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Social studies


1mark question

Q1. For which product is java famous for?

Who were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany?
Q2. Who was the leader of Jacobins club?
Q3. What is ITCZ?
Q4. State any 2 features of river originating in Himalayas.
Q5.Name any 2 state through which tropic of cancer passes through.
Q6. What is social exclusion?
Q7. When does a citizen have an equal role in decision making?

3 marks
Q8. What was Nazi view on motherhood?
Compare and evaluate role of women and their rights before and after revolution.
Q9. What were the defects of scientific forestry?
Q10. What are the causes of river pollution? Suggest some ways to overcome them.
Name 4 east flowing river of India and explain any two of them on the basis of
1. Origin.
2. End formation.
3. One state through which it passes.
Q11.Describe 5 characteristics of hot weather season in India.
Compare and contrast 1. Tropical evergreen forest
2. Thorn forest
3. Mangroves forest
On the basis of vegetation, rainfall and area, where they are found.
Q12.Name 3 longitudinal division of the Himalayas and also give one example of each.
Name 3 section into which northern plain has been divided, and write one feature of each
Q13.mention any 3 negatives of green revolution.
Q14. On what factors do the quality of population depends? How education does enhances quality of
Describe what steps are taken by government in field of education?
Q15. Identify 1. Social group 2.economic group, which are most vulnerable to poverty and how hunger is
related to poverty.
Q16.Give 3 arguments for and against democracy.
Q17.answer briefly
1. Who need constitution?
2. Why do we need constitution?
3. What a constitution do?
Q18. Explain briefly what are 1. Electoral constituencies.
2. Election campaign.
Elaborate about election commission.
Q19.”The introduction of railways had an adverse impact in forest”, justify by giving an example
Explain the main provision of the forest and criminal tribes acts, how did they affect the life of the
Q20.Explain social, economic and political impact of great economic depression on Germany.
Q21. What is migration? What are 2 types of migration? Describe the trend of migration in India.
Q22.what is buffer stock? How does the government use this to ensure food security in India?
Q23. 1. Explain 3 ways in which we can ensure food security in India.
2. Mention any 2poverty alleviation programs and explain any one.
Q24.Defend or refute the statement “scope of rights are limited to fundamental rights only”
Q25. 1. Is there a need of political institution? And who are political executive, explain.
2. Make a 3 point comparative study of the powers of prime minister and president.

Map question
Q26. On the map locate
1. Standard meridian of India.
2. Deccan plateau.
3. Smallest state in area.
4. 1 Major second world war axis power
5. I territory under Nazi power during his expansion strategy.

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