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Sta.Barbara, Mark Gani M.


1. Define the following terminologies and explain how is it applied in the Philippine Energy Setting
 Energy Roadmap
 Feed-In Tariffs
 Downstream oil
 Service contract
 Biodiesel
 Bioethanol
 Energy per capita
 GHG emissions and tCO2 or MTCO2
 Energy Intensity
 Energy Elasticity
 Energy per capita
 Renewable energy
 Low-enthalpy geothermal plant
 Capacity addition
 Interruptible Load Program
2. Explain the following scenarios as to how it affects the Philippine Energy Plan
 Business as-usual Scenario
 Clean Energy Scenario
 Yellow and Red alert status in Reserves
 Missionary Electrification
 Off-Grid Electrification
 Qualified Third Party Program
3. Based form the Philippine Energy Roadmap
 Considering that it is already year 2019, which of the target/s that were meet and were not? What
do you think are the reasons for its success/failures? What can you suggest in order for the plan to
4. If we are to choose a country to serve as our benchmark in RE, what country will it be? Explain why and
provide evidences.
5. If the government will prioritize a certain energy sector by suggesting and implementing policies or
programs, what sector will it be and what policy/s or program/s will it be? Support your answers.
Energy Roadmap
A Roadmap is a strategic plan that defines a goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps or milestones
needed to reach it.
Sustainable renewable energy is a global call to counter the negative impacts of climate change to the
environment, nature and people by the use of fossil fuels.
The effects of climate change are current and real; it is no longer a future concern or imaginary.
“In 2011, the United Nations Secretary–General launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative
with three interlinked objectives to be achieved by 2030: ensure universal access to modern energy services;
double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and double the share of renewable energy in the
global mix”19.
On a country level, the Philippines’ energy plans and programs are consistent with the SE4ALL initiative. The
continuing thrust for energy and power mix is ensuring energy security and the use of environment-friendly
energy resources/technologies while ensuring low carbon future.
Consistent with this, the government has embarked on fuel diversification which envisions equal sharing of fuels
and technologies with preference on cleaner fuel and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
It is in this context that deployment of more renewables is seen to accelerate in the coming years moving towards
the realization of its goal of increasing RE capacity by 2030.
The NREP, which comprises the 20-year RE target capacity addition for the country, has its first step towards the
doubling of RE installed capacity in 2011. From 2011 to 2015, the first 5 years of the program, the target capacity
addition was 2,155 MW or 22 percent of the total program.
However, the actual capacity addition was 950.4 MW equivalent to 10 percent of the total program. The actual
installed capacity aggregated over a 5-year period call for a revisit of NREP to lay down an updated roadmap
consistent with the current and future development in the RE sector.
Considering the thrusts and policy directions of the government toward increasing the share of RE in the total
capacity mix, the following roadmap is expected to achieve the targeted capacity addition of 17,544 MW for the
next 15 years.
Feed-In Tariffs
Feed-in tariffs (FIT) are fixed electricity prices that are paid to renewable energy (RE) producers for each unit of
energy produced and injected into the electricity grid.
In the Philippines the payment of the FIT is guaranteed for a certain period of time that is often related to the
economic lifetime of the respective RE project. Another possibility is to calculate a fixed maximum number of
full-load hours of RE electricity production for which the FIT will be paid. FIT are usually paid by electricity
grid, system or market operators, often in the context of Power purchasing agreements (PPA). You can see the
FIT in your Meralco bill or other electric cooperative it is like a tax for the distributor so that the consumer are
shouldered to pay.
Under the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, the Philippine Energy Regulatory Commission can "(guarantee) fixed
rate per kilowatt-hour – the FIT rates – for power producers harnessing renewable energy under the FIT
system. In February 2015, the ERC agreed to give a FIT rate of P8.69 per kilowatt hour for 20 years to the Burgos
Wind Farm of the Energy Development Corporation.
Paving the way in the fulfillment of NREP targets are policy mechanisms promulgated by the DOE. Among the
ones are in place are the Feed in Tariff (FIT) and the Net Metering Mechanism. The remaining policy mechanism
that needs to be implemented includes the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and Green Energy Option which
are expected to further boost the share of renewables in the country. Under the FIT system, due to the energy
stakeholders’ interest in the development of wind energy, initial target for FIT system of 200 MW was increased
to 400 MW. Of this adjusted target, 393.9 MW have been issued with certificate of eligibility by the DOE to
ERC. Likewise, operating under the FIT system is solar which was increased to 500 MW in 2015 from the 50
MW initial target. As of June 30, 2016, a total of 526.95 MW was issued with certificate of eligibility by the DOE
to ERC.

Downstream oil
The Oil or Petroleum Industry in the Philippines is divided into two sectors: the upstream and downstream. The
downstream sector involves the processing, selling, and distribution of natural gas and petroleum products. It also
plays an integral part of fueling various industries (e.g. transportation and power). The country’s downstream
sector is deregulated through Republic Act No. 8479, otherwise known as the Downstream Oil Industry
Deregulation Act of 1998. The law calls for the creation of a competitive market anchored on fair and reasonable
pricing, provision of high quality petroleum products and an encouraging market investment environment for
industry players and investors.
The downstream sector commonly refers to the refining of petroleum crude oil and the processing and purifying
of raw natural gas, as well as the marketing and distribution of products derived from crude oil and natural gas.
The downstream sector touches consumers through products such as gasoline or petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel
oil, heating oil, fuel oils, lubricants, waxes, asphalt, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as well as
hundreds of petrochemicals.
The country’s downstream sector is regulated through the Republic Act No. 8479, AN ACT DEREGULATING
THE DOWNSTREAM OIL INDUSTRY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.  The deregulation law calls for a truly
competitive market – fair prices, adequate supply of environmentally clean and high quality petroleum products. 
It also created a free market atmosphere encouraging other players and investors to join the downstream oil
sector.  Know more about the Philippine Downstream Sector HERE.
Under RA 8479, the Department of Energy is tasked to, among others:

 Monitor and publish daily international crude oil prices and the movement of domestic oil prices (create
link to Oil Monitor)
 Monitor the quality of petroleum products and compliance with the national standards of quality
 Monitor refining and manufacturing processes of local petroleum products to ensure clean and safe
technologies are applied
 Maintain a periodic schedule of present and future total industry inventory of petroleum products to
determine level of supply

Currently, the country has various players in the downstream sector.  The six member companies of PIP are
important industry players and provide significant contributions in meeting the local demand for petroleum
products in compliance to regulatory requirements set by the government. Chevron, Isla LPG, Petron, PTT, Total,
Shell – have significantly contributed to the development of the sector not only in meeting the supply
requirement, but also serving as valuable resource on issues of health, environment, safety and quality.   PIP
member companies have also played significant roles in the development of various legislations in promoting
safety, and exchanges of best practices.

The country’s total primary oil supply is projected to grow by 3.4 percent per year on average in the BAU
scenario, from 17.7 MTOE in 2015 to 29.1 MTOE in 2030. It will continue to contribute significantly to the
country’s total energy mix, with an average share of 34.3 percent across the entire planning horizon. With an
additional blending of biofuels and entry of alternative fuels for transport such as auto-LPG jeepneys and electric
vehicles (including e-trikes) from BAU scenario to CES, the country’s dependence on oil is expected to decline at
an average of 11.7 percent per year for the planning period. Oil annual average share to the TPES will register at
29.2 percent, as the total oil supply under CES will grow at a slower rate of 3.2 percent per year to 28.4 MTOE in

Service contract
A Service contract is a business agreement between a contractor and customer covering the maintenance and
servicing of equipment over a specified period.
In the Philippines, the primary contractor or producers of oils are, Chevron, Isla LPG, Petron, PTT, Total, Shell
this company also have significantly contributed to the development of the sector not only in meeting the supply
requirement, but also serving as valuable resource on issues of health, environment, safety and quality. While in
terms of Energy company there are many company that distributes electricity and Meralco is one of them it is like
a Service contract because Meralco satisfy the needs of its customer and also it covers the maintenance and
Biodiesel refers to a vegetable oil- or animal fat-based diesel fuel consisting of long-chain alkyl (methyl, ethyl,
or propyl) esters. Biodiesel is typically made by chemically reacting lipids with an alcohol producing fatty acid
Biodiesel is a drop-in biofuel and thus meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is thus distinct from the
vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. Biodiesel can be used alone, or blended with
petrodiesel in any proportions.[1] Biodiesel blends can also be used as heating oil.
Biodiesel from coconut is the natural alternative to imported diesel in the Philippines. Coconut oil is
transesterified into coco methyl ester (CME) and is referred to as cocobiodiesel when blended with fossil
diesel.Cocobiodiesel has a unique advantage over other forms of biodiesel because of its unique chemical
properties, thereby making it more environment-friendly and economical. It may cost more than fossil diesel and
other biodiesels in P/liter, but its unique features can do much more for engine performance. Its greatest
advantage is in terms of cost reduction in P/km.
Cocobiodiesel serves as a high value/ high volume secondary product of the coconut industry which protects coco
farmers from falling copra prices in the world market.

Following the enactment of the Biofuels Act of 2006, the Philippines  is now working to ‘clear the way’ to
increase the biodiesel blend from 2% (B2)to 5% (B5) in 2015. This increase is likely to boost the demand for
biodiesel in the country.
Biofuels Act of 2006 (RA 9367)
The Biofuels Act of 2006 aims to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fuels with due regard to the
protection of public health, the environment, and the natural ecosystems consistent with the country’s sustainable
economic growth.
It mandates the use of biofuels as a measure to develop and utilize indigenous renewable and sustainable-sources
clean energy sources to reduce dependence on imported oil; mitigate toxic and greenhouse gas (GSG)
emissions; increase rural employment and income; and ensure the availability of alternative and renewable clean
energy without any detriment to the natural ecosystem, biodiversity and food reserves of the country.
The law also provides for additional incentives to encourage investments in the production, distribution and use of
locally-produced biofuels at and above the minimum mandated blends.The Department of Energy, in consultation
with the National Biofuels Board, appropriate government agencies, and other stakeholders has issued, adopted,
and promulgated the law’s implementing rules and regulations.
Industry Development Program The sectoral
working group for biodiesel has been working towards the promulgation of the Philippine National Standard
(PNS) for B5 biodiesel, but is currently on hold. Oil companies have raised issues regarding the use of coco
methyl ester (CME), including its corrosive effects on engines, and its implications on their storage, handling and
distribution systems and facilities. An impact assessment study (on the increase from B2 to B5) is ongoing.
A related study to determine the real cause of contamination and microbial growth on CME-blended diesel fuel is
ongoing. The study includes the impact of the increase of the increase from B2 to B5 on sectoral and national
outputs, income, food and non-food consumption, international trade and prices.

Bioethanol is an alcohol produced from organic biomass such as sugar, wheat or maize, and represents over 80%
of global biofuel production. Bioethanol is a biodegradable, non-toxic and proven alternative to fossil fuel that
can be blended for use in any petrol-engine car today without modification. In fact, ethanol has already been used
in cars for over 80 years - Henry Ford regarded it as 'the fuel of the future' and designed his early engines to run
on a bioethanol/petrol mix. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through the use of bioethanol, as the crops
used to produce bioethanol absorb CO2 as they grow.
Bioethanol is already being used as an additive in petrol. An example is Statoil Bio95, which can be used by cars
without needing to make alterations, and can replace 95 octane unleaded petrol.
The Philippines Biofuels Act 2006 requires oil companies to use biofuels in all "liquid fuels for motors and
engines sold in the Philippines." All gasoline sold in the country must contain at least 5 percent ethanol by
February 2009, and by 2011, the mandated blend can go up to 10 percent. The new law is expected to bring a
number of benefits to the country:
"Commercial production of ethanol from sugarcane, cassava or sorghum will help the island nation diversify its
fuel portfolio and help to ensure its energy security. It could also generate employment, particularly in rural
regions, as investors put up biofuel crop plantations and processing plants. Also, the shift to these plant-based
fuels for transportation will help reduce pollution."
Four feedstocks—sugarcane, corn, cassava and sweet sorghum—were initially identified for ethanol production,
but sugarcane is expected to be the predominant source of ethanol. The Philippines is a sugar-producing country,
and sugarcane is grown mainly in the islands of Negros, Luzon, Panay and Mindanao. Despite growing demand
for sugar, there are still an estimated 90,750 hectares (224,000 acres) of sugarcane available that can be used for
ethanol production, and high-yielding varieties of sugarcane are available.
In 2005, SEAOIL Philippines Inc. pioneered the use of ethanol as gasoline blend in the country, and the first to
offer E10 Fuel in the market in their gasoline products. This was done even before the enactment of the Biofuels
Act of 2006.
In July 2008, Pilipinas Shell and Petron Corporation introduced 95 Octane E10 Gasoline alongside their Unleaded
(93 Octane) and Premium Unleaded (95 Octane) variants.

"Open Competitive Selection Process" or "OCSP" refers to the process wherein a Generation Company or, in the
case of off-grid areas, New Power Provider, is awarded to supply electric power requirements of a DU through
transparent and Competitive bidding undertaken by a DU or by Aggregated DUs to secure supply of electricity.
Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP) As a continuing strategy to accelerate the deployment of
renewable energy, the DOE launched the 2 nd OCSP on 23 February 2015 for geothermal wherein four (4)
prospective geothermal areas were offered; to wit: (1) Acupan-Itogon Geothermal Prospect in Benguet (10-20
MW estimated capacity), (2) Cabalian Geothermal Prospect in Southern Leyte (26-34 MW estimated capacity),
(3) Amacan Geothermal Prospect in Compostela Valley (20-40 MW estimated capacity) and (4) Balut Island
Geothermal Prospect in Davao Occidental (10-40 MW estimated capacity). While on 20 March 2015, the OCSP
for hydropower offered a total of 17 areas for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. In Luzon, there were six (6) areas
with an aggregate capacity of 217.4 MW, Visayas has eight (8) areas with total capacity of 88.5 MW and
Mindanao with three (3) large areas having an aggregate capacity of 402.5 MW. Total potential capacity from the
particular OCSP conducted was 708.4 MW. The Department will conduct another OCSP in 2017.

Energy per capita

Energy per capita is the total energy use and dividing it by the population. This gives you an average of how
much energy each person is consuming. And energy usage can include all the various forms, like wind, solar,
electric, and gas. You can also calculate it for a specific or category of energy. For instance, renewable energy use
per capita. This way, we can compare renewable energy to fossil fuels

GHG emissions and tCO2 or MTCO2

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse
gases cause the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of Earth's
surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F). The atmospheres
of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain greenhouse gases.
Human activities since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1750) have produced a 45% increase in
the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO
2), from 280 ppm in 1750 to 406 ppm in early 2017. This increase has occurred despite the uptake of more than
half of the emissions by various natural "sinks" involved in the carbon cycle. The vast majority
of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions come from combustion of fossil fuels, principally coal, oil, and natural
gas, with additional contributions coming from deforestation, changes in land use, soil erosion and agriculture
(including livestock).
Should greenhouse gas emissions continue at their rate in 2019, global warming could cause Earth's surface
temperature to exceed historical values as early as 2047, with potentially harmful effects on ecosystems,
biodiversity and human livelihoods. At current emission rates, temperatures could increase by 2 °C, which the
United Nations' IPCC designated as the upper limit to avoid "dangerous" levels, by 2036.
Bicarbonate is a chemical substance that acts as a buffer and does not allow the pH of the blood to become too
acidic or too basic. The kidney and lungs balance the levels of bicarbonate in the body.
If bicarbonate levels are too high or low, it might indicate a problem with those organs. Thus the bicarbonate
test is helpful in detecting a number of conditions that affect the blood bicarbonate levels such as lung disease,
kidney disorders and metabolic conditions.

Metric tons of carbon dioxide or MTCO2 

A metric measure used to compare the emissions from different greenhouse gases based upon their global
warming potential (GWP). The carbon dioxide equivalent for a gas is derived by multiplying the tons of the gas
by its associated GWP. In ARCHIBUS, total emissions is expressed as MTCO 2 that is calculated by adding the
metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions with the metric ton carbon dioxide equivalents for methane and nitrous
Total Emissions (MTCO2) = Emissions MTCO2+ CH4 Emissions (MTCO2) + N2O Emissions (MTCO2):
Energy intensity is a measure of the energy inefficiency of an economy. It is calculated as units of energy per
unit of GDP.
 High energy intensities indicate a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
 Low energy intensity indicates a lower price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
High energy intensity means high industrial output as portion of GDP. Countries with low energy intensity
signifies labor intensive economy
Energy intensity (abbreviated EI) measures how much a bit of energy benefits the economy. This value is
calculated by taking the ratio of total primary energy use (TPES) (all of the fuels and flows that a country uses to
get energy) to GDP (the total money made in a country). This quantity (measured MJ/$) is used to indicate how
effectively a certain economy is using their fuels and flows.[1] When a country reduces wasted energy it becomes
more efficient, this lowers its EI (lower EI is better).
This ratio quantifies how much good a little bit of energy provides. Energy use per capita describes only how
much energy is being used, and provides no details as to how that energy is helpful. EI clarifies 'what energy does
for a person', which certainly varies from country to country. Wealthier countries almost always use more energy
per capita than poor countries and EI accounts for this discrepency in wealth. [2]
The economies of countries around the world benefit from having access to energy infrastructure. EI describes
how well this infrastructure is doing it's job. Below is a map showing the relative energy intensities of countries
across the globe.
EI is calculated by adding up all of the primary energy sources that a country uses (TPES). This adds all of the
raw forms of energy (coal, wind, natural gas, energy found in natural resources, etc.) before they are converted
to energy currencies like electricity. [3] The amount of these raw forms of energy (fuels and flows) includes
everything that's been imported, but does not include any energy that was exported. The amount of energy used to
calculate EI is only the energy that the country uses as energy. For example, if a country produces a barrel of oil,
and sells it to another country, that would be a commodity that the country is selling and wouldn't be part of the
energy intensity calculation. Imported oil that's used for energy would be. [2] Below is a graph showing how the
two indicators for energy intensity, GDP and total primary energy supply (TPES), have changed for countries
over time relative to a normalized year (the first year data is available).

Energy Elasticity
Energy elasticity is a term used with reference to the energy intensity of Gross Domestic Product. It is "the
percentage change in energy consumption to achieve one per cent change in national GDP".
This term has been used when describing sustainable growth in the developing world, while being aware of the
need to maintain the security of energy supply and constrain the emission of additional greenhouse gases. Energy
elasticity is a top-line measure, as the commercial energy sources used by the country in question are normally
further itemized as fossil, renewable, etc.
The Philippines’ demand for electrical energy in 2013 represents a 42.17% increase from 2012 when the demand
for energy was at 52,941 GWh. It is expected that the country’s demand for power will increase as the
Philippines’ population and economy continue to grow.
The Philippines’ current energy mix highly favors fossil fuels, with coal, natural gas, and oil, accounting for
73.56% of the country's total electrical energy needs, primarily due to their low cost.[7]
The Philippines's most heavily used energy source is coal. Of the country’s 75,266 GWh electrical energy demand
in 2013, 32,081 GWh or approximately 42.62% was sourced from coal. This heavy dependence on coal is further
apparent by the high number of coal-fired power plants in the country. As of March 2016, there were 32 coal-fired
power generation facilities connected to the energy grid. These facilities are spread throughout the country,
although most of them are in Luzon and Visayas. The number of coal-fired power plants in the country is set to
increase by 25 by the year 2030 to keep up with the Philippines’ growing energy demands.
Besides coal, the Philippines is also heavily dependent on natural gas The Philippines produced 18,791 GWh of
electricity from natural gas in 2013This corresponded to 24.97% of the Philippines’ electrical energy needs during
this period. As of March 2016, there were a total of 13 natural gas generation facilities connected to the energy
grid 12 of which are in Luzon and one of which is in Cebu on Visayas.
The Philippines also generates a significant amount of electrical energy from oil, albeit to a lesser degree than
compared to coal and natural gas. In 2013, the Philippines sourced 5.97% of its energy from oil-based sources. As
of March 2016, there were a total of 212 gas and diesel-powered facilities in the Philippines. The large number of
oil-powered power plants is a result of a lower per plant output compared to coal and natural gas. Oil-powered
power plants can be found dispersed across several provinces in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

Renewable energy 
is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such
as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four
important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy
Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. In its various forms, it
derives directly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. Included in the definition is electricity
and heat generated from solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal resources, and biofuels and
hydrogen derived from renewable resources.
The accelerated exploration and development of renewable energy sector commenced with the enactment of RA
9513 otherwise known as Renewable Energy Law of 2008. To achieve the objectives of RE Law, the DOE with
its stakeholders headed by the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) formulated the NREP which
summarizes the 20-year aspirational targets from biomass, solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and ocean
In 2013, renewable energy provided 26.44% of the total electricity in the Philippines and 19,903 gigawatt-hours
(GWh) of electrical energy out of a total demand of 75,266 gigawatt-hours. The Philippines is a net importer of
fossil fuels. For the sake of energy security, there is momentum to develop renewable energy sources. The types
available include hydropower, geothermal power, wind power, solar power and biomass power. The government
of the Philippines has legislated a number of policies in order to increase the use of renewable energy by the
Renewable energy implementation is important to the Philippines for several reasons. The geographic
characteristics of the country make it vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Rising sea levels are a
threat because the Philippines is an archipelago with many cities located in coastal areas. As the coastline recedes
due to rising seas, coastal cities become vulnerable to flooding. Climate change has also been linked to changing
weather patterns and extreme weather events.
Reliance on fossil fuels is detrimental to the energy security of the Philippines. The Philippines is a net importer
of fossil fuels. In 2012, the Philippines imported 20 million tons of coal. Eight million tons were produced
domestically. In 2010, the Philippines imported 54 million barrels of oil and produced 33,000 barrels. Given this
dependence on imported coal and oil, the Philippines is vulnerable to price fluctuations and supply constraints
The harnessing and utilization of renewable energy comprises a critical component of the government's strategy to
provide energy supply for the country. This is evident in the power sector where increased generation from
geothermal and hydro resources has lessened the country's dependency on imported and polluting fuels. In the
government's rural electrification efforts, on the other hand, renewable energy sources such as solar, micro-hydro,
wind and biomass resources are seeing wide-scale use.

Low-enthalpy geothermal plant

To fully utilize these resources, the DOE has been implementing locally-funded projects entitled “Detailed
Resource Assessment of Selected Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Areas in the Philippines” and “Comprehensive
Resource Assessment of Philippine Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Areas” to further explore and evaluate low to
medium enthalpy geothermal areas in the country, with a temperature ranging from 90˚C to 150˚C that might be
suitable for power generation. These projects will also facilitate the assessment and realization of the economic
feasibility of small scale geothermal power projects for local power needs and the preparation of a comprehensive
data package that will showcase this type of geothermal resource for future private investor participations.
The government is strengthening its push to mainstream renewable energy projects to diversify the country’s
energy sourcing and boost power supply. Geothermal, a relatively mature RE source in the country, stands at a
rated capacity of 1,906 MW as of December 2015, sustaining the Philippines second lead in the world’s
geothermal capacity installation. The entry of 50-MW Nasulo Geothermal Power Plant, the rehabilitation of two
(2) units of Bacman with an additional capacity of Figure 20. 2016-2030 ROADMAP OF RENEWABLE
E 10 MW and the most recently commissioned 20-MW Maibarara Geothermal Power Project into the pipeline,
have boosted the existing capacity of geothermal energy for electricity generation.
Detailed Resource Assessment of Selected Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Areas in the Philippines The project aimed
to characterize various low-enthalpy geothermal resources in the Philippines with the development of binary
power systems using organic Rankine cycle which are suitable for power generation. Aside from this, it can be
used for direct applications, such as, industrial, agricultural, tourism and health for balneological and therapeutic
uses. Three areas were identified under this project: Banton Island in Romblon; Balut Island in Davao
Occidental; and Maricaban Island in Batangas.
After completing the geoscientific review, data-generation and integrated evaluation of these areas in 2015 have
indicated that no geothermal system, active or relic exists in Banton Island geothermal prospect while Balut Island
hosts an impressive geothermal resource with an estimated reservoir temperature ranging from 175-200°C (gas 20
Low enthalpy resource areas, unlike conventional geothermal sites, have temperatures lower than 250 degrees
Celsius Conducting Geological and Geochemical survey at Camiguin de Babuyanes in Cagayan Province and
Camiguin Island in Camiguin Province Geological, Geochemical and Controlled Source Magneto Telluric
(CSMT) Survey Controlled Source Magneto Telluric (CSMT) Survey Banton Island, Romblon Maricaban Island,
Batangas Balut Island, Davao Oriental and resistivity anomaly of 4-9 km2 .

Capacity Addition
Electricity is a key driver towards achieving rapid and sustained economic growth as it serves as a major input to
economic production in the industrial, services and agriculture sectors. Having secured, sufficient, reliable,
accessible, sustainable and reasonably-priced electricity supply provides socio-economic benefits to education
through better study conditions and enhanced flow of information, health via improvements in sanitation and
health care facilities and environment through the utilization of renewable energy resources and other clean
energy options. Power supply security also has trickle down effects accruing to peace and order and poverty
alleviation as it increases investment, business and employment opportunities leading to better standards of living.
Capacity Addition is the term for increasing the demand needed for the consumers. To cope up with the
increasing electricity demand, the Philippines’ total installed generating capacity continued to grow by 4.6 percent
from 17,944 MW in 2014 to 18,765 MW in 2015 equivalent to 821 MW increase. Coal-fired power plants
constitute the largest share in the installed and dependable capacity in 2015 at 32% and 34 percent respectively.
Among renewable energy, the share of the hydro resource remained the highest at 19 percent majority of which
comes from the Mindanao Grid. With the FIT incentives and continued support of the DOE and energy agencies
and stakeholders, variable 45 renewable energy (VRE) particularly wind and solar grew remarkably by 50.9
percent (144 MW increase) and 616.0 percent (142 MW increase) respectively, from 2014 to 2015.

Interruptible Load Program

Interruptible Load Program (ILP) In 2015, the country experienced “yellow” and “red” alert status due to thin
reserves and forced outages of power plants.
As part of the counter measures, the DOE and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) implemented the
Interruptible Load Program (ILP)21. Under this program, Distribution Utilities (DU) and its Participating
Customers (PCs) enter into an agreement for a voluntary full or partial de-loading of the PC during a mutually
agreed period of time. PCs with standby generation capacities that are requested by the DU to participate in the
ILP during instances of power supply deficits will be compensated should they use their own generating facilities.
To date, there are about 3,612 MW of self-generating facilities (SGFs) potential for ILP, excluding those SGFs
owned by firms that are directly connected to the grid. There are about 979 MW SGF capacity are committed to
participate in the ILP in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. In Luzon, MERALCO has 792.65 MW in Luzon for its
Captive Customers and Contestable Customers within its franchise area. The Visayan Electric Company is the
lone implementer in the Visayas with 63.70 MW while seven (7) DUs in Mindanao have implemented the ILP
involving 48 SGFs with combined capacity of 58.40 MW.

Business as-usual Scenario

A scenario for future patterns of activity which assumes that there will be no significant change in people's
attitudes and priorities, or no major changes in technology, economics, or policies, so that normal circumstances
can be expected to continue unchanged.

“The Philippines intends to undertake GHG (CO2e) emissions reduction of about 70% by 2030 relative to its
business-as-usual (BAU) scenario of 2000-2030. Reduction of CO2e emissions will come from energy, transport,
waste, forestry and industry sectors. The mitigation contribution is conditioned on the extent of financial
resources, including technology development & transfer, and capacity building, that will be made available to the

The treaty was signed by President Duterte and ratified by the Philippine Senate in April 2017. This makes the
treaty “part of the laws of the land.”

This piece quantifies what a 70% reduction of the BAU scenario means for the electricity sector, in terms of
gigawatt-hours (GWh) of generation from fossil-based power plants, which are the sector’s main source of GHG

“Business-as-usual” scenario: 182,007 GWh

The Philippines generated 25,865 GWh of electricity from fossil-fueled power plants in the year 2000. By 2007,
this had increased to 40,774 GWh, an average annual growth rate (AAGR) of 6.72%. The Renewable Energy Act
was passed in 2008, so we will use the 2000-2007 AAGR as the BAU growth rate. Assuming that fossil-based
generation continued at this same BAU rate until 2030, we get a projected BAU scenario by 2030 of 182,007
GWh. This is what we committed to reduce by 70%, to attain a “low-carbon scenario.”

“Low carbon scenario”: 64,280 GWh by 2022, 54.602 GWh by 2030

Reducing by 70% means retaining 30%. In effect, we committed to generate by 2030 no more than 30% of
182,007 GWh, or 54,602 GWh, of fossil-based electricity. We will call this ceiling the “low-carbon scenario.”

Our fossil-based generation at the end of 2017 was 71,181 GWh. Bringing this down to 54,602 GWh by 2030
means an actual reduction over 13 years of 23.3% from the 2017 level, or an average reduction of 2.02% per
year.The useful life of coal plants is 25 years, before they need to be rehabilitated. This means that if we let coal
plants operate until the end of their useful life, without rehabilitating or replacing them, 1/25 or 4% of them will
be retired each year. Our Paris commitment requires us to retire fossil-fueled power plants at the rate of 2% a
year. This is half their natural attrition rate, leaving enough room for flexibility.

To get a sense of what our Paris commitment means specifically for the Duterte administration, the 2% annual
reduction means around 64,280 GWh of fossil-based generation by 2022. This was our level of fossil-based
generation in mid-2016, when President Duterte started his six-year term.Thus, if the Duterte administration, by
the end of its term, brings down our fossil-based generation to the same level as when it assumed office, we can
meet our Paris commitment.

Clean Enegy Scenario

Clean energy is energy that is produced through means that do not pollute the atmosphere. It can also refer
to renewable energy sources that do not create environmental debt: using up resources that cannot be replaced or
severely damaging the environment so that future generations must solve problems created today. Currently, most
(all?) known energy production methods have some type of environmental impact, so clean energy describes the
energy production methods with the least amount of impact on the environment. The primary sources of clean
energy are solar energy, hydro energy, and wind energy.
solar energy uses the heat of the sun to produce energy. Hydro energy (also referred to as hydropower) uses the
power of water, usually rivers or tides, to generate electricity. Wind energy uses the power of the wind to turn
turbines; this motion produces electricity.
 IEC campaigns will be strengthened to address issues on environment and socio-cultural concerns especially
those located in protected areas. Harmonization of government policies and regulations under the Republic Act
No. 7586 or the “National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) of 1992” and the Republic Act No. 8371
or the “indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997” will facilitate implementation of energy projects. Close
coordination with the LGUs and other concerned agencies will also speed up issuance of environmental permits
and approval of SLUP, FLAG and TCP.

Yellow and Red alert status in Reserves

The Yellow and Red alert status in Reserves are also called the Interruptible Load Program. This program was
implemented by the DOE and the Energy Regulatory Commision that the Distributors and the customers will
enter into an agreement for a voluntary full or partial de-loading of the PC during a mutually agreed period of
time. PCs with standby generation capacities that are requested by the DU to participate in the ILP during
instances of power supply deficits will be compensated should they use their own generating facilities. This
Program will benefit all because we can prevent the shortage in electricity.

Missionary Electrification
Consistent to the mandate of DOE to craft policies that will redound to a sustainable energy sector, the roadmap
for missionary electrification aims to present a strategic direction for its continuous development in terms of
energy security and its associated systems, private sector investment, institutional partnerships, operational
efficiency and existing policies and regulations. To attain such, the roadmap of missionary electrification is
divided into three phases namely, short-term, medium term and long-term.

The electrification subsidy in missionary areas started on May 1, 1988 with the proclamation by the President of
the Philippines that electricity rates in all islands outside the main grids shall be pegged at P2.50/kWh. Thus, the
National Power Corporation (NPC) and the National Electrification Administration (NEA) allocated P1.20/kWh
for generation and P1.30/kWh for distribution.

NPC also created its Small Island Grid Operations to take over the operation of NEA/EC-owned generating
plants. However, NPC's subsidization of the generation costs of these areas resulted in huge financial losses while
NEA's subsidization of the distribution costs required huge government subsidies.

The enactment of RA 9136 or EPIRA on June 8, 2001 mandated NPC to cede its generating and disposable assets
in the main grids to the Power Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) and instead, be
responsible for the missionary electrification function aside from dams and watershed management, and operation
of the undisposed NPC generating assets.
The Department of Energy (DOE) is coming out with a new framework for missionary electrification that aims to
scrap subsidies and spur private sector participation by introducing new technologies that will lower power rates
and help attain 100 percent electrification rate.

The agency is working on an omnibus policy guideline on missionary electrification to ensure security, reliability,
adequacy, quality and affordability of electric power services in off-grid areas.It also aims to introduce technical
standards and adoption of appropriate tariff and subsidy policies.

“The omnibus missionary electrification policy covers the entire missionary electrification in off grid areas and it
deals with the planning. How do we make a comprehensive plan addressing the off grid areas? How do we
encourage private sector participation, how do we make sure the services they deliver are reliable, secure or
affordable,” DOE Undersecretary Felix William Fuentebella said.

Under the draft rules, the DOE is introducing the auction of unserved and underserved areas through qualified
third party (QTP) selection.

Off-Grid Electrification
1. Household Electrification Program (HEP) using renewable energy (RE) systems The HEP involves the
energization of off-grid households using mature RE technologies which includes photovoltaic solar home system
(PV-SHS), PV streetlights and micro-hydro systems. From 2011 to 2015, a total of 22,904 off-grid households
gained electricity access thru the program. In 2016, the program targeted 1,679 households and installation is on-
going on these identified beneficiaries.
2. Solar PV Mainstreaming (under Access to Sustainable Energy Program or ASEP) The program will encourage
DUs in implementing SHS mainstreaming/fee-for-service approach for dispersed households and highly remote
areas in their franchise areas. This actually serves as one of the innovative service delivery mechanisms that DUs
can execute for providing electricity access to remote, sparse and dispersed households. Further, the issuance of
Department Circular (DC) No. 2014-007-0012 in 3 July 2014 entitled Accelerating Household Electrification in
Off-Grid and Isolated Areas through Electricity Supply by Regulated Solar Home Systems prescribed the policies
for DUs provision of electric service.
Based on the pilot implementation of the Project in 2010-2014, the DOE pursued the scaled up implementation of
the same through the “Philippines: Access to Sustainable Energy Program (ASEP)” with funding assistance from
the European Union. For the next 4 years (2016-2019) the PV Mainstreaming program will be assisted by ASEP
funding to implement a total of 51,400 household using the PV SHS.

Qualified Third Party (QTP) Program

Qualified Third Party (QTP) refers to the alternative electric service provider authorized to serve remote and
unviable areas pursuant to Section 59 of the EPIRA and Rule 14 of the EPIRA-IRR.
The EPIRA and its IRR provides for the role of a qualified third party (QTP) in areas deemed unviable and
waived by DUs. The QTP is responsible for generation of power and its distribution to the community. Currently,
the operating QTP in the country is PowerSource Philippines Inc. (PSPI) in Brgy. Rio-Tuba, Palawan providing
24/7 electricity services to 1,744 households. Meanwhile, PSPI’s Malapascua’s QTP Project in Malapascua
Island, Logon, DaanBantayan, Cebu was granted by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) a provisional
authority to operate as QTP in the island. It started operation in 2014 and is servicing 771 households

Based form the Philippine Energy Roadmap.Considering that it is already year 2019, which of the target/s
that were meet and were not? What do you think are the reasons for its success/failures? What can you
suggest in order for the plan to materialize?
For my own opinion the target that our country can meet is the other energy technology because we have a great
potential in making another solutions to make a renewable source of energy like from the following:
1. Cellulosic biomass feedstock for bioethanol production and woodchips production Efficient domestic cook
stove using wood chips;
2. Fuel derived from petroleum based waste materials such as plastics and rubbers; and
3. Efficient biomass based stove for domestic cooking, fuel derived from petroleum based waste materials; and 4.
Micro-energy harvesting technologies..
The DOE continuously monitor emerging and matured energy technologies in other countries which can be
adopted for domestic application. As such, a thorough evaluation, testing and validation will be done for domestic
application specifically in the transport sector. In the medium term, the DOE will embark on the following
identified energy technologies for evaluation and validation. The only reason for its success is to give enough
effort in our agriculture economy because in agriculture there are many resources that can make.
I can suggest to go for more research and development for some alternative source of energy that will not harm
our nature or ourselves because no one can tell how long our natural resources will last. Subsequently, this
initiative will help advance economic development and ensure energy security, optimal energy pricing and
sustainable energy systems.

If we are to choose a country to serve as our benchmark in RE, what country will it be? Explain why and
provide evidences.
For my own opinion the best country to serve as our benchmark in RE, is the China even though some of our
fellows doesn’t want China because of their mentality and attitude but in truth China is the first in terms of
Renewabe Energy Souce Manufacturing. And these are some evidences that can say that china is still the best
country to serve as our benchmark in RE.
There are many countries that our known for their Renewable Energy source and one of that is Iceland although
there country is not that big but It is the currently the only country in the world that obtains 100% of its energy
from renewable resources, with 87% of its from hydro-power and 13% from geothermal power. Costa Rica is
among the top renewable energy users, with 99% of its electricity needs coming from hydroelectric, geothermal,
and wind. Close behind is Norway, with 98% of electricity coming from renewable resources, mostly
China is the world's largest market for both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy. Since 2013 China has been
the world's leading installer of solar photovoltaics (PV). In 2015, China became the world's largest producer of
photovoltaic power, narrowly surpassing Germany. In 2017 China was the first country to pass 100 GW of
cumulative installed PV capacity, and by the end of 2018, it had 174 GW of cumulative installed solar capacity.
As of May 2018, China holds the record for largest operational solar project in its 1,547-MW project at
Tengger. The contribution to the total electric energy production remains modest as the average capacity factor of
solar power plants is relatively low at 17% on average. Of the 6,412 TWh electricity produced in China in 2017,
118.2 TWh was generated by solar power, equivalent to 1.84% of total electricity production . The goal for 2050 is
to reach 1,300 GW of solar capacity. If this goal is to be reached it would be the source with the largest installed
capacity in China.
China has been the world's largest manufacturer of solar panels since 2008 and, since 2011, has produced the
majority of global photovoltaics on an annualized basis. [37] Industry projections estimated that, by the end of 2017,
China would have enough manufacturing capacity to produce 51 GW of PV modules per year, an amount over
twice as large as 2010's global production of 24 GW. [38][39]
The industry is dominated by several major manufacturers. They include CHINT Group Corporation, JA Solar
Holdings, Jinniu Energy, Suntech Power, Yingli, China Sunergy and Hanwha SolarOne.[40][41] Large debt
challenges several manufacturers
They may be the world’s largest polluter, but China is also the world’s biggest investor in renewable energy, with
huge investment levels both at home and overseas.  China now owns: five of the world’s six largest solar-module
manufacturing firms; the largest wind-turbine manufacturer; the world’s largest lithium ion manufacturer; and the
world’s largest electricity utility. China is fully committed to reducing fossil fuel consumption and with its
heavily polluted cities has every incentive for doing so.

Iceland generates the most clean electricity per person on earth, with almost 100% of its energy coming from
renewable sources that make the most of its unique landscape. It now derives all of its energy for electricity and
home heating from geothermal and hydroelectric power plants. Its renewable power plants like the geothermal
plant at Blue Lagoon even draw significant amounts of tourists every year!

If the government will prioritize a certain energy sector by suggesting and implementing policies or
programs, what sector will it be and what policy/s or program/s will it be? Support your answers.
 Sustainable Energy and Development Sector
If the government will prioritize a certain energy sector by suggesting and implementing policies or programs, in
my opinion the best sector or programs to prioritize and gives more effort to the research and development of the
Sustainable Energy because Sustainable Energy is the practice of using energy in a way that "meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." So that focusing on
sustainable energy will surely benefit us all even the future generations because we don’t know how long our
system will last.
When referring to methods of producing energy, the term "sustainable energy" is often used interchangeably with
the term "renewable energy". In general, renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal
energy, and tidal energy, are widely considered to be sustainable.
However, particular renewable energy projects, such as the clearing of forests for production of biofuels, can lead
to similar or even worse environmental damage when compared with using fossil fuel energy. There is
considerable controversy over whether nuclear energy can be considered sustainable.
Sustainable energy sources can be used to generate electricity, to heat and cool buildings, and to power
transportation systems and machines. Costs of sustainable energy sources have decreased immensely throughout
the years, and continue to fall. Increasingly, effective government policies support investor confidence and these
markets are expanding and also we need a development that’s why sustainable development is needed.
Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while
simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem
services upon which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living
conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and
stability of the natural system. Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations.

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