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The visible daily behavior (tangible)

3 levels of Culture 2. Value and social morals (intangible)
3. Basic cultural assumptions (intangible)

- National identity
Basic cultural assumptions - Ethnic culture
- Religion

- mainly stem from religious training

- vary culture to culture
Beliefs - Western aversion to the number 13
- Japanese concern about Year of the Fire Horse

shared values, beliefs, meanings and

Company culture behaviors of the members of an
organization or a specific function within it

- Understand the cultures of countries in which they will be doing

Cultural Importance - Understand how an unconscious reference to their own cultural
values may influence their perception of the market
- Incorporate this understanding into the marketing planning process

- Birth rates
Cultural Influence - Consumption habits
- Prevalence of diseases

- successful international marketing begins with special sensitivity to

Develop cultural sensitivity and cultural nuances
- new culture can be viewed objectively, evaluated and appreciated
tolerance - sensitivity can be developed by acquiring some specific knowledge
and in-depth meaning of cultural facts

- Rituals and symbols

- Beliefs
Elements of culture - Thought processes
- Values

- Information resides in context

- Emphasis on background, basic values, societal status
High-context cultures - Less emphasis on legal paperwork
- Focus on personal reputation
- ex japan

5 characteristics
- Power distance

Hofstede Model
-Uncertainty avoidance
- Individualism
- Masculinity
- Time perspective
An important feature of culture is
pervasive impact
the ____________ it has on everyone's life

combine influence of other layers

Individual behavior
through personal learning process

degree to which people in a country

Individualism learn to act as individuals rather than as
members of groups

overall framework of cultural concepts

Industry culture and legislation for business activities

1. National culture
2. Industry culture
Layers of culture 3. Company culture
4. Individual behavior

- Messages are explicit and specific

- Words carry all information
Low-context cultures - Reliance on legal paperwork
- Focus on non-personal documentation of credibility
- ex germany

degree to which values like performance,

Masculinity success, and competition, prevail over others
like life quality, relationships, service, or care

cultural roots and history of the competitive

National culture landscape of the industry that form its
behaviors and ethics similarly across borders

- Develop cultural sensitivity and

Overcoming cultural differences tolerance
- Tackle the potential barriers

the degree of inequality between people in physical

Power distance and educational terms that derives in power
concentration and the acceptance of differences
- rituals are patterns of behaviors and interaction that are learned
and repeated vary country to country
Rituals and symbols - language as symbols: the languages of time, space, things,
friendships, and agreements
- aesthetics as symbols: the arts, folklore, music, etc

- Resistance to change
Tackle the potential barriers - Self-reference criteria and

some culture-related behaviors that are

Though processes results of a reflection and influence
consumer expectations

degree of pragmatism and future

Time perspective orientation of people compared to short
term perspectives

the degree to which people in a country

Uncertainty avoidance prefer structured over unstructured

- Family values
Value and social morals - Sex roles
- Friendship patterns

- most fundamental differences across cultures

- consist of importance that is given by a person to
Values things and ideas

- Body language
The visible daily behavior - Clothing
- Life style
- Eating and drinking habits

_ ways of living transmitted from one generation to another

- both conscious and unconscious values, ideas, attitudes, and
What is Culture symbols
- both physical (clothing and tools) and nonphysical (religion,
attitudes, beliefs, and values)

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