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Multiplying 2-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers with Various Decimal Places (B)

Name: Date:
Calculate each product.

51 3.2 73 0.85 22
× 0.25 × 82 ×12 × 0.38 × 0.16

83 8.4 3.7 52 9.3

× 7.8 × 0.70 × 92 ×10 × 0.20

7.1 4.9 0.28 39 7.0

× 39 × 0.72 × 22 × 0.23 × 70

2.1 59 0.27 9.3 0.18

× 58 × 9.1 × 8.9 × 0.21 × 14

0.78 54 0.31 67 0.12

× 7.1 × 0.71 × 3.0 × 2.8 × 6.7
Multiplying 2-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers with Various Decimal Places (B) Answers

Name: Date:
Calculate each product.

51 3.2 73 0.85 22
× 0.25 × 82 ×12 × 0.38 × 0.16
255 64 146 680 132
1020 2560 730 2550 220
12.75 262.4 876 0.3230 3.52

83 8.4 3.7 52 9.3

× 7.8 × 0.70 × 92 ×10 × 0.20
664 5.880 74 520 1.860
5810 3330
647.4 340.4

7.1 4.9 0.28 39 7.0

× 39 × 0.72 × 22 × 0.23 × 70
639 98 56 117 490.0
2130 3430 560 780
276.9 3.528 6.16 8.97

2.1 59 0.27 9.3 0.18

× 58 × 9.1 × 8.9 × 0.21 × 14
168 59 243 93 72
1050 5310 2160 1860 180
121.8 536.9 2.403 1.953 2.52

0.78 54 0.31 67 0.12

× 7.1 × 0.71 × 3.0 × 2.8 × 6.7
78 54 0.930 536 84
5460 3780 1340 720
5.538 38.34 187.6 0.804

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