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overview additional policies


6th grade English Language Arts, or
ELA, includes both reading and writing.
Here are some of the things you can
expect from reading class this year.
• Reading and analyzing texts from
our Holt Literature workbooks
Snacks are allowed at the beginning
of ELA (10:00-10:15am). Water bottles are
encouraged. Other drinks are not
allowed (examples Snapple, soda,
vitamin water, Starbucks).
sixth grade
english language arts
• Independent reading time
• Read-alouds
Your primary ELA homework will be to
• Book commercials
read 20 minutes every night. This is
• Writing reading responses
absolutely essential for your growth as a
• Responding to a text using RACES
reader and writer this year! In addition,
• Writing essays, including an
you may have classwork to complete or
autobiography, argumentative
assessments to study for.
essay, research paper, and literary
You are expected to be in your seat
My goal this year is to help you grow
working on the grammar warm up at the
and gain confidence as both a reader
beginning of class, followed by
and a writer. I want you to read books
independent reading time. A tardy will
which you truly enjoy and let your
result in a yellow card.
creativity shine through all that you
You will have two notebooks for ELA: your
ELA notebook and your writing journal.


You will have independent reading time
each day in class to read books of your
choosing. I have a large class library you
are welcome to check out books from, or
you may check out books from the school
miss girmscheid
book room, or you can bring books from Room #25
home! You should always have a book
with you throughout the school day!
expectations grades technology
The following is the breakdown for how We will utilize Google Classroom often.
be kind your grade is calculated for this course. You must “join” my class by going to and entering
this code:
stay engaged 20% 20% Interim
ELA class: cgprrk

work hard Unit Tests

Absent work: wk1e45

Technology will be utilized extensively in

20% 20%
Beginning of class → Find your seat, class. You are expected to stay on
follow the instructions on the welcome Assignments task in order to continue this privilege.
slide, and read your independent 20% Creating Google documents to chat
novel until further instruction. with friends, off-task internet searches,
and off-limit website use will all result in
During class → Be an active LATE WORK: detention, a conduct report, parent
participant in your learning. Listen, All late work may be turned in only if contact, and loss of technology
collaborate, and ask questions. preceded by a missing work action plan. privileges for a specified amount of
The missing work action plan must be time. For more information, see the
End of class → Stay in your seat until signed by the student and turned in the handbook.
dismissal by Ms. Girmscheid. day the assignment is due.

required materials MAKE-UP WORK:

When absent, please check Google
Classroom for make-up work assignments
academic dishonesty
At the beginning of class, you will be
and collect handouts from the absent Academic dishonesty
expected to be fully prepared for class with work bin. It is your responsibility to will NOT be tolerated
the following materials on your desk. Being reschedule missed assessments and turn under any
unprepared will result in a yellow card. in work missed. circumstances.
✓ Planner Cheating, copying, or
✓ ELA notebook TURNING IN WORK: plagiarism of any form
✓ Writing journal If there is an assignment due, it will be will result in the
✓ Blue folder posted on the board and it will be your following
✓ Interactive Reader (“IR”) responsibility to turn it in before class consequences: failure
✓ Independent novel begins in the ELA turn in tray. of the assignment,
✓ Scissors conduct report, and
✓ Pencil and eraser parent contact.

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