10 Contoh Aturan Dalam Etika

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10 contoh aturan dalam etika (Etiquette)

1. Child ethics towards parents

A child must respect parents, serve parents and obey parents. Because our
parents gave birth, raising us from childhood to adulthood full of love and affection.
The obligation of a child is only to respond with behavior, respect and a good attitude
towards parents, pray for parents, look after and care for them, and make parents
happy or proud through their achievements and achievements.

2. Ethics in social life

Speaking words in everyday relationships using polite language is easy to
understand and correct. Direct the eyes of the person you're talking to, don't cut the
other person's conversation unless forced, but it must begin with an apology. Don't talk
to someone while doing someone else's work.
Getting greetings if you meet face to face with other people such as
(assalamualaikum "if Muslim", good morning, day or night, how are you, etc.). Or you
can also wave and nodded. Get used to empathizing with other people who are affected
by visiting if they are sick, visiting their homes and giving encouragement and praying
for them, if during a meeting, avoid talking in a whisper with someone. Avoid talking
about people or topics that are not yet clear.

3. Ethics in Campus
Courteous dress suitable for students is formal or semi-formal, for example,
shirts, collared / without collars with trousers, and shoes. The official attire of students
on / off campus is: clothing as stated above, plus an alma mater jacket and maintaining
the cleanliness and tidiness of his clothes.
Always maintain politeness and mutual respect / respect for educators,
employees and fellow students. Using social language that reflects mutual respect and
friendliness. Always strive to be able to complete the study quickly and get the best
results. Helping each other in positive matters, participating in class activities in a
discipline, not smoking carelessly
4. Ethics in the Office
Make work colleagues as partners, but do not consider coworkers as
competitors, Be polite and friendly, Attentive to others (empaty), Able to maintain the
feelings of others, Trying to help each other when seeing coworkers need help, Able to
control emotions , Make it a habit to dress neatly and not oversized, Do not change the
model of clothing, Use good and correct language, Avoid using high pitches, Arrange
the conversation so that it is easy to understand, Keep it from going on a long conflict,
Get used to discussing useful, Do not bully or drop a co-worker in front of a boss,
Appreciate each workmate as a dignified human being.
5. Ethics in Driving on the highway
Examples of good driving is before preparation for departure it would be nice to
pray first, after that use the helem, for the driver of the car do not forget to install a seat
belt Make sure the vehicle to be used is in good condition. If there is something that
needs to be repaired, repair it immediately. Use the rear view mirror as often as
possible to find out what's going on behind, especially when turning, passing, clamping
or stopping, slowing the speed at pedestrian crossings, near schools, crowded places at
intersections and bends , Turn on the main lights during the day and night. Obey the
traffic signs for your safety and also the driver is required to have a SIM (driver's license)
to avoid unwanted events.

6. Ethics in Maintaining the Environment

Dispose of trash in its place, which is better still separating waste into several
groups: organic, non-organic, wet, dry, and so on. Reducing the use of plastic bags,
reducing the use of straws / pipettes. Disposable is immediately discarded, because it is
very difficult to decipher the soil, does not burn waste because the smoke population is
more dangerous than vehicle smoke and does not smoke anywhere. Plant trees and
keep flowers in the yard so that the environment becomes cool.

7. Ethics in differing opinions

Sincerity and seek the rights and break away from lust at the time of dissenting
opinions, Also avoid the attitude of show (want to appear) and defend themselves and
lust, Restore disputed cases to the Book of the Qur'an and Sunnah. As much as possible
try not to exacerbate disputes, that is by interpreting opinions that come out of the
opponent or attributed to them with good interpretations, Trying as much as possible
not to blame others, except after thorough and thoughtful research, wherever possible
avoid problems -the problem is khilafiyah and slander, cling to the ethics of dialogue
and avoid debates, argue denied and harshly confronting opponents.

8. Ethics associates with other people

Respect the feelings of others, do not try to insult or judge them disabled, Take
care and pay attention to the condition of people, recognize their character and
morality, then associate with them, each according to what is appropriate, seat others
to their position and each of them is given the right and respected, Pay attention to
them, recognize their conditions and conditions, and ask about their circumstances,
Sweetness and smile when you meet other people. Talk to them according to their
reasoning abilities, be kind to others and do not spy on them, Forgive their mistakes
and do not find fault with them and endure hatred towards them, Listen to their
conversations and avoid debates and refute arguing with them.
9. Ethics in Eating and Drinking
Trying to find halal food. Let you eat and drink what you are doing so you can be
able to worship God, so that you will get your reward from eating and drinking. Should
wash your hands before eating if your hands are dirty, and so after eating to get rid of
food marks in your hands, you should be satisfied and willing with the food and drinks
that exist, and never harm them. Should not eat while leaning back or in a collapsing
state, you should start food and drink by reading Bismillah and ending with
Alhamdulillah, you should eat with your right hand and start from what is in front of
you. Disunnahkan eats with three fingers and licks the fingers afterwards. Disunnahkan
takes food that falls and removes the dirty parts from it and then eats it, does not blow
food that is still hot or breathes while drinking, does not overeat in eating and drinking.

10. Ethics Communicate by Phone

Check the telephone number that you will contact before you call so that you do not
disturb people who are sleeping or disturb people who are sick or worry about others.
Choose the right time to connect via telephone, because humans have busy and needy,
and they also have time to sleep and rest, time to eat and work, do not extend the
conversation without reason, for fear that the person being contacted is having an
important job or has an appointment with someone else, the caller should start the
conversation with the words of Assalamualaikum, because he is the person who came,
therefore he must start the conversation with greetings and also close it with greetings,
Not using someone else's phone unless authorized by the owner, and even then if
forced, Do not record the conversations of the other person unless authorized by him,
whatever the form of conversation.

11. Ethics in Neighbors

Respecting neighbors and behaving well towards them, the buildings we build
do not disturb our neighbors, do not keep them closed from the rays of the sun or air,
and we must not exceed their limits, whether they damage or change their property,
because it hurts their feelings. We should maintain their rights when they are not at
home. Do not make a noise that disturbs them, such as the sound of the radio or TV, or
disturbs them by throwing their yard with dirt, or closing the road for them. We should
not look for their mistakes / mistakes and not be happy if they are wrong, even we
should not see their mistakes and negligence.

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