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Community Hygiene

Some health measures can be taken care only by the community as a whole.
The practice of keeping our surrounding clean is called community hygiene.

Community hygiene includes water source protection, proper disposal of

garbage, wastewater drainage and market hygiene.

Poor community hygiene cause diseases such as food poisoning, diarrhoea,

skin infections, etc. Signs of poor community hygiene include improper waste
disposal, improper storage of food, not covering the food properly, etc.

Ways to maintain Community Hygiene

Maintenance and cleanliness of your surroundings is the key to a healthy

environment. Some ways to maintain community hygiene are:

1. Do not leave buckets or containers open near or in your house. This

prevents insects from breeding and causing deadly diseases.

2. Allow sunlight to enter at all times. Sunlight kills many germs.

3. Proper disposal of garbage is essential. If not done it can cause an

outbreak of deadly diseases.

4. Market areas should be properly drained to prevent breeding of

mosquitoes and other insects.

Importance of Community Hygiene

When ` I ` is replaced by ` we ` , even `illness` becomes
`wellness `.

Community hygiene plays a major role in maintaining health

and fitness. It can prevent diseases and can lower down the
death rates. If the surroundings are kept clean by every
individual, it ensures a clean and healthy environment. With a
healthy community, humans as well as animals can live a
prominent life.
Waste Segregation
Waste segregation means dividing waste into wet waste and dry
waste. The purpose of waste segregation is to recycle dry waste and
use wet waste as compost. Dry waste includes wood, metals and
glass. Wet waste includes kitchen waste and organic waste.

Waste segregation helps us to apply different processes like

composting, recycling, etc. to different kinds of waste. It keeps our
homes as well as our surroundings clean and free from germs.

Waste Segregation in my Society

Waste segregation done in my society is very precise. The houses are

supposed to divide their waste into 3 dustbins – green, yellow and

The wet waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, coconut shells, stale
food, etc. goes into the green dustbin. Recyclable dry waste such as
plastic bottles, paper, wrappers of chips and chocolates, etc. goes
into the yellow dustbin. Non- recyclable dry waste such as empty
medicine bottles, injections, sanitary napkins, diapers, etc. goes into
the red dustbin.

We put the dustbins outside our houses in the morning. The workers
of our society collect the waste in a big green trolley with different
segments for each type of waste. The wet waste is collected to form
compost and the dry waste is recycled. The workers wear gloves to
prevent any infections from entering their body.
Composting is the biological decomposition of organic waste such as
food or plant material by bacteria, fungi, worms and other
organisms. Composting makes the soil richer and more fertile. It is
very easy to do and works as manure for plants. This method is used
in many houses and societies.

Through composting, the amount of garbage sent to the landfill is

reduced and organic matter is reused to make the soil richer.

Composting in my Society
We use organic waste converter machine in our society to turn large
amount of organic waste such as kitchen and garden waste into
compost. The waste management system in our society is designed
in such a way that it removes the problem of irritants such as flies
and rats.

In our society 30 kg of wet waste is generated daily and is composted

using a fully automatic composting machine.

1. Wet and organic waste is segregated from the rest of the
2. It is feeded in the OWC along with some saw dust.
3. In 15 minutes, the machine processes the waste.
4. It is then placed into the curing system. In 10 to 20 days, the
compost is ready for being used in our kitchen gardens and
common area gardens.
Acknowledgment and

I would like to express a special thanks to my Teacher – Ms. Nancy

Thomas, as well as our Principal- Mr. Aloysius D’mello who gave me
this golden opportunity to do this wonderful project. I learnt so many
new things while doing it. I would also like to thank my parents and
everyone who supported me while doing this project.

I had done a lot of researching while doing this project. The websites
I referred to were:


I would also like to thank my mother and the maintenance man of

my society for providing extra information and pictures on how
waste segregation and composting is done in my society.

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