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Eleazar’s D&D 5e 

Homebrew Race Compendium 

I've made extensive use of ​Musicus' Race Feature Analysis​, though I value some
features differently. I’ve taken pains to make sure that these fit within the power
range of PHB races, but numbers and thought experiments can only go so far. ​Let
me know what you think!​ And most especially if you play one of these in a game,
please let me know how it plays.

The following are mostly faithful in spirit to the original races, but I’ve freely made
changes to bring them into line with 5e style, to balance them out, and sometimes
to give them some more individuality, since 5e races all seem to have at least one
special power.

Everything in here is written by me. You are welcome to use and reproduce for
personal use only.

I’ve closed comments because for every constructive one there were 50 acts of
vandalism. Not worth my trouble.

3.5e Conversion An old favorite recreated in 5e style.

5e MM Conversion A monster adjusted to be suitable as a PC.

5e Rebalance Tried to improve a problematic 5e race.

Experimental This race has hard-to-balance features which DMs may be wary of.

Original Not based on an existing DnD creature (as far as I know).

Safe This is conservatively designed. DMs shouldn’t have a problem with it.

Subrace See WotC’s documentation for the base part of the race.
Art Credits
Alternate Balanced Human
Blink Dog
Elephantine (Beh-mamush)
Air Genasi
Earth Genasi
Ghostwise Halfling
Giant Fey Spider
Orb Weaver
Tree Spider
Hybsil (fey deer centaur) 1st Draft
Killoren / Wilden
Aspect of the Ancients
Aspect of the Destroyer
Aspect of the Hunter
Largeish Mongrelfolk
Medium Mongrelfolk
Small Mongrelfolk
Cat (Tibbits)
Poisonous Snake
Whisper Gnome
Wild Dwarf
Art Credits 
Every effort is made to use the art in accordance with the wishes of the artist. The art included is
to the best of my knowledge public domain, or release by the artist for use consistent with this
Most of these pieces have been tweaked to fit the race they are used for.

Blink Dog: “Greyhounds” ​by Louis Agassiz Fuertes from The Book of Dogs 1919 Public Domain

Ghostwise Halfling: ​"Tanya" © 2012 Kaitlynn Peavler for ​Prismatic Art Collection​, used under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license: ​

Giant Fey Spider: ​“Male Jumping spider - Evarcha arcuata” by ​Lukas Jonaitis​ used under a ​Creative
Commons​ ​Attribution 2.0 Generic

Half-Drow: ​"Leah" © 2012 Kaitlynn Peavler used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
license: ​

Half-Troll: ​by John Bauer, Public Domain. from Among Pixies and Trolls, 1912,_sicken_liten_puttefnasker!_Rop

Killoren: ​"Wahab" © 2012 Kaitlynn Peavler, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
license: ​

Whisper Gnome: ​”Dehana” © 2010 Storn Cook used under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Wereling:​ “Halfling Rogue” © 2010 MaNuEli used under a ​Creative Commons

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License​.

Some races are limited to choosing “standard” or only one “exotic” languages. A list of these
can be found in the Player’s Hand Book p 123.

The two most common comments I’ve gotten on my races are these:

“You can’t have negative ability scores for PC races in 5e.”

Now Volo’s Guide has a few. I’m very cautious about including negative traits to a race, and try
to keep them to a minimum. But in some circumstances I think negative abilities fit a concept
very well.

“Half-Breed races should know the language of both parents.”

Well that is how 5e does it, but I’m going to purposefully not follow their lead on that. It doesn’t
make sense to me. I don’t like having to choose between the idea that languages are inborn, or
that every child is raised by both parents. Adventurers have notoriously complicated and often
tragic histories. A half-troll PC could quite possibly be raised never having met or even seen a
troll. In that case automatically being able to speak Giant is silly. So in such cases I’ve given a
free language so the player can choose to know the language of the exotic parent, or not.

Special thanks to:

● Andrew S for providing a lot of help editing and clarifying the language.
Alternate Balanced Human 
5e Rebalance

Ability Score Increase.​ Four of your ability scores increase by one.

Size.​ Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Skill Versatility.​ You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Miscellaneous Experience.​ You gain any combination of three of the following: tool
proficiencies, vehicle proficiencies, or languages.

Expertise​. You gain Expertise in your choice of one skill, tool, or vehicle in which you are
proficient. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the
chosen proficiency. The proficiency bonus cannot be further increased by class features that
increase a proficiency bonus.

Language.​ You can speak read, and write Common.

So the Standard Human is exceptionally boring and uninspiring, and the Variant Human with
the all-important free feat is one of the best races for almost any build. To add insult to
injury, besides the feat, the Half-Elf has more interesting and powerful features presumably
gained from their human half.

For balance, i judge this to be on the high side of the power curve of PHB races, but not at
the top-- though there are some tricky issues. If you would almost always want to choose a
half-elf over this, it has failed.

So here's my attempt at a replacement. I'm trying to make humans a good, solid options
without making them always one of the best options.

4.00 Attribute Bonus
0.75 Skill Versatility
1.00 Expertise
0.75 3 Tool, Vehicle, or Language Proficiencies
-.15 No second language
6.35 Total

Blink Dog 
5e MM Conversion, Experimental

Blink dogs are intelligent fey dogs with the innate power of teleportation.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity and Constitution scores increases by 1, and your choice
of Strength or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Fey.​ Your type is fey. Spells that work only on humanoids do not affect you, but you are affected
by spells that target fey. However, the Material Plane is your native home. You have advantage
on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Age.​ Blink dogs mature in about 15 years. As fey, they may live to be many centuries old.
Alignment. ​Unlike most fey creatures, blink dogs have a lawful bent. They tend to be loyal and
reliable, and take pride in being open and straightforward. However, skillful deceiving blink dogs
are known to exist.

Size.​ You stand between 3 and nearly 4 feet high at the shoulders and weigh between 60 and
150 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet

Useful Magic.​ You know your choice of a cantrip, ​mage hand​ or ​message.​ Whichever cantrip
you choose may be cast without a verbal or material component.

Teleportation.​ As a bonus action, you may instantly teleport to an unoccupied space you can
see along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying. After you teleport, you can’t teleport
again until a minute has passed, however at the beginning of your turn you may roll a d6 to see
if your teleportation ability recharges earlier. At level one your teleportation range is 20 feet,
and it recharges on a roll of 6. Your teleportation improves at the following levels:

● L3: recharges on 5-6.

● L6: range increases to 30 feet.
● L9: recharges on 4-6.
● L12: range increases to 45 feet.
● L15: recharges on 3-6.
● L18: range increases to 60 feet.

Flickering Presence.​ You can instantly teleport short distances of a few inches at will. This
improves your ability to dodge, giving you an AC bonus of +2 while conscious. You lose this
ability when not in the form of a blink dog.

Bite.​ You are proficient with your bite, which deals 1d6 piercing and bludgeoning damage on a
hit. You may consider your jaws a light, finesse simple melee weapon, but your bite does not
count as an unarmed strike. You may use your jaws instead of a free hand to grapple. If a spell
or class feature allows you to enhance a melee weapon, you may apply that enhancement to
your teeth instead.

Discerning Nose.​ You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Your
sense of smell is so keen you may track another creature by scent with a Wisdom (Survival)
check up to 24 hours after they have left. Finally you recognise the scent of anyone you are
familiar with, and cannot be fooled by merely visual disguises.

No Hands.​ Unfortunately, you have no hands. You cannot wield weapons or shields. You
cannot do anything for which hands are necessary, such as use tools or kits.

Language.​ As a dog, you do not have the vocal apparatus necessary to speak humanoid
languages. However, you can understand, read, but not write Common, and Sylvan, as well as
communicate through the exotic language of blink dogs— a highly advanced dialect of the
simple language most canines speak. The blink dog language relies as much on gesture and
posture as on sound.

Spellcasting.​ Blink dogs have significant limitations as spellcasters. Since you have no hands,
you cannot perform spells with material components, or use a spellcasting focus— thus about
half the spells are unavailable to you. You can however, fulfill the verbal and somatic
requirements for spells, with ear twitches, tail wagging, and other movements for the somatic,
and the sounds of blink dog language for the verbal.

Fighting Styles 
Whenever your class offers you the choice of a fighting style, you may choose one of these
blink dog fighting styles instead.

All the Better to Eat You With...

Your bite does 1d8 damage.

Guard Dog
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can
use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, by teleporting and bumping your
ally out of the way.

Pack Tactics
You gain a +2 bonus to your melee attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is
within five feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Tenacious Grip
When you succeed with an Attack action during your turn to make a bite attack you may make a
grapple attempt as a bonus action. When a creature you have grappled with your jaws uses its
action to escape and fails you automatically deal your bite damage.

Well this one turned out to be a lot more work, and more fun that I expected. Attempting to
balance no hand, no speaking, and teleportation is quite a handful. If it helps to understand the
race consider it one that always carries a shield in one hand (Flickering Presence + 2AC), and a
d6 weapon in the other.
3.00 ASI
0.50 Type: Fey
0.50 Cantrip
2.50 Teleportation
1.00 Flickering Presence
1.00 Bite
0.75 Discerning Nose
-3.0 No Hands
0 Languages
-.50 Can’t Speak
6.00 Total

Elephantine (Beh-mamush) 
Experimental, Original
The elephantine are an ancient race that has quietly dwelt in inaccessible corners of the world
for millennia. While their holdings are not precisely secret, they prefer to remain undisturbed by
the other more tumultuous peoples. Studious, contemplative and yet devoted to family, the
elephantine move through their lives with quiet dignity. The ironbacks are a more recent
offshoot from that culture, embracing a less scholarly, more vigorous life in warmer lands.

Elephantine are stout, baggy-skinned humanoids with a head and trunk quite similar to an
elephant, but without tusks. Their skin varies from pale to slate grey or dull brown. This tone
may be relieved by pink spots and uniquely shaped patches. Over the millennia the two
branches of the race have become physically distinct. While the ironbacks are usually taller,
even a longhair looks down at most humanoids.

Infrequently, an elephantine will venture out into the world. They might be a rare outcast, though
more likely they are driven by a thirst for knowledge that cannot be satisfied within their lands.

In their own language, they refer to themselves as “Beh-mamush”, though they take no offence
at the more commonly known “elephantine” name. However, few elephantine want to be
confused with the even larger loxo. If pressed they might explain that the loxo were the result of
a super soldier experiment that didn’t go they way they wanted.

The elephantine claim that the language everyone else calls "draconic" today is simply the
common language from the dawn of time when the elephantine, dragons, and the first few other
races were civilized. The fact that few others remember the elephantine, they attribute to the
fact that they don't make as much fuss and mess as the dragons.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Strength score increases by 1.

Age.​ Elephantine mature slowly, reaching adulthood around the age of 40. Their life-span
progresses at a similarly slow rate, often reaching past the third century.

Alignment.​ Most elephantine are lawful neutral, and have a natural aversion to chaos, valuing
stability and reliability. Their societies seldom enforce conformity however, and elephantine of
all alignments can be found.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Prehensile Trunk. ​Elephantines possess a trunk, with three finger-like knobs. While it can be
used as a third hand for most purposes, its boneless structure makes it unsuitable for wielding a
weapon. You may use your trunk for your object interaction, and carry items with it. You may
hold and pass a light item (such as a healing potion or a throwing weapon) between hand and
trunk without using your object interaction. You may also hold a spellcasting focus and perform
the somatic component of spells with your trunk.

Heavy.​ Due to your weight, you have disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to climb, and
the distance you can jump is halved.

Immoveable Bulk.​ You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks against being shoved,
unless the creature shoving you is of a larger size.

Strong Back.​ Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, is 1.5 times
greater than normal for a creature of your size.

Language.​ You can speak read, and write Common, and Beh-mamush— an ancient dialect of

Subrace.​ Choose the longhair or ironback subrace.

Longhair are the smaller sub-race of elephantine, named for their long coat of red-brown or grey
fur. They prefer to live in small cities in extreme environments, such as high elevations, or
northern tundra. Longhairs have shorter trunks and tend to keep them curled neatly out of the

The longhairs see themselves as keepers of the true and ancient culture of their people, in
which knowledge and wisdom are valued above all.

Most longhairs groom their fur in a complex and unique series of braids, plaits and beads. To a
long hair these signifies family ties, fields of lore mastered, beliefs and personal style.

Size.​ Weighing between 225 and 325 pounds and standing around 6 feet tall, your size is

Ability Score Increase.​ Your choice of two of the following ability scores increase by 1:
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Never Forgets.​ You gain expertise (double proficiency bonus) in one knowledge skill in which
you are already proficient. Choose between: Arcana, History, Nature or Religion. This
proficiency bonus cannot be further increased by any other features, such as a bard’s or rogue’s

Extra Language.​ You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.

Ironback elephantine are larger, and prefer to live in small settlements amid spacious forests or
shrublands. They are nearly hairless, and have longer, stronger trunks, which they use for
expansive gesturing,

Ironbacks hold that wisdom and knowledge alone are worthless and that strength and courage
are needed to put wisdom into action. While they also have insular communities, they are less
hesitant to mingle with outsiders. Most of the elephantine encountered in the wider world are

Lacking hair, the ironbacks inscribe their family associations, deeds and accomplishments on
their face and trunk with tattoos.

Size.​ Weighing between 275 and 375 pounds and ranging from 6 to 7 feet tall, your size is

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Constitution score increases by 1, and your choice of one of the
following scores increase by 1: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma.

Elephantine Toughness.​ Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every
time you gain an odd numbered level.

​ hen your trunk is not holding anything, you may use it and a hand to
Constricting Grapple. W
gain advantage on checks to grapple a single creature and to resist escape attempts from that

I like the way the traits work together on these guys-- the trunk add a lot of utility, but you
need to choose how to use it. You can’t grapple and hold a spellcasting focus at the same
1.00 Ability Score Increase
1.50 Trunk
-.50 Heavy
0.50 Strong Back
0.50 Immoveable Bulk
0.00 Common + 1 Language
3.00 Base Race Total

2.25 Ability Score Increases
1.00 Knowledge skill expertise
0.25 Extra Language
6.50 Total

2.25 Ability Score Increases
0.75 Elephantine Toughness
0.50 Advantage on Grapple
6.50 Total  
5e Rebalance, Safe, Subrace

Base Race.​ See the ​Elemental Evil Player’s Companion​ p. 7 for the lore and traits of the base
Genasi race. Spells found in this companion have the notation “(EE)”.

Air Genasi 
Ability Score Increase.​ ​(unchanged)

Unending Breath.​ ​(unchanged)

Mingle with the Wind. ​You know the ​gust​ (EE) cantrip. You can cast the ​levitate​ spell once with
this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when
you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Whisper on the Breeze.​ You can subtly guide the wind currents to better eavesdrop on distant
or whispered words. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) rolls to understand voices
you can hear as long as air can freely flow between you and the speakers.

Earth Genasi 
Ability Score Increase.​ ​(unchanged)

Earth Walk.​ ​(unchanged)

Merge with Stone.​ You know the ​mold earth​ (EE) cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can
cast the ​earth tremor​ (EE) spell once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability
to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these

Stand Your Ground.​ You gain advantage on Strength saving throws and ability checks to resist
being shoved, knocked prone, or otherwise moved against your will while standing on stone,
soil, brick, sand, or other forms of earth.

Underworld’s Secrets.​ You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks made to find hidden spaces and passages in caves.
While the Genasi are conceptually interesting, they are a mixed lot mechanically.

My assessment is that the Air and Earth genasi are noticeably weak, while the Fire and Water
are roughly around average power. And the Earth Genasi’s powers don't match the concept
well-- skillful sneaking would be one of the last things you would think of for a partly earth
elemental being.

And why the lack of Gust and Mold Earth? These cantrips practically have "This was designed
to give to an elemental character" written all over them, but the Air and Earth Genasi do not get
any cantrips.

So the following alterations are intended to bring the Air and Earth Genasi up to parity with the
other Genasi, and PC races in general.

The idea for “Whisper on a Breeze” is from Artisan_Mechanicum​.

Ghostwise Halfling 
3.5e Conversion, Safe, Subrace

For the official 3.5 Lore on this race,
see Races of Faerun p 74.

Less numerous, and less well known

than the jovial Lightfoot and Stout
halflings, the Ghostwise prefer to live
isolated in the wilderness. Most
Ghostwise clans actively avoid contact
with outsiders, and try to keep their
holdings hidden. They have been
known to pack up and move away when
the neighborhood becomes too
crowded. They live a simple, rural life
where family ties are treasured above
all else.

But to an outsider a Ghostwise village is

an eerie place. No one speaks aloud
except when they cannot come close
enough to use telepathy, and to do so is
considered rude without an urgent

Base Race.​ See PHB p. 28 for the traits of the base halfling race.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Strength score increases by 1.

Psychic Battlecry. Y ​ ou know the cantrip, ​psychic battlecry.​ Constitution is your spellcasting
ability for this spell.

Speak without Sound.​ As a free action you may telepathically “speak” to any creatures you
can see within 30ft. As with normal speech, the recipient must know the language to understand
the message. Your telepathy is one way— it cannot bring you a reply.
Even if you can’t see your target, you can use this power through solid objects if you are familiar
with the target and know it is beyond the barrier. 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin
sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks your telepathy. Your telepathy doesn’t have to follow a
straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings.

Cantrip: Psychic Battlecry 

Enchantment cantrip

Casting Time: ​1 action

Range:​ 30 feet
Components:​ none
Duration:​ Instantaneous

Using your telepathic voice, you scream a blood chilling battlecry which only the creature of your
choice hears. Unless it is immune to psychic damage, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes
before the end of its next turn.

This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th
level (4d4).

I always thought these odd halflings would be interesting to play, but it never worked out.
These guys would make great druids, since they can communicate while in animal form.

Andrew S. provided the idea of including a “psychic battlecry” with this subrace. Obviously
this cantrip is based off of the Bard’s ​vicious mockery​.

1.00 Ability Score Increase
0.50 Psychic Battlecry
0.50 Speak without Sound
3.75 Halfling Base Race
5.75 Total
Giant Fey Spider 
Experimental​, ​Original

When faced with a giant spider large enough to look them in the eye, most people flee or draw
their weapons. But if it is a giant ​fey​ spider, starting a pleasant chat is also an option. Fey
spiders are marked with a nearly unquenchable cheerfulness and all around friendliness. Those
fey spiders who travel outside the fey world are too often feared and driven away. But fey
spiders don’t take it personally, they realize that monstrous giant spiders are much more
common, and few people have heard about ​nice​ giant spiders. But they remain hopeful that the
next creature they meet will be friendly.

A giant fey spider is simply a giant species of spider with the intellect and spirit of a fey. Their
first pair of legs are used as arms, and possess dexterous pincers that serve as hands. Each
individual has a unique, bold pattern of gold, rust, silver, ebony and copper green on fur and
gleaming chitin. Smiling at everyone through two large iridescent eyes, a fey spider is quite
handsome— to those who can see past its spidery-ness.

Disgusted by the idea of sucking the juices from creatures, fey spiders instead make fruit their
staple, though they can eat other vegetable foods if they must.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age.​ Giant fey spiders mature quickly, reaching adulthood in 12 years. Avoiding mishaps, they
usually live around 80 years.

Alignment.​ As fey, giant fey spiders have a tendency toward chaotic good. Their tendency
toward cheerfulness is even stronger.

Fey.​ Your type is fey. Spells that work only on humanoids do not affect you, but you are affected
by spells that target fey. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can’t put you to sleep.

Long, Spindly Limbs.​ Due to the length of your arms, you have an additional 5 feet of reach,
but you find it awkward to balance long weapons. You have disadvantage on attack rolls with
reach weapons.

Size.​ A giant fey spider can look a dragonborn in the eye, but on closer inspection the space it
occupies is mostly legs and air— the spider’s body is about the same size as a dwarf’s. A giant
fey spider weighs between 150 and 175 pounds, and can comfortably hold its body anywhere
between 3 and 7 feet high. Your size is Medium. However due to your long legs, you are
considered Large in the following ways.

● You normally occupy a 10x10 foot space. As a bonus action, you may assume a smaller
stance by folding in your legs to fit within a 5x5 foot space. Your base walking speed is
reduced to 20 feet for as long as you are in this stance. You may later unfold and return
to your 10x10 stance with a bonus action.

● You are considered Large for purposes of moving through or sharing the space with
another creature.

● You are considered Large for the purpose of grappling, which means you may attempt to
grapple Huge creatures.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Arachnophobia. H ​ umanoids have an instinctive aversion to giant spiders. But many humanoids
who spend time around giant fey spiders are surprised how quickly the spider’s winsome
personality removes their unease. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Performance) or
(Persuasion) checks targeting humanoids unless they are accustomed to either fey or giant
spiders, or both.

Armor. ​Armor may be difficult to find in the proper shape for a giant spider. For comparable
protection and features armor shaped for you weighs twice as much as it would for a Medium
sized creature. The cost is at least twice as much.

Language.​ You can speak read, and write Common, Sylvan, as well as one other standard
language of your choice.

Subrace.​ The two breeds of giant spider, orb weaver and tree spider, differ greatly in their
physical abilities. However, they both possess the same indefatigably cheerful
dispositions.Choose one of these subraces.

Orb Weaver 
Orb weavers are famed artisans within the fey world, known for their luxurious silk textiles and
tapestries. While most adventuring spiders have turned their back on weaving as an trade, they
still possess the natural talent of their kind.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 1.

Silk Spinner.​ You can produce lengths of silk at will; creating strands as small and delicate as a
hair, as thick and sturdy as crafted silk rope, or anything in between. The silk is securely
connected to your spinnerets until you choose to release it.

● As a bonus action, you may secure your silk to an object or willing creature.

● You may lower yourself down at a rate of up to 30 feet on a silk rope as you produce it.
You cannot be weighed down with more than your carrying capacity.

● As an action you may use your silk to bind a grappled or unresisting creature’s arms or
legs, breakable by Strength (Athletics), and escapable by Dexterity (Acrobatics).

● By securing a thread to two adjacent pieces of terrain up to 30 feet apart, you may
create difficult to see triplines. Unless noticed by a Wisdom (Perception) check, one
creature passing over the tripline will fall prone on a failed Dexterity (Acrobatics) check,
and break the tripline. Creatures that are huge or larger automatically break the tripline
without inconvenience.
● You may create hair-thin trip-wires and lay a thread back to your position. All creatures
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice these threads. As long as
you are touching a connecting thread you know when and where a strand has been

The DC to break, escape, avoid, or spot your silk is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
Constitution Modifier. A silk rope has AC 10; hp 3; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to
bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage.

Weaving for a Living.​ You also have proficiency with tailor’s and weaver’s tools, and in a place
with a market for fine clothing or tapestries you can produce enough to maintain a wealthy

Tree Spider 
Unlike their weaving cousins, tree spiders make no silk. Leaner and wilder, they live in the
towering trees of fey forests.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Spider Climb.​ Your climb speed is 30 feet. Additionally, you can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check, as long as the
surface is not unusually smooth.

Agile Limbs.​ You may substitute Dexterity for Strength for any rolls related to jumping or

1.00 Cha +1
0.50 Type Fey
1.50 Reach
0.00 Size
-.50 Arachnophobia
-.50 Heavier armor
0.25 Languages

Orb Weaver
2.00 ASI
1.75 Silk Spinner
0.25 Weaving for a Living
6.25 Total
Tree Spider
2.00 ASI
1.50 Spider Climb
0.50 Dex for Str jumping and climbing
6.25 Total

Half-drow tend to exist on the fringes of
human society, except for those who are
lucky enough to bear no resemblance to
their drow side. Like other half-elves, they
don’t quite fit in, but they are also an
unwelcome reminder of drow raids. Too
many take out their fear and hate of the
drow on the unlucky half-drow.

A half-drow usually lacks the distinctive

obsidian skin of the drow, though it may be
a faded compromise between the drow and
human colorations. The hair and eyes may
match their human or drow parent,
according to the chances of heredity.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity and
Charisma scores increase by 1. You may
also increase one other ability score by 1, or
increase either your Dexterity or Charisma
score to 2.

Age.​ Half-drow mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20.
They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.

Alignment. ​Half-drow share the chaotic bent of their elven heritage. They are often assumed to
share the evil nature of their drow parentage, and many find it easiest to follow that dark path.

Size.​ Half-drow, like other half-elves, are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6
feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision.​ Thanks to your drow blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions—
though you can’t see as far in darkness as a drow. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.

Lesser Sunlight Sensitivity.​ You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight when you, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Under the same
conditions you also have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls against targets more than 60 feet

Diluted Drow Magic.​ You know one non-damaging cantrip from the sorcerer spell list. When
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the​ faerie fire​ spell once per day. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.

Fey Ancestry.​ You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t
put you to sleep.

Skill Versatility.​ You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write Common, and two extra languages of your choice,
only one of which may be exotic.

As a combination of Drow and Half-elf, this is a moderately powerful race, but is less powerful
than either parent race. This should provide players a chance to play a drow-like character that
causes less fear from the locals, and has a less crippling version of sunlight sensitivity.

2.00 Attribute Bonus to Cha & Dex
1.25 Attribute Bonus of Choice
0.75 Darkvision
0.50 Fey Ancestry
-.50 Lesser Sunlight Sensitivity
1.25 Diluted Drow Magic
0.75 Skill Versatility
0.35 Common + 2 Languages of Choice
6.35 Total
Experimental, Original

Half-trolls are the offspring of trolls and
other less exotic humanoids such as
humans, dwarves or elves. Half-troll
heritage is revealed by their greenish
scaly skin, but the most important gift of
their savage parent is an uncanny ability
to heal.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your
Constitution score increases by 1, and
your choice of your Strength, Dexterity,
or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age.​ Half-trolls mature faster than

humans do and reach adulthood in their
mid teens. Good health marks their
declining years, which may continue to
a second century.

Alignment. ​Half-trolls may be of any alignment, though the circumstances of their birth often
push them in a chaotic, dark direction.

Size.​ Half-trolls inherit some of the massive size of their troll parent, weighing between 200 and
300 pounds and ranging from under 6 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision​.​ You have good vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color
in darkness, only shades of gray.

Keen Smell. ​Like trolls, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Extraordinary Healing. Y ​ our trollish ancestry may not grant you regeneration, but you heal
extraordinarily well. When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, instead of rolling you take the
highest number you could have rolled. You may reroll a 1 on death saving throws, but you must
use the new roll. Finally, you will eventually heal from any non-fatal wound, even regenerating
lost limbs. However, if you take damage from fire or acid, all benefits of extraordinary healing
are disabled until you take a long rest.

Shared Regeneration. A ​ troll’s regeneration is magical, and as a half-troll, you can share a little
​ nd may cast it without a verbal or somatic
of that magic. You know the cantrip ​spare the dying a

Language.​ You can speak read, and write Common, as well as one other standard language of
your choice.

I started this race by accident. I saw a reddit post about another guy’s homebrew half-troll, and
I made a couple suggestions, including the “Keen Smell” and “Extraordinary Healing” traits.
Then I realized I really liked how “Extraordinary Healing” worked, and made my own half-troll. I
don’t know if he used any of my suggestions, but these are fairly different, so there shouldn’t be
any concern.

Extraordinary Healing will be the main point of balance concern. You can compare it to the
“Durable” Feat, but it isn’t crystal clear how “Durable” is supposed to work. “Durable” is pretty
underwhelming unless you wanted a rather high Constitution anyway, when it can (with the right
interpretation) sometimes give you more HP healed than your Hit Dice could normally.

I crunched the numbers for “Extraordinary Healing”, and (if you ignore the possibility of
somebody leaving their CON at 9) on average what you get is 50% more healing per Hit Die.
Or a wizard gets 2.5 HP more on average per Hit Die spent, and each size of Hit Die higher gets
an additional 1 HP above the average roll. It is a good trait, but I don’t think it is overpowered in
combination with these other features..

2.25 ASIs
0.75 Darkvision
0.25 Keen Smell
2.50 Extraordinary Healing
0.50 Cantrip: spare the dying
0.10 Common + Choice of language
6.35 Total 
Hybsil (fey deer centaur) 1st Draft 
3.5e Conversion, Safe

For the official 3.5 Lore on this race, see Monsters of Faerun, p. 61.

Hybsil are small centauroids with the lower body like a deer or antelope, and the upper body of
a fey. They often have antlers.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Dex +2, Int +1

Fey.​ Your type is fey. Spells that work only on humanoids do not affect you, but you are affected
by spells that target fey. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can’t put you to sleep.

Size. ​Small

Fleet of Foot.​ 40 ft.

Mask of the Wild.​ (as wild elf)

Ever Wary.​ You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice hidden or invisible
creatures within 30 ft.

Agile Leaper.​ You may substitute Dexterity for Strength when calculating jump distances or
rolling to jump.

Cultural Skills.​ Hybsil have a strong cultural emphasis on the study of nature, though it takes
time and effort to master this lore. Whenever you have the option to choose a skill proficiency,
Intelligence (Nature) is added to your list of choices.

Optional Feat 
If your DM allows the use of feats from chapter 6 of the Player’s Handbook, your hybsil
character has access to the following special feat.
Hybsil Fey Magic

Prerequisite: Hybsil

You have inherited the innate spellcasting ability of your ancestors. This ability allows you to
cast ​see invisibility​ on yourself at will, without needing a material component. You know the
cantrip ​dancing lights​. You can also cast each of the following spells once with this ability: ​pass
without trace, mirror image,​ and j​ ump​. You regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish
a long rest.

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you cast them at their lowest
possible levels.

Killoren / Wilden 
3.5e / 4e Conversion

For the full 3.5 Lore on this race, see
Races of the Wild p 102.

Killoren are an anomaly: a race of fey—

but new, aggressive, and powerful.
They see themselves as a counter to
the growing dominance of humanoid
races over the world, as protectors and
stewards of nature.

At first glance they might be mistaken

for an elf, they are slender and graceful,
though they have a more feral
appearance. Instead of hair they have
something that resembles twigs, leaves
or vines. Their skin varies between
bark-like tan or grey and smooth leaf
green. The color of their eyes and hair
mark which caste or “aspect” they
belong to.

Killoren dwellings are few and scattered

and even more harmoniously integrated
into the wilderness that the homes of
the elves. However Killoren influence is
growing and spreading, and clashes
with humanoid races seem inevitable in the future.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age.​ ​Killoren grow quickly reaching maturity by age 10. Thereafter they hardly age until later in
their first century. Their lifespan is unknown.

Alignment.​ As a whole killoren favor neutral alignments, though individuals may vary.
Size.​ Killoren stand about 5 ½ feet tall and have a slender build like an elf. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Cultural Skills.​ Killoren have a natural aptitude for the Animal Handling and Survival skills,
though it takes time and effort to master them. These skills are always added to your class list of
skill choices.

Darkvision.​ You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey.​ Your type is fey. Spells that work only on humanoids do not affect you, but you are affected
by spells that target fey. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can’t put you to sleep.

Speak with Animals.​ Killoren instinctively know the spell ​speak with animals​. You may cast it
as a ritual only.

Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan. As Killoren are encouraged
to understand the broader world, so to be able to better guard against it, you can speak, read
and write one additional standard language of your choice.

Aspects. T​ here are three types of Killoren, known as “aspects”, however they are not separated
by heredity. A child of any aspect may be born to parents of any other aspect. Most killoren
believe that the aspects that are born are exactly the aspects their community needed.

Aspect of the Ancients 

Killoren of this aspect are marked by white, silver, or palest blond hair and robin-egg blue eyes.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Intelligence scores increase by 1.

Natural Rapport. ​By observing or inquiring with the local wildlife, or listening to the wind for at
least a five minutes, you gain advantage on Intelligence (Nature) rolls on anything the local
wildlife might know.

Natural Magic.​ You know the Druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
entangle​ spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

Aspect of the Destroyer 

The destroyers have hair and eyes of a charcoal or midnight black.
Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Strength scores increase by 1.

Smite Nature’s Foe.​ You can cast the ​thunderous smite​ spell once per day, however it is only
effective against aberrations, constructs, humanoids, oozes, fiends, and undead. The damage
increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. Wisdom is your
spellcasting ability for it.

Aspect of the Hunter 

This aspect is marked by deep green or olive hair and green or brown eyes. Their skin also
tends to darker, muted shades.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Dexterity scores increase by 1.

Attuned to the Wild.​ While outdoors in natural surroundings, you gain advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth), and Wisdom (Perception) checks.

The original mechanic where the Killoren could switch abilities every day seemed too clunky
for 5e, so I’ve turned each aspect into a subrace. Recalculating everything because one of
your attributes has changed is not one of the things I miss from earlier versions of DnD.

The 4e race “Wilden” is quite similar, so this race will probably serve just as well if that’s
what you are looking for.

2.00 Attribute Bonus
0 Cultural Skills
0.75 Darkvision
0 Type: Fey
0.50 Adv vs Charm, Can’t Sleep
0.75 Speak with Animals
0.25 Choice of language
4.25 Base Race Total

Aspect of the Ancients

1.00 Attribute Bonus
0.50 Commune with nature
0.75 Natural Magic (druid craft is a weak cantrip, nearly a ribbon)
6.50 Total
Aspect of the Destroyer
1.00 Attribute Bonus
1.25 Smite nature’s Foe
6.50 Total

Aspect of the Hunter

1.00 Attribute Bonus
1.25 Attuned to the Wild
6.50 Total

3.5e Conversion, Safe
For the official 3.5 Lore on this race, see Races of Destiny p98.

Mongrelfolk blend the blood of most of the humanoid races. While lacking most of the special
traits of their various ancestors, they gain extreme hardiness.

Each mongrelfolk looks a little different from the next, blending in different ways the features
and colors of any or all humanoids. Most consider the inharmonious combinations ugly. But
Mongrelfolk tend to be practical, and get by on their wits, strength and endurance, even if they
can’t count on charm.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age.​ Mongrelfolk tend to grow up fast, maturing in their middle teens. Their lifespans are
unpredictable, with old age striking between one and three centuries into life.

Alignment. M ​ ongrelfolk alignments are as diverse as their ancestry. Though often enough they
are chaotic, finding little reason to like the rules of civilization.

Emulate Race.​ Because of their combined heritage, mongrelfolk qualify as any humanoid race
for the purpose of magical detection.

Lesser Darkvision.​ ​ You have good vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Tough as Nails. Y​ ou have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease, and you
have resistance against poison damage and damage caused by diseases.

Unsettling Appearance. ​While different humanoid races may have different ideas of
attractiveness, mongrelfolk don’t fit any of them. And many find the combined, subtle
resemblance to dwarf, elf, orc, human, halfling and whatever unsettling. You have disadvantage
on Charisma (Performance) or (Persuasion) checks targeting most non-mongrelfolk civilized

Versatile Background.​ Mongrelfolk have some of the drive and adaptability humans are known
for. You gain proficiency in one Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom-based skill.
Language.​ You can speak read, and write Common, as well as two other languages of your
choice, only one of which may be exotic.

Subrace.​ Mongrelfolk don’t properly have subraces, each one is a bit different depending on
which bloodlines are stronger. However they can be divided into different sizes. Choose one of
these sizes.

Largeish Mongrelfolk 
Ability Score Increases.​ Your Strength score increases by 1. Your choice of Dexterity,
Intelligence, or Wisdom increases by 1.

Size.​ ​Largish Mongrelfolk take after ogres, orcs, or goliath— at least in size, weighing between
250-400 pounds and ranging from 5 1/2 to 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Largish Mongrelfolk are quite impressive in size, though they tend to be thick and bulky,
and thus not very quick on their feet. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Strong Back.​ Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, is 1.5 times
greater than normal for a creature of your size.

Medium Mongrelfolk 
Ability Score Increases.​ Your choice of two of the following ability scores increase by 1:
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom.

Size.​ Medium Mongrelfolk might take most after any or all humanoids, weighing between 60
and 250 pounds and ranging from 4.5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Small Mongrelfolk 
Ability Score Increases.​ Your choice of two of the following ability scores increase by 1:
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom.

Size.​ Small mongrelfolk take after halflings, gnomes, or goblins, though their features might not
resemble a small race at all. They weigh between 25 and 55 pounds and stand from 2 ½ to 4
feet tall. Your size is Small.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Small and Nimble.​ You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than

I've always sort of liked the mongrelfolk because they provided an answer to the question
"what happens with a half-”A” and a half-”B” race have children together, until the result
has blood from a bunch of humanoid races?"
In their 3.5 incarnation they are characterized by toughness (Con +4) as well as an outcast
status with poor social skills, and some odd disguise abilities, and a slight roguish aptitude.
The disguise/mimicry thing never made much sense to me, nor that these guys would be
natural rogues.
Mechanically, I want these to occupy a space between dwarves and humans/half-elves. In
other words, they have much of the toughness of the dwarves, with some of the flexibility in
choosing options that humans and half-elves enjoy, as seems appropriate for the "mutts" of
the D&D world.

2.00 Ability Score Increase
0.00 Emulate Race
0.50 Lesser Darkvision
1.00 Tough as Nails (Adv and Resistance v.s. Disease and Poison)
-.50 Unsettling Appearance
0.75 Versatile Background
0.35 Common + 2 Language of choice
4.10 Base Race Total

2.25 Ability Score Increases
-.50 Speed 25ft
0.50 Strong Back
6.30 Total

2.50 Ability Score Increases
6.60 Total

2.50 Ability Score Increases
-.50 Speed 25ft.
0.50 Small and Nimble
6.60 Total

Experimental, Original

Due to arcane experimentation, wild magic,
or perhaps polymorphed romance, some of
the small races have a spellcaster’s familiar
as an ancestor. When this heritage runs true,
it grant the ability to change shape into that
of a small animal.

Werelings are quite rare, and when seen

changing form are too often assumed to be
afflicted with lycanthropy. For this reason
werelings usually keep their form changing
abilities secret. Many werelings live as
ordinary members of their apparent
humanoid race. Others live apart in isolated
settlements where they can change form
freely without arousing fear or suspicion. Still
other werelings live feral and wild among the
animals, seldom leaving their animal form.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Dexterity score increases by 1. If your animal form does not fly,
your choice of your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma score increases by 1. If your Familiar
Ancestor also raises one of these scores, you add them together for a total increase of 2.

Age.​ ​Werelings mature at the same rate as their humanoid ancestry. The form changing magic
however is not kind to their body, and they seldom live much beyond 100 years, a much briefer
span than full halflings and gnomes enjoy.

Alignment.​ ​Werelings may be of any alignment, and often are aligned differently than their
surrounding community. There is a strain of natural wildness in them that pulls them away from
lawful alignments.

Size. ​Your size is small. When in humanoid form your weight and height are appropriate for the
race you appear to be.
Ordinary Appearance. C​ hoose halfling, gnome, goblin, or kobold for your humanoid ancestry.
When in humanoid form, you appear to be an ordinary member of that race— even to identifying
magic. However you gain no racial abilities or bonuses from that race.

Werelings usually have some slight resemblance to their animal form. A raven wereling might
have a prominent nose and glossy black hair, while a toad wereling might have a wide mouth
and flat feet.

Rarely a wereling in humanoid form will have a stronger resemblance to their familiar ancestor,
and have difficulty passing as an ordinary humanoid.

Animal Form.​ ​A wereling has two physical forms. A wereling changes to his animal form
according to a druid’s Wild Shape feature with the following differences:

● A wereling only has one animal form.

● A wereling can remain in animal form for as long as it wishes.
● A wereling can change form three times before taking a long or short rest. Changing
from humanoid to animal and changing from animal to humanoid both count as a use of
this feature. At level 5 the limit increases to 5 times per rest. At level 10, you can change
forms an unlimited number of times.
● A wereling in animal form uses the hit points and hit dice determined by your humanoid
form. When killed or rendered unconscious your form does not change.
● A wereling’s form changing uses are counted separately from a druid’s uses of Wild

Telepathic Bond.​ ​Due to their ancestry, werelings have a certain affinity for spellcasters. They
have a slight, instinctive fascination with such people. Should a wereling form a relationship with
a full caster who does not have a familiar, the wereling may form a telepathic bond with the
spellcaster. The bond allows two benefits:

● While within 100 feet of each other the wereling and spellcaster may choose to
communicate telepathically, verbally or with emotions or images.
● When beyond 100 feet, but still in the same plane, each knows the general direction to
the other.
● This bond is broken if the spellcaster obtains a familiar. Either the wereling or the
spellcaster may end the bond, but the wereling may not form another telepathic bond for
a week.

Languages.​ ​In humanoid form, you can speak, read, and write Common, and the racial
language of your humanoid ancestry. You can also speak the animal language granted by your
familiar ancestor.

In animal form, you can read all languages you know, but only speak the animal languages
granted by your familiar ancestor.
The animals with which you communicate are limited by their intelligence.

Familiar Ancestor 
A wereling’s familiar ancestor grants it certain unusual abilities while in humanoid form. Choose
one familiar ancestor. This choice cannot be changed.

Rules for Flying Animal Forms 

Even in animal form, flight is extremely difficult and takes years of practice to equal the natural
skill of birds and bats.

● At Level 1 a wereling can only fly 15 ft before it must land or at least briefly touch down,
or else it tires and spirals safely to the ground. If you have movement remaining a
wereling can continue to fly after landing on something.

● At level 4 this limit is extended to 25 ft.

● At level 8 this limit extends to 50 ft.

● Finally at level 12 the wereling masters flight and can fly as well as the base animal.

Bat-blooded werelings often have large ears and long, delicate fingers.

Ability Score Decrease.​ ​Your Constitution score decreases by 1.

Echolocation.​ You have blindsight within 30 feet, as long as you are not deafened.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with Bats.

Cat (Tibbits) 
Cat-blooded werelings often have an insufferably smug attitude, thin moustache, and faint
stripes in their hair.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Catfall.​ You can fall 30 feet without taking damage, and have advantage on rolls to land on your
feet. Falling damage is calculated after the first 30 feet, so a fall of 40ft would cause 1d6

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with

Crab-blooded werelings are often squat and wide, with receding foreheads, and large hands.

Natural Armor.​ You have a naturally tough skin. When unarmored, your AC is equal to 13 +
your dexterity modifier.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Crustaceans (Crabs, Lobsters, and Shrimp).

Hawk-blooded werelings often have a piercing gaze, an aquiline nose, and gleaming hair.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Ability Score Decrease.​ ​Your Constitution score decreases by 1.

Keen Sight.​ ​You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, in bright

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Raptors (Hawks and Eagles).

Lizard-blooded werelings are often long and lean, with little hair and bulging eyes.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Animal Language.​ ​You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Poisonous Snake 
Snake-blooded werelings often have an unblinking gaze, tend towards baldness, and have
unusually pointed canines.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Snake Bite.​ You have a non-proficient bite attack which deals 1 point poison damage. As an
action you may poison a weapon for 1d4 poison, which last for 1 minute.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with

Owl-blooded werelings often have wide, flat faces, large eyes, and a small nose and mouth.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Ability Score Decrease.​ ​Your Constitution score decreases by 1.

Lesser Darkvision.​ ​ You have good vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light
within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with Owls.

A rat-blooded wereling often has a pointed face, large, widely spaced eyes and a whisker-like

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Keen Nose.​ Due to your keen sense of smell, you gain advantage on Investigation or
Perception checks to find something within 20 ft that has a distinct smell (such as living beings,
chemicals or food).

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
A raven-blooded wereling often have a prominent nose, dark eyes and very glossy black hair.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Ability Score Decrease.​ ​Your Constitution score decreases by 1.

Chatterbox.​ While in raven form you may speak any language you know. This does not give
you the ability to cast spells in raven form.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Corvids (Ravens, Crows, Magpies, and Jays).

Spider-blooded werelings often have unusually long limbs and fingers and small, fat bodies.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Uncanny Climbing.​ ​You may use Dexterity instead of Strength for Climbing and Jumping rolls.
While climbing you move at full speed.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Spiders and Scorpions.

Toad-blooded werelings often are squat, with a wide mouth, protuberant eyes, and large flat

Ability Score Increase.​ ​Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Almost Amphibious.​ A toad wereling can absorb some oxygen through his skin. This allows
the wereling to hold his breath three times as long. If a toad wereling runs out of breath
underwater water it merely falls unconscious-- he does not drown.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with Frogs
and Toads.

Weasel-blooded werelings often have pointed faces, short limbs, and long, lean bodies.
Ability Score Increase. ​Your Strength score increases by 1.

Heedless Rush.​ As a bonus action, move up to your speed towards a hostile creature you can
see. Before the end of your next turn, your next attack is at disadvantage.

Animal Language.​ You have the ability through sound and gesture to communicate with
Mustelids (Weasels, Ferrets, Minks, and Wolverines).

This is my first 5e homebrew. Admittedly it is crazy ambitious and complicated, but I think
this little guys are pretty cool.
Whisper Gnome 
3.5e Conversion, Safe

For the official 3.5 Lore on this race, see
Races of Stone p 94 or ​see it on WoTC's

Whisper gnomes are the serious,

suspicious and stoic branch of the normally
exuberant gnomish family. Though they
appear to be merely tall, lean gnomes, they
possess a different magic and a different
attitude. They prefer to live unnoticed in
their hidden hillside villages, though out of
necessity they often live in the lands or
cities of other gnomes.

When mingling with other races, whisper

gnomes often take on the roles of scout,
tracker, spy, or thief. Consequently, those
who can tell them apart from other gnomes
are often slow to trust them. Outside of
gnome communities a whisper gnome
usually takes on a new name whenever it
suits them.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence scores increase by 1.

Age.​ ​Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into
an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.

Alignment.​ Whisper Gnomes tend toward good and neutrality. They usually value both
personal liberty, and the structure and safety of their community.

Size.​ Whisper gnomes are taller than most gnomes, standing at or near four feet tall and
weighing about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed.​ Unlike most small folk, your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision.​ Like your subterranean cousins, you have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Uncannily Quiet.​ You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. If at any time you gain the Stealth
proficiency from background or class, you gain expertise with Stealth. Your proficiency bonus is
doubled for any Stealth check. This proficiency bonus cannot be further increased by any other

Silent Magic.​ You know either the ​mage hand​, or ​message​ cantrip. When you reach 3rd level,
you can cast the ​silence​ spell once per day, centered on yourself, with a reduced radius of 10
feet. At 7th level, you gain the ability to cast ​silence​ at the standard radius of 20 feet.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Languages.​ ​You can speak, read, and write Common, Gnomish and Terran. The Gnomish
language, which uses the Dwarvish script, is renowned for its technical treatises and its catalogs
of knowledge about the natural world. Since Terran is little known, whisper gnomes will use it to
talk privately among themselves in the presence of outsiders.

The whisper gnomes were always one of the races I had shortlisted to play if my 3.5
character died. Being small without being slower is neat. It should be about equal in power
to the existing gnomes.

I'm concerned about the clarity of the "Uncannily Quiet" description. The mechanic may be
a little kludgier than I would prefer, but the main thing is that the explanation is clear and

3 Attribute Bonuses
0 Small
0 30 ft speed
0.75 Darkvision
1 Uncannily Quiet
1 Silent Magic
0.15 Extra Language
5.9 Total
Wild Dwarf 
3.5e Conversion, Safe, Subrace

For the official 3.5 Lore on this race, see Races of the Faerun p 23.

Wild dwarves, also known as “dur Authalar”, are little known inhabitants of jungles, dense forest
and bushland. They have rejected the civilized ways of other dwarves, and live a subsistence
lifestyle in the wild, grouped into small hunting parties.

They wear little clothing, instead relying mostly on their long woven hair and beards to serve as
a garment, as well as their leathery skin to ward off thorns, claws and biting insects. Should they
happen to meet a mountain or hill dwarf, they would no doubt consider it soft, and pampered—
unfit for the constant struggle of life.

Base Race.​ See PHB p. 20 for the traits of the base dwarf race.

Ability Score Increase.​ ​ Your Dexterity scores increase by 1.

Cultural Skills.​ Wild Dwarves have a strong cultural emphasis on the Survival and Stealth
skills, though it takes time and effort to master them. These skills are always added to your
class list of skill choices.

Extreme Resilience.​ You have advantage on saving throws against disease, and you have
resistance against disease damage.

Wild Dwarf Combat Training.​ Instead of the weapon and tool proficiencies other dwarves gain,
you have proficiency with the blowgun, handaxe, net, and poison kit.

Tough Skin.​ Your skin is tough and leathery. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals
12 + your Dexterity modifier.

Size.​ Wild dwarves are much smaller than other dwarves, but still larger than halflings and
gnomes, standing at or near four feet tall and weighing about 60 pounds. Your size is Small.
Dwarf dwarves... I gave them the tough skin so players could choose to leave them in their
picturesque “garments” of hair without being extremely vulnerable.

1 Attribute Bonuses
0 Cultural Skills
0.5 Extreme Resilience
0 Wild Dwarf Combat Training (replaces Dwarf Combat Training)
1 Tough Skin
0 Small
4.25 Dwarf Base Race
6.75 Total
Sep 2, ‘15 Nerfed Alternate Balanced Human by removing one free skill.

Jul 17 ‘15 Added Giant Fey Spider. Fixed Longhair expertise to only apply to existing skill.

Jul 16 ‘15 Replaced the Ghostwise Halfling’s “Savage Attacks” with “Psychic Battlecry”

Jul 13 ‘15 Added Hybsil

Jul 9 ‘15 Added Air & Earth Genasi fixes

Jun 28 ‘15 Added Elephantine

Jun 12 ‘15 Limited various free language choices to standard non-exotic languages.

Jun 11 ‘15 Added Half-Troll Draft

Jun 07 ‘15 Removed ‘Cold Iron Anathema’ from Killoren, since that’s not a thing in 5e.

Added Mongrelfolk

Jun 05 ‘15 Revived Half-Drow, Added some pictures.

Jun 02 ‘15 Added Werelings, Tags

May 31 ‘15 Added Half-Drow

May 30 ‘15 Added Killorn/Wilden, Alternate Balanced Human

May 29 ‘15 Added Wild Dwarf

May 29 ‘15 Started changelog

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