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Lesson Plan for the Subject- Basic Manufacturing Processes, 4th Semester,
B.Tech, 2019
No of Cumulative
Modules Topic/Course Content
Classes (Hrs) Classes (Hrs)
Pattern making, pattern materials, allowances , types of
2 1-2
Sand casting types, sand cast, moulding procedure, types
2 3,4
of sand, gates and riser (basic design considerations)
Essential properties of moulding sand, core making, types
Module-1 of cores, Essential qualities, core mixtures and binder sand
Foundry Process testing, Mould and core hardness test, fineness test, clay 4 5-8
content test, permeability test, moisture content test, sand
Cleaning of casting and defects in casting 3 9-11

Die casting, precision investment casting, shell moulds,

3 12,13,14
centrifugal casting processes, permanent moulds casting.

Preparation of powder, properties of powder, 2 15,16

Powder Metallurgy Fabrication methods & procedure, applications,
2 17,18
Lesson Plan for the Subject- Basic Manufacturing Processes, 4th
Semester, B.Tech, 2019, cont.
Hot and cold working of Metals: Basic Principles of hot and cold working of metals. 1 19
Rolling: Types of Rolling, Rolling equipments hot and cold rolling, General deformation
pattern, Pressure and forces in rolling, Distribution of roll pressure, angle of bite, effect of
rolling on microstructure, Rolling defects, Numericals on rolling load and power
4 20-23
Module-2 required for reduction.
Metal Working Process Forgings: Smith forging, Drop forging, press forging & Machine forging, Description of 2 24,25
Presses and hammers,forging defects.
Extrusion: Direct, Indirect and impact extrusion and their applications, Extrusion
defects, Determination of extrusion force.
1 26
Drawing: Wire and rod drawing, Tube drawing, Process variables in drawing process,
Deep drawing, Determination of drawing force.
1 27
Fabrication Processes: Classification, types of welding joints, 1 28
Gas welding principles, types of flames, quipment,techniques of gas cutting. 2 29,30

Electric Arc Welding: Principles of electric welding equipments and electrodes (in brief),
1 31
Module-4 Principles of Inert Gas Welding. TIG, MIG, sub-merged arc welding. Atomic hydrogen
Fabrication Processes: welding, plasma are welding. 2 32,33
Resistance Welding: Principle of forge welding, spot-seam, Projection, Upset-butt
welding, flash welding. Thermit -Welding
2 34,35
Electro-slag welding, friction welding Brazing, Soldering., Welding defects and
1 36
Text Book:
1: Manufacturing Technology, P.N.Rao (Tata Mc-Graw Hill, Publication, Co. Ltd.)
2: Manufacturing Processes, J.Kausish, PHI (2nd Edition)

Reference Books:
1: Manufacturing Technology: Materials, Processes and Equipment: Helmi A. Youssef, Hassan A. El. Hofy and M.H.
Ahmed, CRC Press, 2015
2: Principles of Manufacturing materials and Processes, J.S Campbell, TMH
3: Welding and Welding Technology, R.Little, TMH, 43rd reprint, 2014
4: Manufacturing Science, A. Ghosh & A.K.Mallick, EWP
5: Elements of Manufacturing Processes, B.S.N. Parasar, R.K. Mittal, PHI
Metal working processes
The stress corresponding to breaking point E is called breaking stress or tensile strength. Within the elastic limit, the maximum
stress which an object can be subjected to is called working stress and the ratio between working stress and breaking stress is
called factor of safety.
Metal-forming processes
Fundamentals of metal-forming
Metal-forming: The group of manufacturing processes in which plastic
deformation is used to change the shape of metal work pieces is called metal-
forming. The tool, usually called a die, applies stresses that exceed yield strength
of metal. The metal takes a shape determined by the geometry of the die.
The deformation of metals, which is achieved by the displacement of the atoms is
achieved by one or more of the processes called slip and twinning.
The flow of metal can be seen under microscope after polishing and suitable
etching of the metal surface; these visible lines are called ‘fibre flow lines’. The
grains elongate in the direction of flow and hence it is possible to control these
flow lines in any specific direction by carefully manipulating the applied forces;
that way the mechanical properties of the metal can be manipulated.
Stresses in Metal Forming:
Stresses to plastically deform the metal are usually compressive.
Examples: rolling, forging, extrusion
However, some forming processes
-stretch the metal (tensile stresses)
-others bend the metal (tensile and compressive)
-shearing ( shear stresses)
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Material Properties in Metal Forming:
Desirable material properties:
- Low yield strength and high ductility.
These properties are affected by temperature:
- Ductility increases and yield strength decreases when work
temperature is raised.
Other factors:
- Strain rate and friction.

It may be ‘bulk deformation processes’ or ‘sheet-metal working’

Bulk Deformation Processes:
- Characterized by significant deformations and massive shape changes.
- "Bulk" refers to work parts with relatively low surface area : volume ratio.
- Starting work shapes include cylindrical billets and rectangular bars.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Bulk Deformation Processes: (a) rolling
(b) forging

(c) extrusion (d) drawing

Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Sheet Metalworking: Forming and related operations performed on metal
sheets, strips, and coils:
- High surface area : volume ratio of starting metal, which distinguishes
these from bulk deformation.
Often called press working because presses perform these operations:
- Parts are called stampings. - Usual tooling: punch and die.

(a) bending (b) drawing (c) shearing

Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Temperature in Metal Forming :
Any deformation operation can be accomplished with lower forces and
power at elevated temperature.
There are TWO main temperature ranges in metal forming:
Cold working Hot working
Cold working:
Performed at room temperature or slightly above.
Many cold forming processes are important mass production operations.
- Minimum or no machining usually required.
- These operations are near net shape or net shape processes.
Example- Rolling, forging, extrusion, blanking etc..
Hot working:
Deformation at temperatures above re-crystallization temperature.
Re-crystallization temperature is defined by the American Society of Metals as:
‘the approximate minimum temperature at which complete re-
crystallization of a cold-worked metal occurs within a specified time’.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Temperature in Metal Forming cont. :
In practice, Re-crystallization temperature usually varies in between one-third
to one-half of melting point of the metal on absolute scale.
Minimum Re-crystallization temperature (ReT) for various materials
Material ReT, 0C Material ReT, 0C
Lead Below Room T (RT) Iron 450
Tin Below RT Nickel 600
Cadmium RT Titanium 650
Zinc RT Beryllium 700
Manganese 150 Molybdenum 900
Aluminium 150 Tantalum 1000
Copper 200 Tungsten 1200
In hot working, the process may be carried above the ReT with or without
heating; for lead and tin, ReT is below RT, so working at RT is hot working,
whereas, for steel, ReT is ~ 10000C, so working just below it is cold working.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Temperature in Metal Forming cont. :
ReT depends on the amount of cold-work a material has already received; the
higher the cold-work, the lower would be the ReT. Besides, other variables also
affect ReT.
Variables affecting Re-crystallization temperature (ReT)

Variables Effect on ReT

Solute concentration on solid solution Generally increases ReT; depends upon effect
on melting temperature
Presence of second phase Second-phase particles decrease ReT
Original grain size before cold working Decreasing grain size decreases ReT
Rate of plastic deformation Increasing rate decreases ReT
Temperature of cold working Decreasing T of cold-working decreases ReT

In hot working, the Temperature at which the working is completed is

important since any extra heat left after working will aid in the grain growth,
thus giving poor mechanical properties. If the hot working is completed just
above the re-crystallization temperature then the grain size will be fine.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Advantages of hot working:
(1) Work part shape can be significantly altered since at higher temperature
the material is ductile. Even brittle materials can be hot worked.
(2) Lower forces and power required since shear stress gets reduced at
higher temperature.
(3) Metals that usually fracture in cold working can be hot formed.
(4) A very favorable grain size control is possible resulting in better mechani-
-cal properties. Strength properties of product are generally isotropic.

Disadvantages of hot working:

(1) Lower dimensional accuracy due to thermal expansion at high T.
(2) Higher total energy required (due to the thermal energy to heat the work
piece). Also handling and maintaining of hot metal is difficult.
(3) Work surface oxidation (scale formation), poorer surface finish. Also
possibility of decarburization of skin in steels due to high T.
(4) Shorter tool life because of high temperature operation.
(5) Some metals can not be hot worked because of their brittleness at high T.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Advantages of cold working:
(1) Better accuracy, closer tolerances can be achieved.
(2) Better surface finish is achieved.
(3) Strain hardening increases strength and hardness which is beneficial in
specific cases.
(4) Grain flow during deformation can cause desirable directional
properties in product.
(5) No heating of work required; thus (i) no scale formation, (ii) no
decarburization, (iii) economical for smaller sizes.
Disadvantages of cold working:
(1) Higher forces and power required, thus, amount of working is limited.
. (2) Ductility and strain hardening limit the amount of forming:
- In some cases, metal must be annealed to allow further deformation,
- In other cases, metal is simply not ductile enough to be cold worked.
Metal-forming processes cont.
Fundamentals of metal-forming cont.
Properties obtained by hot rolling and cold rolling in C10 steel

Properties Hot rolled Cold rolled

Ultimate tensile strength, MPa 427 558
Yield strength, MPa 220.5 345
Brinell Hardness Number 94 174

The wastege of material in metal-working processes is either negligible

or very small, and the production rate is in general very high.
These two factors give rise to favorable economy in production.

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