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Nama : Nadia Salsabila

NPM : 1606907934

1. The Long Commute. The Adams family of four lives east of Los Angeles in a middle-class
community. Tom Adams’ commute to work is 45 miles each way to downtown L.A. and he
is not in a car or van pool. He has been thinking about changing to a job closer to his home
but has been working for over a year on a project that, if successfully completed, could lead
to a major promotion. Unfortunately, there is a major defect in the product which has yet to
be located and corrected. Tom must solve the problem in the very near future because the
delivery date promised to potential customers is a month away. Tom’s financial security is
heavily dependent on this promotion because of rising costs at home. Both children need
braces for their teeth, he is in need of a new car (it broke down twice on the freeway this past
fall), the house is in need of painting, and there is a water leak in the basement that he has not
been able to repair. Sarah, Tom’s wife, a mechanical engineer, has been considering getting a
part-time job, but there are no engineering jobs available in the community. Full-time
positions are available in Northern L.A., but this would pose major problems with respect to
chauffeuring and managing the children. There are a couple of day-care centers in the
community, but rumor has it they are very substandard. In addition, last year, their son, Alex
was accepted as a new student by the premier piano teacher in the area and there is no public
transportation from their home to his studio. Melissa is very sad at the thought of giving up
her YMCA swimming team and her girl scout troop, which both meet after school.
Carry out a K.T. Situation Analysis on the Adams family’s predicaments.

Problems Sub Problems Timing Trend Impact Solutions
Pindah ke tempat
Perbaikan Biaya yang harus
H H H kerja yang lebih
Mobil dikeluarkan
Kemungkinan adanya
Bekerja dengan
Proyek rekan kerja untuk
penyelesaian proyek H H H
Kerja mengidentifikasi
karena cacat pada
Kawat gigi Menunggu hingga
Biaya yang harus
untuk L M M Tom mendapatkan
anak-anak pendapatan lebih
Perbaikan Biaya yang harus
M M H Menjual rumah
Rumah dikeluarkan
Pekerjaan Lokasi dan Mencoba pekerjaan
full-time meninggalkan M M M part-time
Sarah anak-anak di komunitas
Pindah ke lokasi
yang lebih mudah
Piano Lokasi/Transportasi M M L
transportasi umum
renang dan Pindah ke club
pasukan Perasaan sedih L L L renang dan pasukan
pramuka pramuka yang lain

Decision Analysis
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan jika Sarah mendapatkan pekerjaan maka akan
membantu Tom dalam menghasilkan pendapatan untuk membeli atau melakukan perbaikan
mobil dan kebutuhan rumah tangga lainnya.

2. Off-Color Tooth Paste. After CrestTM tooth paste had been on the market for some time,
Procter & Gamble, its manufacturer, decided to offer a mint-flavored version in addition to
the original, wintergreen-flavored product. In the course of developing the new mint-flavored
product, a test batch of mint product was produced by the same pilot unit used to produce
wintergreen-flavored product. The pilot equipment used a tank and impeller device to mix
the mint flavor essence with the rest of the ingredients to form the finished product (which is
a very viscous solution). Some of the pilot plant product was packed into the familiar

collapsible tubes for further testing. Tubes used in testing the mint flavor were identical to
those used for the wintergreen-flavored product. In the packing operation, toothpaste is
pumped through lines into the as-yet unsealed ends of brand new tubes. After filling, the
open tube ends are heat-sealed. The packing operation is illustrated in the figure.

To assess storage ability, some of the filled tubes were randomly separated into several
groups and each group was stored in a constant temperature room. Storage temperatures
varied from 40oF to 120oF. Early sampling of the stored product showed nothing unusual.
However, several months into the test, a technician preparing to test the product from one of
the stored tubes noted that the first ¼’’ of paste squeezed onto a toothbrush was off-color.
The rest of the product in the tube met the color specification. Nothing like this had ever been
seen with the original formula. Further testing showed that one had to squeeze more product
out of those tubes that had been stored at higher temperatures and/or stored for longer times
before a product that met color specs would exit the mouth of the tooth paste tube. Tubes
stored for a period of time at 40oF contained no off-color product while tubes stored for the
same length of time at higher temperatures produced off-color paste.
The only exception to these results was a single tube, stored above 40oF. A leakage of off-
color product was found around the base of the cap on this tube, but the product inside the
tube met color specs. While other tests showed the off-color product to be safe and effective
in cleaning teeth, consumers clearly would not accept a color change in a product expected to
have the same color from the first squeeze to the last. Moreover, such a change could have
been early warning of more serious problems to come. This phenomenon had to be
understood and eliminated before the new flavor could be marketed.
Accordingly, various possible remedies were tasted: caps and tubes made of different
materials, different mixing methods, etc. None of these had any effect on the off-color
problem. All raw materials, including the new mint flavor essence, were checked and found
to meet specs. A subsequent batch of the wintergreen product was made and tested for
storage stability, and as usual, no off-color problems occurred.
Carry out a K.T. Problem Analysis to learn the cause of the off-color tooth paste.

is is not distinction
warna kemasan bahan kimia dari pasta
what warna pasta pudar
pudar dan kemasan
beberapa bulan
langsung setelah
setelah disimpan lama waktu disimpan
when disimpan di tempat
di tempat di tempat penyimpanan
sesaat setelah setelah tabung letak pasta gigi yang
tabung pasta gigi pasta gigi di tekan tersimpan di dalam
di tekan beberapa lama tabung
di ruang
di ruang
penyimpanan suhu udara
bersuhu lebih dari penyimpanan dan
where bersuhu lebih dari
40oF di ujung letak pasta gigi
40oF di seluruh
bagian tutup didalam packing-nya
bagian tabung
bahan kimia dari
varian rasa
extent varian rasa mint penyusun (pemberi

Berdasarkan hasil analisis masalah dengan metode K.T. maka didapatkan informasi seperti
dibawah ini:
 Bahan kimia dari pasta yang mengalami gangguan atau masalah
 Masalah ini muncul setelah dibiarkan dalam jeda waktu yang lama
 Pasta yang bermasalah berada di bagian atas di dekat tutup
 Pasta yang bermasalah adalah pasta yang disimpan diatas suhu ruang 40oF
 Bahan kimia yang bermasalah adalah khusus varian rasa mint

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masalah yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah
dikarenakan adanya kebocoran yang terjadi pada bagian tutup dari awal sebelum pengisian
pasta ke dalam tabung yang disebabkan masalah kecacatan produksi sehingga
memungkinkan adanya udara yang masuk ke sela-sela tabung yang bereaksi dengan pasta
yang dipercepat apabila suhu udara lebih dari 40oF dan jika produk disimpan dalam jangka
waktu yang lebih lama.

3. Toxic Water. Sparkling mineral water is the primary product of Bubbles, Inc., based in
France, which serves three major markets in Europe, North America, and Australia. The
water is collected from a natural spring and filtered through a parallel array of three filter
units, each containing two charcoal filters. The filtration process is needed to remove trace
amounts of naturally occurring contaminants. The filtered water is stored in separate tank
farms, one for each market, until it is transported by tanker truck to one of the three bottling
plants that serve the company’s markets.
When the water arrives at the bottling plant, it is temporarily placed in 3500 m3 storage tanks
until it can be carbonated to provide the effervescence that is the trademark of the producer.
Some of the water is also flavored with lemon, cherry, or raspberry additives. The sparkling
water is packaged in a variety of bottle sizes and materials from 10 oz. glass bottles to 1 liter
plastic bottles. The European market receives its shipments directly by truck, usually within
three days. Product bound for North America or Australia is shipped first by truck to the
waterfront and then by freighters to their overseas destinations.
Business has been good for the last several months, with the North American and European
markets demanding as much sparkling water as can be produced. This situation has required
additional plastic bottle suppliers to keep up with the increased demand. It has also forced
regularly scheduled maintenance for the Australian and North American markets to be
delayed and rescheduled because of the high demand for the product. There is also, of course,
a larger demand placed on the spring that supplies the mineral water for the process.
Unfortunately, all news is not good for Bubbles, Inc. The bottling plant for the Australian
market is currently several weeks behind schedule due to a shipment lost at sea. This
catastrophe has required that water from the company’s reserve springs, which are located
many miles from the bottling plant, be used to augment the water supplied by the regular
spring so that the bottling plant can operate at an even higher level of production. The

availability of water from the reserve spring is hindered by their remoteness, but the water
from these springs does not require filtration. In addition, contract negotiations are going
badly and it appears there will be a strike at all of the bottling plants. Recent weather
forecasts indicate that relief from the drought that has already lasted three months is not
Worst of all, the North American and Australian markets are complaining that all shipments
of the sparkling water in the last six weeks have contained benzene in unacceptably high
concentrations. You know that benzene is often used as an industrial solvent but is also found
naturally. A quick survey of the bottling plant managers shows that the North American-
bound products currently packaged and awaiting shipment have benzene concentrations in
excess of acceptable concentrations. However, the managers of the bottling plants that
service the Australian and European markets report that no significant level of benzene was
detected in the bottles currently stored. The North American and Australian markets have
already begun recalling the product, with the European market pressuring for a quick solution
and threatening to recall products as a precautionary measure.
Carry out a K.T problem analysis to learn the cause of the problem.

is is not distinction
Air tidak
Air terkontaminasi
what terkontaminasi Kontaminan air
dengan benzena
Permintaan produk
Tingginya Skala permintaan
when dalam skala
permintaan produk produk

where Mata air cadangan Mata air utama Sumber mata air

Di perjalanan Transportasi
Di perjalanan truk
kapal pengangkut pengangkut produk

Pasar Amerika
extent Pasar Eropa Jalur pengiriman
Utaradan Australia

Berdasarkan hasil analisis masalah dengan metode K.T. maka didapatkan informasi seperti
dibawah ini:
 Kontaminan air yang mengalami gangguan atau masalah
 Masalah ini muncul setelah terjadinya peningkatan permintaan produk yang sangat tinggi
 Produk yang bermasalah adalah produk dengan sumber mata air cadangan
 Produk yang bermasalah adalah produk yang melakukan perjalanan melalui kapal
 Produk yang bermasalah pada pasar Amerika Utaradan Australia

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masalah yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah
dikarenakan tingginya permintaan produk yang menyebabkan terhambatnya pengiriman
produk sehingga harus menggunakan sumber mata air cadangan yang tidak dilakukannya
proses filtrasi sehingga memungkinkan adanya kelebihan kandungan benzena pada air.

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