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COMMERCIAL LAW – SPECIAL LAWS any manner any of its properties except in

the ordinary course of business; and

(4) prohibit the debtor from making any
Financial Rehabilitation and payment of its liabilities outstanding as of
Insolvency Act (FRIA) of 2010 the commencement date except as may be
1. WHO MAY PETITION? provided herein.

(1) Voluntary Proceedings

1. Voluntary proceedings Initiated by the 3. WHAT ARE NOT COVERED BY THE
debtor when approved by: a. Sole STAY ORDER?
proprietorship – owner; b. Partnership – Section 18. Exceptions to the Stay or
majority of the partners; c. Corporation – a Suspension Order. - The Stay or
majority vote of the board of directors or Suspension Order shall not apply:
trustees and authorized by the vote of the
stockholders representing at least twothirds (a) to cases already pending appeal in the
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock; or d. Supreme Court as of commencement
Nonstock corporation – by the vote of at date Provided, That any final and executory
least two-thirds (2/3) of the members, in a judgment arising from such appeal shall be
stockholder's or member's meeting duly referred to the court for appropriate action;
called for the purpose (FRIA, Sec. 12). (b) subject to the discretion of the court, to
2. Involuntary proceedings Any creditor or cases pending or filed at a specialized court
group of creditors with a claim of, or the or quasi-judicial agency which, upon
aggregate of whose claims is, at least One determination by the court is capable of
million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) or at least resolving the claim more quickly, fairly and
twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed efficiently than the court: Provided, That any
capital stock or partners' contributions, final and executory judgment of such court
whichever is higher (FRIA, Sec. 13). or agency shall be referred to the court and
shall be treated as a non-disputed claim;
(c) to the enforcement of claims against
2. STAY ORDER sureties and other persons solidarily liable
Rehabilitation proceedings shall commence with the debtor, and third party or
upon the issuance of the Commencement accommodation mortgagors as well as
Order which shall include a Stay or issuers of letters of credit, unless the
Suspension Order which shall: property subject of the third party or
accommodation mortgage is necessary for
(1) suspend all actions or proceedings, in the rehabilitation of the debtor as
court or otherwise, for the enforcement of determined by the court upon
claims against the debtor; recommendation by the rehabilitation
(2) suspend all actions to enforce any
judgment, attachment or other provisional (d) to any form of action of customers or
remedies against the debtor; clients of a securities market participant to
recover or otherwise claim moneys and
(3) prohibit the debtor from selling,
securities entrusted to the latter in the
encumbering, transferring or disposing in
ordinary course of the latter's business as
well as any action of such securities market of operation is economically feasible and its
participant or the appropriate regulatory creditors can recover by way of the present
agency or self-regulatory organization to value of payments projected in the plan,
pay or settle such claims or liabilities; more if the debtor continues as a going
concern than if it is immediately liquidated
(e) to the actions of a licensed broker or
[FRIA, Sec. 4 (gg)]
dealer to sell pledged securities of a debtor
pursuant to a securities pledge or margin
agreement for the settlement of securities
transactions in accordance with the
provisions of the Securities Regulation The cram-down refers to the power of the
Code and its implementing rules and rehabilitation court to approve and
regulations; implement a rehabilitation plan
notwithstanding the objection of the majority
(f) the clearing and settlement of financial
of creditors. (Bank of the Philippine Islands
transactions through the facilities of a
vs. Sarabia Manor Hotel Corporation, G.R.
clearing agency or similar entities duly
No. 175844, 29 July 2013)
authorized, registered and/or recognized by
the appropriate regulatory agency like the A restructuring/workout agreement or
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the Rehabilitation Plan that is approved
SEC as well as any form of actions of such pursuant to an informal workout framework
agencies or entities to reimburse (out of court or informal restructuring
themselves for any transactions settled for agreements) shall have the same legal
the debtor; and effect as confirmation of a Plan under
Section 69 of FRIA. The notice of the
(g) any criminal action against individual
Rehabilitation Plan or restructuring
debtor or owner, partner, director or officer
agreement or Plan shall be published once
of a debtor shall not be affected by any
a week for at least three (3) consecutive
proceeding commend under this Act.
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
in the Philippines. The Rehabilitation Plan or
restructuring agreement shall take effect
upon the lapse of fifteen (15) days from the
It refers to a plan by which the financial well- date of the last publication of the notice
being and viability of an insolvent debtor thereof (FRIA, Sec. 86).
can be restored using various means
including, but not limited to, debt
forgiveness, debt rescheduling, 6. OUTSIDE OF COURT
reorganization or quasi-reorganization, REHABILITATION
dacion en pago, debtequity conversion and
sale of the business (or parts of it) as a
going concern, or setting-up of new
business entity as prescribed in Section 62
hereof, or other similar arrangements as
may be approved by the court or creditors
[FRIA, Sec. 4(ii)]. NOTE: Rehabilitation
refers to the restoration of the debtor to a
condition of successful operation and
solvency, if it is shown that its continuance
SECURITIES REGULATION CODE which depends on the assets underlying
it. For investors, ABS are alternative to
1. Define Securities
investing in corporate debt. An ABS is
"Securities" are shares, participation or essentially the same thing as a
interests in a corporation or in a mortgage-backed security, except that
commercial enterprise or profit-making the securities backing it are assets such
venture and evidenced by a certificate, as loans, leases, credit card debt, a
contract, instruments, whether written or company’s receivables, royalty and so
electronic in character. It includes: on, and not mortgaged-based securities,
hence, the risk involved in ABS is
(a) Shares of stocks, bonds, greater.
debentures, notes evidences of
indebtedness, asset-backed securities; 2. Other instruments as may in the
future be determined by the SEC.
(b) Investment contracts, certificates of
interest or participation in a profit 3. Derivatives– options and warrants
sharing agreement, certifies of deposit Options– are contracts that give the
for a future subscription; buyer the right, but not the obligation, to
buy or sell an underlying security at a
(c) Fractional undivided interests in oil, predetermined price called the exercise
gas or other mineral rights; or strike price, on or before a
(d) Derivatives like option and warrants; predetermined date, called the expiry
(e) Certificates of assignments, date, which can only be extended in
certificates of participation, trust accordance with Exchange rules
certificates, voting trust certificates or (Sundiang Sr. & Aquino, 2014).
similar instruments 4. Equity instruments – Shares of stock,
(f) Proprietary or nonproprietary certificates of interest or participation in
membership certificates in corporations; a profit sharing agreement, certificates
and of deposit for a future subscription,
proprietary or non-proprietary
(g) Other instruments as may in the membership certificates in corporations.
future be determined by the
Commission. 5. Trust instruments – Certificates of
assignments, certificates of
participation, trust certificates, voting
2. KINDS OF SECURITIES trust certificates or similar instruments
[SRC, Sec. 3.1 (e)].
1. Debt instruments – bonds,
debentures, notes, evidence of 3. DEFINE INSIDER TRADING
indebtedness, assetbacked securities. A purchase or sale made by an insider,
Asset-backed securities (ABS) - These or such insider’s spouse or his relative
are financial securities the value of by affinity or consanguinity within the
second degree, legitimate or common- 3. A person whose relationship or
law, shall be presumed to be effected former relationship to the issuer gives or
while in possession of material non- gave him access to material information
public information if transacted after about the issuer or the security that is
such information came into existence not generally available to the public;
but prior to the public dissemination of
4. A government employee, or director ,
such information, and lapse of
or officer of an exchange, clearing
reasonable time for the market to
agency and/or selfregulatory
absorb such information. (2015 Bar)
organization who has access to material
Dean: having access to material information about an issuer or a security
information not generally available to that is not generally available to the
public. public; or
Insider - A person who is in possession 5. Constructive Insider – A person who
of corporate material information not learns such information by a
generally available to the public. communication from any of the
foregoing insiders (SRC, Sec. 3.8).

CODAL- "Insider" means (a) the issuer;

(b) a director or officer (or any person Other prohibited acts in an insider
performing similar functions) of, or a trading
person controlling the issuer; gives or
1. For an insider to communicate
gave him access to material information
material nonpublic information about the
about the issuer or the security that is
issuer or the security to any person who
not generally available to the public; (d)
by virtue of the communication thereby
A government employee, director, or
becomes an insider, where the original
officer of an exchange, clearing agency
insider communicating the information
and/or self-regulatory organization who
knows or has reason to believe that
has access to material information about
such person will likely buy or sell a
an issuer or a security that is not
security of the issuer while in
generally available to the public; or (e) a
possession of such information (SRC,
person who learns such information by a
Sec. 27.3).
communication from any forgoing
insiders. 2. When a tender offer has commenced
or is about to commence, it is unlawful
for any person, other than the tender
Who may be an insider: offeror, who is in possession of material
non-public information relating to such
1. The issuer;
tender offer to buy or sell the securities
2. A director or officer (or person of the issuer that are sought or to be
performing similar functions) of, or a sought by such tender offer, if such
person controlling the issuer; person knows or has reason to believe
that the information is non-public and
has been acquired directly or indirectly degree, legitimate or common-law, shall
from the tender offer, or those acting on be presumed to have been effected
its behalf, the issuer of the securities while in possession of material
sought or to be sought by such tender nonpublic information if transacted after
offer, or any insider of such issuer such information came into existence
(SRC, Sec. 27.4 [a][i]). but prior to dissemination of such
information to the public and the lapse
3. When a tender offer has commenced
of a reasonable time for market to
or is about to commence, it is also
absorb such information: Provided,
unlawful for any tender offeror, or those
however, That this presumption shall be
acting on its behalf, the issuer of
rebutted upon a showing by the
securities covered by such tender offer,
purchaser or seller that he was aware of
and any insider, to communicate
the material nonpublic information at the
material nonpublic information to any
time of the purchase or sale.
person relating to the tender offer which
would likely result in violation of Section 61. Civil Liability on Account of
prohibition of the insider from trading Insider Trading. – 61.1. Any insider who
(SRC, Sec. 27.4 [a][ii]). violates Subsection 27.1 and any
person in the case of a tender offer who
violates Subsection 27.4 (a)(I), or any
DUTIES AND PENALTIES IN CASE OF rule or regulation thereunder, by
VIOLATION purchasing or selling a security while in
possession of material information not
Section 27. Insider’s Duty to Disclose generally available to the public, shall be
When Trading. – 27.1. It shall be liable in a suit brought by any investor
unlawful for an insider to sell or buy a who, contemporaneously with the
security of the issuer, while in purchase or sale of securities that is the
possession of material information with subject of the violation, purchased or
respect to the issuer or the security that sold securities of the same class unless
is not generally available to the public, such insider, or such person in the case
unless: (a) The insider proves that the of a tender offer, proves that such
information was not gained from such investor knew the information or would
relationship; or (b) If the other party have purchased or sold at the same
selling to or buying from the insider (or price regardless of disclosure of the
his agent) is identified, the insider information to him.
proves: (I) that he disclosed the
information to the other party, or (ii) that 61.2. An insider who violates Subsection
he had reason to believe that the other 27.3 or any person in the case of a
party otherwise is also in possession of tender offer who violates Subsection
the information. A purchase or sale of a 27.4 (a), or any rule or regulation
security of the issuer made by an insider thereunder, by communicating material
defined in Subsection 3.8, or such nonpublic information, shall be jointly
insider’s spouse or relatives by affinity and severally liable under Subsection
or consanguinity within the second 61.1 with, and to the same extent as,
the insider, or person in the case of a Laws, laws or rules governing the
tender offer, to whom the corporation or partnership to obtain the
communication was directed and who is relief he desires. 4. Not a Nuisance or
liable under Subsection 61.1 by reason Harassment suit. 5. Appraisal right is not
of his purchase or sale of a security. available (Rule 8 of the Interim Rules of
Procedure Governing IntraCorporate
Controversies, cited in Yu, et al., v.
4. DERIVATIVE SUIT Yukayguan, et al., G.R. No. 177549,
June 18, 2009
Neither the Corporation Code nor the
Securities Regulation Code expressly
grant the stockholder the right to
institute a derivative suit. It is impliedly
recognized when the said laws make The requirement of registration under
corporate directors or officers liable for shall not as a general rule apply to any
damages suffered by the corporation of the following classes of securities:
and its stockholders for violation of their
fiduciary duties (Yu v. Yukayguan, 607
Phil. 581, 610, 2009). 1. Any security issued or guaranteed by
the Government of the Philippines, or by
Requisites for the existence of a
any political subdivision or agency
derivative suit (C-SENA)
thereof, or by any person controlled or
1. Corporate cause of action: the cause supervised by, and acting as an
of action must devolve upon the instrumentality of said government.
corporation itself; the wrongdoing or
2. Any security issued or guaranteed by
harm having been caused to the
the government of any Country with
corporation and not to the particular
which the Philippines maintains
stockholder brining the suit (Reyes v.
diplomatic relations, or by any state,
Hon. RTC of Makati Br. 142, G.R. No.
province or political subdivision thereof
165744, August 11, 2008).
on the basis of reciprocity. Provided,
2. Stockholder: the party bringing the that the SEC may require compliance
suit must be a stockholder a. At the time with the form and content of disclosures
the acts or transactions subject of the the Commission may prescribe.
action occurred; and b. at the time the
3. Certificates issued by a Receiver or
action was filed
by a trustee in bankruptcy duly
NOTE: if the cause of action is approved by the proper adjudicatory
continuing in nature, the only requisite is body.
that the party is a stockholder at the
4. Any security or its derivatives the sale
time the action was filed (Dean Divina’s
or transfer of which, by law, is under the
Lecture, April 29, 2015).
supervision and regulation of the Office
3. Exhaustion of all intra-corporate of Insurance Commission, Housing and
remedies available under the AOI, By-
Land Use Regulatory Board, or the is paid or given directly or indirectly in
Bureau of Internal Revenue. connection with the sale of such capital
5. Any security issued by a Bank except
its own shares of stock (which serves to
promote the sale of securities issued by
NOTE: Also, this sale must not involve
heavily regulated banks).
an underwriter or financial advisor.
6. Other securities as determined by
the SEC by rule or regulation, after
public hearing (SRC, Sec. 9). 6. Bonds or notes secured by a
mortgage upon Real estate or tangible
personal property, where the entire
6. EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS mortgage together with all the bonds or
notes secured thereby are sold to a
Section 10. Exempt Transactions. –The
single purchaser at a single sale.
requirement of registration under
Subsection 8.1 shall not apply to the 7. Issue and delivery of any security in
sale of any security in any of the exchange for any other security of the
following transactions: same Issuer pursuant to the right of
conversion entitling the holder of the
(JuDe ISCaRIOT’S Ex-20-QB’s)
security surrendered in exchange to
1. Any JUdicial sale, or sale by an make such conversion.
executor, administrator, guardian,
8. Broker’s transactions executed upon
receiver or trustee in insolvency or
customer’s Orders, on any registered
Exchange or other Trading market.
2. Those sold by a pledge holder,
9. Share Subscriptions in capital stock
mortgagee, or any other similar lien
prior to incorporation or in pursuance of
holder, to liquidate a bona fide debt a
an increase in its authorized capital
security pledged in good faith as
stock under the Corporation Code when
security for such Debt.
no expense is incurred, or no
3. Those sold or offered for sale in an commission, compensation or
Isolated transaction for the owner’s remuneration is paid or given in
account and the owner not being an connection with the sale or disposition of
underwriter. such securities, and only when the
purpose for soliciting, giving or taking of
4. Distribution by the corporation of such subscriptions is to comply with the
Securities to its stock holders or other requirements of such law as to the
security holders as stock dividends or percentage of the capital stock of a
distribution out of surplus. corporation
5. Sale of CApital stock of a corporation which should be subscribed before it
to its own stockholders exclusively can be registered and duly incorporated,
wherein no commission or remuneration or its authorized capital increased.
10. EXchange of securities by the issuer and experience in financial and
with its existing security holders business matters, or amount of assets
exclusively, when no commission or under management (SRC, Sec. 10.1).
other remuneration is paid or given
directly or indirectly for soliciting such
RATIONALE: Although the securities
themselves must still be registered, the
11. Sale by issuer to fewer than 20 sale or issue need not be registered
persons in the Philippines during any 12 because the investors involved herein
month period, otherwise known as are considered as highly sophisticated
private placement transactions (19 investors or specialized investors and as
Lender Rule). such, have a greater risk tolerance or do
not need strict protection from the
1. Sale to not more than 19
List of exempt transactions under SRC
noninstitutional retail investors;
is NOT exclusive
2. The security is made payable to a
The list is not exclusive. The
specific person;
Commission may exempt other
3. Security is non-negotiable and transactions, if it finds that the
nonassignable; and requirements of registration under the
Code is not necessary in the public
4. It is in an amount not exceeding fifty interest or for the protection of the
(50) million pesos. investors such as by reason of the small
amount involved or the limited character
of the public offering (SRC, Sec. 10.02).
12. Sale of securities to any number of
the following Qualified Buyers:
a. banks; 7. SPECIAL PURPOSE ENTITY (???)
b. registered investment houses; 8. FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS companies;
d. pension funds or retirement plans The following are considered as fraudulent
maintained by the Government of the transactions:
Philippines or any political subdivision 1. Employment of any device, scheme or
thereof or managed by a bank or other artifice to defraud investors;
persons authorized by the Bangko
2. Obtaining money or property by means of
Sentral to engage in trust functions,
any untrue statement of a material fact or
investment companies; any omission to state a material fact
e. investment companies; and necessary in order to make the statement
f. other persons or entities ruled made not misleading; and
qualified by the SEC on the basis of
3. Engaging in any act, transaction, practice
such factors such as financial
or course of business, which operates as a
sophistication, net worth, knowledge,
fraud or deceit upon any person.
NOTE: Section 5, Rule 8 of the Revised specified in the offer (Cemco Holdings, Inc.
Rules of Court provides that in all v. National Life Insurance Co, Inc. G.R. No.
averments of fraud or mistake, the 171815, August 7, 2007).
circumstances constituting fraud or mistake
It is an invitation by the acquirer of shares
must be stated with particularity. These
of a company for other stockholders to
rules find specific application to Section 5(a)
tender their shares to the acquirer so that
of P.D. No. 902-A which speaks of
they may sell their shares in the same price
corporate devices or schemes that amount
and conditions as the previously acquired
to fraud or misrepresentation detrimental to
the public and/or to the stockholders.
It is given to all stockholders by: 1. Filing
with the SEC a declaration to that effect,
9. REPORTORIAL REQUIREMENTS and paying the filing fee; 2. Furnishing the
issuer a statement containing the
Section 17. Periodic and Other Reports of
information required of the issuers as SEC
Issuer.Every issuer satisfying the
may prescribe, including subsequent or
requirements in Subsection 17.2 hereof
additional materials; or 3. Publishing all
shall file with the Commission:
requests or invitations for tender, or
(a) Within one hundred thirty-five (135) materials making a tender offer or
days, after the end of the issuer’s fiscal requesting or inviting letters of such
year, or such other time as the Commission security.
may prescribe, an annual report which shall
Purpose of tender offer
include, among others, a balance sheet,
profit and loss statement and statement of Tender offer is in place to protect the
cash flows, for such last fiscal year, certified interest of minority stockholders of a target
public accountant, an a management company against any scheme that dilutes
discussion and analysis of results of the share value of their investments. It
operation; and affords such minority shareholders the
opportunity to withdraw or exit from the
(b) Such other periodical reports for interim
company under reasonable terms or a
fiscal periods and current reports on
chance to sell their shares at the same price
significant developments of the issuer as
as those of the majority stockholders.
the Commission may prescribe as
necessary to keep current information on
the operation of the business and financial
Public company
condition of the issuer.
1. Those listed on an exchange; 2. Those
with assets of at least PHP 50M and having
10. TENDER OFFER RULE 200 shareholders owning at least 100
shares each; or 3. Those companies that
Tender offer means a publicly announced
have an effective registration statement
intention by a person acting alone or in
under Section 12 of the SRC.
concert with other persons to acquire equity
securities of a public company. It is also an Mandatory tender offer (2002 Bar)
offer by the acquiring person to
Tender offer is required to be made when:
stockholders of a public company for them
to tender their shares therein on the terms
1. Any person or group of persons acting in
concert, who intends to acquire fifteen
percent (15%) of equity securities in a public 4. Any acquisition that would result in
company in one or more transactions within ownership of over fifty percent (50%) of the
a period of twelve (12) months. total outstanding equity securities of a public
2. Any person or group of persons acting in
concert, who intends to acquire thirty five
percent (35%) of the outstanding voting NOTE: Tender offer shall be made at a
shares or such outstanding voting shares price supported by a fairness opinion
that are sufficient to gain control of the provided by an independent financial
board in a public company in one or more advisor or equivalent third party. The
transactions within a period of twelve (12) acquirer in such a tender offer shall be
months. required to accept all securities tendered
If the tender offer is oversubscribed, the (2015 SRC Rules, Sec. 19.2).
aggregate amount of securities to be Coverage of the application of tender offer
acquired at the close of such tender offer
shall be proportionately distributed across The mandatory tender offer rule covers not
selling shareholders with whom the acquirer only direct acquisition but also indirect
may have been in private negotiations and acquisition or “any type of acquisition.”
other shareholders. For purposes of SRC
The legislative intent of Section 19 of the
Rule 19.2.2, the last sale that meets the
Securities Regulation Code is to regulate
threshold shall not be consummated until
activities relating to acquisition of control of
the closing and completion of the tender
the listed company and for the protection of
the minority stockholders of a listed
NOTE: If the acquisition is made through corporation. Whatever may be the method
the Exchange trading system tender offer is by which control of a public company is
not required provided after acquisition obtained, either through the direct purchase
through the Exchange trading system, they of its stocks or through an indirect means,
fail to acquire their target of thirty five mandatory tender offer applies. What is
percent (35%) or such outstanding voting decisive is the determination of the power of
shares that is sufficient to gain control of the control. The legislative intent makes clear
board. that the type of activity intended to be
regulated is the acquisition of control of the
3. Any person or group of persons acting in listed company through the purchase of
concert, who intends to acquire thirty five shares. Control may be effected through a
percent (35%) of the outstanding voting direct and indirect acquisition of stock, and
shares or such outstanding voting shares when this takes place, irrespective of the
that are sufficient to gain control of the means, a tender offer must occur (Cemco
board in a public company directly from one Holdings Inc. v. National Life Insurance
or more stockholders. Co.Inc., G.R. No. 171815, August 7, 2007).
The sale of shares pursuant to the private Obligations of person making a tender offer
transaction or block sale shall not be
completed prior to the closing and 1. Make an announcement of his intention
completion of the tender offer. in a newspaper of general circulation, prior
to the commencement of the offer.
2. At least (2) business days prior to the GR: The credit extended must be for an
date of the commencement of the tender amount not greater than, whichever is
offer: a. File with the SEC a required form higher of:
for tender offer including all exhibits thereto
1. 65% of the current market price of the
(and any amendments thereto), with the
security; or 2. 100% of the lowest market
prescribed filing fees; and b. Hand deliver a
price during the preceding 36 calendar
copy of such form including all exhibits (and
months, but not more than 75% of the
amendments thereto) to the target company
current market price.
and its principal executive office and to each
Exchange where such class of target XPN: The Monetary Board may increase or
company’s securities are listed for trading. decrease the above percentages, in order to
achieve the objectives of the Government
3. Report the results of the tender offer by
with due regard for promotion of the
filing with the SEC, not later than ten (10)
economy and prevention of the use of
calendar days after the termination of the
excessive credit.
tender offer, copies of the final amendments
to the form. (Sundiang Sr. & Aquino, 2014) Purposes of the margin requirements
They are primarily intended to achieve a
macroeconomic purpose – the protection of
Unlawful and prohibited acts relating to
the overall economy from excessive
tender offers
speculation in securities. Their recognized
It shall be unlawful for any person to: secondary purpose is to protect small
1. Make any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to state any material fact Burden of compliance with margin
necessary in order to make statements requirements
made, in the light of the circumstances
The brokers and dealers have the burden
under which they are made, not misleading;
of compliance with margin requirements.
or 2. Engage in any fraudulent, deceptive,
or manipulative acts or practices, in NOTE: In securities trading, the brokers are
connection with any tender offer or request essentially the counterparties to the stock
or invitation for tenders, or any solicitation of transactions at the Exchange. Since the
security holders in opposition to or in favor principals of the broker are generally
of any such offer, request, or invitation. undisclosed, the broker is personally liable
for the contracts thus made. Brokers have a
right to be reimbursed for sums advanced
11. MARGIN TRADING (2009 BAR) by them with the express or implied
authorization of the principal (Abacus
A kind of trading that allows a broker to Securities Corp.v. Ampil, G.R. No. 160016,
advance for the customer/investor part of February 27, 2006).
the purchase price of the security and to
keep the same security as collateral for
such advance.
Margin allowance standard
A bank is an entity engaged in the lending controlled by cooperatives primarily to
of funds obtained from the public in the form provide financial and credit services to
of deposits. cooperatives. It shall include
Elements for an entity to be considered cooperative rural banks. They are
doing business as a bank -- governed primarily by the Cooperative
Code (RA 6938).
1. The entity is engaged in the lending of
6. Islamic banks – Banks whose
2. Funds obtained from the public with at
least 20 depositors business dealings and activities are
3. Funds are in the form of deposits subject to the basic principles and
rulings of Islamic Shari’ a, such as the Al
2. KINDS OF BANK Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the
Philippines which was created by RA
Classifications of banks (2002, 2010 6848.
Bar) 7. Other classification of banks as
determined by the Monetary Board of
1. Universal banks- Primarily governed the BSP
by the GBL. They can exercise the
powers of an investment house and SECTION 25. Equity Investments of a
invest in non-allied enterprises and have Universal Bank in Financial Allied
the highest capitalization. Enterprises. — A universal bank can
2. Commercial banks - Ordinary banks own up to one hundred percent (100%)
governed by the GBL which have a of the equity in a thrift bank, a rural bank
lower capitalization requirement than or a financial allied enterprise. A
universal banks and can neither publicly-listed universal or commercial
exercise the powers of an investment bank may own up to one hundred
house nor invest in non-allied percent (100%) of the voting stock of
enterprises. only one other universal or commercial
3. Thrift banks – These are: a. Savings bank. (21-B; 21-Ca)
and mortgage banks; b. Stock savings
and loan associations; and c. Private SECTION 26. Equity Investments of a
development banks, which are primarily Universal Bank in Non-Financial Allied
governed by the Thrift Banks Act (RA Enterprises. — A universal bank may
7906). own up to one hundred percent (100%)
of the equity in a non-financial allied
4. Rural banks – These are mandated to enterprise. (21-Ba)
make needed credit available and
readily accessible in the rural areas on SECTION 27. Equity Investments of a
reasonable terms and which are Universal Bank in Non-Allied
primarily governed by the Rural Banks Enterprises. — The equity investment of
Act of 1992 (RA 7353). a universal bank, or of its wholly or
5. Cooperative banks – Banks whose majority-owned subsidiaries, in a single
majority shares are owned and nonallied enterprise shall not exceed
thirty-five percent (35%) of the total purchase price under the contract of sale of
equity in that enterprise nor shall it the goods and to reduce the risk of non-
exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the performance of an obligation in a non-sale
voting stock in that enterprise. (21-B) setting. (Transfield Philippines, Inc. vs.
Luzon Hydro Corp., GR. No. 146717,
November 22, 2004).
Non-payment of the buyer of its obligation
Letter of Credit
under the Letter of Credit does not give the
It is any arrangement, however named or
bank the right to take possession of the
described, whereby the issuing bank acting
goods covered by the Letter of Credit
at the request and on the instructions of a
customer (applicant) or on its own behalf,
The opening of a L/C does not vest
binds itself to: (PAN)
ownership of the goods in the bank in the
absence of a trust receipt agreement. A
1. Pay to the order of, or accept and pay
letter of credit is a mere financial
drafts drawn by a third party (Beneficiary);
device developed by merchants as a
2. Authorize another bank to pay or to
convenient and relatively safe mode of
accept and pay such drafts; or 3. Authorize
dealing with the sales of goods to satisfy the
another bank to Negotiate, against
seemingly irreconcilable interests of a seller,
stipulated documents.
who refuses to part with his goods before he
is paid, and a buyer, who wants to have
Provided, the terms and conditions of the control of the goods before paying
credit are complied with (Art. 2, Uniform (Transfield Philippines, Inc. v. Luzon Hydro
Customs & Practice for Documentary Corp., supra).
It is an instrument issued by a bank that CREDIT
guarantees its client’s ability to pay for
imported goods or services, by authorizing a
Letter of credit is governed by the Uniform
person to draw drafts on the bank or its
Customs and Practice for documentary
correspondents for the bank’s account,
Creditsissued by the International Chamber
under conditions specified in the L/C.
of Commerce. Letters of credit are in effect
(Prudential Bank V. IAC, 216 SCRA 257)
absolute undertakings to pay the money
advanced or the amount for which credit is
PURPOSE OF LETTER OF CREDIT given on the faith of the instrument. They
are primary obligations and not accessory
A letter of credit is a financial device contracts and while they are security
developed by merchants as a convenient arrangements, they are not converted
and relatively safe mode of dealing with thereby into contracts of guaranty
sales of goods to satisy the seemingly (Metropolitan Waterworks vs. Daway, G.R.
irreconcilable interests of a seller, who No. 160723, July 21, 2004).
refuses to part with his goods before he is
paid, and a buyer, who wants to have in NOTE: The law on contracts and damages
control of the goods before paying. The use shall also apply to provide remedies to the
of credits in commercial transactions serves party aggrieved by the breach of the main
to reduce the risk of nonpayment of the contract although such breach will not affect
the obligation of the bank to pay the NOTE: If any of these essential conditions is
beneficiary or its right to obtain not present, the instrument is merely
reimbursement from the applicant of the considered as a letters of recommendation
letter of credit if the terms of the letters of (Art. 568, Code of Commerce).
credit have been complied with. Other Kinds of L/C

DURATION OF LETTERS OF CREDIT Revocable L/C can be cancelled or

amended at any time by either the buyer or
1. Upon the period fixed by the parties; or 2. the issuing bank without any formal
If none is fixed, one year from the date of notification
Irrevocable L/C- issuing bank may not
NOTE: An issuing bank which paid the without the consent of the beneficiary
beneficiary upon an expired LC can recover (seller) and the applicant (buyer) revoke his
the payment from the applicant which undertaking under the letter. The issuing
obtained the goods from the beneficiary to bank is precluded from revoking the credit.
prevent unjust enrichment (Rodzssen
Supply Co. v. FEBTC, G.R. No. 109087, Revolving L/C- it provides for renewed
May 9, 2001). credit to become available as soon as the
opening bank has advised the negotiating or
Incidents in the life of a Letter of Credit paying bank that the draft drawn by the
(CAppIsSExReRe) beneficiary have already been reimbursed
to the opening bank by the buyer.
1. Contract of Sale between the buyer and
seller 2. Application for L/C by the buyer Back-to-back L/C- a credit with identical
with the bank 3. Issuance of L/C by the documentary requirements and covering the
bank 4. Shipping of goods by the seller 5. same merchandise as another letter of
Execution of draft and tender of documents credit, except for a difference in the price of
by the seller 6. Redemption of draft the merchandise as shown by the invoice
(payment) and obtaining of documents by and the draft. The second L/C can only be
the issuing bank 7. Reimbursement to the negotiated ONLY after the first is
bank and obtaining of documents by the negotiated. Confirmed L/C- the
buyer. correspondent bank gives an absolute
assurance to the beneficiary that it will
ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS OF A LETTER undertake the issuing bank’s obligation as
OF CREDIT its own according to the terms and
conditions of the credit. An Unconfirmed L/C
(DeLi) is the other way around.

1. It must be issued in favor of a definite Q: When does an Irrevocable Letter of

person; and Credit become a consummated contract?
2. Limited to a fixed or specified amount, or
to one or more indeterminate amounts, but A: An irrevocable letter of credit becomes a
all within a maximum sum the limit of which consummated contract when the agent or
must be exactly stated. correspondent bank or any bank in the
country of the creditor pays or delivers to
the latter the amount in foreign currency, as
authorized by the bank in the country of the deposit deducted from the principal
debtor in compliance with the letter of credit obligation under the L/C and to have the
granted by it. It is the date of the payment of interest computed only on the balance and
the amount in foreign currency to the not on the face value thereof.
creditor in his country by the agent or
correspondent bank of the bank in the 2. Issuing Bank – one which, whether a
country of the debtor that turns from is not paying bank or not, issues the L/C and
the date of payment by the debtor to the undertakes to pay the seller upon receipt of
bank in his country of the amount of foreign the draft and proper documents of title from
exchange sold that makes the contract the seller and to surrender them to the
executed or consummated, because the buyer upon reimbursement. After due
bank may grant the debtor extension of time payment, issuing bank is entitled to
to pay such debt (Belman Inc. v. Central reimbursement as a matter of right.
Bank, G.R. No. L-10195, November 29, Reimbursement includes debiting the bank
1958 .). account of the applicant, if any.

Courts cannot order the release to the NOTE: The failure of the beneficiary to
applicant of the proceeds of an Irrevocable present the draft to the applicant does not
Letter of Credit without the consent of the affect the right of the issuing bank to
Beneficiary reimbursement. Presentment for
acceptance to the
Such order violates the irrevocable nature of customer/applicant is not a condition sine
the L/C. The terms of an irrevocable letter of qua non for reimbursement.
credit cannot be changed without the
consent of the parties, particularly the 3. Beneficiary/Seller/Exporter – is the one in
beneficiary thereof (Phil. Virginia Tobacco whose favor the instrument is executed.
Administration v. De Los Angeles, G.R. No. One who delivers the documents of title and
L27829, August 19, 1988). draft to the issuing bank to recover
payment. He has a prestation to do under
PARTIES TO A LETTER OF CREDIT the main contract.

Parties to a Letter of Credit transaction NOTE: Failure of the beneficiary to fulfill his
(ABaBe) obligation under the main contract does not
negate his right to payment from the issuing
1. Applicant/Buyer/Importer/Account Party – bank as long as he is able to submit the
procures the letter of credit and purchases required documents and comply with the
the goods and obliges himself to reimburse terms of the credit. This is without prejudice
the issuing bank upon receipt of the to his liability against the account party
documents of title. under the law on contracts and damages
GR: The applicant has no obligation to
reimburse the issuing bank if the latter pays In commercial transactions involving letters
without the stipulated documents or in case of credit, the functions assumed by a
of discrepant documents correspondent bank are classified according
to the obligations taken up by it. The
XPN: The applicant waives the discrepancy. correspondent bank may be called a
He has the right to have the marginal
notifying bank, a negotiating bank, or a
confirming bank Trust account – a savings account,
established under a trust agreement
4. DEPOSITS containing funds administered by the bank
for the benefit of the trustor or another
NATURE OF BANK FUNDS AND BANK person or persons.
4. As agent-principal: a. Deposit of checks
Deposit function of banks for collection b. Deposit for specific purpose
c. Deposit for safekeeping
The function of the bank to receive a thing,
primarily money, from depositors with the Types of deposit accounts
obligation of safely keeping it and returning
the same. 1. Savings 2. Current 3. Time

Kinds of deposits between a bank and its Deposit accounts may also be classified as:
depositors 1. Individual; or
2. Joint:
1. As debtor-creditor: a. “And” account – the signature of both co-
depositors are required for withdrawals.
2. Special Kinds of Deposits b. “And/or” account – either one of the
a. Demand deposits – all those liabilities of codepositors may deposit and withdraw
banks which are denominated in the from the account without the knowledge
Philippine currency and are subject to consent and signature of the other.
payment in legal tender upon demand by
representation of checks. Joint accounts may be subject of a
b. Savings deposits – the most common survivorship agreement whereby the
type of deposit and is usually evidenced by codepositors agree to permit either of them
a passbook. to withdraw the whole deposit during their
lifetime and transferring the balance to the
NOTE: The requirement of presentation of survivor upon the death of one of them
passbooks is required by the Manual of (Vitug v. CA, G.R. No. 82027, March 29,
Regulations for Banks. A bank is negligent if 1990).
it allows the withdrawal without requiring the
presentation of passbook (BPI v. CA, GR Nature of a bank deposit
No. 112392, February 29, 2000).
All kinds of bank deposits are loan. The
c. Negotiable order of withdrawal account bank can make use as its own the money
(NOWA) – Interest-bearing deposit deposited. Said amount is not being held in
accounts that combine the payable on trust for the depositor nor is it being kept for
demand feature of checks and investment safekeeping (Tang Tiong Tick v. American
feature of saving accounts. d. Time deposit Apothecaries, G.R. No. 43682, March 31,
– an account with fixed term; payment of 1938).
which cannot be legally required within such
a specified number of days. Mandamus will not lie in the enforcement of
obligations concerning deposit
3. As trustee-trustor:
A: YES, the depositor expects the bank to
All kinds of deposit are loans. Thus, the treat his account with utmost fidelity,
relationship being contractual in nature, whether such account consist only of a few
mandamus cannot be availed of because hundred pesos or of millions. The bank
mandamus will not lie to enforce the must record every single transaction
performance of contractual obligations accurately, down to the last centavo, and as
(Lucman v. Alimatar Malawi, G.R. No. promptly as possible. This has to be done if
159794, Dec. 19, 2006). the account is to reflect at any given time
the amount of money the depositor can
Contract between banks and depositors is dispose of as he sees fit, confident that the
not a trust agreement bank will deliver it as and to whomever he
directs. A blunder on the part of the bank,
The fiduciary nature of the bank-depositor such as the dishonor of the check without
relationship does not convert the contract good reason, can cause the depositor not a
between banks and depositors to a trust little embarrassment if not also financial loss
agreement. Thus, failure by the bank to pay and perhaps even civil and criminal litigation
the depositor is failure to pay simple loan, (Simex Intl. v. CA, G.R. No. 88013, March
and not a breach of trust (Consolidated 19, 1990).
Bank and Trust Corp. v. CA, G.R. No.
138569, September 11, 2003).

Nature of safety deposit box

(hybrid contract, depositary and lease)
SECTION 82. Minimum Capitalization. — A
The contract for the use of a safety deposit trust entity, before it can engage in trust or
box should be governed by the law on other fiduciary business, shall comply with
lease. the minimum paid-in capital requirement
which will be determined by the Monetary
In the case of Sia v. CA and Security Bank Board.
and Trust Company and under the old
banking law, a safety deposit box is a Universal Bank
special deposit. However, the new General 1. Head office only – 3B
Banking Law, while retaining the renting of 2. Up to 10 branches – 6B
safe deposit box as one of the services that 3. 11 – 100 branches – 15B 4. More than
the bank may render, deleted reference to 100 branches – 20B (BSP Circular No. 854,
depository function (Divina, Handbook on Oct. 9, 2014)
Philippine Commercial Law).
Commercial Bank
Q: After procuring a checking account, the 1. Head office only – 2B
depositor issued several checks. He was 2. Up to 10 branches – 4B
surprised to learn later that they had been 3. 11 – 100 branches – 10B 4. More than
dishonored for insufficient funds. 100 branches – 15B
Investigation disclosed that deposits made
by the depositor were not credited to its Thrift Bank
account. Is the bank liable for damages? Head office in NCR
1. Head office only – 500M
2. Up to 10 branches – 750M of a few hundred pesos or of millions. The
3. 11 to 50 branches – 1B bank must record every single transaction
4. More than 50 branches – 2B accurately, down to the last centavo and as
promptly as possible. This has to be done if
Head office outside NCR the account is to reflect at any given time
1 Head office only – 200M the amount of money the depositor can
2. Up to 10 branches – 300M dispose of as he sees fit, confident that the
3. 11 to 50 branches – 400M bank will deliver it as and to whomever he
4. More than 50 branches – 800M directs.
The point is that as a business affected with
public interest and because of the nature of
its functions, the bank is under obligations
6. DILIGENCE REQUIRED OF BANKS to treat the accounts of its depositors with
Nature of banking business and meticulous care, always having in mind the
responsibility of banks fiduciary nature of their relationship (Simex
International Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 88013
The banking system is an indispensable March 19, 1990 as cited in the case of Land
institution in the modern world and plays a Bank of the Philippines vs. Oñate, G.R. No.
vital role in the economic life of every 192371, January 15, 2014).
civilized nation. Whether as mere passive
entities for the safekeeping and saving of Degree of diligence required of banks in
money or as active instruments of business handling deposits
and commerce, banks have become an
ubiquitous presence among the people, who Banks are expected to exercise
have come to regard them with respect and extraordinary diligence in its dealings with
even gratitude and, most of all, confidence. depositors. Consequently, the diligence
Thus, even the humble wage-earner has not required of banks is more than that of a
hesitated to entrust his life’s savings to the Roman pater familias or a good father of a
bank of his choice, knowing that they will be family (PCI Bank v Balcameda G.R. No.
safe in its custody and will even earn some 158143, September 21, 2011).
interest for him. The ordinary person, with
equal faith, usually maintains a modest Degree of diligence required of banks with
checking account for security and its other dealings
convenience in the settling of his monthly
bills and the payment of ordinary expenses. The diligence more than that of a Roman
As for business entities, the bank is a pater familias only applies only to cases
trusted and active associate that can help in where banks act under their fiduciary
the running of their affairs, not only in the capacity, that is, as depositary of the
form of loans when needed but more often deposits of their depositors. The same
in the conduct of their day-to-day degree of diligence is not expected to be
transactions like the issuance or exerted by banks in commercial
encashment of checks. transactions (Reyes v CA G.R. No. 118492.
August 15, 2001).
In every case, the depositor expects the
bank to treat his account with the utmost 7. RESERVES (New Central Bank Act)
fidelity, whether such account consists only
ARTICLE VII - BANK RESERVES for the purpose of relending or purchasing
of receivables and other obligations. These
SECTION 94. Reserve Requirements. — In instruments may include, but need not be
order to control the volume of money limited to, bankers acceptances, promissory
created by the credit operations of the notes, participations, certificates of
banking system, all banks operating in the assignment and similar instruments with
Philippines shall be required to maintain recourse, and repurchase agreements. The
reserves against their deposit liabilities: Monetary Board shall determine what
Provided, That the Monetary Board may, at specific instruments shall be considered as
its discretion, also require all banks and/or deposit substitutes for the purposes of
quasi-banks to maintain reserves against Section 94 of this Act: Provided, however,
funds held in trust and liabilities for deposit That deposit substitutes of commercial,
substitutes as defined in this Act. The industrial and other non-financial companies
required reserves of each bank shall be for the limited purpose of financing their own
proportional to the volume of its deposit needs or the needs of their agents or
liabilities and shall ordinarily take the form of dealers shall not be covered by the
a deposit in the Bangko Sentral. Reserve provisions of Section 94 of this Act.
requirements shall be applied to all banks of
the same category uniformly and without SECTION 96. Required Reserves Against
discrimination. Peso Deposits. — The Monetary Board may
fix and, when it deems necessary, alter the
Reserves against deposit substitutes, if minimum reserve ratios to peso deposits, as
imposed, shall be determined in the same well as to deposit substitutes, which each
manner as provided for reserve bank and/or quasi-bank may maintain, and
requirements against regular bank deposits, such ratio shall be applied uniformly to all
with respect to the imposition, increase, and banks of the same category as well as to
computation of reserves. quasi-banks.

The Monetary Board may exempt from SECTION 97. Required Reserves Against
reserve requirements deposits and deposit Foreign Currency Deposits. — The
substitutes with remaining maturities of two Monetary Board is similarly authorized to
(2) years or more, as well as interbank prescribe and modify the minimum reserve
borrowings. ratios applicable to deposits denominated in
Since the requirement to maintain bank foreign currencies.
reserves is imposed primarily to control the
volume of money, the Bangko Sentral shall SECTION 98. Reserves Against Unused
not pay interest on the reserves maintained Balances of Overdraft Lines. — In order to
with it unless the Monetary Board decides facilitate Bangko Sentral control over the
otherwise as warranted by circumstances. volume of bank credit, the Monetary Board
may establish minimum reserve
SECTION 95. Definition of Deposit requirements for unused balances of
Substitutes. — The term "deposit overdraft lines.
substitutes" is defined as an alternative form The powers of the Monetary Board to
of obtaining funds from the public, other prescribe and modify reserve requirements
than deposits, through the issuance, against unused balances of overdraft lines
endorsement, or acceptance of debt shall be the same as its powers with respect
instruments for the borrower's own account,
to reserve requirements against demand occurring on one or more days of the week
deposits. with any excess reserves which they may
hold on other days of the same week and
SECTION 99. Increase in Reserve shall be required to pay the penalty only on
Requirements. — Whenever in the opinion the average daily deficiency during the
of the Monetary Board it becomes week. In cases of abuse, the Monetary
necessary to increase reserve requirements Board may deny any bank or quasi-bank the
against existing liabilities, the increase shall privilege of offsetting reserve deficiencies in
be made in a gradual manner and shall not the aforesaid manner.
exceed four percentage points in any thirty-
day period. Banks and other affected If a bank or quasi-bank chronically has a
financial institutions shall be notified reserve deficiency, the Monetary Board may
reasonably in advance of the date on which limit or prohibit the making of new loans or
such increase is to become effective. investments by the institution and may
require that part or all of the net profits of
SECTION 100. Computation on Reserves. the institution be assigned to surplus.
— The reserve position of each bank or The Monetary Board may modify or set
quasi-bank shall be calculated daily on the aside the reserve deficiency penalties
basis of the amount, at the close of provided in this section, for part or the entire
business for the day, of the institution's period of a strike or lockout affecting a bank
reserves and the amount of its liability or a quasi-bank as defined in the Labor
accounts against which reserves are Code, or of a national emergency affecting
required to be maintained: Provided, That operations of banks or quasi-banks. The
with reference to holidays or non-banking Monetary Board may also modify or set
days, the reserve position as calculated at aside reserved deficiency penalties for
the close of the business day immediately rehabilitation program of a bank.
preceding such holidays and non-banking
days shall apply on such days. SECTION 102. Interbank Settlement. —
For the purpose of computing the reserve The Bangko Sentral shall establish facilities
position of each bank or quasi-bank, its for interbank clearing under such rules and
principal office in the Philippines and all its regulations as the Monetary Board may
branches and agencies located therein shall prescribe: Provided, That the Bangko
be considered as a single unit. Sentral may charge administrative and other
fees for the maintenance of such facilities.
SECTION 101. Reserve Deficiencies. —
Whenever the reserve position of any bank The deposit reserves maintained by the
or quasi-bank, computed in the manner banks in the Bangko Sentral in accordance
specified in the preceding section of this with the provisions of Section 94 of this Act
Act, is below the required minimum, the shall serve as basis for the clearing of
bank or quasi-bank shall pay the Bangko checks and the settlement of interbank
Sentral one-tenth of one percent (1/10 of balances, subject to such rules and
1%) per day on the amount of the deficiency regulations as the Monetary Board may
or the prevailing ninety-one-day treasury bill issue with respect to such operations:
rate plus three percentage points, Provided, That any bank which incurs on
whichever is higher: Provided, however, overdrawing in its deposit account with the
That banks and quasi-banks shall ordinarily Bangko Sentral shall fully cover said
be permitted to offset any reserve deficiency overdraft, including interest thereon at a rate
equivalent to one-tenth of one percent (1/10 activity which is new, involves an inventive
of 1%) per day or the prevailing ninety-one- step and is industrially applicable shall be
day treasury bill rate plus three percentage patentable. It may be, or may relate to, a
points, whichever is higher, not later than product, or process, or an improvement of
the next clearing day: Provided, further, any of the foregoing. (Sec. 7, R.A. No.
That settlement of clearing balances shall 165a)
not be effected for any account which
continues to be overdrawn for five (5) The following are non-patentable inventions
consecutive banking days until such time as (IPC as amended by R.A. 9502, Sec. 22)
the overdrawing is fully covered or (TrAP A SAD2)
otherwise converted into an emergency loan
or advance pursuant to the provisions of 1. Methods for treatment of the human or
Section 84 of this Act: Provided, finally, That animal body by surgery or therapy and
the appropriate clearing office shall be diagnostic methods practiced on the human
officially notified of banks with overdrawn or animal body. This provision shall not
balances. Banks with existing overdrafts apply to products and composition for use in
with the Bangko Sentral as of the effectivity any of these methods;
of this Act shall, within such period as may 2. Aesthetic creations
be prescribed by the Monetary Board, either 3. Plant varieties or animal breeds or
convert the overdraft into an emergency essentially biological process for the
loan or advance with a plan of payment, or production of plants or animals. This
settle such overdrafts, and that, upon failure provision shall not apply to microorganisms
to so comply herewith, the Bangko Sentral and non-biological and microbiological
shall take such action against the bank as processes
may be warranted under this Act.
4. Schemes, rules and methods of
SECTION 103. Exemption from Attachment performing mental acts, playing games or
and Other Purposes. — Deposits doing business, and programs for
maintained by banks with the Bangko computers 5. Anything which is contrary to
Sentral as part of their reserve requirements public order or morality
shall be exempt from attachment, 6. In the case of drugs and medicines, mere
garnishments, or any other order or process discovery of a new form or new property of
of any court, government agency or any a known substance which does not result in
other administrative body issued to satisfy the enhancement of the efficacy of that
the claim of a party other than the substance or the new use for a known
Government, or its political subdivisions or substance, or the mere use of a known
instrumentalities. process unless such known process results
in a new product that employs atleast one
new reactant
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE 7. Discoveries, scientific theories and
mathematical methods

2. PATENT VS. COPYRIGHT (see table sa

1. What are patentable? UST notes , five lang akong gibutang
Patentable Inventions. - Any technical
solution of a problem in any field of human As to definition
infringer may have made due to such
P: The right granted to an inventor by a infringement
State, or by a regional office acting for
several States, which allows the inventor to 3. Impounding during the pendency of the
exclude anyone else from commercially action sales invoices and other documents
exploiting his invention for a limited period. evidencing sales

C: Literary and artistic works which are 4. Destruction without any compensation all
original intellectual creations in the literary infringing copies
and artistic domain protected from the
moment of their creation. 5. Moral and Exemplary damages (IPC,
Sec. 216.1); or
As to registered intellectual rights
6. Seizure and impounding of any article,
P: Technical solution of a problem in any which may serve as evidence in the court
field of human activity which is new (novel proceedings.
invention) and industrially applicable.

C: Literary and artistic works 3. PARIS CONVENTION

As to term of protection Summary of the Paris Convention for the

Protection of Industrial Property (1883)
P: 20 years from filing date of application
C: It depends on the type of work. The Paris Convention applies to industrial
property in the widest sense, including
As to prescriptive period for filing of an patents, trademarks, industrial designs,
action for damages due to infringement utility models (a kind of "small-scale patent"
provided for by the laws of some countries),
P: 4 years from time of commission of service marks, trade names (designations
infringement under which an industrial or commercial
C: 4 years from the time the cause of action activity is carried out), geographical
arose. indications (indications of source and
appellations of origin) and the repression of
As to remedies available against infringers unfair competition.

P: Civil action for infringement, Criminal The substantive provisions of the

action for infringement, Administrative Convention fall into three main categories:
remedy , Destruction of infringing material national treatment, right of priority, common

C: (1) Under the provisions on national

1. Injunction treatment, the Convention provides that, as
regards the protection of industrial property,
2. Damages, including legal costs and other each Contracting State must grant
expenses, as he may have incurred due to the same protection to nationals of other
the infringement as well as the profits the Contracting States that it grants to its own
nationals. Nationals of non-Contracting
States are also entitled to national treatment not oblige other Contracting States to grant
under the Convention if they are domiciled a patent; a patent cannot be refused,
or have a real and effective industrial or annulled or terminated in any Contracting
commercial establishment in a Contracting State on the ground that it has been refused
State. or annulled or has terminated in any other
Contracting State.
(2) The Convention provides for the right of
priority in the case of patents (and utility  The inventor has the right to be named as
models where they exist), marks and such in the patent.
industrial designs. This right means that, on The grant of a patent may not be refused,
the basis of a regular first application filed in and a patent may not be invalidated, on the
one of the Contracting States, the applicant ground that the sale of the patented
may, within a certain period of time (12 product, or of a product obtained by means
months for patents and utility models; 6 of the patented process, is subject to
months for industrial designs and marks), restrictions or limitations resulting from the
apply for protection in any of the domestic law.
other Contracting States. These subsequent Each Contracting State that takes legislative
applications will be regarded as if they had measures providing for the grant of
been filed on the same day as the first compulsory licenses to prevent the abuses
application. In other words, they will have which might result from the exclusive rights
priority (hence the expression "right of conferred by a patent may do so only
priority") over applications filed by others under certain conditions. A compulsory
during the said period of time for the same license (a license not granted by the owner
invention, utility model, mark or industrial of the patent but by a public authority of the
design. Moreover, these subsequent State concerned), based on failure to work
applications, being based on the first or insufficient working of the patented
application, will not be affected by any event invention, may only be granted pursuant to
that takes place in the interval, such as the a request filed after three years from the
publication of an invention or the sale of grant of the patent or four years from the
articles bearing a mark or incorporating an filing date of the patent application, and it
industrial design. One of the great practical must be refused if the patentee gives
advantages of this provision is that legitimate reasons to justify this inaction.
applicants seeking protection in several Furthermore, forfeiture of a patent may not
countries are not required to present all of be provided for, except in cases where the
their applications at the same time but have grant of a compulsory license would not
6 or 12 months to decide in which countries have been sufficient to prevent the abuse.
they wish to seek protection, and to In the latter case, proceedings for forfeiture
organize with due care the steps necessary of a patent may be instituted, but only after
for securing protection. the expiration of two years from the grant of
the first compulsory license.
(3) The Convention lays down a
few common rules that all Contracting (b) Marks. The Paris Convention does not
States must follow. The most important are: regulate the conditions for the filing and
(a) Patents. Patents granted in different registration of marks which are determined
Contracting States for the same invention in each Contracting State by domestic law.
are independent of each other: the granting Consequently, no application for the
of a patent in one Contracting State does registration of a mark filed by a national of a
Contracting State may be refused, nor may been communicated through the
a registration be invalidated, on the ground International Bureau of WIPO. The same
that filing, registration or renewal has not provisions apply to armorial bearings, flags,
been effected in the country of origin. The other emblems, abbreviations and names of
registration of a mark obtained in one certain intergovernmental organizations.
Contracting State is independent of its Collective marks must be granted
possible registration in any other country, protection.
including the country of origin; (c) Industrial Designs. Industrial designs
consequently, the lapse or annulment of the must be protected in each Contracting
registration of a mark in one Contracting State, and protection may not be forfeited
State will not affect the validity of the on the ground that articles incorporating the
registration in other Contracting States. design are not manufactured in that State.
(d) Trade Names. Protection must be
Where a mark has been duly registered in granted to trade names in each Contracting
the country of origin, it must, on request, be State without there being an obligation to
accepted for filing and protected in its file or register the names.
original form in the other Contracting States. (e) Indications of Source. Measures must be
Nevertheless, registration may be refused in taken by each Contracting State against
well-defined cases, such as where the mark direct or indirect use of a false indication of
would infringe the acquired rights of third the source of goods or the identity of their
parties; where it is devoid of distinctive producer, manufacturer or trader.
character; where it is contrary to morality or (f) Unfair competition. Each Contracting
public order; or where it is of such a nature State must provide for effective protection
as to be liable to deceive the public. against unfair competition.

If, in any Contracting State, the use of a The Paris Union, established by the
registered mark is compulsory, the Convention, has an Assembly and an
registration cannot be canceled for non-use Executive Committee. Every State that is a
until after a reasonable period, and then member of the Union and has adhered to at
only if the owner cannot justify this inaction. least the administrative and final provisions
of the Stockholm Act (1967) is a member of
Each Contracting State must refuse the Assembly. The members of the
registration and prohibit the use of marks Executive Committee are elected from
that constitute a reproduction, imitation or among the members of the Union, except
translation, liable to create confusion, of a for Switzerland, which is a member ex
mark used for identical and similar goods officio. The establishment of the biennial
and considered by the competent authority program and budget of the WIPO
of that State to be well known in that Secretariat – as far as the Paris Union is
State and to already belong to a person concerned – is the task of its Assembly.
entitled to the benefits of the Convention.
The Paris Convention, concluded in 1883,
Each Contracting State must likewise refuse was revised at Brussels in 1900, at
registration and prohibit the use of marks Washington in 1911, at The Hague in 1925,
that consist of or contain, without at London in 1934, at Lisbon in 1958 and at
authorization, armorial bearings, State Stockholm in 1967, and was amended in
emblems and official signs and hallmarks of 1979.
Contracting States, provided they have
The Convention is open to all States. product (Ang vs. Teodoro, G. R. No. 48226,
Instruments of ratification or accession must December 14, 1942).
be deposited with the Director General of
Obligations under the Paris Convention
It refers to a mark considered well-known by
In view of the obligations under the Paris the competent authority of the country
Convention, the Philippines is obligated to where the protection for the mark is sought.
assure nationals of the signatory-countries
that they are afforded an effective protection TEST TO DETERMINE CONFUSING
against violation of their intellectual property WELL-KNOWN MARKS
rights in the Philippines in the same way
that their own countries are obligated to This is used in determining whether an
accord similar protection to Philippine international mark is well-known for the rule
nationals. "Thus, under Philippine law, a on non-registrable marks under Sec. 123(e)
trade name of a national of a State that is a to operate (Gepty, 2018)
party to the Paris Convention, whether or
not the trade name forms part of a The scope of protection initially afforded by
trademark, is protected "without the the Paris Convention has been expanded
obligation of filing or registration. Thus, the via a nonbinding recommendation that a
applicant for registration of trademark is not well-known mark should be protected in a
the lawful owner thereof and is not entitled country even if the mark is neither
to registration if the trademark has been in registered nor used in that country
prior use by a national of a country which is (Sehwani, Incorporated vs. In-N-Out Burger,
a signatory to the Paris Convention (Ecole Inc., G. R. No. 171053, October 15, 2007).
De Cuisine Manille Inc. v. Renaud
Cointreau & Cie and Le Condron Bleu Int’l A junior user of a well-known mark on
B.V., GR 185830, June 5, 2013, in Divina, goods or services which are not similar to
2014). the goods or services, and are therefore
unrelated, to those specified in the
certificate of registration of the well-known
mark is precluded from using the same on
the entirely unrelated goods or services,
5. Doctrine of Secondary Meaning subject to the following requisites, to wit:

This doctrine is to the effect that a word or 1. The mark is well-known internationally
phrase originally incapable of exclusive and in the Philippines;
appropriation with reference to an article on 2. The use of the well-known mark on the
the market, because geographically or entirely unrelated goods or services would
otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless result to the likelihood of confusion of origin
have been used so long and so exclusively or business or some business connection or
by one producer with reference to his article relationship between the registrant and the
that, in that trade and to that branch of the user of the mark; and
purchasing public, the word or phrase has 3. The interests of the owner of the well-
come to mean that the article was his known mark are likely to be damaged (246
Corporation, doing business under the
name and style of Rolex Music Lounge v. indicate a connection between those goods
Hon. Reynaldo B. Daway, in his capacity as or services, and the owner of the registered
Presiding Judge of RTC Branch 90, Quezon mark: Provided further, That the interests of
City, G.R. No. 157216, November 20, the owner of the registered mark are likely
2003). to be damaged by such use (Sec. 123.IPC).

Internationally well-known mark Section 123. Registrability. –

1. A mark cannot be registered if it:
1. Considered by the competent authority of (e) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to,
the Philippines to be “well-known” or constitutes a translation of a mark which
internationally and in the Philippines as the is considered by the competent authority
mark of a person other than the applicant or of the Philippines to be well-known
registrant; 2. Need not be used or registered internationally and in the Philippines,
in the Philippines; and 3. Need not be whether or not it is registered here, as
known by the public at large but only by being already the mark of a person other
relevant sector of the public. than the applicant for registration, and
used for identical or similar goods or
Rules regarding internationally-well known services: Provided, That in determining
marks whether a mark is well-known, account shall
be taken of the knowledge of the relevant
A mark cannot be registered if it is identical sector of the public, rather than of the public
with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes at large, including knowledge in the
a translation of a mark which is considered Philippines which has been obtained as a
by the competent authority of the result of the promotion of the mark;
Philippines to be well known internationally (f) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to,
and in the Philippines, whether or not it is or constitutes a translation of a mark
registered here, as being already the mark considered well-known in accordance with
of a person other than the applicant for the preceding paragraph, which is
registration, and used for identical or similar registered in the Philippines with respect to
goods or services: Provided, That in goods or services which are not similar to
determining whether a mark is well-known, those with respect to which registration is
account shall be taken of the knowledge of applied for: Provided, That use of the mark
the relevant sector of the public, rather than in relation to those goods or services would
of the public at large, including knowledge in indicate a connection between those goods
the Philippines which has been obtained as or services, and the owner of the registered
a result of the promotion of the mark. mark: Provided further, That the interests of
the owner of the registered mark are likely
A mark cannot be registered if it is identical to be damaged by such use;
with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes
a translation of a mark considered well- 7. DISTINGUISHABILITY TEST
known in accordance with the preceding (sa corpo among gibutang, wala makita
paragraph, which is registered in the lain)
Philippines with respect to goods or
services which are NOT similar to those SEC. 17. Corporate Name. – No corporate
with respect to which registration is applied name shall be allowed by the Commission if
for: Provided, That use of the mark in it is not distinguishable from that already
relation to those goods or services would reserved or registered for the use of another
corporation, or if such name is already Factors to be considered in determining
protected by law, or when its use is contrary well-known marks
to existing law, rules and regulations. A
name is not distinguishable even if it 1. Duration, extent and geographical area of
contains one or more of the following: any use of the mark; in particular, the
(a) The word “corporation”, “company”, duration, extent and geographical area of
“incorporated”, “limited”, “limited liability”, or any promotion of the mark, including
an abbreviation of one of such words; and advertising or publicity and the presentation,
(b) Punctuations, articles, conjunctions, at fairs or exhibitions, of the goods and/or
contractions, prepositions, abbreviations, services to which the mark applies; 2.
different tenses, spacing, or number of the Market share, in the Philippines and in other
same word or phrase. countries, of the goods and/or services to
which the mark applies; 3. Degree of the
The Commission, upon determination that inherent or acquired distinction of the mark;
the corporate name is: (1) not 4. Quality image or reputation acquired by
distinguishable from a name already the mark; 5. Extent to which the mark has
reserved or registered for the use of another been registered in the world; 6. Exclusivity
corporation; (2) already protected by law; or of registration attained by the mark in the
(3) contrary to law, rules and regulations, world; 7. Extent to which the mark has been
may summarily order the corporation to used in the world; 8. Exclusivity of use
immediately cease and desist from using attained by the mark in the world; 9.
such name and require the corporation to Commercial value attributed to the mark in
register a new one. The Commission shall the world; 10. Record of successful
also cause the removal of all visible protection of the rights in the mark; 11.
signages, marks, advertisements, labels, Outcome of litigations dealing with the issue
prints and other effects bearing such of whether the mark is a well-known mark;
corporate name. Upon the approval of the and 12. Presence or absence of identical or
new corporate name, the Commission shall similar marks validly registered for or used
issue a certificate of incorporation under the on identical or similar goods or services and
amended name. If the corporation fails to owned by persons other than the person
comply with the Commission’s order, the claiming that his mark is a well-known mark.
Commission may hold the corporation and
its responsible directors or officers in Provided, further, that the mark is well-
contempt and/or hold them administratively, known both internationally and in the
civilly and/or criminally liable under this Philippines (Sec. 2, Rule 18, A.M. No. 10-3-
Code and other applicable laws and/or 10-SC, October 18, 2011).
revoke the registration of the corporation.
NOTE: Account shall be taken of the
8. CAN A WELL KNOWN BRAND BE knowledge of the relevant sector of the
INFRINGED IF IT IS NOT REGISTERED? public, rather than of the public at large,
including knowledge in the Philippines
Only a registrant of a mark can file a case which has been obtained as a result of the
for infringement. Upon the finality of an promotion of the mark. The following criteria
order of cancellation of a mark, the right of a or any combination thereof may be taken
registrant to file a case for infringement into account in determining whether a mark
terminates as well. is wellknown.
In Fredco Manufacturing Corp. vs. President "a mark which is considered by the
and Fellows of Harvard College, GR No. competent authority of the Philippines to be
185917, June 1, 2011, Fredco wellknown internationally and in the
Manufacturing Corp. (Fredco) filed before Philippines, whether or not it is registered
the IPO a Petition for Cancellation of here," cannot be registered by another in
Registration issued to Harvard University for the Philippines. Section 123.1(e) does not
the mark “Harvard Veritas Shield Symbol”. require that the well-known mark be used in
Fredco claims that as early as 1982 the commerce in the Philippines but only that it
mark was already used in the Philippines by be well-known in the Philippines.
its predecessor-ininterest. Harvard
University, on the other hand, claimed that Division of application
the name and mark “Harvard” was adopted
in 1639 as the name of Harvard College of Any application referring to several goods or
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The mark services, hereafter referred to as the "initial
had been used in commerce since 1872, application," may be divided by the
and was registered in more than 50 applicant into two (2) or more applications,
countries. hereafter referred to as the "divisional
applications," by distributing among the
The Supreme Court ruled that "Harvard" is latter the goods or services referred to in the
the trade name of the world famous Harvard initial application. The divisional applications
University, and it is also a trademark of shall preserve the filing date of the initial
Harvard University. Under Article 8 of the application or the benefit of the right of
Paris Convention, as well as Section 37 of priority (Sec. 129, IPC).
R.A. No. 166, Harvard University is entitled
to protection in the Philippines of its trade Priority right
name "Harvard" even without registration of
such trade name in the Philippines. This An application for registration of a mark filed
means that no educational entity in the in the Philippines by a person referred to in
Philippines can use the trade name Section 3 of the IPC, and who previously
"Harvard" without the consent of Harvard duly filed an application for registration of
University. Likewise, no entity in the the same mark in one of those countries,
Philippines can claim, expressly or impliedly shall be considered as filed as of the day
through the use of the name and mark the application was first filed in the foreign
"Harvard," that its products or services are country. No registration of a mark shall be
authorized, approved, or licensed by, or granted until such mark has been registered
sourced from, Harvard University without in the country of origin of the applicant (Sec.
the latter's consent. 131, IPC).

To be protected under the two directives of The owner of a mark seeking priority right is
the Ministry of Trade, an internationally well- not entitled to sue for acts committed prior
known mark need not be registered or used to the date on which his mark was
in the Philippines. All that is required is that registered in the Philippines: except in the
the mark is well-known internationally and in case of an owner of a well-known mark.
the Philippines for identical or similar goods,
whether or not the mark is registered or 9. WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND BY A
used in the Philippines. Section 123.1(e) of SECONDARY MEANING IN TRADEMARK
R.A. No. 8293 now categorically states that LAW?
persons managing securities or rendering
This doctrine is to the effect that a word or services as investment agent, advisor, or
phrase originally incapable of exclusive consultant,
appropriation with reference to an article on (ii) Mutual funds, close-end investment
the market, because geographically or companies, common trust funds, and other
otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless similar persons, and
have been used so long and so exclusively (iii) Other entities administering or otherwise
by one producer with reference to his article dealing in currency, commodities or
that, in that trade and to that branch of the financial derivatives based thereon,
purchasing public, the word or phrase has valuable objects, cash substitutes and other
come to mean that the article was his similar monetary instruments or property
product (Ang vs. Teodoro, G. R. No. 48226, supervised or regulated by the Securities
December 14, 1942). and Exchange Commission (SEC);
4. Jewelry dealers in precious metals, who,
as a business, trade in precious metals, for
AMLA transactions in excess of One million pesos
1. WHAT ARE COVERED 5. Jewelry dealers in precious stones, who,
TRANSACTIONS? as a business, trade in precious stones, for
A transaction in cash or other equivalent transactions in excess of One million pesos
monetary instrument involving a total (P1,000,000.00);
amount in excess of Five hundred thousand 6. Company service providers which, as a
pesos (PhP 500,000.00) within one (1) business, provide any of the following
banking day (RA 9160, Sec. 3 [b]), as services to third parties:
amended by RA 9194). a) Acting as a formation agent of juridical
2. WHAT ARE THE COVERED b) Acting as (or arranging for another
INSTITUTIONS? person to act as) a director or corporate
secretary of a company, a partner of a
Covered “Institutions” was changed to partnership, or a similar position in relation
Covered “Persons” under RA 10365. to other juridical persons;
Covered persons, natural or juridical, refer c) Providing a registered office, business
to: address or accommodation,
1. Banks, non-banks, quasi-banks, trust correspondence or administrative address
entities, foreign exchange dealers, for a company, a partnership or any other
pawnshops, money changers, remittance legal person or arrangement; and
and transfer companies and other similar d) Acting as (or arranging for another
entities and all other persons and their person to act as) a nominee shareholder for
subsidiaries and affiliates supervised or another person; and
regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng 7. Persons who provide any of the following
Pilipinas (BSP); services:
2. Insurance companies, pre-need i. Managing of client money, securities or
companies and all other persons supervised other assets;
or regulated by the Insurance Commission ii. Management of bank, savings or
(IC); securities accounts;
3. (i) Securities dealers, brokers, salesmen,
investment houses and other similar
iii. Organization of contributions for the
creation, operation or management of
companies; and
iv. Creation, operation or management of
juridical persons or arrangements, and
buying and selling business entities.
(RA 10365, Sec. 1, amending RA 9160,
Sec. 3[a]).


All deposits of whatever nature with banks
or banking institutions in the Philippines
including investments in bonds issued by
the Government of the Philippines, its
political subdivisions and its
instrumentalities, are hereby considered as
of an absolutely confidential nature and may
not be examined, inquired or looked into by
any person, government official, bureau or
office, EXCEPT:
1. upon written permission of the depositor,
2. in cases of impeachment, or
3. upon order of a competent court in cases
of bribery or dereliction of duty of public
officials, or
4. in cases where the money deposited or
invested is the subject matter of the

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