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Values are the family's ideas or strong personal beliefs about what is important

and what is not; what is good and what is bad; what is right and what is wrong.
Each family has a different set of values that are meaningful to them. Some
families count honesty and friendship as important values.

Common values include: honesty, caring, generosity, health, humor, learning,

wisdom, leadership, and compassion.

X. What values did you parents pass on to you?

0. What traditional values are not important or not necessary now?
1. Who do you think has the most power in the family? Why?
2. Do you agree with the saying “Children should be seen and not heard”? Why do
you agree or disagree?
3. Are good family members or good friends more important? Why?
4. What problems do parents have to solve as their children grow up?
5. How close are you to your extended family? (cousins, aunts, great uncles etc.)
6. What is the perfect number of children a family should have?
7. What do you think of people who marry and decide not to have children?
8. How do you think western families and eastern families differ?
9. What do you think is the most important thing to make a happy family?
10. Is it better for mothers to stay at home with kids or go to work to earn more
money for the family?
11. Many families send their children to private institutes or daycares for most of
the day. Is this good or bad?
12. When married people talk about having children they talk about “starting a
family”. Can two married people be a family if they don’t have kids?
13. How do you think family life is changing in your country? (example: wife
working, husband cleaning, kids at institutes) Is this change good or bad?
14. What do you think of gay marriage?
15. Is spanking or hitting a good way to discipline children? Why or why not?
16. What age is too young to get married?
17. Why do people get married?

Last question:
How do you feel when you see someone not following the values you were brought
up with?
If we have extra time, let's talk about:
What is more important?
● Cleaning the floors or taking a walk?
● Being on the computer or reading?
● Being right or being kind?
● Being perfect or being real?
● Being loved or being accepted?
● Being helped or being told?
● Being empowered or being changed?
● Being available or being busy?
● The phone or the person on the phone?
● The status update or living the life behind the status update?
● Answering that email or answering that plea for another book?
● Cleaning up the house or binge watching that new series everyone’s talking
● Looking good or feeling good?
● Saying yes or saying no?
● Trusting yourself or trusting others?
● Doing what is best for you or doing what is best for others?
● Waiting or taking charge of a situation?
● Being in charge or being understanding?
● Talking or listening?
● Taking a deep breath or running out of breath?
● Being here now or being everywhere?

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