Rules For Bible

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I. This is a pdf page. Open with Adobe Reader.

II. Suppress”ctrl” button and click “+” for 150 percent display page.

III. This format is 8.5” X 11” and made for printing. 3 ring binder with 3” spine will hold my books.
And all good books have plenty of “white paper” for notes. When I read a book I begin taking notes
immediately on the inside front cover and front pages and back pages and inside back cover. You cannot
do that online and this greatly limits your learning. Besides it is better to read at a desk or on a TV tray in
the living room or on the kitchen table.

IV. “The Proof Is In The Pudding.”

My wife and I have discussed the meaning of this old saying, and we believe it means, “You do not judge
a meal ‘good’ until you have tasted the pudding.”
In other words, a meal that is not completely ‘good’ is not to be judged ‘good.’

V. “The Proof Is In the Original Fonts”; or, ”The Litmus Test.”

This is my axiom for Bible Translating. If a translation or “alleged” translation does not agree completely
with the Hebrew and Chaldee and Greek manuscripts then it is useless.

1. Genesis 1.1 has four errors in most “alleged” translations.

Hebrew: In beginning of (W) her (T; tyvar b) creating (arb - participle) Gods (myhla) of (ta) the
heavens (mymvh) and of (taw) the earth (crah).

A) The morning of the seventh day ended the Parable of Creation in “one day” (Isaiah 66.8; AD 77-78).
Anyone unaware of these facts would not comprehend what the participle (“creating”) meant.
B) Who is Her? The “heavens and the earth” is used consistently to refer to, “Government” and
“nations.” And, “nations” are referred to universally as, “she” and “her.”
C) “Gods are identified to be: (1) “He Is” and the “Anointed of Him” (Iesous) – Psalm 2.2. (2) “He Is’
and the “Son of Him” – Psalm 2.7. (3) “He Is” and “A Priest to Ever” – Psalm 110.4.
D) Two Gods are identified as Two Creators: (1) “He Is Gods” – Isaiah 45.18. (2) “Son” – Col 1.13-16.
E) “Fake” Bible Translations read, “[single] God.”

2. Genesis 2.4, “He Is Gods” (myhla hwhy).

“Fake” Bible Translations read, “the Lord God.”

3. Matthew 1.1, “Iesous Anointed (Ihsouj Cristoj).

“Fake” Bibles read, “Jesus Christ” – but only since AD 1738.

4. 2 Timothy 1.1, “in anointed [Body] of Iesous” (en cristw Ihsou).

A) The dative case (w) “anointed: [Body] cannot be the same person as the genitive case (ou) “of Iesous.”
B) This error is repeated 53 times as, “Christ Jesus.”

5. 1 Peter 3.21, “which as an antitype (to the Flood) now also saves us, dipping (baptisma).”
A) The “Beast” changed this to “baptism” to support “Infant Sprinkling.”
B) So then, your “fake” Bibles do not tell, “How to be saved!”

6. The new name of the God and the Iesous (Revelation 3.12) recorded in Revelation 4.8,
“Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] the all Power [and] time.”
A) Kurioj o Qeoj o [One] [keeping] to pan krat[os] [and] wr[a].

7. Revelation 21 & 22, Demonstrated the Pronouns, “Her” and “She.”

In my analytical lexicon of the Greek, the case endings for the “Definite Articles” and for “Nouns”
begins on page 5. This is because no one can seriously discuss the Greek Scripture until they master the
case endings. We have a second “Litmus Test” of “it” or “she;” “she” and “her” being recorded 14 times
in these two chapters.
A) The Greek reads “she” or “of her” 14 times.
B) The KJV reads, “it” 9 of 14 times; AD 1611.
C) The NLT, AD 2008, mistranslated, “her” and “she” 13 of 14 times.
D) The ESV, AD 2008, mistranslated, “her” and “she” 8 of 14 times.
E) If they cannot handle the little, “pronouns” what will happen when they come to compound words
and verbs?

VI. What does all this have to do with you?

Do you love the Living God or the world?
Do you love your parents?
Do you love brothers and sisters.
Do you love your neighbor?

1. MAJORITY RULE: Accept the definition recorded most frequently in the King James
Version. This rule has many exceptions: "God singular" (myhla; 2,492 times) should read, "Gods
plural"; and "the Lord" (6,735 times; hwhy) should read, "He Is."

2. Treat all definitions recorded less than 10 times with great suspicion.

3. Substitute "Gods plural" for "God singular" when translating, MYHLA; myhla.

4. Substitute "He Is" for "the Lord" when translating, HWHY; hwhy.

5. Ignore all vowels added to Hebrew words.

6. Hebrew has no verb tenses. The translator or reader “supplies” the verb tense from the context. For
example: “HYHY” (hyh y) is translated, “he was” and “he is” and “he will be” – with no difference in
the Hebrew writing for these three tenses. NOTE: Hebrew reads right-to-left.

7. Words covered up by prefixes should be translated with prefixes removed.

8. Remove all suffixes from the words to identify the proper definition.

9. Separate compound words, and define them separately; and then together.

10. Emphasize the root word.

11. “One time only” words are almost always errors, except in the case of names or geographical
locations. “Behemoth” (Strong’s #930; Job 40.15; t w mhb) is “beast (hmhb - #929 – 132 Xs) of (W)
Her (T). And so, “behemoth” is phony.
12. In cases of doubt: It is better to be partially right, than to be totally wrong. Sometimes identifiable root
words have uncertain prefixes and suffixes attached. The root word is the most important part of the
word, even if the rest must be ignored. For example: hla – God (LA) of Her (H) (#426) was translated
79 times without the word, “her” (H). “God” should be emphasized, “her” (H) ignored, if they could not
comprehend the phrase, “God of Her.”

13. #426 (hla) was translated [plural] “Gods” 13 times.

14. “He Is” (#3069; hwhy) was translated [singular] “God” by the Jews 146 times.

15. Conversely, “Gods” (#430) was translated “He Is” (hwhy) 232 times.

16. “He Is” was changed to the “Lord” (mwda) and “Lord of” (ynda) “Lord’s” 6,507 times.***


All of these lies about, “The Names of the Gods” are in your personal “alleged Bible Translations.”
These are “crimes against God and Federal crimes!”
We have a, “Truth in packaging law” which forbids advertising a publication AGAINST THE BIBLE as
a, “Bible Translation.”
You have literally thousands of “lies” in your personal Bibles.
A man, quoted on the web, wrote in AD 1850, “All Old Testament Translations are copied from a Jew
named, ‘Kennicott’.”
The “fake” Bible translations all mistranslate Genesis 1.1, “[plural] Gods (MYHLA)” and Matthew 1.1,
mistranslating, “Iesous Anointed” (Ihsouj Cristoj).
NOTE: I believe that one of the chief principles of, “Revival 2015” will be a, “Real Words Bible
Translation.” And I have been laboring for many years to get a beginning for one.
I can teach others to fill up this “skeleton” Bible translation (and not make another “copy.”)

If you would examine, “Young’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1895”, and look at all of the
different “word numbers” for: “God and Gods and Lord,” you will become convinced of the treachery in
“alleged” Bible translations. In many years of research, I have never come across, “an attempted
translation of the Bible.”

17. “Lord” (mwda) and “Lord of” (ynda) were recorded “Lord” 444 times.

18. Avoid Speculation at all times.

19. Try to translate the Hebrew Scriptures to agree with the entire Bible.

20. Sometimes translators must supply missing sentence subjects and verbs. When this is done insure that
brackets or italic print are employed to make clear that you have added these words.

21. When we come to an impasse, such as this verse, then we divide the “suggested” word into
two words. And, we must remember the “suppressed” (unwritten) letter in the second word of the
compound word.
So then, the first word in this compound word (mysddp l) is #6509: hrp – fruitfrul – 18 Xs.
Then, the second word, after much research and prayer, is #1918: sdh; - myrtles – 6 Xs; MY =
Neither word, sdh or hrp is in the text, but instead a compound word with “suppressed” (unwritten)
letters was recorded: my sd[H] [H]rp w.

The answer to prayer is a miracle of God!

This translation, “And (W) fruitful (HRP) myrtles (MY CDH) is a miracle of God” – Ecclesiastes 2.5.

God enables the servants of Him “to read the unwritten.” THIS IS THRILLING!

How did the “alleged” Bible translators render this compound word?

Septuagint, 250 BC – “orchards.

KJV, AD 1611 – “orchards.”
ESV, AD 2008 – “parks.”
NLT, AD 2008 – “parks.”

22. A “Pair of Opposing Prepositions” (especially, a double Interior Preposition) indicates a [blank] word.
The translator, or reader, must supply the missing word. The phrase “from (M) to (L) face of us” is
meaningless, for “from” is the direct opposite of “to.” Therefore the context will supply the missing word.
“That he was done” (A) is being contrasted with “that being done” (B).
Ecclesiastes 1.10: “wn np l m”, “from (M) to (L) face (NP) of us (WN).
And we have, “that being from (#1) [evidence] to (#2) face of us” – that, “there is nothing new under the
sun.” So then, the double preposition, “from-to” is translated, “from [evidence] to face of us.”
The supplied word [evidence], or something similar, is necessary to make sense of this phrase,
(1) Example: Jeremiah 11.16: “He Is (hwhy) calling name of you Green Olive Tree, Lovely and of Good
Fruit. With the noise of a great tumult He has kindled fire on her, and breaking them, branches of (W)
[…] of Me (YT) [to] Him (Jacob; w yt w yld).” [Green Tree].
NOTE: The “double interior preposition” (YTW) indicated the need for a supplied word.
SUGGESTION: “and breaking them, branches of [tree] of Me [to] him (Jacob).”
(2) Example: Eze 17.3, 6-7: “'The great Eagle (Babylon) powerful of the wing, long the feather, full the
plumage ... coming to Lebanon and he took of top of the Cedar (King) of highest twig of (W; #1) […] of
Me (YT; #2) [of] him (W; #3) (w yt w qyny) ...” NOTE: “highest twig of (W) [Israel] of Me (YT) [of]
him (W).
(3) Example: Joel 3.8. And selling of Me of (TA) sons of (Y) you (mk y nb ta yt rkm w),
There is no “Double Preposition” here, and it reads good as written.

23. Even the subject of genitive phrases, and accusative phrases must sometimes be supplied. This is of
tremendous value to the reader, to learn to supply “missing words.”
Example: YNDA (ynda), “Lord of” is frequently found with no object to the preposition “of.”
The most common supplied word is “me”; giving, “Lord of [me].”

24. Sometimes prefixes suppress the first letter of Hebrew words. You must learn to recognize the
Hebrew words without the first letter. Joel 2.8: NWKLY = they (W--Y) will go (KLH;#1980; $lh) them
(N). The first letter, “H” was “suppressed” (unwritten) by the prefix and suffix “W--Y.” So then, $lh
was written $ly = nwkly = they (w y) will go them (N). You must learn to recognize ($l y) as
($lh y).
But then, if you were no brighter than the pagans you would have no joy.

25. Sometimes the last letter of the first word in a compound word; or, the last letter in a word with a
suffix is “suppressed” (unwritten). You must learn to recognize Hebrew words without the last letter.
Numbers 22.13: “to (L) giving (NTN; ntn) of Me (YT) was recorded: YT[N]T[N]L; yttl. The first letter
“N” (of NTN) was suppressed by the prefix “L.” The last letter “N” was suppressed by the prepositional
phrase, “YT.” Only “T” is found several times for “NTN.”

26. Sometimes the first letter of a word is “suppressed” (unwritten) by a prefix, or if it is the second, or
third word of a compound word, the first letter is also “suppressed” (unwritten). [Compare Rule #24.]

27. Replace "preacher" with "assembly." The words “preach” and “preacher” are not found anywhere in
the Bible record.

28. Replace "vanity" and "worthlessness" and "meaningless" with "the mourning." "Ab[e]l" (LBA); #59;
“mourning”) plus "the" (H) produce "the mourning" (LBH; #1892/93). The prefix "H" “suppressed” the
letter "A" in "mourning." The word "LBA" (#56/57/60) is recorded "mourning" (66 times). This is
because, "Cain killed Mourning." Therefore, we translate, "the mourning" instead of "vanity."

29. Replace "vexation of spirit" (KJV), and "grasping for the wind" (NKJV) with "feeding on the wind"
(Hos 12.1). Compare: "feeds on foolishness" (Pr 15.14), and "feeds on ashes" (Isa 44.20).
#7462 to #7475: H'R - feed - 74 Xs; vexation - 10 Xs.

30: Participles with the first letter removed (but not “suppressed” [unwritten] due to prefixes or
compound words) are equivalent to “imperative” Greek verbs. In this case, $l (#1980) instead of $lh.
This is translated, “go her” instead of, “going.” These are usually (if not always) limited to the first word
of a sentence, or of a quote. In Ecclesiates 2.1, it was the first word of a quote: “Saying of me, I, in heart
of [me], ‘Go her [heart] now, I will pour her …” [First word of quote.]

31. Adhere to uniform definitions of "person indicators"; such as, A = I, H & T = she, her;
N & Y = he, T = you, W--Y = they; W--N = they; and the suffix YT = of
me (which is often mistranslated, "I").

32. Ignore the removable "Waw" (W). Many "text words" are not in the lexicons, because the
lexicographer had not removed the "removable Waw." If you are having trouble finding a
word in a lexicon, look for it without the interior letter “Waw” (W).

33. Translate all words in the MSS, even the 'so-called' "object marker": AT. The Bible
translators have ignored many words in order to make there work, "read smoother." Two
consistently ignored words are: TA (#854; ta) [against, before, of, to, with], and: YNA (#589;
yna) [I, me, myself, we]. And remember ykna = “as (K) I (YNA)”.
34. We have translated the suffix – YT (yt), which had been ignored by all of the translators, to
read, "of me"; or, in some cases, "of Me."

35. Correct "misspelled" words, in “transposed words, in the manuscript. Samples are:
TQH changed to LHQ; Ben Davidson, p. 417. When no lexicon lists a word, and after trying to break it
down into components and translate it (without success), consider the possibility that the manuscript
“copier” had “transposed” the letters. Mr. Ben Davidson did an excellent job of doing this for several
words. And, this is better than no definition at all – if it is noted.

TWL changed to HWL; Ibid. [Feminine Person Indicators "H" and "T" are interchanged
frequently; p. 431].
HKM changed to HKN; p. 434; Ibid.

So then, there is some "guess work" in Hebrew translating. [Only persons matching Ben
Davidson’s qualifications should attempt this task.]

36. BEWARE OF "ANTICHRIST JEWS"; they are out to get you.

37. BEWARE OF "PSUEDO-JEWS" teaching "Oral Traditions"; and "Hebrew Vowel-points";
they are out to get you.

38. One big mistake by all Bible translators that we have read, is to try and collect as many
different translations as possible. Limit your translations to English versions. Do not waste
time "reading" a number of versions; but use them only for "word studies." There is not much
difference, and they all ban Seventeen Names of the Gods. Your time is better spent with the
Hebrew and the Greek.

39. When doing "word studies" be sure to include all tenses of verbs, such as, "go, goes, going,
gone, went."

40. "Word studies" should group Strong's numbers with the same definition, such as #6 through
#13 for "destroy, destruction."

41. "Word studies" of feminine nouns should sum "H" suffixes and "T" suffixes together.

42. Do not fear "individual opinions." The lexicographers were human just as you.

43. After completing the translation of an entire book, the translators should write a lexicon of
what they have learned, and then go back and begin once more.

44: The Hebrew-English Interlinear Bibles are written in “clusters” of parts of speech. Hebrew
reads right-to-left, and so, we begin with the first part of speech on the right, which is
frequently (but not always) a connecting word “and” – the most common word in the Bible – and
prepositions prefixed to the “cluster.” So then, we knock off these “particles” one-by-one from right-to-
left. Here is a sample #1: mk yt vpn. “SPN” = “soul”;
and “YT” = “of Me” (most often referring to God). “MK” = [of] “you.”

Here is sample #2: MTRMVW (MT RMS W). “W” = “and” (this is the most common word in
the Bible, and should not be tampered with). “RMS” = “keeping” (which is a participle because nit has no
Person Indicator [I, He, They] prefixed to it). “MT” = “of Them.”

45: The Hebrew Text has “blanks” in it, as the Greek Text has “blanks.” The phrase in Greek,
“on […] of the Forehead (Mind) of him” (Rev 14.9) requires a supplied prepositional object for
“on”, by the translator or reader. We have “supplied” this, “on (epi) [conscience] of the (tou)
Forehead (Mind).” Our supplied words are always in brackets. The reader may have a better choice.

A second example, in the Greek is: “But deliver us from […] of the (tou) evil” (Mt 6.13). We
have supplied this: “But deliver us from [power] of the (tou) evil.” A third supplied word is
“[face] of the earth.” A fourth is “[face] of the God.”

Again, the reader may have a better choice. To error in an attempt to “fill in the blanks” is not
sinful if the supplied words are clearly marked.
Samples of Hebrew “blanks” are simple verbs, which are not in the Hebrew: “Rest from
them son; the warning, no end to making books, much meditation [is] labor [to] flesh (Eccl
“Where the mercy of You, the [One] to ever ones? – [those] You swore to David in truth of
You?” – Ps 89.49.

“For to He Is (hwhy), shield of us, and to Holy […] of Israel, King of us” – Ps 89.18.
We have supplied these words: “For to ‘He Is’ Shield of us, and to Holy [One] of Israel, King
of us.”

46. “Internally Embedded” prepositions are rare, and hard to spot. But the message is lost
when they are not spotted.
A) “as (K) I” (ykna; Y[K]NA) from (YNA) for “K” is one sporadically found “Internally
Imbedded” preposition.
B) “To so, Lord of [me]* (YNDA; ynda) You will give this^ to them, seeing sign ‘the woman from^^^
(internal M) (hml[h) conceiving’ and birthing*^ a son, and calling her name of Him, ‘God
with us^*’ (Immanuel) (la wnm[ wmv tarq w” - Isa 7.14.)

RSV: “Therefore the* Lord Himself** will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman^^^
(Notes below) shall conceive and bear*^ a son, and shall call his name Imman’u-el^*” – Isa
7.14; RSV, 1946.
(1) The word “the” is prefixed to Lord only 4 times, and recorded without the article 634 times in the
Hebrew Scripture. This has a “Probability” of 634 to 4 AGAINST the phrase, “The Lord.”
Also the new name of God (Zechariah 14.9, First Corinthians 15.28, Revelation 8.4) reads:
“Lord, the God, The [One] [keeping] The All Power and Time” does not have the “article” with “Lord.”

(2) “Himself”^ should read,”this”; Strong’s #1934 (awh hwh)* – same – 63 Xs, this – 62 Xs, who – 23
Xs, which – 22 Xs, they – in Appendix – frequently – “being”* Strong’s #2332 – HWH***
(Eve* = Error; Gen 3.20, 4.1 = HWH = Being); #3068 – He Is (hwh y). * ** - form of #1934.
(3) “The woman from (M) conceiving” = a “virgin.” Even the Antichrist Jews got this right.
Strong’s #1167 = Baal; l[b; but also “man” (19 Xs). The “internal Preposition”, “M”
is translated, “from.” This preposition applied to the following word, “conceiving.” Then, “A
woman [removed] from conceiving” = “a virgin.” KJV, NKJV, Amplified Version, NAS, NIV,
and about 15 other translations in my personal library, all agree on the word, “virgin.”
But, Johnny-come-lately, 1946, set out to demonstrate his “superior wisdom” and disbelief in the “virgin
birth.” In articles explaining the reasons for the translators change from “virgin” to “young woman,” the
writer said that, “almah” (not in text; hml[h hl[b h) always meant, “woman” (hml[h), or “man”,
or “lord”, or, “Baal.”.
This is why the living God shares the Spirit of God with his servants – to expose such ignorance!
(4) First of all, the letter “M” is an “internal preposition”; and so, there never was a Hebrew
word, “Almah.” This leaves us with these letters: HL’H (hl[h). “H” suppressed “B” (b).
(5) Secondly, the Prefix “H” is translated, “the” and it “suppressed” (unwritten) the first letter
of the word. This is true throughout the Old Testament. Then, the man of God is left with the
task of finding the “first letter:” of the word. [Even the Antichrist Jews got this right! In the
Bible God tells of controlling the minds of His enemies.]
(6) Strong’s #1167: L’B (l[b) = “Baal”, primarily, “lord” and “man” 19 times.
(7) Then the feminine suffix “H” changes “man” to “woman” (HL’B; hl[b).
Finally, “the woman ‘from’ (M) conceiving” was determined to be a “virgin.”
SUMMARY: “Johnny-come-lately,” and his Bible translations are your enemies.
Even the name “Jehovah”* (ASV, 1901; which is wrong, but trying to improve), was returned
to “The Lord” from the Antichrist Septuagint by the RSV, in 1946. Both the ASV and the RSV
quoted the Jews bragging about “changing the name of God to their own liking” in their
Prefaces. But Johnny-come-lately preferred the “intentional lies of the Jews” to the “accidental
error of the Christians seeking progress.” Who knows what other tricks they are playing with
your mind?

NOTE *: “Jehovah” is wrong BECAUSE there are no vowels in Hebrew. HWHY (hwhy) does
not equal J[e]H[o]W[a]H.

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