Sanskrit Alphabet Book Revised

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Handbook for

The Online Audio Course

Part One: Learning to Read Sanskrit


Carol Whitfield, Ph.D

Table of Contents

The Sanskrit Alphabet 2

Guide to Pronunciation 3

Vowel and Consonant Recognition 4

Vowel and Consonant Recognition with Transliteration 5

Vowels Following Consonants 6

Examples of Vowels Following Consonants 7

Consonant-Vowel Recognition 8

Exercise 1 Vowels Following Consonants

Exercise 2 Consonant Vowel Recognition

Words without Conjuncts—Reading Practice without Transliteration 9

Words without Conjunct s—Reading Practice withTransliteration 10

Conjunct Consonants 11-12

Vedanta Vocabulary List 1—Reading Practice 13

Vedanta Vocabulary List 1 with Transliteratiojn 14-15

The Sanskrit Alphabet

Simple Vowels

A Aa # $ % ^ \ § ¤
a ä i é u ü å è ÿ

@ @e Aae AaE A< A>

e ai o au aà aù

1 2 3 4 Semi-
Mutes -V-A* -V+A +V-A +V+A Nasals Vowels Sibilants

k o g " ' h
ka kha ga gha ì ha

c D j H | y z
ca cha ja jha ïa ya ça

q Q f F [ r ;
öa öha òa òha ëa ra ña

t w d x n l s
ta tha da dha na la sa

p ) b É m v
pa pha ba bha ma va

* -V = unvoiced or hard consonant +V = voiced or soft consonant

-A = unaspirated +A = aspirated

Guide to Pronunciation

A a o in son Q öa t in start

Aa ä a in ma Q öha th in ant-hill

# i i in if f òa d in day

$ é e in me F òha dh in god-head

% u u in suit [ ëa n in under

^ ü oo in boot t ta t in time

\ å ri in rig w tha t in tank

§ è extend ri in rig d da d in did

¤ ÿ x dha dh in dharma

@ e a in gay n na n in never

@e ai y in my p pa p in pine

Aae o o in okay ) pha ph in loop-hole

AaE au ow in now b ba b in big

k ka c in come É bha b in boat

o kha ckh in blockhead m ma m in much

g ga g in give y ya y in young

" gha gh in loghut r ra r in drum

' ìa n in song l la l in luck

c ca ch in chum v va v in vice

D cha ch in chuck z ça sh in shine

j ja j in jim ; ña sh in bushel

H jha j in job s sa s in save

| ïa n in bunch h ha h in hum

Vowel and Consonant Recognition

Please practice these vowel and consonant symbols with and without the audio
support until you are able to easily read them.


@ Aae Aa # \ A ^ AaE

% $ \ @e A # Aae @

Aa @e % AaE § ^ $ ¤

Aae # \ ^ Aa @e AaE #

¤ A $ @ AaE % Aa ^


g É j Q D d ) h

| t " s r ; o m

z b x v p F k H

l ' ) f D [ o F

d m Q ; w t j h

b j É [ c q x v

n v l w v k p n

H f z j r s | c

q n p g s l r "

Vowel and Consonant Recognition with Transliteration

Please practice these vowel and consonant symbols with and without the audio
support until you are able to easily read them.


@ e Aae o Aa ä # i \ å A a ^ ü AaE au

% u $ é \ å @e ai A a # i Aae o @ e

Aa ä @e ai % u AaE au § å ^ ü $ é ¤ ÿ

Aae o # i \ å ^ ü Aa ä @e ai AaE au # i

¤ ÿ A a $ é @ e AaE au % u Aa ä ^ ü


g ga É bha j ja Q öha D cha d da ) pha h ha

| ï T ta " gha s sa r ra ; ña O kha m ma

z ça b ba x dha v va p pa F òha k ka H jha

l la ' ì ) pha f òa D cha [ ëa o kha F òha

d da m ma Q öha ; ña w tha t ta j ja H ha

b ba j ja É bha [ ëa C ca q öa x dha v va

n na v va l la w tha v va k ka p pa n na

H jha f òa z ça j ja r ra S sa | ïa c ca

q öa n na p pa g ga S sa l la r ra " gha

Vowels Following Consonants

When a word begins with a vowel and does not follow a consonant in a sentence
or compound, the vowel keeps its primary form:

Simple vowels: A Aa # $ % ^ \ § ¤
a ä i é u ü å è ÿ

Diphthongs: @ @e Aae Aa
e ai o au

But, if the vowel directly follows a consonant, it changes to a secondary form.

The table below shows the primary vowel form followed by its secondary form
and in parenthesis an example of the secondary form added to the consonant kœ

A  Ø * (k) Aa  a (ka) #  i (ik) $  I (kI)

a ka ä kä i ki é ké

% … (k…) ^  ª (kª) \  « (k«) § © (k©) ¤  „ **

u ku ü kü å kå è kè ÿ kÿ

@  e (ke) @e  E (kE) Aae  ae (kae) AaE  aE (kaE)

e ke ai kai o ko au kau

* If a consonant is not followed by any other vowel, the vowel A is assumed

unless the consonant has a virämaù, a diagonal line ( ! ), below the consonant.

For example kœ + A = k.

** The vowel ¤ is rarely used, and is shown here attached to the letter kœ as the
font I am using does not have this vowel form available in its unattached
secondary form.

Examples of Vowels Following Consonants

AØ kog"'cDjH|qQfF[twdxnp)bÉmyrlvz;sh

Aa  a ka oa ga "a 'a ca Da ja H
ˆ a |a qa Qa fa Fa [a ta wa da xa na pa )a ba Éa ma ya ra

la va za ;a sa ha

#i ik io ig i" i' ic iD ij iH i| iq iQ if iF i[ it iw id ix in ip i) ib iÉ im iy ir il

iv iz i; is ih

$  I kI oI gI "I 'I cI DI jI HI |I qI QI fI FI [I tI wI dI xI nI pI )I mI yI rI lI vI

zI ;I sI hI

% … k… ou gu "u '… cu Du ju Hu |u qu Qu fu Fu [u tu wu Ê xu nu pu )… bu Éu mu yu é* lu vu zu ;u su ÷

*Notice the placement of the % in é

^ ª kª oU gU "U 'ª cU DU jU HU |U qª Qª fª Fª [U tU wU Ë xU nU pU )ª bU ÉU mU yU ê* lU vU zU ;U sU ø

*Notice the placement of the ^ in ê

\  « k« o& g& "& '« c& D& j& H& |& q& Q& f& F& [& t& w& †* x& [& p& )« b& É& m& y& l& v& z& ;& s& ù

*Notice that dœ when followed by \ takes a modified form: †

§  © k© o¨ g¨ "¨ '© c¨ D¨ j¨ H¨ |¨ q¨ Q¨ f¨ F¨ [¨ t¨ w¨ d° x¨ n¨ p¨ )© b¨ ɨ m¨ y¨ l¨ v¨ z¨ ;¨ s¨ h°

@  e ke oe ge "e 'e ce De je He |e qe Qe fe Fe [e te we de xe ne pe )e be Ée me ye re le ve ze ;e se he

@e  E kE oE gE "E 'E cE DE jE HE |E qE QE fE FE [E tE wE dE xE nE pE )E bE ÉE mE yE rE lE vE zE ;E sE hE

Aae  ae kae oae gae "ae 'ae cae Dae jae Hae |ae qae Qae fae Fae [ae tae wae dae xae nae pae )ae bae Éae mae yae rae

lae vae zae ;ae sae hae

AaE  aE kaE oaE gaE "aE 'aE caE DaE jaE HaE |aE qaE QaE faE FaE [aE taE waE daE xaE naE paE )aE baE ÉaE maE yaE raE

laE vaE zaE ;aE saE haE

Consonant-Vowel Recognition

Exercise 1 Vowels Following Consonants

k ka ik kI k… kª k« k© ke kE kae kaE

c ca ic cI cu cU c& c¨ ce cE cae caE

q qa iq qI qu qª q& q¨ qe qE qae qaE

t ta it tI tu tU t& t¨ te tE tae qaE

p pa ip pI pu pU p& p¨ pe pE pae paE

Exercise 2 Consonant Vowel Recognition

da cI zu kae ta nU s& ga

zE "u mE Ha Fa QI ;I ta

[a ih cE mU "I haE jI hE

ou naE k« saE gI g 'aE zae

is hae DaE kaE ja faE gU cu

|aE 'ae bE paE caE na zI ÷

gaE ma Q& dE ca daE ig zU

la F je z& Éae iz ib su

jae ij ke tI Éa pe g& pae

qa Fe we ra Ée ø iy d°

kI jE qe De in bu la se

Reading Practice without Transliteration

Simple Words without Conjunct Consonants

nm> c ih n sa te va tu
salutations and indeed not she they or but

Aip ikm! @tt! tt! ywa twa #v cet!

also what this that just as similarly like if

m&;a @v tan! tt> ten yen punrœ b÷

falsely indeed them therefore by that by which again many

vym! prm! kw< Asu> vad> gt ik< Aah

we other how breath talking gone what said

jra "q> xn< deh> jIv> suo< zaek> maeh>

old age pot wealth body soul pleasure sorrow delusion

xIr> xIman! Ast! st! zIt %dkm! jgt! maya

brave wise nonexistence existence cool water world maya

ved Éav> AÉav> zIlm! pura[> Aakaz> ivkar> ivraex>

Veda being nonexistence dispostion ancient space modification oppositon

Égvan! kar[< vcnain iv;y> Am&tm! Apcy> %pcy> iv;adm!

Bhagavan cause speech object immortal diminution increase dejection

ivvek> %paix> inêp[< Avyv> ivnaz> ÉUtain zrIrm! hnnm!

viveka conditioning ascertaining limb destruction beings body killing

Note: The primary purpose of the exercise is to become familiar with the script,
not to learn vocabulary. I have given the basic definitions of these words so that
you don’t have to repeat meaningless sounds.

Reading Practice with Transliteration

Simple Words without Conjunct Consonants

nm> c ih n sa te va tu
namaù ca hi na sä te vä tu
salutations and indeed not she they or but

Aip ikm! @tt! tt! ywa twa #v cet!

api kim etat tat yathä tathä iva cet
also what this that just as similarly like if

m&;a @v tan! tt> ten yen punrœ b÷

måñä eva tän tataù tena yena punar bahu
falsely indeed them therefore by that by which again many

vym! prm! kw< Asu> vad> gt ik< Aah

vayam param kathaà asuù vädaù gata kià äha
we other how breath talking gone what said

jra "q> xn< deh> jIv> suo< zaek> maeh>

jarä ghaöaù dhanaà dehaù jévaù sukhaà çokaù mohaù
old age pot wealth body soul pleasure sorrow delusion

xIr> xIman! Ast! st! zIt %dkm! jgt! maya

dhéraù dhéman asat sat çéta udakam jagat mäyä
brave wise nonexistence existence cool water world maya

ved Éav> AÉav> zIlm! pura[> Aakaz> ivkar> ivraex>

veda bhävaù abhävaù çélam puräëaù äkäçaù vikäraù virodhaù
Veda being nonexistence dispostion ancient space modification oppositon

Égvan! kar[< vcnain iv;y> Am&tm! Apcy> %pcy> iv;adm!

bhagavän käraëaà vacanäni viñayaù amåtam apacayaù upacayaù viñädam
Bhagavan cause speech object immortal diminution increase dejection

ivvek> %paix> inêp[< Avyv> ivnaz> ÉUtain zrIrm! hnnm!

vivekaù upädhiù nirüpaëaà avayavaù vinäçaù bhütäni çaréram hananam
viveka conditioning ascertaining limb destruction beings body killing

Note: The primary purpose of the exercise is to become familiar with the script,
not to learn vocabulary. I have given the basic definitions of these words so that
you don’t have to repeat meaningless sounds.

Conjunct Consonants

When two consonants come together without an intervening vowel they are
called conjunct consonants. These are formed in different ways, depending on
the structure of the consonant. Often, the vertical line of the first consonant can
be removed and the remaining part of the consonant conjoined to the latter, so
they become adjacent to each other. In some instances, there is not an easily
removable vertical and the consonants will stack on top of each other. In almost
all cases, if you know the full form of the individual consonants well, you will be
able to recognize them in their conjoined form. The exceptions are listed below
as unusual forms and simply need to be memorized.

Adjacent kogcjH}|z[twnspbÉmv
Km = kœ m (k ma) CD = c! D (c cha) Nt = n! t (n ta) Bx = b! x (b dha)

Ky = kœ y (k ya) ¾ = j! j (j ja) Xy =x! y (dh ya) BÉ = b! É (b bha)

Oy = o! y (kh {[ = [! [ (ë ëa) Xm = x! m (dh ma) Vy = v! y (v ya)

Tp = t! p (t pa) Py = p! y (p ya) Sk = s! k (s ka)
Gl = g! l (g la)
Tm = t! m (t ma) Wy =w! y (th ya) St = s! t (s ta)
Gv = g! v (g va)
TSy = t! s! y
½ = c! c (c ca)
(t s ya)

Stacking d'DqQfFh
» = 'œ k (ì ka) Ï = dœ x (d dha) Ó = dœ b (d ba) ò = ;! q (ñ öa)

¼ = 'œ g (ì ga) Ñ = dœ É (d bha) ” = qœ q (ö öa) ó = ;! Q (ñ öha)

ò+ =;! qœ r (ñ ö ra) ò( = ;! qœ y (ñ ö ya)

Unusual Forms

mR = rœ m (r ma) Sà = s! p! r (s p ra) Î = dœ d (d da) í = z! c (ç ca)

vR = rœ v (r va)
Tà = t! p! r (t p ra)
Ó = dœ b (d ba) î = z! n (ç na)

q( = qœ y
tR = rœ t Ï = dœ x Zm = z! m
(ö ya)
(r ta) (d dha) (ç ma)

Q( = Qœ y
³ = kœ r Ñ = dœ É ï = z! r
(öh ya)
(k ra) (d bha) (ç ra)

f( = fœ y
¢ = g! r Ò = dœ m
(ò ya)
(g ra) (d ma)

Š = kœ k
à = p! r * = dœ y Ÿ = hœ [
(k ka)
(p ra) (d ya) (h ëa)

´ = kœ t ™ = dœ v! y
Ç = t! r û = hœ n
(k ta)
(t ra) (d v ya) (h na)

Ä = t! t Õ = dœ rœ y
ö = s! r ü = hœ m
(t ta) (d r ya)
(s ra) (h ma)

Èy = t! rœ y (t r ya) } =j! |
ò+ =;! qœ r ý = hœ y
(j ïa)
(ñ ö ra) (h ya)

] = kœ ; (k ña)

Examples of Unusual Forms

kmR ktaR ¢am tÇ c³ Éi´

karma kartä gräma tatra cakra bhakti

Éae´a mae] mui´ }anm! tÅv buiÏ

bhoktä mokña mukti jïänam tattva buddhi

pÒ iv*a ïÏa àî äün! hirí

padma vidyä çraddhä praçna brahman hariçca

Vedanta Vocabulary List 1

These words are commonly used in Vedantic texts. This exercise is meant to
familarize you with the these terms in Sanskrit. The list below it includes the

äün! AaTma jIv> jgt! $ñr> maya

st! ict! AanNd> sTym! }anm! AnNtm!

vedaNt> %pin;dœ àma[m! àkr[m! mae]> bNxnm!

iv*a Aiv*a }anm! A}anm! }ainn! s<sairn!

àma àTy] prae] Aprae] v&iÄ> buiÏ>

SwUl sUúm kar[m! zrIrm! deh> %paix>

kmRn! AkmRn! kmRyaeg> s<Nyas> s<Nyaisn! mum]

u >u

Aixkairn! ivvek> vEraGym! zmaid;qœkm! mum]

u Tu vm! mns!

zm> dm> %prit> itit]a smaxanm! ïÏa

s<sairn! Aixkairn! ivveikn! mum]

u >u }ainn! s<Nyaisn!

AXyas> AXyaraep> Apvad> Aaraep> vStu AvStu

kt&TR vm! Éae´T« vm! suioTvm! Ê>ioTvm! r¾u> spR>

maya àk«it> sÅv rjs! tms! gu[>

ÉUtain p&iwvI Aap> Ai¶> vayu> Aakaz>

zBd> SpzR> êpm! rs> gNx> cEtNym!

ïaeÇ> Tvkœ c]u> ijþa ºa[m! #iNÔyai[

vakœ pai[> pad> payu> %pSwa> Svêp>

Vedanta Vocabulary List 1 with Transliteration

äün! AaTma jIv> jgt! $ñr> maya

brahman ätmä jévaù jagat éçvaraù mäyä

st! ict! AanNd> sTym! }anm! AnNtm!

sat cit änandaù satyam jïänam anantam

vedaNt> %pin;dœ àma[m! àkr[m! mae]> bNxnm!

vedäntaù upaniñad pramäëam prakaraëam mokñaù bandhana

iv*a Aiv*a }anm! A}anm! }ainn! s<sairn!

vidyä avidyä jïänam ajïänam jïänin saàsärin

àma àTy] prae] Aprae] v&iÄ > buiÏ>

pramä pratyakña parokña aparokña våttiù buddhiù

SwUl sUúm kar[m! zrIrm! deh> %paix>

sthüla sükñma käraëam çaréram dehaù upädhiù

kmRn! AkmRn! kmRyaeg> s<Nyas> s<Nyaisn! mum]

u >u
karman akarman karmayogaù sannyäsaù sannyäsin mumukñuù

Aixkairn! ivvek> vEraGym! zmaid;qœkm! mum]

u Tu vm! mns!
adhikärin vivekaù vairägyam çamädiñaökam mumukñutvam manas

zm> dm> %prit> itit]a smaxanm! ïÏa

çamaù damaù uparatiù titikñä samädhänam çraddhä

s<sairn! Aixkairn! ivveikn! mum]

u >u }ainn! s<Nyaisn!
saàsärin adhikärin vivekin mumukñuù j ïänin sannyäsin

AXyas> AXyaraep> Apvad> Aaraep> vStu AvStu

adhyäsaù adhyäropaù apavädaù äropaù vastu avastu

kt&TR vm! Éae´T« vm! suioTvm! Ê>ioTvm! r¾u> spR>
kartåtvam bhoktåtvam sukhitvam duùkhitvam rajjuù sarpaù

maya àk«it> sÅv rjs! tms! gu[>

mäyä prakåtiù sattva rajas tamas guëaù

ÉUtain p&iwvI Aap> Ai¶> vayu> Aakaz>

bhütäni påthivé äpaù agniù väyuù äkäçaù

zBd> SpzR> êpm! rs> gNx> cEtNym!

çabdaù sparçaù rüpam rasaù gandhaù caitanyam

ïaeÇ> Tvkœ c]u> ijþa ºa[m! #iNÔyain

çrotraù tvak cakñuù jihvä ghräëam indriyäni

vakœ pai[> pad> payu> %pSwa> Svêp>

väk päëiù pädaù päyuù upasthäù svarüpaù


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