Car 145 01-1

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The organization engaged in the maintenance of A/C And its component is approved as per
1. Rule 133B of the A/C rules 1937
2. As in 1 and section 10 of the A/C Ac, 1934
3.Rule 133A of the A/C Rules 1937
4. As in 3 and section 12 of the A/C Act,1934

Q2. The requirement for the approval of maintenance organization are stipulated in
1. CAR section 2 series E
2. CAR 145
3. Both 1&2 are correct
4. As in 3 and CAR 147

Q3. The minimum age for certifying staff and support staff is ______ respectively
1. 24 Yrs. 21 Yrs.
2. 21 Yrs, 18 Yrs.
3. 21 Yrs, 21 Yrs.

Q4. Components which are in a satisfactory condition are released on

1. CA form 1
2. CA form 2
3.CA form 3

Q5. Components which are in a satisfactory condition are marked in accordance with
1. CAR 21 sub part S
2.CAR 21 sub part Q
3.CAR 27 sub part T

Q7. CAR 145 requirements are applicable for AMO maintaining
1. Light A/ C
2. Complex aircraft
3. As in 2 + A/ C engaged in general aviation
4. Large A/C and A/ C engaged in commercial operation

Q8. CAR 145 issued under the provision of

1. Rule 133 B of A/C rule 1937
2. Rule 29 C of the A/C rule 1937
3. Rule 133A of the A/ C rule 1937
4. Both 2&3

Q9. Large A/C means

1. Aeroplane with maximum take off mass of more than 5700 Kg
2. As in 1 + multi engined helicopter
3. As in 2+ Aeroplane with maximum take off mass 5700 Kg
4. 1 is correct

Q10. CA form 2 is used as an application for

1. Issue of an approval
2. variation of approval
3. Renewal of approval
4. All are correct

Q11. Scope of approval in case of CAR 145 approved AMO is reflected in

1. Maintenance manual
2. Quality control manual
3. Exposition
4. All Are correct

Q12. For A/C component maintenance, there should be

1. Hanger
2. Suitable workshop
3. Both 1&2 are correct
4. Only 1 is correct
Q13. Specific environmental condition are identified in
1. Maintenance data
2. Standard work procedure
3. Inspection card
4. All

Q14. Storage condition for components must be in accordance with the instruction issued by
2. Manufacture
3. Both 1&2
4. Only 1 is correct

Q15. Who is responsible for establishing and promoting the safety and Quality policy in CAR 145 AMO
1. Accountable manager
2. Quality control manager
3.Workshop manager
4. ALL are correct

Q16. The credential of nominated person are forwarded to DGCA in

1. CA form 2
2. CA form3
3.CA form 4
4. CA form 6

Q17. Who is responsible to ensure that al maintenance work is carried out to standard required by CAR 145
1. Accountable manager
2. Quality control manager
3.Workshop manager
4. ALL are correct

Q18. The person responsible for monitoring the quality system is appointed by
1. RAO
2. Local RAO
4. Accountable manager

Q19. Maintenance instruction means the instruction related to

1. To carry out the particular maintenance task
2. To carry out the engineering design of repairs
3. Both 1&2
4. as in 3 and to carry out the modification

Q20. Human performance means

1. Human capabilities
2. Human limitation
3. As in 1&2 and it have an impact on the safety
4. As in 3+ it also includes efficiency

Q21. Personal who carry out NDT of A/ C structure are qualified in accordance with
1. DGCA specified standard
2. As in 1 & standard recognized by DGCA
3. JAR 145 standard
4. All are correct

Q22. For line maintenance work, certifying staff must be qualified in accordance with
1. DGCA licensing requirements
2. As in 1 + 145.A.35
3. JAR 145 requirements
4 All are correct

Q23. For minor scheduled line maintenance organization may use

1. CAT-A holder in appropriate category
2. As in 1 + have undergone approved type trainin
3. As in 2 + meet the requirements of 145.A.35
4. As in 2 + can also do simple defect rectification

Q24. The qualification for support staff employed in base maintenance of large A/C
1. Approved person as per rule 61
2. As in 1+ approval is issued by DGCA
3. As in 2+ it meet the requirements of 145.A.35
4. As in 3 or type rated license holder

Q25. Component certifying staff shall comply with

1. Car 145 requirements
2. Ruke 61
3. As in 2+ CAR section 2 series L part X

Q26. Certifying staff in organization facilities located out sideIndia may be qualified
1. In accordance with the national aviation regulation of the state in which the facility is registered
2. As in 1 and condition specified in CAR 145 appendix IV
3. In accordance with EASA requirements
4. Only rated licensed personal license issued by DGCA

Q27. When an A/ C is grounded at a location other than the main base and the maintenance is done by appropriate ICAO
AME license, then such cases should be reported to DGCA with in
1. 24hrs.
2. 07 days
4. 30days

Q28. “One off certification authorization” ( OOCA) is applicable when maintenance is done
1. At main base and it is for particular task
2. Away from a supported location
3. At a Location other than the main base where on A/C is grounded

Q29. “ Limited certification authorization” is normally given to

1. A person holding a appropriate valid ICAO AME license
2. A/C commander
3. As in 2 and/or flight engineer
4. All are correct

Q30. “support staff” means

1. DGCA licensed engineer
2. Approval holder
3. As in 1or 2 and issued in accordance with rule 61
4. As in 3 and they enjoy certification privilege

Q31. Certification authorization is issued by

1. RAO
2. Local RAO
4. Organization

Q32. Certification release to service can be signed by

1. QCM
2. As in 1 certifying staff
3. Certifying staff having certification authorization
4. All are correct

Q33. Support staff should involve himself in at least _____ of A/C maintenance experience on any ____
1. 3months, one year
2.6 months, consecutive two years
3. 12months, two years
4. 6 month, one year

Q34. Who is responsible to arrange continuation training for certifying staff and support staff
1. QCM
2. Accountable manager
4. Organization

Q35. The purpose of arranging continuation training for certifying staff and support staff is to have up to date knowledge of
1. Releveant technology
2. organization procedure
3. Both 1&2 are correct
4. As in 3 + human factor issue

Q36. continuation training is to be arranged once in a…………

1. Year
2. Two year
3. Six months

Q37. Authorized person as per CAR 145 means

1. AME license person authorized for specific task
2. BAMEL holder authorize for a specific task by QCM
3. BAMEL holder authorize for a specific task by RAO
4. Officials of DGCA, who has responsibility for the oversight of the maintenance A/C

Q38. Certification authorization to certifying staff is issued by

1. The person responsible for the Quality system
2. Accountable manager
3. Organisation
4. RAO on recommendation of QCM

Q39. The record of certifying staff and support staff shall be retained for
1. One year
2.two year
3. Five year
4.ten year

Q40. Certifying staff shall produce their certification authorization to any authorized person with in
1. 24hrs.
2. 48Hrs.
3. 7 days
4. 15days

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