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List Mode Guide for EW simulation

This manual provides instructions on the UXG list mode which provides the easiest method of quickly
simulating multiple radar threats. The mode uses a list of dwells at different frequencies with different
dwell times and pulse parameters. Dwell timing parameters are adjusted to ensure accurate pulse
repetition interval of each emitter as the UXG changes frequency.

Lists can be uploaded to the UXG in binary or comma separated variable (CSV) format. CSV files are the
easiest to change and upload to the instrument. Ensure that the decimal separators and column
separators used by your spreadsheet editor are the same as the settings of the UXG.

By default, the UXG infers your column separator from your spreadsheet. This is the Auto setting. The
UXG expects dots for decimal points by default.

UXG firmware and technical support

UXG firmware and technical support can be found on the UXG technical support page.

Signal studio for multi-emitter scenario generation (MESG)

Signal studio for multi-emitter scenario generation (MESG) enables the creation, interleaving, and
playback of long multi-emitter scenarios on one or more UXGs using the UXG list mode. 30-day trial
licenses are available.

CSV file import and export

To ensure your CSV file has the correct column headings, export a blank list from the UXG.

 Export a blank list to a USB drive:

1. Turn on the instrument
2. Plug in the USB drive
3. Press [mode]{list}
4. [mode setup]{select List/Scenario}{New List}{New Default List}
5. {edit list}[more]{Import/Export}{Export to File}{enter}
6. A file named BLANK is now at the top of the list.
7. Press [file]{USB file manager}{Select Internal File(s) to Copy to USB}
8. Use the rotary knob to select BLANK
9. Press {copy file to USB}
10. The UXG will print “BLANK copied to USB media” at the bottom of the screen.
11. The file is in .csv format but needs to be given a .csv extension to open it in a
spreadsheet program.
 Export a blank list via FTP
1. Turn on the instrument.
2. Export a blank list to the UXG \BIN directory so that it can be copied via FTP: [Mode
Setup]{Edit list}[More]{Import/Export}{Export to file}{Clear text} use the knob to
select letters and press [Enter] to name the list.
3. Press {Enter} when finished
4. Verify that is has a LAN connection by pressing [system]{IO Config}{LAN setup}
5. Enter the IP address into an internet browser
6. On the UXG agile signal generator web page, click Signal Generator FTP access
7. If using Internet Explorer, press alt + v and select Open FTP site in Windows Explorer
8. Open the \BIN directory and drag the blank list to your computer.
 Importing a list from a USB drive
1. Press [mode]{list}
2. Insert the USB drive into the UXG
3. Use the knob to highlight the list
4. Press {Copy file to instrument}{list points}
5. Press [mode setup]{Select List/Scenario}, use the knob to highlight the list, {select
file}{Confirm Select Different List Without Saving}
 Importing a list from FTP
1. Verify that is has a LAN connection by pressing [system]{IO Config}{LAN setup}
2. Enter the IP address into an internet browser
3. On the UXG agile signal generator web page, click Signal Generator FTP access
4. If using Internet Explorer, press alt + v and select Open FTP site in Windows Explorer
5. Open the \BIN directory and drag the list to it.
6. On the UXG, press [mode]{list}[mode setup]{edit list}{More}{Import/Export}, use the
knob to highlight the list, {import from selected file}{confirm Import From File}

Column Header Formatting

 By default, the UXG infers your column separator from your spreadsheet. This is the Auto
setting under the [mode setup]{Edit List}[more 1 of 2]{Import/Export} menu. The UXG expects
dots for decimal points by default. This can be edited under the …{Import/Export} menu also.
 Units can be changed in spreadsheet column headers to make the spreadsheet easier to read.
For example, the default unit of the frequency column is Hz. This can be changed to MHz or
GHz as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Edit header units in parentheses

 The UXG list mode supports numerous markers when using the using the CC1 rear panel
interface. The markers can be controlled from the front panel under the List Mode setup menu
and using the spreadsheet under the Markers column shown in Figure 1.
 The UXG will ignore spreadsheet columns marked with an asterisk (*). This is useful whenever
the list spreadsheet contains extra columns of notes or calculations

Dwell structure
The “Dwell” column allows editing of the dwell time for each point in the list. The dwell time is the wait
time (from previous advance trigger) before the next point is played. Adjusting dwell is the main way to
control pulse repetition interval. Long PRIs can be created with 10 ps timing resolution by using pulse
fine delay in subsequent dwell periods.

 The front-panel editing resolution is always 8 ns, but the true resolution is shown in Table 1 -
Dwell resolutions and can be adjusted in a spreadsheet. The default value is 100 µs.

Range start Range End Resolution

48 ns 524.328 µs 8 ns
524.344 µs 1.048616 ms 16 ns
1.048648 ms 2.097192 ms 32 ns
2.097256 ms 4.194344 ms 64 ns
4.194472 ms 8.388648 ms 128 ns
8.388904 ms 16.777256 ms 256 ns
16.777768 ms 33.554472 ms 512 ns
33.555496 ms 67.108904 ms 1.024 µs
67.110952 ms 134.217768 ms 2.048 µs
134.221864 ms 268.435496 ms 4.096 µs
268.443688 ms 536.870952 ms 8.192 µs
536.887336 ms 1.073741864 s 16.384 µs
1.073774632 s 2.147483688 s 32.768 µs
2.147549224 s 4.294967336 s 65.536 µs
4.295098408 s 8.589934632 s 131.072 µs
8.590196776 s 17.179607080 s 262.144 µs
Table 1 - Dwell resolutions
 The dwell range depends on the frequency switching speed option and the type of UXG
(N5193A or N5191A)
o Default Range: 100 µs to 17.179607080s, for Model N5191A the minimum is 500 µs if
the frequency is greater than 31.6 GHz
o Option SS1 Range: 1 µs to 17.179607080s
o Option SS2 Range: 48 ns to 17.179607080s
o Option SS3 Range (N5191A only): 48 ns to 17.179607080s, depending on the frequency

Figure 2 - Dwell structure

 When not transitioning frequency, the smallest dwell period is 48 ns. Leaving a margin of 16 ns
at the end of the dwell gives the markers time to settle and ensure proper pulse envelope. The
rest of the dwell is composed of pulse delay and pulse width explained in subsequent sections.
In this range, the dwell resolution is 8 ns. The delay resolution is 2 ns with an 8 ns minimum.
The minimum pulse width is 4 ns with a 2 ns resolution.

Figure 3 - Minimum dwell with chirp off

 With Chirp on, the minimum dwell is 76 ns due to the dwell resolution and required minimums.
In this range, the dwell resolution is 8 ns. The minimum pulse delay is 64 ns. The delay
resolution is 2 ns. The minimum pulse width is 4 ns with a 2 ns resolution.

Figure 4 - Minimum dwell with chirp on

Pulse delay
Pulse delay is used at the beginning of a dwell to give the UXG time to settle on frequency and
amplitude, to control pulse repetition intervals of interleaved emitters, and to create time difference of
arrival (TDOA) between synchronized UXGs.

Delay for frequency transitions

 The default delay is 1 us but 180 ns should usually be used. When creating pulses at the same
frequency, much less delay can be used (8 ns is the minimum).
 Consult the UXG data sheet to determine the delay to use since transition speeds depend on the
type of transition and the frequency switching option.
 For example, with option SS2, a delay of 180 ns is sufficient in frequency ranges of .356 to 19.86
GHz. As explained the data sheet, this is a type 3 transition since it is within frequency regions
A1 through A5. Type 4 transitions - frequency transitions from below 19.86 GHz to above 19.86
GHz or vice-versa - require 30 us of pulse delay.

Pulse delay for PRI and TDOA control

Use fine delay when creating timing offsets between synchronized UXGs and when creating a dwell of
‘off time’ to adjust the PRI.
 Above 65.536 us pulse delay, the delay resolution increases from 8 ns to 16 ns while the
maximum fine delay remains 10.23 ns, preventing certain values of delay from being achieved.
Avoid using pulse delay greater than 65.536 us.

Range start Range End Resolution

4 ns pulse width, 8 ns 16.384 µs 2 ns
pulse delay
16.388 µs 32.768 µs 4 ns
32.776 µs 65.536 µs 8 ns
65.552 µs 131.072 µs 16 ns
131.104 µs 262.144 µs 32 ns
262.208 µs 524.288 µs 64 ns
524.416 µs 1.048576 ms 128 ns
1.048832 ms 2.097152 ms 256 ns
2.097664 ms 4.194304 ms 512 ns
4.195328 ms 8.388608 ms 1.024 µs
8.390656 ms 16.777216 ms 2.048 µs
16.781312 ms 33.554432 ms 4.096 µs
33.562624 ms 67.108864 ms 8.192 µs
67.125248 ms 134.217728 ms 16.384 µs
134.250496 ms 268.435456 ms 32.768 µs
268.500992 ms 536.870912 ms 65.536 µs
537.001984 ms 1.073741824 s 131.072 µs
1.074003968 s 2.147483648 s 262.144 µs
2.148007936 s 4.294967296 s 524.288 µs
4.296015872 s 8.589934592 s 1.048576 ms
8.592031744 s 17.179869184 s 2.097152 ms
17.184063488 s 34.359738368 s 4.194304 ms
34.368126976 s Maximum 8.388608 ms
Table 2 - Pulse width and pulse delay resolutions

Pulse fine delay

 The pulse fine delay range, resolution, and option requirements are
o Range: 0 ps to 10.23 ns.
o Resolution: 10 ps
o Requires option PM1 or PM2

Pulse modulation and pulse width

 Pulse width: see Table 2 - Pulse width and pulse delay resolutions
 All pulse modulation requires option PM1 or PM2
 There are three pulse modulation options when using list mode: Pulse ON for creating pulses,
Pulse OFF (RF On) for creating CW, and RF off for creating dwells with no output. The latter is
used to create long PRIs with high resolution and precise TDOA when long PRIs are used. This is
explained further in the Pulse delay and Examples sections.
Modulation-on-pulse (MOP)
The UXG can create intrapulse modulation such as linear FM chirps, Barker codes, and polyphase codes
(in later firmware) and forms of Frequency MOP (FMOP), Phase MOP (PMOP), and Amplitude MOP
(AMOP) using concatenated dwells.

Linear Frequency-Modulated (LFM) chirp

 Chirps are only possible during pulses.
 Frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) can be approximated with a piecewise chirp by
using long pulses with high duty cycle, low chirp rates, and minimum off-time between pulses.
 For the N5193A LFM chirps require Option UNT and Option PM1. For the N5191A, LFM chirps
require option UT1 and Option PM2.
 Chirp bandwidth depends on the option selected. Wideband chirps are available with options
WC1 (N5193A) and WC2 (N5191A). Option WC1 allows chirps across entire extended
modulation frequency bands found in the data sheet. See Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 for chirp
delta frequency limits with different UXG options.
 Chirp bandwidth also depends on whether frequency mode A or frequency mode B is selected
and the choice of frequency band. Mode A is generally recommended in most cases, unless
simulating wideband threats at or below L band. In mode B, filters are bypassed to allow wider
signal bandwidths. The tradeoff is degraded harmonic performance.
 The UXG automatically switches frequency band depending on the chirp direction to allow
maximum chirp bandwidth while avoiding band roll-off. The ‘band adjust’ feature in list mode is
therefore unnecessary in most cases.
 Chirp rate depends on chirp rate resolution shown in Table 3.

Range start Range End Resolution

0.000000 Hz/µs 40.960 MHz/µs 10 kHz/µs
40.980 MHz/µs 81.920 MHz/µs 20 kHz/µs
81.960 MHz/µs 163.840 MHz/µs 40 kHz/µs
163.920 MHz/µs 327.680 MHz/µs 80 kHz/µs
327.840 MHz/µs 655.360 MHz/µs 160 kHz/µs
655.680 MHz/µs 1.310720 GHz/µs 320 kHz/µs
1.311360 GHz/µs 2.621440 GHz/µs 640 kHz/µs
2.622720 GHz/µs 5.242880 GHz/µs 1.280 MHz/µs
5.245440 GHz/µs 10.485760 GHz/µs 2.560 MHz/µs
10.490880 GHz/µs 20.971520 GHz/µs 5.120 MHz/µs
20.981760 GHz/µs 41.943040 GHz/µs 10.240 MHz/µs
41.963520 GHz/µs 83.886080 GHz/µs 20.480 MHz/µs
83.927040 GHz/µs 167.772160 GHz/µs 40.960 MHz/µs
167.854080 GHz/µs 335.544320 GHz/µs 81.920 MHz/µs
335.708160 GHz/µs 671.088640 GHz/µs 163.840 MHz/µs
671.416320 GHz/µs 1.341849600 THz/µs 327.680 MHz/µs
Table 3-Chirp rate resolution

Band Start Limit

10 MHz 8 MHz
250 MHz 256 MHz
8 GHz 384 MHz
12 GHz 512 MHz
18 GHz 768 MHz
26.5 GHz 1.024 GHz
Table 4 – N5193A option UNT chirp delta frequency banded limits without option WC1

Band Start Limit

10 MHz Limited by band edge
6.89 GHz 2.2 GHz
31.6 GHz 550 MHz
Table 5 - N5191A option UT1 Chirp Delta Frequency Banded Limits with Option WC2. Additionally, if chirp delta frequency >
550MHz or < -550 MHz, then the chirp start and stop frequency (stop frequency = start frequency + chirp delta) must both be
<= 32.35GHz.

Band Start Limit

10 MHz 8 MHz
250 MHz 256 MHz
8 GHz 384 MHz
12 GHz 512 MHz
18 GHz 768 MHz
26.5 GHz 1.024 GHz
31.6 GHz 550 MHz
Table 6 - N5191A Option UT1 Chirp Delta Frequency Banded Limits without Option WC2

 The UXG allows both ramp (sawtooth) and triangle linear FM chirp modulations. In both cases,
the FM deviation begins from the instrument frequency. For example, a 500 MHz linear FM
chirp at a 10 GHz carrier ends at 10.5 GHz.

Barker codes or BPSK

 Barker codes and BPSK require PM1 and UNT or PM2 and UT2. To add a Barker code, scroll to
the desired dwell and highlight ‘Phase Coding Setup Summary’ and press {edit item}{edit
pattern}{insert bits}{Insert Barker Code}. The chip width will be the Barker number divided by
the pulse width used in the dwell.
 To add Barker codes or BPSK of arbitrary length from a file or the front panel, we must
understand the way the UXG represents binary phase codes. For example, a Barker 13 and its
binary representation and hexadecimal representation as shown in Figure 5. Though it requires
only 13 chips or bits, the last nibble (hex digit) is padded with zeroes to form a complete 8-bit
byte. The last byte of any binary-coded pulse of arbitrary length is completed with zeroes if
Figure 5 - A Barker 13, its binary and hexadecimal representation

 Create a table of binary phase codes or add Barker codes, scroll to the desired dwell and
highlight ‘Phase Coding Setup Summary’ and press {edit item}. Scroll to a position in the phase-
coding table. Press {edit item}{insert bits}. Barker codes are pre-defined and can be inserted
by pressing {Insert Barker code}. Binary phase codes of arbitrary length can be inserted by
pressing {insert bits}{insert 1s} or {insert 0s}, changing the number of bits to the desired length
using the numeric keypad, and by pressing {insert bits}.

Figure 6 – Inserting 50 bits for a binary phase code sequence of 51 bits

 Bits can be toggled from 1 to 0 by changing the editing mode to ‘Overwrite’ and by scrolling to
the desired bit and changing it to a 1 or zero using the numeric keypad.
Figure 7 - Manually overwrite binary-coded bits

 To recall Barker codes or binary phase codes of arbitrary length, scroll to the desired dwell
period and highlight ‘Phase Coding Setup Summary’ and press {edit item}. Scroll to the desired
row, press {toggle state} to turn the enable the modulation and press {Select phase coding
 Up to 512 phase codes can be added to a phase coding setup table.
 Phase coding setup tables can be added from a file. To ensure that the file has the proper
structure, export a blank table. After highlighting the phase coding setup summary in the dwell,
press {Edit item}[More]{Import/Export}{Export to file}<filename>{Enter}. The file can then be
retrieved from the \BIN directory using the procedure for list files. The file will appear as a
BINARY file on the front panel.
 The file can be edited in as a spreadsheet in .csv format. Describe the phase coding sequence in
hexadecimal format. Sequences that are a multiple of 4 bits require no zero padding. The UXG
determines the number of chips from the length. The bits per subpulse and 90 degree phase
offsets are unused until later firmware.

Figure 8 - Phase coding setup file. Edit only the Comment, State, Length, and Hex Pattern fields. Leave the first row off to
use in all dwell periods without phase coding.

 Import the file as a ____ from the USB file import/export menu. Then load it by pressing {Edit
pattern}{Load/store}{Load from selected file}{Confirm Load from File}

Polyphase codes
 Polyphase and frequency-shift keying (FSK) codes will be available in later UXG firmware.
AMOP can be created by concatenating short dwell periods with different power levels. The amount
and duration of power drop-out during concatenated pulses depends on the attenuation path. The
attenuation path depends on center frequency and absolute power level and proximity of the amplitude
change to a level switch. The pulse modulator is turned off for this application.

AMOP precision is achieved by manipulating dwell length and pulse width according to their resolutions
and ensuring that minimum pulse width is used. Review Table 1 - Dwell resolutions and Table 2 - Pulse
width and pulse delay resolutions. Here is an example of a 1 us pulse with a 2 us PRI containing 10
subpulses (dwells) of 104 ns with 8 ns pulse delay with pulse mode off/RF on. The rise time of the RF
without the pulse modulator is approximately 30 ns. Each dwell is chosen according to the nearest
dwell resolution. The final dwell of RF OFF is chosen to keep the PRI a consistent 2 us.

Figure 9 – List describing AMOP in a 1 us pulse with 2 us PRI.

Figure 10 - Pulse containing AMOP measured at RF. There is one 100 ns marker (green) per dwell.
FMOP and PMOP are created in the same way as AMOP: with pulse mode off/RF on and 8 ns delay
between dwell periods. Relative phase and frequency can be changed each dwell.

Figure 11 - List using stepped frequencies in adjacent dwells to create FMOP. The 'relative phase' column can be used to
create PMOP. The column headers prepended with asterisks are ignored by the UXG and used only as a calculation aid.

With option AT1 (agile attenuator), the UXG can change power levels in 180 ns to simulate the range,
gain, and effective radiated power (ERP) or multiple threats in an EW simulation. The agile power limits
are shown in Table 7 - Agile power levels and range.
Max Power (dBm) Max Power (dBm)
Frequency (GHz) Min Power (dBm) Opt -520 -AT1 Opt -540 -AT1 Agile range
0.01 -130 -1 -3 90
1 -130 -1 -3 90
2 -130 -1 -3 90
3 -130 -1 -3 90
4 -130 -1 -3 90
5 -130 -1 -3 90
6 -130 -1 -3 90
7 -130 -1 -3 90
8 -130 -1 -3 90
9 -130 -1 -3 90
10 -130 -1 -3 90
11 -130 -1 -3 90
12 -130 -1 -3 90
13 -130 -4 -3 90
14 -130 -4 -6 90
15 -130 -4 -6 90
16 -130 -4 -6 90
17 -130 -4 -6 90
18 -130 -4 -6 90
19 -130 -6 -10 90
20 -130 -6 -10 90
21 -130 -7 80
22 -130 -7 80
23 -130 -7 80
24 -130 -7 80
25 -130 -7 80
26 -3 7 10
27 -3 7 10
28 -3 7 10
29 -3 7 10
30 -3 7 10
31 -3 7 10
32 -3 7 10
33 -3 7 10
34 -3 7 10
35 -3 7 10
36 -3 7 10
37 -3 7 10
38 -3 7 10
39 -3 7 10
40 -3 7 10

Table 7 - Agile power levels and range

Figure 12 - Agile power range for 20 GHz UXG with AT1 agile attenuator. The agile attenuator provides 90 dB agile range to
20 GHz within the absolute power levels in the shaded region.

Figure 13 - Agile power range for 40 GHz UXG with AT1 agile attenuator. The agile attenuator provides 90 dB agile range to
20 GHz within the absolute power levels in the shaded region. Above 25.6 GHz, the agile power range is limited to the 10 dB
ALC range.

Range start Range End Resolution

14.900e-9 29.800e-9 20e-12
29.830e-9 59.610e-9 30e-12
59.660e-9 119.210e-9 60e-12
119.330e-9 238.420e-9 120e-12
238.650e-9 476.840e-9 230e-12
477.300e-9 953.670e-9 470e-12
954.610e-9 1.907350e-6 930e-12
1.909210e-6 3.814700e-6 1.860e-9
3.818420e-6 7.629400e-6 3.730e-9
7.636850e-6 15.258790e-6 7.450e-9
15.273690e-6 30.517580e-6 14.900e-9
30.547380e-6 61.035160e-6 29.800e-9
61.094760e-6 122.070310e-6 59.610e-9
122.189520e-6 244.140630e-6 119.210e-9
244.379040e-6 488.281250e-6 238.420e-9
488.758090e-6 976.562500e-6 476.840e-9
977.516170e-6 1.953125000e-3 953.670e-9
1.955032350e-3 3.906250000e-3 1.907350e-6
3.910064700e-3 7.812500000e-3 3.814700e-6
7.820129400e-3 15.625000000e-3 7.629400e-6
15.640258790e-3 31.250000000e-3 15.258790e-6
31.280517580e-3 62.500000000e-3 30.517580e-6
62.561035160e-3 125.000000000e-3 61.035160e-6
125.122070310e-3 250.000000000e-3 122.070310e-6
250.244140630e-3 500.000000000e-3 244.140630e-6
500.488281250e-3 1000.000000000e-3 488.281250e-6
1.000976562500 2.000000000000 976.562500e-6
2.001953125000 4.000000000000 1.953125000e-3
4.003906250000 8.000000000000 3.906250000e-3
8.007812500000 16.000000000000 7.812500000e-3
16.015625000000 32.000000000000 15.625000000e-3
32.031250000000 63.968750000000 31.250000000e-3
Table 8 – Resolute of the linear amplitude scaling of the absolute power

With the CC1 interface, the UXG has 14 real-panel connectors that can be configured as marker outputs
or trigger inputs under the [trigger setup]{Route connecters and set polarity} menu. These markers
provide triggers to oscilloscopes and signal analyzers to validate multi-emitter scenarios. Using variable
pulse delay when simulating TDOA results in trigger jitter relative the beginning of RF pulses and dwells.

Figure 14 – Trigger setup menu

 After selecting the desired connector, its behavior can be controlled under the [trigger
setup]{Route To … Connector} or {Diag Route to … Connector} soft keys.

Figure 15 - Route connectors and set polarity

 Markers are controlled under the [Mode setup]{Marker setup} menu.

Figure 16 - Marker modes

 Though the default marker width is 100 ns, increasing the marker width to 1 us enables reliable
scope triggering.
 Marker types are as follows:
o Whole list – plays a marker during the whole play of a list
o Sequence marker – plays a marker during the whole play of a sequence of dwell periods
within a list
o Point marker – plays during a dwell period.
 The mode of each marker type can be controlled under the {marker mode} menu. Marker
modes are as follows:
o Whole: the marker plays for the entire dwell regardless of the user-specified marker
o Begin: the marker plays at the beginning of the dwell for the user-specified maker
width. The default is 100 ns.
o End: the marker plays starting at the end of the dwell for the user-specified marker
o Pulse video: the marker plays during the entire pulse on time to an 8 ns marker
resolution. Marker output might therefore be wider than the true pulse video
o Pulse video begin: the marker plays during the beginning of the pulse according to the
user-specified marker width also rounded to the nearest multiple of 8 ns – the marker
o Pulse video end: the marker plays starting at the end of the pulse video rounded to the
nearest 8 ns.

Figure 17 - Marker modes are "Whole," "Begin," "End," "Pulse Video," "Pulse Video Begin," "Pulse Video End."

o The depending on the group delay of the RF pulse, the pulse video markers may be
misaligned with the RF pulse. Pulse video markers have 8 ns resolution whereas the
pulse can be delayed with 10 ps resolution. Therefore, the RF pulse may jitter by up to 8
ns relative to the pulse video marker. This can be seen by increasing the delay of the RF
pulse by up to 8 ns
o Triggering also has 8 ns resolution because the trigger clock frequency is 125 MHz.

One Emitter With Low PRF (≤1 kHz)

Creating low PRF emitters, especially when creating TDOA using multi-instrument synchronization,
involves using several dwells with different resolutions to achieve precise timing. In this example, we
want to create a low PRF emitter that switches between two waveforms. The first waveform uses a
doublet with a 3 ms PRI, a 3 us pulse width with a wideband LFM chirp and the other uses another
doublet with 1 ms PRI, a 10 us pulse width and a 13-bit Barker code. To ensure accurate PRI, short
dwells of 10 microseconds follow the longer dwells of milliseconds. The short dwells contain 4 ns off
time which is the minimum pulse width.

 Load the list file into \BIN using the procedure explained in CSV file import and export.

Figure 18 - Low PRF single emitter list with MOP and PRF switching. The phase coding column indexes rows 0 and 1 of the
phase state table. Row 0 is used in all dwells without phase coding.

 Import the list file from the \BIN directory.

 Load the phase file into \BIN

Figure 19 - Phase state table for the list. The header row is ignored. The next row is turned off and referenced in all of the
rows without phase coding in the list in Figure 18. The next row contains the Barker 13 and is referenced twice in the list.

 Import it using the procedure explained in Barker codes or BPSK.

Two Emitters with Low-Medium PRF (≤10 kHz)

Two emitters are created by adjusting dwell lengths so that the sum of both dwells achieves the correct
PRF for each emitter. The first emitter has a PRF of 10 kHz and a pulse width of 1 us at a center
frequency of 2 GHz. The second emitter has a PRI of 300 us with a pulse width of 3 us at 3 GHz. The
second emitter starts after the first emitter by the sum of pulse width of the first emitter and frequency
transition time In cases where a pulse from each emitter occurs at the same time, one pulse must be
dropped or a time-sliced composite pulse can be created using AMOP and frequency hopping. To
distinguish each emitter in the list, an extra column is used to label each emitter. The column is ignored
by the UXG because of the asterisk.
It is helpful to draw a diagram of the composite pulse trains to determine the individual dwell lengths
that give the correct PRI for each emitter.

Figure 20 - Computing dwell 2 such that dwells 1 and 2 give the correct PRI for emitter 1.

 Dwell 1 plays a pulse from emitter 1 which has a 100 us PRI at a center frequency of 2 GHz. We
use approximately 180 ns of pulse delay for these emitters since they require a type 3 frequency
transition on the interval .356 to 19.86 GHz as explained in Delay for frequency transitions.
 Dwell 1 is 1.2 us with 184 ns of pulse delay so that the dwell is evenly-divisible by 8 ns – the
dwell resolution. Pulse delay resolution is 2 ns. Alternatively, 180 ns of delay could have been
combined with 4 ns of pulse fine delay.
 We solve for X in Figure 20 such that PRI 1 equals 100 us.
 X = 100 us – 1 us - .016 us - .18 us – 3 us - .18 us = 95.608 us.
 Dwell 2 is therefore .180 us + 3 + .016 us + 95.608 us = 98.804 us which is an even multiple of 8
ns - the dwell resolution.
 The .016 us margins after the pulses are not handled by a column in the list. Rather, they are
inserted as a best practice to ensure the pulse plays with proper envelope and a frequency
transition and combined with the overall dwell length. In this case, the .016 us after pulse 2 for
emitter 2 is unnecessary since there is plenty of time between pulse 2 at 3 GHz and pulse 3 at 2
GHz to ensure pulse 2 plays uninterrupted. The .016 us after pulse 1 was necessary because of
the immediate transition from 2 GHz to 3 GHz.
Figure 21 - Computing dwells 3 through 5 to give correct PRI for both emitters. Notice the use of 4 ns fine delay in dwell 6.

 Dwells 3 through 5 are chosen to give the correct PRI for both emitters while ensuring that each
dwell has 8 ns timing resolution. The margin after the pulse in dwell 5 was therefore shortened
to 12 ns and 4 ns of fine delay (red in Figure 21) was used to give emitter 2 the correct 300 us

Figure 22 - Final dwells before wrapping to the beginning of the list.

 Notice that the PRIs in Figure 22 have errors as the list wraps to the beginning. These can be
corrected by re-adjusting the pulse delays of dwells 1 and 2 though this requires recalculating
the dwells.

CW Emitters
CW emitters are created in list mode by using multiple dwells at different power levels according to the
simulated threat transmitter and EW receiver gain and the 1/R2 path loss. Dwells lengths should be
chosen according to the update rate of the simulation kinematics. Pulse widths should be chosen
according to the duty cycle of the emitter.

Figure 23 - List of dwells for a CW emitter with 99% duty cycle

 To create a CW emitter, make the pulse mode ‘OFF’ in all dwells.

 On the front panel, set the [amplitude] to the desired maximum power level.
 Turn the ALC off.
 Turn on the attenuator hold. Make sure the mechanical attenuator is held.

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