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Table 4.

20: Pearson correlation coefficients for elemental concentration in whole blood samples of children from different parts of Maharashtra

Fe Cu Zn Mg Ca Mn Co/10-3 Cd/10-3 K Na Ni/10-3 Pb/10-3 Cr/10-1

1 -0.22014 0.02882 -0.05644 0.02346 0.25946 -0.28922 0.27878 -0.00398 0.16515 0.04387 0.0579 -0.06031
-0.22014 1 0.26496 0.06355 -0.0792 -0.05807 0.09245 -0.24475 0.15116 -0.16094 0.0669 0.09415 04
0.02882 0.26496 1 -0.108 -0.09085 -0.06942 0.13855 -0.06631 0.12115 -0.04548 -0.00531 0.12956 -0.08852
-0.05644 0.06355 -0.108 1 0.13272 0.1343 -0.15663 -0.0572 0.0566 -0.1662 0.03565 -0.10455 0.05376
0.02346 -0.0792 -0.09085 0.13272 1 0.17153 -0.06201 0.04539 -0.05293 0.02055 -0.00147 -0.00308 0.15531
0.25946 -0.05807 -0.06942 0.1343 0.17153 1 -0.24128 0.10132 -0.00933 0.16905 0.11018 0.10108 0.06228
-0.28922 0.09245 0.13855 -0.15663 -0.06201 -0.24128 1 0.02392 -0.14446 -0.03235 -0.04245 0.03249 0.02138
0.27878 -0.24475 -0.06631 -0.0572 0.04539 0.10132 0.02392 1 0.09797 0.03785 -0.08367 0.10173 -0.12289
-0.00398 0.15116 0.12115 0.0566 -0.05293 -0.00933 -0.14446 0.09797 1 -0.04583 -0.08644 0.07671 0.00432
0.16515 -0.16094 -0.04548 -0.1662 0.02055 0.16905 -0.03235 0.03785 -0.04583 1 0.07868 -0.06734 -0.03912
0.04387 0.0669 -0.00531 0.03565 -0.00147 0.11018 -0.04245 -0.08367 -0.08644 0.07868 1 -0.17362 -0.08367
0.0579 0.09415 0.12956 -0.10455 -0.00308 0.10108 0.03249 0.10173 0.07671 -0.06734 -0.17362 1 04
-2.34E- -7.93E-
-0.06031 04 -0.08852 0.05376 0.15531 0.06228 0.02138 -0.12289 0.00432 -0.03912 -0.08367 04 1

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