yet.

32. As Jack (run) ___________ across the road, the bus (hit) ___________ him.

33. Two days ago, he (leave) ____________ for Pearl Island. Till now he (not come ___________

home yet.

34. When I (reach) ___________ there last evening, they (dance) ___________ in the hall.

35. What __________ you (do) ___________ at 9 p.m last night? Oh, I (listen) ___________

to the radio.

36. A: What ___________ you (do) ___________ now?

B: I (polish) _____________ my shoes.

37. The price of sugar (rise) ____________ up for the last seven years now.

38. Please shut the window. The rain (beat) _____________ in.

39. Someone (knock) _________ at the door. Please see who it is.

40. I (be) _____________ 20 years old in September.

41. Just ring the bell, the servant (open) _____________ the door to let you in.

42. The boys are practicing hard. They (play) ___________ the match on Sunday.

43. If she comes late, she (miss) ____________ dinner later.

44. While I (write)_____________ a letter, my mother (walk) ____________ in.

45. He (hurt) _________ his ankle while he (play) _____________ football.

46. This is my house, I (live) ___________ here for 20 years.

47. Those trees (grow) ____________ taller since last year.

48. The boy always (behave) ____________ badly in class.

49. I (buy) ___________ this jacket two days ago.

50. It (begin) ___________ to rain now. It (rain) ___________ at this time of the day.

51. The clock seldom (keep) ___________ correct time.

52. John is not at home. He (go) ________ to the cinema with his brother.

53. I was asleep when you (ring) ________ me up last night.

54. I (not visit) ____________ the National Park since my illness.

55. Last year we (go) __________ to Bristol for the summer holidays, this year we (go) ________

to Liverpool.

56. I(know) ___________ the result of my blood test this evening.

57. I (not visit) _________the zoo for a long time. I (go) ________to the zoo next Sunday.

58. I (sit) ________ for the examination last week.

59. She (teach) ____________ us History last year.

60. I (write)___________ three or four letters to that company.

61. The guests (watch) ___________ that television program now.

62. Listen! I (think) ___________ someone (knock) ___________ at the front door.

63. The Titanic (sink) ______________ in 1912.

64. George (live) _____________ in Tokyo for 5 years, but he (leave) ____________ in 1999.

65. Somebody (steal) __________ my bike! Now I’ll have to walk home.

66. What a terrible accident! Steve (drive) ___________ his car when a bird (fly) ___________

into his windscreen.

67. As soon as she drives to town, she (give) ____________ you a call.

68. Look out! The ladder (fall) ____________ !

69. ____________ she (come) __________ to the ball tomorrow?

70. I plan that I (give) _____________ my friends a card for Valentine Day.

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