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In our research, we have chosen a topic, which is “Books Vs Movies: How our young generation is

entertaining themselves now-a-days?’’ At present young generation doesn’t want to read book. Usually

they spend their leisure time by watching movies. Once people used to read books but day by day the

number of the people who read books is decreasing. The focus of our statistical research is to know why

people prefer movies as their entertainment. In our research, we have found out people have different

perception towards reading books and watching movies. We have found out through my survey that

people watch movies to keep them out of pressure. They love to watch movies as it gives them pleasure

as well. On the other hand, younger people think that reading a book is boring than watching movies as

they can’t listen and watch nothing while reading books and they can also learn innovative things and

apply them in their real life. When we surveyed various people, we came to know that people have a

very positive perception towards reading books. The problem, young generation or basically the

students feel toward reading books is that they do not get enough time to read books because of other

alternative sources of entertainment. Students spend most of their time on the different type of movies

because they do not want to read books. We divided our hypothesis four different variable. At the end

of the data analysis, we conclude that our hypothesis is right that young generation do not want to read

books because they got other source of entertainment like internet, television, online games and mainly

movies. we also recommended that student should read more books. Books will not only give you

knowledge it will also give you entrainment Books let us to escape from our traditional life and share

mind with the writer’s mind. So, we think people should not stop reading because of other medium of

Table of Content

Topic Page No.

Introduction 1
Impact on lifestyle and Values 2
Objectives 3
Data Collection procedure 4
Methodology 5
Variables 6
Primary Data Presentation and Analysis 7
Conclusion & Recommendation 14
Appendix 15


Despite enormous level of study pressure and exam works today’s young generation hardly find some

free time for themselves to enjoy their leisure. How maximum of them spend their free time depends on

so many factors, such as economic situation, age, family status etc. Not everyone has same level of

interests to enjoy their quality time and how they utilize it’s all up to them. Some may love to watch

movies or reading books or some may find the best by hanging out with friends, playing games etc.

Among them we select books and movies & particularly on this study we are working to identify, how

much preference books and movies have in their daily life.

Reading books shapes our life intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Reading books is important

because it will not only help you to understand how the language is formed it will also help you to

increase your vocabulary. In schools or colleges, we used to read lots of books. But when people get

access of the technology they got other mediums of technology. So, gradually the habit of peoples

reading is getting lower because they are so involved in other medium of entertainment. Today people

like to watch movies adapted from books rather than reading the books. Students think by seeing

movies they can learn about the book.

As we know that today’s young people haven’t known a life without technology. Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, Instagram these are becoming integral part of their daily life. So during this study we find it

very much challenging to find those who still found these things much more appealing than the rest. We

have tried to measure their level of interest and the reason behind those priorities why choosing one

above other. The focus of my research will be finding out our young generation’s entertainment source

in the field of books and movies.

Impact on lifestyle and Values:
Lifestyle plays big role on selecting priorities. Books and movies both will get the preferences of

sophisticated viewers. We know from a marketing point of view that there is relationship between

lifestyle and values while choosing suitable product. Both lifestyle and values are related to each other.

Whatever ideal movies or books one choose, values always do exist. Ultimately all the plan and decision

one make is based on values. Suppose a man who works almost 48 to 50 hours in a week will hardly

manage enough time for reading a quality novel. In that case watching movies during the weekend with

his belongings and with a sweet collaboration of popcorn and soft drinks will be his pleasure. And

majority of them will prefer to watch family drama, comedy genre movies during that time. However,

now a days are books are chosen by very limited people. It takes high patience and depth to read a book

for long time. It’s not like a habit that can grow within a day. University going students or newly fresh

graduate will choose both as they like to relate those outcomes with their real life incidents. Some may

love to choose thriller or action oriented movies or books, whereas some can choose love story or

drama based books or movies.

Also we have seen that, while choosing movies, artists or the directors get huge attention. Movies of

Shah Rukh Khan, Di Caprio, Brad Pitt always have maximum attentions among crowds. Same goes with

books. Popularity of writers does matter a lot. In Bangladesh we have seen there is huge number of

influential reader who follows Humayun Ahmed’s novels on regular basis. Among foreign writers Dan

Brown, Nicholas Sparks, J.k Rowling etc. got huge bulk of reader. One who is not actually a regular book

lover may particularly choose one of them to have collection of their series.


Our objective is to determine from the following study is to sorting out the causes why young generation

choosing one above another. Also discover the valid reason behind it and factors that influences them to

select their suitable options. From this report one could get the idea to project why young generation is

interested in choosing movies or books. The core factors influencing them to take the option if it’s the

money issue or the content itself they want to learn through these media. Also the objective is to

identify if any other factors are involved for selecting their option or not. For our better understanding

and to discover the real fact, we put some analogical type questions like if movies have negative impact

on society or the way they choose movies or books just from the title or cover etc.

Data Collection Procedure:

To conduct the research, we basically have done two types of research. These are Primary Research &

Secondary research. In primary research, we have made questionnaire and have done survey on 31

participants. All the participants are students and they are from Independent University and North south


For the Secondary research, we collect newspaper, online journals, articles etc. We go through all these

and sufficient collected data to support our hypothesis.


Now a day our young generation is always seeking entertainment source. For this they maximum time

choose movies. Even for recently released movie named “Infinity War”, people had an extreme rush to

watch that. On the other hand, there are some people who still seek entertainment on books. To collect

the right data and for proper analysis we have used level of measurement which is interval and ratio

data. Besides we have used descriptive and inferential statistics. We have selected some variable such as

time, hobby, title, cost etc. to prove our hypothesis test.

Main Variable

now-a-days, people spends time on books or movies one of the critical variables for the young
generation to seek entertainment. How much time they spend on books and how much they spend
on movies.

Cost is also ratio level data. How much money spend on books or movies is one of the critical
variables for the young generation to seek entertainment or spend on reading books and watching

Title is the variable factors people influence to choose a book or a movie.

Hobby is another vital variable to choose books or movies. our young generation’s preference and
leisure activity in the field of books and movies varies.

Questionnaire for variable “time”:

 How many movies do you watch in a month?

 How many books do you read in a month?



15 16


3 3
0 1
0 to 1 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to more


From the graph we can see that 3 responded they are watching 0 to 1 movies, 16 responded they are

watching 2 to 5 movies, 9 people responded they are watching 5 to 10 movies, and 3 responded they

are watching more than 10 movies in a month.

On the other hand, From the graph we can see that 23 responded they are reading 0 to 1 movies, 7

responded they are reading 2 to 5 movies, 1 people responded they are reading 5 to 10 movies, and

none of responder are reading more than 10 movies in a month.

This result shows that young generation spend more time in movies than books.

Time is a ratio level that. There are two samples books and movies, and both samples are more than 30.

So we can use z as the test statistics. Before z test we find out mean and standard deviation both books

and movies.

X is the individual observation result. Our total observation N=31. We take mid value of each

observation, and we find (0+1)/2 =.5, (2+5)/2=3.5, (5+10)/2=7.5, more than 10 we take 10. we calculated

31 observation data in Minitab software and we find our mean and standard deviation.

Sample N Mean Standard Deviation

Movies 31 5 2.76

Books 31 1.40 1.70

Step 1: State The Null and Alternate Hypothesis

ₒ μM ≤ μB
H :

₁ μM > μB
H :

Step 2: Select The Level of Significance

We have considered as 0.05

Step 3: Both samples are more than 30, we can use z as the test statistics.

It is two sample test.

Step 4: State the decision rule

The null hypothesis is rejected if z greater than 1.65 or p < .05

Step 5: Compute the value of z is 6.18 (Find by Minitab software)

Reject the Null and accept the alternate z calculate value is 6.18 > critical z of 1.65So, in this hypothesis
test we can conclude that young generation spend more time in books for their entrainment than books.

Questionnaire for variable “Cost”:
 How much are you willing to spend for watching a movie or reading a book in a month?

Books movies

25 24




5 4

1 1
Up to BDT 500 BDT 500-800 BDT 800-1200 More than BDT 1200


From the graph we can see that 24 responded they are spending up to 500 BDT for books, 6 responded

are spending BDT 500 to 800 taka, one people responded that they are spending BDT 800 to 1200, and

none responded are spending more than Bdt 1200 for books in a month.

On the other hand, from the graph we can see that 11 responded are spending up to 500 BDT for

movies, 15 responded are spending BDT 500 to 800 taka, 1 people responded they are spending BDT

800 to 1200, and 4 responded are spending more than BDT 1200 for movies in a month.

This result shows that young generation spend more money in movies than books for their


Cost is also a ratio level that. There are two samples books and movies, and both samples are more than

30, we can use z as the test statistics. Before z test we find out mean and standard deviation both books

and movies.

X is the individual observation result. Our total observation N=31. We take mid value of each

observation, and we take value up to 500=500, (500+800)/2=650, (800+1200)/2=1000, more than BDT

1200 we take BDT 1200. we calculated 31 observation data in Minitab software and we find our mean

and standard deviation.

Sample N Mean Standard Deviation

Movies 31 684 225

Books 31 540 102

Step 1: State The Null and Alternate Hypothesis

ₒ μM ≤ μB
H :

₁ μM > μB
H :

Step 2: Select The Level of Significance

We have considered as 0.05

Step 3: Both samples are more than 30, we can use z as the test statistics.

It is two sample test.

Step 4: State the decision rule

The null hypothesis is rejected if z greater than 1.65 or p < .05

Step 5: Compute the value of z is 3.23 (Find by Minitab software)

Reject the Null and accept the alternate z calculate value is 3.23 > critical z of 1.65

So, in this hypothesis test we can conclude that young generation spend more money for movies

than books for their entrainment.

Questionnaire for variable “Hobby”:

 Which hobby do you prefer, reading a Book or watching a movie?

Books; 3;
Both; 8;

20; 65%

Books Movies Both


The graph is basically shows the percentage of responder preference regarding books and movies. 10%

of the responder say yes that they only read books. Similarly, 64 % of the responder say that they watch

only movies in their leisure time. Besides 26% of the responder say that they prefer both of this as a

hobby to entertain themselves in leisure time.

In this qualitative data, we can conclude that, this graph shows our young generation’s prefer movies as

a hobby or leisure activity in the field of books and movies and it also shows that young people chooses

movies to entertain themselves in leisure time than books.

Questionnaire for variable “Title”:

 How do choose your books or movies?

How do choose your books or movies?

Neither Above

Friend reference



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Movies Books

We ask to the responder how do choose your books or movies?

Out of 31 responders 14 people watch or read different kinds of movies or books based on title. The

graph shows the participant’s choice in percentage and also defines which factors people influence to

choose a book or a movie. like most, about 45% of the people say that they choose movies or books

based on how attracted the title is, 3 of the people say they choose by cover or trailer. On the other

hand, 29% of the people say that they watch movies or read books based on friend reference. And 5 of

the people give their opinion they choose movies or books other factors.

Here we can see that younger people choose movies and books mostly based on title.

Conclusion & Recommendation:
People seek for different kinds of sources to entertain themselves now-a- days. In the field of

books and movies people or mostly the younger people prefer movies. People can achieve all-

important knowledge through book reading as well as they can get entertained. But people find

movies more preferable as movies give them more enjoyable moment than books. Today

students are so busy with their smart phone in internet browsing, where they can watch movies in

YouTube. As a result, the number of movie watching people is increasing significantly. Since

my hypothesis was not incorrect but it doesn’t mean that younger people would not have to read

books. If this number of non-book reader increase, then people will lose the habit of reading

books. Reading books is just not a passion for the people it helps us improve our vocabulary,

spelling and reading skill. Today students lack these skills because of not reading books. So I

would like to recommend people for not stop reading books due to time constraint or other things

Parents should be more attentive regarding this and also the marketers of books and novels must

have to make books more available so that people can buy or find books easily. I also highly

recommend our young generation to watch decent movies and try to learn good things rather

than bad and unethical things from movies so that they cannot engage in socially unacceptable



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