Recommendation To Groups of Users Using The Singularities Concept

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Received June 5, 2018, accepted June 27, 2018, date of publication July 5, 2018, date of current version August

7, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2853107

Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the

Singularities Concept


1 U-tad:Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital, 28290 Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain
2 Department of Information Systems, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28031 Madrid, Spain
3 Department of Computer Science, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca 010102, Ecuador

Corresponding author: Fernando Ortega (

ABSTRACT Recommendation to a group of users is a big challenge for collaborative filtering. The
recommendations to groups of users arise from the convenience of being able to recommend a group of users
about products or services that satisfy the entire group. In this paper, we propose the similarity measure
SMGU, tailored for collaborative filtering recommendations to groups of users. This similarity measure
combines both numerical and non-numerical information. Numerical information is weighted attending
to the rating singularity of the group members. This paper focuses on the assumption that the singularity
of the ratings cast by the users of the group is relevant information for finding suitable neighbors. For
each item, we consider that a rating is singular for a group or for a user when that rating is different
from the majority of the rating cast by the other users. Non-numerical structural information can be
considered as valuable to match group preferences with neighbors preferences. Experiments have been run
using open recommender systems data sets. Compared with representative baselines, results show accuracy
improvements when the proposed method is used. Additionally, this paper provides a section devoted to
the experiments reproducibility issue. Finally, this paper opens opportunities to face new challenges in the
recommendation to a group of users: explanation of recommendations, determination of reliability measures,
and improvement of accuracy, novelty, and diversity results.

INDEX TERMS Recommendation to groups, group of users, collaborative filtering, recommender systems,

I. INTRODUCTION RS based on content information [3] carry out recom-

This section is divided into three subsections: 1) Fundamental mendations in the following way: if the user to whom you
concepts of RS: recommendation to individual users, 2) Rec- wish to recommend (active user) has liked a product or ser-
ommendation to groups of users: Objectives and particu- vice, the RS recommends similar products or services: e.g.
larities, and 3) General explanation and motivation of the if the active user bought a historical novel, it is likely to be
proposed method for recommending to groups of users. recommended a history book or a historical novel book that
he has not bought or read. One of the biggest drawbacks
of the content-based approach is the lack of novelty of its
Recommender Systems (RS) [1], [2] allow to mitigate part of The RS based on demographic information [4] make
the Internet information overload problem. From the point of recommendations based on the products consumed by demo-
view of an RS user, based on his past preferences, the system graphically similar users to the active user (age, genre, loca-
automatically recommends a series of items (movies, books, tion, etc.). The main drawbacks of the demographic-based RS
music, electronics, clothing, etc.) that are available and that are: 1) Complete demographic data is not usually available,
the user has not consumed. The RS can make recommen- and 2) There is too much variability in the preferences of each
dations based on various types of information sources; the demographic group.
most common ones are: content-based, demographic, collab- The social-based RS [5], [6] make use of relationships
orative, social, and context-aware. between users: likes, dislikes, follows, etc. Social-based RS

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

recommend to active users based on the preferences of their from the MF approach, although their use is not extended:
closest social network. The main problem with this approach fuzzy approaches [14], evolutionary algorithms (ants, swarm,
is that most of the existing datasets do not contain enough etc.) [15], Bayesian methods [16], clustering [17], etc.
social information. Finally, context-aware RS [7], [8] are
usually associated with the Internet of Things (IoT), where B. RECOMMENDATION TO GROUPS OF USERS
context information is collected: GPS coordinates, RFID While traditional recommendations are individual (they are
information, credit card data, etc. made for each active user), this paper focuses on recommen-
Collaborative Filtering (CF) RS [1], [9] usually offer the dations to groups of users. The recommendations to groups of
best recommendation results. Their operation is as follows: users arise from the convenience of being able to recommend
the active user is recommended items that have not been con- a group of users about products or services that satisfy the
sumed and that have been positively rated by users who have entire group. A classic example is the recommendation of
preferences similar to those of the active user. That is, infor- a movie to a family or a group of friends. Sometimes the
mation is extracted from all existing users (hundreds of thou- design of the recommendation to groups method requires
sands or millions) and based on that information, the active the use of an aggregation policy [18]. The most commonly
user is recommended. Normally, information is structured used policies [19], [20] are: a) The last misery policy, which
as a matrix that stores the preferences (explicit or implicit) avoids recommendations that satisfy a majority, but are not
of each of the users about the set of items. These matrices satisfactory for a minority, and b) The weighted aggregation
(efficiently saved in datasets) are enormously sparse because policy, where it is attempted to maximize overall satisfaction,
a typical user has only been able to consume or rating a very without taking into account variations in the satisfaction of
small subset of the set of available items (thousands or tens the group’s components.
of thousands). Although the recommendation to groups of users may
There is a wide variety of approaches to extract the most seem like a simple generalization of the recommendation to
relevant information from the sparse collaborative filtering individual users, it is more complex: a) When a memory-
matrices. The traditional approach was the KNN algorithm based approach is chosen, there are several possibilities to
(K Nearest Neighbors) [10], [11], where the most similar approach the problem: You have to choose between making
K users (neighborhood) are searched for each active user; an aggregation in the recommendation phase [21], [22], in the
subsequently, items not consumed by the active user that has prediction phase [23], [24] or in the neighbors obtainment
been highly valued or consumed by its neighborhood are rec- phase [39]. It is also possible to establish a virtual user that
ommended. The previous approach is classified as memory- represents the group [25], [26], b) If we opt for a model-
based [1], [9]: information to recommend is obtained directly based approach, we find that most of the models used in
from the data. The explained process is called user-based; it recommendation to individual users are not generalizable for
is also possible to carry out an item-based recommendation, recommendation to groups of users. Researchers adapt the
obtaining neighborhood sets of each item. existing models [27], [28], or they create new approaches
Currently, collaborative filtering RS are usually designed [29], [30], c) The data sparsity negative effect is greater when
by using the model-based [1], [9] approach: A model is there are more restrictions (recommendation to groups of
created from the data, and subsequently recommendations users) than when there are less restrictions (recommendation
are obtained from the model. The RS most used model- to individual users), and d) Methods with which results are
based method is the Matrix Factorization (MF) [6], [12]: measured are less universal in recommendations to groups of
The sparse ratings matrix is compressed into two dense factor users: recommendation policies, sizes and distributions of the
matrices (one matrix containing the users information and groups, etc.
another matrix containing the items information). One of the Response times in the recommendation to groups of
matrices has users x factors size, and the other matrix has users is more critical than in the individual recommenda-
items x factors size. The number of factors is usually small tions because it is necessary to perform additional opera-
(10 to 40), and then the size of each of the two matrices is tions. When the memory-based approach is used, the sooner
much smaller than the size of the original information (users the aggregation is made, the faster the results will be
x items). This compressed information contains the essence obtained [25]. Model-based approaches usually generate
of the original information, coded in factors that are called results very quickly; on the other hand, a great learning time
hidden because its meaning (the concept they encode) is not is required to generate the model.
known. The prediction and recommendation process from Fig. 1 shows the different options available to implement
this model usually improves the quality obtained through the recommendation to groups of users (when using the
memory-based approaches. memory-based approach). Gray boxes show the usual phases
Finally, it is important to highlight two important concepts: of a recommendation made with the KNN algorithm. The
1) The more information a RS gathers, the better results it four options (a to d), which flow horizontally, represent the
can provide; that’s why hybrid RS [13] are usually designed strategies followed to make recommendations to groups of
in commercial RS (typically: collaborative + content + users. Option a) Merged recommendations, uses the lists of
demographic), and 2) There are model-based RS different items recommended to each user of the group and generates

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

FIGURE 1. KNN-based approaches for recommending to groups of users. Figure taken from [25] has been extended.

a unified list. Option b) Merged predictions uses the most taken from the concept used in [31], where the singularity
convenient predictions lists for each user in the group and of the ratings is exploited: the ‘‘singular’’ ratings are granted
generates a unified list of predictions (there are more predic- more important than the ‘‘usual’’ ratings; e.g. in a movie
tions than recommendations). Option c) Related neighbors, that receives a huge amount of negative ratings (or absence
starts from the neighborhood of each user of the group and of ratings), a positive rating from a user is very relevant to
generates a neighborhood that represents the entire group. find her neighborhood. The singularity concept has generated
Finally, option d) Related users, creates a virtual user that important accuracy improvements when it has been applied to
represents all the group’s users: from the virtual user a tradi- several RS open datasets.
tional individual recommendation can be made. An important principle supporting the proposed similarity
measure to recommend to groups of users is the generaliza-
C. PROPOSED APPROACH FOR RECOMMENDATION tion of the singularity concept. The underlying idea is the
TO GROUPS following: we know that two users are similar if they present
In section III, the proposed method for making recommen- singular ratings in common; e.g.: both users usually listen to
dations to groups of users is explained in detail. In this an unpopular and poorly rated song. Using the same reason-
subsection, the main ideas are presented, and the decisions ing: if a group of users shares unusual ratings with a neighbor
taken are motivated. The first decision was to choose between candidate, it is very likely that she is a suitable neighbor
a model-based or a memory-based method. Our experience candidate. The condition of singularity is less likely to occur
covers both fields: [25] provides a memory-based approach, in the recommendation to groups (e.g.: a group of friends who
while [27] provides a model-based approach. The model like a very unpopular movie). This lower probability helps us
developed in [27] does not admit significant improvements, to choose neighbors that fit very well with the preferences of
whereas the solution provided in [25] does have a promising the group. In summary: the concept of singularity fits well
route to improve results, both from [25] and [27]. with the particularities of the recommendation to groups of
Published approaches usually implement aggregation of users.
neighborhoods, or predictions and recommendations merging The rest of the paper is structured as follows: section II
(options b, c and d in Fig. 1). The solution proposed in [25] summarizes the related work in the recommendation to group
provides an innovative metric (UGSM) that allows you to find of users’ sub-field. Section III defines and explains the pro-
the existing similarity between any user of the RS and the posed method. Section IV exposes the design of experi-
group of users to which you want to recommend: option a) ments, section V shows the results obtained and discuss them.
in Fig. 1. The proposed method is simple and also achieves Section VI provides the conclusions of the paper and suggests
significantly better execution times than methods based on future works. Finally, we list references, many of them of very
options b), c), d) in Fig. 1. We test its effectiveness by recent publications.
comparing it with the UGSM itself, with the model-based
method from [27] and with several baselines of very recent II. RELATED WORK
publication. The CF-based recommendation to groups field presents a
The fundamental idea on which the improvement of the wide variety in the way it has been focused. Mainly it
proposed method is based, with respect to UGSM, has been can be classified as follows: a) KNN-based approaches,

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

and b) Model-based approaches. Each of the above 2) MERGED RECOMMENDATIONS

approaches admits a subdivision. In this section we will Polylens [21] uses an algorithm that merges users’ recom-
review the most relevant bibliography in the field, group- mendation lists and sorts the merged list according to the
ing the referenced papers according to the solution they principle of least misery. They realize this merge algorithm
implement. is unlikely to work well for large groups. The effectiveness
of group recommendations is obtained in [22]; they aggre-
A. KNN-BASED APPROACHES gate the individual lists of recommendations produced by a
The KNN-based approaches directly use the ratings matrix to collaborative filtering system, and finally, they compare the
make recommendation to groups. Fig. 1 shows: a) its taxon- effectiveness of individual and group recommendation lists
omy, b) the stages involved in the process of recommendation using normalized discounted cumulative gain.
to groups, and c) the existing alternatives. Finally, we provide
the sections names in which publications are usually classi- 3) RELATED NEIGHBORS
fied in this subfield. This is the least used approach in the scientific literature.
Each of the grey areas in Fig. 1 represents a stage in the In [39] the set of neighbors of the group of users are obtained
CF RS process using KNN. Step1 (similarity metric) makes by unifying the sets of neighbors of the individual users.
use of similarity metrics to obtain the similarity between This work proposes the intersection of a large number (k) of
each user belonging to the group w.r.t. the full set of users neighbors of each user of the group.
(cases a to c), or to obtain the similarity between the entire
group of users w.r.t. the full set of users (case d). In step 2 4) RELATED USERS
(neighborhoods) the neighbors of each user from the group A group recommendation similarity metric is proposed
are used to obtain a unified set of neighbors (case c). Step 3 in [25]. They show that the system performance improves
(predictions) generates the prediction of the group of users notably when the aggregation is performed in an earlier
based on the individual predictions of each user (case b); stage of the collaborative filtering process. CATS [26] is
aggregation methods are used. Finally, step 4 (recommen- a conversational collaborative group RS designed to help a
dation) obtains the recommendation of the group of users group of up to four users. They take into account both prefer-
based on the recommendations made to each of its users ences: the individual’s and the group’s preferences to merge
(case a). users from a group. A common strategy is to first merge all
Based on [25], [32] the set of steps shown in Fig. 1 clas- user profiles to construct a common user profile, and then
sify the most commonly used methods of recommendation using a recommendation approach to generate a common
to groups of users. From [20], steps 1 and 2 correspond program recommendation list for the group according to
with the ‘‘Aggregated model strategy’’ [33], [34], whereas the merged user profile [40]. A useful recommendations to
steps 3 and 4 correspond with the ‘‘Aggregated prediction groups of users application provides personalized multime-
strategy’’ [18]. Below is the most relevant KNN-based related dia content for group users by taking care of the majority’s
work: preferences [41]. This paper’s main contributions are the user
identification and profile aggregation, followed by the user
1) MERGED PREDICTIONS profile merging algorithm.
Methods to suggest music and movies are provided by [23].
They generate group recommendations using different B. MODEL-BASED APPROACHES
methods: merging recommendations made for individuals, The Model-based approaches make a model from the ratings
aggregation of individuals’ ratings, and construction of group matrix. Later, using the model, they obtain the recommenda-
preference models. To investigate the use of aggregated group tion to groups. The main types of models that the related work
data in CF recipe recommendations, [24] analyzes the impact shows are: Matrix factorization, graph approaches, fuzzy
of switching strategies, data aggregation heuristics, and group technologies and clustering preprocessing methods; other
characteristics on the performance of recommendations. models and results are also abstracted.
A RS for tourism [35] faces the group recommendation
eliciting out of the individual personal recommendations 1) MATRIX FACTORIZATION
through aggregation and intersection. The Choicla group Some SVD-based group recommendation methods are pro-
decision support environment [36] advances the state of the posed in [28]; they aggregate ratings of group members. Their
art by supporting decision scenarios in a domain-independent methods are divided into two categories: SVD-based aggre-
fashion. Most of the recommendation to group of users’ gation profiles (related users) and aggregation predictions
research papers are designed merging predictions. To merge methods (merged predictions). The purpose of paper [42]
social interaction predictions [37] enhance mutual awareness is to facilitate academic group activities in big data-based
among group members. Attribute reduction-based mining library systems by recommending satisfying articles for aca-
method [38] has been proposed to efficiently select the long- demic groups. The main contribution is its scalable par-
tail user groups. allel implementation. Different matrix factorization-based

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

recommendation to groups approaches are proposed in [27]; 5) OTHER MODELS AND METHODS
they explain three original methods to map the group of users Using ontological concepts, Ben Ahmed et al. [52] pro-
to the latent factor space, and they compare the proposed vide a semantic multidimensional group recommendation.
methods in three different scenarios: when the group size is Meta-learning techniques and aggregation strategies [53] are
small, medium and large. Social information is used in [43]; used in order to select group recommendation strategies.
this work combines a matrix factorization model to estimate Using stochastic methods, [54] paper makes recommen-
unknown ratings with a social network analysis to evidence dations based on link-structure analysis in a probabilis-
possible social influence. tic manner, and they provide group recommendations in
social media systems. Knowledge flow mining [55] has
2) GRAPH APPROACHES been used as model to make group recommendations for
An original group recommendation approach addresses the task-based groups. A Hybrid model, merging content-based,
problem of generating and then recommending an artworks collaborative filtering, and knowledge-based solution for
sequence for a group of visitors within a museum [29]. They groups of users has been used in [56]. Social Networks
define the museum artworks as a graph. The recommendation based models play an important role in recommendation
system suggests a route that maximizes visitors’ satisfaction, to groups of users when social information is included in
recommending to individual users and then aggregate the datasets, [57] propose a social-aware group recommendation
recommendations in a single group recommendation (merged framework that jointly utilizes both social relationships and
recommendations). A random walk with restart method is social behaviors to infer a group’s preference, and also to
proposed in [44]; they represent the relationships among model the tolerance and altruism characteristics of group
users, groups, and items as a tripartite graph. Based on members.
the tripartite graph it is possible to predict the relevance
degrees between groups and unrated items by comprehen-
sively detecting their relationships. The method from [45] III. PROPOSED METHOD
models information with a heterogeneous graph and con- This section explains the proposed method for recommenda-
siders the recommendation problem as a query-dependent tion to groups of users. In the first subsection, we explain
node proximity problem. They propose a general graph-based previous concepts which are directly related to the proposed
model, called HeteRS, to recommend on Event-based social design. In the second subsection, we expose the general
networks. principles on which our recommendation to groups similarity
measure is based. The third subsection details the mathe-
3) FUZZY TECHNOLOGIES matical formalism and relates it to the explained design.
A new method for group decision making using group recom- Finally, an illustrative running example based on a datatoy
mendations based on interval fuzzy preference relations and is provided.
consistency matrices is presented in [30]. Cheng et al. [46]
propose a new autocratic decision-making method using
group recommendations based on ranking interval type-2 A. PREVIOUS CONCEPTS
fuzzy sets. A group decision making with multi-granular The proposed similarity measure uses the singularity concept
hesitant fuzzy linguistic information is presented in [47]; [31] and the combination of non-numerical and numerical
authors propose a model-based decision-making method. information concept [58]. The singularity concept hypothesis
In [48] it is considered using fuzzy logic for mod- is that CF results can be improved by taking contextual infor-
eling student clusters. As the representation of each mation, drawn from the entire body of users. The singularity
group, they assume fuzzy numbers connected with learner main idea lies in the fact that the contribution of an item to
attributes. the similarity assigned to two users ought not to be considered
as absolute (which is what happens with traditional metrics),
4) CLUSTERING PREPROCESSING METHODS but rather as relative to the vote awarded to this item by
Group recommender systems can be designed to the rest of the users in the system. Following the singularity
automatically detect groups of users by clustering them [49]; reasoning expressed through to its extremes, if all of the
the number of cluster respect a constraint on the maxi- users who have voted for an item have cast the same vote,
mum number of recommendation lists that can be produced. it is difficult to consider this item as a factor of similarity
An extensive model for group recommendations [50] exploits between two users. In the opposite case scenario, if only
recommendations for items that similar users to the group two users have voted differently to the rest for one item, this
members liked in the past. They make a pre-partition of represents a very great singularity which should be translated
users into clusters and they use the cluster members for into a very great similarity for this item. Equations from [31]
recommendations. The clustering process [51] usually make define SPi as the singularity of the relevant votes concerning
recommendations for users produced with respect to the the item i, and SNi as the singularity of the non-relevant
preferences of their cluster members without extensively votes concerning the item i. Relevant votes in MovieLens
searching for similar users in the whole user base. are 4,5, whereas non-relevant votes are 1,2,3. SPi and SNi are

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

FIGURE 2. Information sources used to design the proposed method. FIGURE 3. Proportion of matching items and item unpopularity.

defined as:
in the accuracy obtained when Jaccard is applied to
#{u ∈ U |ru,i ∈ {4, 5}} the KNN-based CF RS. Our proposed SMGU similarity
SPi = 1 −
#U measure extends the JMSD Jaccard behavior in two
i #{u ∈ U |ru,i ∈ {1, 2, 3}} aspects:
SN = 1 −
a) Jaccard extension to groups of users: Jaccard,
Where U is the set of users and ru,i is the vote cast for user applied to two users, can be defined as the ratio
u to the item i. between the number of common cast ratings and
The combination of non-numerical and numerical informa- the total number of cast ratings. The number of
tion concept was proposed in [58]. Authors present a metric common cast ratings can be obtained using the set
which combines the numerical information of the votes with intersection operation, whereas the total number
independent information from those values, based on the of cast ratings can be obtained using the set union
proportions of the common and uncommon votes between operation. When a group of users is involved,
each pair of users. The numerical information is processed union and intersection operations can be made as
using the Mean Squared Differences (MSD) similarity mea- shown in the top of Fig. 3: each neighbor candi-
sure, whereas Jaccard is used to deal with the non-numerical date rating is compared with the corresponding
information. The resulting metric JMSD is simple, it provides group rating.
good accuracy and performance, and it has been highly cited: b) Incorporation of the item unpopularity: SGMU
JMSD(u,v) = Jaccard(u,v) * (1-MSD(u,v)). incorporates the concept ‘‘singularity of items’’
[31], expressed as the absence of popularity of an
B. METHOD DESIGN item for the users. The idea behind this concept is
Starting from the concepts shown in the previous section, that the most singular items provide better infor-
we will show the constitutive elements of the proposed simi- mation to determine the similarity between two
larity measure for groups of users. We are going to make use users. By way of example, if two users agree on
of Fig. 2; our metric is constituted from three fundamental a film that has not been widely voted and known,
elements: a) Numerical information (ratings), contemplated it is very likely that they will have similar tastes
in element 5 of Fig. 2, b) Non-numerical (structural) informa- among themselves, and different to the tastes of
tion, contemplated in element 1 of Fig. 2, and c) Weightings other users. If two users agree on a well-known
of the importance of the numerical information, contemplated movie, such as ‘‘Avatar’’, this information will
in elements 2, 3 and 4 of Fig. 2. We will call SMGU to the not be enough to match both users, since there
proposed similarity measure (Singularity-based Measure for will be a large number of users who are also
Groups of Users). paired based on their assessment of that popular
1) Proportion of matching items: Jaccard measure pro- item. Following this reasoning, item 1 from the
vides the existing proportion of votes cast by two users: bottom of Fig. 3 is more unpopular (less voted)
the active user and each neighbor candidate. JMSD sim- than item 2 because item 1 contains less ratings
ilarity measure [58] shows a significant improvement than item 2. Our proposed similarity measure will

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

In [58], Mean Squared Differences (MSD) is set as a

suitable similarity measure in this context because the
differences of votes between users are highly penalized.
Our SMGU proposed similarity measure for groups of
users will also use MSD.
FIGURE 4. Users and groups singularity.
Next, equations that define the proposed SMGU similarity
give more importance to the KNN neighbors that measure are established. This section is structured, numeri-
match, in item 1, with the group of users. cally, according to the values shown in Fig. 2. Finally, equa-
2) Users and neighbors singularity: this parameter gives tions are unified, showing the SMGU final result.
greater importance to the less popular ratings in each 1) Proportion of matching items
item. We define the singularity of a rating r for an Let’s define pi as the lack of importance of the item i
item i as the ratio between ratings different of r and based on its ratings. Here, the parameter meaning is:
the totality of the ratings issued in i. As an example, ‘‘unpopularity of the item’’.
in Fig. 4, for item 3, the singularity of rating 3 (vote=3)
is much greater than the singularity of rating 5; in Fig. 4 #{u ∈ U |ru,i6=• }
pi = 1 − (1)
item 2, the singularity of rating 5 is greater than the #U
singularity of rating 2. To understand the underlying where • means not voted, U is the set of users and ru,i
idea, we can regard to an item that has received many is the rating of user u to item i.
positive votes (e.g. ratings 4 or 5 in ‘‘Star Wars’’): Let’s define xG,u as the similarity of the group G and
two users casting ‘‘singular’’ (negative) rating to this the user u based on the non-numerical information of
item will be more related among them than two users the ratings:
casting ‘‘not singular’’ (positive) ratings. In the same P
way, an item that has been mostly poorly rated will i∈{I ∩I } pi
xG,u = P G u (2)
provide us with more relevant information of similarity i∈{IG ∪Iu } pi
between two users who have voted it positively. Finally,
where IG is the set of ratings voted for at least one user
the singularity of the rating cast by the user u to the
of the group G and Iu is the set of ratings voted by the
item i is defined as the ratio between ratings to the item i
user u.
different to ru,i and the totality of ratings issued in i:
2) Users and neighbors singularity:
e.g. From Fig. 4, user 10 has a big singularity in item 3,
Let’s define su,i as the singularity of the user u rating
whereas users 0, 2, 5 and 8 have a little singularity in
on the item i (ru,i ). This value indicates the singularity
item 3. From the singularity aspect, regarding to item 3
of the user’s vote for item i compared to the votes cast,
from Fig. 4, users u3 and u9 are more similar than users
in item i, by all other users.
u0 and u2 .
3) Number of the users in a group voting item i: the pro- #{v ∈ U |rv,i 6= ru,i ∧ rv,i 6= •}
su,i = , ∀ ru,i 6 = •
posed similarity measure modulates results according #{v ∈ U |rv,i6=• }
to the available information quantity; e.g.: according (3)
to Fig. 4 item 2, results from group <u0 , u1 , u2 , u3 >
will have less importance than results from group 3) Number of the users in a group voting item i:
<u5 , u8 , u9 >, since results from the first group are taken Let’s define Gi as the subset of users of the group G
using a single rating, whereas results from the second that have rated item i.
group are taken using three ratings.
4) Group singularity: the singularity of the ratings cast Gi = {u ∈ G|ru,i 6= •} (4)
for users belonging to a group can be considered as an 4) Group singularity:
extension of the user’s singularity. From Fig. 4, if we Let’s define sG,i as the singularity of the group G
consider <u0 , u2 , u3 , u5 > as a group of users, regarding ratings on the item i. This singularity is computed with
to item 3 their ratings are not too much singular, since the geometric mean of the users’ singularities in the
they have voted the usual value (5). If we consider group.
<u6 , u10 > as a group of users, their ratings are singular sY
regarding to item 3. sG,i = #Gi su,i , ∀ su,i 6= • (5)
5) Numerical differences: as in the KNN process for indi-
vidual users, to determine the set of neighbors for
a group of users it is necessary to make use of the 5) Numerical differences:
ratings numerical information. We must choose KNN Let’s define 1G,u,i as the squared difference of
neighbors that have similar tastes to those of the group. the ratings of the group G users, for item i, with

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

respect to the rating of the neighbor user u, for for item i2 : it is the only rating ‘‘zero’’ of the nine votes
item i. cast in this item. The opposite situation can be observed in
P 2 item i11 : any of its three ‘‘one’’ votes gets a null singularity,
g∈Gi (rg,i − ru,i )
1G,u,i = , ∀ ru,i 6 = • (6) due to the absence of diversity in the votes. Section 3 in
#Gi Table 1 shows the group G singularity sG,i . This singularity is
While step 1 provides the non-numerical (structural) infor- computed using the geometric mean of the users’ singularities
mation, combining steps 2 to 5 into a single equation pro- in the group; in our running example, the highest sG,i value
vides the numerical information. Let’s define yG,u as the corresponds to the highest singularity value su,i from the
similarity between group G and user u, based on the numer- users of the group: s2,1 = 0.60. Section 4 in Table 1 just
ical information of the ratings. What we do is to use Mean shows the number of users in G who have voted item i; e.g.:
Squared Differences, weighting its values with three param- i12 = 2, since u1 and u3 have voted it. We can see that,
eters: a) candidate to neighbor singularity for each item, b) in this example, item i7 is particularly relevant to the SMGU
group singularity for each item, and c) number of votes in the proposed similarity measure, since it has high values of su,i ,
group for each item: sG,i and #Gi .
Section 5 shows results of the mean squared differences
i∈{IG ∩Iu } su,i sG,i #Gi 1G,u,i
yG,u = 1 − P (7) computed according to the equation 1G,u,i . As expected,
i∈{IG ∩Iu } su,i sG,i #Gi users u6 and u8 provide the smallest error values, whereas
Finally, the proposed SMGU similarity measure combines users u5 and u7 report the biggest errors. Combining error
non-numerical information from (2) and numerical informa- values with singularity parameters we obtain the numeri-
tion from (7). α ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter that swings the impor- cal factor yG,u . Finally, combining yG,u with the structural
tance of non-numerical information of ratings vs. numerical information xG,u , and applying the α factor we obtain the
information. SMGU similarity measure final results; in all cases: structural,
numerical and final results, the expected neighbors u6 and u8
SMGU (G, u) = xG,u y1−α
G,u (8) have been chosen, whereas u5 and u7 have been dismissed.


In this section, we show a running example based on a data- This section shows the experiments design and the obtained
toy. From this example we will show, step by step, the opera- results. Experiments are focused on: a) finding the opti-
tion of the proposed similarity measure for recommendation mal parameters for the proposed method, and b) compar-
to groups of users. Also, as ‘‘additional material’’ to the paper, ing the proposed method with the state of the art ones.
we provide a completely programmed spreadsheet containing Sub-section IV-A describes the environment designed to per-
this same running example. In this way, we make it possi- form all the experiments; sub-section IV-B defines de quality
ble for anyone to modify the ratings matrix and check its measures used to control the goodness of the recommenda-
effect both for the final and for the partial results. Likewise, tions; finally, sub-section IV-C & IV-D explain the experi-
researchers can modify the α parameter to calibrate its impact ments carried out to test the proposed model.
on the similarity measure.
On top of Table 1 we show the ratings matrix that we have A. EXPERIMENTS SET UP
designed. Users <u1 , u2 , u3 > will be the group G of users to The experiments have been divided into two phases: (1) find-
recommend. To simplify the analysis, we have used only two ing the optimal parameters of the proposed methods to each
possible ratings values: zero and one. By observing ratings tested dataset, (2) comparing the proposed method with state
carefully, we can verify that users u6 and u8 are those that of the art, to make CF recommendations to group of users. All
contain more similar votes to those of group G, and therefore, the experiments have been carried out using public datasets
a priori, they are candidates to belong to the G neighborhood. widely used by RS research papers. We have selected Movie-
On the other hand, users u5 and u7 contain the votes that are Lens [59], BookCrossing [60] and FilmTrust [61] datasets.
most different from those of group G: their similarity with the Table 2 contains the most relevant properties about these
group is expected to be low. datasets. Experiments have made use of the Original Software
Table 1, ‘‘Proportion of matching items’’ shows the Publication (OSP) framework [62].
‘‘unpopularity’’ pi of each item: item i3 has only received Tested datasets do not include any social information to
one vote; It is the most unpopular item. Items i2 and i4 have test the proposed method using real groups of users, so we
received eight votes and they are the less unpopular items. have generated synthetic groups. Users have been grouped
Using the unpopularity values, xG,u performs the Jaccard randomly, but those users which have more training ratings
function between the group of users G and each neighbor in common have a higher probability to be grouped together.
candidate u. Section 2 shows su,i : the singularity of the user’s To perform the experiments, we have split users and items
vote for item i compared to the votes cast, in item i, by all into test and training sets. To avoid fluctuations due to the
other users. We have marked, in bold style, the most singular random selection of training users, test items and test groups,
ratings; the most representative rating is the vote of user u5 we perform each experiment using 10-folds Monte Carlo

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

TABLE 1. Running example from a datatoy.

cross-validation. Table 3 contains the main parameters of recallGλ = (10)
each dataset, chosen for the experiments execution. #TGλ

B. QUALITY MEASURES Where TP, FP and T denote the true positive, false positive
In order to evaluate the quality of recommendations to groups and expected recommendations sets, respectively:
of users, we define precision and recall for the group G as:
FPλG = i ∈ LG |aG,i < λ

#TPλG TPλG = i ∈ LG |aG,i ≥ λ

precisionλG = (9)
TPλG ∪ FPλG TGλ = i ∈ I |aG,i ≥ λ
# (13)

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

TABLE 2. Main properties of the datasets used in the experiments. TABLE 4. Tested model parameters.

TABLE 5. Configuration of the experiment to optimize the proposed

method parameters.
TABLE 3. Main parameters for testing each dataset.

Where aG,i is the proportion of users belonging to the

group G that liked item i, LG is the set of items recommended
to the group G, and λ is a parameter that controls the flexibil-
ity of the fail recommendations to one or more members of
users that belongs to the group. Finally, we will denote R−MAE as the averaged R−MAE
to each tested group of users.
# g ∈ G|r̂g,i ≥ θ

aG =  (14) R−MAEG
R−MAE = G (20)

# g ∈ G|r̂g,i 6 = •
Where r̂u,i is the test rating of the user u to the item i, and C. MODEL PARAMETERS OPTIMIZATION
θ is a threshold to consider a rating as like or dislike; e.g.: for The proposed similarity metric contains two parameters: α,
a range of ratings 1, . . . , 5, a reasonable θ value could be 4 that controls the importance of non-numerical rating informa-
(4, 5: liked; 1, 2, 3: did not like). tion against numerical rating information, and k, that fixes the
Finally, we will denote precision@λ and recall@λ as the KNN number of neighbors for the group. A proper adjustment
averaged precision and recall to each tested group of users. of these parameters, for each dataset, is required in order to
λ maximize the quality of recommendations.
G precisionG
precision@λ = (15) In this experiment, we will evaluate the proposed method
P #G λ for different combinations of both α and k parameters. Table 4
G recallG contains the tested values for each parameter. To select the
recall@λ = (16)
#G optimal configuration of these parameters we will: a) measure
To evaluate the quality of predictions we define R−MAE the rm ae, precision and recall, b) recommend 10 items for
as the mean absolute prediction error of the recommended each parameters configuration and, c) select the best one.
items. Let L̂uG the subset of items recommended to the group Table 5 contains the remaining parameters required in this
G that has been rated (in test) by user u: experiment.

L̂uG = i ∈ LG |r̂u,i 6 = •

To measure the performance of the proposed model we
We define R−MAEuG as the prediction error for the user u will compare it with state of the art group recommenda-
w.r.t. the item recommended to the group G: tion methods. The baselines selected for this comparison
are UGSM [25], MFGU [27], C&P [32], RWR − M [20]
i∈L̂uG r̂u,i − pG,i

G and RANK [22]. Some of these recommendations methods
R−MAEu = (18)
#L̂uG require different parameters to work. We have configured that
parameters in order to maximize the quality of the recommen-
We define R−MAE as the averaged error of the predictions
dation in each dataset. Table 6 contains the parameters of each
performed to the group G:
model in each experiment.
R−MAEuG We will evaluate these methods using the previously
R−MAEG = u∈G (19) defined quality measures: precision, recall and R−MAE.
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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

TABLE 6. Parameters used in the experiments to run baseline methods.

FIGURE 5. α parameter and number of neighbors impact on the quality results obtained by using the proposed method.

The experiment has been carried out for two group sizes: recommendation results obtained using the proposed method,
a) from 2 to 5 users, to test the performance of each recom- then compares them with those offered by processing the
mendation method on small groups of users (families, cou- baselines, and 3) Discusses the observed main strengths and
ples, small group of friends, etc.), and b) from 6 to 10 users, drawbacks.
to test the performance of each recommendation method over
large group of users (teams, bands, large group of friends, A. PARAMETERS SETTING
etc.). Furthermore, we have tested the experiment for mul- Before testing the proposed method it is necessary to deter-
tiple λ values (1.0, 0.75 and 0.5) in order to measure the mine the alpha value that we will use in equation (8). That
overall satisfaction of the group within the recommendations is, we must choose an α value that weights the importance of
performed. Each measure has been evaluated for different the structural (non-numerical) information of the votes with
numbers of recommendations (from 5 to 20). respect to the numerical information. The lower the value of
α, the greater weight we give to the numerical information
V. RESULTS and the less weight we give to the non-numerical information.
This section is divided into three sub-sections: 1) Explains Fig. 5 implements Table 4 and summarizes the combined
the experiments carried out to adjust the parameters involved impact that the α values and the numbers of neighbors pro-
in the proposed method, 2) Shows the prediction and duce on each selected quality measure and for each of the

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F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

considered datasets. In all the graphs the best results are similarity measure SMGU achieves the best prediction results
coded using the yellow color (low values in R_MAE and in all cases. SMGU and MFGU behave very well when
high values in Precision and Recall). The main conclusions applied to large datasets. 3) In general, the quality of the
from the results shown in Fig. 5 are: 1) The optimal α and prediction increases as the size of the group decreases: this
number of neighbors values depend, to a large extent, on the is the expected result, due to the greater diversity of the users
nature of the data; that is: the dataset we are using, 2) The that make up the larger groups.
structural (non-numerical) information helps to improve the Once the superiority of the proposed method, in predic-
quality results: when α is zero the quality results get worse, tion quality, has been verified, we carry out the experiments
and 3) Generally, it is appropriate to assign low α values: we that measure the recommendation quality; for this, we test
should give more importance to the numerical information precision@λ and recall@λ, and we establish the following λ
than to the non-numerical information. values: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0. As an example, the value 0.75 means
The values of α and number of neighbors exposed that there is a proportion of 75% of users, belonging to each
in Table 5 have been selected based on the results shown group, that like the recommended items. The recommenda-
in Fig. 5. It is interesting to observe, as expected, how the tion quality measures have been tested using all the consid-
size of the dataset influences the appropriate value of the ered baselines for groups of users: UGSM [25], MFGU [27],
number of neighbors parameter; e.g.: in the largest dataset C&P [32], RWR − M [20] and RANK [22]. Experiments
(MovieLens) the impact is very small, whereas in the smallest parameters are shown in Table 6. Fig. 7 shows the recom-
dataset (FilmTrust) there is a big difference in the quality of mendation quality results. Each function in Fig. 7 is obtained
the results obtained by applying different neighborhood sizes. through the results of ten recommendations. Experiment has
It is also very interesting to observe, in FilmTrust, the fol- been performed for small groups from 2 to 5 users (left side
lowing behavior: there is a tendency to obtain the best quality of the figure) and large groups from 6 to 10 users (right side
results when establishing a direct correlation between α and of the figure).
number of neighbors. That is, as we increase the size of Fig. 7 shows the proposed similarity measure superiority
the neighborhood, we must also increase the α value. This for the majority of the Prediction quality results (the higher
means that the best neighbors (the first ones, the most similar the value, the better the result). Specifically, in the larger
ones) are best selected using numerical information: low α. dataset: MovieLens, the improvement of results offered by
However, the more ‘‘forced’’ neighbors (the last ones, the less SMGU is clearly visible. MFGU is the baseline that, in large
similar ones) are better selected using structural information: datasets, best competes with the proposed group-based simi-
high α. Our proposed method can compensate this effect larity measure; this is because, being a model-based method,
by raising or by decreasing the value of α. The R_MAE its design is better suited to large volumes of data. The pro-
and Precision graphs, in MovieLens, also show this trend, posed similarity measure does not always get the best results
although in a less marked way due to the much larger size from Recall; specifically, in the MovieLens dataset, the Rank
of this dataset: It would be necessary to use a greater number baseline method improves to SMGU . As expected, the small
of neighbors to appreciate this trend with greater intensity. groups results tend to be better than the large groups results,
due to the greater variation of users in large groups.
B. COMPARATIVE RESULTS The set of experiments performed for each dataset, for each
First of all, we will show the prediction quality results baseline and for the proposed similarity measure have been
making use of the quality measure R_MAE ‘‘Mean abso- replicated in each of the quality measures: precision@0.5,
lute prediction error of the recommended items’’. Fig. 6 recall@0.5, precision@1.0 and recall@1.0. The qualita-
shows the obtained results for the three tested datasets: tive results are similar to those explained in this section
MovieLens, FilmTrust and BookCrossing. The used baselines (precision@0.75 and recall@0.75), so the resulting fig-
are: UGSM [25], MFGU [27] and C&P [32]. Baselines ures are not included. These figures are stored online,
RWR−M [20] and RANK [22] are not designed to predict; we in the journal site, as ‘‘Additional Material’’. The quantitative
will use them to test the recommendation quality measures results show the expected behavior: the more demanding the
Prediction and Recall. Experiments parameters are shown requested quality is (i.e.: the higher the λ value), the lower the
in Table 6. Experiments have been carried out for different precision and recall results obtained.
group sizes: left side correspond with small groups of users The proposed SMGU mostly improves the results of
(groups containing from two to five users) and right side the best baseline MFGU : R_MAE, Precision and Recall.
correspond with large groups of users (groups containing However, the Recall of SMGU is not always the most appro-
from six to ten users). priate (Fig. 7). In short, our proposed method obtains bet-
The most relevant conclusions obtained from Fig. 6 are: ter Precision than Recall. The question that arises is the
1) The quality offered by the baseline similarity measures importance and meaning of each of these recommendation
vary depending on the dataset used and the number of users quality measures. Simplifying, we can associate Precision
of the groups: in some cases, UGSM exceeds MFGU , while with an absolute quality value, and Recall with a relative
on other occasions the opposite occurs. C&P tends to be quality value: the first one measures the success with respect
the baseline that provides the worst results. 2) The proposed to a fixed number of recommendations, while the second

39756 VOLUME 6, 2018

F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

FIGURE 6. Mean absolute prediction error of the recommended items in MovieLens, FilmTrust and BookCrossing datasets. Tested for small groups (left
side) and large groups (right side). Proposed method: SMGU . Baselines: UGSM [25], MFGU [27] and C &P [32]. Experiments parameters are shown
in Table 6. The lower the value, the better the result.

one measures the success with respect to the number of best Recall results when the number of recommendations
cases in which it is appropriate to recommend. Precision is low. When the number of recommendations is not low,
focuses on quantities (accuracy, effectiveness) while Recall Rank provides better Recall results. MGFU does not improve
focuses on qualities (it rewards complicated hits). In short, our proposed similarity measure neither in Precision nor in
we can determine that the proposed SMGU method and Recall.
the main MFGU baseline are accurate (a large number
of recommendations are correct), although they are not C. DISCUSSION
always the ones that provide the most complex recommen- The SMGU proposed similarity measure to recommend to
dations; e.g.: by using MovieLens, Rank gets good Recall groups of users has important advantages, but also some
results. drawback that should be analyzed and given the importance
Fig. 7 functions show Precision and Recall results when it deserves. The main advantage of SMGU is its superiority
the number of recommendations range from two (left side of in prediction and also in recommendation, measured, respec-
each function) to ten (right side of each function). We can tively, with the R_MAE and Precision quality measures.
observe that, for the MovieLens dataset, SMGU provides the Additional advantages of SMGU are: a) It maintains the best

VOLUME 6, 2018 39757

F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

FIGURE 7. Recommendation results: Precision and Recall with a proportion of 75% of users belonging to the group that liked the recommended items.
MovieLens, FilmTrust and BookCrossing datasets. Number of recommendations: 10. Tested for small groups (left side) and large groups (right side).
Proposed method: SMGU . Baselines: UGSM [25], MFGU [27], C &P [32], RWR − M [20] and RANK [22]. Experiments parameters are shown in Table 6. The
higher the value, the better the result (both precision & recall).

results for different sizes of the groups, b) It improves the that the concept of singularity fits well with the particularities
baselines results when applied to datasets with different sizes of the recommendation to groups of users.
and diverse sparsities, and c) It recommends adequately both SMGU is a memory-based similarity measure. Most of
when a small number of recommendations is required and the published papers offer memory-based solutions to the
when a larger number is needed. recommendations to groups of users, but the MFGU method
An interesting feature of SMGU is its ability to weight the is model-based. The memory-based versus model-based dis-
importance of the numerical information of ratings with the cussion in the recommendation to groups of users is the same
non-numerical information. This weighting mechanism also as in the recommendation to individual users: each approach
serves to adapt to the number of neighbors selected in the has its advantages and disadvantages. However, while in rec-
CF recommendation process and to maintain high levels of ommendation to individual users the model-based methods
accuracy. The concept of singularity is used intensively in usually offer better accuracy, in our case the memory-based
SMGU . This concept has proven to provide good results in the SMGU similarity measure improves the results of the MFGU
recommendation to individual users. In this paper, it is shown method.

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tion and software technology from the Instituto
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Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monter-
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‘‘SMART: Semantic multidimensional group recommendations,’’ Multi- sidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, in 2017.
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[53] A. Zapata, V. H. Menéndez, M. E. Prieto, and C. Romero, ‘‘Evaluation and dad Politécnica Salesiana. His research interests include the recommender
selection of group recommendation strategies for collaborative searching systems and natural language processing. He is currently a member of the
of learning objects,’’ Int. J. Human-Comput. Stud., vol. 76, pp. 22–39, Research Team in Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technology, his team
2015. is collaborating with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

39760 VOLUME 6, 2018

F. Ortega et al.: Recommendation to Groups of Users Using the Singularities Concept

JESÚS BOBADILLA received the B.S. degree in RODOLFO BOJORQUE was born in 1982. He
computer science from the Universidad Politéc- received the B.S. degree in systems engineer-
nica de Madrid and the Ph.D. degree in com- ing from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana,
puter science from the Universidad Carlos III Ecuador, in 2006, the master’s degree in secu-
de Madrid. He is currently a Lecturer with the rity information and communications technologies
Department of Applied Intelligent Systems, Uni- from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain,
versidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is a habitual in 2015, and the master’s degree in computer sci-
author of programming languages books working ence and technology from Universidad Politécnica
with McGraw-Hill, Ra-Ma, and Alfa Omega pub- de Madrid, Spain, in 2017.
lishers. His research interests include information He is currently a Lecturer with the Universidad
retrieval, recommender systems, and speech processing. He was in charge of Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador. His research interests includes the machine
the Research Team, involved in the collaborative filtering learning techniques and intelligent systems. He is currently a member of
kernel of the website. He has been a Researcher with the International research team in artificial intelligence and assistive technology, his team is
Computer Science Institute, Berkeley University, Berkeley, CA, USA. collaborating with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

VOLUME 6, 2018 39761

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