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Getting Started

Each time you open HTML Executable, it displays the welcome page where you can decide to create a new
project or load an existing one.

In HTML Executable, a "publication" means a compiled website. We will therefore use the word
"publication" to designate the compiled executable file (.exe extension) containing your website and created
by you with HTML Executable.

Use the help contents tree on the left side to browse though the different help topics and discover the features of HTML Executable.
You may also press F1 or click on the Help buttons in HTML Executable to directly access to the related help topic.

Navigating through the interface

All related features are grouped into tabs belonging to one of the three following panels: File Manager, Publication Settings and
Publication Output.

 Under "File Manager" you can manage files that will be compiled into your publication. It works like Windows Explorer with a tree
displaying the different folders on the left and on the right the files inside the selected folder. You can add/remove/edit files and
configure their properties. More information.
 The "Publication Settings" panel is the heart of HTML Executable: it contains all of the features that let you customize the
behavior and appearance of your publication. This panel is also divided into different sections called "tabs" (see below).
 Finally with the "Publication Output" panel you can access to options related to the way HTML Executable will output the
publication .exe file.

To navigate between the three panels, click on the desired tab at the bottom of the main window:

The two last panels contain tabs: to access to a specific tab, just make it active by clicking on it (at the top of the main window). Use the
arrows on the left/right to navigate through the list of available tabs.

Please note that some of the tabs may be visible or not depending on the type of project you are working on.

Getting started

At any time, if you have questions, do not hesitate to see this documentation or visit the website for the
knowledge base, frequently asked questions, additional downloads and resources, and finally the user forums where you can
share your experiences.

Always begin a new publication by creating a project; HTML Executable actually supports creating up to 3 different types of publications!
Don't worry: everything is explained here.

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