Comparison of Adjectives Vežbe

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A Choose the correct words.

1 Katia’s dad is _________ than Sophie’s dad.

a taller b more tall
2 Jim is _________ than Ken.
a talkativer b more talkative
3 Is Janet _________ than Ralph?
a older b more old
4 Bronwen’s dog is _________ than Dai’s dog.
a friendlier b more friendly
5 Josef is _________ at sport than Petra.
a more good b better
6 Are you _________ than your friend?
a hard-workinger b more hard-working
7 Joe’s bike is _________ than Fred’s bike.
a faster b more faster

Write sentences using comparative adjectives.

1 A computer / expensive / mobile phone___________________________________________

2 Anita / short / Sara___________________________________________________________

3 Russia / big / Britain__________________________________________________________

4 Japanese / difficult / German___________________________________________________

5 English / easy/ Chinese_______________________________________________________

6 My shoes/dirty/yours__________________________________________________________

7 Ema/slim/Maria_____________________________________________________________

8 Maths/interesting/Geography_____________________________________________________

9 I/bad at English/John___________________________________________________________

10 She/good at Serbian/Ana_______________________________________________________
B Choose the correct words.
1 Is your dog bigger / the biggest than my dog?
2 Mosquitos are the more dangerous /
the most dangerous insects.
3 Are snails slower / the slowest than tortoises?
4 What is faster / the fastest animal in the
5 Elephants are stronger / the strongest than
6 What is the more intelligent / most
intelligent animal?

C Write complete sentences using the superlative

1 Mum / generous person / I know Mum is the most generous person I know.a____________
2 Dad / tall person / in our family_________________________________________________
3 Ivan’s hair / long / in our class__________________________________________________
4 My cousin / friendly person / in our family_________________________________________
5 Laila / talkative friend / I have___________________________________________________
6 Toni’s room / messy / in the house_______________________________________________
7 History /boring subject/at school_________________________________________________
8 Chinese/difficult language in the world_____________________________________________

D Write comparatives

Example: Manchester is big, but London is bigger.

1 Mum was angry, but Dad was___________________

2 This book is interesting, but that book is ___________________

3 It's wet today, but yesterday was_______________________

4 This film is bad, but the other one is_______________________

5 John's picture is good, but Jack's is ________________________

6 My mum is short, but my aunt is_________________________

7 I was late this morning, but you were_______________________

E Write comparatives

The River Nile is longer than the River Thames. (long)

My sister is_____________________ me. (old)

Cars are___________________ bicycles. (fast)

Maths is ___________________ English. (bad)

I think pasta is ___________________rice. (nice)

Egypt is_ ______________________ Scotland. (hot)

The cinema is___________________________ the swimming pool.(expensive)

I am _______________________you are. (happy)

F Reorder the words to make sentences

biggest / in / Russia / is / the / world. / country / the

Russia is the biggest country in the world.

1 youngest / am/ in / the / I/ my / person /family.


2 best / in / Sam / the / is / the / singer / class.


3 the / day /The / my / most / exciting / birthday is / year. / in


4 is / school. / the / teacher / Mr Harris / in / the /nicest


5 is / show / on / The Simpsons / the / funniest /TV


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