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ees eeeag ney, Nao [Ss Listening and Speaking relma els a! Jeremy Harmer Ana Acevedo Carol Lethaby oO P+ » r Nid Mnoiiocold ah Marshall Cavendish Education Listening and Speaking For class or self-stud Ana Acavedo if Carol Lethaby Jeremy Harmer with Cheryl Pelteret gee ae é Marshall Cavendish UA SF education © 2007 Massa Cavendh cation Fist qubished 2007 ay Marsal Caves Eouetin Marshal Cavers sa member he Times Publishing Group ISBN 10-0 46 oor 4 [ra-digit 978 04620 00777 9 Aight reserves no pat of his publication may be epreuec, Slot in 2 ei syste tans in ay fot, or by ny mars, leony mecrarialpalocopyin, recording, or otherwise, without the por ariten permission of te publishers sia Caverish Education ‘9 Wardour see london iF UN Design by Hart Molen, Carbidge Iasvations by Jo Tyloy, Vane Chstarsen, Faris uno, Rory Wale, Yate Sean Tn Over Printed and ound by Ties Of (Str Bhd Contents Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 o> D> D> OD Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 o> o> oD Unit B Unit 9 About countries Discussing holidays Telling jokes Role-play: giving advice Street survey TV: Deciding what to watch What's my job? A mystery job Team building Interview ‘The soundtrack of our lives ‘Memories, Radio phone-in Role-play: giving information Scary story ‘A newspaper report Phone messages Describing objects Clayton Street The best present A scene from a play Ambitions u 33 35 36 38 Umit 12 A Radio advertisements 39 B Meeting: who shall we invite? a Unit 13 A Remembering schooldays 42 B The education debate 44 Unit 14 A The news 45 B What is it like? 47 Unit 15 A ttsallin the eyes 48 B Your health 50, Unit 16 A Unidentified Flying Objects 51 B_ Phone call 53 Pronunciation Exercises 1 A Sounds 54 Pronunciation Exercises 2 B Stress. 60 Pronunciation Exercises 3 C Intonation 64 Audioscripts 68 Answer key 83 Introduction For the student Just listening and Speaking is part of an integrated series ‘of books designed for you to study on your own, or together with other students and a teacher. t wil help, Yyou improve your listening and speaking skils in En We have chasen the listening extracts and speaking tasks carefully to offer an interesting and challenging mix of topics and activities. With the listening extracts there are exercises to help you understand them and learn new fanguage from them. In the speaking sections we help ‘you do the tasks successfully. You can also listen to other people doing the same tasks. From pages 54 - 67 you have also got @ number of pronunciation exercises to help ‘you with difficult sounds and other pronunciation items. There is an accompanying CD with al the listening ‘extracts and speaking examples. You will find an auidioserint at the back of the book When you see this symbol ( Si) it means that the answers to the exercises are in the answer key which starts on page 83. You can check your answers there. We are confident that this book will help you become @ better listener and speaker of English. Enjoy using it! For the teacher The Just series is a flexible set of teaching materials that can be used on their own, oF in any combination, or asa set to form a complete integrated course. The ust series has been written and designed using a consistent methodological approach that allows the books to be used easily together. Each book in the series specialises in either language skils or aspects of the English language. It can be used either in cass or by students working on their own. The listening extracts {in Part A of each Unit) include storie, dialogues, radio programmes and joke- teling, The speaking tasks (in Part B of each Unit) involve taking part in interviews, role-playing, and stimulating debates From page $4 there are pronunciation exercises on different sounds, on stress and on intonation, Al the listening extracts and pronunciation exercises ‘are on the accompanying CO together with example versions ofthe speaking tasks. There fs an audioseript at the back ofthe book, together with a comprehensive answer key where students can check their work ‘Wie are confident that you wil find this book a real asset and that you wil aso want to try the ather books in the series: Just Reading ond Writing, Just Vocabulary and Just Grammar »e A Listening About countries 1 Look at this map. What do the countries in red have in common? oats Which ‘red’ country is the odd one cout? Check your answer at the hottom of the page. Look atthe picture. Where are the people from? +y, . > tl ze (1866 sh) Aiea »)) Listen to Track 1 to check your answer, o~ 9) & Read the sentences. Then listen to Track 1 again. Who is each sentence about? The first one is done for you. a He is from an island in the Caribbean, .....\ailsan, Peaple in her country speak French or English, or both. Her city is bigger thi the capital of her country. One in three families in his country speak English and another language. Reggae comes from his country. Eighty per cent of the people in his country live on the coast. Her country is in Great Britain but she is not English fh His country is famous for its beaches and its mountains. oem nn 1) Listen to Track 3 and complete UNIT Ustening 7 Listen to Track 1 again and answer the questions. a How do Australians say “Good morning’? b Whar is another way of saying ‘one in three’ © Name two open air activities Australians enjoy. © What language do some people speak in Scotland? f What's the capital of Scotland? 2 Name two of Canada’s natural features, h What are the most popular sports in Canada? i What is the capital of Jamaica? j What two things make Jamaica popular with tourists? Read the text and listen to Track 2. Circle the word you hear for each letter. The first one is done for bof Canada, Most (b) people /Americans, en eo eak the two official languages, French and 1/ huge large country, the second | In Canada you can find (4) everything, ike big (€) places /cities /countri ke Montreal and Toronto. Do you |it the table. Then guess the _ Where ic name of the country. om Hie: - Languages: Most popular sports: jeresting information: - : 8 UNIT 1: Speaking ee B Speaking Discussing holidays 1 Compete the dialogue with your ‘own ideas, Follow the instructions in italics. -— \ \ C . YOUR FRIEND: Where shall we go for our holiday this You: How about (say a country or place) ? It’s (say something good) and the weather is always (say what it is like) . be in (say a holiday month) YOUR FRIEND: I'd rather do something more exciting this year. How about an extreme sports holiday in Wales? You: I prefer (say what you like doing in the place you have suggested ann to waterskiing and canoeing, ‘YOUR FRIEND: But we do that every year, Pd prefer to do something different this time. It would be nice to go somewhere quieter. you: OK, you win, Ladmit, (the place you mentioned earlier) Se summon Was a bit (Say something negative) ccescntnc teste netermncnen last time, Pd prefer somewhere a little quieter 100, but Tm not into dangerous sports like (give examples of dangerous sports you don't like doing) cannes YOUR FRIEND: How about Devon? It'll be warm, and there are some lovely seaside walks, YOU ee A Listening Telling jokes 9) 1 Can you guess the ond (the punchline) of the cartoon? Now listen to Track 5 and check your answer, Did you get the joke? 9) @ Listen to Track 6, Complete Sam's explanation, saM: The control tower wants his (a) cma and his (b) ‘ right? As in 30,000 (€) ... - Bar the pilot (d) height as in ‘How (e) A: What's on TV tonight? Is there a good documentary? B: Oh, no! I (say how you feel about documentaries) Pi rather wateh a funny cartoon or something, Oh, Tom and Jerry’s on! (suggest you wateh that LogeHBED) oor _— Se = co A: No way. You know L can’t stand cartoons, Especially Tom and Jerry. Vd like to watch a good sitcom. Is Dad's Army on? B: ‘Oh, that’s (say what you think of that sitCOM) soe. cnn \ 1 really hate it. ‘The news is on in a few minutes. \h, no, I don’t feel like listening to bad news from around the world. Bs: (you feel the same as B I, say so) aelsgdsnl (suggest a talk show)... = Ed rere z A: Not if it’s that boring old Michael Parkinson, But look! Big Brother's started again! Let's watch that. Bs (say how you feel about reality shows) = ; E (say that Neighbours is on, and soured pleased) A: Oh, yest I love that soap, it’s my favourite, Right, that’s settled then. Now, what shall we get to eat? 21) & Listen to Track 11. Speak when it is your turn, Use your dialogue. ee Listening What's my job? + Look at the picture, Do you know the game they are playing? What do you think the panel have to do? 119) ston to Track 12, Did you guess right?” ih 02 Listen to Track 12 again, Write short yes / no answers to the panel's questions. The first one is done for you. a Do you work with animals? Yes..1..do,../..No..\_ dont. b Is your occupation dangerous? Do you work in a special place? q Do you enjoy your job? nf) Listen to Track 12 agein ane enswerthe questions, a Name three places where Jason works, b Write wo words Jason uses to describe his job. 4 Can you guess Jason's job? Write your guess here. Jason is a 9) Ulster to Tale w check your anewer 2 © Read these questions. + languages in your job? 99) ® Now listen to the answers on Track 14, Put the questions in exercise 6 in the correct order, 1 ~9. © Can you guess the JOB? oom 1» Listen to Track 15 and see if you were right. 0B Speaking A mystery job + You are describing your mystery job on a radio programme 1 2 called What's my job? Then listen to Track 16 and speak when it is y Complete the dialogue with suitable yes / no answers, jour turn. UNIT 4: Speaking "7 Panelists’ questions Your answers Do you work with animals? Do you work outside? Do you wear @ special uniform? Do you travel in your jab? Do you need special equipment? Is your equipment expensive? Does your job make other people happy? Do you work alone? Does anyone ever see the work you do? Do you work with famous people? Do you like your job? | give up. What do you do? »e A Listening Team building + Look at the picture. Can you guess the right answer? Tick the correct box. a The people are from an office in the city. Itis Saturday. They are all in the country for two days — for an ‘Activity Weekend’ Some of them don’t really want to do the activity, but they all doit. bb ‘The people are from an office in the city. It is Saturday. They are all in the country for two days for an ‘Activity Weekend’. Some of them don’t really want to do the activity and one person doesn’t do it. © The people are from an office in the city, It is Saturd all in the country for two days for an ‘Activity Weekend’. Everyone wants to do the activity but one person doesn’t doit. »)©) Listen to Track 17. Were you right? ~~ rope ladder . tree house 1) & Listen to Track 17 again, Put the pictures in the right order. Write 1 ~ 8 in the boxes. SI wall 1 wall a 2 rope ladder = barbed Ss 3 rannel a wire Sg 4 treehouse [1] & 2 5 barbed wire == 6 plank o 7 wire a 8 mud a oo tunnel UNIT 5: Listening 19 Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. You can use some verbs more than once. Listen to Track 17 again to help you, if necessary. a towards the wall. & from the wire b up the wall h your way along the wire © down the other side. i into the mud. d through the tunnel, i under the barbed wire, the rope laddes. » f along the wooden plank, = climb crawl drop hang jump make run walk 4 Look at the picture. Then complete the instructions. a First, (a) towards the barbed wire, (b) under it Then (¢) the plank to the other side of the mud. @) the wall. Now (e) ~sonessetna nnn from the rope ladder and. @ your way across it. Finally, (g) . off the end and try not to (hy into the river, 1») Listen to Track 17 and check, 20 UNITS: Speaking B Speaking Interview + Choose one of the pictures and complete these tasks, using your imagination. Make notes. ‘What is the person's name? How would th person describe himself / herself? ‘What does the person do? ‘What is the best thing about this job? And the worst? ‘Why did the person decide to do this job? What are his her future plans? 1) @ Now imagine you are the person in the photo. Listen to Track 18 and answer the questions. Use your notes to help you e A Listening The soundtrack of our lives ») + Listen to Track 19. Three friends are talking about songs. Who says these things, Sophie, Mandy or her boyfriend, Bill? Write the speaker's name. Songs are like the soundtrack of our lives.” .. Sophie. © 1) & Listen to Track 19 again. Complete the table. “Lean remember the tune but I can’t think of the name.’ “bet you have a song that brings back memories.” ‘I didn’e know you liked romantic songs.” “Every time [ hear the song I can remember that summer as if it was yesterday. *You sound like old people talking about old times!” “You can’t remember the song they were playing when we met? Sophie Mandy Bill Song Reasons for liking the song 22 UNIT 6: Listening ) ® Listen to Track 20. Some people are talking about important events in their lives. What question are they answering? oe 4 Match the speakers and the photos. 19). Usten to Track 20 again. Which speaker says the following? What is each speaker referring to? a I'd never seen anything so amazing beforet Speaker......, referring to bb [couldn't helieve she didn’t know. Speaker... referring to € [felt so proud! Speaker... referring to d didn't think he would ever go out with me. Speaker ....., referring to coe UNITS: Speaking 23 B Speaking Memories ‘Put the pictures in order to tela story. Name the boxes A -E. In your own words, record the story onto a tape. Listen to what you have recorded and make a note of any corrections you want to make. Record the story again, 1) & Now listen to Track 21. Someone else is telling the story. What are the similarities or differences between your stories? »e A Listening Radio phone-in 1 Look at the photos. Guess what the radio phone-in will be about. au) ©) Now listen to Track 22 and see if you were right. @ Answer these questions. a How many people call the radio programme? b What activities are mentioned in the radio programme? 11) Liston to Track 22 again and answer the questions. a What is Keith’s hobby? b What is the basic equipment for Extreme Ironing? © What was Phil doing when he invented Extreme Ironing? What was Phil’s favourite sport before Extreme Ironing? © What kind of people do Extreme Ironing? UNIT 7: Listening 25 \) Listen to Track 22 again. Complete the advertisement using information from the programme. What is extreme ironing? Ie’ (a) -sneeeees using an ordinary (b) f and (6) but instead of doing it in your living room ‘or kitchen, you do itin (d) places! For example, at the top (e) supa (fl enn OF at the bottom of the (z) ae ! Who does it? People from different (h) : but you have to be a litle bic (i) i Interested? Here's how to find out more about this fascinating sport! Phone the (j) i i Complete the chart Extreme ‘My favourite with information from the radio phone-in and Honing isle seth personal information. (a) Where Listen to Track 22 can you again, Ifyouneed to. practise it? (6) What do you need? (©) What kind of people doit? 26 UNIT 7: Speaking »@ B Speaking Role-play: giving information ) You are the receptionist at an ice rink. Read the information in the leaflet. Listen to Track 23 and answer the caller's questions. ie j ood Our ice-skating courses are for all ages and abilities. Fach course runs for six weeks and the sessions consist of half an hour lesson and half an hour supervised practice time. A Maximum class size is 30 Anyone on a course gets free skate hire and entry to the Monday evening open sessions to do their practising! Book through reception, Credit cards accepted. e A Listening Scary story Look at the pictures and put them in order to make a story. Think about these questions. a What time is it? b Why is Judy alone in the house? © What is she doin, d How is Judy probably feeling? How do you know Listen to Track 24 and check your answers. Listen to Track 24 again. Write T (true) or F (false). a That night Judy was looking after a baby, [] b The baby was in the com with Judy. [] o © Judy was enjoying her hece times. [] € The first time the phone rang, Judy didn’t worry. [] £ The sccond time the phone rang, Judy was frightened. [1] § The last time the phone rang, Judy knew it was John. (] h ‘The baby was in his room. [] Now correct the sentences that are false. 28. UNIT 8: Listening Without looking at the audioscript (or listening to Track 24 again), can you use the words in the box to reassemble a part of the dialogue? Use each word once only. Pay attention to capital letters, full stops (.), commas (,), ‘question marks (?) and exclamation marks ('). jupys Is Sones Bithis (bjemreeme to (6) oa MAN: oe See baby. juny: (e) oo this. MAN? (f) snounen Cheek on the baby. NagRator: Judy (g) the (hy cand ran (i) oon =i She (j) Into the (k} ™ ‘The baby’s cot (m) Check your answers by listening to Track 24 again, and reading the audioscript on page 72. em Listen to Track 25. Answer the questions, a Where was imimy the baby? sonn enn b Who was the man on the phone? .s..ve-wa- © What does Judy think about it all? — on UNIT 8: Speaking 29 © B Speaking A newspaper report + Look at the picture and complete these tasks, using your imagination. Make notes. When did you sce this? Can you describe in detail what you saw? What clo you think it was? How did you feel? What did you do? What happened in the end? 1D. = Anewspaper reporter is interviewing you about what you saw, Listen to Track 26 and answer the questions. Use your notes to help you. »e A Listening Phone messages 11) 4 Liston to Track 27 Tck the corect picture for each of nee message 1 1) & Usten to Track 27 again, Who an you see in the pictures? Write Debbie, Peter, Melanie, Lucy, Will, Olga oF Libby for each message (Waring: you ‘can not see all of them!) © Answer the questions. a Who has a laptop? ae b Who Jeét something at home? © Who apologises? — dd Who is going to be late? € Who's going to buy sandwiches? £ Who's having a party? eeeen-nuen UNITS: Listening 31 @ Put the words in the right order to make message announcements. a at fall / can’t / moment f take / the / We f your b a/after / leave / message / Please / the / rone © can't / come / 1/ now f phone f right {the / 0 d you/a/and / back / V'l/ Leave / message / ring 15 Listen to Tack 28 and tind the matching message. B Sin, agent problirn al affie. Bake at about +. (il rast dew, pase fet and fied har. Fd in a wpboord unr sink. | dela urgent problem at Mee nert door, Back at about ?, Please Sefeh Milie and Sead her, ia cupboard under sik, Answer: VD © Now choose the other two messages in exercise 5. Practise leaving the messages on an answerphone. Listen to Track 29 and compare. 32 UNIT 9: Speaking ee B Speaking Describing objects ‘4 Match the words and the pictures "mobile phone video games console camcorder MP3 player computer radio digital camera three-wheeled motorbike b © d f he oi i) © Usten to Track 90, Which four objects in the pictures are the people describing? 1) & Choose one of the objects in the picture. Complete the dialogue about it Then listen to Track 31 and speak when itis your turn. Tell me about the object you have chosen. But don’t say what it’s called! How big is it? What colou Whar do you use it for, or do with it? Do you have one of these yourself? How often do you use it? Now say what you have been describing e A Listening Clayton Street Bo itaane coeemeren ie screrracinyen Steet on Tack 22, Look atthe pictures Wie Jezza ecueuet anes ot 1 @ Usten to Track 32 again. Circle the best answer. 1 isa good friend to Chri 2 is not a good friend to Chris. b Chris 1 is unhappy because Jezza didn’t put his number in the ‘phonebook’ on his mobile phone. 2 is not happy because Jezza didn’t remember his number. © Chris 1 wants his money back. 2 is going to give Jezza some money. Chris 1 is sure that he will get £200 from Jezza 2 isn’t sure that he will get £200 from Jezza. © Jeua 1 will give Chris £200 tomorrow. 2 won't give Chris £200 tomorrow. om b S Look at the lines from Track 32. Look at the verbs in the box. Complete them with the correct form of the verbs in the box. a Where it you the numbers? b You me in your phonebook, haven’t you? © Idon’t it But what do YOU wevennnmnne ? el you two hundred pounds, remember. frill it to you tomorrow, g You _.. that before. h You'll your money tomorrow. it £0. 119) Usten to Teck 32 again. Were you corect? 34 UNIT 1D: Listening 4 Look at the pictures and guess the answers to these questions. Do you think this episode of Clayton Street comes after the one ‘on page 33, or before? Why? aes b Why doesn't Jezza want an office job? f € What is Chris’ job? i ee err dd Whar is Jezza’s dream job? € Why does Jezza want Chis’ money? : 7 1») Now listen to Track 33 and check your answer, 0) & Listen to Track 33 again and write T (true) or F (false) in the boxes. a Jezaa doesn’t mind being unemployed. [] b Chris hasn’t got a boring office job. [] © Jezza hasn't ever done any DJ-ing. [) d_Jexza believes friends should lend each other money. [] © Jezza is confident that he will be able to pay Chris back. [] om UNIT 10: Speaking 35 ¢ B Speaking The best present (9) + Usten to Tack 8 and choose the corret picture (a ~€) below. ® Answer the questions about your best present. Who gave it to you? When did you get it? Do you still have it? Why is / was it special co you? Now listen to Track 35 and speak when it is your turn. e A Listening A scene from a play 4) + Usten to Track 96 and put the sound effects in the right order, The first one is done for you. a aknock at the door —b the sound of a mobile phone 1 the sound of drinking someone closes the window f the sound of change / coins of stirring i thunder with a spoon fh the sound + med the door handle © Charles and Miranda pull a bed across the floor. Do they do this before or after (h)? >) © Listen to Track 36 again, Who says the following? Write the man or the woman. Irs a bit dark... Hee. oan, Don’t worry, dear eX € Loved it... 4 I'm not very strong, . © Te Scary. £ Nonsense! Nothing to worry about. ‘Come on. Help me i That's better ~ | We're safe now “9 5 ") Listen to Track 36 again to check. UNIT Hi: Listening 37 What do we know about: a the type of hotel? - b the man’s and the woman’s characters? ase © what the man and woman like to drink? Z 7 the name of the hotel? Pomiebede <.... on Listen to Track 36 again and complete the following questions from the conversation. a Irs scary, > b Thar’ better, © We're safe, 2 You didn’t put itin your bag, ¢ Irs not in my bag, Make the sentences into quostions like the questions in exercise 5. This is a nice hotel, wnnennnn ? b The water’ very cold, © They stayed here last year, 2 d She likes chocolate, This isn't a very good paint ‘The water isn’t very warm, 8 She didn’t leave her bag in the restaurant, h They aren’t going to be late, ? oe What is the difference between sentences a ~ d and sentences e ~ h? > Answer the questions. a What did Miranda think of the hotel room? re _ b What did the waiter bring Charles? And Miranda? © What kind of holiday did they go on before? a d What did Miranda thi © Where was Miranda’s phone? vninnnssnnniu-nnnevene of it? £ Who was phoning her? & Why? 38 Speaking e B Speaking Oa ala Bm eee a Ga CC a LO to dimb Mount Everst TR aa ac aess a ‘% Complete the sentences in your own words. Before I'm thirty / forty / fifty T want to have T want to T want to visie Lintend to Record your sentences onto a tape. Listen and make notes of any corrections you want to make. Record your se \ces again. e A Listening Radio advertisements 1 Listen to Track 37. Match the advertisements with the pictures. Write 1 — 5 in the boxes, oe »)@ Listen to Track 37 again. Are these statements true or false? Write T or Fin the boxes. a The Fire Service only fights fires, [] b You can get 20% off when you buy something in the Kenneth Cole store. [J © Battersea Dogs Home has dogs and cats. ["] d Friends of the Barth just protects wild animals, [7] You can learn to be a clown at a school, [] od QS Listen to Track 37 again and complete these statements with the words you hear. a When we get a call it could be toa road accident, an air accident or a rail accident or to someone from allift. b The shoes and clothes that you give us, we'll give to the © They are here at the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home because their Jefe them in the street to die. 4 We are looking f0F wan 60 help us with sending out letters and making telephone calls © Come to the California. School where you will learn the art of clowning et 40 UNIT 12: Speaking 1) 4 Listen to Track 37 again and complete these written ads. Kenneth Cole Stores are helping (a)... Special offer until (b) Bring in your old (c} and Ce @. coounnns and we'll give you off the next thing you buy in our store! 1 Can you give (f) eee and (g) “cove a home? Here at Battersea (h) ...wc2ma- ee we rescue dogs and (i) and Qe new homes for them. Visit our Poesia at (eyes ... for more information. Have you got any free time? (I) o.com of the (m) i needs volunteers to help with (n) and (0) Give us a ring on Freephone (p) UNIT 12: Speaking 41 © B Speaking Meeting: Who shall we invite? 1 You are at a meeting to decide on a person to invite to come and speak to your English class. You would like to invite Emily Davis. Read about her, Name: Emily Davis Comes from: California Reason she joined volunteer Always wanted to work with children, and help with social work project with children in and teaching, Interested in Ecuador because of degree in Ecuador Spanish / Latin American studles at university. Work she did there: Everything, from teaching English, correcting Spanish and other homework, to group activities, quitar lessons, sports lessons. Difficulties: Sometimes controlling the kids was a bit difficult - they had lots of eneray! Contribution to the community: | Children learnt that there are lots of opportunities for them. Many went on to study further, and help their own community in turn, 9) © Cover the tox. Listen to Tack 38 and answer the chairperson’s questions about Emily. Can you remember? e A Listening Remembering schooldays 1) + Listen to Brian and Molly on Tack 39 Which teacher di. a Molly like best, Mrs Gladwin or Ms Marley? b Brian like best, Mrs Gladwin or Ms Marley? .. x — Which teachers (or their classes) do these sentences describe? Write G (Mrs Gladwin) or M (Ms Marley) in the boxes. 1a ‘She used to say, ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that!” all the time. [7] b We sat in rows for hours. [] © We were afraid to talk, [] d Sometimes we played all day. [7] Pim not sure [learned anything with her. [] f We learned by ourselves. [] fg She was always so grumpy. CJ hh She was lovely. C1] Listen to Track 39 again. Read the opinions a -f. Which teacher has each opinion? Write G or M in the boxes. e. Children need dis Children can stop and start activities when they want. [] Children of different ages can all work together. [] Children of different ages should be separate, [7] b © Children can discover things for themselves. [-] a £ Children need to be happy and comfortable, [1] 4 Choose a word from the box to complete each part of the conversations on Track 39. a Remember how she was 0... with us? “Do this, don’t do that’ all the time. b We were all really quiet ~ afraid to talk. She was really one for buh? © Ms Marley? Oh yeah ~ she was great ~ young and «0-0 Twas always talking with my friends ~ the whole class went sometimes. € She never really told ns anything, We learned by... £ Mrs Gladwin used to put us in separate groups so the big kids didn’t... the little kids. g You know; I think the most important thing is personal... Give Qe UNIT 13: Listening — 43 ‘Adam and Jessica were at secondary school together five years. ago. They are remembering some of their old school friends. Listen to Track 40. Match the names with the photos. Anne Luke []) Pablo 2 Ha oO Listen to Track 40 again and answer the questions. a What was Anne like? b What did she use to co when teachers spoke to her? © What was Elsa’s talent? d Who did she use t0 go ou with? @ What did he look like? g What did he look like? h Did Jessica like him? How do you know? ee B Speaking The education debate 44 UNIT 13: Speaking ‘1 Why do we need to go to school? Match each. reason with one of the pictures. Write a ~h in 1 to learn about the past oO 2 to meet other people o 3-to learn how to read and write QO 4 to help us geta job oO 5 to learn about mathematies and numbers [7] 6 to find out abour our interests and talents C] 7 to find out about the rest of the world — 8 to learn how to think a ee Now listen to Track 41. Which of the reasons for going to school, in exercise 1, are mentioned? Write the numbers. Se atresia : om © Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Write notes for a speech. Give reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. @ Record your speech. Listen to your speech, and make any corrections. Record yourself again. e A Listening The news Os Listen to Track 42. Tick the people and things that you hear. b car crash © dog d e E 8 Match the people and the items from exercise 1. The first one is done for you. b c d airport cag mountains Prime Minister BESS Fine Antonia Merrite Mark Gartside... Phyllis Jones Stephen Williams, Who of what ...? b c d ze barked and barked? designed a new building? doesn’t have a JOB? enn fell in her house? 0. is going to be an Egyptian queen in a new film? ... likes architects? h Queen storms kk student 1 the environment m tower ae 00S. talked to the police? —ee-eo-nneee thanked doctors? - thanked her dog? .... visited a new building? was at a press conference? won a prize? fe Gis ey 460 UNIT 14: Listening ») 4 Complete three of the newspaper articles with the missing words. Then listen to Track 42 again and check. Prime Minister attacked Ala). -year-old man, Stephen Williams, threw (b} a. on at the Prime Minister today as he was arriving at the New London Tower, Williams told the police he was (€} ... about the (d) The Prime Minister was not hurt, and (¢) .................. about the incident. Student wins prize A(f) -year-old student, Mike Gartside, has won the National (g) prize for his de: for a new London (h) ‘on the (i) steis Mr Gartside’s first full design, Dog saves owner — » fell in her house and Phyllis Jones, aged (j) couldn’t get off the (k} <1... « The dog barked and barked until someone (I) _.. him and came to see what the (m) was. ‘My dog gave me my (1) ee-nie-nine back, said Mrs Jones, UNIT 14: Speaking 47 @ B Speaking What is it like? Look at the photos. Can you name the buildings? a The Deep, in Hull, England ~an ‘underwater exhibition’ centre [ b Selfridges Department store in Birmingham, England [] © The Modern Art Centre, Cincinnatti, USA [ The opera house in Santa Cruz, Tenerife (Canary Islands) [_ Read this description. Which building does it describe? it's a modern building. | don’t like it very much, because it looks rather ugly. It looks like a monster's face, with one eye and a mouth. 1) ) @_ Now write notes describing the three other buildings. Listen to Track 43 and answer the questions. Useful phrases It looks like a... (+ noun) Itlooks ... (+ adjective) Useful adjectives big cold dramatic exciting friendly modem tall ugly unfinished Building 4 ee A Listening It's all in the eyes 4 Look at this photo of the eyes. ‘What do you think this person is thinking? ® Match the sentences with the pictures. Write a ~f in the boxes. 4 she is looking down and to the left b sl e is looking directly left © she is looking up and to the left d she is looking directly right € she is looking up and to the right F she is looking down and to the right a UNIT 15: Listening 49 DS Listen to Track 44 and answer write T (Tricia) of M (Marty) for the sentences. Who. a tries to remember the face of a childhood friend? [] D read an article about brain research and eye movement? [] © says people's eyes move in different directions when they think about different things? [] d can’t stop looking into people's eyes? [] 4 Listen to Track 44 again, Match the eye position from exercise 2 for the activities. Write 16 in the boxes. The first one is done for you remembering an image b inventing an image remembering sound imagining, a so) talking to yourself o oOo o a o having feelings © According to Marty's article, which way does it say you will look when you think about: a time when you felt scared?, o the sound of a big dog barking? a the sound of your mother’s voice? d the fi face of a person you know? sora € a picture of a high mountain? : £ how you are going to solve a problem? 119) Usten to Track 44 again to check os 50 UNIT 15: Speaking B Speaking Your health ‘Answer the questions in the questionnaire. 1. How much sleep do you get every night? 2 What time do you usually go to bed? 3. Mow do you usually feel when you wake up? 4 Do you fall asleep easily, or do you have trouble falling asleep? 5 Do you ever wake up in the night? Why? 6 What isthe last thing you usually do before going to sleep? bee 12. How much physical activity do you do every day? 7 What do you have for breakfast? 8 What do you usually haye for lunch? De NI YSU ec ce ergot 9 What did you have for dinner last night? Ts this typical? 14 What new sport would you like to take up, if you could? 10. How much water do you drink every day? 11. Do you think your dict nceds to improve? In what way? Now listen to Track 45 and answer os the questions. e Listening Unidentified Flying Objects ‘1 Look at these two photos. What do they show? Do you believe the photographs are real? @ You are going to listen to two stories about UFOs. Read these sentences about each story, and put them in the correct order. Then listen to Track 46 and check your answers. A © The: B Te was moving at 600 mph. He gave the photos to experts to study. ‘One of them took photos of it People living on an island began to see strange things in the sky. inchided dises that were flying, fast. ‘Then one night, 47 people, on a ship in the area, saw a strange disc. a They took lights, a radio and a Geiger counter to measure radiation. b Security guards saw unusual lights in the forest. © The next day there were broken trees, and holes in the ground. d This happened for two nights © The lights and radio stopped working, and the Geiger counter started to make noises, F On the second night, they went into the forest to investigate. 82 UNFT 16: Listening Listen to Track 46 again. Write 1, 2 or 3 to answer each question for each story. Where did the story take place? 1 Trindade Islands, Brazil 2. Harvard University, USA 3 Bentwaters, England b ‘When did the story take place? 1 December ist 1957 2 December 27th 1980) 3 January 16th 1958 © What did people see first? 1 unusual lights 2 dises flying very fast 3 slow discs and lights How big was the object thar people saw? 1 20 feet wide and 30 feet high 2.47 feet high 3 50 feer wide ‘Were there any photographs or “other physical evidence? La noisy aeroplane 2.a series of six photographs 3 broken trees and large holes in the ground What was the explanation given by people who did not believe the story? 1 ir was an aeroplane flying, through the fog it was the wind and complex scientific causes 3 it was a radio station What do people say today? 1 the objects moved slowly 2 the photographs are real 3 experts cannot explain the high levels of radiation UNIT 16: Speaking 53 ® Read the notes about Andy. Listen to Track 47 e B Speaking cea cena Phone call : ager of 2 supermacet ¥: Married for ten years to Jane (cashier), a ilineadithe texterdareverthe cuestons, h Molly, 4, Johnny, 3) a Why did Andy used to hate to be alone when he agen icreseeol was a child? steak m yme: large | jut 70 km from Los b Who was the man who called him in 198 H fee S Read the notes about Kevin. Listen to Track 47 1) again and speak when it is Kevin's part All his life, Andy Jackson hated to be alone. iag4 Novsvite cours sis warties beige prAna Asa child, he always wanted someone to stay encikeon the night at his house, As a young man, he had. several different friends. He always felt that he was not complete — there was something missing from his life. =a ‘That ended on Sept. 23, 1985, when the : telephone rang and a voice said,“You don’t know me, and this is a strange question, but when were you born?” Andy thought it was ‘odd, but gave the answer. “Well, here's an even stranger question for you: Were you adopted?” Andy said” yes”."Hi,"the stranger said.“I’'m your twin brother.” “Andy dict not know that he had a brother. ‘When they were born they were given to two different couples. Andy discovered that his eer brother’s name was Kevin and soon found that there were many similarities and differences hetween them. ee A: Sounds Dal aston ciree aol erat ierdeInatolacie fe rack Wie 1-8 nthe boxes. a television © decision a b usual fe £ obsession oO ¢ information o g solution Oo d fashion o h conclusion o om 4) Listen to Track 48 again. Write the words in the table. ») Listen to Track 48 again and repeat the words. © The words in talics in the ip Bi dialogues below have the i sounds /f/ or /5/ in them. Write the words in talics under the Ft a a zit correct sound. cs Sault Hates i i a A: How do you like your tea? oar wheverciyautcoina? B: With sugar, usally. B; Watching a fashion show on television. b A: Come on then, What's the solution? d) 2s Sania Commins B: There is no solution. That's my conclusion. B; We can make a decision after our discussion. ( Listen to Tack 49. Check your answers. Then listen agaln and repeat the words, a 4 Listen to Track 50. Read the answers in the dialogues in exercise 3 when it’s your turn, 9) Listen to Track 51. Complete the table with the words in the box. Look at the underlined sound in two- or three-syllable words. Pronunciation: Sounds 55 “Amelie back clock drop “front hang jump ladder mud opposite plank Eee Jee) ~ cap Jnl = cup "platform scanned someone Aooalio son top tunnel under Play Track 50 again. Say the words after the speakers. eon DE Listen to Track 52 and write /e/ of /ei/ according to the vowel sound you hear. tal, nore f 19) Now listen again and write the word on te line. Cheek. Practise saying the words with the correct pronunciation. ee 1% Listen to Track 83. Number the words in the order of the track, Write 1 ~ 12 in the boxes. a sin b sing, © tonne 4 tongue a a itl oO e ran f rang g sun h sung o oO oO oO i singer k thin 1 thing oO oO Oo (i Write the words with the sound jn/ like none? Write the words with the sound /y/ like jong? oo © Listen to Track 54. Number the words in the order you hear them. bingo drink fun sound io Oo o 1 Oo e sung swimming thin thing think thanks oboo0000 an 56 Pronunciation: Sounds © Read the words in exercise 8 aloud. Write them under the correct sound. 1 Which sound can go at the beginning, the middle and the end of words and which sound is never at the beginning? Eee Attee 9) Listen to Track 55. Check your answers and repeat the words. 4 * Listen to Track 56. Circle the words you hear. three (Gee) a b thank — tank © path part, d north nought theme team f sings things sink think == thirty dirty thirst first 4 Which words have the sound JO like ‘thank"? Write a list. Listen to Track 57 again. Say the words. 42 Listen to Track 58. Listen to each word and write the symbol of the sound that you hear, J0/ think ——_/8/ there a thank ig iia se, b with ee © that RO orrce: d three re ey e north, 14 is 016 az Pronunciation: Sounds 57 Practise saying these sentences with the correct pronunciation of ‘th’, a Don't forget to thank your mother. b Do you think he’s thirty? € This is my father. 4 Don't put that in your mouth. ¢ There is the person who is from the north. Listen to Track 58 and repeat the sentences with the same pronunciation. Listen to the two words on Track 59. clone fkloun / clown /klaon/ Listen to the words in Track 60 and write the symbol /ou/ or /avy for the sound that you hear for the letters a — j a Ba f miei b 8 © haw d i e i Listen to Track 60 again and write each word out in full in ordinary letters. Practise saying the words with the correct pronunciation of the vowel sound. CS Listen to these pairs of sentences on Track 61 and write the number of the sentence that you hear. a You have to say goodbye. You have to say ‘good boy’. att Set ith b Can I look at that tie? = Can [ look at that toy? © Be careful! Don’t slip on the oil Be careful! Don’t slip in the aisle. mae 4 Would you like to try? Would you like to, Troy? om 88 Pronunciation: Sounds 1® Now match these contexts to the sentences and questions in exercise 17. aA young child who is at a friend's house wants to play with his friend’s toy. ... 2. bb A person is telling someone how to train a dog. --n ‘¢ A young man is asking his friend Troy if he wants to go to the movies with him, A young person has a new video game that he wants his friend t0 play. meen A man in a shop who wants to buy a new ti ‘A mother is calking to her young son who doesn’t want to go home, enn een © f g There is oil on the road and a mother warns het daughter, h I has been raining on a ship and the aisles (where people walk) ate Wet, oo. nen 119)1 Usten to Track 62. What do you notice about the pronunciation of ether and nottner? 1) 2© Listen to Track 63. Which pronunciation of neither or either do you hear? Write ‘like eye’ or ‘like we' in the blanks (see the box below). Practise saying the sentences using the two different pronunciations of either and neither. ©) 2 Listen to Track 64 and say whether the pronunciation of the underlined word is the same (S) oF different (0). garage new a He put the car in the garage. € I really need some new shoes. He put the ear in the garage. 1 really need some new shoes. b The paint is in the garage. f This DVD is new. ‘The paint is in the garage, This DVD is new, one room ¢ John is upstairs in his room. Joh d Whar do you think of this room? upstairs in his 200M. eno What do you think of this 100M? su. 0e-see Pronunciation: Sounds 59 )) 22 Now listen to Track 64 again and circle the phonetic transcription that you hear. a éga'rarg/ /' gerd) d frurm/ from/ gcd) ‘usm ‘rom’ b Pgeerid3 © Iau! Injusi é'gerid3) fours Injuv! © irom! fous! Injus! /rom/ four! fnjuy Practise saying the sentences with the same pronunciation as Track 64. — 1) 2 Listen to Track 65. What's different about the way these two acronyms are pronounced? @ Many people say they have seen a UFO. b The problem of AIDS is a huge one, Listen to Track 66. Which acronyms do you hear? a heard the report on the radio on the b Pm going to visit the next year € Do you like bacon? Would you like a. a d The oil-producing nations have an organisation called € One of the most important parts of the is F How long is she going to stay in the > g Have you seen my new layer? 8 y yn play a Practise saying the sentences with the correct pronunciation of these acronyms. Find other acronyms and check how they are pronounced, ) 2 Listen to the spelling of these words on Track 67 (1) and write them down. b d cae on © Now write the acronyms for the phrases you have written above. Practise spelling the words out loud. »@ B: Stress 1) 9 Listen to Track 67 (2). Circle the stress pattern you hear, a hus stop bus stop b city map city map © sun hat sun hat post offi post office 2 1) ).= Matk the stress in these two-word nouns. Underline the stressed syllable. The first one is done for you. Then listen to Track 69 and check your answers. sun glasses € ski resort b guide book f hotel room ¢ subway station g police station d cash dispenser = © Read the words to yourself. Under 1@ the stressed word in the two-word nouns, phone box € park bench b letter box f traffic lights © tea cup cricket match d road signs h underground station 1) Listen to Track 70 and repeat the words. Were your answers correct? . »)) 4 Listen to the words on Track 71 and look at their ‘shapes’. boring tired people advice excuse repeat Pronunciation: Stress 61 1%)'5 Listen to Tack 72. Which shepe er the words? Wite 1 or 2in the boxes a explain e massage] rae es b heathy [] £ Hifestyle = c accept =] — g problem =] Ga dice O heomplete om © Listen to Track 73. Listen first to the examples (a and b) and look at their stress shapes. a problem a b result wlll »)-® Now listen to Track 74 and draw the shapes of the words you hear. © coffee a g salad d chocolate h withour © water PRACTISE een f inside ‘te 6 "2 ® Listen to Track 75. Are the words in italics strong or weak? Mark them S or Was you listen, a Can (ad you remember him? Yes, [can [7] 1 ean remember him clearly. b He was tal. And [] handsome! Yes, he was tall and [] handsome. © Was [1] he there? Yes, he was. ] What was [7] he doing? He was [] dancing i) Lcsn to Track 75 agen ond vopest We conversations = 62 Pronunciation: Stress 1) © Listen to Track 76, Notice strong and weak stress, Mark the words in italics S (strong) or W (weak). a A: Was [S] the test difficult? B: No. It was [idl nice and [7] easy. b A: Can [1 you come and help? B: Yes, | can (_]. But I can [] only stay for an hour. © A: How was [] your holiday? B: Jamaica twas [] hot arid [] humid! Az Buc was [] it nice? B: Oh, it was C] beau ful - and [_] a lot of funt W)4© Usten to Tack 77 Read B's responses wit he corect stress when Its your turn ‘1 ® Look at the audioscript for Track 36 on page 74. Read the underlined phrases and decide exactly how you would say them, Practise saying the underlined phrases in the same way as the speakers, 1@ Listen to Track 78. Do the two questions sound the same or different? 9). Now Keten to Track 79, Ford below, write 1 Ifyou heer going o\or 2 you Hear gonna, a What are you going to do when you leave school? [] b I think I'm going to stay at home tonight. I'm tired. [] © Well, first Pm going to get my doctorate, then P'm going to live in South America. [E] d She’s not going to be there, I'm afraid. She's going to be in the library. [] [] Practise saying the sentences in the same way as on Track 79. 1\9).44 Listen to these sentences on track 80 and undertine the syllable that has the main stress. a We're gonna go to the heach. € James is going to study French. b She's going co win. 4 They're gonna tell you to stop. 1) Now listen to the pronunciation of fo in each sentence on Track 80. Practise saying the sentences with the same pronunciation of to. 1 Write five sentences about yourself using ‘going to’, Practise your sentences using the appropriate pronunciation of to. - Pronunciation: Stress 63 1@ Look at these words and think about how you say them. Put them into the correct column. ‘beautifiel » ugly « delicious + horrible « enjoyable « boring « frightening + bad cheap + eremped © deep » expensive « fast » fat « funny « good » high = interesting + long « narrow + ‘spacious « thin « uncomfortable: One syllable ‘Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables camped spacious beautiful 119) Now isten to Track 81 and check your answers. o Barnet eer eck sore se ms sexe penmin SaVS e a beautiful Ooo b delicious & expensive © boring, h interesting, ih d enjoyable spacious € frightening j narrow z f funny ee k uncomfortable 1@ Read the conversation. Underline the stressed words. ‘What's the best film you've ever seen? =I don't know. What's the best film you've ever seen? 44) Liston to Tack 65. Do the speakers agree with you? ce 9)10 User te Tsk 84 ond underine te nvoosodsyiasios a Are you happy? € Have you ever been to the North Pole? = Yes, 1am. What about you? =No, I haven't. Have you ever heen to the North Pole? b Do you like chocolate? d Did you go to the meeting yesterday? = Yes, | do. Do you like chocolate? =No, I didn’t, Did you go to the mee Say the exchanges in the same way as the speakers on Track 84. e »e C: Intonation 1) Listen to Track 85. Does the speaker's voice go up, or down? Write up ‘or down in the blanks. & Do you like your job? eee b Do you enjoy it? Is it dangerous? —eeenenen 4 Do you have a good job? € Is the money $000? wxn-nnenen 1/9) Usten to Track 8 again and repeat the questions. ©) Listen to Track 86. Does the speaker's voice go up or down? a Are you looking for a job? —...¥p. b Are you interested in people? : © Are you good with animals? ...... 4 € Do you like working with animals? ...... »/) Listen again and repeat the questions. fan you work in a fam? oss »)) & Listen to this radio advertisement in Track 87, Does the speaker say the questions with the same intonation as in exercise 2 above? Underline the question where the intonation is different. Then practise reading the advert aloud. ee 9) 4 Listen to these exclamations on Track 88. Are the speakers interested (and / or amused) or bored (and / or disapproving)? Write | (interested or amused) or B (bored or disapproving) in the boxes. a How funny! b How stupid! © How silly! d_ How boring! Beate © How lovely! Are you looking for a job? How would you like to help animals? Can you work in a team? Yes? ‘We've got the perfect job for you! Call the Animal Hospital Now! No experience required! We De Pronunciation: Intonation — 65 Listen to Track 89 and repeat these exclamations with the correct intonation. a How nice! b How awful! © How exciting! Listen to Track 90, After the beep, use an exclamation from exercise 5 above to react to what the speakers say. 4 Thave to work on Saturday. vous... Haw, barag! b My grandfather fell and broke his leg. YOU oe ! ¢ Pim going to Australia! you eet Ryan got married in a Superman suit! BCU eect ! € Look, I hought you an ice cream. YOUS ene 1 ae Look at the groups of questions. Why are they different? a What's her number? How can I help? Who's calling, please? Basco b Is Rose there? ... Do you have his number? Can Thelp you? ee Listen to Track 91. Does the voice go up or down? Mark (down) or \_¢ (up) in the blanks. Which questions (a or b above) go up? Which go down? — tas 10 Pronunciation: Intanation Are the following questions examples of the a questions above, or the b questions? Write a (~) or b ( ~_y) for each one. Then listen to Track 92 to check your answers. a Can you help me? b Would you like to leave a message? © What time will she be back? How do you spell that? © Do you want her to eall you back? £ Who's calling? sone enenen Practise reading the questions with the correct intonation. Read the questions aloud. Does the voloe go up or down atthe end? Mark the Intonation of the questions" (down) or \—- (up). Them iste to Tack 83 to check your answers Can I speak to Lila?\_y b Are you busy € Do you want me to call later? dd When can I have it back? © What can I do for you? F How are you? Listen to Track 94, Repeat the questions after the beep with the correct intonation. Intonation 67 41 Choose questions from exercise 11 to complete this conversation. LILA: Hello? you: (a) Can... speate.. 0, Lela... a LILA: Speaking, YOU: Hi, Lila, (b) cu LiL: ine, thanks. HOU cent — : LILA: Yes, actually. Lam a little. you: (d) — LILA: No, that’s OK. What ean I do for you? YoU: [really need my camera. (e) = Stun Lita: Oh, right. Well, I have bad news for you. Now listen to Track 94 again and read out the questions with the correct intonation when it’s your turn. Listen to Track 95 and circle what the speaker is feeling in each sentence. bored / angry happy / surprised angey / upset upset / bored 2 surprised / tired Repeat the sentences with the same stress and intonation, - ‘1& Practise saying this sentence in all of the different ways you heard in exercise 14. I can't believe that he told you thar. AUBDIOSCRIPTS Track 1 MAT Good day! Pm Matt I'm from Melbourne but my family originally comes from Greece. A lor of people in Australia come from other countries. D'you know, one Australian family in three ~ that's 33% — speak another language, apart from English | mean. That is surprising, isnt itt In Australia, we love open air activities of all kinds. We like to go to the sea, for surfing and swimming. Did you know that a lor of Anstralians, Iny percent I think, live along, the coasts? SANDY: Hello! I'm Sandy, from Glasgow. Sometimes people say to me: “You're English, aren't you?” But T'm not English, Pm Scoutish, Many people get confused bur very simple: England, Wales and Scotland are all part of Great Britain, So we are all British, bur we are not all Englisht We al speak English bur some people in Scotland also speak Gaelic ~and Scottish English is a clffezent from English English! In international sport we usually take part as Seotland ~ not as part of Great Britain, The eapital of Scotland is Edinburgh but I think: Glasgow is bigger and more fun! rHssA: Hil Cm Tessa, from Montreal, in Quebec. Quebec is in the east of Canada, Most Canadians speak the two official languages, French and English. Canada is a huge country, The second largest country in the world, actualy. In Canada you ean find everything. Do you like big cities? We have really exciting ones, ike Montreal and Toronto. Do you like mountains? We have lots too, Winter sports are very popular. Its very ‘cold in winter but I ike summer better Tes warm and swe go and swim in the lakes. WILSON: Hi, Pm Wilson, from Kingston, the capital of ‘Jamaica, Jamaica isthe biggest English-speaking island in the Caribbean, Many visitors come ro Jamaica because we have fabulous beaches and great mountains, Jamaicans love music, And they love dancing. Do you know reggae music? Well, reggae is from Jamaica When you come here, you can dance at any time of the day or night. Isa realy cool place to visit Track 2 “Tossa: Hil I'm Tessa, from Montreal, in Quebec. Quebec is in the east of Canada, Most Canadians speak the two official languages, French and English, Canada is a huge ‘country, The second largest country in the world, actually. In Canada you ean find everything, Do you like big cities? We have really exciting ones, like ‘Montreal and Toronto. Do you like mountains? We have Jots too. Winter sports are very popula. Its very cold in winter, but I like summer better. It’s warm and ‘we go and swirn in the lakes. Track 3 I'm from a country that's in the Pacific Ocean, It has two islands, North Island and South Island. The eapial city is called Wellington, The two official languages are English and Maori, M~ AOR =1~the Maori are the indigenous people, in other words, the people who were there first, hefore the British aerived. The most popular sports in my country are rugby, water sports and cricket. Ie's a beautiful country, with los of high mountains and voleanoes ~ some of them stil active, Now can you guess where I'm from? Track 4 Where shall we go for our holiday this year? Prd rather do something more exciting this year, How about an extreme sports holiday in Wales? But we do that every year 'd prefer to da something ifferent this time, It would be nice 10 go somewhere aquieter. How about Devon? I'll be warm, and there are some lovely seaside walks, Track 5 aM: Hey Claire, W CLAIRE: Ie’ all these exam 's up? You don’t look very happy. V'm really stressed out, aM Then you need co laugh, CLAIRE: Laugh? You're joking. sxM: No, I'm not, Laughter is good for yout for stress ~ like before an exam, ‘CLAIRE: Oh yeah? SAMz Yeah, I can show you, Fve ota joke. CLAIRE: Ob, not now Sam, I really have tons to do. saa Listen listen listen, There’ this pilor flying happily along in his plan, right? when suddenly one of his ‘engines catches fire, He looks out ofthe window and all he can see isthe fire, Wowt ind ts good rible, He shouts “mayday! mayday! into his radio, you know, to ask for halp. CCLAIRE: Yeah, yeah, I know what ‘mayday’ means. Sabi: Right, 80 a voice on the radio goes “This isthe control cower. Please state your height and your position.” And the pilot goes I'm about 1.70m and I'm sicting down.’ Well? CLAIRE: Is thac it? I don’r get it Track 6 sanz The conttol tower wants his height and his position, right? As in 30,000 feet. But the piloc understood height as in ‘How call are you?” And the position asin “Are you siting or standing? Geddit? ‘caine: Yeab, dul nor funny SAM: OK, but I've got another one, Listen. There's this teacher and she comes into class ‘c1AIRE: Not nov, Sam. Tee gor work to do. Track 7 Waiter! Your fingers are in my soup. Don't worry, Madam, I's not hot b Knock, knock: Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't ery. Ie’ only a joke. Doctor, doctor. I keep seeing green hairy monsters with horrible faces. Have you seen a psychologist? No, juse green hairy monsters with horrible faces. ‘ Jane, if you have ten sweets and Oscar asks you for one and Jackie asks you for two, how many sweets do you have lef? Ten, Track 8 A bear walked into a bar one day, The people hid under the said che bens, Td ike 0 order a ass of orange juice.’ Everyone watched as the tables. They were “Barmas bear drank, When the glass was empty the bear put it on the table. “The barman said to the bear, ‘We don't get many bears in this hae? ‘The bear asked, ‘How much is the orange juice?” “Two dollars. replied the barman. Wells surprised!” d the bear, ‘ar wo dollars a glass, 'm not Then he got off his chair and walked out the door. Track 9, Tdon's know what 10 do with allthis mone can you uive mie some advice? ‘That's « bit boring, though. What about something, fun? People will think I'm selfish if I don’t help someone or something with some of the money. ‘What about all my Iriends? They'll expect me to give them money too! What would you like asa gif? ‘Thanks for the advice! You've given me lots to think about AUDIDSCRIPTS 69 Track 1D INTERVIEWER: Excuse me. We're doing a survey about television. Can you answer a few questions? MAN: Sure, if i's quick. INTERVIEWER: Oh, thanks. How many hours a day do you watch television? MAN: Oh, Iddon’e know, mmm, about to oF three hours a ay, I suppose. Depends whae’s on. inrenviewer: What kind of programme do you prefer 0 watch? MAN: Well, my favourite programmes are documentaries. rent WER: Oh, why is thar? MAN: Because they're interesting and you always [earn something new. INTERVIEWER: Do you watch other kinds of programmes? Like soap operas for example? MAN: Soap operas?! Definitely not! I'd rather not watch television a nes I watch the news, chow » INTERVIEWER: So, how many hours a day do you watch television? YOUNG WOMAN: Oh, L watch a lot of television. Six hours, ‘maybe more! I have a lot of time, vTeRVIEWER; What kind of programme is your favourite? YOUNG WOMAN: I wateh a bit of everything but my favourite programmes are the soaps, especially EastKnders. I nevee miss an episode! IN TRVIEWER: Why? YOUNG WOMAN: Why do I watch soaps? Well, they're fun and sometimes they'ce very exciting! ERVIEWER: D'you, do you watch other kinds of progcammes? Like documentaries, for example? YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, I sometimes watch documentaries, but not often. For me television is for fun. When I get hhome I just wane co relax and have a laugh. Track 11 Whae's on TV tonight? Is there a good documentary? b ‘No way. You know I can't stand cartoons, Especially Tom and Jerry. Vd like to wateh a good sitcom. Is Dad's Ary ‘Oh, no, I don'e fe! like listening co bad news from around the world, Not if i's that boring old Michael Parkinson, But look! Big Brother’ started again’ Le’ watch that. ‘Oh, yest Hove thar soap, its my favourite, Right, that’s settled then, ‘Now, what shall we get to eat? 70 AUDIDSERIPTS Track 12 PRESENTER: Welcome to "What's my Job? the panel game in which we try and guess someone's job or occupation, (Our guest in today’s programme is Jason. Jason does a very useful job. Your job, panel, isto guess what Jason does. How do you guess? Well, you ask Jason questions. But you can only ask yesfno questions. In other words, Jason can only answer yes or no. I your {question is not valid you will heat this sound. You can ask up to 20 questions and make three guesses. All right? Now lees play "What's my Job Panel, question 1, please, PANELLIST A; Jason, do you work with people or animals? PRESENTER: Your question is not valid. Question 2, pleas, PANELLIST Bs Jason, da you work with animals? IASON: Yes, Ido. PANELIAST CIs your occupation dangerous? 1As0N2 Yes, well, ican be dangerous sometimes but itis’ dangerous that often, JANELLISE Bs Do you work in a special place? Une you work in a 2002 HuUSPATER: Thar’ two questions! You can only ask one at atime. PANELIST B: OK, OK. Do you work in a special place? JASON: Ex... no, not really. Sometimes T work in private houses, sometimes I work in a factory, even in the subway! baNPLLIST Cz Do you enjoy your jab? IASON: No, Well, that is, yes, Edo enjoy my job but sometimes it can be er ... not very nice really. A bit disgusting, bur you get used to it. ersevter: Thar’ a fong, long answer, Jason, IASON: Sorry! PaNtiiisr As Aha, What do you do with the animals ~ with the animals you work with? ‘rRESENTER: Your question i invalid, Remember, Jason can only answer Track 13, PRESENTER: Your question is invalid, Remember, Jason can only answer yes or no, Thats the idea anyway. OK Jason? 1,803: Yeah, OK, INELLISH A: Sorry. OK. Do you kil the animals you work with? IASON: Yes! Yes I have to kill themt PANELLIST ns Right, I think we've gor it Are you a .. Are you one of those people who kill ats, or bad insects or things like thar? Do you kill pests like thar? Are you a ~ what is ie? PANELLIST : Pest controller? PANELLIST As Yes, that's itt A pest controller? Are you a pest controller? JASON: That’ right! Lam a pese controller I specialise in catching eats PRESENTR: So thank you very much, Jason. And well done panel. You guessed Jason's job with only seven ‘questions. Fancastie, New our next guest is going ro he more difficult for you Track 14 A: Do you travel a lovin your job? i Yes, Ido. I tavel all over the world, A: Do you have to wear a uniform? 1 Yes, Ida. I have to look very simart, A: So, you travel all over the world, wearing uniform Do you sell anything? is Well, mmm, yes and no, A: You have to say yes OR no, not both is OK! Wel, sometimes I sell things, bist not sual. e's not the major part of my jab. A: Do you have to speak other languages in your job? Yes, at least two, English and another one At AB! Tee got it. Are you in polities ~a politician mayhe? 1: No, Pm not involved in polities ar all ‘At Bur you need languages, and you travel say yout work with people in your job? tis Yes, defintely. couldn't do my job without people! A: Do you help people? Yes, you could say A: Are you a doctor or something? 1: No, Iedon’r help them in that way, although, Ido have me first aid training, A: You help people, bue you're nor a doctor, OK, When you travel, do you travel by plane? is Yes, always, | fly everywhere, Track 15 A: Aha! You're a cabin steward on a plane! Yes, thar’s itt Track 16 Do you work with animals? Do you work outside? Do you wear a special uniform? Do you travel in your jab? Do you need special equipment? Is your equipment expensive? Does your job make other people happy’ Do you work alone? Does anyone ever see the work you do? Do you work with famous people? Do you like your job? Tgive up. Whar do you do? Track 17 MANAGER: OK everyone, Come here. Come on, over here, ‘Thar’s right. Now listen. This moming’s activity is about team building, and MARK: Team building? MANAGER: Yes, Mark, team building. We want to work a8 a group, don't we, as a team, That's why we are here SARAH: Why we're here? MANAGER: Yes, Sarah, [old yon, We are here in the ‘outry hecause we want ro learn £0 work as a team @ happy eroup of people. Then, when we yet back 10 our office in the city, our office will be a berter place, That's why we are here, Agreed? MARK: OK. MANAGER: Thank you Mark, Now then, cis is the plan: first you run cowards the wall and when you ger there you climb up the wall very quickly, and when you gee Dover it, you're going to drop down the other side, and then you're going to erawl through the iron pipe ~ sanaits What ‘iron pipe’? MANAGER: The tunnel. Look, there t: Oh yeah. That looks fun, Not MANAGER: Come on Sarah. You'll be OK. Now then, afzer you crawl through the cunnel, you climb the rope ladkler to the rower, and then you walk along the wooden plank and then you get to the tree house. MARK: You walk along the wooden plank, and rhen you ~ ‘oops! Oh dear. You fall off. This is NOT a MANAGER So be careful, Mark, Walk slowly, not that diffcul SARAH Not for yous pechaps MANAGER: Now come on, Listen. I need to finish. After you gee to the tree house you hang from the wire — Using your arms, of course ~ and make your way along, the wire until you get to the en Sanat The mud? You're joking, MANAGER: No I'm not. You jump into the mud and craw! under the barbed wire. And that’s your fun for th morning. MARK: You're doing this activity with us to0, Limagine, MANAGER: Oh no, Mack. You do the activi Latch Track 18 What is your name? Whae kind of person a yoursel® What do you do? Wohae is the best thing about your job? And the worst? Why did you decide to do this job? Whac are your plans for the fiature? ‘Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview. you? How would you describe Track 19) SOPHIE: Oh, listen, Mandy; listen! I love this song! MANDY: Really? I didn’t knove you liked romantic songs, Sophie: soni: [don’t usually, bur this one is special. They used to play it om the radio all the time when I was at school, that last summer. It brings back really good memories. Ie funny, in’ it, how a song. ean remind you of things? Some songs are like the sounderack of our lives, like the soundtrack of a movie! ILI: Ugh! How soppy! AUDIDSCRIPTS 71 MANDY: No, no. You're right, Sophie. 1 always think of Jerry when T hear the song Mandy" iLL Jerry? Who's Jerey? MANDY: He was this guy at school I used ta like, He used to sing in a band and 'Mandy" was their special song. I used 10 think he-was singing ir ust for me! SoPIIE: Oooak, Jerry! What happened, the MaNbY: Nothing happened, but every rime I hear the som Tean remember that summer as i it was yesterday. It ‘was such pod fun, BILL: Listen r0 you! You sound like old people talking about old timest SOPHIE: Come on! I bet you have a song that brings back nivt Well, no, actually. can’t think of any song that reminds me of anything important. MANDY: What2t You can'e rememher the song they were playing when we mer? sopitir: Oh, here we go. You two! You martied. Itt No, well yes, thats... wait minute remomber Well ean remember the tne bur I can’t think of the name. MANDY: Ldon'e believe you. Go on, prove itt its (sings) MANDY & SOPHIE: OK, we believe yout elke .. $0 Track 20, 1 My most imporeane memory is the day Thad my first child Pl never forge it! fet so proud? T just semember looking at this litle creature and ehinking, ‘Wow! So this is him! This is ‘the baby” we've been talking about all this his room .. ne, buying things for, planning ‘nd heee he ist Mmm, one of my most important memories? | remember the frst time I went eo the beach. My parents had rented a holiday home ar the seaside and I'd never seen the sea before. remember standing on this sand and feeling ic between my 10es. I remember the feeling so clearly how nie it felt under my feet. Pé never seen anything so amazing before! 3. One of my easiest importane memories is my first teacher: She was so thought she was really really beautiful. I remembs telling my mother that, and wondering why she looked a bit disappointed! Mrs Taylor was my hero. 1 remember once, when my family was planning t0 go to Morocco fora holiday, she told me t0 come back and tell her about the money there. Was it dirhams or lire? T ccoukln't believe she didn’t knows Lalsays thought Mrs Taylor knew everything! ice, Her name was Mrs Taylor. I 4 Leomember my fist date. His name was James Bellamy, and he was 15, [had liked him for a whole year, but he never knew. He was really popula. All the prls fancied him, I dide't think he would ever go out with me, Then 72 AUDIDSCRIPTS tone day he asked me if wanted zo go and have a Coke With him after school, That was our firse date! | remember going home afterwards, thinking, I've gat a boyfriend! Bur sadly, that was ic. We didn’ have another dace, ever wonder what he’s doing now Track 21 Linda and her bestfriend Joe grew up together. They used to play together as children. They were best friends until they let school, Then Linda went co college in another state. Joe became an engineerin another country. She ancl Joe did't see each other often after that. Many years passed, and Linda becaae @ nurse in a big hospital. One of her patients was an old man, who she realy liked a lot. When ic was time for him to go home, she knew she would miss him. He reminded ler of someone, but she couldn't think who it was The old man told Linda his grandson ‘was coming to pick him up and take him home. He told her a lot about his grandson, Linda thought he sounded y kind, to Look after his grandfather so well, She went 10 meet him. It was Joe! Imagine their surprise, when they realised they had found each other agai after all this ime! ‘The story has.a happy ending, Joe and Linda got married, and Joe's grandparents were theve to celebrate with them Track 22 Dj: Welcome back to “Talktime', the morning show for you, the listeners, Today's topic is leisure, What do you doin your space time when you're not working or ? Do you do anything unusual? Anything ive usa eall, And we have a caller on the line Ie Keith, Hello, Keith, What do you like doing? KEITH: Hi Jim! My hobby is Extreme Ironing Wait a minute, what did you say? Extreme Ironing? FIV: Yeah, that's righ, Ironing. You know, with an iron ind an ironing board. sorry, Keith, but do you mean ironing, the kind I do — like ironing clothes Kivi: Well, yeah, bue, with a difference, fn Extreme. 1g you don’t do the ironing in the kitchen oF the bedroom. You do ie in strange, unusual places. Dj Like what? KEITH: Wall, like a the top of a mountain, or up a tree, or at the bottom of the sea... Anywheret Ie up to you and your imagination! Dj Are you serious? KEITH: Of course Iam, Dj: Bur that’s just. it's just. KEITH: Just erazy! Yes itis, ie great fun and you need a lor of sill, Dj: Br. yeah. Hey Keith, do ether people do this Ironing ot is it just you? KEITH: No, no! Ie nor just me. People do Extreme Ironing allover the world, We even have World Championships, Dj: Wow! Fantastic. So how did this .. um .. sport start? KEITH: Well ill started with a guy called Phil. He was Iron doing his ironing and he was bored. He started to think ahout his favourite sport bj: His favourite sport? KEITH: Yeah, Phil loves rack elimbing, aud he thought “rack climbing ironing ... rock climbing” and that was ie bjs Who does Extreme Ironing then? KEITH: Lots of people from lots of different countries. You have to enjoy life and bea bit crazy! Dj: So if any listeners are interested, how can they find out more ahout it? EITM: You can find us on the Internet oF phone the Extreme Ironing Offices. They're in the phone book, DJ: You heard it here first! Thar was Keith the itoning man! Our next caller is Sue. Hello, Sue, what's your favourite Sur: Hello Jim! My favourice activity is eanopyingy like in the junple, You know, flying through the tops of ees? 1 did this in Costa Rica lase summer and i's relly Track 23 Hello, Pm interested in ice skating at your ice silk, you tell me what time the beginner sessions are? I'm not very good, so 1 don't want to skate too fast, And what about family sessions? What days do you ru these? What time do they start and finish? Right. And what about courses? Do you have courses for family groups, ot are they only for children? How long do the courses last? How many students in a class? ‘What's included in che price ‘Where can I book? Can I pay by ereie card? (OK, thanks? Tt sounds fun. Pl come in and make a booking Track 24 Man: Radio Triple X presents “Turn out the Light = and Liste. NARRATOR: Krall happened on a quiet summer's might. 19- year-old Judy was babysitting for the Donovan family ‘When she gor to the house Mes Donovan said ‘the baby’s already asleep, Judy, so you can just watch TY, OK. That was enough for Judy: She turned on the television and started to watch an old romantic film. Jupy: Oh no! Just when the film is getting exciting! Hello? Hello? Him, probably the wrong. umber, Juby: Nor again! Who ean ie he ar this time of night? Hello? Who is this? Hello? Oh well, suit yourself NARRATOR: Judy wasa bie worried, But then she smiled, Her boyfriend, John was probably playing a joke. JUDY: Is thar you John? This is so not funayt MAN: Go check on the baby. JUDY: Please stop this, MAN: Go check on the baby. NAMRATOR: Judy dropped the phone aad sa up the stairs, She looked into the baby’s cot. The baby's cot was empryt Track 25) py: Hello? ‘owas Hello? Judy? Finally! My phone wasn't working, Listen, [forgot to tell you. Timmy isn't in his co tonight. He's in our bed. Can yon just check om him? JupYs Allright, Mrs Donovan, but a man keeps calling ~ Wowtan: No, nor again, That's my crazy brother, He does that sometimes, But don’e worry, dear, Is just his idea of a joke, sup: Ha ha. Track 26 When exactly did you see this? Can you describe in detail what you saw: ‘What did it look like? What was it doing? Whae do you think it was? Did it say or do anything co you? How dd you feel? What dil you do? What happened in the end? Thank you very much, i's cercainly a very scary story. Now if anyone else has seen anything like this, could hey please eal the station on Track 27 1 MESSAGE: This is 758967356, We can't rake your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone MALE CALLER: Erm, Debbie, this is Peter 'm sorry but 1 can’t meet you at 12, How about a bit later, around 22 We can meet outside the library. Oh, and ean you bring, your laptop with you? And don’t forge the library books. We have co return them coday, See you later! 4 ‘GIRL 1: Hiya! Lean’e come to the phone right now ~ leave a ‘message and P'l cing you back, (oiRL 2: Melanie? Ie's Lucy. Listen, [eft the tickets on the ‘kitchen table! Bring them with yout And can yon get some sandwiches for the train? See you outside the station at 12, under the clock, Don't be late! 3 FEMALE VOICE 1: This is Olga FEMALE VoICE 2: and Libby! OLGA: We're nor here right now, Leave a message user: and well call you back! AUDIOSERIPTS 73 MALE CALLER: Hit Its Will Listen, we have a big problem forthe party tonight ~ my sound system is broken! Can you bring yours? Isthae all right? And bring some dance music, Oh, and something to ear? Crisps oF something? Thanks. See you! Track 28 John, its me. Listen, there’ been an urgent problem... 1 hhad to come into the office for a couple of hours, Anyway T've taken Millie next door. But ean you fetch het and feed her? She'll be really hungry. And I won't be back befote 7. Ob, you'll find her food under the sink, you know, in the ‘cupboard there. ve written you a note about it to0 ~ it's ‘on the fridge. See you later, OK? Bye! Track 29, Jol, it's me, Listen there's been an urgent problem next door Mille’ there. Can you please feed her at 7? Her food's in the sink, OK? Bye! S John, i's me, Listen, there’ been an urgent problem ar the office next door. I'l be back at Please fetch Mille and feed her in the cupboard under the sink. OK? Bye! Track 30 1 A: Do you think we should bring the (beep) with us this Yes, chars a greae idea, We ean take photos of us al together, Then when we get home, we ean email them tw everyone, That'll bea good way £0 remember this ‘occasion, don’t you think? a Hello, Mum, i's me, I just had an idea. Since you and Dad can't come 19 litle Jessie's school coneers, maybe [could borrow your (hep) and film ic? ‘That way’ we ean all wateh it cogether afterwards at your place. 3 Hello, this is Paul Barsere. I'm notin the office right now, but you can reach me on my (beep), so please call me if you need me. The number is 089850. 4: Hello, Samt Happy bircday! 1: Thanks! Guess whar my parents got me. 4 (heep)! a: Oh, wow! 1 And two games for itt Do you want to come round and play? Track 31 Tell me about che objece you have chosen, But don’t say what i called How big is it? What colour ist? What do you use it for, or do with ie? Do you have one of these yourself? How often do you use it? Now say what you have been describing 74 AUDIDSCRIPTS Track 32 1ezza: Hello? (CHS: Jezea? Jez: Yeah, Who’ that? (CHRIS: Cheist yezza: Who? (CHIRIS: Chis, 1kzza: Oh yeah ‘CHS: Don't you look at your phone when you answer? Where it shows you the number? Jezza: Ex... yeah ... well. ‘CHRIS: You have got me in your phonebook haven't you? JkZza: Well, et not sue realy (CHRIS: Not sute? Or you haven't, 1k2za: Haven't CHRIS; (1} Don’t bei jez: What do you want Chris? ‘cis: Where are you? Why ate you shouting? JZ: Because l can’t hear you propely ‘CHRIS: Yes, but 1 ean hear you, So stop shou 122: Oh, OK. But what do you wane CHRIS: My money. yezzn: What? ‘CHIS: Where's my money? Lent you two hundved pounds, remember? All she money I had. 16779: Oh yeah, ‘CuIRIS: So? Where is it? 1 need it 1827: UU give it co you tomorrows OK? ‘CHRIS: You said that before. 127: Lenov: But this time I'm serious, PN give you your ccnRis: You will? 77: Yes | will, | promise CURIS: Do I believe yo W278: V said, dida’e 2 ‘CHRIS: Yeah, you did 106779: Tomorrow. You'll get your money tomorrow. Now, {'ve got to go. Lim going to start my show in five minutes. Bye CHRIS: But Jeaza Track 33 ‘cuinisi Hiya Jezzat Why the long face? jezza: Ob, I went to the job centre again today. (Chis: Anything intesting? )1:2228: No, the same old boring oifice jobs. Ccuiks: Noval office jobs are awful, Jezza 1228: Yours isn, of course! Buc I cat just walk in and bpecome a top sports lawyer, ean 1? No, L want 0 be a professional DJ. That's my dream ‘catkis: Well, you ean do iet You've been DJing for years 2224: Bue o be professional, I need the best equipment. sean afford it, ‘cattis: How much do you need? 2224: £200 would buy me something really good cutis: Look. 'l lend you £200. J0274: Chris, ae you sure? You know they say you should never borrow money from a friend ‘cutis: Come on, Lean afford it at the moment, And L now you'll pay it back. 31724: OF course I will! You won't even have to ask. 1 promise, Chris, you won't be soery. Fn really woing to make a go of this... 'm realy going to make a g0 of this Track 34 TRACY: My best present? In my life? The best present I've lever had? Ie was Cheistmas ~ December 25th ~ and 1 ‘yas eleven years old, All the presents were round the (Christmas tee (that's the family tradition) and there mitas, something I really wanted. L tried to tune it and broke a string, and I couldn'e ge a new one for three days because all the shops were closed, Bue that juitar, my first, was the best present ever! Track 35 Who gave ie to you? When did you gee it? Do you still have it? ‘or was it, special to you? Track 36 sateaNba: Idon' like this hotel. What do you think of 12 CHARLES: Not neh, Ja bit dark, RADA: Yes, wel, I've never been in a room like ths, les searys isn't it? CHARLES: Nonsense! Ie's fine suka: Whats that? CHARLES: Justa bit of thunder, Nothing t0 worry about. suiRANDA: Charles liste, CHARLES: Nothing t worry about deat, Co WAITER: Your tea, Madam, Your coffee, sit, ‘CuIARLES: Fr, thank you, Here you are WAITER: Very kind, sit: Have a pleasant evening, CHARLES: Thank you. You too. Goodbye. ‘WAITER: Goodbye, sit, ‘CHARLES: Come here and have your tes, Miranda, RAND A: Thanks, Charles, Mmmm, thar's better, isnt it? (CHARLES: Yes. Yes itis. You know, this isthe frst holiday sve have had since, well since the last one. MuANDAt You're right, and the last one, all that sun and sea and sand, Loved it. CHARLES: Oh my God, what was thar? MURAND) CHARLES: Look. Someone's trying to g sun annat You're right. Come on. Help me, CHARIS: [ can't, Pm not very strong, Man ANDAt Yes you are. Come on, ‘There. We're safe now. We'ee safe, aren’s we? ‘Aaaht The window, Charles. The window. CHiARLES: Don't worzy dese. That's it nove coianiss Listen, theee’s « phone ringing. MIRANDA: Ob yes, Charles. t sounds like mine doesn't it? I don't know. [don't know. (CHARLES: It doesn’t just sound like yours, dear, it i yourst MIRANDA: Oh yes, But where is 12 ccrianuest Your bag? MURANDAE My bag? Tes not in my bag, sit? (CHARLES: I think so, MIRANDA Is it? Oh yes. So itis. Ee voices Is that Mes Phillips? MIRANDA? Yes its. vyoice: Ah good, This is che horel Excelss, We ave waiting for you and your hushand, but you haven't arrived uuaNDoas Yes we have. We're in our room now. Inthe Excelsior Hore, and lee me cell you i's noe very nice. voices That explains it, Madam. You are in the wrong, hotel. You booked with us hore at the Excelsis Hotel, nor the Excelsior. Do you want 10 keep your booking? MuRANDA: Umm... Tdon’t know. Charles? Charles? bello? Track 37 1 Have you ever thought of working for the Fiee Service? Fighting fires is just one small paet of whae the fire service does. When we get a eal it could be to-a road acede air accident or a rail accident or to rescue someone from a lift. Ifyou are over 18 and you think you have what it takes, cll your local Chief Fire Officer toda 2 ‘Come down to your local Kenneth Cole store today. From row until February 15th, if you bring in your old shoes and clothes we will give you 20% off the next thing that you buy in our store. The shoes and clothes that you give ws, swell give 10 the homeless, So everybody wins. You get 20% and you help people in need, Come to Kenneth Cole today. 3 Tilly and Trigger are dogs. They are here at che Bactersea Dogs and Cats Home because their owners let them in the street to die, Burat the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home we rescue cats and dogs like Tilly and Trigger and chen we find new homes for them. Homes like your home, If you would like one of our dogs oF cats, please visit us on the web swwuedogshome.org, Can you offer Tilly oF Trigger a home? 4 Friends of the Earth is an onganization thar works to protect the environment. We are looking for volunteers €0 help us with sending out lerters and making telephone calls. If you're interested give us.a ring today at Freephone 0808 800 1111 oF e-mail us a info@oe.co.uk 5 Are you looking for something different to de with your life? Come to the California Clown School where you will learn the art of clowning. Learn to bring jay to young people and old people = laughter to those who aced it most, Don’t wait ill romorzow = cal today and stact that new carcer that you've always dreamt of ~ making other people happy. You won't regret it. AUDIDSCRIPTS 75 Track 38 ‘What isthe name of the person you'd like to invite to tall to the class? Tell us something about her. What kind of work was she doing t0 ‘make a difference’? How did she become interested in working with homeless children in Ecuador? Tell us about the work she did there. ‘Whar were some of the difficulties? What makes you think the voluntary project made a difference to the children? Track 39 BRIAN: Hey, you Who? IRIAN: Mrs Gl Wow! Really? She must be 100 years old by now. IRIAN: No, not ac all ~ she's only about 40, MOLLY: Remember how she was so strice with us? "Do this, don't do that’ all the time, IRIAN: Yeah, T was so scared oF her, We sac in rows for hours. We were all really quiet ~ alrad co talk, She was really one for discipline, buh? MOLLY: Maybe nor, She wasn't aval like Ms Marley, Remember her? IRIAN: Ms Maley? Oh yeah ~ she was great ~ young and Friendly. Completely different. She lec us do whatever ‘we wanted. Sometimes we just played all day. MOLLY: Yeah, OK, it was fan, hut Pim nor sure if [learned thing with hex was always talking with my friends ~ the whole class went wild sometimes, I kind of liked Mrs Gladwin’s discipline, IRIAN: Not me, I loogoved Ms Marley. She never really told us anything, We learned by ourselves, We had v0 find things out and then she'd ask us what we had ound out. liked ehat. MOLLY: The thing I didn’ like ~I was quite shy when I was ltele, and they put us in the same class as che big, children, IRIAN: Yeah it was hard wher you were si, bur it was nige when you were eight and you were the bigyest kid in the class. MOLLY: Mrs Gladwin used to puc us in separate groups so the big kids didn’ frighten the litte kids. She had a ood heart, you know, when you got to know her, She was my favourite teaches brian: Not mine! I don’t think she liked me. And she was aways so grumpy, But Ms Marley? She put us together ‘with the big kids, and I liked thas MOLLY: Well, so you'te different beta: Yeah, well maybe was. You kaov, I think the ‘most important thing is personal attention. Kids need to feel happy and comlortable ~ like Ms Marley made me fee! never guess who I saw yesterday. ulwin ~ our old primary school teacher 76 AUDIOSCRIPTS MOLLY: Ie seems like you realy liked Ms Marley. BRIAN: Yeah, she was lovely. Track 40 1: Oh, yes! I remember Annet She was really shy, wasn’t she? Whenever the teachers spoke to her, she went red and looked down at her feet 4: Yes, poor girl. I wonder if she’s still so shy. I remember, she used to have long hair, down to her waist. Didn't she wear glasses? Ji: [don't think so .... No, you'ee thinking of Elsa! She wore glasses. She was really good at music, remember? She could play the violin, the piano, the clarinet... I bet she's in an orchestea now, 4: Mmm, I wonder what happened ro het. She used to go ‘out with that Brazilian boy, didn’t she? Pablo? hi Yes, thars was his namet Everyone was mad about him 4: Even yout bi: Noy wasn'e! You were, Jess [bet you can remember exactly wat he looked like. Well, yes. He had gorgeous dark eyes and long eye lashes, and curly hair, and such a cheeky’ smile. You seet You remember every detail, But [remember everything about all oF them, Remember Luke? That horrible boy who used © make animal noises in class? [remember every detail about him, too, His shore hair and eyes so close together. iy Mmm, Twonder what he's doing now. Track 41 4: Of course we need to go to school. How else would we learn to read and write, or do maths? 1: School isn't the only place you ear lensm these skis Th ul more people who are being ‘educated at home, you know, Their parents are teaching them how to read and write, and do maths and so on. ‘These are skills you can learn even after school, when you're an adult, Look ae all the adult education programmes around the world. Lors of people didn’ have the chance to go-to school, bur they can still to read and write, even when they are 70! And as for learning, about the past, or about the rest of the world, these are things you can learn from books, from the Internet .... You don’t have t0 go t0 school to learn history or geography. 4: OK, that’s true, T suppose, hur Think i's impossible to ect other people if you're being educated in your home, with just your brothers and sisters for company: by Thae’s not true, either, Lots of kids doing home schooling join groups, so that they ean meet each other. And you ean meet other people at elubs, sports centres tte ~ school isn’ the only place! Az Wel, school is where you lear how t0 think, bs Tdon's agree with you there either Lors of people leave school nor having learnt that at all! Why do so many stulents find university so difficule? Because they ‘weren raugt how «0 think for themselves at school. The ceachees told chem everything they needed to know! Ancl as for getting a job, well it's quite clear thar schoo! has nothing to do with tha, i's what skills you can offer, thars what gets you a job. Track 42, CONTINUITY: Our top stories tod Prime Minister attacked by protester ar the New London Tower ‘Aecvess Antonia Meritt wins large film role A.21-yearold student wins architecture prize ‘The news is read hy Caterina Strong. STRONG: A-42-year-old man, Stephen Williams, threw an ‘yg ar the Prime Miniscor today as he was arriving. at the New London Tower, Williams told the police he was protesting aboue the environment. ‘The Prime Minister ‘was not hurt, and laughed about the ineidens. rs Leame here to open this heavrifal new building, and someone theew an eg at me! Look, this is just a working day for a politician, Buc iis a beausiful Fuilding, don’t you think? Our architects are fantastic, sikoNG: The actress Antonia Merritt as said that her new role will be as Cleopatra ina film abo. yptian queen, Miss Merrte was talking to jouenalises from the newspapers and TV at a press conference in the Hilton Hotel. She also talked about er aceident "avo years ago, when her car erashed into a wall. AMBRAITT: The car erash was a difficult rime for me, but thanks to some fantastic doctors and nurses, Mav fine STRONG: A twenty-one-yearold student, Mike Gartside, ‘has won the Nasional architecture prize for his design fora new London airport. Mr design is for an airport on the sea, It is Mr Gartside’ first full desig Anu finally, a dog saved her owner today. Phyllis Jones, aged 87, fell in er house and couldn’ ger off che floor. ‘The dog barked and barked uncil someone heard him sand came to see what the problem was, ‘My dog gave sme my life back’, sad Mrs Jones. Thats the news, and now over to Peter Stone in the ‘weather entre, Hello Peter, What's the weather going 1 be like today? that famous Track 43 Which of ehese three buildings do you like best? Why? Deseribe one of the other buildings Do you like i Now describe the last building. Where isi What do you think of ie? Track 44 MARTY: Hey, Tricia, ean you remember your best friend's face from when you were a kid? rici4s [chink so, Umm, Let me think, she was blond ‘with blue eyes, she lind fair... hey Marty, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like thar? Mant: Wel it's just ~ ve just read an article in a ‘magazine. About the brain, and the way people move their eyes when they think, [ust wanted to see iFit was rreiclas I don’t understand, Explai Manety: Well, when you see someone look up and to their left, they are remembering an imag of something. rieiciAs Like this Marty? Up and to the leit? MARTY: Yes «So when I asked you to remember your friend’s face, you looked up and to the left. ricis: Did I really? Thar’s cool. Whar else did the article ga picture MARTY: Well, when you see someone look up and ro the right, you know they are construeting an image, that is, they are inventing, making a piecure in their head. Like, maybe the person is trying to see a picture oF a peaceful lake in cheir mind. rgcins Hmmin MARTY it said people usually look directly coche left = when they are remembering a sound, like the sound of THucias So if you remember a sound, you look left? MARTY: Yes. And they look directly to the right whem they are constructing a sound in their mind ~ thinking about what a sound will be ik TRICIA: Like imagining the sound ofthat dog barking when you look ata dog? MARTY: Yep, just like thac. TRICIAS Tnveresting ss Marry: Ye rnucia: Anything else? MARTY: People look down and to the left when they are crnal dialogue, when they're talking to mind, themselves riuciA: [alk to mysel all the time, Do [look dawn and to the let? MatetYs [haven't noticed, but Pl cheek. sacia: What else? Matety: When you look down and to the tight it means you are having Felinys, like happiness or sadness, but in your mind ~ you're chinking about Fei rucia: Wow! So if you just look at someone's eyes you ean cell whac they are thinking, Matery: Yeah. Its very useful, Try looking at someone's eyes the next time you talk to then, Tricia, Les zeally interesting, TRICIA: OK, but can you stop looking ac my eyes now, “Marcy, please! I don't want you to know what I'm thinking all the cme Mant: I'l ey —but since Tread that artile, 1 juse can't help it AUDIOSCRIPTS 77 Track 45 Sleep 1 How much sleep do you ger every night? 2 What cime do you usually go to bed? 3 How do you usually feel when you wake up? 4 Do you fall asleep easily, or do you have trouble falling sleep? 5 Do you ever wake up in the night? Why? 6 What isthe last thing you usually do before going to sleep? Diet 7 Whar do you have for breakfast? 8 Whar do you usually have for lunch? 9 What did you have for dinner last night? Is this typical? 10 How much water do you drink every day? 11 Do you think your diet needs to improve? In what way? Fitness 12 How much physical aetiviey do you do every day? 13 Would you like to get fitter? How? 14 What new sport would you like ro take up, if you could? Track 46) PRISENTER: And today on ‘Stranger than Fiction’ we have ‘wo stories of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, The firse one comes from Brazil Listen and make up your own ming, In 1957 the Brazilian Navy see up a weather station on the small rocky island of Trindade, inthe South Adantic Ocean, In January 1958, people on the ‘sland began to see unusual activity in the sky, dlises that were flying very fast. On the night of J 16th, the people who worked on board the Brazilian ship Almirante Saldanha saw the dise you can see in the photograph above, Altogether 47 crew members ~ people who worked on the ship ~ sav the disc Almieo Barauna, a photographer, was also there and he cluding ary ook a series of six photos. After the ship rerurned to fand, he gave the photos to the Brazilian Navy Ministry. Experts said thac the photos were authentic and they said they showed 2 Sie diameter objece moving at 600 mph. Since then, there have been two possible ‘explanations for the photographs. Harvard University astronomy professox, Donald H. Menzel said the UFO was an aeroplane fying through fog. Then, later he said thar the photos were not real. However, in 1978, an ‘examination by an independent laboracory using digital photo analysis said that the photos were real and that's ‘what people believe today. Pursiscti: The next story comes from England, Listen and make up your own mind! ‘This happened over the last days of December 1980, near a base of the United States Air Force, which vas in Bentwaters, England. For two nights, security guards saw unusual lights in the Rendlesham Forest 78 AUDIOSCRIPTS near the Air Forve base, On the second night they went into che forest with lights (because the forest was very dlask) and Geiger counters {to see if there was any zudiation). They also took 2-way radios to tll people what they were seeing, Suddenly, a 20-fe-wide, 30-fe-tall object appeared, and dhe Geiger counters started 10 snake noises and the lights and radios stopped working, The next day there were broken trees and large holes in the ground. At first people said this happened because of the wind, Experts explained the unusual lights using ‘complex scientific reasons, But, they could never ‘explain why the levels of radiation were 25 times higher than normal levels in che eacth and trees in the area, The story is still a mystery today and experts can not explain i, Track 47 Soy tll me all abous yourself! What do you doz T’m a manager, too! Are you maeried? How long have you been married? What's your wife’ name? What does she do? Tell me about your childcen, How interesting! We've also got a boys called Brad, Did you study after school? How would you describe yourself? Where do you live? ‘Oh, we live quite near each other! Track 48, television ‘conclusion usual decision information solution “obsession fashion Track 43, ANNOUNCER: These words have the sound /ff WOMAN: sugar solution fashion di ANNOUNCER: These words have the sound //: WOMAN: usually conelusion television decision Track 50 a How do you like your ta? eee bb Come on then. Whar’s the solusion? © What are you doing? d_ So, what do you think? Track 51 Amelie back clock drop front hang jump ladder mud opposite plank platform scanned someone son top. tunnel under Track 52 a check b train plane d left © get f bay g rake h say i then j better Ie gate Track 53 ‘ing, thing sinner, singer, conne, sun, sung, sin, thin, tongue, rang, «a Track 54 1 bingo 2 swimming, 3 n0 4 sound 5 drink 6 fun 7 sun 8 sung 9 thanks 10 thin 11 thing, 12 think Track 55 MAN: Listen to these words with the sound én WOMAN: no sound fun shin MAN: Now, listen to these words with the sound fof WOMAN: bingo swimming thanks ‘hing. think drink sung Track 56 a Go on, Take a chocolate, They're free, bb Ohno, I haven’t got any’ peteol in the ear The tank's empey. ‘The book has three pacts. Detroit isin Novth America. ‘The theme of conight’s lecture is present giving She sings in the bath 8 Sorry, [forgor to write down your phone number dlidn’ thine. Pur your football clothes in the washing, machine They're dirty. i This is my first car: Love itt ‘Track 57 a thank b with © thar do three north £ mother B thicty hk mouth i father i this Track 58, a Dorr forget co thank your mother, b Do you think he's thirey? This is my father 4 Don't put thac in your mouth, © There’ the person who's from the north, Track 59. Clone, clown Track 60) b round © bone phone clone clown f B tone b house i down Track Gt Pair A 1 You have to say 2 You have to say ‘good bye’ Pair B 1 Can Look ac that te? 2. Can Look at that toy? Pair C 1 Be careful! Don’t slip on the oll 2 Be careful! Don' slip in the aise Paie D 1 Would you like to, Troy? 2 Would you like to try? Track 62 a manor going to the gym cher, bb Neither do Tlike the trainer AUDIDSERIPTS 79 Track 63 a Idon’t exercise often, either by Neither do I © Gemma isn’t very fit, either: 4d Neither has Martin been to the new hospital, ‘€ Jessica hasn't been to the gym, either. £ She won't he there, either Track 64 MAN: He put the ear in the garage. WOMAN: He put the car in the garage. b MAN: The paint isin the garage. WOMAN: The paint isin the garage. MAN: John is upstairs in his room, ‘OMAN: John is upstairs in his room, d MAN: What do you think of this room? WostaN: What do you think of this room? MAN: J really need some new shoes. WOMAN: T really need some new shoes f MAN: This DVD is new. WOMAN: This DVD i Track 6S a Many people say they have seen a UFO, The problem of AIDS is a huge one, Track 65, 2 Theard the report on the radio on the BBC, Pm going. to visit the USA next yeas Do yau like bacon? Would you like a BL ‘The oil-producing nations have an organisation called opee, © One of the most important parts of the UN is UNICER, F How long is she going to stay in the UK? 8 Have you seen my new DVD player? Track 67 (1) a UNLD-E-N-EE word O-B-ECT b DALG-PTAA new word VIED-E-O new word D1S.C © BARA-PES-H new word BR-O-A-D-CA-S-TEN-G new word C-O-R-P-O-R-A-TI-O-N, 4d UNEEED new word STEAPES new word O-F E-D new word FL-YEN-G new new word AMERLCA Track 67 (@) a bus stop b city map © sun hae post office 80 AUDINSCRIPTS Track 69, sun glasses jude book subway station cash dispenser ski resort hhotel soom police station Track 70, phone box Texter box: tea cup road signs park bench traf lights crickee match underground station Track 71 boring, tired, people advice, exeuse, repeat Track 72 a explain D- healthy avcept dict © massage £ lifestyle 8 problem Jb complece Track 73 problem, problem bb resul, result Track 74, © coffee chocolate f inside salad bh withour i practise Track 75 Can you remember him? Yes, Lean, Lean remember hiny clearly b He was tall ‘Anal handsome! Yes, he was tall and handsome. Was he there Yes, he was. Whac was he doing? He was dancing, Track 76 MAN Was the tes difficult? Gatkt No, Iewas nice and easy. b WOMAN: Can you come anid help? MAN: Yes, Lean, But I ean only stay for an how WOMAN: How was your holiday? MAN: Jamaica was hot and humid! WOMAN: Bur was i nice? MAN: Ob, i was beautiful —and a lot of Track 77 a Was the rest dificult beer b- Can you come and help? beer © How was your holiday? beer d_ But was ie nice? eee Track 78 Are you going to come to the party with us? [Are you gonna come to the party with us? Track 79 a What are you going to do when you leave school? b_ Lehink Pm gonna stay at home tonight, Pm teed. Well, frst 'm going to get my doctorate, then I'm going, «0 live in South America, She's not gonna be there, I'm afraid She's gonna be in the library Track 80) 2 We're gonna go to the beach, by She's going to win, © James is going ro study French, d_ Theyre gonna tel you to stop, Track 81 beautiful ugly delicious hocrible enjoyable boring Frightening had cheap cramped deep. expensive fast fa funy ood high interesting, long spacious thin uncomfortable Track 82 a heavtifil b delicious © horing 4 enjoyable frightening £ funny expensive h interesting 1 spacious i uncomfortable Track 83 Whats che best film you don’t know. What's the Track 84 Are you happy? Yes Lam, What about you? > Do you like chocolate? Yes | do. Do you like chocolate? Haye you ever been to the North Pole? No I haven't. Have you ever heen to the North Pole? d Did you go to the meeting yesterday? No, | didn’t. Did you go to the meeting? Track 8S 4 Do you like your job? b Do you enjoy it? © Isitdangerous? d_ Do you have a good job? € Is the money good? Track 86 MAN: Ate you locking fora job? WOMAN: Are you interested in people? MAN: Are you good with animals? WOMAN: Can you work in a ceam? MAN: Do you like working with animals? Track 87 MAN: Are you looking for a job? How would you like to help animals? Can you work in a team? Yes? We've got the perfect job for you. Call the Animal Hospital now! No experience required! film you've ever seen? AUDIDSCRIPTS 81 Track 88 How funny! How stupid! How silly How boring! How love Track 89, a How nicet How awful © How funny! 4d How boring © How exci Track 90, a Thave to work on Saturday. 1 My grande land broke is Dejan Ace 4 Ryan ge remanent Crea aetna Track 91 A Whar’s her number? How ean I help? Who's calling, please? B Is Rose there? Do you have his number? Can Thelp you? Track 92 a Can you help me? b- Would you like 1o leave a message? © What rime will she be back? 4d How do you spell that? © Do you want her to call you back? £ Who’ calling? Track 93, Can I speak to Lila? [Are you busy? Do you want me co call later? ‘When can Thave it back? Whar can I do for you? How are you? Track 94 LILA: Hello? cee LILA: Speaking. eee LILA: Fine, thanks, prep 82 AUDIOSCRIPTS ina: Yes, actually. Lam a litle, LILA: No, thar’s OK, Whar can I do for you? LiLA: Oh, eight. Well, have bad news for you. Track 95) ‘We went to see my mother yesterday: 1 don’t fee like going to the party. What a terrible movie. She's coming to see you? Take this away immediately. Ob no! ‘Thae’s very bad news. T think she’s going home soon. ANSWER KEY unit 1 A Listening 1. English has an official status in all the couneris, 2 Matt Australia, Sandy ~ Scotland, Wilson ~ Jamaica, “Tessa - Canada 3 a Wilson b Tessa ¢Sandy d Matte Wilson f Mate g Sandy. h Wilson 4a Good day b 33% © surfing, swimming 4 England, Wales, Scotland © Gaelic £ Edinburgh & Mountains, lakes hh Winter spores Kingston Music, weather 5 aeast b Canadians huge lots g Winter 6 Where itis in the Pacific Ocean Capital: Wellington Languages: English, Maori Most popular sports: rughy, water sports, evieker Interesting information: some active voleances ‘The name of the country is New Zealand. everything, e cities unit 2 A listening 2 aheight b position feet d understood e all fsitting gteacher helass inow j work 3 Sample answers: She is taking her exams J She has exams. b Tomake her laugh /'To help her relax / To help with her stress © No, she is still stressed / No, and she doesn’t ehink the joke is funny. Don't worry, Madam, it's not hot. b Don’t ery. les only a joke! © No, just green hairy monsters with horrible Faces. 4 Ten, 5 The order of the sentences is 9,4, 6,145,752, 8 3, 10 Unit 3 A listening 1 ea survey abour television programmes / viewing, habits 2 Qi: man: 23 hous a day ‘womans moze that 6 hours (2: man: documentaries svoman: soaps QB man: the news ‘Man: for information ([documentaries] and you always leaen somet ‘Woman: for fun (For me television is tor fan. When 1 get home I just want to lax and have a laugh.) re intresting S$ alb2cl d2 e2 £2 g2 unit 4 A Listening 1. The show is called Whar's my job?" where people ask ‘questions t0 guess the occupation of guests, 2. ayes b yes, sometimes e110 dyes 3a private houses, factories, subways. dangerous, disgusting, 4 pest controller 5 aanimals b kill ¢ people things e Pest f controller 8 pest controller h ‘That's right 7 The correct order is: 8, 5,4, 2,7, 3,1, 9.6 8 cabin steward on a plane Unit 5 ‘A Listening tb 2 wall, tunnel, rope ladder, tower, plank, tree house, wire, mud, barbed wie 3 arun belimb drop derawl eclimb fwalk hang hmake your way i jump j erawl 4 mm berawl ewalk along delim e hang Fwork jump h fall Unit 6 A Listening 1 aSophic b Bill © Sophie d Mandy e Mandy. FBill Mandy 2 Sophie: She likes a romantic song that they sed to play on the radio when she was at school, the last Bill: He can’t remember any’ particular song oF ‘Mandy: The song, ‘Mandy" because a boy she liked at school, Jerry, used co sing it in a band, 3. Suggested answer: What is one of the most important memories in your life? 402 B4.Cc3D1 5 a Speaker 2, referring 10 the sand / sea J beach, Speaker 3, referving to his teaches, Mrs Taylor 84 ANSWER KEY © Speaker 1, referring to the fact that she had had a baby. dd Speaker 4, referring to James, the boy she liked. B Speaking The correct order is FC, A, B, Dy E 1 Leisure / hobbies / pastimes 2 a mo. 1b extreme ironing, rock climbing, canopying, 3 a extreme ironing, }b am iron and an ironing board © ironing. rock climbing © people who enjoy life and are a bit erazy sport b iron © an ironing hoard d unusual ea mountain f tee g sea hy conics i erary J Estreme Ironing Offices anywhere b fn irom and an ironing hoard people who are a bit erazy Unit 8 A Listening 1 The correct order iss d 1a.2.¢3 ba a 12 o'clock (midnight) bb She's babysitting (there are many baby things around the room} © She's watching TV sad, probably because she is watching, sad film, and frightened hy’ the phone calls 3 aT bFeT dT eT fT gF hF 4b The baby was upstairs. 48 She thought it might be John, bur she wasn’ sure. hh The baby was in his parents’ room 5 a thar you John? > check on the © Please stop f Go 8 dropped fh phone i up the stairs i, looked k baby’s 1 cot rm was empty in his parents’ bed b Mrs Donovan's brosher © She doesn’ think i's funny unit 9 A Listening 1 1 pierare b 2 pice 3 picture f ‘Pictures a and b: Debbie (Peter is he caller) Pictures e and d+ Melanie the caller is Lucy) ‘Piernres € and fe Ola and Libby (the aller is Will aDebbie bLucy cPeter Peter eMelanie FWill fa Weean't take your call at the moment. b Please leave a message after the tone Tean’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll ring you back. We're not here right now B Speaking. 1 a mobile phone b computer © camcorder 4 threevheeled motorbike digital camer F video games console radio MP3 pla iad ad ini Giu> fou! ahd ZVURO I proecurced fd fide eer eae eel ee el 24 aBBC BUSA BLT d OPEC CUN, UNICEEFUK DVD Unidentified Fying Object b Digital Video Dis eve eerie Corpora a Uatel Gara cf Amnenes * 26 a UFO vp BBC 4 USA ANSWER KEY 87 Pronunciation Exercises 2 Bs Stress 2G “The stress goes on the first word in every s 2 B 4 18 19 Shape 1: healthy, diet, massage, lifestyle, problem Shape 2: explain, aceept, complete Shape 1: cot Shape 2: inside, without can (strong ~ beginning of the sentence), cam (stron = short answer), can (weak within a sentence, not stressed) 1b was (weak — with (strong — stressed), was (weak ~ not stressed, and (weak nor stress © as (strong, ~ stressed at the beginning of the chocolate, water, salad, practise the sentence, noe stressed) and sentenee), was {strong ~ short answer, stressed), was (weak), was (weak) a eas [Sy was [Wh and (W], bean [S}, can [5], ean [W), was [W], was [W], and [W], was [S], was [W], and [5] 1 going, 10, 2 gonna at b2 chi 42,2 a We're gonna go 10 the beach, She's going, 10 win, 4 James is going to study French, ‘They're gonna tell you to stop. One syll bad, cheap, eramped, deep, fas, fat, thin. ‘Two syllables Luly, boring, frightening, funny, narrow; spacious ‘Three syllables beautiful, delicious, horrible, expensive, Four syllables enjoyable, uncomfortable, interesting high, long, a hewtital = oe b delicious oll € boxing a enjoyable allan © frightening [oe f funny i g expensive olla b interesting Uno i spacious Ib j narrow Oo. k uncomfortable U0. What's the best film you've ever seen? Tdon'e know. What's the hest film you've ever seen? ‘The stress is on the words: a Are,am, you behocolate you, Nod No, you 88 ANSWER KEY Pronunciation Exercises 3 Cé Intonation 1 No change Fi opt ‘The voice goes up a she end ofthe questions. 3. ‘How would you like 10 help animals has a falling intonation; ie goes down ae he end. 4 gel bed B 6 Suggested answers a How boring! b How awful © How exciting! 4 How funny? © How nice! b Audio reference list «questions are all Wh questions. questions are Yes / No questions Wh’ questions. = falling bb Yes/No questions. = rising ineonation au bu © down down f de b 4 down up b up cup ddown © down f down Can H speak to Lila? How are you? ‘Are you busy? Do you want me co all hack " B ‘© When can I have it back? a happy b sad © bored surprised © angry upset 8 tired Listening and Speaking Just Listening and Speaking is designed for individual skills development as part of either a classroom-based course or a self-study programme. The approach is learner-centred, and each unit has clear aims, motivating topics and interesting practice activities Just Listening and Speaking is for Pre-intermedfate learners and can be used as general preparation material for exams at this level. Just Listening and Speaking features: * a wide variety of listening and speaking activities * engaging and stimulating topics * free Audio CD with the book © full answer key See Rss pe Also available Just y and V 0-462-00774-X Just 0-462-00775-8 Just Vocabulary (with Audio CD) 0-462-00776-6 About the Author Jeremy Harmer is an internationally-recognized authority om ELT, and a best-selling author of methodology and course books, which are widely used in over 40 countries www.mcelt.com/skills TS8N 0-462 OTE Re eure) | | | Education 9 780462 0777-4 ll, 7779

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