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Name: Jennita D’souza

Roll no: 32

Class: S.Y.B.Ed (2018-2020)

College: Nirmala Institute of Education


The aim of this action research paper is to understand the students conceptual understanding
on operation of integers. This research also included integration of technology- enhanced
lessons in the Mathematics classroom. The study was to conduct a quasi -experimental
assessment on integers by administering a diagnostic test. The intervention strategies
included cooperative learning, drill and practice and the use of virtual manipulatives. This
research adopted a quantitative approach of analysing participants’ assessment scores.
Analysis of the result indicates that there is improvement in the students’ assessment
scores(post-test) which indicates students were highly motivated from the intervention
methods that enhanced their learning.

Keywords: Integers, manipulatives, intervention, assessment.


Mathematics has a number of very useful benefits to our mind if we go into its study. It
develops our reasoning, helps us to have analytical thinking, quickens our mind, generates
practicality and also its use can be applied in day to day life. For many students, Math is
boring, abstract, lacking in creativity, complex and very difficult to understand, hence the
typical expression of “Numbers are not mine”. However, it is a subject that is a part of study
and as such should be an effort for comprehension which usually involves constant practice.

Integers are important numbers in mathematics. It consists of positive numbers, negative

numbers and zero. On a number line, positive integers are to the right of or above the zero
point and negative integers are to the left or below. Real life integers play an important role in
calculating our daily activities. Playing a video game, reviewing deposits or withdrawals in a
checking account or even looking at weight all require integers. In higher classes integers are
used to understand algebra. Multimedia learning is a component that can be used in
supporting the learning process.

Based on the background mentioned above, this study aims to make students understand the
concept of addition and subtraction of integers.

Teaching integers to students can be a difficult concept. Students have to learn that integers
are whole numbers, but they can either have a positive or a negative sign. Students need to
understand the basic operations of integers to solve problems. It is commonly observed that
students face difficulty when dealing with positive and negative numbers and this often leads
to students not fully understanding how to deal with integers. Teachers taught the participants
addition and subtraction of integers using the number line two weeks prior to this research.
Pre-test consisting of 5 questions on addition and subtraction of integers were given to
students prior to intervention lessons. Same questions although re-shuffled, were used as
post-test at the end of the research study for comparison and analysis purpose. Students
completed each test within thirty minutes.

After the pre-test it was seen that students were facing difficulty to add and subtract integers.
It was also seen that the addition of positive numbers was easier to them rather than the
negative numbers.

Therefore, my rationale for choosing this topic is to develop strategies to help students
understand the concept of integers by making clear the basic rules while adding or subtracting
positive or negative integers.


The subject of integers is a very important part of the middle school mathematics curriculum
and it symbolizes a move from concrete to abstract thinking (Lamb & Thanheiser, 2006).
Several methods or models exist to help assist student learning and encourage them to
understand abstract ideas involved within integer calculations (Cemen, 1993). A few of the
models include money, a number line, two-color tiles, and a number line (Cemen, 1993).

Cemen (1993) suggested that using a number line to teach integer addition and subtraction is
the best method. She claimed the money model used the concept of receiving and giving
money, but that it did a poor job of understanding negatives and subtraction. The two-color
tile method was helpful in showing the addition and subtraction of integers, yet the process
remained abstract in communicating the concept that subtracting three negative integers was
the same adding three positive integers. Using the number line method, Cemen distinguishes
between the rules needed for subtraction and addition on a number line. The sign of the
number determines the direction to move on the number line, so for instance, a positive
integer moves forward and a negative integer moves backward. Subtraction was
demonstrated by using the concept of “turning around” on the number line. For example,
when subtracting a negative number, that would imply that you turn around (face left) and
then walk backwards, which is ultimately right and in the positive direction on the number
line (Cemen, 1993).

Lamb and Thanheiser (2006) also created another method to help teach addition and
subtraction of integers. These two researchers created a software called Balloons and Weights
that helps attach concrete meaning to the abstract idea of negative and positive numbers. In
the summary, the software lets 7 balloons represent positive numbers or “going up” and
weights or “pulling down” represent negative numbers. Using the concept of a hot air
balloon, addition and subtraction of weights and balloons are performed. When more
balloons are added than weights, the answer is positive. When more weights than balloons are
added, the answer is negative. The operation of subtraction is demonstrated by “removal”.
So, when there is the subtraction of a negative integer, it is removing a negative, which shows
it is the same as adding a positive integer. The researchers claim their software also helps
students visualize or conceptualize what is happening when integers are added or subtracted.

Wawan & Tegeh (2015) said multimedia learning is a component that can be used in
supporting the learning process. Choi, Lee & Jung (2008) said that multimedia is the use of
multiple media in the presentation of learning through computers. Costantinescu (2007) said
that multimedia refers to computer-based systems that use different types of content such as
text, audio, video, graphics, animation & interactivity.


1. To determine and map students understanding of integers prior to experimental

manipulation (pre-test).
2. To examine and map the students understanding of integers post the experimental
manipulation (post-test).
3. To study the impact of intervention on the students’ conceptualization of integers.
4. To study the extent of relationship between pre-test and post-test scores of students on

1. There is no significant difference in the mean pre-test and post-test scores when the
test on integers was administered on students.
2. There is no significant relationship between the pre-test and post-test scores of
students on integers.


The pre-test post-test Quasi experimental design was adopted in the investigation by


Since the study is quasi experimental in nature, the technique of randomization was not
followed and the intact class comprising 44 students reading mathematics in Class VIC
became the participants in the present investigation. The pre-test post-test quasi experimental
design necessitates that every student should secure a pair of scores. Hence, absentees either
on the pre-test or post-test were outright eliminated as participants in the study despite they
being a part of the intervention. The final number of participants were 35 thereby creating a
pool of 35 paired scores.


The researchers constructed a Diagnostic Test on Integers. The Diagnostic Test on Integers
contained a total of 16 test items. The focus of the diagnostic test was 2 pronged; the first
being to measure the minimum competencies that students are expected to possess about
integers in relation to grade level and second to determine the specific difficulties they
encounter in relation to integers. The test items were graded from simple to complex so as to
allow students to make responses based on their cognitive organization and comprehension of

The content validity of the diagnostic test was maintained through discussion with the faculty
in-charge besides the peer group that worked as collaborators on the problem.





A teacher diagnostic test on integers was constructed and administered on the students by the
investigators. The answer scripts were scored and the performance of every student on every
single test item was mapped onto an XY Matrix designed in MS Excel. The X- component
addressed the test items while the Y- component addressed the identity of the students. A
careful analysis of the performance enabled the researchers to clearly identify the
difficult/weak spots in the students understanding of integers.


The researchers then developed and implemented an intervention plan based on the observed
specific needs and difficulties to help learners to overcome the learning impediments as
evidenced by the pre-test analysis.


 Drill and practice:

Practice was carried out in simple to complex manner. Students had difficulty on
performing operation on integers. So the concept was first explained in traditional
way and it was followed by drill and practice.
 Cooperative learning:
Students had difficulty in assigning signs when comparing a positive and negative
integer and also when comparing two negative integers. The students also faced
difficulty in solving problems on integers and locating them on the number line.
These difficulties were tackled wherein students collaborated with their peers for
necessary assistance.

 Multimedia (Virtual manipulatives):

Addition and subtraction of integers were explained by showing an animated video
rather than the traditional method of teaching. Animated videos aroused more interest
in students and grabbed their attention making the learning process more effective
rather than chalk and talk method.

Statistical tools applied to analyse data:

Data was analysed by subjecting the hypotheses to the t-test (Paired Two samples for Mean)
and Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r). Besides these statistical tools,
descriptive indices such as Mean and Standard Deviation was computed wherever necessary.


Objective 1:

To determine and map the students understanding of integers prior to the experimental

10 9 9
8 7

7 6
5 4
3 Frequency
1 0
4 8 12 16 20 More

Fig 1: Performance of
students on the Diagnostic Test (Pre-test)
Figure 1 shows that 19 students scored not more than 12 marks on the pre-test while only 16
students aggregate in the bin intervals 16-20 have scored more than 12 marks. This meant
that most of the student needed some sort of academic scaffolding

The students were found to have difficulty in areas such as;

1. In solving problems on integers and locating them on the number line.

2. In assigning signs when comparing a positive and negative integer and also when
comparing two negative integers.

Objective 2:

To examine and map the students understanding of integers post the experimental
manipulation (post-test).

12 11
10 9

8 7
4 4 Frequency

4 8 12 16 20 More

Fig 2: Performance of students on the Equivalent form of the Diagnostic Test (Post-test)

Figure 2 shows that 20 students scored marks ranging from 16 to 20 as against the
performance on pre-test. This means that the weak spots that were impediment in their
learning was sufficiently addressed through the meticulously designed treatment schedule.

Objective 3:

To study the impact of intervention on the students’ conceptualization of integers.

 Hypothesis 1

There is no significant difference in the mean pre-test and post-test scores when the test on
integers was administered on students.

Table 1: Significance of difference between the mean pre-test and post-test scores on

Test Mean SD N df t-value level of significance

Pre-test 10.66 6.55 35

34 3.02 0.05

Post-test 12.31 6.37 35

*Significant at the 0.05 level of significance

Since the obtained t-value 3.02 is higher than t-critical value 2.03, the hypothesis states that
there is no significant difference in the mean pre-test and post-test scores when the tests on
integers was administered on students and is so rejected at 0.05 level of significance. This
implies the performance of the students in the post-test is better than their performance in the

Objective 4:

To study the extent of relationship between pre-test and post-test scores of students on

 Hypothesis 2

There is no significant relationship between the pre-test and post-test scores of students
on integers.
Table 2: Correlation between the mean pre-test and post-test scores of students on

Category Critical r value Obtained r value df Correlation Significance


0.32 0.87 33 Positive 0.05


Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation (r) was found to be 0.87 which is higher than the
Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation at df equal to 33 which is 0.32. Therefore, the hypothesis
states that there is no significant relationship between the pre-test and post-test scores of
students on integers and hence is rejected at 0.05 level significance.


1. An increase in post-test scores compared to pre-test scores was seen after the
intervention lesson.
2. The use of virtual manipulatives had a significant impact on the performance of
3. Before the intervention it was seen that many students had difficulty in which sign to
retain after getting the value and also got confused between addition and subtraction
when two negative integers were given to solve.
4. It was also seen that the students were less likely distracted in the virtual lesson as
they were more keen in watching the animated videos.
5. In the study, it was also found that few students did not show improvement in the post
test. The possible reasons could be that some were slow learners and also did not
show willingness towards study.


The feedback from the students was positive and many of the students commented that they
enjoyed the lesson as there was a change from the ‘normal’ class of textbook and teacher
providing the answer. The use of multimedia as an intervention strategy proved to be more
effective. All the goals of the lesson were met and students were engaged and interested in
the problem. The improvement was seen during the post-test and this improvement could still
be improved by trying out different strategies.


Sen, G., Tengah, K., Shahrill, M., Leong, E., (2017). Teaching and learning of integers using
hands-on versus virtual manipulatives. International Conference on Education, 174-185.

Aris, R., Putri, R., Susanti, E., (2017). Design study: Integer subtraction operation teaching
learning using multimedia in primary school. Journal on Mathematics Education, 95-102.

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