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SECTION 2: Rules for the application of Which are included by law in defining a crime

penalties with regard to the mitigating and

aggravating circumstances and habitual  The circumstance of dwelling of the
delinquency. offended party is not aggravating in the crime of
robbery with force upon things (Art. 299)
Article 62. Effect of the attendance of  Abuse of confidence is not aggravating in
mitigating or aggravating circumstances and of qualified theft committed with grave abuse of
habitual delinquency. (SEE CODAL) confidence (Art. 310)
 Neither is using poison aggravating (Art. 14,
I. Effect of the Attendance of par. 12) when killing a person since using poison
aggravating or mitigating circumstances to kill is murder as defined in Art. 248, par. 3.
or of Habitual Delinquency
When maximum penalty should be imposed
Aggravating Circumstances – these have the 1. When the crime was committed
effect of increasing the penalty without with abuse of public position
exceeding the maximum provided by law 2. If the offense was done by a
person in an organized
Mitigating Circumstances – these have the crime/syndicated group.
effect of diminishing the penalty
Par. 2: the same rule shall apply to those
Habitual Delinquency – has the effect of not aggravating circumstances that are inherent in
only increasing the penalty because of the commission of the crime.
recidivism but also of imposing additional
penalty. Paragraph 3
Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which
Paragraph 1: Rules regarding Aggravating and arise from:
Mitigating Circumstances
1. Moral attributes of the offender
In paragraph 1 there are two aggravating
circumstances mentioned (1) those in  A and B killed C. A acted with premeditation
themselves constitute a crime especially and B acted with passion and obfuscation. The
punished by law or (2) are included by the law circumstances of evident premeditation,
in defining a crime. These circumstances do not passion and obfuscation arise from the moral
do anything in increasing the penalty. attributes of the offenders. The act of A is
aggravated while the act of B is mitigated. Note
Examples: the difference in their state of minds.

Which in themselves constitute a crime 2. From his private relations with the
 Art. 14, par. 12 ‘by means of  A and C inflicted slight physical injuries on
fire’ this is inherent in the crime of B. A is the son of B. C is the father of B. In this
arson which is punished by a special case the aggravating circumstance of
law. relationship should only be appreciated against
 Art. 14, par. 12 ‘derailment of A since he is the son of B. Relationship is
locomotion’ not an aggravating mitigating since C is a relative of higher degree
circumstance in Art. 1330 known as than B.
“Damages and Obstruction to means of 3. From any other personal cause
 A and B committed a crime. A was under 16 4. Estafa - fraud
years of age and B was a recidivist. 5. Falsification

Paragraph 4 Been found guilty of any of the stated crimes

The circumstances which consist (1) in the three times or oftener.
material execution of the act, or (2) in the
means employed to accomplish it, shall serve to Computation of the ten-year period
aggravate or mitigate the liability of those
persons only who had knowledge of them at the With respect to the period of ten years the law
time of the execution of the act or their expressly mentions the defendant’s last
cooperation therein. conviction or last release as the starting point
from which the ten-year period shall be
Examples: counted.

1. Material execution of the act. Additional penalty for habitual delinquency

A, as principal by induction, B and C agreed to
kill D. B and C killed D with treachery, which 1. Upon a third conviction, the culprit shall
mode wasn’t previously agreed upon by them be sentenced to the penalty provided by law for
with A. A was not present when B and C killed D the last crime of which he is found guilty by law
with treachery. for the last crime of which he is found guilty and
to the additional penalty of prision correccional
The aggravating circumstance of treachery in its medium and maximum periods
should only be taken against B and C since they 2. Upon a fourth conviction the culprit
were the only ones who had knowledge of the shall be sentenced to the additional penalty of
treachery employed in the crime. prision mayor in its minimum and medium
The qualifying or aggravating circumstances 3. Upon a fifth or additional conviction the
should not affect the principal by induction of culprit shall also be sentenced to the additional
he left to the principals by direct participation penalty of prision mayor its minimum period to
the means with which to commit the crime. reclusion temporal in its minimum period.

2. Means to accomplish the crime: Total penalties shall not exceed 30 years.

A ordered B to kill C. B used poison in the killing The total of two penalties to be imposed on the
of C. A did not know that B used poison to kill C. offender shall not exceed 30 years. The two
Therefore, the use of poison to kill C should not penalties talked about are, the one for the
be aggravated against A since he did not have crime committed and the additional penalty for
knowledge of it nor was it agreed upon by being a habitual delinquent.

Paragraph 5 – Habitual Delinquency

A person is a habitual delinquent if within a
period of ten years from the date of his last
release or last conviction of the crimes of:

1. Serious or less serious physical injuries

2. Robo - robbery
3. Hurto - theft
Habitual delinquency v. recidivism 1. When the penalty is single and
indivisible it shall be applied regardless of any
Habitual Recidivism mitigating or aggravating circumstances
As to crimes Only for Must be in 2. When the penalty is composed of two
committed robo, hurto, the same indivisible penalties the following shall apply.
slight title a. When there is only one aggravating
physical circumstance the greater penalty shall be
injuries, imposed.
estafa, b. When there is neither mitigating nor
falsification aggravating circumstances the lesser penalty
Period of Found guilty No period of shall be applied
time the of any of the time c. When there is a mitigating circumstance
crimes were crimes and no aggravating circumstance the lesser
committed specified penalty shall apply
within 10 d. When both mitigating or aggravating
years from circumstance are present, they shall offset one
last release another.
or last
conviction Art. 63 applies only when the penalty
Number of Offender nd
2 conviction prescribed by the Code is either indivisible or
crimes must be of offense in two indivisible penalties.
committed guilty third the same
time or more title Exception to Art. 63 – when a privilege
As to effects Additional If not offset mitigating circumstance under Art. 68 and 69 is
penalty is by mitigating present. The offender may get a penalty one or
imposed circumstance two degrees lower since the penalty to be
it serves to imposed is one or two degrees lower.
penalty to Moral value and not numerical weight of
the circumstances should prevail.
period. Regarding paragraph 4 of Art. 63 it is the moral
value of the circumstances that should prevail
ARTICLE 63. Rules for the application of and not the numerical value of such.
indivisible penalties. In all cases in which the
law prescribes a single indivisible penalty, it ARTICLE 64. Rules for the application of
shall be applied by the courts regardless of any penalties which contain three periods. (SEE
mitigating or aggravating circumstances that CODAL)
may have attended the commission of the Art. 64 applies only when the penalty has
deed. three periods

In all cases where the law prescribes a penalty Art. 64 applies when the penalty prescribed by
composed of two indivisible penalties the law is reclusion temporal, pirsion mayor, prision
following rules shall be observed in the correccional, arresto mayor, arresto menor or
application thereof: (SEE CODAL) prision correccional to reclusion temporal
because these are divisible into three periods.
Outline of the rules:
When the law prescribed a single indivisible 1. when the penalty is single and
penalty as reclusion temporal for homicide indivisible
under Art. 76 it is understood to be divided into 2. in felonies through negligence. The
three equal parts: minimum, medium, rules for the application of penalties prescribed
maximum. by Art. 64 are not applicable to a case of
reckless imprudence under Art. 365.
If the penalty is made up of three different 3. The penalty to be prescribed on a Moro
penalties as prision correccional to reclusion or non-Christian inhabitants. It lies in the
temporal, each forms a period according to Art. discretion of the trial court, irrespective of the
77. Thus, prision correccional the minimum, attending circumstances
prision mayor the medium, and reclusion 4. When the penalty is only a fine imposed
temporal the maximum. Prision mayor is by an ordinance.
included because it is between prision 5. When the penalties are prescribed by a
correccional and reclusion temporal. special law.
Outline of the rules:
1. No aggravating and no mitigating – ARTICLE 65. Rules in cases in which the penalty
medium period is not composed of three periods. – In cases
2. Only a mitigating – minimum period which the penalty prescribed by law is not
3. Only an aggravating – maximum period composed of three periods, the courts shall
4. when there are both aggravating and apply the rules contained int the foregoing
mitigating – the court shall offset those of one articles, dividing into three equal portions the
class against the other according to their time included in the penalty prescribed, and
relative weight the forming of one period of each of the three
5. two or more mitigating an no portions.
aggravating – penalty next lower, in the period
applicable, according to the number and nature Meaning of rule.
of such circumstances
6. no penalty greater than the maximum 1. Compute and determine first the three
period of the penalty prescribed by law shall be periods of the entire penalty.
imposed, no matter how many aggravating 2. The time included in the penalty
circumstances are present prescribed should be divided into three equal
7. the court can determine the extent of portions, after subtracting the minimum from
the penalty “within the limits of each period, the maximum of the penalty.
according to the number” and “nature” of the 3. The minimum of the minimum period
aggravating and mitigating circumstances and should be the minimum of the given penalty.
the “greater or lesser extent of the evil 4. The quotient should be added to the
produced by the crime. minimum prescribed (eliminate the 1 day) and
Art. 64 is not applicable when the penalty is the total will represent the maximum of the
indivisible or prescribed by special law or fine. minimum period. Take the maximum of the
minimum period, add 1 day and make it the
Article 64 does not apply to minimum of the medium period; then add the
1. indivisible penalties quotient to the minimum (eliminate the 1 day)
2. penalties by special laws of the medium period and the total will
3. fine represent the maximum of the medium period.
Take the maximum of the medium period, add
Mitigating or Aggravating circumstances are 1 day and make it the minimum of the
not considered in the following cases: maximum period; then add the quotient to the
minimum (eliminate the 1 day) of the maximum
period and the total will represent the Example: prision correccional which has a
maximum of the maximum period. period of 6mos, 1day – 6yrs

Illustration of the computation when the 1. 6yrs – 6mos = 5yrs and 6mos
penalty has three periods. 2. 5yrs and 6mos / 3 = 1yr and 10mos
3. Now start with the medium to
1. Example of Prision Mayor (6yrs, 1day – maximum of prision correccional which
12yrs) is 2yrs and 4 mos to 6yrs and add 1day
2. Subtract the minimum from the 4. Then keep following the process in the
maximum: previous illustration to get the
12 years−6 years=6 years maximum and minimum of the
3. Divide the difference by three: minimum, medium of the maximum
6 years ÷3=2 years periods.
4. Use the minimum of six years and one
day of prision mayor as the minimum of ARTICLE 6. Imposition of fines. – In imposing
the minimum period. Then add two fines, the courts may fix any amount within
years to the minimum (always disregard the limits established by law; in fixing the
the one day when adding) to the get amount in each case attention shall be given,
the maximum of the minimum period. not only to the mitigating and aggravating
Thus 8 years is the maximum of the circumstances, but more particularly to the
minimum of the period. The range of wealth or means of the culprit.
the minimum period is 6yrs and 1day –
5. Use the maximum of the minimum of
period as the minimum of the medium
period, and add one day to distinguish it
from the maximum of the minimum
period; we 8 years and one day. Then
add two years to the minimum of the
medium period (disregard the one day)
to get the maximum of the medium
period. The range of the medium period
is 8yrs and 1 day to 10 years.
6. Use the maximum of the medium
period as the minimum of the
maximum period and add one day to
distinguish it from the maximum of the
medium period, we have 10yrs and
1day. Then add two years to the
minimum of the maximum period to get
the maximum of the maximum period.
Hence the range of the maximum
period is 10yrs and 1day to 12yrs.

Illustration of the computation when the

penalty is not composed of three periods.
Outline of the provision ARTICLE 67. Penalty to be imposed when not
all of the requisites of exemption in the fourth
1. The court may fix any amount within circumstance of Article 12 are present. – When
the limits provided by law all the conditions required in circumstance
2. The court must consider the: number 4 of Art. 12 of this Code to exempt
a. Aggravating or mitigating from criminal liability are not present, the
circumstances present penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum
b. The wealth or means of the period to prision correccional in its minimum
culprit period shall be imposed upon the culprit, if he
shall have been found guilty of a grave felony,
Fines are not divided into three equal portions and arresto mayor in its minimum and medium
periods, if of a less grave felony.
The courts are not bound to divide the amount
of fine prescribed by law into three equal Art. 67 only applies when all the requisites of
portions as in the case of imprisonment the exempting circumstance of accident are
imposed in relation to divisible penalty. not present.

Wealth or means of the culprit are the main If any of the following are missing, then Art. 67
considerations in fine. shall apply:

Obviously, to impose the same amount of fine 1. That the act causing injury be lawful,
for the same offence upon two persons of that it is permitted not only by law but
different means would be to mete out a also by regulations
punishment of unequal severity and unjustly 2. That it be performed with due care
discriminatory. 3. That the injury be caused by mere
accident, i.e., by an unforeseen event
However, as provided in Art. 66 the courts may 4. That there be no fault or intention to
also use the present aggravating and mitigating cause the injury.
circumstances in the imposition of the fine.
Factors such as gravity, seriousness of the If all these conditions are not present, the act
crime, heinousness of its perpetration, and the should be considered as reckless imprudence if
magnitude of its effects in the offender’s victims the act is executed without taking those
should certainly be considered. precautions or measures which the most
common prudence would require; and simple
Position and standing of accused considered imprudence, if it is a mere lack of precaution in
aggravating in gambling those cases where either the threatened harm
is not imminent or the danger is openly visible.
a. Where a person guilty of a violation of The case will fall under Art. 365 par. 1.
the Gambling Law is a man of station or
standing in the community, the ARTICLE 68. Penalty to be imposed upon a
maximum penalty shall be imposed. (US person under 18 years of age. – When the
v. Salaveria.) offender is a minor under 18 years of age and
b. Because the accused in a gambling case his case is once coming under the provisions of
was a municipal treasurer, the court the paragraph next to last of Article 80 of this
imposed the maximum penalty Code, the following rules shall be observed.
provided by law (US. Mercader.)
1. Upon a person under fifteen years of
age but over nine years of age, who is
not exempt from criminal liability by detention where the victim is killed or raped,
reason of the court having declared robbery with homicide or rape, destructive
that he acted with discernment, a arson, rape, or carnapping where the driver or
discretionary principle shall be occupant is killed or raped or offenses under RA
imposed, but always lower by two 9165 punishable by more than 12 years of
degrees at least than that prescribed imprisonment, shall be deemed a neglected
by law for the crime which he child.
2. Upon a person over fifteen but below He shall be mandatorily placed in a special
eighteen years of age the penalty next facility within the youth care faculty or “Bahay
lower than that prescribed by law shall Pag-asa” called the Intensive Juvenile
be imposed, but always in the proper Intervention and Support Center (IJISC). (Sec.
period. 20-A, RA 9344.)

Article 68 has been partially repealed by RA Child above 12 but under 15 who commits
9344. another offense.

RA 9344 now provides that a child below 15 A child who is above 12 up to 15 and who
years of age is exempt from criminal commits an offense for the second time or
responsibility, and above 15 years of age but oftener who was previously subjected to a
below 18 years of age is exempt from criminal community-based intervention program shall
liability unless he/she has acted with be deemed a neglected child.
discernment. (Sec. 6, RA 9344)
He shall undergo an intensive intervention
RA. 9344 was further amended by RA 1060, An program supervised by the LSWDO. If the
Act Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System in interest of the child requires that he/she be
the Philippines. placed in a youth care facility or “Bahay Pag-
asa,” the child’s parents or guardian shall
Child under 15 years execute a written authorization for the
voluntary commitment of the child.
A child 15 years and under at the time of the
commission of the offense is exempt from if the child has no parents or guardians or if
criminal liability. The child shall be immediately they refuse or fail to execute the written
release to the custody of his/her parents or authorization for voluntary commitment, the
guardian, or the child’s nearest relative and be proper petition for involuntary commitment
subject to a community-based intervention shall be immediately filed by the DSWD or the
program supervised by the local social welfare LSWDO pursuant to Presidential Decree No.
and development center officer (LSWDO), 603, as amended." (Sec. 20-B, RA 10630)
unless the best interest of the child requires the
referral of the child to a youth care facility or Child above 15 years but under 18
“Bahay Pagasa” (Sec. RA 9344, as amended)
"A child above fifteen (15) years but below
A child above 12 but below 15 who commits eighteen (18) years of age shall likewise be
serious crimes. exempt from criminal liability and be subjected
to an intervention program, unless he/she has
A child who is above 12 years of age up to 15 acted with discernment, in which case, such
years and who commits parricide, murder, child shall be subjected to the appropriate
infanticide, kidnapping, and serious illegal
proceedings in accordance with this Act. (Sec. 6, otherwise known as the Probation Law of 1976
RA 9344 as amended) is hereby amended accordingly.

Penalty to be imposed ARTICLE 69. Penalty to be imposed when the

crime committed is not wholly excusable. – A
If the court finds that the objective of the penalty one or two degrees lower than that
disposition measures imposed upon the child in prescribed by law shall be imposed if the deed
conflict with the law have not been fulfilled, or is not wholly excusable by reason of the lack of
if the child in conflict with the law has willfully some of the conditions required to justify the
failed to comply with the conditions of his/her same or to exempt from criminal liability in the
disposition or rehabilitation program, the child several cases mentioned in Articles 11 and 12,
in conflict with the law shall be brought before provided that the majority of such conditions
the court for execution of judgment. (Sec. 40, be present. The courts shall impose the
RA 9344.) The penalty to be imposed on the penalty in the period which may be deemed
child on conflict with the law shall be that proper, in view of the manner and nature of
provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 68, that is, the conditions of exemption present of lacking.
the penalty next lower than that prescribed by
law. Unlawful aggression is indispensable in self-
defense, defense of relatives and defense of
Exemption from criminal liability does not stranger.
exempt from civil liability
The first requisite of self-defense as found in
The exemption herein established from criminal subsections 1,2, and 3 of Art. 1 is unlawful
liability does not include exemption from civil aggression. It must always be present in all
liability which shall be enforced in accordance cases of self-defense. For even if the other two
with existing laws. (Sec. 6, RA 9344 as requisites are present in the situation, and
amended) unlawful aggression be absent, the penalty will
not be reduced, for the primordial element in
Liability for Damages self-defense, unlawful aggression, is lacking.

"The parents shall be liable for damages unless In the several cases mentioned in Art. 11 and
they prove, to the satisfaction of the court, that 12
they were exercising reasonable supervision
over the child at the time the child committed The privileged mitigating circumstances
the offense and exerted reasonable effort and contemplated in Art. 69 include the incomplete
utmost diligence to prevent or discourage the justifying and exempting circumstances,
child from committing another offense." (Sec. provided most of their conditions are present.
20-D, RA 9344 as amended)
“Provided the majority of such conditions are
Probation as an alternative to imprisonment present”

The court may, after it shall have convicted and In the case of People v. Alvares, the CA refused
sentenced the child in conflict with the law, and to apply this Article since only unlawful
upon application at any time, place the child on aggression was present. For article 69 to apply,
probation in lieu of service of his/her sentence the majority of the conditions required must be
taking into account the best interest of the present. Only when the majority of the
child. For this purpose, Section 4 of PD 968, conditions of justifying or exempting from
criminal liability, may the penalty be lowered penalties first imposed, or should they have
one or two degrees. been served out.
For the purpose of applying the provisions of
“A penalty lower by one or two degrees than the next preceding paragraph the respective
that prescribed shall be imposed XXX in the severity of the penalties shall be determined in
period which may be deemed proper, in view accordance with the following scale:
of the number and nature of the conditions of 1. Death
exemption present of lacking.” 2. Reclusion perpetua
3. Reclusion temporal
In view of this clause in Art. 69, the court has 4. Prision mayor
the discretion to impose one or two degrees 5. Prision corrccional
lower than that prescribed by law for the 6. Arresto mayor
offense. 7. Arrresto menor
8. Destierro
But in determining the proper period of the 9. Perpetual absolute disqualification
penalty of one or two degrees lower, the court 10. Temporary absolute disqualification
may consider the number and nature of the 11. Suspension from public office, the right
condition of exemption or justification present to vote and be voted for, the right to
or lacking. follow profession or calling, and
12. Public censure
When the majority of the requisites of self- Notwithstanding the provisions of the rule
defense and two mitigating without next preceding the maximum duration of the
aggravating circumstances are present, the convict’s sentence shall not be more than
penalty is three degrees lower. three-fold the length of time corresponding to
the most severe of the penalties imposed upon
Thus if, the accused charged with homicide him. No other penalty to which he may be
punishable by reclusion temporal proved liable shall be inflicted after the sum of those
unlawful aggression on the part of the imposed equals the said maximum period.
deceased and another requisite of self-defense; Such maximum period shall in no case exceed
plus two mitigating circumstances of surrender forty years.
and obfuscation, without any aggravating In applying the provisions of this rule,
circumstance, the proper penalty for him is the duration of perpetual penalties (pena
arresto mayor medium from 2mos, 1day to perpetua) shall be computed at thirty years.
4mos. (As amended by Com. Act 217.)

ARTICLE 70. Successive service of sentences. – Outline of the provisions of this Article:
When the culprit has to serve two or more 1. When the culprit has to serve two or
penalties, he shall serve them simultaneously more penalties, he shall serve them
if the nature of the penalties will so permit; simultaneously if the nature of the
otherwise, the following rules shall be penalties will so permit.
observed: 2. Otherwise the order of their severity
shall be followed.
In the imposition of penalties, the order of 3. The order of severity is as follows:
their respective severity shall be followed so a. Death
that they may be executed successively or as b. Reculusion perpetua
nearly as may be possible, should a pardon c. Reclusion temporal
have been granted as to the penalty or d. Prision mayor
e. Prision menor
f. Arresto mayor the person who is sentence to several penalties
g. Arresto menor of imprisonment for various crimes, that the
h. Destierro maximum duration of the sentence with which
i. Perpetual absolute he shall serve shall not exceed the duration of 3
disqualification times as much as the most severe penalty to be
j. Temporary absolute imposed upon him. If the most severe penalty is
disqualification 15 years then 3 times of it is 45 years, his entire
k. Suspension from public office, sentence for all the offenses shall not exceed 45
the right to vote and be voted years. However, the law provides that the
for, and the right to follow maximum term of imprisonment shall not
profession or calling; and exceed 40 years.
l. Public censure
The phrase the most severe of the penalties
Penalties which may be simultaneously served includes equal penalties.
a. Perpetual absolute disqualification Thus, the petitioner for habeas corpus
b. Perpetual special disqualification who had been sentenced in six different cases
c. Temporary absolute disqualification of estafa, in each of which he was penalized
d. Temporary special disqualification with three months and 11 days of arresto
e. Suspension mayor, cannot be made to suffer more than
f. Destierro three months and 11 days multiplied by 3 or
g. Public censure nine months and 33 days.
h. Fine and bond to keep the peace
i. Civil interdiction The three-fold rule applies only when the
j. Confiscation and payment of costs convict has to serve at least four sentences.
The above penalties, except destierro may be
served simultaneously with imprisonment. This is because the sum of the less than
penalties will be less severe than if the most
Penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty severe of the three or less is multiplied by
cannot be served simultaneously by reason of three. But in the case of 4 penalties to be
the nature of such penalties. served, the sum of the 4 or more would be
more severe than the product of three times
The order of the respective severity of the the most severe penalty of the 4 or more
penalties shall be followed so that they may be penalties.
executed successively.
All the penalties, even if by different courts at
What is meant by this is that the person different times, cannot exceed three-fold the
sentenced tom imprisonment should serve his most severe.
sentence successively. One sentence after the
other. The threefold rule applies even if the penalties
were imposed for different crimes, at different
Three-fold rule. times, and under different informations or
different courts.
According to the three-fold rule, the
maximum duration of the convict’s sentence The reason for this is that the Rules of Court
shall not be more than three times the length of specifically provides that an information must
time corresponding to the most severe if the not charge more than one offense. Necessarily
penalties imposed upon him. This means that
various offenses should be in different According to the case of Arlinda v.
informations. Director of prisons, the Court held that
indemnity is a penalty for all intents and
Duration of the convict’s sentence refers to purposes although pecuniary in character.
several different offenses, not yet served out. Article 70 makes no distinction between the
principal penalty and the subsidiary
This applies only when the convict has to serve imprisonment.
out continuous penalties of imprisonment for
several offenses. If the penalties are not Courts must impose all the penalties for all
continuous then the threefold rule will not crimes of which the accused is found guilty,
apply. but in service of the same, they shall not
exceed three times the most severe and shall
Subsidiary imprisonment forms part of the not exceed 40 years.
The threefold rule is applied, not in the
The imposition of threefold maximum imposition of the penalties but in connection
penalty under Art. 70 does not preclude with the service of the sentences imposed.
subsidiary imprisonment for failure to pay a
fine. Article 70 is concerned exclusively with
The rule is to multiply the highest the service of sentence; it speaks of duration of
penalty by three and the result will be the penalty and penalty to be inflicted. It has
aggregate principal of all indemnities with or nothing to do with the imposition of the proper
without subsidiary imprisonment, provided the penalty. Nowhere is it there envisioned that the
principal penalty does not exceed six years. court should make a computation, and in its
decision, sentence the culprit to not more than
The subsidiary imprisonment for threefold of the most severe of the penalties
nonpayment of the fine cannot be eliminated so imposable upon him. Computation is for the
long as the principal penalty is not higher than prison authorities to undertake. (People v.
six years of imprisonment. If the prisoner Salazar)
cannot pay the fine the imprisonment may
exceed that of the threefold rule as according to To or more death penalties imposed on one
subsidiary imprisonment. convict.

The provision of Art. 70 that “no other Multiple death penalties are not
penalty to which he may be liable shall be impossible to serve because they will have to be
inflicted after the sum total of those imposed executed simultaneously. A cursory reading of
equals the said maximum period,” simply Art. 70 will show that there are only two modes
means that the convict shall not serve the of serving two or more penalties:
excess over the maximum of threefold the most simultaneously or successively. The first rule is
severe penalty. For instance, if the aggregate of that two or more penalties shall be served
the principal penalties is six years and that is simultaneously if the nature of the penalties will
reduced to two years under the threefold rule so permit. In the case of multiple capital
he shall not be required to serve the remaining penalties, the nature of said penal sanctions
four years. does not only permit but necessitates
simultaneous service.
Indemnity is a penalty.
The imposition of multiple death
penalties is not without practicality. The
imposition of multiple death penalties is done several penalties imposed on one and
to show the great perversity and lack of the same culprit is limited to not more
morality of the offender in the commission of than threefold of the most severe
crimes that constitute the death penalty. penalty and in no case should not
Another reason is that this may serve as a exceed 40 years.
warning to the President in granting pardons to
persons convicted as such. Faced with utter 3. The absorption system (lesser penalties
delinquency of such a convict, the proper are absorbed by the graver penalties)
penitentiary authorities would exercise
judicious restraint in recommending clemency  The absorption system is observed in
or leniency in his behalf. the imposition of the penalty in
complex crimes (Art. 48), continuing
Granting, however that the President, crimes and specific crimes like robbery
in the exercise of his constitutional power to with homicide.
pardon deems it proper to commute the
multiple death penalties to multiple life
imprisonments, then the practical effect is that
the convict must serve the maximum of 40
years of multiple life sentences. If only one
death penalty is imposed, and then is
commuted to life imprisonment, the convict will
have to serve a maximum of only 30 years of
corresponding to a single life sentence.

Different systems of penalty.

There are three different systems of

penalty relative to the execution of two or more
penalties imposed on one and the same
accused they are:

1. The material accumulation system

 Previous legislation adopted the theory

of absolute accumulation of crimes and
penalties and established no limitations
whatever, and accordingly, all the
penalties for all violations were
imposed even if they reached beyond
the natural span of human life. Pars. 1-3
of Art. 70 follow the material
accumulation system.

2. The juridical accumulation system; and

 Paragraphs 4-6 of Art. 70 are in

accordance with the juridical
accumulation system. The service of the

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