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Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

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Full length article

Microstructural optimization through heat treatment for enhancing

the fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth resistance of selective
laser melted Tie6Ale4V alloy
Punit Kumar, Upadrasta Ramamurty*
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 639798, Republic of Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The yield strength (sy) of Tie6Ale4V alloy, additively manufactured via selective laser melting (SLM) of
Received 1 January 2019
powder beds, can exceed 1000 MPa while possessing a mode I fracture toughness (KIc) of ~50 MPa m .
Received in revised form The possibility of enhancing KIc as well as fatigue crack growth resistance, without a significant penalty
18 February 2019
on sy, via a judicious heat treatment process that transforms martensitic a’, which is present in the as-
Accepted 4 March 2019
Available online 6 March 2019
SLM microstructure due to rapid cooling of the molten metal, into an a/b phase mixture is examined. It
was demonstrated that duplex annealing at temperatures below the b transus temperature of the alloy
would lead to such a microstructure while retaining the mesostructure, whose nature depends on the
Mechanical properties
process parameter combinations utilized. Near-doubling of the fracture toughness with only a ~20%
Titanium alloy reduction in sy was noted upon heat treatment. While the strength becomes isotropic after heat
Fatigue treatment, significant anisotropy in the fracture toughness of the heat-treated alloy with columnar prior
SLM b structure was noted. While the steady state fatigue crack growth (FCG) rates are comparable to cor-
Heat-treatment responding values of the same alloy, but manufactured using conventional means, the threshold for
fatigue crack initiation (DK0) increases by 34%e56%. The enhancement in DK0 was found to be a result of
the transition in the near-threshold crack growth, from trans-to inter-granular and caused by the a/b
basket weave microstructure, which imparts a high crack path tortuosity. Overall, this study demon-
strates that post-processing heat-treatment can improve the damage tolerance of SLM Ti64 by increasing
both KIc and DK0.
© 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phase is atypical in the specimens that are manufactured using

conventional means of casting followed by thermo-mechanical
Additive manufacturing (AM) of metallic components, by using processing. Additionally, the line-by-line, layer-by-layer method
either lasers or e-beams for fusing selected locations of power beds, of part fabrication via SLM imparts a distinct mesostructure to
offers a number of advantages, particularly from the manufacturing them. Together, the combinations of micro- and meso-structural
perspective. Consequently, this emerging field is attracting features can lead to unique combinations of mechanical proper-
considerable current research interest, especially from the metal- ties for 3D printed alloy coupons [1].
lurgical stand point of view. Since the molten pool at any instance is A particular issue, as far as SLM Ti64 is concerned, is the pres-
small in volume, it gets rapidly quenched. This, in turn, results in a ence of the columnar prior b grains, whose height can span the
metastable microstructure with enhanced solid solubility of the entire coupon in the build direction [2e4]. In a recent paper [5], we
solute elements (when present) and highly refined microstructural demonstrated that it is possible to eliminate it, and obtain equiaxed
features such as grain size. In the case of Tie6Ale4V (Ti64 here grain structure without resorting to additional alloying elements,
afterwards), the as-selectively laser melted (SLM) alloy's micro- via a judicious combination of layer thickness, t, and scan rotation
structure consists of acicular a0 martensitic phase, whereas such a between successive layers, f. Detailed mechanical property char-
acterization showed that all the alloy coupons, produced with four
different t - f combinations, were found to exhibit high yield
strength, sy, which was attributed to the fine martensitic a0 lath
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (U. Ramamurty). microstructure, while possessing a reasonably good mode I fracture
1359-6454/© 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

toughness, KIc, of ~50 MPa m . The stability of a0 , which is a The fabricated coupons were subjected to four different heat
metastable phase, in service conditions, especially at high tem- treatment schedules (labeled HT1, HT2, HT3, and HT4) which are
peratures, is a major concern and hence Ti alloys with a0 in their schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. As seen from it, the maximum
microstructures are not generally favored. Keeping this in view, in annealing temperatures, Ta, in HT1 and HT2 are below the b transus
this study we explore various heat treatment schedules that would temperature (Tb ¼ 995  C), such that the prior b mesostructure is
not only transform a’ into a more stable a/b phase mixture, but also retained [5]. In contrast, Ta in HT3 and HT4 is above Tb; as a result,
enhances the ductility and KIc without a substantial compromise on the prior b mesostructure present in the as-SLM samples gets
sy. Note that an a/b microstructure in Ti64 produced via SLM can be transformed (see section 3 for details). While HT1 and HT 3 employ
achieved by adapting several different 'in-situ tailoring' methods a single step annealing, HT2 and HT4 utilize a two-step (or duplex)
such varying the focal offset distance (FOD), maintaining a close process. The choice of Ta either being above Tb or below it is made so
hatch spacing (so that melt pools overlap multiple times), and as to evaluate the relationship between final aþb microstructure
preheating of the powder bed [6,7]. While these can improve the with the initial a0 microstructure and prior b mesostructure. The
ductility and produce lead to Ti64 parts whose properties are cooling rates were selected so as to analyze the effect of the ho-
comparable to those of wrought Ti64, an overall reduction in the mogenizing step on the partitioning of the a and b phase by
process efficiency is a major drawback of them. For instance, the decomposition of a’.
requirement of a fine control of the thermal gradient across the
layers imposes a restriction on the size of the built parts [8]. Like- 2.2. Microstructural and mechanical property characterization
wise, reducing the hatch spacing increases the time required for
part production. For microstructural analyses of the heat-treated coupons, opti-
The other possible way to impart the desired microstructure to cal and scanning electron microscopies (SEM) were employed on
SLM Ti64 is by employing a suitable post-processing heat-treat- samples that were mirror polished and etched using the Kroll's
ment. Though it will indeed add an extra step to the manufacturing reagent (100 ml distilled water, 5 ml nitric acid, and 2 ml HF). Op-
process, part size will no longer be a major factor. Nor it will reduce tical images were taken from the top as well as side surfaces of the
the production efficiency [4] since a post-SLM anneal may be samples to generate 3D representative microstructures. The a lath-
imperative, so as to relieve the built-in residual stresses, in many thickness, la, in all the samples was measured from the SEM images
cases. While several studies have been performed in this direction, using at least four images for each sample and ImageJ, a commer-
they have mostly limited their efforts to the examination of the cially available image analysis software. ImageJ was also used to
microstructures of the heat treated samples [4,9e11]. In particular, determine b volume fractions, Vb, using high magnification SEM
a comprehensive understanding of the structure - property corre- images. For estimating Vb, SEM images were first converted in to
lations, especially the effect of heat treatment on the damage RGB stack type and then in to gray scale image by thresholding to
tolerance characteristics, in terms of fracture toughness and fatigue generate clear contrast between a and b phase. The presence of b
crack growth (FCG) resistance, is yet to be developed. While a few phase in the microstructure was confirmed through wavelength
studies do report the effect of post-processing on these properties dispersive X-ray spectroscopic (WDS) compositional analysis in an
of SLM Ti64 [12e14], they are not comprehensive in nature; either electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA).
only one SLM processing condition is investigated or property For the texture analysis of the microstructures both before and
evaluation was not detailed. Importantly, an emphasis on corre- after the heat-treatment, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
lating the observed mechanical response to the underlying micro- scans were carried out electropolished samples. In each sample, an
structure, which would pave the way for further optimization of area ~400  400 mm2 was scanned using a step size of 0.3 mm.
property combinations via microstructural design, is often missing. Texture analysis was performed on both the top (B) and side (S)
Keeping this paucity in view, a detailed investigation into the effect surfaces with respect to the build direction of SLM. The data
of the heat treatment on the micro- and meso-structures of SLM generated was analyzed by using a commercially available
Ti64, and, in turn, effect of a selected annealing schedule on the software.
mechanical response of the alloy processed using four different For examining the mechanical behavior of heat-treated SLM
combinations fo SLM parameters that result in mesostructures coupons, tensile stress-strain responses, fracture toughness, and
ranging from columnar to equiaxed prior b grain structures was FCG resistance properties were evaluated. The tensile tests were
conducted in this study. performed on dog-bone shaped specimens with 6 mm gauge

2. Materials and experiment

2.1. Coupon fabrication via SLM and post-fabrication heat


All the samples examined in this work were fabricated by using

the ELI grade Ti64 powder. SLM was performed in an EOSINT M 280
SLM machine equipped with a Yb: YAG fiber laser. During fabrica-
tion, an inert atmosphere was maintained in the chamber by
maintaining a constant flow of Ar gas; via this, the oxygen content
in the chamber was maintained below 0.1 ppm. Coupons that are
14 mm thick and 64  64 mm2 cross-section were produced by
employing four different t-f combinations: t ¼ 30 or 60 mm and
f ¼ 67 or 90 . For coupons produced with t ¼ 30 mm, the scan
spacing (l) was 140 mm, whereas it was 120 mm for t ¼ 60 mm. The
samples are designated as 3090, 3067, 6090 and 6067; here, the
first two digits refer to t whereas the next to f. For example, 3090 Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the four different heat treatment schedules utilized in
indicates that t ¼ 30 and f ¼ 90 . this study.
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 47

length and 2 (width) by 0.5 (thickness) mm2 cross-section. da/dN vs. DK data generated was analyzed using the Paris equation:
Displacement controlled tensile tests were performed at a nomi- da/dN ¼ C(DK)m, where C and m are material properties and are
nal rate of 0.001 mm/s, according to the ASTM standard D1708 [15]. referred to as Paris constant and exponent, respectively. Standard
The loading direction is either parallel or perpendicular to the build procedures described in the standard ASTM 647-15 were utilized
direction; this allowed us to assess the degree of anisotropy in for estimating m from the experimental data generated. Post-
properties. Hereafter, we refer to these either as ‘B’ or ‘S’ respec- mortem fractographic analyses were performed on all the tensile
tively, as abbreviations of 'build' and 'scan' directions. Note that the tested samples as well as the quasi-static and fatigue fractured
latter is orthogonal to the build direction. samples so as to ascertain the dominant failure mechanisms.
Experiments to evaluate KIc and FCG characteristics were con-
ducted on Chevron notched, compact-tension specimens, C(T),
3. Results
electrical discharge machined (EDM) from the SLM blocks, with a
thickness, b, of 12 mm and width, W, of 24 mm. (Since these di-
3.1. Effect of the heat treatment on the microstructure
mensions are approximately half of the standard specimen sizes,
such specimens are often referred to as half C(T)). In all the cases,
The four different heat treatment schedules employed in this
two samples were tested for measuring fracture toughness and
study imparted a wide range of micro- and meso-structures to Ti64.
fatigue crack growth characteristics and the average values are
The as-built coupons' microstructures and mechanical properties
reported. Prior to testing, both the sides of the samples were mirror
were discussed in detail by us in an earlier paper [5] and hence will
polished, so as to monitor the crack growth using a traveling mi-
not be repeated here, unless otherwise necessary. The micro-
croscope (0.01 mm resolution at 10X magnification). The samples
structures resulting from different heat treatment schedules are
were fatigue pre-cracked, for up to a/W ~0.45e0.55, where a is the
described here, using 3090 as the representative example. In the as-
crack length and W is the width of the specimen, using a servo-
SLM condition, it contains long columnar prior b grains, which are
hydraulic testing machine. A sinusoidal wave form with a fre-
square in cross-section; the sides of the square are exactly the same
quency of 10 Hz and at a load ratio, R (defined as the ratio of
as the scan spacing employed (140 mm) [5]. Representative 3D
minimum to maximum load of the fatigue cycle), of 0.1, as pre-
microstructures of this alloy after HT1 and HT2 are displayed in
scribed in the ASTM standards E399-12 [16] and ASTM 647-15 [17],
Fig. 2a and b, respectively. Since annealing below Tb does not alter
was employed for cycling the load. After the pre-cracking, the
the prior b grains [11], their signature columnar structure remains
samples were loaded in quasi-static mode until fracture at a
intact. However, HT2 leads to the coarsening of the a laths since Ta
displacement rate of 0.01 mm/s in order to determine KIc.
is closer to Tb as compared to that in HT1. A higher magnification
The load shedding method, prescribed in ASTM 647-15, was
image, displayed in Fig. 3a, shows needle shaped a laths with b
utilized to determine the threshold for fatigue crack initiation, DK0,
phase along the grain boundary in alloy subjected to HT1; the shape
during FCG testing of the pre-cracked C(T) specimens. Here, the
of the a laths is more lenticular in the case of HT2 (Fig. 3b). A similar
stress intensity factor range (DK) was reduced by ~10% after each
microstructure was noted by Vrancken et al. [18] after the heat-
crack length increment of 0.2 mm till the crack growth rate per
treatment of SLM Ti64 below Tb.
cycle, da/dN, is  2  109 m/cycle; the stress intensity factor range,
For Ta > Tb, however, the columnar prior b grain structure is
DK, at which this was achieved was designated as DK0. Subse-
completely erased by the heat treatment, as seen from Fig. 2c and d,
quently, DK was increased by ~10% after each 0.2 mm fatigue crack
which show the mesostructures after HT3 and HT4, respectively.
extension until failure. The steady-state crack growth regime of the
This leads to equiaxed prior b grains that are significantly coarser

Fig. 2. Representative 3D microstructures of alloy 3090 after being subjected to heat treatment schedules (a) HT1, (b) HT2, (c) HT3, and (d) HT4.
48 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

Fig. 3. Representative microstructures (Obtained using SEM) of alloy 3090 after being subjected to heat treatment schedules (a) HT1, (b) HT2, (c) HT3, and (d) HT4.

with >500 mm sizes, irrespective whether the cooling was per- t ¼ 60 mm. This difference is pronounced in the case of HT3 and HT4
formed in single or duplex steps. This observation is consistent with samples, probably because of the smaller prior b grain size in the
that reported by Lütjering [19], who found that the holding time at case of t ¼ 60 mm, which is related to l, in the as-built SLM micro-
Ta or the rate of cooling from Ta to room temperature do not exert structure. (Recall that l ¼ 120 mm for t ¼ 60 mm whereas it is 140 mm
any pronounced effect on the prior b grain size as long as Ta > Tb. for t ¼ 30 mm [5].) Smaller prior b grains result in a smaller la
The a lath structure, however, does depend on whether the because the b phase transforms into a laths by the nucleation of a/a’
cooling from Ta is performed in one step or two. The relatively fast laths from the prior b boundary [21].
cooling in the single step cooling process (HT3) leads to the for- The difference in Ta of HT1 and HT2 leads to different Vb in the
mation of a fully a0 lath microstructure with the basket weave microstructure because the concentration of V that is rejected along
structure (Fig. 3c). However, the morphology of this martensite is the a lath boundary is larger at higher temperatures. When Ta is
different (and hence referred to as secondary a’) as compared to the closer to T (as in HT2), a higher equilibrium Vb can be expected.
needle-shaped martensite laths observed in the as-built SLM Ti64. Fig. 4c and d shows that the b phase decorates the lath boundary in
The homogenization at 700  C in the case of the heat treatment the HT1 (14%) and HT2 (22.5%) microstructures, which was
with duplex cooling (HT4) results in an equilibrium microstructure confirmed by WDS (Fig. 5). The compositional analysis also shows a
(Fig. 3d) with large colonies of the a lamellae inside the prior b higher concentration of V along the a lath boundaries which is an
grains and b phase along the lamellae boundaries. evidence of the presence of b phase, whereas a higher concentra-
The mechanism of precipitation of the b phase within the col- tion of Al is noted in the interiors of the a laths.
onies during the annealing treatments HT1 and HT2 is different
from that in HT3 and HT4. When Ta is below Tb, the supersaturated 3.2. Effect of the heat treatment on the texture
a’ transforms into a by rejecting alloying element V out of the
transformed product; the resulting high concentration of V along Texture analyses were performed to investigate the crystallo-
the a lath boundary, leads to the nucleation of the b phase [20]. graphic aspects related to the following microstructural features of
(Note that V is a b stabilizer due to its BCC crystal structure.) SLM Ti64: prior b mesostructure, basket wave structure, colonies,
However, in HT3 and HT4, the a laths nucleate at the prior b grain and laths. The Burgers orientation relationship (BOR) between the a
boundaries are grow radially inwards of the grain [21]. laths and the BCC b matrix [23] is well known. It is based on two
The four different heat treatment schedules employed influence parallel planes (0001)a jj {110}b and directions <1120>a jj <111>b in
la, whose variation in different specimens in terms of the average the respective phases. Owing to symmetry in the parent and
lath thickness, la , is plotted in Fig. 4a. From it, we note that la in product crystals, a total of 12 different variants for the a/a0 nucle-
HT4 sample is substantially higher than those estimated for HT1, ation from the b matrix is possible. The high cooling rate that is
HT2, and HT3 samples. Within the latter three, la in the HT2 sample associated with the SLM process provides a sufficient driving force
is relatively higher as compared to HT1, indicating a higher fraction for the formation of a’ laths with almost all the possible variants.
of the coarse laths in it; this is illustrated via Fig. 4b where the This, in turn, results in the formation of laths with several different
distributions in la in 3090 subjected to HT1 and HT2 are plotted. orientations leading to a basket weave microstructure. This is
This is because lath coarsening is favored when Ta is closer to Tb illustrated via the inverse pole figure (IPF) map of the microstruc-
[18,22]. From Fig. 4a, we see that la in SLM samples built with ture of as-SLM 3067 sample, displayed in Fig. 6a. However, it has
t ¼ 30 mm is slightly higher than those manufactured with been reported that some variants are statistically more favourable
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 49

Fig. 4. (a) Comparison of the average lath thickness' in the four alloy coupons that were subjected to different heat treatment schedules. (b) Distributions in the lath thickness' and
(c) and (d) the b-phase distribution, in 3090 after annealing per HT1 and HT2 schedules, respectively.

Fig. 5. (a) Backscattered electron micrograph obtained from 3090 after being subjected to HT2. Figures (b), (c), and (d) show the elemental distribution maps of Ti, Al, and V,

compared to others [24]. The different texture variants can be the texture strength of the sample, in this pole figure is 7.9. The
identified with the aid of the peak intensities in the pole figure at intensity peaks along the boundary of the pole figure correspond to
different locations. The (0001) pole figure of 3067, displayed in the {1120} planes as indicated in Fig. 6b. The laths corresponding to
Fig. 6b, shows that the few peaks have a higher intensity than the these planes have a prismatic orientation.
others. The maximum peak intensity, which is also referred to as As mentioned already, since Ta is below Tb in both HT1 and HT2,
50 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

Fig. 6. (a) Representative inverse pole figure (IPF) map, obtained using electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), of 3067 in the as-SLM condition. Black lines are drawn to guide the
eye in delineating the colonies. (b) Texture distribution represented by the (0001) pole figure.

the prior b mesostructure remains intact in the SLM Ti64 samples maps displayed in Fig. 7c and d, respectively. Notably, the resulting
even after these heat-treatments. Hence, the IPF maps of the microstructures do not depend on the respective structures in the
sample 3067 after HT1 and HT2 (Fig. 7a and b, respectively) show as-built coupons. As discussed in the previous section, fast cooling
similar prior b structure as that seen in Fig. 6a. The mechanism during HT3 results in a microstructure with 'interwoven' a0 laths.
responsible for lath coarsening during the heat treatments HT1 and (The presence of a0 in the microstructure even after annealing is
HT2 can be analyzed using the texture data. The (0001) pole figure due to the relatively high cooling rate associated with the air-
of 3067 subjected to HT1 (Fig. 8a) shows similar peak intensities for cooling process employed.) Additionally, the presence of a coarse
nearly-all the variant planes. Although the number of variants re- a phase on both the sides of the prior b boundaries can be noted;
mains the same, the texture strength is reduced by almost half. The this phase is often referred to as massive a, and was reported to
pole figure of 3067 after HT2 (Fig. 8b) shows that a higher Ta consist of an ultrafine lamellar mixture of a and b phases [26,27].
markedly reduces the number of variants. This observation implies Importantly, this phase's presence in the microstructure of Ti64 is
that the lath coarsening is due to the bigger a laths with the pris- considered detrimental from the mechanical performance point of
matic orientation {1120} growing at the expense of smaller ones view, especially fatigue resistance [18,28,29]. A similar massive
with the basal texture [25]. Consequently, a higher texture strength transformation has been observed in the as-fabricated Ti64, man-
(6.9) was noted for the HT2 sample than in HT1(4.8). ufactured using either the electron beam melting (EBM) or the
The completely transformed prior b structure due to the heat shaped metal deposition (SMD) techniques; the reason for this is
treatment at Ta > Tb (HT3 and HT4) can be clearly seen from the IPF the high energy inputs utilize, which causes the overall cooling rate

Fig. 7. Representative IPF maps after heat treatment. Figures (a) and (b) are from 3067 subjected to HT1 and HT2, respectively whereas (c) and (d) are from 3030 after HT3 and HT4,
respectively. In all cases, the build (B) direction is normal to the plane of the micrograph.
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 51

Fig. 8. (0001) pole figures of 3067 subjected to (a) HT1 and (b) HT2, and 3090 subjected to (c) HT3 and (d) HT4. In all cases, texture analysis was performed on the B plane.

to lower than 420  C/s [26,30]. structure intact. Since a microstructure with a coarse lath structure
The large prior b grains and the massive a phase along the grain is preferable–because thicker laths can lead to higher crack tortu-
boundaries impart a substantially large texture strength (21.5) to osity that could impart crack growth resistance, HT2, which leads to
the HT3 sample (Fig. 8c). The other possible contributor to this such a microstructure, was chosen [31].
strong texture is the preferred variant selection during the trans-
formation of b to a’ phase, as air cooling after annealing provides a 3.3. Effect of the heat treatment schedule HT2 on the prior b
relatively smaller driving force for such a transformation (as mesostructures
compared to that in SLM).
The homogenization step during cooling in the heat treatment The four different combinations of t and f used for SLM Ti64
schedule HT4 (Fig. 7d) results in an equilibrium microstructure result in mesostructures that range from columnar to equiaxed
having colonies in which all the laths have the same orientation. prior b grains [5]. Fig. 9a shows the 3D representative IPF map of
Such a microstructure is often referred to as the lamellar structure. the sample 3090 after HT2. As expected, the columnar prior b
Here, b nucleates at the boundaries of the a lamellae, and its structure remains intact after the heat-treatment. Within each
orientation is determined by BOR. The (0001) pole figure of the prior b grain, laths with multiple orientations can be seen. How-
sample (Fig. 8d) shows a strong fiber texture along the prismatic ever, thicker laths with similar orientation are more common than
direction, with a strength of 38, due to contributing factors such as smaller laths, especially on the side surface (S plane). Consequently,
large prior b grains and colonies with thick laths. the S plane has a higher texture strength (12) as compared to the B
Since the objective of the current study is to examine the pos- plane (7); see respective (0001) pole figures in Fig. 10c and a. Most
sibility of further improving the overall performance of SLM Ti64, of the thicker laths in the S plane are at 30 to 45 to the building (B)
we have selected HT2 for mechanical property studies. This was direction. The texture of these laths exhibits a peak intensity near
done on the basis of the extensive knowledge on the microstructure the prismatic planes {1120} (Fig. 10c).
- mechanical property relations in TI64 that is available in litera- When f is changed from 90 to 67, while maintaining
ture, with the following being the key considerations. (i) The t ¼ 30 mm, the columnar prior b grain structure breaks down (see
massive a phase formed due to HT3 and HT4 will adversely affect Fig. 9b). This, in turn, leads to similar texture strengths in both the B
the tensile strength because of the localization of deformation (6.9) and S planes (5.1); see Figs. 8b and 10e, respectively. A com-
along the grain boundary regions [26,30]. Moreover, these samples parison of the pole figures of S3067 (Fig. 10e) and S3090 (Fig. 10b),
not only lost the SLM prior b structure, but also contain highly both after HT2, indicates a higher number of texture variants in the
coarse prior b grains; such coarse microstructures are generally former. The B plane of 6090 (Fig. 9c) stills exhibits the square prior b
undesirable. The microstructure also contains colonies of the laths grain cross-sections in that plane, although they columnar struc-
with similar orientation, which often leads to relatively low fatigue ture breaks down in the S plane due to formation of the melt pool
crack growth resistance [21,31]. These considerations eliminated boundaries.
the further pursuit of HT3 and HT4 in this study. (ii) Both the Fig. 9d shows that 6067 has equiaxed grains in both B and S
remaining heat treatment schedules, HT1 and HT2, leave the prior b planes. The respective pole figures, displayed in Fig. 10b and d,
52 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

Fig. 9. Representative 3D IPF maps of (a) 3090, (b) 3067, (c) 6090 and (d) 6067, subjected to the heat treatment schedule HT2.

indicate texture strengths of 5.9 and 6.2, respectively, confirming The fracture toughness values measured on all the heat treated
microstructural isotropy. However, the pole figure obtained on the samples are also listed in Table 1. Note that these are labeled as
B plane indicates a higher number of texture variants as compared conditional fracture toughness', Kq, as the specimen thickness of
to that obtained from the S plane. In latter, the peak texture in- the half-C(T) specimen that was utilized is insufficient to satisfy the
tensity is along the prismatic planes (2110), (1210) and (2110) and plane strain conditions as per ASTM E399-12 [16]. (For as-SLM
most of the laths make 30 to 45 with the build direction (Fig. 9d). samples, those conditions were satisfied by the same-sized sam-
ples utilized to evaluate KIc. After heat treatment, however, the
3.4. Mechanical properties combined effect of a reduction in sy and increase in the fracture
toughness made them inadequate.)1 As seen from Table 1, sub-
Representative tensile stress - strain responses, measured on stantial enhancements in the fracture toughness of SLM Ti64 accrue
different coupons after HT2, with the loading axis being either as a result of the heat treatment; in a few cases, the toughness more
parallel or perpendicular to the build direction, are displayed in than doubled. This is significant, especially since the KIc values of
Fig. S1 of the supplementary information (SI). Tensile properties as-SLM samples (ranging between 48 and 58 MPa m [5]), them-
such as sy, ultimate tensile strength, su, and strain to failure, ef, selves, were comparable to those of the conventionally manufac-
extracted from such plots are summarized in Table 1. The relative tured Ti64 [5]. While 3067 and 6067 are nearly-isotropic in their
changes in these properties (in %) with respect to those measured fracture responses, the coupons built with 90 scan rotation (3090
on as-SLM samples (reported by us in Ref. [5]) are also given. The and 6090) exhibit non-negligible anisotropy. This is in contrast to
following are the key observations made from the data given in the as-built case, wherein KIc in all the coupons built with different
Table 1. (i) Upon heat treatment, and as expected, both sy and su
decrease in all the cases. While the overall range of these reductions
is relatively wide (7%e23%), majority of data is between 15% and
20%. Interestingly, 3090 sample with the columnar microstructure ASTM E399 prescribes that the thickness (and uncracked ligament length)
should be at least 25 times the plane strain plastic zone size (rp). In the current
shows the least reduction, especially in the S orientation. (ii) While
context, the largest value of rp is 1.3 mm (for 6067 whose Kq ¼ 101 MPa√m, and
sy ranges between 873 and 1029 MPa, su varies from 947 to sy ¼ 883 MPa), which is about a tenth of the thickness of the sample (12 mm).
1079 MPa. These strength values are still superior to the respective Hence, it is likely the Kq values that we reported are far-closer to plane strain
values of conventionally manufactured alloys with similar grain condition than plane stress. Munz et al. [55] have investigated the effect of thick-
sizes [19,32,33]. (iii) The amount of strain hardening in all samples ness on the fracture toughness of Ti64 and report that it is possible to determine
the plane strain fracture toughness if either extensive plastic deformation or stable
is relatively minor, as gauged from the difference between su and crack growth at the crack tip do not occur. They report that the R-curve is inde-
sy (range: 47e93 MPa). It is the lowest in 3090 tested in the B pendent of thickness in the investigated range of 2 < b < 20 mm and hence Kq is also
orientation; sy is the highest in this case, exceeding 1000 MPa. (iii) independent of thickness within this range. Moreover, their work reveals that the
On comparing sy and su measured in B and S orientations, we note divergence between the maximum toughness (on account of the R-curve behavior),
determined by using the maximum load (Pmax, where after unstable crack growth
that 3067, 6090, and 6067 remain nearly-isotropic even after the
occurs) of the load-displacement curve and Kq diverge by only about ~10% (see
heat treatment. Even in 3090, which has columnar prior b grains, Fig. 8 in their paper), at maximum, for specimens that are between 10 and 20 mm
the anisotropy in sy is only ~5%. (iv) The strength reductions that thick (see Fig. 8 in their paper). Representative example of the load vs. displace-
are seen upon annealing are more-than-adequately offset by ment plots, which were used to determine Kq by the secant method in our study,
ductility enhancements, as gauged by ef. In some cases, the im- are displayed in Fig. S3. In both cases, minimal nonlinearity before Pmax is noted. As
a result, the secant method also yields the Pmax as the load with which Kq needs to
provements are more than 50%. Fractographic observations do be computed. All the above observations clarify indicate that it is reasonable to
indeed indicate to 'cup and cone' fracture features (not shown compare Kq values of the heat treated SLM Ti64 samples with the KIc data obtained
here), confirming the ductile nature of the heat treated SLM Ti64. on specimens in the as-processed state.
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 53

Fig. 10. (0001) pole figures after heat treatment HT2 of 3090 in (a) B and (c) S orientations, 6067 in (b) B and (d) S orientations, and (e) 3067 in S orientation.

Table 1
Summary of the mechanical properties of heat-treated SLM Ti64. The data in parenthesis indicates the relative change due to the heat treatment as compared to the respective
value in the as-SLM state. See Ref. [5] for the properties of the as-SLM alloy coupons. Red and blue colors are used to highlight property deterioration or improvement,

Sample sy (MPa) su (MPa) ef (%) Kq (MPa√mÞ DK0 (MPa√mÞ m rmax (mm) rc (mm) la (mm)
3090 B 1029±11 (11%) 1079±8 (13%) 11.6±1:7 (53%) 106 (104%) 8 (43%) 3.9 (54%) 8.3 1.60 0.87
S 944±13 (8%) 1016±16 (-7%) 12.5±0.6 (60%) 77 (40%) 8.1 (42%) 3.5 (6%) 9.6 1.95 1.01
3067 B 875±25 (-22%) 957±19 (-19%) 12±2:4 (48%) 96 (100%) 7.1 (34%) 3.7 (4%) 8.6 1.75 0.8
S 873±17 (-22%) 947±15 (21%) 11.8±0.5 (17%) 93 (72%) 8.3 (43%) 3.4 (10%) 11.8 2.40 0.77
6090 B 881±12 (-23%) 974±12 (-20%) 13.1±2:6 (34%) 97 (90%) 8.1 (40%) 3.7 (29%) 11.1 2.24 1.12
S 901±22 (-19%) 975±26 (18%) 15.8±1.9 (63%) 83 (57%) 8.3 (43%) 4 (38%) 11.1 2.25 1.11
6067 B 883±10 (-20%) 956±7 (-17%) 16.6±0.7 (33%) 101 (74%) 8.4 (56%) 3.7 (5%) 11.9 2.40 0.99
S 874±8 (-18%) 963±12 (-15%) 13.9±0:2 (9%) 95 (64%) 7.9 (39%) 3.2 (8%) 10.7 2.17 1.07

combinations of t and f was found to be relatively insensitive to the (88e110 MPa m) and cast and hot isostatically pressed Ti64 with
specimen orientation with respect to the build direction. grain sizes of the order of 2 mm (97e112 MPa m). However, they
The values of Kq of the heat treated SLM Ti4 of the present study are much higher than the Kq of the cast and annealed Ti64
are comparable with those reported for forged Ti64 (65e90 MPa m) [32,34,35]. They are also higher than those
54 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

reported for heat-treated SLM Ti64, for which only a few studies manufactured with f ¼ 90 , m increases substantially in three cases
have been performed thus far. Cain et al. [13] report a KIc of except the S direction of 3090 where again the change is only
~49 MPa m for SLM Ti64 after it was subjected to a single step heat marginal. The highest increase was noted in the B direction of
treatment. Dhansay et al. [12] investigated fracture toughness of coupon 3090, for which, FCG data before and after heat treatment
duplex heat-treated SLM Ti64 and found near isotropic value (80 are compared in Fig. 11d. From it, we note annealing leads to a
and 85 MPa m) in both B and S directions. Seifi et al. [35] report Kq substantial increase in m (by 54%). (Here, it is worth recalling that in
ranging between 65 and 80 MPa m with minimal anisotropy for the as-SLM condition, m was 30% higher in S direction as compared
Ti64 fabricated using the electron beam melting technique, to B direction for 3090.) Overall, it appears that the heat treatment
wherein the build platform was maintained at a temperature of not only reduced the anisotropy in the crack growth rates but
750  C, which, in turn, leads to a basket weave microstructure reduced the range of m (amongst the four different coupons
similar to that observed in the present study. considered) from 2.53 to 3.55 in the as-fabricated samples to 3.2e4
Results of the FCG tests on heat-treated SLM Ti64 are displayed in the heat-treated samples.
in Fig. 11 as da/dN vs. DK plots. Values of m and DK0, extracted from Values of DK0, listed in Table 1, indicate that it ranges between
these plots are summarized in Table 1. As seen, m ranges between 7.1 and 8.4 MPa m. Three observations are noteworthy. (i) The
3.2 and 4, which is similar to those reported by Cain et al. [13] in B overall range of DK0 is small, suggesting that the prior b meso-
(3.8) and S (3.1) directions for the SLM Ti64 subjected to a single structure exerts no significant influence on DK0, neither before
step heat-treatment with Ta < Tb. In all the cases, cracks grow at (range of DK0: 5.3e5.8 MPa m) nor after heat treatment. (ii) Heat
broadly similar rates in both B and S directions. Furthermore, the treatment, however, enhances DK0 of all the samples; the increases
steady state crack growth rates appear to be unaffected by the heat range between 34% and 56%. (iii) No significant anisotropy in DK0
treatment for the coupons fabricated with f ¼ 67 showing a could be seen, i.e., the values are similar in both S and B directions.
marginal variation in m after the heat treatment as compared to For comparing with the literature data, we note that not many
that before heat treatment. However, in the case of samples studies, which report DK0 of SLM Ti64 after heat treatment, are

Fig. 11. Variations of the fatigue crack growth rate per cycle, da/dN, plotted as a function of the applied stress intensity factor range, DK, in samples (a) B3090 and S3090, (b) B3067
and S3067, (c) B6067 and S6067, and (d) B3090 before and after the heat-treatment.
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 55

available. Leuders et al. [36] report that the hot isostatic pressing favorably oriented laths grow at the expense of the smaller ones
(HIP) above Tb improves DK0 from a very low value of ~1.7 MPa m [25], leading to a reduction in the strength of the texture variants,
in the as-SLM condition to 6.1 MPa m. Galarraga et al. [37] report a as seen in Figs. 6b and 8b. The latter figure also indicates that laths
DK0 ~4.2 MPa m for Ti64 manufactured by e-beam melting, which with prismatic orientation make a 30e45 angle with the build
also produces an a/b microstructure because of the high energy direction. Similarly, the laths in the IPF map of the S plane (Fig. 9)
input in this method; post-fabrication annealing with Ta > Tb also make a 30e45 angle with the build direction. Since prismatic
further improves it to 6 MPa m. Seifi et al. [38] report a DK0 of slip is easier than basal slip in Ti64 (c/a < 1.633), the enhanced
5.7 MPa m for Ti64 manufactured with e-beam melting of a pre- ductility observed in both these samples is possibly due to a large
heated powder bed (750  C) and attribute it to the in-situ decom- population of laths with a prismatic orientation {1120}. Likewise,
position of a’; they also suggest that DK0 decreases with a lath 3067 in the B orientation contains laths with prismatic orientation
coarsening. For additively manufactured Ti64 employing different and exhibits a 48% improvement in ductility after the heat-
powder bed fusion methods, Lewandowski et al. [39] report DK0 treatment. Another example is the 6067 tested in S orientation,
values ranging between 3.8 and 6.3 MPa m. As can be seen, the which again exhibits a strong prismatic texture (Fig. 10d) and
values of DK0 obtained in the present study (7.1e8.4 MPa m) are hence leads to a high ef of 16.6% after the heat-treatment. Coupon
higher than all those reported thus far. These are also higher than 3090 tested in the S direction has an ef of 12.5%, even though the
DK0  6.8 MPa m reported for Ti64 with an a/b lamellar micro- peak intensity near the basal plane (Fig. 10c) occurs at 15e30 to
structure and manufactured using conventional methods [34,40]. the build direction. This is because the presence of other texture
variants, whose orientation is favourable for slip. The higher
4. Discussion strength of 3090 in the B orientation is also possibly because of the
high texture strength (12) that arises due to the columnar prior b
4.1. Strength, ductility, and toughness grains.
Turning attention to the fracture toughness, the data available in
The high cooling rates that are intrinsic to the SLM process result published literature indicates that KIc of SLM Ti64 is either lower or
in a Ti64 with a basket weave microstructure of fine a0 laths comparable to that of the wrought alloys [5,12,13,32]. In the con-
[5,7,25]. Furthermore, the high dislocation density inside the a0 texts where it was found to be substantially lower, the presence of
laths hinders dislocation mobility and hence makes them strong. hard and relatively-less ductile a’ phase in the microstructure was
Together, these two factors enhance the strength of as-SLM Ti64 attributed for the low KIc. Thus, the substantial enhancement in the
and adversely affect its ductility. The presence of a mesoscopic prior fracture toughness observed in the present study upon heat
b mesostructure also affects ef, due to the presence of relatively treatment could be due to the formation of a/b Widmansta €tten
weak a phase along the prior b boundaries. This situation gets microstructure, which is considerably more ductile, upon anneal-
exacerbated in alloys with columnar prior b grains, when the ing. Furthermore, coarsening of the laths during heat treatment can
loading direction is perpendicular to the prior b columns [41]. also enhance the fracture toughness by increasing the crack tor-
Hence, the tensile properties, especially ductility, of the as-built tuosity [21,31,47].
Ti64 are sensitive to prior b structure whereas the a’ lath thick- In some SLM alloys, such AleSi, the mesoscopic structural fea-
ness or their relative orientation are unaffected by the process tures, which form along the contours of the melt pool boundaries of
parameter combinations. One way to alleviate the problem of the the laser tracks, impart high crack tortuosity. This, in turn, can
anisotropy in ductility in as-SLM Ti64 is by imparting an equiaxed improve KIc in a substantial manner [1]. In SLM Ti64 of the current
mesostructure. Indeed, we demonstrated in our previous study that study, the mesostructure consists of the prior b grains formed along
ef of SLM Ti64 produced with f ¼ 67, which has an equiaxed prior b the laser tracks and could influence KIc. These grain boundaries are
grain structure, is substantially higher than that produced with decorated with the a phase, due to relatively slower cooling at the
f ¼ 90 [5]. Heat treatment, it appears, eliminates such an influence center of the laser track. It is thought that such a mesostructure can
of the prior b mesostructure on ef, with all the different samples of have an adverse effect, especially when aligned along the crack
the present study exhibiting 12%e16% ef, which are comparable to growth direction since it may offer low resistance to crack growth
those of the wrought Ti64. Here, it is important to keep in mind that [48]. In the present study, we evaluated the fracture toughness of
multiple thermo-mechanical processing steps are often required heat-treated SLM Ti64 with prior b mesostructure that ranges from
for achieving such ductility in wrought Ti64 manufactured using highly columnar to near equiaxed structures. In the case of the alloy
the conventional manufacturing methods [21,32]. with the columnar structure (3090), Kq was found to be 27% lower
The post-SLM annealing of Ti64 not only allows for the trans- in the S orientation, i.e., the configuration in which mode I crack
formation of a’ into a/b [9,11,18,42e44], but also for the coarsening growth occurs parallel to the columnar prior b grains, as compared
of a laths. However, heating close to T and for a long period can to B orientation where the growing crack has to cut-through the
increase the colony size and eliminate the basket weave structure, columns. This is apparent from the fractographs of 3090, wherein
leading to a significant reduction in sy [25]. Thus, a trade-off be- the fracture surface of 3090 tested in B orientation (Fig. 12a) is
tween the basket weave and coarse colony microstructures needs considerably more corrugated as compared to that tested in S di-
to be considered for obtaining an alloy with high strength and rection (Fig. 12b). (In contrast, the near equiaxed prior b meso-
ductility combinations [44]. The duplex heat-treatment process structure in 6067 alloy results in similar Kq in both B and S
that was employed in the present study results in a microstructure directions.). Thus, it appears that the crack tortuosity, aided by the
with coarse a laths in a basket weave configuration; this results in mesoscopic columnar structure, does indeed affect the fracture
an alloy with sy above 850 MPa and ef up to 16.6%. Here, it is toughness of SLM Ti64 after heat treatment. In contrast, the prior b
interesting to note these properties are above the 10% ef and sy 795 structure did not have a substantial effect on KIc of the as built SLM
and 825 MPa, prescribed by ASTM for the surgical implants and samples. A comparison of the fractographs obtained from the
aerospace applications respectively [45,46]. fracture toughness tested sample of 3090 in B orientation, before
Along with the lath thickness and the colony size, texture could (Fig. 12c) and after heat treatment (Fig. 12a), shows the latter to be
also play an important role in determining ef of Ti alloys. During more tortuous, possibly because of a stronger metallurgical
annealing, a’ transforms into a with the b phase present at the lath bonding between the layers and lath coarsening due to heat-
boundaries. During this transformation process, bigger and treatment.
56 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

Fig. 12. Representative low magnification fractographs of samples (a) B3090 and (b) S3090, both after the heat-treatment, and (c) B3090 before the heat-treatment.

4.2. Fatigue crack growth the plastic zone size is comparable to the microstructural feature
size [51,52]. If the material under investigation is assumed to be
Data displayed in Table 1 shows that annealing leads to a nar- elastic-perfectly plastic, which is the case for Ti64 as it does not
rower m range and the mitigation of anisotropy that was significant exhibit significant levels of work hardening, the maximum and
in the as-fabricated SLM Ti64, which was attributed to the presence cyclic plastic zone sizes (rmax and rc respectively) near the threshold
of the a phase along these prior b grain boundaries [5]. It is well under plane strain conditions and within the continuum mechanics
known that the grain boundary a phase provides an easy path for  2  2
framework, are given by: rmax ¼ 31p ð1RÞ DK0 and rc ¼ 31p D2sKy0 .
crack growth due to the strain localization within it, especially sy
when the interior of the grain contains a0 phase, which is much Values of rmax and rc, estimated using these relations, for each
harder [5,13,49,50]. However, after the heat-treatment, the matrix specimen are listed in Table 1; from it we note that they range
also transforms into an a/b microstructure. Thus plastic strain between 8.3 to 11.9 mm and 1.6e2.4 mm respectively. These length
localization, which would facilitate faster crack growth under cyclic scales are in the same order of magnitude as the average colony size
loading conditions, is minimized. Since the heat-treatment elimi-
(26 ± 10 mm) and la, is also listed in Table 1, within the micro-
nates the grain boundary a, it, in effect, removes the role of mes-
structures of the alloys. It is interesting to note that in most cases rc
ostructure on the FCG behavior. Indeed, similar m in both S and B
orientations of heat-treated samples confirm that the prior b is approximately two times la . This observation clearly indicates
mesostructure no longer exerts a significant effect on steady state that it is the lath size that controls the near-threshold FCG behavior.
All the heat-treated samples exhibit similar DK0, which ranges
FCG characteristics of SLM Ti64 after being subjected to HT2. pffiffiffiffiffi
In the case of 3090 tested in B orientation, m increases from ~2.5 between 7.1 and 8.4 MPa m. Since DK0 tends to be highly sensitive
to 3.9, indicating a substantial reduction in the FCG resistance upon to the microstructural features, such a close range of experimental
heat treatment. Note that this reduction occurs while both ductility DK0 values indicates that the interaction between the fatigue cracks
and fracture toughness increase substantially as compared to the and the microstructures near the threshold of the heat-treated Ti64
respective properties in the as-SLM state. In contrast, a substantial with a/b lamellar structure examined in this study is similar. Hence,
improvement in the near-threshold FCG resistance, as measured by such crack-microstructure interactions are illustrated using the
DK0, upon heat treatment was noted. These contrasting behaviors following micrographs [51,53]. Near the threshold, crack deflection
are exemplified by the da/dN vs. DK plots, displayed in Fig. 12d, of along the lath boundaries and through the b phase and along the
3090 sample in B orientation before and after heat treatment. This boundary of the a laths is favored, as illustrated in Fig. 13a. Such
figure shows that a crossover between the crack growth data occurs deflections reduce the mode I crack driving force significantly,
pffiffiffiffiffi leading to the arrest of the crack completely. At a higher DK
at DK  12 MPa m, which reflects the effect of heat treatment on pffiffiffiffiffi
(~12 MPa m), crack deflection can also take place along colony
DK0 and m. Such a transition in the mechanism of FCG occurs when
boundaries, as seen in Fig. 13b; this is because of the basket weave
P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59 57

Fig. 13. Interactions of the fatigue cracks with the microstructures, illustrating (a) crack deflection along the lath boundaries near the threshold stress intensity factor range, (b)
crack deflection by the colonies of the laths at higher DK, and (c), trans-colony crack propagation in the Paris regime.

microstructure in the heat treated SLM Ti64, wherein some groups order of the non-destructive testing technique's resolution, located
of laths are oriented similarly and hence can be considered as a at critical spot of the component body. The designed levels of far
colony (see Fig. 7b). Recall that the size of these colonies are of the field stresses are such that the condition DK is always less than DK0.
same order of the rmax; thus, when DK is higher than DK0 (say about Thus, the DK0 achieved in this study can be utilized the design fa-
10e12 MPa m), crack deflections along the colony boundaries tigue resistant SLM components.
occurs because of the orientation differences in the laths across
colonies [51,54]. Well into the Paris regime, where DK is sufficiently 5. Summary and conclusions
large, the size of the cyclic plastic zone is on the order of tens of
microns or larger and hence exceeds the colony size. Consequently, The possibility of enhancing the fracture toughness and fatigue
cracks cut across the colonies (Fig. 13c) and their growth rate be- crack growth resistance of SLM Ti64, without a significant com-
comes insensitive to the microstructural features. pramize on the tensile strength, via annealing heat-treatments was
The above results illustrate that SLM Ti64 with a basket weave a/ examined. Towards this end, microstructures obtained after four
b microstructure containing optimum a lath thickness and colony different heat treatment schedules were characterized in detail. On
size can impart significantly higher fatigue resistance to the SLM this basis, a schedule, wherein the maximum annealing tempera-
Ti64, especially in terms of DK0. Although the cracks can grow at a ture is below Tb transus temperature, that contains two step cooling
much faster rate in the Paris regime, due to an increased m, the is utilized to examine the mechanical properties of SLM Ti64
substantial enhancements observed in the fracture toughness upon manufactured with four different combinations of SLM parameters.
heat treatment can offset those, i.e., the overall number of cycles to On the basis of these studies, the following conclusions can be
failure, Nf, made using the fracture mechanics approach (wherein drawn. Annealing the SLM Ti64 at temperatures above Tb, erases the
an initial crack length is assumed and then Nf is estimated on the mesoscopic prior b grain structure, which uniquely depends on the
basis of the Paris law and KIc) may not get altered. In such a sce- SLM process parameter combinations employed, and a coarse
nario, the marked increase in DK0 offers the following specific microstructure. On the other hand, a two-step heat treatment
advantage in the context of SLM alloys. Since SLM is a powder schedule with Ta<Tb results in an a/b basket weave microstructure
metallurgy process, porosity is an inevitability. Pores, especially with coarser a laths and preservation of the prior b mesostructure.
those at or close to the surface, can reduce the fatigue lives pre- Such a post-SLM heat-treatment mitigates the anisotropy in
cipitously. Indeed, a major drawback, which is yet to be overcome, properties, enhances the ductility, fracture toughness, and fatigue
of SLM alloys manufactured using powder bed fusion technologies crack growth resistance, while reducing the yield and ultimate
is their low fatigue resistance. Consequently, a major issue for tensile strengths by ~20%, of the SLM Ti64 as compared to respec-
research conducted in the AM industry is methods to overcome tive properties of the alloy in the as-SLM condition. Importantly,
this, and, in the process, make the certification of the components these properties were significantly better than those of the
possible. Since the elimination of porosity completely may not be wrought Ti64 with similar grain sizes. Furthermore, the tensile
possible –unless secondary processing steps such as HIPing or behavior and the steady state FCG behavior of the heat-treated
thermo-mechanical processing are performed, damage tolerant samples were found to be independent of the prior b meso-
design based on fracture mechanics are one way to circumvent the structure whereas the fracture toughness is dependent. These are
problem. In this approach, critical components are designed for safe opposite to those observed on the as-built Ti64; a transition in the
stress levels assuming the existence of a defect, whose size is of the crack growth mechanism, from inter-to trans-granular, due the
58 P. Kumar, U. Ramamurty / Acta Materialia 169 (2019) 45e59

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