Uhhtwn'J: State Policy Planning

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Reference No. MPSPPC/PMU/

M. P. State Policy & Planning Commission (MPSPPC) intends to recruit consultants

for various positions under its Project Monitoring Unit (PMU). online applications shall be
shortly invited on M.P. Online portal from eligible candidates for the following positionsi in
the orescribed format.

S.No. Designation / Post No. of pbsition Rem uneration

(Annual CTC)"
1 Principal Consultant 01 Rs. 24 Lacs
z Senior Consultant 1( Rs. 18 Lacs
Consultant 2C Rs. 12 Lacs
* 7 % increase
Der annum

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for su$sequent rounds of interviews.

MP State Policy and Planning Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all applications without assigning any reason(s). Qpening and closing dates for
application and other details will be mentioneb on M.P. Online Portar
www.mponline.gov./)? some time in Second Week of Maroh 2020.

Member Secretary
MP State Polipy and Planning Commission
Governrnent of Madhya Pradesh

t) t / 2L
rr, [1r1,,-/,1, /1
Employment lristory: Please provide details ofall positions held - starting with your present
employment and going back to the first - in the space below

Assignment 1 (From ....................... to .......................) Please indicate dates

Name of the assignment
Position held
Key responsibilities

Employer's Name (Name of the consulting firm/organization)

Name & Contact Numbcr ;;.;;;; ;".r;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;

Name ................

Contact Number
Principal Employer's Name (Name of the Government organization for whom worked)

Name & Contact Numbe r of rcferencc pe rson of the Prinlipal Ii,mploycr

Name ................
Contact Number

Category in which the assignment falls

Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation

Institutional developmenU lvlonitoring and Eval of project & Schemes.

Macro economic assessments (including cost-benefit analysis, benefit incidence
analysis and public expenditure reviews etc)
Analytical capabilities and ability to apply advanoe technical knowledge, skills and
expertise in collection, compilation and dissemination of macro-economic and social
lT/GlS/Computer applications/Data analysis/ Experience in Government advjsory
Experience in Government advisory services.
Any other (to be considered only for overall

ment 2 (From ....................... 10........ .. ..........) Please indicate dates
th assignment
Name of the

'n held

Key respon

yer's Name (N"*. ;;.;;r;;;;;;;;t;;

Name & Contact Nur4ber of reference person of the Em;
Name ..,_...........
Contact Number
ral Fl,mployer's Name (Name of the Government o. ganization for whom worked)

Name &
& Contact
t Number of reference person of the Prir cipal Employer
Name ................
Contact Number

Catego ry in which the assignment falls

Policy and Programme assessments and evaluatir n.

b lnstitutional developmenU Monitoring and Evaluati )n of project & Scherhes.
Macro economic assessments (including cost-ben )fit analvsis, benefit ihcidence
analysis and public expenditure reviews etc).
Analytical capabilities and ability to apply advanc ) technical knowledge, skills and
d expertise in collection, compilation and dissen nation of macro-economic and
social statistics.
lT/GlS/Computer applications/Data analysis.
f Experience in Government advisory services.
Any other (to be considered only for overall

Note - Similarlv the details of all the assignments are rcq to be given.

Computer Literacy: Please provr brief details of
support ofyour ability to work computers, in the
Pleaso put check boxes with selection ability

Any other please mention

Medical History: Please give ils of major

disorders, physical or mental di ities of any sort,

Langrlage Proficiency: Please oral and wri

you. (Your assessment may be 1 at a later stage):

Understanding of Job; Skills, and Experience to your Please
use this page to highlight your skills, past experrence to demonsfrate
suitability for the position.

-5- \
Methodology for Selection

The following procedure shall be followed for selection of consultants for pMU of
MPSPPC. The applications are being invited for for the following positions:

1) PrincipalConsultant
2) Senior Consultant
3) Consultant

All the applications are to be made online on Mp online portal. The details as
regard to requirement of age, educational qualification ano retevant work experience
are available on MP online Portal. Documents relating to age, educationai
qualification and relevant work experience are required to be uploaded online along
with recent passport size photograph. lt is to be noted that the applicants have ro
classiflT their work experience in the categories described in the application format
and also have to provide name and contact numbers of persons of the Emolover
(consulting firm) and the Principal Employer (the Govt. /public organization) relating
to work experience. The MP online and MPSPpc reserves the right to cross check
the information given by the applicants in their applications. Any misrepresentation or
misinformation may attract black listing of such applicants.

A total of 100 marks are assigned for the application which covers the
weightage for educational qualification, total work experience and relevant worr

All such applicants who secure more than 65 marks against their applications
shall be considered as qualified in initial screening.

A merit list of all the qualified applicants in each category shall be prepared
and, in each category the applicants limited to a maximum of three times of the
number of positions to be filled in that category shall be shorilisted and called for
interview. The MP{jPPC reserves the right to increase the number of applicants to
be called for intervir:w. The interview shall carry 30 marks.

The final se|:ction shall be done on the basis of cumulative marks secured by
the applicants in interview as well as against their applications i.e. the finerl merit list
shall be prepared the basis of marks secured out of a total of 130 marks.

l. Principal Consultant
(a) Educational Qualification - Maximum 25 Marks
(D Minimum llequirement is Graduate in Enginccring. /Public Administration/Publir:
Policy/Economics/Statistics/Financc/DataAnalysis/ITlGIS/ ManagcmenVAgriculture/
Environment /Forestry/ Rr.rral Dcvelopment/Social work.
(ii). Additional Wcightage shall bc givcn for Post Graduate in Enginecring/Economics/
Public Policy/ Manage mcnt/Social Work/ Masters in Computer Applications.
Additional wcightagc will bc givcn for A doctorate dcgrcc in Economics/
finance/Public Policy/ Management. Also a further weightage shall be given for
having acquired the relevant degrees from the Institute of National Importance ( List
Appended) .

(b) Overall Experience - Maximum l5 Marks

(i) Minimum Requiremcnt is 15 years in Advisory/ Consulting Services in any Sector
whether with Public or P vate Institutions.
(iD. Additional Wcightage shall bc givcn for additional ycars of cxperience bcyond 1:i

(c, Relevant Experience - Maximum 60 Marks

(i) For the purpose of "Relevant Experience", the applicant must have worked as il
Team Leader/Specialist / Sr. Consultant or Equivalent in the following streams in
for GovernmenVPublic
a Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation

o lnstitutional development

[,4acro economic assessments (including cost-beneflt analysis, beneflt

incidence analysis and public expenditure reviews etc.)

Analytical capabilities/ Data Analysis ( ability to apply advance technical

knowledge, skills and expertise in collection, compilation and dissemination of
macro-economic and social statistics).

lT/GlS/Computer applications.
Exoerience in Government advisory services.

The applicants are required to provide details of all the experience gained by thern
after their graduation in the prescribed online application format. Additional weightage
shall be given for experience of having worked for Govt. of lvladhya Pradesh or its

2. Sr. Consultanl
(aJ EduczLtional Qualification - Maximum 25 Marks
(D Minimum Requirement is Graduate in Engineering. /Public Administration/Public
' Policy/Economics/Statistics/Finance/DataAnalysis/IT/GlS/ ManagcmenVAgriculturc/
Environment /Forestry/ Rural Devclopment/Social work.
(ii). Additional Weightagc shall bc given for Post Graduate in Engincering/Economics/
Public Policy/ Managcmcnt/Social Work/ Masters in CornpLLtcr Applications.
Additional weightage will bc givcn for A doctorate degrcc in Economics/
finance/Public Policy/ Managcmcnt. Also a furthcr wcightage shall be given fcrr
having acquircd the rolevant dcgrccs from the Institute of National Impotance (List

(b) Overall Experience - Maximum 15 Marks

(i) Minimum Requirement is 8 years in Advisory/Consulting Services in any Sector
whcthcr with Public or Private Institutions.
(ii). Additional Weightage shall be given for additional years of cxperience beyond 8
(c) Relevant Experi€nce - Maximum 60 Marks
(D For the purpose of "Relevant Experience", the applicant must have worked as a
QonsultanVSpecialist or Equivalent in the following streams in consultancv
for GovernmenUPublic
Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation

b Institutional development
Macro economic assessmenls (including cost-benefit analysis, beneflt
incidence analysis and public expenditure reviews etc.)

Analytical capabilitjes/ Data Analysis ( ability to apply advance technical

d knowledge, skills and expertise in collection, compilation and dissemination of
macro-economic and social statistics).

lT/GlS/Computer applications.
f Experience in Government advisory services.

The applicants are required to provide details of all the experience gained by thenl
after their graduation in the prescribed online application format. Additional weightage
shall be given for experience of having worked for Govt. of lvladhya Pradesh or its

(a) Educational Qualification - Maximum 30 Marks
(i) Minimum Requirement is Graduatc in any discipline.
(ii). Additional Weightage shall bc givcn for Post Graduate in Dnginecrirg/Sconomics/
Public Policy/ ManagcmenVSocial Work/ Mastcm in Computer Applications. AIso a
furthcr wcightagc shall be given for having acquircd the relevant degrccs from th<:
Institr.rte of National Impofiancc (List Appcndcd) and for securing more than 75%:
marks in the rclevant degrees.

(b) Overall Experience - Maximum 20 Marks

(i) Minimum Requirement is 3 ycars in Advisory/ Consulting Services in any Sector:
whcthcr with Public or Privatc lnstilurions.
(ii). Additional Weightage shall bc given for additional years of experience beyoncl

(c) Relevant f,xperience - Maximum 50 Marks

(t) For the purpose of "Relevant Experience", the applicant must have worked as a
Consultant/SpecialisV Associate or Equivalent in the following streams in consultancy
assignments for GovernmenVPublic undertaking.

a Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation

b Institutional development

lMacro economic assessments (including cost-benefit analysis, beneflt

incidence analysis and public expenditure reviews etc.)

Analytical capabilities/ Data Analysis ( ability to apply advance technical

d knowledge, skills and expertise in collection, compilation and disseminatjon of
macro-economic and social statistics),

e lT/GlS/Computer applications.
f Exoerience in Government advisorv services.

The applicants are required to provide details of all the experience gained by thefir
after their graduation in the prescribed online application format. Additional weightag€)
shall be given for experience of having worked for Govt. of lMadhya Pradesh or it:i





Number of
Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) has been constituted under
MPSPPC to supervise, evaluate and monitor Aspirational Districl
and Aspirational Blocks programme, CM Dashboard for review o1'

important schemes and other selected schemes and projects o1'

different departments apart from assisting in management of MIS

Department system/ Data analysis of the line Departments of the State. PMU
Consultants will also be entrusted with the responsibility tc
prepare the Action Plan in co-ordination with the concerned
departments for achieving the 17 Sustainable Developmenl:
Goals (SDGs) fixed by the United Nations Organization and tcr

monitor their execution by the departments.

Reporiing Consultants will report to Principal ConsultanUSenior Consultanl:

Relationships and /or as directed by MPSPPC.

As a Member of the PMU Team, the Consultant will provider

suooort to all work streams of the MPSPPC.
S/he will lead on:
. Enter primary data collected in the designed softwerre.
. Analysing the data of various Departments so as to evaluater
the performance thereof in terms of efficacy of schemes ancl
Job Purpose o Reading and summarizing reportsi documents relevant tc)
MPSPPC work streams.
. Preparing briefs/ reports and making presentations.
. Providing support in initiating, organizing and following-up on
meetings, workshops, trainings and other events.
. Office management, drafting letters, reports etc.
. To assist line Departments of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh in
managing their MIS and Project Management.
Additional Additional weightage shall be given for post Graduate in
Education Engineering/Economics/ Public policy/ManagemenVsocial
Requ irement work/MCA.

In each category zsx

qualification has been acquired from the institutes of National
rmportance as per the list published by Govt. of India. Similarly,
25 o/o extra marks shall be awarded for securing more than 75%r
Maximum Age 40
. Minimum 3 years'
. Weightage shall be""p.ri"*-.-
given for additional experience.
. Relevant Experience shall be considered as experience o1[
having worked in following fields
a. Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation
b. Institutional develooment.
Experience and
c. Macro economic assessments (including cost-benefil:
analysis, benefit incidence analysis and
expenditure reviews etc.)
Requ irements d. Analytical capabilities / data analysis ( ability to apply,
advance technical knowledge, skills and expertise in
collection, compilation and dissemination of macro_
economic and social statistics)
e. IT/GlS/Computer applications
f. Experience in Government advisorv services.

Rem u neration Rs 12 lakh/annum (CTC) with 7o/o increase per annum.

Mp srATE poLtcy nno pmNunc coMMtsstoN


Senior Consultant
Number of
Project Monitoring Unit (pMU) has been constituted under
MPSPPC to supervise, evaluate and monitor Asprrational District
and Aspirational Blocks pro!ramme, CM Dashboard for review of
important schemes and otfer seiected schemes and projects of
Department different departments. Seni[r Consultants will also be entrusted
with the responsibility to prepare the Action plan jn co-ordination
with the concerned departments for achieving the 17 Sustainable
Development Goats (SDGs) fixed by the United Nations
Organization and to monitor their execution by the depaftments.

Reporting Senior Consultants wijl report to principal Consultant &/or as

Relationsh ips directed bv MPSPPC.
As a Member of the PMt/ Team, the Senior Consultant will
provide support to all work $treams of the MpSppC.
S/he will lead on:
. Enter primary data colleQted in the designed software.
. Analysing the data of va'rious Departments so as to evatuare
the performance thereof in terms of efficacy of schemes and
. Reading and summarizing reports/ documents retevant to
Job Purpose MPSPPC work streams.
. Preparing briefs/ reports and making presentations.
. Providing support in initiating, organizing and followrng_up on
meetings, workshops, trainings and other events.
r Office management, drafting letters, reports etc.
r To assist line Departments of Govt. of Madhva pradesh in
managing their MIS and Project Management.
To advise and guide the consultants reporting to them in all
the matters pertaining to aforesaid activitjes.

Minimum Graduate in Engineering. /Public Administration/Publir:
Pol icy/Econom icsiStatistics/Financei DataAnalysis/lT/G I S/
Ma nagement/Ag ricu ltureiEnvironment /Forestry/ Rural
Developm enVSocia I work.

Additional weightage shall be given for additional equational

qualification as described berow -
Additional r Post Graduate in Engineering/Economics/ Public Policy/
M a n ag eme nt/Socia I work/MCA.
r A doctorate degree in Economics/ finance/Public Policyi
f n each category 25ok exlra marks shall be awarded if ther
qualificatron has been acquired from the institutes of National
importance as per the list published by Govt. of lndia.

Maximum Age 45 vears as on 01.01.2020

. Minimum B years' experience
. Weightage shall be given for additional experience.
. Relevant Experience shall be considered as experience of
having worked in following fields

a. Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation

Relevant b. lnstitutional develooment.
Experience and c. Macro economic assessments (including cost-beneflt analysis,
Other benefit incidence analysis and public expenditur€)
Requirements reviews etc.)
d. Analytical capabilities / data analysis ( ability to apply advancer
technical knowledge, skills and expertise in collection,
compilation and dissemination of macro-economic and social
e. lT/GlS/Computerapplications
f. Experience in Government advisory services.

Rem u neration Rs 18 lakh/annum (CTC) with 7% increase per annum.





Principal Consultant

Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) has been constituted under

MPSPPC to supervise, evaluate and monitor Aspirational District
and Aspirational Blocks programme, CM Dashboard for review of
rmportant schemes and other selected schemes and projects of
different departments. Principal Consultant is a senior and kev
leadership position for PMU. The Principal Consultant will ensure
the high quality technical support to MPSppC against all work
plan approve by the Govt. of M.P. and work in close co-
ordination with senior Govt. officers from State Govt. As team
leader he/she will be under the oral guidance of the Member
Job purpose
Secretary / Principal Advisor of MPSPPC will be responsible for
planning and co- ordinating the entire work of pM[J, so that
accou ntability
MPSPPC able to achieve the objectives entrusted by the Govt.
He/she us also expected to develop and ensure the
smooth operations of partnership with NlTl Aayog arrd MoSpl,
various National and International institutions such as UNDp,
UNICEF, social organizations and academic/research institutes
for in-depth analysis of emerging development issues and
challenges in the state and to prepare and implernent plans for
building capacities in selected line departments in planning and
monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes.

Reporting Principal Consultants will report to the Advisor / Principal

Advisor, MPSPPC. Senior Consultants and Consultants of PMU
Relations h ips
shall directlv report to him/her.
As a Leader of the PMU Team, the Principal Consultant will
provide support to all work streams of the MPSPpC.
S/he wili lead the PMU team of Consultants/ Senior Consultants
and shall be responsible for providing appropriate advisory and
Job Purpose guidance to the team which is engaged in the following activities-
. Enter primary data collected in the designed software.
. Analysing the data of various Departments so as to evatuate
the performance thereof in terms of efficacv of schemes and

. Reading and summarizing reports/ documents relevant to
MPSPPC work streams
. Preparing briefs/ reports and making presentations.
. Providing support in initiating, organizing and followrng-yp on
meetings, workshops, trainings and other events.
. Office management, drafting letters, reports etc.
o To assist line Departments of Govt. of Madhya pradesh in
managing their MIS and project Management.
. To advise and guide the consultants reporting to them in all
the matters pertaining to aforesaid activities.
The Principal Consultant is expected to advise MpSppC orr
performance of various line Departments with respect to
achievements and to suggest measures to be taken for
performance improvement.

Minimum Graduate in Engineeringipublic Ad ministration/public;

Education PolicyiEconomics/StatisticsiFinance/DataAnalvsis/lTlG S/ I

Req u irement
Management/Agriculture/ Environment TForestryi Rura
DevelopmenVSocial work. (Minimum requirement)

Additional weightage shall be given for additional equational

qualification as described berow -
o Post Graduate in Engineering/Economics/ public
Requirement Ma n ageme nVSocia I work/MCA.
o A doctorate degree in Economics/ finance/public policv/

Extra ln each category 25o/o extra marks shall be awarrled if the

qualification has been acquired from the institutes of National
importance as per the list published bv Govt. of India.

55 years as on 01.01.2020
. Minimum '15 years' expenence
. Weightage shall be given for additional experience.
. Relevant Experience shall be considered as experience of
having worked in following fields
a. Policy and Programme assessments and evaluation
Relevant b. Institutional develooment.
Experience and c. Macro economic assessments (including cost_benelit analysis,
Other benefit incidence analysis and public expenditure
Requirements reviews etc.)
d. Analytical capabilities / data analysis ( ability to apply advance
technical knowledge, skills and expertise in collection,
compilation and dissemination of macro-economic and social
lT/GIS/Computer applications
Experience in Government advisory services.

Rem uneration Rs 24 lakh/annum (CTC) with 7% increase per annum.


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