Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming To Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network

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Vol. 39, No. 3, May–June 2009, pp. 196–208 doi 10.1287/inte.1080.0405

issn 0092-2102  eissn 1526-551X  09  3903  0196 © 2009 INFORMS

Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to

Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
Pablo Santibáñez
British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 4E6, Canada,

Georgia Bekiou
Fraser Health Authority, Surrey, British Columbia V3R 4J7, Canada,

Kenneth Yip
Hospital Authority, Queen Mary Hospital, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, China,

Fraser Health (FH), a British Columbia health authority that serves more than 1.5 million people, must increase
its acute care capacity significantly over the next 15 years because of anticipated population growth and aging.
The distribution of the projected capacity over each of FH’s 12 hospitals depends on the mix of clinical services to
be provided at each site, a decision guided by population needs and clinical practices. We present a multiperiod
mathematical programming model that we developed to provide options for configuring the system, specifically
the location of clinical services and allocation of bed capacity across the hospitals. The decisions in the model
are based on population access, critical mass standards, and clinical adjacencies. We describe its application in a
long-term planning initiative that FH undertook. Extensive scenario analyses allowed administrators, clinicians,
and planners to test multiple system configurations, gain a robust understanding of the trade-offs between these
configurations, and formalize the planning process for acute care services.
Key words: health care: hospitals, service configuration; programming: optimization, integer, applications.
History: This paper was refereed. Published online in Articles in Advance March 4, 2009.

F raser Health (FH), the largest of British Columbia’s

five regional health authorities, is responsible for
the provision of health-care services to a popula-
Because the composition of the population (size and
age distribution) greatly influences health-care needs,
the projected changes are expected to cause a sub-
tion of more than 1.5 million people (BC Stats 2007). stantial increase in demand for FH services in the
This is just over one-third of the provincial total. It coming years. Assuming current utilization rates and
serves a geographically vast area and provides ser- practice patterns (i.e., no changes in clinical practice,
vices through its network of 12 hospitals, which range technology, etc.), the projected population growth and
from small local hospitals to tertiary-care regional aging effect alone would double the current demand
centers. Each year, more than 190,000 patients receive for acute care beds by 2020 in this baseline scenario.
inpatient or same-day care in one of FH’s hospitals, Through the adoption of leading clinical practices,
which have existing capacity of approximately 2,200 such as minimally invasive surgery, multidisciplinary
acute care beds. care teams, and effective discharge planning, FH can
Official projections estimate that by 2020 the popu- contain part of the projected demand growth. Nev-
lation in FH’s geographic area will increase by 25 per- ertheless, after implementing the mitigation strate-
cent to 1.9 million, representing more than half of the gies, demand predictions still show a net increase
total provincial growth. Moreover, the share of high- of greater than 50 percent over current hospital-bed
utilization users (i.e., residents over 65 years old) will capacity by 2020.
increase from 12.3 percent to 16.6 percent of the pop- Because of these capacity-requirement projections,
ulation. Figure 1 shows the population structures of FH needed to determine the best possible distribution
FH in 2007 and 2020 (projected); the secondary axis over time of acute care resources across the region,
shows the 2005–2006 inpatient utilization curve. while ensuring that it meets clinical safety standards,
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS 197

160,000 7,000
2020 FH population
2007 FH population
140,000 2005/06 FH utilization

Inpatient bed days per 1,000 population








0 0


10 –14

15 –19

20 –24

25 –29

30 –34

35 –39

40 –44

45 –49

50 –54

55 –59

60 –64

65 –69

70 –74

75 –79

80 –84

85 –89

Age cohort

Figure 1: The projected increase in the FH population compounds with the much higher inpatient bed utilization
(right axis) observed in the older population. Assuming no change in the current utilization curve, the population
growth and changes in the population structure will double the current need for acute care beds by 2020.
Sources. DAD 2005–06 (Canadian Institute for Health Information 2006) and P.E.O.P.L.E. 32 (BC Stats 2007).

achieves clinical efficiencies, and serves population for the hospitals from 2005 to 2020. Through an iter-
needs. In 2005, it launched the Acute Care Capacity ative process with FH’s executive management, we
Initiative (ACCI), a region-wide 18-month planning developed a range of configurations for its consider-
initiative to develop clinical service-delivery models ation. FH decided on a preferred configuration from
customized to the needs of its population, both today the final set of alternatives, devised a “directional
and in the future. The main objectives were to under- plan” (i.e., a planning document outlining long-term
stand current capacity pressures, prepare for the large strategies in terms of service delivery) for the acute
expected surge in demand, and propose a long-term care sector based on the recommended configuration
configuration plan for the network of hospitals. FH for the hospitals, and proposed it to the provincial
adopted a planning horizon of 15 years to address government.
its need for a long-term strategy and the significant
lead times required to plan and implement large-scale Configuration of FH’s Network of
changes in health care. From its conception, ACCI Hospitals
was a data-driven, evidence-based process focused on The configuration of FH’s system of hospitals must
population needs. accommodate projected demand. This comprises the
In this paper, we focus on one component of ACCI, location of clinical services across hospitals and the
the design of the network of hospitals through the distribution of bed capacity by site and service.
location of clinical services and the allocation of bed In practice, little variation has occurred in the
capacity across sites. We present a service-siting and mix of services that each hospital provides; capacity
bed-allocation model used to develop configurations adjustments have been the primary planning concern.
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
198 Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS

Although influenced by the perceived evolution of Considering these parameters, multiple configura-
local population needs, current service configuration tions of the system are possible. It is impractical to
and utilization from previous years have been the consider and evaluate all configurations in a reason-
main factors considered to identify service needs at able time frame without the aid of a planning tool.
each site. Capacity allocation has been based on the In addition, a list of clinical standards that FH must
growth of the local community, adjusted for the role meet to site services increases the complexity of the
of the hospital in the system and the mix of services problem. These additional principles, which FH clini-
offered (e.g., because some specialized services are cal experts developed based on leading clinical prac-
available only in a few hospitals, these hospitals serve tice, include the following:
the population of both their local community and a (1) Critical mass: Maintaining physician compe-
larger portion of the region). tence, care quality, and efficiency standards requires
When demand for a particular service increased a sufficient population base. Critical mass measures
beyond feasible expansions at current service loca- usually take the form of physician-to-population
tions, FH established a new service site in one of the ratios, minimum annual volumes per physician, aver-
other hospitals in the system. This site selection was age patient census per service location, or recom-
also based on perceived population need and avail- mended unit size.
ability of supporting services at the possible hospitals. (2) Clinical adjacencies: Some services must be pro-
The site-selection discussion also included anecdotal vided in the same hospital facility to support the
information based on particular experiences, which provision of care. In general, specialized, complex
were often exceptional cases. Although FH followed services require general services to be colocated in the
a series of logical rules, it had no formal process same hospital.
in place to determine the location of a service. Fre- (3) Time-to-service standards: Service-specific re-
quently, its decisions considered limited impact on the sponse time or distance standards must be met. These
system as whole, and focused only on the service and are usually expressed in terms of a percentage of the
hospital under analysis. patient population that must be able to access the ser-
To develop the strategic plan for the next 15 years vice and receive care within a specified time limit.
from a system perspective and effectively address the Among all configurations that meet the previous
acute care needs of its residents in the future, FH considerations, those with the best performance are
decided to configure its services based on a data- of interest. We seek and consider two goals to eval-
driven, evidenced-based methodology in alignment uate performance: provision of services close to the
with population needs and leading clinical practice. population and minimal disruptions (changes, service
The approach needed to be sufficiently flexible to con- relocation) to the current system settings.
sider different configurations of the system (e.g., num-
ber of beds for any given hospital, degree of clinical
specialization, options for future sites, and clarifica- The Model
tion of the hospital service role) yet rigorous enough A key objective of this model is to provide decision
to ensure clinical standards are met while providing makers with a series of viable sizing and siting config-
good access to the population. urations for their consideration. With the large number
The elements of the problem are as follows: of possible hospital configurations, the requirement
• Demand (existing and projected future patient that every configuration must satisfy all clinical stan-
demand, grouped into 34 clinical services); dards, and the consideration of multiple decision peri-
• Facility location constraints (12 acute care sites at ods in the planning horizon, the problem becomes
present and options for future configurations); complicated and unmanageable without a systematic,
• Geographical variation (multiple communities, quantitative approach. To resolve this, we developed a
grouped into 13 local health areas); and multiperiod mathematical programming siting model
• Multiperiod decisions (three decision epochs in a that allowed us to filter out impractical solutions (e.g.,
15-year planning horizon). those that did not meet the clinical standards) and to
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS 199

rank feasible configurations using predefined perfor- effect of admission volume on the quality of care, and
mance measures. suggest minimum and maximum constraints to con-
The nature of the problem makes an integer pro- trol the size of the units as a proxy to address this
gramming formulation suitable. Over a multiperiod issue.
planning horizon, there are a number of hospitals We know of no published studies that describe
at which we can (1) site multiple clinical services, health-care location-allocation models that explicitly
and (2) allocate capacity to serve the needs of their consider clinical standards. In addition, no published
catchment populations. Such a model has a simi- studies describe large-scale applications with multiple
lar structure to a facility-location-allocation problem, services, hospitals, and periods.
extensively studied in the literature. Brandeau and Our model includes two groups of decision vari-
Chiu (1989) and ReVelle and Eiselt (2005) provide com- ables. The first group (Y variables) is associated with
prehensive overviews of location problems in gen- the location part of the problem; it comprises 0-1 vari-
eral; Daskin and Dean (2004) describe specific location ables that determine if a service is placed in a hos-
models applied to health care. In our case, the sit- pital or not, in every decision period. The second
ing decisions for clinical services correspond to the set of variables (X variables) deals with the alloca-
facility-location problem. The possible locations are tion component; it assigns demand for a service from
restricted to the current hospitals and a few prede- each community to the hospitals, also in each deci-
termined possible alternative and/or new sites. The sion period. The X variables are positive integer vari-
allocation component corresponds to the capacity- ables representing the number of patients assigned to
allocation problem: the demand from customers in
a site. We can relax the integrality requirements for
multiple locations must be assigned to the facilities.
these variables because the demand is large enough
Similar to most location-allocation problems, demand
so that fractions provide an adequate approximation.
is assumed to occur only at specified points (usually
These two groups of decision variables are linked:
weighted-population centers), and the principal met-
demand can be allocated to a site if and only if the
ric in the problem is a function of the distance to
site provides the service. The problem of configuring
the facilities (in this case, drive times). Location prob-
the hospital network is to decide on appropriate val-
lems usually consider multiple objectives, as we do
ues for these variables such that the entire demand is
in our problem. We combine a classic “pull” objec-
satisfied in each decision epoch. We compute bed uti-
tive (Eiselt and Laporte 1995)—the minisum of trans-
portation costs, which we represent by drive times, lization using service-specific average length of stay
and the minimization of changes to the current sys- (ALOS) estimates for each patient population and
tem configuration (similar to fixed costs). Harsanyi period. We compute the total capacity required at
(1975) provides arguments on the desirability of min- each hospital based on the mix of patients and ser-
isum objectives. vices allocated to that hospital.
Dökmeci (1977), Ruth (1981), and Stummer et al. We note that this model deals with annual demand
(2004) consider similar decisions for the location of volumes; therefore, it does not explicitly address day-
health-care services, although their examples relate to-day variability. We account for short-term variation
to smaller instances (e.g., one service and decision in bed utilization through average occupancy rates
period) or fictitious scenarios and numerical exam- that are predetermined earlier in the planning process
ples (e.g., theoretical applications of the models). for each service and hospital size. We determine these
Chu and Chu (2000) propose a modeling framework parameters, which are an input to the model, based
for service-location decisions, and through multiple on acceptable service levels and efficient patient flow
lower and upper bounds for a variety of resources, using historical utilization data.
constrain the allocation of bed capacity. Côté et al. The clinical practice constraints limit the allocation
(2007) consider the location of one specific service of services across hospitals. Specifically, the critical
(traumatic brain-injury treatment units) within exist- mass restrictions impose minimum service volumes at
ing medical centers for one decision period. They rec- each location, thus affecting the allocation variables;
ognize that the proposed model does not consider the the service adjacency constraints force the decision of
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
200 Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS

Required service locations determined that the hospitals adhere to

all time-to-service standards today—and will in the






future, if the network has the required capacity allo-

cation, regardless of the configuration of the sys-
General medicine
tem. Therefore, the model does not need an explicit
Reference service

General surgery 
Orthopedic surgery  constraint.
We impose additional constraints in the model
:  to represent capacity and infrastructure limitations
:    for each hospital. In some cases, the infrastructure
Cardiac surgery  
surrounding a hospital significantly limits potential
capacity expansions of the site and/or the types of ser-
vices that the hospital can provide. We include other
constraints to guarantee that the solution incorporates
Service clusters prior strategic decisions, such as predefined service
Cluster 1: General medicine locations, hospital roles, and service commitments.
Cluster 2: Ophthalmology
Cluster 3: General medicine + general surgery
Our problem has two goals for siting services—
Cluster 4: General medicine + general surgery + ortho + … maximum population access and minimum disrup-
Cluster 5: :
: :
tion to the system. For the first objective-function
Cluster m: Cardiac surgery + … + component, we approximate closeness to the pop-
ulation by measuring total drive time by patients
Figure 2: Colocation among clinical services is represented through an from all communities to all hospitals, for all periods
adjacency matrix, which can then be recursively analyzed to determine
and clinical services. Minimizing this measure pro-
self-sustainable service clusters. In this illustrative example, general
medicine is listed with no adjacencies, which means that it forms its own vides better access for the population. For the second
cluster and can be provided independently of other services; more com- objective-function component, we define disruptions
plex services, such as cardiac surgery, list many adjacencies that trans- as changes in the service mix compared to the cur-
late in the service being provided only in large clusters, with many other
services. rent configuration of each hospital. The sum of these
changes over all hospitals and services corresponds to
siting a service in a hospital, the location variables, overall disruptions, which we wish to minimize.
to depend on the siting decision for other services. The two objectives conflict to some extent. The
We developed a matrix representation of the clinical population-access component seeks the minimum
adjacency constraints (Figure 2), which we can recur- total drive time and therefore attempts to locate each
sively follow to construct self-sustainable clusters of service in as many sites as the clinical and infrastruc-
services. ture constraints permit. Current service distribution
These clusters represent the building blocks of a does not necessarily accomplish minimum drive time,
hospital. Basic services are one-element clusters, requiring service relocations or disruptions to the cur-
whereas the largest clusters provide very specialized, rent system. Conversely, the current service mix per
tertiary-care services because they also have many site minimizes disruptions to the system but may pos-
other services available to support the safe provision sibly deteriorate population access if the total distance
of care. The model considers only mandatory adjacen- to services increases. The objective function in the
cies that are based on the provision of full inpatient model combines both components by using relative
services. This means that some components of a ser- weights.
vice, such as ambulatory clinics, can still be provided Cohon (1978) provides an excellent review of the
although the inpatient service is not located at the different approaches to multiobjective programming,
hospital. with particular references to public decision problems
Time-to-service standards force the service location such as ours. He recommends solution-generating
to meet specific response times. Preliminary analyses techniques for situations in which the analyst gives
based on population distribution and current hospital information (and solutions to the problem) to the
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
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decision maker for consideration, on an iterative challenging process; configurations that were accept-
basis, as we did with FH’s executive management. able for some of the hospitals under a given situa-
Our formulation of the disruption component in tion were unsatisfactory under other circumstances.
the objective function computes variations in service Our interpretation is that preferences are very difficult
mix every period, counting the same changes multi- to state and model. Perhaps we need to incorporate
ple times. Disruptions earlier in the planning horizon additional objectives to the multiobjective function,
count more than those delayed to later periods do. although they are not obvious at this time.
This is consistent with the concept that changes made Our model considers only inpatient services for sit-
sooner are more difficult to implement than those ing decisions. We use the model results to derive
made later. If we allocate services to a hospital and volumes for other services or activities, such as day
then remove them (or vice versa), this formulation care and ambulatory programs; we apply service-to-
will not account for the second change because it will activity ratios estimated from current practice and
be the same as the original configuration. Depend- adjusted to reflect anticipated future service delivery.
ing on the conditions of the problem, this result The main inputs to the model are the set of hos-
might be undesirable. To avoid this situation, we can pitals (the network), the projected demand per ser-
add supplementary constraints to force changes to vice and community to be satisfied every period, and
remain for a number of periods, or until the end of the clinical-practice constraints. The outputs of the
the planning horizon. In our case, this was not an model are service-siting maps (Figure 3) that specify,
issue because the demand is nondecreasing over time, for every decision period, the hospitals that perform
making service-location decisions permanent under each service.
normal conditions (e.g., nondecreasing capacity per Based on the mix of services, we can identify each
site). Additionally, service-relocation costs could vary hospital’s role in the network—a rural hospital with
by service type: for example, certain services might only the most basic services; a local, community hos-
require specialized equipment or infrastructure that pital; or a referral center with almost every possible
also requires relocation. We can represent this in the service. The reports can also provide more detailed
objective function by assigning different weights to outputs, such as service-specific volumes per hos-
the penalties associated with each service. Because of pital and period, referral-pattern analysis (demand
the unavailability of information, we did not consider distribution over hospitals), performance measures
these differences by service as part of the decision (e.g., distances patients travel and changes to the
problem. initial system configuration), resource requirements,
We found that the objective-function weighting
method suited our situation. The FH decision makers Period n
wanted to change the relative weightings of the objec-
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service 4
Service 5
Service 6
Service 7

tives and investigate the resulting trade-offs. This was


Hospital role
transparent and easy to explain using the weight-
Hospital 1   Local hospital
ing method. Nevertheless, for some configurations we Hospital 2 Community hospital
also restricted relocations to only a subset of services, Hospital 3   Local hospital
Hospital 4  Rural hospital
a practice similar to using the constraint method; this Hospital 5        Referral hospital
made our methodology a hybrid between the weight- : :
: :
ing and constraint methods in multiobjective pro-
gramming. We focused on identifying weights that
Figure 3: The model output specifies the mix of services to be provided
achieve solutions that appeal to the decision-making at each hospital, for every period. Based on the resulting mix of services
group and thus are aligned to its preferences. Through per hospital, their roles can be clarified, from rural hospitals providing
an iterative process of generating solutions, reporting only very basic services, to specialized referral centers providing almost
the entire spectrum of services. In this sample output from the model for
their differences, and gathering feedback, we obtained
period n, Hospitals 1 and 3 are identified as local hospitals given the
weights that, in most cases, led to configurations limited services they provide, while Hospital 5 corresponds to a referral
of importance to the decision makers. This was a hospital given the full range of services.
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
202 Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS

Model report routines. We developed a reporting module that

Evolution of bed capacity by hospital
presents the model outputs in MS Excel spreadsheets,
Hospital 6 Period t which the GUI generates automatically after reaching
Period t +1
Hospital 5 Period t +2 a solution. The reports include predefined summary
Hospital 4
Period t +3 tables and charts to allow easy comparison between
Hospital 3
configurations. In typical runs, a model instance has
approximately 30,000 variables (1,300 of them are
Hospital 2
binary) and more than 9,000 constraints; the solver
Hospital 1 takes less than 15 minutes and achieves results within
Bed capacity 1 percent of optimality.

Figure 4: This graph shows a model output report: recommended bed Scenario Analysis and Results
capacity to support the resulting service mix and demand allocation. Such
a report is presented for each hospital in the system and decision period. We used this model to configure, generate, and evalu-
In the hypothetical example shown for a system with six hospitals, the ate more than 30 different configurations. We started
evolution of bed capacity at each site is presented in a graphical format,
with two basic configurations, each at one extreme
and three 5-year decision periods are considered in the planning horizon.
In this configuration, Hospital 3 does not change its capacity. Hospital 2 of our possible objective function: (1) ideal service
and Hospital 4 show very limited growth, in period t + 3 and period t + 1, location based on population needs (closest to the
respectively. Hospital 1 increases its capacity first in period t + 1 and population, no penalty for changes), and (2) least
then in period t + 3. Hospital 5 increases capacity only in period t + 2.
A new site, Hospital 6, is opened in period t + 2 to address the need for
disruptions (fewest changes to current system, no
additional capacity in that period. access consideration).
We reported these initial configurations to FH’s
executive management. With such an enormous
and modeling parameters. Summary reports, such as
amount of information for each configuration, we
the inpatient bed capacity per period for each hospi-
faced two challenges: presenting results in a concise
tal (Figure 4), provide an easy means of comparison
manner, and comparing two or more solutions. We
between configurations.
defined a set of key metrics to summarize, at a very
We developed, implemented, and utilized this
high level, the performance of each configuration.
model as part of the ACCI, which is among the largest
These include average travel time per patient, num-
and most comprehensive health-care planning initia-
ber of immediate changes to current service con-
tives conducted in Canada. The clinicians and admin-
figurations, bed capacity per hospital, and service
istrators involved in this initiative developed detailed
self-sufficiency (percentage of residents receiving ser-
acute care clinical-service plans that provided most of
vice within the local hospital) in every major region.
the information that the model required.
These metrics became the first set of outputs that we
showed for any configuration. More detailed service-
Implementation mix maps and capacity-distribution reports provided
We built the principal components of the model in additional information. We were able to perform pre-
an MS Access database that contains the definition liminary comparisons between configurations using
of the system (e.g., hospitals, communities, and ser- the summary measures. For a more in-depth under-
vices) and the modeling parameters (e.g., demand, standing of the differences, we analyzed the service-
distances, travel times, and constraints). The system location variables first, and then, if required, looked
uses a form-based graphical user interface (GUI) that at demand-allocation patterns.
allows the planner to quickly develop and configure The response from the decision makers to this first
scenarios. We coded the mathematical model using set of configurations established the direction for the
the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) and subsequent iterations. First, configurations based
solved it using the CPLEX optimization software purely on population access (disruption component
package, all of which we controlled from the user with null weight) implied numerous service reloca-
interface through Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) tions from current to ideal sites; FH management
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deemed these impractical to implement. We thus also showed the impact on other sites in the network,
increased the weight given to the disruption function. particularly those with regional roles that, because of
Second, the configuration obtained with the mini- the reduction in community-level services, could now
mum number of changes to the system (no value on accommodate more regional-level demand and better
population access) added bed capacity across hospi- serve other communities. This raised the question of
tals, similar to the current distribution. This entailed whether a more specialized role for the new facility
major, concurrent renovations at multiple hospi- would help the system.
tals to expand available capacity, while perpetuating The next group of configurations tested the new
population-access inequality at some currently under- hospital as a series of specialized centers providing
served communities. This confirmed our belief that services at multiple levels: lower-intensity services for
the ideal solution would be a trade-off between the the local community, medium-intensity for the local
two objectives. needs and those of nearby areas, and high-intensity
In our next iteration, we developed a new set for the whole region. We selected the different roles
of configurations, varying the relative importance based on the services that accounted for a significant
between the two siting objectives. The solutions con- portion of the total demand or had major anticipated
tinued to show significant capacity expansions at growth. Examples of such a role include a specialized
multiple hospitals. We had, however, expected this surgical center, a maternal-child hospital, a compre-
because the system had to grow significantly (espe- hensive cardiac center, or an elder-resident-focused
cially in the beginning of the time horizon) to meet the hospital. All these options would have an impact on
forecasted demand. This originated a new stream of the entire system because they might consolidate at
configurations to consolidate construction by focusing regional-level components of services currently pro-
capacity growth in selected hospitals. The decision vided at existing sites, possibly altering their service
makers indicated that configurations that considered mix. For example, it might be practical from a clinical
several sites undergoing expansion simultaneously perspective to sustain existing units in the specialized
would pose significant risk to safe-care delivery and hospital and in other hospitals. In other cases, there
that adding focused capacity would achieve efficien- was insufficient volume to make the new specialized
cies. The problem then became identifying configu- facility a viable option.
rations that would accomplish those efficiencies and We tested different variations in the role for the
understanding their impact on the system. new site, from more comprehensive to less inclusive.
We next developed configurations that considered In some configurations, the specialized role of the
the addition of a new hospital to the system. We new hospital was partially covered by an existing
wanted to allow significant capacity expansion, but in facility that concentrated a significant portion of the
a more focused manner. We estimated a geographic region-wide services. In these cases, we tested con-
location for the new hospital site based on the commu- figurations in which the existing facility expanded
nity with the smallest self-sufficiency and preliminary its specialized role (becoming a specialized center
studies on land availability. Results from the previ- within the present infrastructure), while the new facil-
ous configurations were very useful for this decision: a ity provided other services displaced from the exist-
new hospital could be beneficial in communities with ing hospital because of capacity constraints. We also
high outflow and hospitals at maximum capacity. evaluated different relative weights for the access and
We used this predefined location and tested differ- disruption components of the objective function. This
ent roles for the new facility. One configuration consid- generated different configurations for the hospitals
ered operating it as a community hospital. This would based on the importance of distance to the popula-
relieve the pressure on the local hospital and increase tion versus changes in service mix. We presented the
the numbers of patients served within their region of results for each group of configurations to FH’s man-
residence. As expected, results for this configuration agement for further refinement and consideration.
showed a significant increase in self-sufficiency for the For reporting purposes, we present aggregated
communities near the new hospital. This configuration results for the three geographic regions that group
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204 Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS

the 13 FH communities. Because the scenarios that we 18 percent to 50 percent. Self-sufficiency measures
analyzed mainly affected Regions 1 and 2, we report for other regions in the system show limited or no
their performance measures, but do not show those improvement. In each configuration, the average drive
of Region 3. To understand more clearly the effect that time decreases between 11 percent and 19 percent.
the new hospital would have in the local community, To understand these results fully, we required
we report performance measures for the community additional information. We selected Community 1
in which we are considering locating the new hospi- self-sufficiency as a measure because this commu-
tal: Community 1 in Region 1. nity currently has the largest outflow (lowest self-
To compare the results that we obtained for each sufficiency), which is an indication of lack of capacity
configuration, one must understand the context. in the local hospitals. The other regions have an ade-
Numerical outputs, although useful, provide only quate self-sufficiency. The focus must be to improve
partial information. Figure 5 shows performance the situation for the underserved community but not
measures relative to the current scenario (no service to impair that of the other regions. The degree of
relocation or additions, only capacity adjustment over improvement depends on the services located at the
time to satisfy demand) for five illustrative configura- new hospital, which vary according to its role. If its
tions from those developed using the model; each con- role is as a local hospital, then the majority of its
siders a new hospital located close to Community 1. capacity will be allocated to local residents, resulting
The first conclusion that we draw from examining in a significant increase in capacity. In contrast, if the
Figure 5 is that all configurations improve the self- new facility has a regional role as a specialized center
sufficiency (proportion of the local demand treated with a system-wide scope, part of the capacity will be
in local facilities) of the local population, i.e., Com- for the local residents; however, an important share
munity 1; the relative improvement ranges from will be for residents of other communities coming to
the new center for specialized treatment not avail-
able elsewhere. If capacity is limited, regional vol-
umes might push local demand for community-level
Difference from current state scenario (%)

Performance comparison for illustrative scenarios

Community 1 self-sufficiency services to hospitals outside the community to accom-
50 Region 1 self-sufficiency

Region 2 self-sufficiency modate regional services. This results in deteriorated
Average drive time

access for the local community accessing community-
level services.
One particular area of FH’s region, a community
with a large anticipated population increase, expe-
A B C D E rienced significant capacity pressure. Therefore, we
– 20
examined additional configurations for the hospitals,
– 30
with special emphasis on this particular region, but
Scenarios within the context of the entire system. We used the
model to support this process, and to provide alter-
Figure 5: For the illustrative configurations depicted in this chart, two per- native configurations for the service and capacity dis-
formance measures are presented: (1) Self-sufficiency (for residents of tribution across FH.
a particular community of interest and two other regions in the system),
and (2) average drive time for all FH patients. Results are displayed in
In both planning initiatives, we used multiple
terms of the difference to the current state scenario of service mix in the “what-if” scenarios to test alternative configurations.
system. Scenario A considers capacity additions distributed across mul- Sometimes, we had to provide additional insights into
tiple hospitals. Scenarios B, C, and D represent different roles for a new
a particular solution. Our model allowed us to gen-
hospital (consolidated capacity additions) in Community 1—each with a
different service focus or regional scope. Scenario E considers the addi- erate multiple configurations in a timely manner and
tion of significant capacity, which is equivalent to a new hospital, in an gave us supporting information to back up service-
existing hospital, with an increased regional role for the existing facility. location decisions. Testing, evaluating, and comparing
Differences in self-sufficiency and average drive time are the result of the
mix of services and regional scope considered for the new hospital under all these configurations would have been impossible
each scenario. without a scenario-modeling tool.
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS 205

The configurations developed with the help of our allocation of a significant number of additional acute
model have influenced and continue to influence bed- care beds into a network of hospitals also offers the
planning decisions and have informed capital and opportunity to design a system to provide services
operating requirements. Recently, FH used our model that are accessible to the population and meet clin-
as a guide in preparing for the immediate acute care ical standards. The development of this siting and
component of its regional operating and capital bud- allocation model allowed FH to test multiple configu-
get from 2007 to 2010–2011, and for the longer-term rations for its hospitals and to understand the trade-
period to 2020. In addition, the long-term directions offs between various options. The establishment of
that the model helped us to set have greatly influ- this planning methodology and its associated perfor-
enced short-term decisions, such as expansion or real- mance measures helped to formalize the quantitative
location of services. elements in the decision process. Population needs
The most evident benefit of this model has been and evidence inform siting decisions; results can be
the ability to develop, test, and evaluate multiple tracked and supported with data and the clinical sit-
configurations in a reasonable amount of time; this ing principles.
allowed us to focus on exploring more options (rather The model incorporates siting rules based on lead-
than spending time in verifying the consistency of ing clinical practice, a feature not available in any
the solution), calculate the impact on each hospital, health-care location-allocation models in the litera-
and determine if it satisfied the recommended clin- ture. The siting rules include clinical adjacencies and
ical standards. The most important benefit, from a unit size to ensure safe provision of care. The inclu-
system-planning perspective, is the rigor and consis- sion of such rules has been fundamental in represent-
tency used to create and analyze each possible config- ing the problem and in getting agreement among the
uration. For the first time at FH, we evaluated current stakeholders.
state configurations and all the proposed changes to In this model, we assume that the demand can be
the system using the same methodology, based on assigned to hospitals. In reality, patients have some
the input from our own planning teams. The devel- choice of the hospital in which they receive care; their
opment of configurations, which (1) meet minimum perception of the quality of care at each site influ-
clinical standards, (2) have clear objectives, and (3) are
ences their decisions. Furthermore, utilization patterns
trackable in terms of the drivers for the decisions
are subject to referrals from individual physicians—
adopted, has helped to formalize FH’s planning and
a practice difficult to modify from a centralized per-
decision-making process.
spective. Nevertheless, FH can take several actions to
Using this model has helped FH hospital adminis-
influence where patients receive care. One strategy is
trators and clinicians to develop an increased under-
the allocation of capacity at the hospitals with high
standing about the guiding principles for siting
demand (available capacity is a factor in referrals by
inpatient services; in particular, they now are able to
physicians). Second, FH can inform the public and the
consider the entire system rather than individual hos-
practitioners of predefined referral patterns. In addi-
pitals in isolation. The model enables system-wide
tion, FH can transfer patients within its network once
network integration by considering all services for the
they are users of the system, adjusting utilization
entire population, including those services that the
patterns. These actions will induce some change in
local hospital cannot provide but are considered part
the system, but other factors outside FH’s control
of a regional referral center.
could determine actual utilization. The objective of
demand allocation in our model was not to identify
Conclusions exactly which patients receive care at which hospitals,
Population growth and aging have been forecast to but to distribute capacity consistent with population
increase the demand for health care considerably in needs.
FH over the next 15 to 20 years—in particular, the The health-care system will continue to increase
demand for acute care beds. Although difficult, the in complexity. The use of models, such as the one
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
206 Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS

we developed and used in FH, allows decision mak- ch : drive time from community c to hospital h.
ers, clinicians, and planners to focus on identify- : relative weight for the two components in the
ing and evaluating more configurations and what-if objective function (0 ≤ ≤ 1.

scenarios. As the health-care system evolves (e.g., 1 if service s is currently available in

through changes in technology, clinical practice, and 
Ih s = hospital h
population demographics), changes in the service mix 

and capacity allocation at hospitals will be required. 
0 otherwise
The use of this model ensures consistency in evaluat-
ing these changes. Decision Variables
The model is applicable to similar configura- 
tion problems in other jurisdictions, situations with 
 1 if clinical service s is allocated to

shorter planning horizons, and other health sectors hospital h on period t
Yhst =
that require the allocation of resources over multiple 

locations. 0 otherwise
At the time of this writing, the British Columbia
provincial government is considering the proposed Xchs = number of patients from community c
configuration plan for FH hospitals, in particular, its assigned to hospital h for clinical service s on
capital-funding implications. It might be premature to period t.
call this study a “success” because a final decision has With ch , the drive time from community c to hospi-
yet to be made. Nonetheless, we were successful in tal h, we approximate closeness to the population by
that the configurations we analyzed in this planning the total drive time spent by patients from all commu-
initiative were useful and relevant to executive man- nities to all hospitals ( c h ch Xchs t
for service s and
agement in developing a hospital configuration plan period t), for all periods and clinical services. Using
for FH. the parameter Ihs to identify whether service s is cur-
rently available at hospital h, the difference between
Appendix. Mathematical Programming the service-allocation variables Yhst and this indicator
Formulation (Ihs − Yhst  for service s at hospital h in period t rep-
resents service-mix disruptions in the system. With
Sets specifying the relative weights of the two components
c: communities (demand points). in the objective function, the weighted sum of our
h: hospitals. proxies for closeness to the population and disruption
s: clinical services. to the system is the objective function to minimize in
t: periods in the planning horizon. our model.
ADJs: set of clinical services that need to be adjacent The complete formulation of the mathematical pro-
to service s. gramming problem is as follows:
Data Parameters  
Dcs : projected patient demand for community c Minimize · t
Ihs − Yhs 
and clinical service s on period t. h s t  

CMs : critical mass requirement (minimum volume + 1 − · t
c h Xchs (1)
of patients) for service s at any given hospi- c h s t

tal.  t
subject to Xchs ≤ Yhst ·M seps
∀ h s t
LBedsh : lower bound for total number of beds (all c
services) to be allocated at hospital h every  t
where M seps = c Dcs is an upper bound based on the
UBedsh : upper bound for total number of beds (all demand for the service
services) to be allocated at hospital h every  t t
Xchs = Dcs ∀ c s t (2)
period. h
Santibáñez, Bekiou, and Yip: Fraser Health Uses Mathematical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Network
Interfaces 39(3), pp. 196–208, © 2009 INFORMS 207

Xchs ≥ CMs · Yhst ∀ h s t (3) service; and (4) these are annual patient volumes to
c estimate high-level capacity needs.
Yhst ≤ Yhst ∀ h t s ∈ ADJs (4) Additional constraints used to shape the configu-
  t ration being modeled include limiting the number of
X ·ALOStcs /hs
LBedsh ≤ c s chs ≤ UBedsh ∀ ht (5) sites per service to test the effect of distributed or con-
solidated service-delivery models (LSitess ≤ h Yhst ≤
Yhst ∈ 0 1 ∀ h s t (6) USitess for every service and period of time), forc-
Xchs ≥0 ∀ c h s t (7) ing services to stay at a hospital once sited there
(Yhst ≥ Yhst−1 ) as a representation of consistency in ser-
In the above model, constraint (1) links the two vice mix over time, and critical mass constraints
decision variables of the problem by allowing patients expressed in bed days (minimum unit size) instead of
to be allocated only at sites where the model is select- volume of patients ( c Xchs t
· ALOStcs  ≥ CMs · Yhst .
ing the service to be provided while forcing the others
to have no demand assigned. Acknowledgments
Constraint (2) ensures that for each community, all We thank the more than 385 physicians and administrators
the demand for every service is allocated in the hos- from Fraser Health who collectively developed the major-
ity of the clinical-planning parameters used in the service-
pitals, during every period.
configuration model presented in this article, and provided
Constraints (3) and (4) represent clinical standards. invaluable input to turn the early solutions of our model
Constraint (3) imposes critical mass requirements by into realistic configurations that make sense and incorporate
forcing minimum patient volumes per service loca- leading practice principles. We are also grateful to the other
tion; constraint (4) forces the colocating of services members of the ACCI project team, Darlene Hope-Ross,
that are listed in the adjacency matrix. Irene Chanin, Yurik Sandino, and Victoria Ostler, for their
Constraint (5) sets lower and upper bounds on the contribution throughout the entire project. We also thank
the anonymous referees for their very helpful and construc-
total number of beds per hospital, where ALOStcs rep-
tive feedback and numerous recommendations to improve
resents the average length of stay for each service the quality of this paper. All three authors were affiliated
on a community- and period-specific basis, t is the with Fraser Health Authority at the time of the study.
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the planning occupancy rate of the service at a given
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ning for our hospital network; especially in building
a system where access and all the necessary clinical
Patricia Petryshen, Executive VP, Acute Programs, safety criteria are satisfied.
Fraser Health Authority, 300-10344 152A Street, “This model has helped us to formalize our acute
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada V3R 7P8, writes: strategic planning process under a data-driven, evi-
“This is to verify that the mathematical model dence-based approach. The use of such a methodology
described in the paper ‘Fraser Health Uses Mathemat- for planning our hospitals into the future is a pioneer-
ical Programming to Plan Its Inpatient Hospital Net- ing approach in the Canadian health-care industry.
work’ written by Pablo Santibáñez, Georgia Bekiou, “In conclusion, I am pleased to advise that we sup-
and Kenneth Yip has indeed been developed and port this model and will benefit from its applica-
used, and that it has been very valuable to our tion after the conclusion of the ACCI in our various
organization. regional long/mid-term planning initiatives.”

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