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University of Gloucestershire

Financial Benchmarking Report 2012/13

July 2014
University of Gloucestershire – Benchmarking Project July 2014

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University of Gloucestershire – Benchmarking Project July 2014

This report © Tribal Education Limited 2014.

Camille Stallard has agreed on behalf of the University of Gloucestershire that these documents will be treated in the
strictest confidence and are covered by a mutually inclusive confidentiality agreement. These documents are not to be
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prejudicial to the Company’s commercial interests. Requests to disclose any of the information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 must involve notifying the Company and giving the Company the opportunity to make
representations to the University prior to information release. In addition, it has been agreed that Tribal Education
Limited has ownership and exclusive rights of the use of this Total Benchmarking technique.

Unless otherwise stated, Tribal owns the copyright in this document including the content, page layout, graphical
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In preparing this report Tribal Education Limited (Tribal) has taken great care to verify that the information contained
herein is accurate. In doing so it has had recourse to a great deal of information provided by the University of
Gloucestershire and by other clients in the same sector. Tribal has worked with the University’s management to identify
the possible opportunities for the improvement and development of the University’s business and the possible ways
these may be achieved. Even so, any action taken as a result of this benchmarking project is the sole responsibility of
University, and Tribal cannot share any responsibility for these actions.

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Section 1.1 Methodology and Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 8
Section 1.2 Benchmark Comparators ........................................................................................................................... 9
Section 1.3 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... 9

Databank Structure
Section 2.1 Overall University Model ............................................................................................................................ 12
Section 2.2 Teaching Activity ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Section 2.3 Research & Enterprise Activity................................................................................................................... 13

Executive Summary
Section 3.1 Key Findings and Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 16

Results Overview
Section 4.1 Overall Financial Situation ......................................................................................................................... 23
Section 4.2 Overall Income & Cost Summary ............................................................................................................... 24
Section 4.3 Principal Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Section 4.4 Teaching..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Section 4.5 Research and Enterprise Activity ............................................................................................................... 27
Section 4.6 Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Section 4.7 Associated Activities .................................................................................................................................. 31

Year on Year Analysis

Section 5.1 Year on Year Analysis: Principal Activities ................................................................................................ 36
Section 5.2 Year on Year Analysis: Teaching ............................................................................................................... 37
Section 5.3 Year on Year Analysis: Research & Enterprise Activity ............................................................................. 38
Section 5.4 Year on Year Analysis: Support ................................................................................................................. 39
Section 5.5 Year on Year Analysis: Library Services .................................................................................................... 40
Section 5.6 Year on Year Analysis: IT Services ........................................................................................................... 41
Section 5.7 Year on Year Analysis: Student Services .................................................................................................. 42
Section 5.8 Year on Year Analysis: Registry ................................................................................................................ 43
Section 5.9 Year on Year Analysis: Finance ................................................................................................................. 44
Section 5.10 Year on Year Analysis: Human Resources & Staff Training .................................................................... 45
Section 5.11 Year on Year Analysis: Marketing ............................................................................................................ 46
Section 5.12 Year on Year Analysis: Corporate Administration.................................................................................... 47
Section 5.13 Year on Year Analysis: Facilities ............................................................................................................. 48
Section 5.14 Year on Year Analysis: Estates ............................................................................................................... 49

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Section 5.15 Year on Year Analysis: Associated Activities........................................................................................... 50

Supporting Tables
Section 6.1 Overall Financial Situation ......................................................................................................................... 53
Section 6.2 Overall Income & Costs Summary ............................................................................................................. 54
Section 6.3 Principal Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Section 6.4 Teaching..................................................................................................................................................... 57
Section 6.5 Research & Enterprise Activity................................................................................................................... 65
Section 6.6 Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Section 6.7 Library Services ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Section 6.8 IT Services ................................................................................................................................................. 73
Section 6.9 Student Services ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Section 6.10 Registry .................................................................................................................................................... 81
Section 6.11 Finance..................................................................................................................................................... 85
Section 6.12 Human Resources & Staff Training ......................................................................................................... 89
Section 6.13 Marketing.................................................................................................................................................. 93
Section 6.14 Corporate Administration ......................................................................................................................... 97
Section 6.15 Facilities ................................................................................................................................................... 101
Section 6.16 Estates ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Section 6.17 Associated Activities ................................................................................................................................ 111
Section 6.18 Capital & Financing .................................................................................................................................. 113

Faculty Analysis
Section 7.1 Internal Faculty Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 117
Section 7.2 External Faculty Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 118

Section 8 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 128

Tribal Contact Details

Section 9 Tribal Contact Details .................................................................................................................................... 132

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Section 1 Introduction

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Section 1 Introduction

Section 1.1 Methodology and Objectives

Tribal Education Limited (Tribal) was commissioned to undertake a “Total Financial Benchmarking” assessment of the
University of Gloucestershire. The application of the Tribal benchmarking model involves the comprehensive analysis
of various data sets covering a full year’s results (usually the most recent complete academic/financial year); including
all income and expenditure, all categories of staffing and an analysis of space usage, plus key measurements of
activity from various academic and support departments. Tribal consultants collect information within a common
framework and then, in conjunction with the University, analyse this according to the standard Tribal function driven
model. In this way, Tribal overcomes the different organisational structures within each university and hence are able
to provide robust like-for-like benchmarks. For example:

A Faculty Administrator may spend 50% of his/her time on admissions and 50% supporting teaching. In the Tribal
model 50% of this person, and their associated cost, will appear as a cost of Registry and 50% as a cost of Teaching.

It is important to recognise therefore that the total cost of any function is likely to include costs from more than one

The result of the Tribal analysis is over 750 objective measurements covering all aspects of the University’s activities.
These are split into four main areas:

1) Principal Activities – this is the prime area of analysis and contains the main academic activities of Teaching,
Research and Enterprise activity, together with the various support functions, including Library Services, IT Services,
Student Services, Registry, Finance, Human Resources & Staff Training, Marketing, Corporate Administration,
Facilities and Estates.

2) Associated Activities – these are the non-academic ‘commercial’ activities of the University, including Catering,
Residences, Crèche / Nursery, Shops, Franchising / Licensing activity, Student Union and sports activities.

3) Capital & Financing – income and costs relating to the funding of the University (inherited liabilities, interest
charges, depreciation, etc).

4) Incomparable Items – any one-off or exceptional items of income or expenditure, usually of a non-recurrent nature
(e.g. restructuring costs).

Comparisons are then made against other similar universities that have also been objectively assessed using the Tribal
benchmarking model, to provide management with a full list of potential opportunities for action. For comparative
purposes, Tribal’s methodology uses various measures of activity to convert financial data into meaningful indicators.
Finally, there is further subjective discussion with management to debate these potential opportunities, bearing in mind
the institution’s situation and its needs.

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Section 1.2 Benchmark Comparators

We have provided three benchmarks, taken from our databank of recently completed HE benchmarking projects:

Peer Group – The average of 7 universities selected by you, namely – Bath Spa, Bedfordshire, Canterbury Christ
Church, Chester, Chichester, Southampton Solent and West London.
Wider Group – The average of the 23 most recently completed benchmarks.
2010/11 – The results of your previous benchmarking analysis on the 2010/11 year.

Section 1.3 Acknowledgements

We would like to extend our thanks to those staff at the University of Gloucestershire that have been involved in the
University benchmarking project for their co-operation and assistance during our work.

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Section 2 Databank Structure

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Section 2 Databank Structure

The diagram below illustrates the structure of the Tribal Benchmarking Model. All activity for the University of
Gloucestershire was identified and categorised according to standard Tribal Benchmarking methodology.

Section 2.1 Overall University Model




















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Section 2.2 Teaching Activity









Section 2.3 Research & Enterprise Activity








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Section 3 Executive Summary

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Section 3 Executive Summary

Section 3.1 Key Findings and Recommendations

The University generated an overall historical cost surplus of £4.8 million for the year on income of £69.2 million.
Adjusted to your size, the Peer Group benchmark achieved a surplus of £5.5 million, £738,000 higher than your

Teaching (sections 4.4, 5.2 & 6.4)

Teaching generated income of £49.2 million, or 93.2% of total principal income compared to the benchmark of 95.2%.
When expressed per FTE student (FTE), a more meaningful indicator of activity, your teaching income of £6,886 per
FTE was £425 lower than benchmark, equating to an overall variance of £3.0 million lower. Your income mix showed a
lower proportion of overseas fees and health contracts (of which you have none).

Pay costs overall were £670,000 higher than benchmark. Delivery staff pay costs were £802,000 higher, the result of
having 3.4 fewer staff (FTEs) offset by 6.9% higher average pay levels and a more senior mix of Academic staff (more
Senior and Principal Lecturers and significantly less Hourly Paid Lecturers). Teaching support staff pay costs were
£132,000 lower, the product of having 9.2 fewer staff (FTEs), especially within Administrative Support, partially offset by
6.3% higher average pay levels.

Non-pay costs of £833,000 were £761,000 lower than benchmark and the lowest within the Wider Group. Non-pay
costs were especially low in teaching consumables and teacher training non-pay costs.

Your Student / Staff ratio (SSR) at 25.3 was 0.5% lower than benchmark at 25.5.

The overall contribution from Teaching was £30.2 million, £2.9 million lower than the benchmark. This was a product of
lower income and higher pay costs being partially offset by lower non-pay costs.

Your teaching activity at faculty level was compared against similar faculties/schools elsewhere (please note that
because each faculty is using a different benchmark specific to that faculty, the variance figures will not reconcile to the
overall results detailed above). All of the faculties had higher pay costs and lower non-pay costs mirroring the pattern
shown at university level. Teaching income per student FTE was lower in 3 of the 4 faculties, with the exception of the
Institute of Education and Public Services which generated a higher income per student FTE than its equivalent

Research and Enterprise Activity (sections 4.5, 5.3 & 6.5)

Research & Enterprise activity generated income of £3.6 million, or 6.8% of total principal income (the remainder being
teaching income) compared to the benchmark of 4.8%, equivalent to £1.1 million more. Your income per research and
enterprise staff FTE was £13,000 higher, equating to £554,000 higher income for the same number of research and
enterprise staff FTE.

This activity was subsidised by £761,000, 21.2% of income, compared to the benchmark subsidy at £2.5 million or
70.1% of income. Looking at costs as a percentage of research and enterprise income, pay costs of £3.7 million were
equivalent to 101.5% of income, compared to 137.8% for the Peer Group, a difference of £1.3 million and the result of
lower staff numbers (33.6 FTEs lower). Non-pay costs of £707,000 accounted for 19.7% of income compared to 32.3%
for the Peer Group, a difference of £454,000.

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Teaching, Research & Enterprise Recommendations:

 Review significantly lower teaching income per student FTE. A lower proportion of overseas student fees and a
lack of health contracts will be a contributing factor to lower income levels; however attention should also be
given to fee rates for undergraduate, postgraduate and overseas students.
 Investigate potential investment into teaching non-pay items, especially teaching consumables and spend on
teacher training.
 Research and Enterprise (R&E) costs relative to income generated were lower than benchmark; therefore the
income generated per R&E staff FTE is higher than benchmark. However a £1.2 million reduction in enterprise
income since 2010/11 (with little change in pay costs) should be investigated (see Year on Year section 5.3).

Support (sections 4.6, 5.4 & 6.6)

Support functions cost the University £25.5 million or 48.2%, an increase of £4.2 million (or 20%) since 2010/11. When
measured as percentage of total principal income, total support costs were £1.8 million higher than benchmark.
However each support function has been individually analysed using the most appropriate measure of activity, and the
combined results of this analysis showed overall lower costs of £438,000:

Library Services (sections 5.5 & 6.7); Total costs of £1.3 million, £385,000 lower than benchmark. Pay costs of £1.0
million were £59,000 higher, staff numbers were 2.3 FTEs higher and overall average pay levels were 2.0% lower.
Non-pay costs of £489,000 were £334,000 lower, including significantly lower costs for books, periodicals and
newspapers. Income from fees and fines of £160,000 was significantly higher than benchmark (£110,000 higher).

IT Services (sections 5.6 & 6.8); Total costs of £2.8 million, £498,000 lower than benchmark. Pay costs of £1.9
million were £76,000 higher, due to higher staff numbers overall (by 6.4 FTEs), offset by 8.4% lower overall average
pay levels. Non-pay costs of £1.1 million were £433,000 lower, including lower costs for computer hardware and
software. Income of £162,000 was £141,000 higher. The IT function was less devolved with 3% of costs within the
faculties compared to benchmark at 7%. The University also had 417 more computers than the comparison (for the
same number of staff and students).

Student Services (sections 5.7 & 6.9); Total costs of £5.0 million, £1.5 million higher than benchmark. Pay costs of
£1.5 million were £456,000 higher, due to higher staff numbers overall (by 12.2 FTEs), with more staff in nearly all
categories. Overall average pay levels were 1.5% higher. Non-pay costs were £1.1 million higher, due to high student
support costs. Please note however that the student support costs include the cost of student fee waivers, which are
not included for the Peer Group, Wider Group or 2010/11 benchmarks (student fee waivers are shown as a reduction of
teaching income as per the Tribal model for all benchmarks)*. If the cost of fee waivers was removed from Student
Services, total non-pay costs would be £0.6 million lower than benchmark, with lower bursary payments the main factor.
The function was less devolved with 2% of costs within the faculties compared to benchmark at 17%.

*The reclassification of student fee waivers was a request from the University of Gloucestershire as it was felt this more
accurately depicted the model of student funding going forward, i.e. current reductions in fees will instead be given as
bursary style payments in the future, which are classified under Student Services in the Tribal model.

Registry (sections 5.8 & 6.10); Total costs of £1.9 million, £447,000 lower than benchmark. Pay costs were £421,000
lower, due to lower staff numbers overall (by 18.0 FTEs), including 9.1 fewer FTEs in Student Records / Data Input
Staff. Overall average pay levels were 14.9% higher. Non-pay costs were in-line and the function was less devolved
with 7% of costs within the faculties compared to benchmark at 27%.

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Finance (sections 5.9 & 6.11); Total costs of £1.4 million, £218,000 higher than benchmark. Pay costs of £1.2 million
were £231,000 higher; this was due to higher staff numbers overall (by 8.3 FTEs and the highest in the Wider Group),
including 4.9 more FTEs in Accountancy Staff, partially offset by 6.3% lower overall average pay levels. Non-pay costs
of £186,000 were in-line and income was £42,000 higher. The function was slightly less devolved with 3% of costs
within the faculties compared to benchmark at 4%.

Human Resources & Staff Training (sections 5.10 & 6.12); Total costs of £1.2 million, £10,000 lower than
benchmark. Pay costs of £808,000 were £112,000 higher, due to 12.1% higher overall average pay levels. Overall
staff numbers were in line (0.6 FTEs higher). Non-pay costs of £347,000 were £122,000 lower, including significantly
lower recruitment costs. The function was less devolved with 11% of costs within the faculties compared to benchmark
at 17%.

Marketing (sections 5.11 & 6.13); Total costs of £3.2 million, £770,000 higher than benchmark. Pay costs of £1.6
million were £633,000 higher; due to higher staff numbers (by 14.6 FTEs) including 8.1 more FTEs in the UK/EU
Marketing Staff and 8.7% higher overall average pay levels. Non-pay costs of £1.6 million were in-line, including higher
UK/EU advertising costs and overseas travel costs, offset by lower overseas other costs (mainly overseas agents fees
elsewhere). The function was less devolved with 5% of costs within the faculties compared to benchmark at 14%.

Corporate Administration (sections 5.12 & 6.14); Total costs of £3.0 million, £439,000 higher than benchmark. Pay
costs of £2.1 million were £600,000 higher, due to higher overall staff numbers (by 10.1 FTEs and the highest in the
Wider Group), in particular Planning / Projects Staff (5.5 more FTEs). Overall average pay levels were 7.5% lower.
Non-pay costs of £920,000 were £169,000 lower.

Facilities (sections 5.13 & 6.15); Total costs of £918,000, £46,000 higher than benchmark. Pay costs of £225,000
were £92,000 lower, due to lower staff numbers (by 3.4 FTEs), partially offset by 2.2% higher overall average pay
levels. Non-pay costs of £697,000 were £89,000 higher, including higher post costs. Income of £4,000 was £49,000

Estates (sections 5.14 & 6.16); Total costs of £4.9 million, £2.1 million lower than benchmark for the same number of
staff and student FTEs. A lower amount of space occupied by the University (10% or 4,541m² less), was coupled by
lower running costs per m² (£1.4 million lower for the same amount of space). Pay costs of £562,000 were £180,000
lower, due to lower staff numbers (by 7.6 FTEs), including 7.8 fewer FTEs in Operatives (caretakers, janitors, porters).
Overall average pay levels were 17.0% higher. Non-pay costs of £4.2 million were £943,000 lower, including lower
long term lease charges and higher security costs.

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Support Recommendations:
 Review low cost of books and periodicals within Library Services. Would investment improve the student
 Investigate low cost of computer hardware.
 Review high numbers of Student Services Staff across several functions, especially Guidance / Support and
Disability Support.
 Review low numbers of Registry staff (especially within admissions, student records and examinations). Is
investment needed here or does it suggest efficient systems and processes compared to elsewhere?
 Investigate significantly higher number of Finance Staff, especially within Accountancy / Professional Reporting.
 Review high numbers of UK/EU Marketing Staff, mainly linked to student recruitment activity.
 Higher numbers of staff within Corporate Administration, specifically in Planning / Projects and Policy / Legal /
Strategic, should be reviewed. However the smaller size of the University compared to benchmark should be
taken into account when analysing the magnitude of the variances (i.e. economies of scale).
 Overall Estates costs are significantly lower mainly due to the lack of any long term lease charges. However a
low number of Operatives (caretakers / janitors / porters) and low security costs should also be reviewed.

Associated Activities (sections 4.7, 5.15 & 6.17)

Associated Activities generated £13.5 million of income, with costs of £8.8 million, resulting in a contribution of £4.7

The level of activity in this area was higher than benchmark, with your proportion of income generated being £2.6
million higher, including significantly higher income from Residences and Franchising / Licensing. The overall
contribution was equivalent to 35% of income, compared to the contribution made by the benchmark at 19% of income.

In terms of percentage contribution generated by each component activity, Residences achieved a contribution of £2.2
million compared to the benchmark contribution of £886,000. Catering was subsidised by £19,000 compared to a
£33,000 subsidy elsewhere. Franchising / Licensing achieved a contribution of £2.9 million compared to the benchmark
contribution of £1.3 million.

Capital & Financing (sections 4.2 & 6.18)

The financing burden of the University was a net cost of £2.6 million, £68,000 lower than the benchmark. We recorded
higher income from capital grant release, higher debt servicing charges and higher depreciation costs.

Incomparable Items (sections 4.2 & 5.2)

We have excluded from our analysis a total net cost of £1.2 million. This included £0.5 million of FRS17 costs, £0.4
million of redundancy payments and £0.6 million of costs from the joint venture with INTO.

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Overall Conclusions:
Your overall surplus of £4.8 million was slightly lower than the Peer Group, but in-line with the Wider Group. Within
this a higher contribution from Associated Activities was offset by a lower contribution from Principal Activities
compared to the Peer Group.

Based on the same level of principal income, your pay costs were higher than benchmark in academic areas and
support functions, resulting in a lower overall contribution from Principal Activities.

Your teaching contribution was £2.9 million lower given the same number of FTE students. This was primarily due to
significantly lower income levels per student FTE. Higher pay costs (fewer staff, but a more senior mix of
academics) were offset by significantly lower non-pay costs. Further investigation would be recommended to
determine how to increase the income levels and whether investment in non-pay items is warranted.

Compared to the Peer Group, you have a higher percentage of income coming from Research & Enterprise,
however you are delivering this activity at a significantly lower cost (through fewer staff and lower non-pay costs),
meaning your income per research staff FTE is significantly greater than the benchmark.

As a percentage of principal income, the costs of the ten support functions were £1.8 million higher than benchmark.
However when we look at each function individually (using different comparative measures) the combined difference
to benchmark is £0.4 million lower. This again highlights that your principal income is significantly lower, mainly due
to lower teaching income.

The support functions where costs are significantly lower than benchmark are as follows and should be investigated
to determine if they are simply being run efficiently, or if further investment would be desirable to enhance the
support being delivered:
 Library newspapers / periodicals non-pay costs.
 IT Services computer hardware
 Registry staff.
 Estates running costs.
The support functions where costs are significantly higher than benchmark are as follows and should be investigated
to determine if a) these costs are acceptable given the service being provided, or b) there is room for cost
efficiencies to be made:
 Student Services Staff, especially Guidance / Support Staff and Disability Support Staff.
 Financial Accounting Staff.
 UK/EU Marketing Staff.
 Corporate Administrative Staff.

Within Associated Activities, you had a higher volume of Residences income with a greater contribution level
compared to benchmark, which is mainly due to a greater proportion of owned residences versus leased residences
compared against the Peer Group. Greater proportion of income was also generated through Franchising / Licensing
with a greater contribution level. Although less income is being delivered from Catering, the percentage contribution
was also higher than the benchmark.

A more detailed account of the changes since your last analysis (2010/11) can be found in section 5, however the
key message is that income has reduced by 4% (due to a reduction in student numbers), however the combined
support function costs have increased by 20%.

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Section 4 Results Overview

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Section 4 Results Overview

This section shows the main University figures in more detail against the Peer Group benchmark, Wider Group
benchmark and the University’s 2010/11 results.

Please note that the University activities were identified and grouped according to Tribal’s standard definitions and
these groupings may not necessarily correlate directly with your own organisational structure.

Please also note that Tribal’s methodology uses various measures of activity to convert financial data into meaningful
indicators for comparative purposes. The measure used for each functional area is clearly stated within each section.

Section 4.1 Overall Financial Situation ......................................................................................................................... 23

Section 4.2 Overall Income & Cost Summary ............................................................................................................... 24
Section 4.3 Principal Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Section 4.4 Teaching..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Section 4.5 Research and Enterprise Activity ............................................................................................................... 27
Section 4.6 Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Section 4.7 Associated Activities .................................................................................................................................. 31

The following section contains the comparative data tables for the University of Gloucestershire. For each table we
show the University’s actual value and a comparative figure for our chosen comparisons, the Peer Group, the Wider
Group and the University’s 2010/11 results. The final columns show variance from the Peer Group benchmark. Tribal’s
methodology uses various measures of activity to convert financial data into meaningful indicators for comparative
purposes. The measure used for each functional area is stated within each section. In order to make comparisons
visually histograms present the results for each area for all institutions within the Wider Group. On each histogram, your
result is highlighted in blue, the Peer Group is highlighted in pink and your 2010/11 result is highlighted in orange.

The analysis recognises income and expenditure as separate items. Therefore when analysing income, if the University
is above benchmark the variance is shown as positive (or favourable), if the University is below benchmark the variance
is shown as negative (or unfavourable). For analysis of expenditure items, if the University’s expenditure is above
benchmark the variance is shown as negative (unfavourable), if expenditure is below benchmark the variance is shown
as positive (favourable). Analysis of FTE values is treated in the same way as expenditure. For our analysis of your
space (m ) a greater amount of space is shown as a positive variance. In some cases, your values are expressed as a
percentage. Variances are expressed as a percentage and are shown as either above benchmark (positive variance) or
below benchmark (negative variance).

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Section 4.1 Overall Financial Situation

This table details the University’s published consolidated accounts. As per our standard methodology, we show certain
income streams as a reduction of cost (i.e. netted off), e.g. exam fee income, sale of teaching materials etc, the value of
which is shown on lines 7 to 9. After these adjustments we show revised accounts on lines 10 to 12.

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group
Overall Published Accounts
1. Total Income 69,249

2. Total Costs 64,861

3. Exceptional Items -1,199

4. Operating Surplus / (Deficit) 3,189

5. Revaluation Reserve 1,616

6. Historical Cost Surplus /
Items netted off by Tribal
7. Income 1,505

8. Costs 1,505

9. Net Position 0

Revised Accounts Position

10. Total Income 67,744 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

11. Total Costs 62,939 92.9 % 91.8 % 92.8 % 90.5 % -738

12. Historical Cost Surplus /
4,805 7.1 % 8.2 % 7.2 % 9.5 % -738

This table details the University's published consolidated accounts. As per our standard methodology, we show certain income streams as a
reduction of cost (i.e. netted off), e.g. exam fee income, sale of teaching materials etc, the value of which is shown on lines 7 to 9. After
these adjustments we show revised accounts on lines 10 to 12.

The University recorded an overall historical cost surplus of £4.8 million. As per our standard methodology, we show
certain income streams as a reduction of cost. In your case we have netted off a total of £1.5 million. After these
adjustments, we show your total income at £67.7 million and total costs at £62.9 million, leaving the historical cost
surplus unchanged at £4.8 million or 7.1% of income. The Peer Group achieved a surplus of 8.2%, equivalent to
£738,000 higher than your surplus.

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Section 4.2 Overall Income & Cost Summary

This table details the breakdown of overall University activity to identify incomparable items, capital & financing and
associated activities, therefore resulting in the identification of the University’s principal activities.

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group


1. Income 150 0.2 % 0.6 % 1.0 % 0.0 % -258

2. Costs 1,395 2.1 % 2.2 % 2.8 % 5.1 % 96

3. Net Position -1,245 -1.8 % -1.6 % -1.7 % -5.1 % -162

Capital & Financing

4. Income 1,302 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 19

5. Costs 5,537 8.2 % 6.0 % 6.9 % 9.5 % -1,483

6. Release from Revaluation
1,616 2.4 % 0.1 % 0.4 % 2.1 % 1,532
7. Net Position -2,619 -3.9 % -4.0 % -4.6 % -5.9 % 68

Principal Activities

8. Income 52,826 78.0 % 81.4 % 82.7 % 80.6 % -2,341

9. Academic Costs 23,378 34.5 % 34.4 % 37.6 % 35.2 % -43

10. Contribution 29,447 43.5 % 47.0 % 45.2 % 45.4 % -2,384

11. Support Costs 25,460 37.6 % 36.4 % 35.1 % 31.2 % -828

12. Surplus / (Deficit) 3,987 5.9 % 10.6 % 10.1 % 14.2 % -3,212

Associated Activities

13. Income 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

14. Costs 8,784 13.0 % 12.9 % 10.9 % 11.6 % -12

15. Contribution 4,682 6.9 % 3.1 % 3.5 % 6.3 % 2,568

This table details the breakdown of overall University activity to identify non-comparable items, capital and financing and associated
activities, therefore resulting in the identification of the University's principal activities.

Incomparable items (net) were £162,000 higher.

Capital & Financing (net) was £68,000 lower.
Principal Activities (surplus) were £3.2 million lower.
Associated Activities (contribution) were £2.6 million higher.
See results overview for Principal and Associated Activities in Sections 4.3 through to 4.7 and all supporting tables in
Section 6.

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Section 4.3 Principal Activities

Principal Activities include:- Teaching, Research & Enterprise, Library Services, IT Services, Student Services,
Registry, Finance, Human Resources & Staff Training, Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

% Principal Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Principal Activities

1. Income 52,826 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

2. Academic Activity Costs 23,378 44.3 % 42.3 % 45.4 % 43.6 % -1,025

3. Contribution 29,447 55.7 % 57.7 % 54.6 % 56.4 % -1,025

4. Support Costs 25,460 48.2 % 44.7 % 42.5 % 38.7 % -1,849

5. Surplus / (Deficit) 3,987 7.5 % 13.0 % 12.1 % 17.6 % -2,874

Pay Costs

6. Academic Activity 21,838 41.3 % 37.8 % 40.2 % 40.2 % -1,850

7. Support 12,689 24.0 % 19.4 % 19.3 % 21.6 % -2,447

8. Total 34,527 65.4 % 57.2 % 59.5 % 61.7 % -4,297

Non-Pay Costs

9. Academic Activity 1,540 2.9 % 4.5 % 5.3 % 3.5 % 825

10. Support 12,771 24.2 % 25.3 % 23.2 % 17.2 % 598

11. Total 14,311 27.1 % 29.8 % 28.4 % 20.6 % 1,423

This table details the breakdown of principal activities by academic and support functions, and into pay and non-pay costs.

Overall your Principal Activities generated income of £52.8 million. Your surplus of £3.99 million or 7.5% of income was
£2.9 million lower than the Peer Group.

When analysing costs as a percentage of principal income:

Pay costs were £4.3 million higher due to £1.85 million higher Academic Activity pay costs and £2.4 million higher
Support pay costs.

Non-pay costs were £1.4 million lower due to £825,000 lower Academic Activity costs and £598,000 lower Support

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Section 4.4 Teaching

Teaching comprises the activity delivered by the Faculties after separating out research and enterprise activity. It
includes the proportions of the following functions:- Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads of Department, Professors,
Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency Lecturers, Instructors,
Acdemic Technicians, Placement Co-ordinators, Administrative Support, Invigilators and Teaching, Learning and
Curriculum Development.

The graph illustrates the overall contribution from Teaching, measured as £ per student FTE, for all institutions within
the Wider Group. Your result is highlighted in blue, the Peer Group is highlighted in pink and your 2010/11 result is in

Overall your Teaching generated income of £49.2 million or £6,886 per full-time equivalent (FTE) student. Your
contribution of £30.2 million, or 61.4% of income, was £2.9 million lower than the benchmark.

Teaching income was £425 per FTE student lower, equating to a total lower income of £3.0 million. Your income mix
included a lower proportion of overseas student fees and health contracts (of which you have none).

Teaching costs at £2,661 per FTE Student were £91,000 lower overall.

Overall pay costs were £670,000 higher.

Delivery pay costs were £802,000 higher – 3.4 FTEs lower offset by 6.9% higher average pay levels and a more senior
staffing mix.

Support pay costs were £132,000 lower – 9.2 FTEs lower partially offset by 6.3% higher average pay levels.

Non-pay costs were £761,000 lower.

Your SSR of 25.3 was lower than the Peer Group at 25.5.

See supporting tables for Teaching in Section 5.2 and 6.4.

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Section 4.5 Research and Enterprise Activity

Research and Enterprise Activity includes the research and enterprise proportions of the following functions:-
Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads of Department, Professors, Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers,
Visiting / Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency / External Lecturers, Instructors, Academic Technicians, Administration
Support, Researchers and Research Assistants.

The graph illustrates the overall contribution from Research & Enterprise activity, measured as a % of income, for all
institutions within the Wider Group. Your result is highlighted in blue, the Peer Group is highlighted in pink and your
2010/11 result is in orange.

Overall Research & Enterprise Activity generated income of £3.6 million and incurred costs of £4.4 million, resulting in a
subsidy of 21.2%. The Peer Group subsidised this activity at 70.1% of income, equivalent to a £1.8 million higher

Pay costs were £1.3 million lower, including:-

● Overall staff numbers were 33.6 FTEs lower.

● Overall average pay level per FTE was 7.7% higher.

Non-pay costs were £454,000 lower.

See supporting tables for Research & Enterprise Activity in Section 5.5 and 6.5.

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Section 4.6 Support

Support includes the following functions:- Library Services, IT Services, Student Services, Registry, Finance,
Human Resources & Staff Training, Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

The tables detail the variation in pay and non-pay costs and income (£000s) from the Peer Group benchmark. We have
selected the most appropriate measure for each function (e.g. Library Services costs have been measured by on-site
FTE Students, Registry costs by student headcount etc).

Ar ea

Difference (£000s)

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
HR & Staff
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

Pay Costs
Non-Pay Costs

The Estates costs shown above only refer to the variation of your Estates costs per m² compared to the benchmark.
They do not take into account any rented costs.

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The table below details the variation in income (£000s) from the Peer Group.

Ar ea

Difference (£000s)
Inco me



Student Services


HR & Staff Training


Corporate Administration



See supporting tables for Support in Section 6.7.

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The table below details the variation in staff numbers (FTEs) from the Peer Group – 25.5 FTEs higher.

Ar ea

Difference (FTEs)



Student Services


HR & Staff Training


Corporate Administration



The table below details the % variation in average pay levels from the Peer Group - generally higher.

Ar ea

Difference (%)



Student Services


HR & Staff Training


Corporate Administration



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Section 4.7 Associated Activities

Associated Activities includes the following functions:- Catering, Residences, Accommodation Office, Crèche and
Nursery, Shops, Franchising / Licensing, Student Union / Sports, Widening Participation, Intellectual Property / Royalty
Income, Other Funding Council Grants, Lettings and Other Associated Activities.

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Associated Activities

1. Income 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

2. Costs 8,784 13.0 % 12.9 % 10.9 % 11.6 % -12

3. Contribution 4,682 6.9 % 3.1 % 3.5 % 6.3 % 2,568


4. Catering 969 1.4 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 1.0 % -306

5. Residences (inc. Accommodation
5,704 8.4 % 5.4 % 4.6 % 7.8 % 2,052
6. Crèche / Nursery 0 0.0 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 % -82

7. Shops 0 0.0 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 % -49

8. Franchising / Licensing 5,128 7.6 % 5.3 % 4.0 % 5.3 % 1,552

9. Student Union / Sports 255 0.4 % 0.1 % 0.4 % 0.5 % 157

10. Widening Participation 181 0.3 % 0.8 % 0.3 % 0.6 % -382

11. Other Funding Council Grants 533 0.8 % 1.3 % 0.8 % 0.8 % -314

12. Lettings 94 0.1 % 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.2 % -36

13. Donations 53 0.1 % 0.0 % 0.2 % 0.1 % 42

14. Other Associated Activities 550 0.8 % 0.9 % 2.0 % 1.6 % -52

15. Total 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

This table details the volume of each associated activity.

Overall your Associated Activities generated an income of £13.5 million and incurred direct costs of £8.8 million hence
you achieved a contribution of £4.7 million. Your level of activity in this area was 19.9% of total income, compared to
16.1% for the Peer Group.

Your proportion of income generated from Associated Activities was £2.6 million higher, including significantly higher
income from Residences and Franchising / Licensing (your collaborative provision).

Your contribution from Associated Activities was £2.6 million higher, including higher percentage contributions from
Residences and Franchising / Licensing.

See supporting tables for Associated Activity in Section 5.15 & 6.17.

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Section 5 Year on Year Analysis

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Section 5 Year on Year Analysis

In this section we detail the key increase and decreases in income and expenditure over the two year period from your
initial benchmarking exercise on the 2010/11 year to the current 2012/13 results. The results of your previous
benchmarking exercise, on the 2010/11 year, are also shown for information.

Section 5.1 Year on Year Analysis: Principal Activities ................................................................................................ 36

Section 5.2 Year on Year Analysis: Teaching ............................................................................................................... 37
Section 5.3 Year on Year Analysis: Research & Enterprise Activity ............................................................................. 38
Section 5.4 Year on Year Analysis: Support ................................................................................................................. 39
Section 5.5 Year on Year Analysis: Library Services .................................................................................................... 40
Section 5.6 Year on Year Analysis: IT Services ........................................................................................................... 41
Section 5.7 Year on Year Analysis: Student Services .................................................................................................. 42
Section 5.8 Year on Year Analysis: Registry ................................................................................................................ 43
Section 5.9 Year on Year Analysis: Finance ................................................................................................................. 44
Section 5.10 Year on Year Analysis: Human Resources & Staff Training .................................................................... 45
Section 5.11 Year on Year Analysis: Marketing ............................................................................................................ 46
Section 5.12 Year on Year Analysis: Corporate Administration.................................................................................... 47
Section 5.13 Year on Year Analysis: Facilities ............................................................................................................. 48
Section 5.14 Year on Year Analysis: Estates ............................................................................................................... 49
Section 5.15 Year on Year Analysis: Associated Activities........................................................................................... 50

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Section 5 Year on Year Analysis Commentry

Principal Activities
Your contribution from Principal Activities since the 2010/11 year period has reduced, with the 2012/13 year showing a
58.8% decrease in contribution, from £9.7 million to £4.0 million. This reduction in contribution was due to a 3.8%
decrease in income, coupled by a 19.8% increase in Support costs.

The largest movements between 2010/11 and 202/13 are detailed below:-

Your Teaching contribution has decreased by 2.5%. This lower contribution level was due to a 2.0% decrease in
income, partially offset by a 0.8% decrease in pay costs and a 9.6% decrease in non-pay costs.

Research & Enterprise Activity

Your Research & Enterprise activity subsidy has increased from £48,000 to £761,000. This was due to a 22.7%
reduction in income (mainly from Enterprise activity), partially offset by 7.2% decrease in costs.

Total support costs have increased by 19.8% from £21.3 million to £25.5 million:

 Library Services – 26.2% decrease. Due to the reclassification of some staff from Library Services to IT Services.
 IT Services – 44.4% increase. Due to the reclassification of some staff from Library Services to IT Services.
 Student Services – 45.5% increase. This is due to the inclusion of student fee waivers (cost), which were categorised
differently in 2010/11 (shown as a reduction of teaching income)*. If fee waiver costs were removed from Student
Services, the remainder would show a small decrease year on year.
 Registry – 19.2% increase. However when measured per student headcount, Registry costs have reduced year on
 Finance – 5.0% increase.
 Human Resources & Staff Training – 15.4% increase. Due to an increase in HR Professional Staff FTEs and staff
training non-pay costs.
 Marketing – 20.9% increase. Due to an increase in UK/EU Marketing Staff and non-pay costs.
 Corporate Administration – 22.9% increase. Due to an increase in Planning/Projects Staff and non-pay costs
(professional fees and subscriptions).
 Facilities – 5.2% decrease.
 Estates – 16.6% increase. Due to an increase in repairs and maintenance costs.

Associated Activities
The total contribution from Associated Activities has increased by 9.6%, with an increase in income offsetting an
increase in costs. The largest increases in income were in Catering and Franchising / Licensing.

*The reclassification of student fee waivers was a request from the University of Gloucestershire as it was felt this more
accurately depicted the model of student funding going forward, i.e. current reductions in fees will instead be given as
bursary style payments in the future, which are classified under Student Services in the Tribal model.

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Section 5.1 Year on Year Analysis: Principal Activities

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Principal Activities

1. Income 54,890 52,826 -3.8 %

2. Academic Activity Costs 23,952 23,378 2.4 %

3. Contribution 30,938 29,447 -4.8 %

4. Support Costs 21,259 25,460 -19.8 %

5. Surplus / (Deficit) 9,680 3,987 -58.8 %

X X x

Pay Costs

6. Academic Activity 22,048 21,838 0.9 %

7. Support 11,831 12,689 -7.2 %

8. Total 33,879 34,527 -1.9 %

X X x

Non-Pay Costs

9. Academic Activity 1,904 1,540 19.1 %

10. Support 9,428 12,771 -35.5 %

11. Total 11,332 14,311 -26.3 %

This table details the breakdown of principal activities by academic and support functions, and into pay and non-pay costs.

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Section 5.2 Year on Year Analysis: Teaching

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Teaching Contribution

1. Income 50,240 49,229 -2.0 %

2. Pay Costs 18,333 18,188 0.8 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 921 833 9.6 %

4. Total Costs 19,254 19,021 1.2 %

5. Contribution 30,986 30,208 -2.5 %

X X x

Supporting Data

6. FTE Student Numbers 7,539 7,149 -5.2 %

This table details the teaching contribution.

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Section 5.3 Year on Year Analysis: Research & Enterprise Activity

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Research & Enterprise Income

1. Research & Enterprise Income 4,650 3,596 -22.7 %

X X x

Research & Enterprise Income

2. Publicly Funded Research 2,689 2,755 2.5 %

3. Non-Publicly Funded Research 250 336 34.5 %

4. Enterprise Activity 1,712 505 -70.5 %

5. Total 4,650 3,596 -22.7 %

X X x

Contribution Analysis

6. Income 4,650 3,596 -22.7 %

7. Pay Costs 3,714 3,650 1.7 %

8. Non-Pay Costs 983 707 28.1 %

9. Total 4,698 4,357 7.2 %

10. Contribution -48 -761 -1,495.6 %

This table details the research and enterprise activity.

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Section 5.4 Year on Year Analysis: Support

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Support Costs

1. Support Costs 21,259 25,460 -19.8 %

X X x

Support Costs

2. Library Services 1,830 1,349 26.2 %

3. IT Services 1,936 2,796 -44.4 %

4. Student Services 3,403 4,952 -45.5 %

5. Registry 1,582 1,886 -19.2 %

6. Finance 1,294 1,359 -5.0 %

7. HR & Staff Training 1,001 1,155 -15.4 %

8. Marketing 2,643 3,196 -20.9 %

9. Corporate Admin. 2,436 2,995 -22.9 %

10. Facilities 968 918 5.2 %

11. Estates 4,165 4,855 -16.6 %

12. Total 21,259 25,460 -19.8 %

This table details the total Support Costs, measured as a percentage of Principal Income.

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Section 5.5 Year on Year Analysis: Library Services

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Library Services Costs

1. Total Library Services Costs 1,830 1,349 26.2 %

X X x

Library Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,617 1,020 36.9 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 450 489 -8.8 %

4. Total Costs 2,067 1,509 27.0 %

5. Income -237 -160 -32.7 %

6. Total 1,830 1,349 26.2 %

This table details the overall costs of Library Services, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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Section 5.6 Year on Year Analysis: IT Services

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total IT Services Costs

1. Total IT Services Costs 1,936 2,796 -44.4 %

X X x

IT Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,376 1,886 -37.1 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 708 1,072 -51.5 %

4. Total Costs 2,083 2,957 -42.0 %

5. Income -147 -162 10.1 %

6. Total 1,936 2,796 -44.4 %

This table details the overall costs of IT Services, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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Section 5.7 Year on Year Analysis: Student Services

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Student Services Costs

1. Total Student Services Costs 3,403 4,952 -45.5 %

X X x

Student Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,425 1,508 -5.9 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 2,088 3,564 -70.7 %

4. Total Costs 3,513 3,307 5.8 %

5. Income -109 -121 10.5 %

6. Total 3,403 4,952 -45.5 %

This table details the overall Student Services costs, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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Section 5.8 Year on Year Analysis: Registry

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Registry Costs

1. Total Registry Costs 1,582 1,886 -19.2 %

X X x

Registry Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,462 1,746 -19.5 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 122 152 -24.6 %

4. Total Costs 1,583 1,898 -19.9 %

5. Income -1 -12 811.7 %

6. Total 1,582 1,886 -19.2 %

This table details the overall Registry costs, measured by student headcount.

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Section 5.9 Year on Year Analysis: Finance

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Finance Costs

1. Total Finance Costs 1,294 1,359 -5.0 %

X X x

Finance Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,188 1,231 -3.6 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 184 186 -1.4 %

4. Total Costs 1,372 1,417 -3.3 %

5. Income -77 -58 -25.4 %

6. Total 1,294 1,359 -5.0 %

This table details the overall Finance costs, measured by total income.

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Section 5.10 Year on Year Analysis: Human Resources & Staff Training

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total HR & Staff Training Costs

1. Total HR & Staff Training Costs 1,001 1,155 -15.4 %

X X x

HR & Staff Training Costs

2. Pay Costs 658 808 -22.8 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 343 347 -1.2 %

4. Total Costs 1,001 1,155 -15.4 %

5. Income 0 0 -18.5 %

6. Total 1,001 1,155 -15.4 %

This table details the overall Human Resources & Staff Training costs, measured by staff FTE.

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Section 5.11 Year on Year Analysis: Marketing

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Marketing Costs

1. Total Marketing Costs 2,643 3,196 -20.9 %

X X x

Marketing Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,369 1,631 -19.2 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 1,314 1,568 -19.3 %

4. Total Costs 2,682 3,199 -19.3 %

5. Income -40 -3 -91.2 %

6. Total 2,643 3,196 -20.9 %

This table details the overall Marketing costs, measured by total income.

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Section 5.12 Year on Year Analysis: Corporate Administration

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Corporate Administration Costs

1. Total Corporate Administration Costs 2,436 2,995 -22.9 %

X X x

Corporate Administration Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,684 2,072 -23.1 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 773 920 -19.0 %

4. Total Costs 2,457 2,992 -21.8 %

5. Income -20 3 -114.1 %

6. Total 2,436 2,995 -22.9 %

This table details the overall Corporate Administration costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff.

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Section 5.13 Year on Year Analysis: Facilities

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Total Facilities Costs

1. Total Facilities Costs 968 918 5.2 %

X X x

Facilities Costs

2. Pay Costs 393 225 42.8 %

3. Non-Pay Costs 580 697 -20.1 %

4. Total Costs 973 922 5.3 %

5. Income -5 -4 -19.8 %

6. Total 968 918 5.2 %

This table details the overall Facilities costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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Section 5.14 Year on Year Analysis: Estates

Your Actual

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Estates Costs

1. Total Estates Costs (£000s) 4,165 4,855 -16.6 %

2. Total Estates Costs (£ / m²) 106 120 -13.2 %

X X x

Estates Space
3. Total Space (m² per 100 Staff & On-
479.2 506.3 -5.7 %
site Student FTE)

This table details the overall costs of Estates, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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Section 5.15 Year on Year Analysis: Associated Activities

Your Actual £000s

2010/11 2012/13 Variation from 2010/11 (%)

X X x

Associated Activities

1. Income 12,163 13,466 10.7 %

2. Costs 7,891 8,784 -11.3 %

3. Contribution 4,272 4,682 9.6 %

X X x


4. Catering 701 969 38.2 %

5. Residences 5,302 5,704 7.6 %

6. Crèche / Nursery 0 0 0.0 %

7. Shops 0 0 0.0 %

8. Franchising / Licensing 3,582 5,128 43.2 %

9. Student Union / Sports 307 255 -16.7 %

10. Widening Participation 412 181 -56.2 %

11. Other Funding Council Grants 532 533 0.1 %

12. Lettings 128 94 -26.6 %

13. Other Associated Activities 1,199 602 -49.8 %

14. Total 12,163 13,466 10.7 %

This table details the volume of each associated activity.

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Section 6 Supporting Tables

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Section 6 Supporting Tables

This section shows the main University figures in more detail against the Peer Group and Wider Group benchmarks and
the University’s 2010/11 results.
Please note that the University activities were identified and grouped according to Tribal’s standard definitions and
these groupings may not necessarily correlate directly with your own organisational structure.

Section 6.1 Overall Financial Situation ......................................................................................................................... 53

Section 6.2 Overall Income & Costs Summary ............................................................................................................. 54
Section 6.3 Principal Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Section 6.4 Teaching..................................................................................................................................................... 57
Section 6.5 Research & Enterprise Activity................................................................................................................... 65
Section 6.6 Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Section 6.7 Library Services ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Section 6.8 IT Services ................................................................................................................................................. 73
Section 6.9 Student Services ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Section 6.10 Registry .................................................................................................................................................... 81
Section 6.11 Finance..................................................................................................................................................... 85
Section 6.12 Human Resources & Staff Training ......................................................................................................... 89
Section 6.13 Marketing.................................................................................................................................................. 93
Section 6.14 Corporate Administration ......................................................................................................................... 97
Section 6.15 Facilities ................................................................................................................................................... 101
Section 6.16 Estates ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Section 6.17 Associated Activities ................................................................................................................................ 111
Section 6.18 Capital & Financing .................................................................................................................................. 113

The following section contains the comparative data tables for the University of Gloucestershire. For each table we show
the University’s actual value and a comparative figure for our chosen comparisons, the Peer Group, the Wider Group
and the University’s 2010/11 results. The final columns show variance from the Peer Group benchmark. Tribal’s
methodology uses various measures of activity to convert financial data into meaningful indicators for comparative
purposes. The measure used for each functional area is stated within each section. In order to make comparisons
visually, histograms present the results for each area for all institutions within the Wider Group. On each histogram, your
result is highlighted in blue, the Peer Group is highlighted in pink and your 2010/11 result is highlighted in orange.

The analysis recognises income and expenditure as separate items. Therefore when analysing income, if the University
is above benchmark the variance is shown as positive (or favourable), if the University is below benchmark the variance
is shown as negative (or unfavourable). For analysis of expenditure items, if the University’s expenditure is above
benchmark the variance is shown as negative (unfavourable), if expenditure is below benchmark the variance is shown
as positive (favourable). Analysis of FTE values is treated in the same way as expenditure. For our analysis of your
space (m ) a greater amount of space is shown as a positive variance. In some cases, your values are expressed as a
percentage. Variances are expressed as a percentage and are shown as either above benchmark (positive variance) or
below benchmark (negative variance).

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Section 6.1 Overall Financial Situation

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Overall Published Accounts Position

1. Total Income 69,249

2. Total Costs 64,861

3. Exceptional Items -1,199

4. Operating Surplus / (Deficit) 3,189

5. Revaluation Reserve 1,616

6. Historical Cost Surplus / (Deficit) 4,805

Items netted off by Tribal methodology

7. Income 1,505

8. Costs 1,505

9. Net Position 0

Revised Accounts Position

10. Total Income 67,744 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

11. Total Costs 62,939 92.9 % 91.8 % 92.8 % 90.5 % -738

12. Historical Cost Surplus / (Deficit) 4,805 7.1 % 8.2 % 7.2 % 9.5 % -738

This table details the University's published consolidated accounts. As per our standard methodology, we show certain income streams as a
reduction of cost (i.e. netted off), e.g. exam fee income, sale of teaching materials etc, the value of which is shown on lines 7 to 9. After these
adjustments we show revised accounts on lines 10 to 12.

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Section 6.2 Overall Income & Costs Summary

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group


1. Income 150 0.2 % 0.6 % 1.0 % 0.0 % -258

2. Costs 1,395 2.1 % 2.2 % 2.8 % 5.1 % 96

3. Net Position -1,245 -1.8 % -1.6 % -1.7 % -5.1 % -162

Capital & Financing

4. Income 1,302 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 19

5. Costs 5,537 8.2 % 6.0 % 6.9 % 9.5 % -1,483

6. Release from Revaluation Reserve 1,616 2.4 % 0.1 % 0.4 % 2.1 % 1,532

7. Net Position -2,619 -3.9 % -4.0 % -4.6 % -5.9 % 68

Principal Activities

8. Income 52,826 78.0 % 81.4 % 82.7 % 80.6 % -2,341

9. Academic Costs 23,378 34.5 % 34.4 % 37.6 % 35.2 % -43

10. Contribution 29,447 43.5 % 47.0 % 45.2 % 45.4 % -2,384

11. Support Costs 25,460 37.6 % 36.4 % 35.1 % 31.2 % -828

12. Surplus / (Deficit) 3,987 5.9 % 10.6 % 10.1 % 14.2 % -3,212

Associated Activities

13. Income 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

14. Costs 8,784 13.0 % 12.9 % 10.9 % 11.6 % -12

15. Contribution 4,682 6.9 % 3.1 % 3.5 % 6.3 % 2,568

This table details the breakdown of overall University activity to identify non-comparable items, capital and financing and associated activities,
therefore resulting in the identification of the University's principal activities.

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Section 6.3 Principal Activities

6.3.1. Principal Activities Summary

Principal Activities include:- Teaching, Research & Enterprise activity, Library Services, IT Services, Student Services, Registry, Finance, Human
Resources & Staff Training, Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

% Principal Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Principal Activities

1. Income 52,826 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

2. Costs 48,838 92.5 % 87.0 % 87.9 % 82.4 % -2,874

3. Surplus / (Deficit) 3,987 7.5 % 13.0 % 12.1 % 17.6 % -2,874

4. Net Depreciation Costs 1,412 2.7 % 4.0 % 4.0 % 2.5 % 711

5. Adjusted Surplus / (Deficit) 2,576 4.9 % 9.0 % 8.1 % 15.2 % -2,163

Supporting Data

6. Teaching Income 49,229 93.2 % 95.2 % 90.4 % 91.5 % -1,050

7. Research Income 3,091 5.9 % 2.4 % 6.6 % 5.4 % 1,807

8. Enterprise Income 505 1.0 % 2.4 % 2.9 % 3.1 % -757

9. Total Income 52,826 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the total principal income mix.

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6.3.2. Principal Activities Detail

% Principal Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Principal Activities

1. Income 52,826 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

2. Academic Activity Costs 23,378 44.3 % 42.3 % 45.4 % 43.6 % -1,025

3. Contribution 29,447 55.7 % 57.7 % 54.6 % 56.4 % -1,025

4. Support Costs 25,460 48.2 % 44.7 % 42.5 % 38.7 % -1,849

5. Surplus / (Deficit) 3,987 7.5 % 13.0 % 12.1 % 17.6 % -2,874

Pay Costs

6. Academic Activity 21,838 41.3 % 37.8 % 40.2 % 40.2 % -1,850

7. Support 12,689 24.0 % 19.4 % 19.3 % 21.6 % -2,447

8. Total 34,527 65.4 % 57.2 % 59.5 % 61.7 % -4,297

Non-Pay Costs

9. Academic Activity 1,540 2.9 % 4.5 % 5.3 % 3.5 % 825

10. Support 12,771 24.2 % 25.3 % 23.2 % 17.2 % 598

11. Total 14,311 27.1 % 29.8 % 28.4 % 20.6 % 1,423

This table details the breakdown of principal activities by academic and support functions, and into pay and non-pay costs.

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Section 6.4 Teaching

6.4.1. Teaching Contribution

Teaching comprises the activity delivered by the Faculties after separating out Research and Enterprise activity. It includes the
proportions of the following functions:- Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads of Department, Professors, Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers,
Lecturers, Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency Lecturers, Instructors, Academic Technicians, Placement Co-ordinators, Administrative Support, Invigilators
and Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Development.

% Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Teaching Income
1. Teaching Income (% of Total
49,229 93.2 % 95.2 % 90.4 % 91.5 % -1,050
Principal Income)
Teaching Contribution

2. Teaching Income 49,229 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

3. Pay Costs 18,188 36.9 % 33.6 % 34.1 % 36.5 % -1,658

4. Non-Pay Costs 833 1.7 % 3.1 % 2.8 % 1.8 % 696

5. Total Costs 19,021 38.6 % 36.7 % 36.9 % 38.3 % -962

6. Contribution 30,208 61.4 % 63.3 % 63.1 % 61.7 % -962

This table details the teaching contribution.

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6.4.2. Teaching Contribution - £ per FTE Student

£/FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Teaching Contribution

1. Teaching Income 49,229 6,886 7,311 7,630 6,664 -3,040

2. Pay Costs 18,188 2,544 2,450 2,604 2,432 -670

3. Non-Pay Costs 833 116 223 217 122 761

4. Total Costs 19,021 2,661 2,673 2,821 2,554 91

5. Contribution 30,208 4,225 4,638 4,809 4,110 -2,949

Supporting Data
6. Teaching Income per Delivery Staff
49,229 174 186 196 173 -6.1 %
FTE (£000s)
7. Overall FTE Student / Staff Ratio 7,149 25.3 25.5 25.8 26.0 -0.5 %

Supporting Data - HEFCE Price Groups

8. Student FTE in Price group A 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %

9. Student FTE in Price group B 1.9 % 6.4 % 11.1 % 1.0 % -4.5 %

10. Student FTE in Price group C 68.3 % 66.9 % 58.8 % 67.2 % 1.4 %

11. Student FTE in Price group D 29.8 % 26.7 % 30.1 % 31.8 % 3.1 %

This table details the teaching contribution, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.4.3. Teaching Income

% Teaching Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Teaching Income

1. Teaching Income (£ per FTE Student) 49,229 6,886 7,311 7,630 6,664 -3,040

Teaching Income Mix

2. Grants & Home / EU Fees 46,077 93.6 % 77.3 % 73.9 % 90.6 % 8,030

3. Health Contracts 0 0.0 % 10.7 % 9.2 % 0.0 % -5,287

4. Overseas Student Fees 2,369 4.8 % 9.5 % 14.4 % 6.7 % -2,300

5. Short Course Fees 613 1.2 % 1.8 % 2.2 % 1.5 % -250

6. Other 170 0.3 % 0.7 % 0.3 % 1.2 % -194

7. Total Teaching Income 49,229 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the teaching income, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.4.4. Teaching Pay Costs

£/FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Teaching Pay Costs

1. Total Teaching Pay Costs 18,188 2,544 2,450 2,604 2,432 -670

Delivery Pay Costs

2. Heads / Deans / Asst. Deans 90 13 31 18 34 128

3. Professors 507 71 31 81 53 -283

4. Principal Lecturers / Readers 2,247 314 219 301 340 -679

5. Senior Lecturers 9,227 1,291 1,216 1,095 1,146 -530

6. Lecturers 1,302 182 157 247 158 -179

7. Hourly Paid / Agency Lecturers 977 137 238 226 142 727

8. Instructors / Demonstrators 326 46 47 57 52 14

9. Total Delivery Pay Costs 14,675 2,053 1,940 2,024 1,925 -802

Teaching Support Pay Costs

10. School / Faculty Management 995 139 175 172 143 257

11. Technicians 632 88 102 141 86 94

12. Placement Co-ordinators 487 68 36 32 46 -232

13. Administrative Support 1,111 155 174 195 178 132

14. Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
281 39 21 35 53 -128
15. Invigilators * 7 1 2 5 1 9

16. Total Teaching Support Pay Costs 3,513 491 510 580 507 132

Supporting Data

17. Student FTEs 7,149 9,315 14,406 7,539 -2,165

* Invigilators will appear here if the institution buys in additional resource.

This table details the teaching staff pay costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.4.5. Teaching Staff Numbers

FTEs/10,000 FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Teaching Staff Numbers

1. Total Teaching Staff Numbers 370.3 518.0 535.6 540.1 513.8 12.6

Delivery Staff Numbers

2. Heads / Deans / Asst. Deans 1.1 1.5 4.0 2.2 4.0 1.8

3. Professors 6.9 9.6 4.4 10.2 6.8 -3.7

4. Principal Lecturers / Readers 34.9 48.8 34.2 45.5 54.5 -10.5

5. Senior Lecturers 175.6 245.6 228.0 199.6 225.0 -12.5

6. Lecturers 33.0 46.1 35.6 52.3 41.2 -7.5

7. Hourly Paid / Agency Lecturers 22.3 31.1 79.7 67.5 38.9 34.7

8. Instructors / Demonstrators 8.7 12.1 13.7 16.2 14.7 1.1

9. Total Delivery Staff Numbers 282.3 394.9 399.6 393.5 385.0 3.4

Teaching Support Staff Numbers

10. School / Faculty Management 12.3 17.1 23.5 21.1 18.4 4.5

11. Technicians 18.5 25.9 33.6 40.7 27.2 5.5

12. Placement Co-ordinators 13.8 19.2 10.6 9.5 12.5 -6.2

13. Administrative Support 36.6 51.2 63.0 65.9 58.2 8.4

14. Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
6.6 9.3 4.3 7.1 12.2 -3.5
15. Invigilators * 0.3 0.4 1.0 2.4 0.3 0.4
16. Total Teaching Support Staff
88.1 123.2 136.0 146.6 128.8 9.2
Supporting Data
17. Teaching Income per Delivery FTE
49,229 174 186 196 173 -3
Supporting Data - Student FTE

18. Student FTEs 7,149 9,315 14,406 7,539 -2,165

* Invigilators will appear here if the institution buys in additional resource.

This table details the teaching staff numbers, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.4.6. Teaching Delivery Staff Mix

% FTE Mix

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Delivery Staff Mix

1. Heads / Deans / Asst. Deans 1.1 0.4 % 1.0 % 0.6 % 1.0 % 1.8

2. Professors 6.9 2.4 % 1.2 % 2.5 % 1.8 % -3.5

3. Principal Lecturers / Readers 34.9 12.4 % 8.5 % 11.5 % 14.1 % -11.0

4. Senior Lecturers 175.6 62.2 % 57.0 % 51.0 % 58.4 % -14.8

5. Lecturers 33.0 11.7 % 9.3 % 13.4 % 10.7 % -6.7

6. Hourly Paid / Agency Lecturers 22.3 7.9 % 19.6 % 16.8 % 10.1 % 33.1

7. Instructors / Demonstrators 8.7 3.1 % 3.4 % 4.1 % 3.8 % 1.0

8. Total 282.3 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0.0

This table details mix of teaching delivery staff.

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6.4.7. Teaching Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Total Teaching Staff Average Pay Level

1. Overall Teaching Average Pay Level 49,111 45,805 48,250 47,332 -7.2 %

Delivery Staff Average Pay Level

2. Heads / Deans / Asst. Deans 83,800 80,008 84,731 84,222 -4.7 %

3. Professors 73,564 72,662 77,496 77,911 -1.2 %

4. Principal Lecturers / Readers 64,401 63,890 65,779 62,484 -0.8 %

5. Senior Lecturers 52,557 53,441 55,795 50,955 1.7 %

6. Lecturers 39,506 43,552 44,170 38,309 9.3 %

7. Hourly Paid / Agency Lecturers 43,857 30,964 34,170 36,528 -41.6 %

8. Instructors / Demonstrators 37,625 32,480 34,157 35,159 -15.8 %

9. Delivery Staff Average Pay Level 51,985 48,635 51,443 49,998 -6.9 %

Teaching Support Staff Average Pay Level

10. School / Faculty Management 81,161 75,420 82,504 77,864 -7.6 %

11. Technicians 34,167 29,349 34,373 31,830 -16.4 %

12. Placement Co-ordinators 35,413 32,921 34,076 36,753 -7.6 %

13. Administrative Support 30,351 27,949 29,710 30,507 -8.6 %

14. Teaching, Learning & Curriculum
42,450 51,370 50,758 43,486 17.4 %
15. Invigilators * 21,989 20,607 19,784 19,655 -6.7 %
16. Teaching Support Staff Average Pay
39,897 37,532 39,811 39,363 -6.3 %
* Invigilators will appear here if the institution buys in additional resource.

This table details the teaching staff average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.4.8. Teaching Non-Pay Costs

£/FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Teaching Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Teaching Non-Pay Costs 833 116 223 217 122 761

Teaching Non-Pay Costs

2. Teaching Consumables 65 9 36 55 18 190

3. Equipment / Furniture 295 41 45 49 28 26

4. Field Trips / Placement Costs 57 8 18 12 9 69

5. Staff Travel and Subsistence 145 20 33 44 27 94

6. Teacher Training Non-Pay Costs 151 21 71 29 16 355

7. Other Costs 220 31 52 62 49 149

8. Sub Total 932 130 254 251 146 884

9. Income -99 -14 -31 -34 -24 -123

10. Total Teaching Non-Pay Costs 833 116 223 217 122 761

Supporting Data

11. Student FTEs 7,149 9,315 14,406 7,539 -2,165

This table details the teaching non-pay costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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Section 6.5 Research & Enterprise Activity

6.5.1. Research & Enterprise Activity

Research & Enterprise activity includes the research and enterprise proportions of the following functions:- Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads
of Department, Professors, Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Visiting / Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency / External Lecturers,
Instructors, Academic Technicians, Administration Support, Researchers and Research Assistants. Together with direct non-pay costs associated with
this activity.

% Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Research & Enterprise Income

1. Research & Enterprise Income (% of
3,596 6.8 % 4.8 % 9.6 % 8.5 % 1,050
Total Principal Income)
Research & Enterprise Income

2. Publicly Funded Research 2,755 5.2 % 2.1 % 5.7 % 4.9 % 1,668

3. Non-Publicly Funded Research 336 0.6 % 0.4 % 1.0 % 0.5 % 139

4. Enterprise Activity 505 1.0 % 2.4 % 2.9 % 3.1 % -757

5. Total 3,596 6.8 % 4.8 % 9.6 % 8.5 % 1,050

Contribution Analysis

6. Income 3,596 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

7. Pay Costs 3,650 101.5 % 137.8 % 116.0 % 79.9 % 1,307

8. Non-Pay Costs 707 19.7 % 32.3 % 30.5 % 21.1 % 454

9. Total 4,357 121.2 % 170.1 % 146.5 % 101.0 % 1,761

10. Contribution -761 -21.2 % -70.1 % -46.5 % -1.0 % 1,761

Supporting Data
11. Research & Enterprise Income / Direct
3,596 83 70 71 86 554
Staff FTE (£000's) *
* Direct Staff includes researchers and commercial staff.

This table details the research and enterprise activity.

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6.5.2. Research & Enterprise Activity - Pay Costs


Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Research & Enterprise Pay Costs

1. Total Research & Enterprise Pay Costs
3,650 102 138 116 80 1,307
(£ / £100 Research & Enterprise Income)
Pay Costs (£ / £100 Income)

2. Academics 2,159 60 93 77 43 1,183

3. Researchers 251 7 13 13 14 216

4. Support Staff 1,240 34 32 27 23 -92

5. Total 3,650 102 138 116 80 1,307

Staff FTEs (per £1m Income)

6. Academics 36.2 10.1 16.8 13.2 7.2 24.0

7. Researchers 7.0 1.9 4.0 3.8 4.4 7.6

8. Support Staff 27.9 7.7 8.3 6.3 5.2 2.1

9. Total 71.1 19.8 29.1 23.4 16.8 33.6

Average Pay Levels

10. Academics 59,596 55,564 58,552 59,351 -7.3 %

11. Researchers 35,951 30,658 32,481 31,436 -17.3 %

12. Support Staff 44,522 41,796 44,176 44,574 -6.5 %

13. Overall Average Pay 51,367 47,714 49,972 47,496 -7.7 %

This table details the research and enterprise activity pay costs.

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Section 6.6 Support

6.6.1. Support Costs - % of Principal Income

Support includes the following functions:- Library Services, IT Services, Student Services, Registry, Finance, Human Resources & Staff Training,
Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

% Principal Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Support Costs

1. Support Costs 25,460 48.2 % 44.7 % 42.5 % 38.7 % -1,849

Support Costs

2. Library Services 1,349 2.6 % 3.0 % 2.9 % 3.3 % 220

3. IT Services 2,796 5.3 % 5.8 % 5.8 % 3.5 % 267

4. Student Services 4,952 9.4 % 5.9 % 5.1 % 6.2 % -1,835

5. Registry 1,886 3.6 % 3.6 % 3.6 % 2.9 % 23

6. Finance 1,359 2.6 % 2.1 % 2.1 % 2.4 % -273

7. HR & Staff Training 1,155 2.2 % 2.1 % 2.0 % 1.8 % -63

8. Marketing 3,196 6.0 % 4.4 % 5.0 % 4.8 % -893

9. Corporate Admin. 2,995 5.7 % 4.5 % 3.8 % 4.4 % -629

10. Facilities 918 1.7 % 1.5 % 1.3 % 1.8 % -116

11. Estates 4,855 9.2 % 11.9 % 10.8 % 7.6 % 1,452

This table details the total Support Costs, measured as a percentage of Principal Income.

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6.6.2. Support Costs


Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Support Costs

1. Support Costs (% Principal Income) 25,460 48.2 % 44.7 % 42.5 % 38.7 % -1,849

Support Costs
2. Library Services (£/On-Site FTE
1,349 186 239 252 246 385
3. IT Services (£/Staff & Student FTE) 2,796 340 400 432 227 498
4. Student Services (£/On-Site FTE
4,952 684 470 436 458 -1,546
5. Registry (£/Student Headcount) 1,886 144 178 201 146 447

6. Finance (£/£10,000 Total Income) 1,359 201 169 177 190 -218

7. HR & Staff Training (£/Staff FTE) 1,155 1,347 1,358 1,334 1,110 10

8. Marketing (£/£10,000 Total Income) 3,196 482 366 429 394 -770

9. Corporate Admin. (£/Staff FTE) 2,995 3,943 3,364 2,853 3,111 -439

10. Facilities (£/Staff & Student FTE) 918 112 106 101 113 -46
11. Estates (£/Staff & On-Site Student
4,855 607 871 830 507 2,117

This table details the total Support Costs.

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Section 6.7 Library Services

6.7.1. Library Services Costs

Library Services includes the following functions:- Library Services Management, Middle Management / Librarians, Senior Information / Resource
Assistants, Information / Resource Assistants, Administration and Shelvers. And non-pay costs of: Books, Magazines, Periodicals Electronic Media
and Library Consumables.

£/On-Site FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Library Services Costs

1. Total Library Services Costs 1,349 186 239 252 246 385

Library Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,020 141 133 143 218 -59

3. Non-Pay Costs 489 68 114 117 61 334

4. Total Costs 1,509 208 246 260 278 275

5. Income -160 -22 -7 -8 -32 110

6. Total 1,349 186 239 252 246 385

Supporting Data

7. Number of Libraries 3.0 3.6 3.2 4.0 -0.6

8. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the overall costs of Library Services, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.7.2. Library Services Staff Numbers

FTEs/10,000 On-Site FTE Students

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Library Services Staff Numbers

1. Total Library Services Staff Numbers 32.6 45.0 41.9 43.0 74.5 -2.3

Library Services Staff Numbers

2. Library Services Management 1.3 1.7 3.3 2.3 3.8 1.1

3. Middle Management / Librarians 9.8 13.6 10.1 9.6 19.3 -2.5

4. Senior Information / Resource
8.2 11.3 8.0 8.9 19.2 -2.4
5. Information / Resource Assistants 8.9 12.3 17.0 17.9 19.9 3.4

6. Administration 2.3 3.2 2.0 2.1 9.0 -0.9

7. Shelvers 2.1 2.8 1.6 2.3 3.3 -0.9

8. Total 32.6 45.0 41.9 43.0 74.5 -2.3

Supporting Data

9. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the staffing levels within Library Services, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.7.3. Library Services Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group
Overall Library Services Average Pay
1. Overall Library Services Average Pay
31,281 31,912 33,257 29,233 2.0 %
Library Services Average Pay Level

2. Library Services Management 59,851 63,216 71,794 55,274 5.3 %

3. Middle Management / Librarians 37,063 40,653 45,105 33,993 8.8 %

4. Senior Information / Resource
30,082 31,357 33,584 29,561 4.1 %
5. Information / Resource Assistants 25,000 24,619 25,192 23,116 -1.5 %

6. Administration 27,187 25,016 29,106 25,170 -8.7 %

7. Shelvers 22,872 17,123 18,110 17,513 -33.6 %

8. Overall Average Pay Level 31,281 31,912 33,257 29,233 2.0 %

This table details the Library Services average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.7.4. Library Services Non-Pay Costs

£/On-Site FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Library Services Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Library Services Non-Pay Costs 489 68 114 117 61 334

Library Services Non-Pay Costs

2. Books 63 9 27 26 32 136

3. Periodicals / Newspapers 309 43 60 71 15 128

4. Equipment / Consumables 16 2 9 5 3 49

5. Other Costs 102 14 17 16 11 20

6. Total 489 68 114 117 61 334

Supporting Data

7. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the Library Services non-pay costs, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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Section 6.8 IT Services

6.8.1. IT Services Costs

IT Services includes the following functions:- IT Services Management, Business Information Support, Network / Infrastructure Support, Client /
Workstation Support, Audio Visual Technicians and Non-Technical Administration. And non-pay costs of: Computer Hardware, Computer Software,
Maintenance, Licences Agreements, Telephones and Consumables.

£/Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total IT Services Costs

1. Total IT Services Costs 2,796 340 400 432 227 498

IT Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,886 229 220 232 161 -76

3. Non-Pay Costs 1,072 130 183 203 83 433

4. Total Costs 2,957 359 403 435 244 357

5. Income -162 -20 -2 -3 -17 141

6. Total 2,796 340 400 432 227 498

Total Costs Analysis

7. Central Department(s) % 2,879 97.4 % 93.4 % 89.8 % 92.8 % 116

8. Other Departments % 78 2.6 % 6.6 % 10.2 % 7.2 % -116

9. Total 2,957 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data
10. Capitalisation Threshold (Equipment)
5 4 11 5 -1
11. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the overall costs of IT Services, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.8.2. IT Services Staff Numbers

FTEs/10,000 Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total IT Services Staff Numbers

1. Total IT Services Staff Numbers 51.6 62.7 55.0 55.4 42.4 -6.4

IT Services Staff Numbers

2. IT Management 3.9 4.7 3.5 2.7 4.3 -1.0

3. Business Information Support 7.1 8.6 12.7 13.3 7.6 3.4

4. Network / Infrastructure Support 17.5 21.3 14.0 14.6 17.6 -5.9

5. Client / Workstation Support 19.2 23.3 17.4 17.6 5.9 -4.9

6. Audio Visual Technicians 3.0 3.6 4.8 4.7 5.9 0.9

7. Non-Technical 1.0 1.2 2.5 2.5 1.2 1.1

8. Total 51.6 62.7 55.0 55.4 42.4 -6.4

Supporting Data - Computers

9. Total Computers per 100 Staff & Student
2,410 30 25 28 29 417
10. Student Computers per 100 Student
1,090 32 20 24 15 926
11. Total Computers per Client /
2,410 126 147 175 482 -417
Workstation Support FTE
Supporting Data

12. % Staff outside Central Department(s) 0.7 1.3 % 2.7 % 5.9 % 8.3 % -1.5 %

13. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the staffing levels within IT Services, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.8.3. IT Services Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Overall IT Services Average Pay Level

1. Overall IT Services Average Pay
36,541 39,895 41,998 37,937 8.4 %
IT Services Average Pay Level

2. IT Management 61,560 73,345 77,283 61,002 16.1 %

3. Business Information Support 37,790 43,797 45,223 37,820 13.7 %

4. Network / Infrastructure Support 39,627 42,267 45,887 38,759 6.2 %

5. Client / Workstation Support 28,841 33,478 34,596 26,606 13.9 %

6. Audio Visual Technicians 34,832 32,811 35,079 31,641 -6.2 %

7. Non-Technical 30,373 27,645 31,793 29,136 -9.9 %

8. Overall Average Pay Level 36,541 39,895 41,998 37,937 8.4 %

This table details the IT Services average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.8.4. IT Services Non-Pay Costs

£/Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total IT Services Non-Pay Costs

1. Total IT Services Non-Pay Costs 1,072 130 183 203 83 433

IT Services Non-Pay Costs

2. Computer Hardware 10 1 56 65 6 447

3. Computer Software 205 25 49 51 20 199

4. Computer Maintenance 551 67 30 38 37 -304

5. Computer Consumables 42 5 10 13 5 38

6. Audio Visual Costs 1 0 7 6 0 57

7. Telephones 222 27 28 25 14 12

8. Other Costs 39 5 3 4 0 -17

9. Total 1,072 130 183 203 83 433

Supporting Data
10. % Non-Pay Costs outside Central
57 5.3 % 11.7 % 15.8 % 9.0 % -68
11. IT Equipment Depreciation (net) 1,014 123 94 66 107 -244
12. Capitalisation Threshold (Equipment)
5 4 11 5
Supporting Data - Staff & Student FTE

13. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the IT Services non-pay costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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Section 6.9 Student Services

6.9.1. Student Services Costs

Student Services includes the following functions:- Student Services Management, Careers Service, Counselling, Guidance / Support, Disability
Support, Chaplaincy and Medical Staff. And non-pay costs of: Student Bursaries, Student Welfare, and Careers Library.

£/On-Site FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Student Services Costs

1. Total Student Services Costs 4,952 684 470 436 458 -1,546

Student Services Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,508 208 145 157 192 -456

3. Non-Pay Costs 3,564 492 341 306 281 -1,091

4. Total Costs 5,073 700 487 463 473 -1,547

5. Income -121 -17 -17 -27 -15 1

6. Total 4,952 684 470 436 458 -1,546

Costs Analysis

7. Central Department(s) % 4,968 97.9 % 82.9 % 75.9 % 93.1 % 762

8. Other Departments % 105 2.1 % 17.1 % 24.1 % 6.9 % -762

9. Total 5,073 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data

10. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the overall Student Services costs, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.9.2. Student Services Staff Numbers

FTEs/10,000 On-Site FTE Students

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Student Services Staff Numbers

1. Total Student Services Staff Numbers 42.3 58.4 41.6 43.7 57.3 -12.2

Student Services Staff Numbers

2. Management Team 1.0 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.7 0.3

3. Careers Service 9.8 13.5 9.8 9.8 4.7 -2.6

4. Counselling 3.8 5.2 2.1 2.7 4.7 -2.2

5. Guidance / Support 14.9 20.5 14.6 14.7 25.2 -4.3

6. Disability Support 10.2 14.0 8.7 11.8 15.5 -3.8

7. Chaplaincy, Medical & Other 2.4 3.3 2.3 1.9 4.6 -0.7

8. General Administration 0.4 0.6 2.2 1.4 0.9 1.2

9. Total 42.3 58.4 41.6 43.7 57.3 -12.2

Supporting Data
10. % Staff outside Central
0.1 0.3 % 5.1 % 8.2 % 1.9 % -2.0
Supporting Data - Student FTE

11. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the staffing levels within Student Services, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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6.9.3. Student Services Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group
Overall Student Services Average Pay
1. Overall Student Services Average
35,633 35,111 36,856 33,489 -1.5 %
Pay Level
Student Services Average Pay Level

2. Management Team 79,303 70,056 74,020 86,913 -13.2 %

3. Careers Service 34,748 35,474 38,129 44,752 2.0 %

4. Counselling 44,932 41,873 42,646 42,251 -7.3 %

5. Guidance / Support 36,336 32,333 34,049 34,632 -12.4 %

6. Disability Support 27,266 37,058 37,038 19,711 26.4 %

7. Chaplaincy, Medical & Other 38,716 33,121 29,193 34,191 -16.9 %

8. General Administration 30,556 25,412 29,930 30,848 -20.2 %

9. Overall Average Pay Level 35,633 35,111 36,856 33,489 -1.5 %

This table details the Student Services average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.9.4. Student Services Non-Pay Costs

£/On-Site FTE Student

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Student Services Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Student Services Non-Pay
3,564 492 341 306 281 -1,091
Student Services Non-Pay Costs
2. Student Support Costs (inc.
3,517 486 337 301 276 -1,079
3. Careers Costs 12 2 2 2 2 2

4. Other Costs 34 5 3 3 4 -14

5. Total 3,564 492 341 306 281 -1,091

Supporting Data
6. % Non-Pay Costs outside Central
99 2.8 % 27.2 % 34.2 % 9.1 % -871
Supporting Data - Student FTE

7. On-Site Student FTE 7,243 8,818 14,255 7,427 -1,574

This table details the Student Services non-pay costs, measured by on-site full time equivalent (FTE) students.

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Section 6.10 Registry

6.10.1. Registry Costs

Registry includes the following functions:- Registry Management, Admissions, Student Records, Data Inputting, Quality, Management Information,
Examinations, Graduation and Awards, Timetabling and External Examiners. And non-pay costs of: UCAS Capitation Fee, External Examiners,
Validation and Graduation.

£/Student Headcount

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Registry Costs

1. Total Registry Costs 1,886 144 178 201 146 447

Registry Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,746 134 166 186 135 421

3. Non-Pay Costs 152 12 13 16 11 23

4. Total Costs 1,898 145 179 202 147 443

5. Income -12 -1 -1 -1 0 4

6. Total 1,886 144 178 201 146 447

Total Costs Analysis *

7. Central Department(s) % 1,779 93.2 % 73.1 % 65.9 % 88.8 % 383

8. Other Departments % 131 6.8 % 26.9 % 34.1 % 11.2 % -383

9. Total 1,909 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data

10. Student Headcount 13,076 15,472 21,685 10,804 -2,396

* Total Costs analysis excludes Graduation / Awards income and costs.

This table details the overall Registry costs, measured by student headcount.

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6.10.2. Registry Staff Numbers

FTE/10,000 Student Headcount

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Registry Staff Numbers

1. Total Registry Staff Numbers 44.0 33.7 47.4 53.3 36.1 18.0

Registry Staff Numbers

2. Registry Management 2.9 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.7 -0.3

3. Management Information 4.5 3.4 3.2 2.4 3.5 -0.4

4. Quality Assurance 11.6 8.8 9.6 8.8 7.2 1.0

5. Admissions 9.7 7.4 10.5 14.6 9.2 4.0

6. Student Records / Data Input 7.4 5.7 12.6 14.7 8.3 9.1

7. Examination 1.8 1.3 4.1 4.8 1.6 3.6

8. Graduation / Awards 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.9 0.0

9. Timetabling 3.8 2.9 3.5 3.9 2.1 0.8

10. General Administration 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2

11. Total 44.0 33.7 47.4 53.3 36.1 18.0

Supporting Data

12. % Staff outside Central Department(s) 2.4 5.4 % 30.0 % 34.1 % 10.6 % -10.9

Supporting Data - Student Headcount

13. Student Headcount 13,076 15,472 21,685 10,804 -2,396

This table details the staffing levels within Registry, measured by student headcount.

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6.10.3. Registry Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Overall Registry Average Pay Level

1. Overall Registry Average Pay Level 39,670 34,519 34,843 37,497 -14.9 %

Registry Average Pay Level

2. Registry Management 81,762 66,797 68,890 70,411 -22.4 %

3. Management Information 40,819 45,315 43,577 41,367 9.9 %

4. Quality Assurance 47,238 40,473 41,166 50,313 -16.7 %

5. Admissions 32,612 30,776 31,955 30,618 -6.0 %

6. Student Records / Data Input 29,782 29,567 30,701 29,100 -0.7 %

7. Examinations 30,540 30,501 32,156 40,330 -0.1 %

8. Graduation / Awards 32,891 30,696 32,622 34,462 -7.2 %

9. Timetabling 30,045 32,739 35,373 25,603 8.2 %

10. General Administration 28,541 23,033 29,637 31,089 -23.9 %

11. Overall Average Pay Level 39,670 34,519 34,843 37,497 -14.9 %

This table details the Registry average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.10.4. Registry Non-Pay Costs

£/Student Headcount

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Registry Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Registry Non-Pay Costs 152 12 13 16 11 23

Registry Non-Pay Costs

2. Exam Fees / Validation Costs -11 -1 2 3 -1 43

3. External Examiners Costs 63 5 8 10 6 36

4. Other Costs 111 8 4 4 6 -62

5. Total 163 12 14 17 12 16

6. Graduation / Awards (Net) -11 -1 0 -2 0 6

7. Total 152 12 13 16 11 23

Supporting Data - Graduation / Awards

8. Graduation / Awards Income -158 -12 -7 -10 -12 65

9. Graduation / Awards Costs 147 11 7 9 11 -58

10. Total -11 -1 0 -2 0 6

Supporting Data
11. % Non-Pay Costs outside Central
-11 -6.8 % 9.6 % 35.6 % 0.7 % -16.4 %
Department(s) *
12. Student Headcount 13,076 15,472 21,685 10,804 -2,396

* This figure excludes Graduation / Awards income and costs.

This table details the Registry non-pay costs, measured by student headcount.

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Section 6.11 Finance

6.11.1. Finance Costs

Finance includes the following functions:- Finance Management, Accountancy, Professional Reporting, Purchasing (including Purchase Ledger),
Payroll and Credit Control (including Sales Ledger). And non-pay costs of: Bank Charges, Payroll Charges, Audit Fee’s and Financial Advice.

£/£10,000 Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Finance Costs

1. Total Finance Costs 1,359 201 169 177 190 -218

Finance Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,231 182 148 151 174 -231

3. Non-Pay Costs 186 28 23 29 27 -29

4. Total Costs 1,417 210 171 181 201 -260

5. Income -58 -9 -2 -3 -11 42

6. Total 1,359 201 169 177 190 -218

Costs Analysis

7. Central Department(s) % 1,377 97.2 % 95.9 % 92.3 % 99.5 % 18

8. Other Departments % 40 2.8 % 4.1 % 7.7 % 0.5 % -18

9. Total 1,417 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data

10. Total Income 67,594 86,233 146,332 68,119 -18,640

This table details the overall Finance costs, measured by total income.

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6.11.2. Finance Staff Numbers

FTE/£100m Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Finance Staff Numbers

1. Total Finance Staff Numbers 34.2 50.6 38.3 39.1 47.2 -8.3

Finance Staff Numbers

2. Finance Management 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 0.4

3. Accountancy, Professional Reporting 11.9 17.5 10.3 12.2 20.7 -4.9

4. Purchasing (inc Purchase Ledger) 8.4 12.4 9.5 10.5 8.8 -2.0

5. Payroll 3.0 4.4 4.6 3.9 3.6 0.1

6. Credit Control (inc Sales Ledger) 9.5 14.0 10.7 9.4 10.9 -2.3

7. Other 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.4 1.3 0.3

8. Total 34.2 50.6 38.3 39.1 47.2 -8.3

Supporting Data
9. % Staff outside Central
1.3 3.8 % 4.5 % 9.7 % 0.8 % -0.2
Supporting Data - Income

10. Total Income 67,594 86,233 146,332 68,119 -18,640

This table details the staffing levels within Finance, measured by total income.

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6.11.3. Finance Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Overall Finance Average Pay Level

1. Overall Finance Average Pay Level 35,949 38,372 38,812 36,921 6.3 %

Finance Average Pay Level

2. Finance Management 81,738 80,140 87,405 83,527 -2.0 %

3. Accountancy, Professional Reporting 39,382 43,793 44,792 41,977 10.1 %

4. Purchasing (inc Purchase Ledger) 34,216 32,183 33,132 30,189 -6.3 %

5. Payroll 34,805 35,714 36,861 33,164 2.5 %

6. Credit Control (inc Sales Ledger) 29,316 31,764 31,366 26,236 7.7 %

7. Other 23,890 27,316 31,486 32,228 12.5 %

8. Overall Average Pay Level 35,949 38,372 38,812 36,921 6.3 %

This table details the Finance average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.11.4. Finance Non-Pay Costs

£/£10,000 Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Finance Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Finance Non-Pay Costs 186 28 23 29 27 -29

Finance Non-Pay Costs

2. Internal Audit Fees 41 6 6 7 8 -4

3. External Audit Fees 52 8 6 4 9 -8

4. Other Fees 39 6 3 5 2 -21

5. Payroll Bureau Costs 0 0 1 2 0 5

6. Bank Charges 54 8 8 11 8 -2

7. Total 186 28 23 29 27 -29

Supporting Data

8. Total Income 67,594 86,233 146,332 68,119 -18,640

This table details the Finance non-pay costs, measured by total income.

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Section 6.12 Human Resources & Staff Training

6.12.1. Human Resources & Staff Training Costs

Human Resources & Staff Training includes the following functions:- HR Management, HR Professionals, Staff Welfare, Staff Training /
Development and HR Administration / Systems. And non-pay costs of: Occupational Health and Staff Training.

£/Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total HR & Staff Training Costs

1. Total HR & Staff Training Costs 1,155 1,347 1,358 1,334 1,110 10

HR & Staff Training Costs

2. Pay Costs 808 942 812 820 730 -112

3. Non-Pay Costs 347 404 546 521 380 122

4. Total Costs 1,155 1,347 1,359 1,342 1,110 10

5. Income 0 0 0 -8 0 0

6. Total 1,155 1,347 1,358 1,334 1,110 10

Costs Analysis

7. Central Department(s) % 1,028 89.0 % 83.1 % 80.6 % 87.3 % 69

8. Other Departments % 127 11.0 % 16.9 % 19.4 % 12.7 % -69

9. Total 1,155 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data

10. Staff FTE 857 1,081 1,867 902 -223

This table details the overall Human Resources & Staff Training costs, measured by staff FTE.

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6.12.2. Human Resources & Staff Training Staff Numbers

FTE/1,000 Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total HR & Staff Training Staff Numbers

1. Total HR & Staff Training Staff
17.8 20.7 20.1 19.1 19.1 -0.6
HR & Staff Training Staff Numbers

2. HR Management 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.2 1.3 0.2

3. HR Professionals 5.2 6.1 5.3 5.6 3.2 -0.7

4. Staff Welfare 1.4 1.7 1.2 0.9 2.6 -0.4

5. Administration / Systems 6.0 7.0 5.5 5.7 6.6 -1.3

6. Human Resources Total 13.9 16.2 13.7 13.4 13.6 -2.1

7. Staff Training / Development 3.9 4.6 6.4 5.8 5.5 1.5

8. Total 17.8 20.7 20.1 19.1 19.1 -0.6

Supporting Data
9. % Staff outside Central
0.0 0.0 % 4.5 % 5.2 % 0.3 % -0.8
Supporting Data - Staff FTE

10. Staff FTE 857 1,081 1,867 902 -223

This table details the staffing levels within Human Resources & Staff Training, measured by staff FTE.

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6.12.3. Human Resources & Staff Training Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group
Overall HR & Staff Training Average Pay
1. Overall HR & Staff Training Average
45,443 40,543 42,802 38,225 -12.1 %
Pay Level
HR & Staff Training Average Pay Level

2. HR Management 97,033 74,750 86,084 85,793 -29.8 %

3. HR Professionals 52,532 41,644 47,234 39,158 -26.1 %

4. Staff Welfare 61,359 33,231 39,609 46,231 -84.6 %

5. Administration / Systems 29,390 28,906 29,738 28,285 -1.7 %

6. Staff Training / Development 39,212 42,154 43,402 34,581 7.0 %

7. Overall Average Pay Level 45,443 40,543 42,802 38,225 -12.1 %

This table details the Human Resources & Staff Training average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.12.4. Human Resources & Staff Training Non-Pay Costs

£/Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group
Total HR & Staff Training Non-Pay
1. Total HR & Staff Training Non-Pay
347 404 546 521 380 122
HR & Staff Training Non-Pay Costs

2. Recruitment Costs 48 56 192 136 216 117

3. Occupational Health Costs 5 6 21 25 4 13

4. Other Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0

5. Human Resources Total 53 62 213 160 220 129

6. Staff Training Non-Pay Costs 294 343 334 361 160 -8

7. Total 347 404 546 521 380 122

Supporting Data
8. % Non-Pay Costs outside Central
127 36.6 % 36.2 % 41.7 % 36.3 % 1
Supporting Data - Staff FTE

9. Staff FTE 857 1,081 1,867 902 -223

This table details the Human Resources & Staff Training non-pay costs, measured by staff FTE.

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Section 6.13 Marketing

6.13.1. Marketing Costs

Marketing includes the following functions:- Marketing Management, UK and European Marketing, Overseas Marketing, Corporate Web and
Graphic Design, Press Office / PR / Communications, Alumni, Fundraising and Student Ambassadors. And non-pay costs of: Publicity, Brochure,
Marketing Travel, Overseas Agents and Other Promotional Costs.

£/£10,000 Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Marketing Costs

1. Total Marketing Costs 3,196 482 366 429 394 -770

Marketing Costs

2. Pay Costs 1,631 246 151 190 204 -633

3. Non-Pay Costs 1,568 236 217 240 196 -129

4. Total Costs 3,199 483 368 430 400 -763

5. Income -3 -1 -2 -1 -6 -7

6. Total 3,196 482 366 429 394 -770

Costs Analysis

7. Central Department(s) % 3,052 95.4 % 86.3 % 79.0 % 89.7 % 292

8. Other Departments % 147 4.6 % 13.7 % 21.0 % 10.3 % -292

9. Total 3,199 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

Supporting Data

10. Total Income 66,291 84,639 143,460 67,054 -18,348

This table details the overall Marketing costs, measured by total income.

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6.13.2. Marketing Staff Numbers

FTE/£100m Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Marketing Staff Numbers

1. Total Marketing Staff Numbers 43.4 65.5 43.4 51.6 57.1 -14.6

Marketing Staff Numbers

2. Marketing Management 2.7 4.0 2.5 2.1 3.8 -1.0

3. UK / EU Marketing 17.9 27.0 14.7 16.2 12.4 -8.1

4. Overseas Marketing 7.6 11.5 6.6 10.1 13.6 -3.3

5. Corporate Web / Graphic Design 4.3 6.5 8.0 7.6 8.4 1.0

6. Press Office / PR / Communications 4.1 6.2 5.2 5.9 6.3 -0.6

7. Alumni Office / Fundraising 2.8 4.2 2.8 5.0 6.9 -0.9

8. Other 4.0 6.0 3.7 4.6 5.7 -1.6

9. Total 43.4 65.5 43.4 51.6 57.1 -14.6

Supporting Data
10. % Staff outside Central
1.6 3.7 % 11.3 % 20.9 % 3.6 % -3.3
Supporting Data - Income

11. Total Income 66,291 84,639 143,460 67,054 -18,348

This table details the staffing levels within Marketing, measured by total income.

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6.13.3. Marketing Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Overall Marketing Average Pay Level

1. Overall Marketing Average Pay Level 37,594 34,575 36,896 35,729 -8.7 %

Marketing Average Pay Level

2. Marketing Management 84,946 69,637 73,290 79,302 -22.0 %

3. UK / EU Marketing 37,272 34,643 36,487 36,091 -7.6 %

4. Overseas Marketing 40,448 39,690 43,293 34,847 -1.9 %

5. Corporate Web / Graphic Design 33,453 34,735 35,445 31,346 3.7 %

6. Press Office / PR / Communications 35,217 32,723 36,285 33,594 -7.6 %

7. Alumni Office / Fundraising 32,753 28,745 33,886 40,219 -13.9 %

8. Other 12,369 15,495 16,542 11,351 20.2 %

9. Overall Average Pay Level 37,594 34,575 36,896 35,729 -8.7 %

This table details the Marketing average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.13.4. Marketing Non-Pay Costs

£/£10,000 Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Marketing Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Marketing Non-Pay Costs 1,568 236 217 240 196 -129

UK / EU Marketing Non-Pay Costs

2. Materials 244 37 38 40 21 6

3. Advertising 337 51 36 41 49 -101

4. Travel 21 3 3 4 3 -1

5. Other 183 28 24 21 25 -24

6. Total 785 118 100 106 98 -120

Overseas Marketing Non-Pay Costs

7. Materials 15 2 7 8 0 32

8. Advertising 45 7 2 7 9 -33

9. Travel 308 47 8 13 25 -254

10. Other 414 62 99 106 64 245

11. Total 783 118 117 134 97 -10

Supporting Data
12. % Non-Pay Costs outside Central
40 2.5 % 17.4 % 21.4 % 14.4 % -232
Supporting Data - Income

13. Total Income 66,291 84,639 143,460 67,054 -18,348

This table details the Marketing non-pay costs, measured by total income.

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Section 6.14 Corporate Administration

6.14.1. Corporate Administration Costs

Corporate Administration includes the following functions:- Senior Management, Policy, Legal, Clerk to the Board, Strategic Planning, Projects,
Senior Secretarial Personal Assistants. And non-pay costs of: Hospitality, Non-Property insurance, Legal and Consultancy Costs, Corporate
Subscriptions, Staff travel and General Equipment.

£/Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Corporate Administration Costs

1. Total Corporate Administration Costs 2,995 3,943 3,364 2,853 3,111 -439

Corporate Administration Costs

2. Pay Costs 2,072 2,728 1,938 1,630 2,150 -600

3. Non-Pay Costs 920 1,211 1,433 1,229 987 169

4. Total Costs 2,992 3,939 3,372 2,859 3,136 -431

5. Income 3 4 -7 -6 -26 -8

6. Total 2,995 3,943 3,364 2,853 3,111 -439

Supporting Data

7. Staff FTE 760 937 1,628 783 -177

This table details the overall Corporate Administration costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff.

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6.14.2. Corporate Administration Staff Numbers

FTE/1,000 Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Corporate Admin. Staff Numbers

1. Total Corporate Administration Staff
29.7 39.1 25.8 21.9 32.0 -10.1
Corporate Admin. Staff Numbers

2. Senior Management 5.0 6.6 5.5 3.8 6.3 -0.8

3. Policy / Legal / Strategy 9.2 12.2 7.6 6.5 9.3 -3.4

4. Planning / Projects 8.6 11.3 4.1 4.8 5.6 -5.5

5. Senior Secretarial / PA 5.8 7.7 8.2 6.2 9.2 0.4

6. Other 1.1 1.4 0.4 0.6 1.7 -0.8

7. Total 29.7 39.1 25.8 21.9 32.0 -10.1

Supporting Data

8. Staff FTE 760 937 1,628 783 -177

This table details the staffing levels within Corporate Administration, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff.

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6.14.3. Corporate Administration Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group
Overall Corporate Admin. Average Pay
1. Overall Corporate Admin. Average
69,792 75,416 75,245 67,256 7.5 %
Pay Level
Corporate Admin. Average Pay Level

2. Senior Management 140,629 161,314 177,338 132,021 12.8 %

3. Policy / Legal / Strategy 80,075 77,262 80,923 76,682 -3.6 %

4. Planning / Projects 46,389 45,482 47,576 48,213 -2.0 %

5. Senior Secretarial / PA 33,890 33,367 33,774 31,754 -1.6 %

6. Other 34,522 17,783 32,931 30,728 -94.1 %

7. Overall Average Pay Level 69,792 75,416 75,245 67,256 7.5 %

This table details the Corporate Administration average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.14.4. Corporate Administration Non-Pay Costs

£/Staff FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Corporate Admin. Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Corporate Admin. Non-Pay
920 1,211 1,433 1,229 987 169
Corporate Administration Non-Pay
2. Equipment & Consumables 35 46 76 54 17 23

3. Insurance (Non-Property) 130 171 134 140 200 -28

4. Subscriptions 178 235 259 205 150 19

5. Hospitality 145 191 313 217 276 93

6. Other Professional Fees 283 373 302 312 114 -54

7. Support Travel * 75 98 144 127 81 35

8. Legal Fees 56 74 136 136 147 47

9. Other Costs 18 23 68 37 0 34

10. Total 920 1,211 1,433 1,229 987 169

Supporting Data

11. Staff FTE 760 937 1,628 783 -177

* Travel will exclude marketing and promotional travel costs

This table details the Corporate Administration non-pay costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff.

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Section 6.15 Facilities

6.15.1. Facilities Costs

Facilities includes the following functions:- Printroom, Reception, Switchboard and Post Room. And non-pay costs of: Printing, Stationary, Post
and Transport including Inter-Site Bus.

£/Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Facilities Costs

1. Total Facilities Costs 918 112 106 101 113 -46

Facilities Costs

2. Pay Costs 225 27 38 35 46 92

3. Non-Pay Costs 697 85 74 78 68 -89

4. Total Costs 922 112 112 114 114 3

5. Income -4 0 -6 -13 -1 -49

6. Total 918 112 106 101 113 -46

Supporting Data

7. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the overall Facilities costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.15.2. Facilities Staff Numbers

FTEs/10,000 Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Facilities Staff Numbers

1. Total Facilities Staff Numbers 8.6 10.4 14.5 13.1 16.8 3.4

Facilities Staff Numbers

2. Printroom 2.1 2.6 3.9 3.7 3.1 1.1

3. Reception / Switchboard 5.1 6.2 7.7 6.6 10.7 1.2

4. Post Room 1.4 1.7 2.9 2.8 3.0 1.0

5. Total 8.6 10.4 14.5 13.1 16.8 3.4

Supporting Data

6. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the staffing levels within Facilities, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.15.3. Facilities Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Overall Facilities Average Pay Level

1. Overall Facilities Average Pay Level 26,196 25,622 26,748 27,435 -2.2 %

Facilities Average Pay Level

2. Printroom 28,555 28,045 30,761 35,624 -1.8 %

3. Reception / Switchboard 25,615 25,093 25,014 25,637 -2.1 %

4. Post Room 24,705 24,089 26,503 25,460 -2.6 %

5. Overall Average Pay Level 26,196 25,622 26,748 27,435 -2.2 %

This table details the Facilities average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.15.4. Facilities Non-Pay Costs

£/Staff & Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Facilities Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Facilities Non-Pay Costs 697 85 74 78 68 -89

Facilities Non-Pay Costs

2. Post 172 21 15 17 11 -52

3. Printing & Stationery 329 40 39 49 45 -9

4. Transport 196 24 20 13 12 -28

5. Total 697 85 74 78 68 -89

Supporting Data

6. Staff & Student FTE 8,231 10,349 16,309 8,545 -2,118

This table details the Facilities non-pay costs, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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Section 6.16 Estates

6.16.1. Estates Costs

Estates includes the following functions:- Estates Management, Specialist Staff (Surveyors, Health and Safety), all Premises related
Administration, Maintenance (Plumbers, Electricians), Operatives, Groundsmen, Gardeners, Security, Car Park and Cleaning (excluding Residences).
And non-pay costs of: Utilities, Grounds, Repairs & Maintenance, Property Insurance, Property Related Consultancy and Cleaning (excluding


Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Estates Costs

1. Total Estates Costs (£ / Staff & On-
4,855 607 871 830 507 2,117
site Student FTE)
2. Total Estates Costs (£ / m²) 4,855 120 154 134 106 1,381

Total Estates Space

3. Total Space (m² per 100 Staff & On-
40,521 506.3 563.1 654.5 479.2 4,541
site Student FTE)
Supporting Data

4. Staff & On-site Student FTE 8,003 9,754 15,883 8,210 -1,752

This table details the overall costs of Estates, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.16.2. Estates Space

m²/100 Staff & Onsite Student FTE

Your Peer Wider
Actual m² 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (m² (000s))
Ratio Group Group

Total Estates Space

1. Total Space 40.5 506.3 563.1 654.5 479.2 4.5

Teaching & Research Space

2. General Teaching Rooms 7.9 99.2 96.2 105.6 89.3 -0.2

3. Lecture Theatres 0.5 6.5 16.2 19.1 6.5 0.8

4. Teaching Labs / Workshops 1.8 22.2 39.5 63.0 10.9 1.4

5. Computer Rooms 1.7 20.7 17.0 19.0 14.0 -0.3

6. Dedicated Research 0.3 3.3 8.6 25.9 7.6 0.4

7. Total Teaching & Research 12.2 151.8 177.5 232.7 128.2 2.1

Indirect Space

8. Library / LRC 3.3 40.8 46.6 40.2 39.0 0.5

9. Sports Hall / Function Halls 0.9 11.8 28.0 20.3 13.0 1.3

10. Catering 2.6 31.9 23.5 16.5 26.4 -0.7

11. Crèche / Nursery 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.9 0.0 0.1

12. Administration / Offices 10.1 126.8 97.6 128.6 117.1 -2.3

13. Prep Rooms / Toilets / Stores 1.9 23.5 70.8 67.2 47.2 3.8

14. Public Space / Corridors 9.6 119.8 118.1 148.1 108.4 -0.1

15. Total Indirect 28.4 354.5 385.6 421.8 351.0 2.5

Average Room Size (m²)

16. General Teaching Rooms 7.9 66.7 48.7 57.7 83.3 -37.0 %

17. Lecture Theatres 0.5 174.3 118.6 116.8 177.7 -47.0 %

18. Teaching Labs / Workshops 1.8 40.4 53.4 56.6 49.8 24.4 %

19. Computer Rooms 1.7 37.6 60.7 56.7 63.7 38.1 %

20. Overall Average Teaching Room 11.9 56.6 51.7 55.7 78.0 -9.5 %

Supporting Data

21. Staff & On-site Student FTE 8,003 9,754 15,883 8,210 -1,752

This table details the overall Estates space, measured by full time equivalent (FTE) staff and students.

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6.16.3. Owned Estates Costs


Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Estates Costs

1. Total Estates Costs 4,855 120 154 134 106 1,381

Estates Costs

2. Owned & Permanently Leased 4,786 118 146 131 106 1,124

3. Rented & Occasionally Rented 68 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Owned & Permanently Leased

4. Pay Costs 562 13.9 18.3 18.2 16.8 180

5. Non-Pay Costs 4,228 104.3 127.6 112.9 89.7 943

6. Total Costs 4,789 118.2 145.9 131.1 106.5 1,123

7. Income -3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.7 1

8. Total 4,786 118.1 145.8 130.9 105.8 1,124

Supporting Data

9. Owned m² 40,521 55,596 101,163 39,344 -15,075

This table details the overall costs of owned Estates, measured by owned square metres.

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6.16.4. Estates Staff Numbers

FTEs/100,000 Owned m²

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (FTEs)
Ratio Group Group

Total Estates Staff Numbers

1. Total Estates Staff Numbers 14.0 34.5 53.3 50.9 44.7 7.6

Estates Staff Numbers

2. Estates Management 2.9 7.0 5.0 3.2 8.0 -0.8

3. Specialist 2.3 5.7 12.4 13.9 9.0 2.7

4. Administration 6.9 17.0 11.8 9.7 11.2 -2.1

5. Operatives 2.0 4.8 24.2 24.2 16.5 7.8

6. Total 14.0 34.5 53.3 50.9 44.7 7.6

Supporting Data

7. Owned m² 40,521 55,596 101,163 39,344 -15,075

This table details the staffing levels within Estates, measured by owned square metres.

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6.16.5. Estates Average Pay Levels

Your Peer Wider

2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (%)
£/FTE Group Group

Total Estates Average Pay Levels

1. Overall Estates Average Pay Level 40,129 34,313 36,283 37,550 -17.0 %

Estates Average Pay Levels

2. Estates Management 62,666 70,390 81,609 68,236 11.0 %

3. Administration 29,363 26,441 28,886 26,095 -11.1 %

4. Specialist 50,019 42,079 45,898 46,896 -18.9 %

5. Operatives 33,567 26,726 26,891 25,319 -25.6 %

6. Overall Average Pay Level 40,129 34,313 36,283 37,550 -17.0 %

This table details the Estates average pay levels (inclusive of NI and pensions).

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6.16.6. Owned Estates Non-Pay Costs

£/Owned m²

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Total Owned Estates Non-Pay Costs

1. Total Owned & Permanently Leased
4,228 104.33 127.59 112.91 89.70 943
Non-Pay Costs
Owned Estates Non-Pay Costs

2. Rates 107 2.64 3.40 3.66 4.25 31

3. Insurance (Property) 108 2.67 2.27 2.07 2.89 -16

4. Water / Sewerage 71 1.74 2.92 2.28 3.95 48

5. Energy 683 16.86 17.60 19.25 14.20 30

6. Cleaning * 472 11.64 13.98 12.85 14.23 95

7. Repairs & Maintenance * 1,876 46.29 47.80 42.06 25.80 62

8. Grounds Maintenance * 99 2.43 6.49 3.24 3.57 164

9. Security * 611 15.09 10.10 11.57 16.75 -202

10. Professional Fees 42 1.05 1.84 2.43 0.67 32

11. Refuse Disposal / Environmental
109 2.69 1.83 1.63 2.36 -35
12. Health & Safety 0 0.00 0.43 0.35 0.06 17

13. Other Costs 50 1.23 0.83 0.91 0.97 -16

14. Long Term Lease Charges 0 0.00 18.12 10.60 0.00 734

15. Total 4,228 104.33 127.59 112.91 89.70 943

Supporting Data

16. Depreciation & Lease Costs 2,682 66.19 55.48 57.89 58.87 -434
17. Release from Revaluation Reserve
-1,616 -39.88 -2.42 -5.95 -35.76 1,518
18. Release of Capital Grants -538 -13.27 -14.57 -14.51 -12.47 -53

Supporting Data - Space

19. Owned m² 40,521 55,596 101,163 39,344 -15,075

* To facilitate comparisons of services which may be contracted out we have included pay costs where applicable.

This table details the non-pay costs of owned Estates, measured by owned square metres.

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Section 6.17 Associated Activities

6.17.1. Associated Activities - Volume

Associated Activities include:- Catering, Residences, Accommodation Office, Crèche and Nursery, Shops, Franchising / Licensing, Student Union /
Sports, Widening Participation, Other Funding Council Grants, Lettings, Donations and Other Associated Activities.

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Associated Activities

1. Income 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

2. Costs 8,784 13.0 % 12.9 % 10.9 % 11.6 % -12

3. Contribution 4,682 6.9 % 3.1 % 3.5 % 6.3 % 2,568


4. Catering 969 1.4 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 1.0 % -306

5. Residences (inc. Accommodation office) 5,704 8.4 % 5.4 % 4.6 % 7.8 % 2,052

6. Crèche / Nursery 0 0.0 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 % -82

7. Shops 0 0.0 % 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 % -49

8. Franchising / Licensing 5,128 7.6 % 5.3 % 4.0 % 5.3 % 1,552

9. Student Union / Sports 255 0.4 % 0.1 % 0.4 % 0.5 % 157

10. Widening Participation 181 0.3 % 0.8 % 0.3 % 0.6 % -382

11. Other Funding Council Grants 533 0.8 % 1.3 % 0.8 % 0.8 % -314

12. Lettings 94 0.1 % 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.2 % -36

13. Donations 53 0.1 % 0.0 % 0.2 % 0.1 % 42

14. Other Associated Activities 550 0.8 % 0.9 % 2.0 % 1.6 % -52

15. Total 13,466 19.9 % 16.1 % 14.3 % 17.9 % 2,580

This table details the volume of each associated activity.

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6.17.2. Associated Activities - Contribution

% Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group


1. Income 969 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

2. Costs 988 102.0 % 103.4 % 102.8 % 93.5 % 14

3. Contribution -19 -2.0 % -3.4 % -2.8 % 6.5 % 14

Residences (inc. Accommodation office)

4. Income 5,704 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

5. Costs 3,545 62.1 % 84.5 % 68.8 % 51.4 % 1,274

6. Contribution 2,160 37.9 % 15.5 % 31.2 % 48.6 % 1,274

Crèche / Nursery

7. Income 0 0.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0.0 % 0

8. Costs 0 0.0 % 98.6 % 105.5 % 0.0 % 0

9. Contribution 0 0.0 % 1.4 % -5.5 % 0.0 % 0


10. Income 0 0.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0.0 % 0

11. Costs 0 0.0 % 104.8 % 91.1 % 0.0 % 0

12. Contribution 0 0.0 % -4.8 % 8.9 % 0.0 % 0

Franchising / Licensing

13. Income 5,128 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

14. Costs 2,248 43.8 % 75.1 % 67.6 % 53.2 % 1,601

15. Contribution 2,881 56.2 % 24.9 % 32.4 % 46.8 % 1,601

This table details the contribution of each associated activity.

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Section 6.18 Capital & Financing

Capital & Financing includes:- Depreciation, Capital Grant releases, Interest Income, Release from Revaluation Reserve, Debt Servicing Charges
and Bad Debts.

% Total Income

Your Peer Wider
Actual 2010/11 Variance from Peer Group (£000s)
Ratio Group Group

Capital & Financing

1. Income 1,302 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 19

2. Costs 5,537 8.2 % 6.0 % 6.9 % 9.5 % -1,483

3. Release from Revaluation Reserve 1,616 2.4 % 0.1 % 0.4 % 2.1 % 1,532

4. Net Position -2,619 -3.9 % -4.0 % -4.6 % -5.9 % 68


5. Capital Grant Release 1,092 1.6 % 1.3 % 1.4 % 1.4 % 203

6. Inherited Liabilities 50 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 % 0.0 % -34

7. Interest Income 160 0.2 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.2 % -150

8. Total 1,302 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.9 % 1.6 % 19


9. Debt Servicing Charges 1,363 2.0 % 1.0 % 1.5 % 2.9 % -688

10. Depreciation 4,120 6.1 % 4.7 % 5.0 % 5.5 % -929

11. Bad Debt Write-off 54 0.1 % 0.3 % 0.3 % 1.1 % 134

12. Total 5,537 8.2 % 6.0 % 6.9 % 9.5 % -1,483

Supporting Data (£000s)

13. Capitalisation Threshold (Equipment) 5 4 11 5 -1

This table details the capital and financing items that are excluded from our main analysis. The actual values and the elements within each line
are predominately unique to each university as they are dependent on corporate strategies on estates, investments, borrowings etc. We therefore
make no comparative judgement on them.

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Section 7 Faculty Analysis

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Section 7 Faculty Analysis

In this section the overall analysis of your academic activities (teaching, research and other enterprise activities) is
broken down across your individual faculties. This provides an internal comparison of the faculties against each other.
We then also provide, where possible, an external comparison for each faculty.

As per our standard methodology, the analysis of the faculties includes all income, costs and staff involved in teaching,
research and enterprise activities, and excludes all other activities that may be undertaken within a particular faculty but
which are primarily regarded as an overhead or support function (e.g. registry, marketing, etc). This then enables us to
provide a realistic comparable benchmark analysis, regardless of the level of devolvement within individual institutions.

The external faculty benchmarks are chosen by reference to student activity within HESA academic cost centres, to give
more relevant benchmarks for each individual faculty. This approach results in much smaller groups of comparator
institutions, with different groups for each faculty Due to these different comparison groups at faculty level, and the fact
that some faculties in some institutions may have no suitable comparators at all, it is NOT possible to reconcile the
overall institutional results for teaching and research activities with the aggregate results for the individual faculty.

An analysis has been provided for the following faculties (please note the Institute has been separated out from BEPS):
• Applied Sciences
• Business
• Institute of Education & Public Services
• Media, Art & Technology

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Section 7.1 Internal Faculty Analysis

The graph illustrates the overall contribution (academic related income less academic related costs divided by academic related
income) of each faculty

Overall Academic Activity Teaching Activity Research / Enterprise Activity

Contribution %

Contribution %

Contribution %
Income £000s

Income £000s

Income £000s


Cost £000s

Cost £000s

Cost £000s

Contribution by



1. Overall 52,826 23,097 29,729 56.3 % 49,229 18,740 30,490 61.9 % 3,596 4,357 -761 -21.2 %
2. Applied Sciences 16,232 6,912 9,320 57.4 % 15,781 5,994 9,788 62.0 % 450 918 -468 -103.8 %
3. Business 9,008 3,944 5,064 56.2 % 7,801 3,207 4,594 58.9 % 1,207 736 471 39.0 %
4. Institute of Education &
9,867 3,314 6,553 66.4 % 9,780 3,193 6,587 67.4 % 87 121 -34 -39.4 %
Public Services
5. Media, Arts & Technology 15,705 6,354 9,351 59.5 % 14,991 5,652 9,339 62.3 % 714 702 13 1.8 %
6. Non School 2,014 2,573 -560 -27.8 % 876 694 183 20.8 % 1,137 1,880 -743 -65.3 %

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Section 7.2 External Faculty Analysis

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7.2.1. Applied Sciences: Overall Analysis

Actual Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (£000s)

Volume of Activity

1. Total Income £000s 16,232 14,116 2,116

2. Total FTE Students 2,298 1,690 608



3. Total Income 16,232 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

4. Pay Costs 6,610 40.7 % 36.8 % -631

5. Non-Pay Costs 301 1.9 % 3.4 % 250

6. Total Costs 6,912 42.6 % 40.2 % -381

7. Contribution 9,320 57.4 % 59.8 % -381


Income Mix

8. Teaching 15,781 97.2 % 91.1 % 998

9. Publicly Funded Research 353 2.2 % 6.6 % -716

10. Non-Publicly Funded Research 53 0.3 % 0.7 % -65

11. Enterprise Activity 44 0.3 % 1.6 % -217

12. Total 16,232 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the size, contribution and income mix of the faculty.

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7.2.2. Applied Sciences: Teaching Income & Costs

Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (Actuals)

Income / Costs (£000s per FTE Student)

1. Income 15,781 6,868 7,762 -2,052

2. Pay Costs 5,797 2,523 2,425 -224

3. Non-Pay Costs 197 86 111 57

4. Total Costs 5,994 2,609 2,536 -167

5. Contribution 9,788 4,260 5,226 -2,219


Income Mix (% Teaching Income)

6. Funding Council Grants & Home / EU Fees 15,441 97.8 % 82.8 % 2,373

7. Teacher Training Grants 0 0.0 % 4.1 % -639

8. Health Contracts 0 0.0 % 9.4 % -1,486

9. Overseas Student Fees 207 1.3 % 3.5 % -348

10. Short Course Fees 92 0.6 % 0.1 % 74

11. Other 42 0.3 % 0.1 % 25

12. Total Teaching Income 15,781 100.0 % 100.0 % 0


FTEs per 10,000 FTE Student

13. Delivery Staff Numbers 92.9 404.2 379.1 -5.8

14. Teaching Support Staff Numbers 24.5 106.5 121.4 3.4


Pay Levels (£ / FTE)

15. Delivery Staff Average Pay Level 51,143 51,723 1.1 %

16. Teaching Support Staff Average Pay Level 42,774 37,371 -14.5 %

Supporting Data

17. Overall FTE Student / Staff Ratio 2,298 24.7 26.8 -193

18. Teaching Income per Delivery Staff FTE (£000s) 15,781 170 207 -3,443

This table details the teaching income, costs and staffing levels of the faculty per FTE student.

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7.2.3. Business: Overall Analysis

Actual Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (£000s)

Volume of Activity

1. Total Income £000s 9,008 19,900 -10,892

2. Total FTE Students 1,216 2,817 -1,601



3. Total Income 9,008 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

4. Pay Costs 3,788 42.0 % 34.5 % -680

5. Non-Pay Costs 156 1.7 % 2.6 % 76

6. Total Costs 3,944 43.8 % 37.1 % -604

7. Contribution 5,064 56.2 % 62.9 % -604


Income Mix

8. Teaching 7,801 86.6 % 95.7 % -822

9. Publicly Funded Research 1,195 13.3 % 1.8 % 1,033

10. Non-Publicly Funded Research 11 0.1 % 0.1 % 6

11. Enterprise Activity 2 0.0 % 2.4 % -217

12. Total 9,008 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the size, contribution and income mix of the faculty.

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7.2.4. Business: Teaching Income & Costs

Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (Actuals)

Income / Costs (£000s per FTE Student)

1. Income 7,801 6,416 6,855 -533

2. Pay Costs 3,148 2,589 1,949 -779

3. Non-Pay Costs 59 49 118 84

4. Total Costs 3,207 2,638 2,067 -695

5. Contribution 4,594 3,778 4,788 -1,228


Income Mix (% Teaching Income)

6. Funding Council Grants & Home / EU Fees 6,254 80.2 % 73.0 % 559

7. Teacher Training Grants 0 0.0 % 0.0 % 0

8. Health Contracts 0 0.0 % 0.0 % 0

9. Overseas Student Fees 1,466 18.8 % 25.6 % -534

10. Short Course Fees 78 1.0 % 1.1 % -11

11. Other 3 0.0 % 0.2 % -13

12. Total Teaching Income 7,801 100.0 % 100.0 % 0


FTEs per 10,000 FTE Student

13. Delivery Staff Numbers 46.9 385.6 302.7 -10.1

14. Teaching Support Staff Numbers 17.9 146.9 93.4 -6.5


Pay Levels (£ / FTE)

15. Delivery Staff Average Pay Level 52,671 52,457 -0.4 %

16. Teaching Support Staff Average Pay Level 38,018 39,844 4.6 %

Supporting Data

17. Overall FTE Student / Staff Ratio 1,216 25.9 34.1 -382

18. Teaching Income per Delivery Staff FTE (£000s) 7,801 166 233 -3,122

This table details the teaching income, costs and staffing levels of the faculty per FTE student.

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7.2.5. Institute of Education & Public Services: Overall Analysis

Actual Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (£000s)

Volume of Activity

1. Total Income £000s 9,867 18,963 -9,096

2. Total FTE Students 1,157 2,573 -1,416



3. Total Income 9,867 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

4. Pay Costs 3,036 30.8 % 39.3 % 846

5. Non-Pay Costs 279 2.8 % 8.8 % 590

6. Total Costs 3,314 33.6 % 48.2 % 1,437

7. Contribution 6,553 66.4 % 51.8 % 1,437


Income Mix

8. Teaching 9,780 99.1 % 95.5 % 356

9. Publicly Funded Research 87 0.9 % 2.2 % -132

10. Non-Publicly Funded Research 0 0.0 % 0.8 % -78

11. Enterprise Activity 0 0.0 % 1.5 % -147

12. Total 9,867 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the size, contribution and income mix of the faculty.

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7.2.6. Institute of Education & Public Services: Teaching Income & Costs

Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (Actuals)

Income / Costs (£000s per FTE Student)

1. Income 9,780 8,454 7,372 1,251

2. Pay Costs 2,943 2,544 2,489 -64

3. Non-Pay Costs 250 216 591 434

4. Total Costs 3,193 2,760 3,080 370

5. Contribution 6,587 5,694 4,292 1,621


Income Mix (% Teaching Income)

6. Funding Council Grants & Home / EU Fees 8,515 87.1 % 54.5 % 3,183

7. Teacher Training Grants 1,071 10.9 % 30.3 % -1,896

8. Health Contracts 0 0.0 % 10.5 % -1,028

9. Overseas Student Fees 40 0.4 % 1.3 % -91

10. Short Course Fees 50 0.5 % 2.0 % -147

11. Other 104 1.1 % 1.3 % -20

12. Total Teaching Income 9,780 100.0 % 100.0 % 0


FTEs per 10,000 FTE Student

13. Delivery Staff Numbers 47.0 406.4 400.2 -0.7

14. Teaching Support Staff Numbers 12.4 107.5 140.6 3.8


Pay Levels (£ / FTE)

15. Delivery Staff Average Pay Level 53,232 50,137 -6.2 %

16. Teaching Support Staff Average Pay Level 35,418 35,775 1.0 %

Supporting Data

17. Overall FTE Student / Staff Ratio 1,157 24.6 26.4 -83

18. Teaching Income per Delivery Staff FTE (£000s) 9,780 208 190 859

This table details the teaching income, costs and staffing levels of the faculty per FTE student.

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7.2.7. Media, Arts & Technology: Overall Analysis

Actual Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (£000s)

Volume of Activity

1. Total Income £000s 15,705 30,598 -14,892

2. Total FTE Students 2,086 3,773 -1,687



3. Total Income 15,705 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

4. Pay Costs 6,069 38.6 % 38.7 % 10

5. Non-Pay Costs 285 1.8 % 3.9 % 321

6. Total Costs 6,354 40.5 % 42.6 % 331

7. Contribution 9,351 59.5 % 57.4 % 331


Income Mix

8. Teaching 14,991 95.5 % 93.3 % 345

9. Publicly Funded Research 548 3.5 % 5.4 % -293

10. Non-Publicly Funded Research 91 0.6 % 0.4 % 27

11. Enterprise Activity 76 0.5 % 1.0 % -79

12. Total 15,705 100.0 % 100.0 % 0

This table details the size, contribution and income mix of the faculty.

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7.2.8. Media, Arts & Technology: Teaching Income & Costs

Your Ratio Benchmark Variance from Benchmark (Actuals)

Income / Costs (£000s per FTE Student)

1. Income 14,991 7,187 7,519 -691

2. Pay Costs 5,438 2,607 2,418 -395

3. Non-Pay Costs 214 103 171 142

4. Total Costs 5,652 2,710 2,589 -253

5. Contribution 9,339 4,477 4,930 -944


Income Mix (% Teaching Income)

6. Funding Council Grants & Home / EU Fees 14,467 96.5 % 90.5 % 905

7. Teacher Training Grants 0 0.0 % 0.6 % -88

8. Health Contracts 0 0.0 % 0.0 % 0

9. Overseas Student Fees 475 3.2 % 8.2 % -753

10. Short Course Fees 44 0.3 % 0.7 % -64

11. Other 5 0.0 % 0.0 % 1

12. Total Teaching Income 14,991 100.0 % 100.0 % 0


FTEs per 10,000 FTE Student

13. Delivery Staff Numbers 86.3 413.8 391.8 -4.6

14. Teaching Support Staff Numbers 22.9 110.0 125.5 3.2


Pay Levels (£ / FTE)

15. Delivery Staff Average Pay Level 52,610 49,595 -6.1 %

16. Teaching Support Staff Average Pay Level 39,099 37,796 -3.4 %

Supporting Data

17. Overall FTE Student / Staff Ratio 2,086 24.2 26.1 -164

18. Teaching Income per Delivery Staff FTE (£000s) 14,991 174 196 -1,898

This table details the teaching income, costs and staffing levels of the faculty per FTE student.

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Section 8 Glossary

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Section 8 Glossary

Associated Activities include:- Catering, Residences, Accommodation Office, Crèche and Nursery, Shops, Franchising / Licensing, Student Union /
Sports, Widening Participation, Other Funding Council Grants, Lettings, Donations and Other Associated Activities.

Capital & Financing includes:- Depreciation, Capital Grant releases, Interest Income, Release from Revaluation Reserve, Debt Servicing Charges
and Bad Debts.

Corporate Administration includes the following functions:- Senior Management, Policy, Legal, Clerk to the Board, Strategic Planning, Projects,
Senior Secretarial Personal Assistants. And non-pay costs of: Hospitality, Non-Property insurance, Legal and Consultancy Costs, Corporate
Subscriptions, Staff travel and General Equipment.

Estates includes the following functions:- Estates Management, Specialist Staff (Surveyors, Health and Safety), all Premises related
Administration, Maintenance (Plumbers, Electricians), Operatives, Groundsmen, Gardeners, Security, Car Park and Cleaning (excluding Residences).
And non-pay costs of: Utilities, Grounds, Repairs & Maintenance, Property Insurance, Property Related Consultancy and Cleaning (excluding

Facilities includes the following functions:- Printroom, Reception, Switchboard and Post Room. And non-pay costs of: Printing, Stationary, Post
and Transport including Inter-Site Bus.

Finance includes the following functions:- Finance Management, Accountancy, Professional Reporting, Purchasing (including Purchase Ledger),
Payroll and Credit Control (including Sales Ledger). And non-pay costs of: Bank Charges, Payroll Charges, Audit Fee’s and Financial Advice.

Human Resources & Staff Training includes the following functions:- HR Management, HR Professionals, Staff Welfare, Staff Training /
Development and HR Administration / Systems. And non-pay costs of: Occupational Health and Staff Training.

IT Services includes the following functions:- IT Services Management, Business Information Support, Network / Infrastructure Support, Client /
Workstation Support, Audio Visual Technicians and Non-Technical Administration. And non-pay costs of: Computer Hardware, Computer Software,
Maintenance, Licences Agreements, Telephones and Consumables.

Library Services includes the following functions:- Library Services Management, Middle Management / Librarians, Senior Information / Resource
Assistants, Information / Resource Assistants, Administration and Shelvers. And non-pay costs of: Books, Magazines, Periodicals Electronic Media
and Library Consumables.

Marketing includes the following functions:- Marketing Management, UK and European Marketing, Overseas Marketing, Corporate Web and
Graphic Design, Press Office / PR / Communications, Alumni, Fundraising and Student Ambassadors. And non-pay costs of: Publicity, Brochure,
Marketing Travel, Overseas Agents and Other Promotional Costs.

Principal Activities include:- Teaching, Research & Enterprise activity, Library Services, IT Services, Student Services, Registry, Finance, Human
Resources & Staff Training, Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

Registry includes the following functions:- Registry Management, Admissions, Student Records, Data Inputting, Quality, Management Information,
Examinations, Graduation and Awards, Timetabling and External Examiners. And non-pay costs of: UCAS Capitation Fee, External Examiners,
Validation and Graduation.

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Research & Enterprise activity includes the research and enterprise proportions of the following functions:- Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads
of Department, Professors, Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Visiting / Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency / External Lecturers,
Instructors, Academic Technicians, Administration Support, Researchers and Research Assistants. Together with direct non-pay costs associated with
this activity.

Student Services includes the following functions:- Student Services Management, Careers Service, Counselling, Guidance / Support, Disability
Support, Chaplaincy and Medical Staff. And non-pay costs of: Student Bursaries, Student Welfare, and Careers Library.

Support includes the following functions:- Library Services, IT Services, Student Services, Registry, Finance, Human Resources & Staff Training,
Marketing, Corporate Administration, Facilities and Estates.

Teaching comprises the activity delivered by the Faculties after separating out Research and Enterprise activity. It includes the
proportions of the following functions:- Deans, Assistant Deans, Heads of Department, Professors, Readers, Principal Lecturers, Senior Lecturers,
Lecturers, Hourly Paid Lecturers, Agency Lecturers, Instructors, Academic Technicians, Placement Co-ordinators, Administrative Support, Invigilators
and Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Development.

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Section 9 Tribal Contact Details

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Section 9 Tribal Contact Details

For further information regarding Tribal and the benchmarking process or any of our other products, please contact our
managing consultant Nick Pidgeon:

Phone: 0115 934 7378



Or any member of the HE team on 0115 9347373 or

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