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Lecture 7: DC Circuits

PHY06P, 3T 2018-2019
Learning Objectives
1. To understand voltage, current, and resistance

2. To understand Ohm’s Law

3. To understand series and parallel circuits

4. To compute current, resistance, and voltage in a series, parallel, and

series-parallel combination circuits

5. To understand power in DC circuits

6. To understand electrical hazards

1. Current, Resistance, and Voltage

2. Ohm’s Law

3. Series and Parallel Circuits

4. Power in Electric Circuits

5. Electrical Hazards
From Stationary to Moving Charges
(From Electrostatics to Electrodynamics)
• Up to this point, our study of electricity has focused on
electrostatics, which deals with the properties of stationary
electric charges and fields.

• The world-changing impact of electricity is due to the

properties of charges in motion, or electric current.

• All electrical devices rely on some kind of current for their

Voltage, Current, and Resistance
• what makes electric charges move
• the 'push' that causes charges to move in a
wire or other electrical conductor
• measured in Volts (V)
• also known as potential difference or emf
(electromotive force) symbolized as ε
Alessandro Volta
Recall: Electric Potential Difference and Voltage
• In more practical terms, potential
energy differences are what’s more

• ∆𝑽, or potential difference between

two points, is the change in potential
energy of a charge 𝑞 moved from A to
B, divided by the charge.

• In circuits, the potential difference is

technically the Voltage. Source: University Physics with Modern Physics by Young
and Freedman
• rate at which electric charge flows past a
point in a circuit

• amount of charge flowing in a circuit

• measured in C/s or Amperes (A) after French

physicist André-Marie Ampère

• often symbolized as I
André-Marie Ampère
For a steady-state current through an area/surface,

I = current (in amperes, A) Source: University Physics with Modern Physics by
Young and Freedman

q = charge (in coulombs, C)

t = time (in seconds, s)
In general, electric current can be represented as the rate at which
charge flows through a given surface

Source: University Physics with Modern Physics by
Young and Freedman
Some typical currents:
Effects of DC Current on the Body

Source: Conceptual Physics by Hewitt

Current: DC vs. AC
In DC (Direct Current) Circuits, current flows in only one direction.

Thomas Alva Edison

Current: DC vs. AC
In AC (Alternating Current) Circuits, current oscillates back and forth
(thus, current changes in direction, so as voltage).

Nikola Tesla
Current: DC vs. AC

Source: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli

Current: DC vs. AC
Conventional Current vs. Electron Flow

Source: University Physics with Modern Physics by

Young and Freedman
Conventional Current vs. Electron Flow
• Physically, the charge carriers in a conductor are
electrons, which are negatively charged.

• However, by convention, positive current is defined as

flowing from the positive to the negative.

• Current is defined as the flow of positive charge.

• measure of its opposition to the flow of
electric current

• depends on the following factors: ρ

1. resistivity (material)
2. cross-sectional area (geometry)
3. length of the wire/conductor (geometry)

• measured in ohms (Ω) Georg Simon Ohm

R = resistance (measured in ohms, Ω)
ρ = resistivity (Ω m)
L = length of the conductor (m)
A = cross-sectional area of the conductor (m2)
• Resistivities of some representative conductors at 20°C:

• Resistivity and resistance are dependent on temperature:

 (T ) =  0 [1 +  (T − T0 )] R(T ) = R0 [1 +  (T − T0 )]
α = temperature coefficient of resistivity
Example: Calculating Resistance
Suppose you want to connect your stereo to remote
speakers. If each wire must be 20 m long, what diameter
of the copper wire should you use to keep the resistance
less than 0.10 Ω per wire?

Ans: d = 2.1 mm
Wire Gauge
Source: University Physics with Modern Physics by
Young and Freedman

Sample Resistor Value:

Green – Violet – Red – Silver
𝑅 = 57 × 102 Ω ± 10%
𝑅 = 5.7 kΩ ± 10%
• No band: ±20%
• Silver band: ±10%
• Gold band: ±5%

Source: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli


Some Mnemonics:
• “Big Boys Race Our Young Girls But
Violet Generally Wins.”

• B-B-R-O-Y-G-B-V GW
1.0 kΩ ± 5%

254 Ω ± 1%
Practice: Resistor Color Code
Resistor Color: Brown-Black-Brown-Gold
Value: 100 Ω ± 5%

Resistor Color: Red-Red-Orange-Gold

Value: 22 kΩ ± 5%

Resistor Color: Orange-White-Blue-Gold

Value: 39 MΩ ± 5%

Value: 47 kΩ ± 5%
Resistor Color: Yellow-Violet-Orange-Gold
Voltage, Current, and Resistance:
An Analogy
Voltmeter: Measuring Voltage
• measures potential difference or voltage across two points
• can be analog or digital
• must be connected in parallel to the electrical component where it is
measuring the voltage of
• consists of a galvanometer and a resistor 𝑅𝑠𝑒𝑟 connected in series, with 𝑅𝑠𝑒𝑟
being usually large (~106 Ω)

Source: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli

Ammeter: Measuring Current
• measures current
• can be analog or digital
• must be connected in series
• consists of a galvanometer in parallel with a resistor called the shunt resistor
𝑅𝑠ℎ that is normally of very small value (~1 mΩ)

Source: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli

Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law
Often expressed as
V = IR  I =
where R
𝑉 = Voltage/Potential Difference (in Volts, V)
𝐼 = Current (in Ampere, A)
𝑅 = Resistance (in Ohms, Ω)

Note: The real content of Ohm’s law is the direct proportionality (for
some materials) of V to I or of J (current density) to E (electric field).
Ohmic vs. Non-ohmic Device
I-V Curve for Ohmic Device I-V Curve for a Non-ohmic Device
(e.g. pn junction diode)

• Ratio I/V is the same for all values • Current exists only when the polarity
of V of V is positive and the applied
• Follows Ohm’s Law voltage is more than 1.5 V
• When current exists, I-V curve is not
linear (does not follow Ohm’s Law)
Ohmic vs. Non-ohmic Device
• A diode is a device that does not obey Ohm’s Law.

• A diode is designed to conduct current in one direction and not in

the other direction.
“Ohm’s Law”

V = IR
Ohm’s Law is an assertion that the current through a device is
always directly proportional to the potential difference applied
to the device.

For historical reasons, the term “law” is used; however, the

assertion is correct only in certain situations as there are
materials that do not follow Ohm’s Law. (Thus, it is not a law of
DC Circuits:
Series and Parallel Circuits
Circuit Diagrams
A circuit is an arrangement of electrical components connected
together with ideal conducting wires (i.e., having no resistance).
Electrical Components
• Electrical components can be sources of emf, capacitors, resistors,
or other electrical devices.

• We will begin with simple circuits that consist of resistors and

sources of emf.
DC Voltage Source: Battery
• We use batteries as devices that provide direct
current in circuits.

• This voltage is the potential difference that it

can provide to a circuit.

• You will also find its rating in units of mAh

Batteries: A Mechanical Analogue
Batteries can be thought of as a charge pump that pumps the charge
from a region where its potential energy is low to a region where its
potential energy high.

Source: Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Tipler and Mosca

“Potential Drop”
• The change in potential of the current in the circuit must occur in
the resistor.

• The change is called the potential drop across the resistor.

“Potential Drop”
Series Circuit
• electrical components are connected end to end, forming a single
path for electrons

• In the figure, the same current exists almost immediately in all

three lamps, and also in the battery, when the switch is closed.

Source: Conceptual Physics by Hewitt

Resistors in Series
• Circuits can contain more than one
resistor and/or more than one
source of emf.

• Resistors connected such that all

the current in a
circuit must flow through each of
the resistors are connected in
Resistors in Series: Potential Drop
Resistors in Series
In a series circuit:

VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + ...

I T = I1 = I 2 = I 3 ...

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...
Parallel Circuit
• if electrical devices are directly connected to the same two points
of an electric circuit

• In the figure, three lamps are connected to the same two points, A
and B.

Source: Conceptual Physics by Hewitt

Resistors in Parallel
• Instead of being connected in series
so that all the current must pass
through both resistors, two
resistors can be connected in
parallel, which divides the current
between them.

• The potential drop across

each resistor is equal to the
potential difference provided
by the source of emf.
Resistors in Parallel: Potential Drop
Resistors in Parallel
In a parallel circuit:

VT = V1 = V2 = V3 ...

I T = I1 + I 2 + I 3 ...

1 1 1 1
= + + + ...
RT R1 R2 R3
Different ways of connecting resistors
(Series, Parallel, Series-Parallel)
Summary: Series and Parallel Circuits

For Series Circuits: For Parallel Circuits:

VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + ... VT = V1 = V2 = V3 ...

I T = I1 = I 2 = I 3 ... I T = I1 + I 2 + I 3 ...

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... 1 1 1 1
= + + + ...
RT R1 R2 R3
Example: Identifying Series and Parallel Combinations
Given the circuit,

(a) Which resistors, if any, are connected in series?

(b) Which resistors, if any, are connected in parallel?
Example: Identifying Series and Parallel Combinations

Ans: (a) Resistors 1 and 6 are connected in series

(b) Resistors 3 and 4 are connected in parallel
Example: Identifying Series and Parallel Combinations
• Resistor 5 is in series with the
parallel combination consisting of
resistors 3 and 4.
• Resistor 2 is in parallel with the
combination consisting of resistors
3, 4, and 5.
• Thus, resistor 6, the battery,
resistor 1, and the combination of
resistors 2, 3, 4, and 5 are in series.
Example: Finding Equivalent Resistance
Four resistors are connected as shown.
(a) Find the equivalent resistance
between points a and c.

(b) What is the current in each resistor

if a potential difference of 42 V is
maintained between a and c?

Ans: (a) 14 Ω
(b) I84Ω = 3 A, I1 = 1 A, I2 = 2 A
Example: Finding Equivalent Resistance
Tips to have an organized
solution for finding the
equivalent resistance:

• Redraw the reduced

resistances properly
• Show complete computations
Example: Finding Equivalent Resistance
(a) Find the equivalent resistance
between points a and point b.

(b) If the potential drop between point

a and point b is 12.0 V, find the
current in each resistor.

Ans: (a) 6Ω
(b) Upper Branch: I12Ω = I6Ω = 0.6667 A
Lower Branch: I6Ω = 1.3333 A
Parallel Combination of Lower Branch: I6Ω = I6Ω = 0.6667 A
Example: DC Circuit with a Switch
Consider the network of resistors shown.

Let 𝑅1 = 𝑅2 = 𝑅3 = 𝑅4 = 155 Ω and 𝑉 = 22.0 𝑉. Determine

the current through each resistor before and after closing the
Example: DC Circuit with a Switch

When switch is open,

𝐼1 = 0.0946 A
𝐼2 = 0 A
𝐼3 = 𝐼4 = 0.0473 A

When switch is closed,

𝐼1 = 0.106 A
𝐼2 = 𝐼3 = 𝐼4 = 0.0355 A
Challenge: Complex Series-Parallel
Resistor Combination
Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit below.

Ans: 10 Ω
Challenge: Complex Series-Parallel
Resistor Combination
Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit below.

Ans: 2 Ω
Applications of Series and Parallel Circuits
Some practical applications of series and parallel
Power and Energy in Electric Circuits
Power in Electric Circuits
• In electric circuits we are most often interested in the rate at
which energy is either delivered to or extracted from a
circuit element.

• Power - rate of potential energy loss / time rate of energy

Power and Energy in Electric Circuits

P = IV
(rate of potential energy loss)

P = power (in Watts, W)
I = current (in Amperes, A)
V = voltage (in Volts, V)

Unit: (1 J/C)(1 C/s) = 1 J/s = 1 W

Power and Energy in Electric Circuits
A special case:
P=I R= 2

(power delivered to a resistor /
energy dissipated in the resistor)

Thus, every resistor has a power rating - the maximum power

the device can dissipate without becoming overheated and
Example: Power Delivered to a Resistor
A 12.0-Ω resistor has a current equal to 3.00 A. Find the
power delivered to this resistor.

Ans: 108 W
Example: Power Delivered to a Resistor
A wire has a resistance equal to 5.0 Ω and a current equal
to 3.0 A for 6.0 s. What is the power delivered to the wire
during the 6.0 s?

Ans: 45 W
Practice Exercise:
Ohm’s Law, Series Circuit, and Power
A 4.0-Ω resistor and a 6.0-Ω resistor are connected in series to a
battery that has an emf equal to 12.0 V and has a negligible
internal resistance. Find (a) the equivalent resistance of the two
resistors, (b) the current in the circuit, (c) the potential drop
across each resistor, (d) the power delivered to each resistor,
and (e) the total power delivered to the resistors.
(c) V4Ω = 4.8 V ; V6Ω = 7.2 V
Ans: (a) Req = 10.0 Ω
(d) P4Ω = 5.8 W ; P6Ω = 8.6 W
(b) IT = 1.2 A
(e) PT = 14.4 W
Practice Exercise:
Ohm’s Law, Parallel Circuit, and Power
An ideal battery applies a potential
difference of across the parallel
combination of 4.0-Ω and 6.0-Ω
resistors. Find (a) the equivalent
resistance, (b) the total current, (c)
the current through each resistor,
(d) the power delivered to each
resistor, and (e) the power
supplied by the battery.
Practice Exercise:
Ohm’s Law, Parallel Circuit, and Power

(a) Req = 2.4 Ω
(b) IT = 5.0 A
(c) I1 = 3.0 A ; I2 = 2.0 A
(d) P1 = 36 W ; P2 = 24 W
(e) PT = 60 W
Practice Exercise:
Ohm’s Law, Series-Parallel Circuit, and Power
Given the circuit, complete the table.
R1 = 220 Ω R3 = 470 Ω R1 R2 R3 Total

R2 = 130 Ω 12 V I

R 220 Ω 130 Ω 470 Ω

Practice Exercise:
Ohm’s Law, Series-Parallel Circuit, and Power
R1 R2 R3 Total

V 1.78 V 1.78 V 10.22 V 12 V

I 8.091 mA 13.69 mA 21.75 mA 21.75 mA

R 220 Ω 130 Ω 470 Ω 551.7 Ω

P 14.40 mW 24.37 mW 222.3 mW 261.07 mW

Electrical Hazards
Effects of AC vs. DC Current on the Body
Some Electrical Safety Tips
• Do not overload outlets.

• Minimize the use of extension

cords. Do not plug two extension
cords together.

• Never put fingers or other

objects in an outlet.

• Cover or guard any exposed Source: Conceptual Physics by Hewitt

electrical components or wires.

Some Electrical Safety Tips
• Never cut off the third prong of a plug.

Source: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli

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