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Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is always interesting to tell, it every corner of the region
has many romantic sides that never fail to invite us to always remember it. It has five
regencies, which are Kotamadya Yogyakarta, Bantul, Sleman, Kulonprogo, Gunungkidul.
Gunungkidul is my birthplace, which always has a special side to me and to tourists who visit
amazing natural attractions. The two regencies are equally special but there are some
differences between Kotamadya Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul.

Kotamadya Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul have some similarities. In terms of social and
cultural aspects, the two cities still have many similarities where the character of the people
who are gentle, friendly and polite and with the language that is Bahasa Jawa. The two
regencies are one of the few regencies in Indonesia that are favorite for tourists to spend their
time on holidays or weekdays, because Kotamadya Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul both offer
attractive tourist destinations.

Depsite their similarities, Kotamadya Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul are different. Kotamadya
Yogyakarta is located in the lowlands and is the center of the city where every corner of the
city is always full of people who are spending time enjoying a cup of coffee and relaxing just
to enjoy the hustle of KotamadyaYogyakarta, a little different from Gunungkidul which is
located in the highlands where not every corner of the region is full of the crowd and more
quiet than Kotamadya Yogyakarta. It offers more cultural tourism objects such as the Palace,
Tamansari and which is a favorite destination for tourists, Malioboro. Whereas in
Gunungkidul offers natural attractions such as Indrayanti Beach, Sepanjang Beach there are
also attractions such as Pindul Cave and no less interesting is Sri Gethuk Waterfall.
Kotamadya Yogyakarta is known for its distinctive food which is Gudeg Jogja with its sweet
and spicy taste which is very phenomenal and has become one of the mandatory culinary
destinations for tourists who go to this region, just as Gunungkidul also has special foods that
are no less unique namely Thiwul and Gatot made from the basic ingredients of cassava. Of
course that way both cities have the same interesting food to enjoy.

Although Kotamadya Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul are located in the same province, they
have very clear differences. Kotamadya Yogyakarta is the center of civilization in the
province while Gunungkidul looks more quiet, Kotamadya Yogyakarta offers cultural
tourism destinations while Gunungkidul is more natural, Kotamadya Yogyakarta is known
for its Gudeg and Gunungkidul’s specialties are Thiwul and Gatot. The two regencies are
indeed different but for me both are special regencies.

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