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DSME6752 –Business Process Analysis & IS Auditing

Professor Samuel W.k. Chan

Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Epay – Mobile Payment Application

Group 1

1155036072 ZHOU, Wenqiang

1155036122 XIE, Yunjing

1155036151 YAN, Shijing

1155037142 ZHAO, Yue

1155037684 GUO, Yinpu

1155040796 WANG,Yuhao


1 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

PART I – Requirement Specification…………………...…..4
1.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………….4

1.2 General Description………………………………………………..…4

1.3 Specification Requirements…………………………………….…….7

PART II–Business Feasibility Report……………………..15

2.1 Expected Benefits …………………………………………………..15

2.2 Revenue Model ………………………………………………..……17

2.3 Financial Implications………………………………………………19

2.4 Similar Solution and Comparison…………………………………..25

2.5 Anticipated Challenges and Risks…………………………………..26

2.6 Acceptance Criteria…………………………………………………28

PART III– Technical Feasibility Report……………………………..31

3.1 Mobile Application Platform………………………………………..31

3.2 Operating System…………………………………………………...32

3.3 Hardware……………………………………………………………35

3.4 Implementation method…………………………………………….38

3.5 Data format feasibility………………………………………………41

3.6 Development environment feasibility………………………………43

3.7 RDBMS feasibility………………………………………………….46

2 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

PART IV –System Models Using UML…………………...50
4.1 Use Case Diagram…………………………………………………..50

4.2 Scenarios of Use Cases ……………………………………………..51

4.3 Class Diagram………………………………………………………63

4.4 Sequence Diagram…………………………………………………..64


3 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

1. Requirement Specification

1.1 Introduction

Epay is meaning for easy to pay, which is a mobile payment software linking
wearable device and smartphone to make payment more safe and convenient.

Users can just use wearable device – their smart watch to pay money and administrate
their credit cards and personal information on the smartphone. Fingerprint and retina
verification is a pre-step of any payment by watch that ensures the safety. And
payment by watch decreases the times of human-machine interaction that brings a lot
of convenience. For the software on smartphone, user can make registration,
add/delete credit cards, check payment history and do other necessary operations.

Epay allows users to choose which card is used to pay just like choose a credit card in
their wallet. So with this software, users can make payment using the cards without
carrying the credit cards in their wallet. This mobile payment software just provides a
new way to make payment and will not affect the interest of banks.

1.2 General Description

1.2.1 Product Perspective

Wearable device is an inevitable trend in technology industry nowadays and smart

watch is a hotspot. By using the NFC(Near Field Communication) technique, Epay
makes the smart watch as an extension part of mobile phone and maximizes its
functions. The smart watches in the market such as Galaxy Gear can totally satisfy the
hardware requirements of the software. Epay has different versions for phones and

4 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

watches depending on their operation systems (iOS or Android). It is not a payment
platform like Alipay, it is a software collecting all credit cards together and users just
make payment using their credit card directly.

1.2.2 Product Functions

The software functions on watch and phone are different. The watch do the action for
payment and the phone is responsible for administrating credit cards and personal
information. For the watch version, the principle of design is simplification and ease
to use. So the watch only has the necessary functions to make payment. For the phone
version, there are comprehensive functions about the credit cards and payments. Users
can also set some personalization according to their own needs.

Functions of watch version:

• Bind an account. A watch can only bind only one account at a certain moment.
• Unbind an account. After unbind an account, the watch can bind another account.
• Fingerprint verification. To open the software, user needs to pass the fingerprint
• Retina verification. To make a payment which is exceed the upper limit, user
needs to pass the retina verification.
• Select credit card. User can select an added credit card to pay.
• Make payment. User makes payment by scanning QR code of the selected credit
card on watch screen.

Functions of phone version:

• Registration. When first use Epay on phone, user need to create an account. In
this step, the fingerprint and retina should be recorded.

5 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

• Add credit cards. To add a new credit card, user needs to put the card near the
phone so that the phone can read the card using NFC technique.
• Delete credit cards. User can delete credit cards which he thinks it is unnecessary.
• Set upper limit. User can set an upper limit. When the payment amount is exceed
the limit, additional verification is needed.
• Check payment statement. User can check all payment statement on phone.
• Payment calculation. User can select a date and the software can calculate the
total payment amount during the selected period.

1.2.3 User Characteristics

The users of Epay have two things in common. One is they have the required devices
– a smartphone and a smart watch. The other is they can accept a new way of making
payment to make the process easier. Most of them may have the habit that buying
things using credit card instead of cash. With these characteristics, they are willing to
use Epay in their daily life.

1.2.4 General Constraints

Most smart watches do not have their own mobile network. So the main constraint of
Epay is that the synchronization of transaction record only update when the watch
connects to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. So the data on smart phone maybe a little delay.

1.2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

The main dependency for Epay is some specific requirement for smart watch. To
make the payment safe, we use human recognition for verification. So the smart watch
must have a camera to identify retina and the screen can record fingerprint.

6 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

1.3 Specification Requirements

1.3.1 Functional Requirements

Function Requirements of watch version

• Bind an account

a) Introduction
When it is the first time to use Epay on watch, user must bind a registered
account. Account name, password, fingerprint and retina are required
information for bind step. When an account has been bind to a watch, there is
no need to input account name and password after that.
b) Input
Account name and password – To ensure that this is a registered account that
already has its corresponding fingerprint and retina in database.
Fingerprint – The first step of human recognition.
Retina – The second step of human recognition.
c) Processing
When account name and password are received, the system will check
whether the account has already existed in database. If it is, it will ask the user
for fingerprint verification. After read the fingerprint, the system then check
whether it is match to the security record in database. If yes, the fingerprint
will be saved in the watch for further use and ask for retina verification. When
the result of retina verification is passed, the retina will be saved and the bind
step is finished.
d) Output

7 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Result of verification – Whether the account is valid and if the password,
fingerprint and retina are match to records.

Epay operation interface – Contains all the functions on watch.

• Unbind an account

a) Introduction
If the user does not want to use this account on his watch any more, he can
unbind the account.
b) Input
Unbind command – User press the unbind button on screen.
Fingerprint – The first step of human recognition.
Retina – The second step of human recognition.
c) Processing
The system receives the command and requests the user for fingerprint and
retina verification. When the user passed the double verification, the
command is effective. And the data of this account including account name,
password, fingerprint and retina are deleted.
d) Output
Unbind notification – A notification of unbind is shown on screen.
Bind interface – To use Epay, user needs to bind an account again.

• Fingerprint verification

a) Introduction
When user wants to use Epay on watch, he needs to pass fingerprint
verification first. Without fingerprint verification, a user cannot get access to
operation interface.
b) Input
8 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App
Fingerprint – The screen will recognize the fingerprint and record it for
further process.

c) Processing
The system receives the image of fingerprint recorded by watch screen and
compares it with records in database. Then a result is generated.
d) Output
Verification result – Whether the user passed the fingerprint verification.
Operation interface – If the user passed the fingerprint verification, he has
access to Epay interface and can make normal payment.

• Retina verification

a) Introduction
When the payment amount exceeds the upper limit, the user must pass
additional retina verification.
b) Input
Retina – The camera will recognize the fingerprint and record it for further
c) Processing
The system receives the image of retina recorded by watch camera and
compares it with records in database. Then a result is generated.
d) Output
Verification result – Whether the user passed the retina verification. Upper
payment interface – If the user passed the fingerprint verification, he has
access to make an upper payment.

• Select credit card

a) Introduction

9 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Before the payment, the user can choose which registered card to use.
b) Input
Selected card – User can choose and click the credit card he wants to use.
c) Processing
The system receives the choice of user and check whether the selected card is
available to use.
d) Output
QR code – The QR code is on the screen and ready to be scanned.

• Make payment

a) Introduction
The cash register deals with payment by scanning the QR code on watch. b)
Scanning signal – When the cash register scans the QR code to make a
payment, the signal is received and recorded by watch.
c) Processing
The system adds this transaction in its payment database.
d) Output
Payment notification – A notification of the payment is shown on screen.

Function Requirements of phone version

• Registration

a) Introduction
To register a new account, user needs to create an account name and
password. Fingerprint and retina are also provided in this step. After all

10 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

required fields are completed and verified effective, the registration is
b) Input
Account name – To avoid double sign, the account name must be a valid
email address or mobile number.
Password – User must enter the password twice during the registration.
Fingerprint – Fingerprint must be provided for further verification.
Retina – Retina must be provided for further verification.
c) Processing
The system first check whether the account name is valid. If it is, the user
needs to enter the password twice. The system compares the two type of
password, if they are match, move to human recognition. System request for
fingerprint and retina then saves them in database for further use.
d) Output
Registration notification – A notification of the registration is shown on

• Add credit cards

a) Introduction
User can add their credit card on their smart phone using NFC technique.
b) Input
Credit card number – To add a new credit card, user should enter the card
number first.
NFC induction – User needs to put the card under their smartphone to ensure
the phone receive NFC induction of the card.
c) Processing

11 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

When system receives the card number and NFC induction, it will check their
effectiveness. If the result is positive, the credit card is added to Epay
d) Output
Add notification – A notification of the successful added card is shown on

• Delete credit cards

a) Introduction
User can delete registered card which he thinks unnecessary.
b) Input
Selected card – User chooses the card he wants to delete in credit card list.
c) Processing
System receives the command and deletes data of the selected card.
d) Output
Delete notification – A notification of the successful deleted card is shown on

• Set upper limit

a) Introduction
Upper limit is a personalization function of Epay. User can set an upper limit
to strengthen the security of his account. If a payment amount exceeds the
limit, additional retina verification is required.
b) Input
Upper limit value – The demarcation between normal pay and upper pay.
c) Processing
System receives the value and saved in account information.

12 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

d) Output
Account information update – The updated account information is shown on

• Check payment statement

a) Introduction
User can check all payment record on mobile phone.
b) Input
Check command – User press the button to check his payment history.
c) Processing
The system track user’s payment in database and generate a statement.
d) Output
Payment information – including date, shop, pay amount, credit card

• Payment calculation

a) Introduction
This is an extension function of check payment statement. User can enter an
specified data, and Epay can calculate the total amount of payment from that
b) Input
Date – User input the date he wants to calculate.
c) Processing
System carries out the calculation and gets the total amount of payment in a
specified period.
d) Output
Total amount of payment – The total amount of payment is shown on screen.

13 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

1.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

• Performance

a) Response time: The maximum response time for human verification is 10

second and for a payment (cash register scanning) is 5 second.
b) Capacity: There is no limit for the number of credit cards registered in Epay.
c) Cost sensitivity: Epay will not charge any fees based on every payment.

• Reliability

a) Maintenance: The software will not recover the deleted credit card and user
needs to add the card again.
b) Maximum bug rate: There will be a maximum of 1 bug/KLOC.
c) Maximum time to repair: In case of system outage, the cluster will be down
while the operating system boots up. This will take less than 3 minutes.

• Supportability

a) Naming Convention: All code will be written as specified by the Hungarian

Naming Convention.
b) Coding Standards: All code will be written as required by the GNU General
Purpose License.

• Ease of use

a) Training time: A normal smart phone user can know how to use Epay in 10

14 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

b) Number of help frames: On each operation page, there is a help button on

2. Business Feasibility Report

2.1 Expected Benefits

Our project is developed to provide an integrated payment application in your digital

wearable equipment. It is anticipated that the project will provide a comprehensive
payment method to enable business and customers to achieve the follow benefits.

2.1.1 Business Perspective

Payment method

Nowadays, building up a convenient and safe method to pay deal will appeal great
demand in the whole world. Most of the payment methods can’t satisfy both
convenient and safe features. Some of payment methods like Octopus or cash or credit
card with no password are easy and fast to pay but easy to loss as well as have little
interest of the fund; while some other payment products like electronic payment or
credit card with password have great security protection but not easy to use, what’s
worse, with more and more complex security verification, customers find it is a great
difficulty to find its back if they lost the cards or password. Thus, how to balance the
convenience and safety of payment method is very interesting theme.

Digital wearable equipment

15 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Digital wearable equipment is more and more popular in the global market. Nike’s
fuelBand II, iwatch, Google glass, and GEAK Watch have been pushed into the
market and get very good response. The popularity of digital wearable equipment
especially watches products bring us some opportunity to improve payment method.
The reasons are obvious: first, using watches to pay is very convenient and the
customer only need to touch his/her watch to POS; second, using watch to pay doesn’t
need to type some password and the only thing need to do is scanning user’s
fingerprint or retinal to verify user’s identity. Because individual’s fingerprint or
retinal is unique, so the security problem can be solved in a very safe way.
Thus, using digital wearable equipment to pay can easily balance the conflict between
convenience and security.

2.1.2 Customer Perspective

Customers are willing to pay in an easy and safe way. In the market, no payment
method can solve the paradox of convenience and security. What’s worse, two-
dimensional code payment method has been pause by Chinese government. Thus,
available payment methods become less and less.

Epay can appeal to customers’ demand perfectly and completely suit for customers’
spending habits. The process of using Epay to pay is as follows. First, users open
Epay application in the watch. When users use finger to open the application, at the
same time, the watch screen can scan users’ fingerprint to guarantee the security of
payments; second, users select which card to pay the bill; third, after making sure the
card, users only need to use the watch to touch payment machine such as POS. Then,
the process of payment is finished. If customers want to set up some limits to pay,
they can start secondary security guarantee, retina should be scanned by the watch as
a safeguard to avoid some potential risks of payment. What’s more, customers can
apply for value-added service, such as heart rates, to guarantee risk control.

16 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

The highlight of Epay is that it enables the feasibility of dealing with different
banking cards through one single facility conveniently and with highly security. Epay
is daily-needed and targets several groups of people with long-term characteristic,
especially the youth (aged 18 to 35) who are highly addicted to smartphones and more
willing and easily to accept new things. That ensures us to get a sustainable income

2.2 Revenue Model

The highlight of Epay is that it enables the feasibility of dealing with different
banking cards through one single facility conveniently and with highly security. Epay
is daily-needed and targets several groups of people with long-term characteristic,
especially the youth (aged 18 to 35) who are highly addicted to smartphones and more
willing and easily to accept new things. That ensures us to get a sustainable income

2.2.1 Target users

The users of the application have the following characteristics:

Customers who concern about payment convenience and safety seriously;

Customers who are willing to try new things and enjoy the happiness of fashion;

The trend, “do things using one facility, in one place and at once” is growing,
especially in the IT field. Epay is such a safe product of highly aggregation of
banking-related function; our target customer should be with the following features:

17 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

● Amateurs of IT

This group of people is of high tech awareness and is the most willing ones to deal all
their daily issues through their smart facilities they have. They hold a view that the
smarter the way you choose, the more fashionable you are. Those people will use the
basic functions and are always open to experiencing IT new things. By using Epay,
once downloaded, they could experience that things become even easier.

● Concern of the security of payment

Nowadays security problem is the top concern of all the cards owners. Since we
adopted the biological methods (the recognition of fingerprint, retina and even heart
rate), Epay reduces the fears of those problems like “what if someone else know my
password?”, ”what if I let out my password carelessly?”, “what if I lost my phone or
card” and ”what if someone stole my private information when I’m typing my
password”. The reason is simply because the biological information is something that
could hardly be stolen compared with numeric guard.

● Dislike of the steps of typing information

The third characteristic concerns mainly for busy people who want efficiency without
always being asked to input passwords and verify codes again and again. Instead of
these boring typing steps, Epay just takes a blink of an eye’s time to complete the
inputting steps. It’s obviously easy and quick without any worries of security.

2.2.2 Revenue-generating and Brand-building Activities

● Download purchase

18 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Epay is a download-charge application, and this way is our primary source of revenue.
From the view of the users, it is a basic payment for the security. Technically we
provide the safest application; financially this payment is a basic need for maintaining
and even upgrading our service quality and level. In detail, we’ll deduct 40% from the
download fee with a charge of US$0.99 per download.

● Information pushing

This part of revenue mainly focuses on the partnership corporations’ discounting ads.
Epay will push some discounting digital posters of partnership corporations to users,
and we charge them for that kind of posters. As an Epay user, he will receive poster
messages like “up to 30% discount in Maxwell by using Epay”. Normally, the
partnership corporations consist of supermarkets (i.e. Maxwell, Vanguard,
PARKnSHOP etc.) and shopping centers (i.e. Festival Walk, Harbour City, New
Town Plaza etc.).

● Customized services

Another revenue channel is the featured services. We offer several featured services
such as information of daily exchange rate. Customers in need can choose to order
that information with a cost of US$0.1 per information. From security perspective, we
provide super service ----retina verification----to meet the need of considerably highly
security. This super function is charged US$0.2 per download.

2.3 Financial Implications

As we talk in the revenue model phase, our revenue comes from download fee,
advertisement and value-added service charge. Our financial implications are
19 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App
dependent on our revenue inflow and cost structure. And initial investment is $250000
U.S. Dollars. We will show details in the following part.

2.3.1 Estimated investments

We estimate the implementation of Epay project will require a non-recurrent

expenditure of $ 100000, including $60000 for software development, $ 25000 for
initial database purchase and $15000 for registration and application preparation for
the first year in production
The project will also require a recurrent expenditure of $200000 to maintenance,
contents administration and promotion expenses. The high-level cost breakdown over
several years is as follow.

year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

(a) Software development 60000

(b) Initial database 25000

(c) IT infrastructure 25000 25000 25000 45000 50000

(d) On-going 100000 100000 130000 150000 150000


(e) Marketing 60000 85000 100000 125000 180000

Total 270000 210000 255000 325000 380000

Unit: U.S. Dollars

Table 1 Cost breakdown

As referred to table of cost breakdown, the expenditure is described as follow.

20 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

a) The cost is for software development including the recruitment of programming
team for system analysis, design, development and deployment.
b) The cost is needed for the first-time acquisition of external database.
c) The cost is for purchasing infrastructure hardware and software, including servers,
operating systems, database management software, network equipment, backup
and recovery equipment and software, with their maintenance cost breakdown into
3 years.
d) The cost of on-going maintenance and administration of the system over 3 years.
e) The cost is for branding and promoting the system, including advertisement in the
main website.

2.3.2 Estimated revenue

● Download fee

We decide to open our application free to customers in the first phase (first three years)
so that we can push Epay to the payment market as soon as possible. In the 4th year of
the production, we are preparing for receiving download fee. The price is set at $0.99
per time. The real revenue we get is 40% of the charge, 0.4 dollar per customer.

● Advertisement

Another revenue resource we gain is advertisement fee. We can insert relevant

advertisements to increase our revenue resources. The revenue is positive correlation
with user amount. One more user added into application will increase 0.2 dollar
revenue to our business.

● Value-added service

21 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

We can provide value-added service to certain customer to gain extra revenue.
Value-added service is as follows.

a) If you want insert more than five cards into the application, you should pay $5
dollar for one more cards;
b) If you want have higher security-guarantee for safety issues, you can purchase
heart rate verification, which can identify user’s identity by checking his/her heart
rate. Price: $10 dollar per year.

We estimate that we can earn $1.6 dollar per user in the first year to $5.5 dollar per
user in the 5th year.

year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Users amount 50000 85000 120000 150000 250000

0 0 0 60000 100000

Advertisement 10000 17000 24000 30000 50000

80000 170000 360000 675000 1375000


Total 90000 187000 384000 765000 1525000

Unit: U.S. Dollar
Table 2 Revenue estimation

22 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig. 1 Revenue increase in five year

Fig. 2 Revenue Structure in 5th Year

2.3.3 Net income analysis

23 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Users amount 50000 85000 120000 150000 250000

Total Revenue 90000 187000 384000 765000 1525000

Total Cost 270000 210000 255000 325000 380000

NET Income -180000 -23000 129000 440000 1145000

Accumulated -180000 -203000 -74000 366000 1511000


Average ROI -72% -40.6% -9.9% 36.6% 120.9%

Unit: U.S. Dollar
Table 3 Net Income Analysis

The largest cash flow gap is -203000 dollars and our initial investment is 250000
dollars that can completely cover the cash flow gap.

24 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig. 3 User amount and net income estimation

Fig. 4 Average ROI in five years

In the 5th year, initial investment ROI is as high as 120.90%. And in the starting 4th
year, our ROI will be turned into positive. So, the investment-return is just 3.1 year.

2.4 Similar Solution and Comparison

Search throughout the market, there are similar products that have been done. But
almost all of them are online transaction.

Generally the similar applications belong to two categories: mobile apps and websites.
And all of the applications use the typing approach to get verification information.
Rationally the security level of these applications is lower, because it totally depends
on the technical capability of the platforms themselves. As for mobile apps, there’s an
irreparable security problem that if only you lost your mobile phone, which means
you’ve offered an open access to someone else to steal all your information and
money easily.

25 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

The Epay is an offline application. It helps people do the majority of daily transactions
occurring in reality. What’s more, it adopts biological verifying methods to upgrade
its security level, which effectively avoid lost due to the loss of facilities. On the other
hand, it also simplifies the process of verification.
The followings are the solutions under comparison and sample pages are listed in the
Appendix for reference.

Securit Convenience Offline Corporatio

y Transaction n

Mobile Apps

Paypal 4 4 YES NO

Wallet Alibaba

Wechat 3 4 YES YES Tencent

3 3 YES NO Ping An of

1qianbao China


Alipay 4 4 YES NO Alibaba

Tenpay 3 4 YES NO Tencent

Epay 5 5 NO YES

Table IV

Table 4 Comparison with different payment products

26 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App


Security Convenience

1 very low hard

2 low a bit hard

3 average, average

4 high easy

5 very high very easy

Table V Grading Marks

Table 5 Grading notifications

2.5 Anticipated Challenges and Risks

In designing the Epay application and its corresponding business model, our team has
anticipated following major challenges and determined potential solutions for address
these risks.

2.5.1 How to appeal customers using the application

Our strategy is free to open basic service to customers. Free will attract customers to
have a try about the new payment method. After customers have developed the
payment method into a habit, then we take a further consideration about how to make
money from our customers.

27 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

2.5.2 How to persuade banks to cooperate with us

This is quite a tough problem, but we have to face with. This is also the biggest
challenge to us. The reason banks have to cooperate with us is quite obvious, we can
help banks fight against with on-line payment method, such as Paypal and other two-
dimensional code payment methods. In fact, Paypal have serious influenced banks’
traditional business. However, with the help of Epay, UnionPay have the capability to
compete with two-dimensional code payment methods.
Thus, we are confident that banks are willing to cooperate with Epay. With the help of
bank, we believe our product promotion will be successful in the market。

2.6 Acceptance Criteria

2.6.1 User Characteristics

The users of the application have the following characteristics:

a) Customers who concern about payment convenience and safety seriously;

b) Customers who are willing to try new things and enjoy the happiness of fashion;

2.6.2 Acceptance Criteria

Since there is no similar product in the market, we make a comparison among

traditional payment method (cash), two-dimensional code payment method and credit
card payment.

28 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Epay Cash 2-D code Credit Card
Criteria for
Justification Payment

Security 5 2 4 3

Convenience 4 5 2 2

Preservation 5 0 4 1

Flexibility 4 2 4 3

Fashion 5 0 3 2

Track 5 1 4 3

Volume Limit 5 5 2 4

Priority for Highly Not Can act as Not

Recommendation recommended recommended reserve recommended

Table 6 Comparison with different payment methods

NOTE: the score is from 0 to 5, 0 means worst, while 5 means best.

Definition of Terms:

a) Security: Security means that whether the payment method is safe. If thief stole
the method, whether he can use the method to pay.
b) Convenience: Whether the payment method is convenient to customers, how
many steps or how long the process of the payment by this method.
c) Preservation: Whether the payment cash flow can preserve the value of the asset.
d) Flexibility: Whether the payment method can support different kinds of payment,
such as different currencies, different stores.

29 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

e) Fashion: Whether the payment method is fashion, which will attract people’s
interest to have the willing to try.
f) Track: whether the payment method can be recorded and accounted and even
tracked in some way so that customers can check their account anytime and
g) Volume Limit: Whether the trade volume will be limited by the payment method.

30 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

3. Technical Feasibility Report

3.1 Mobile Application Platform

Mobile application is application software designed to run on relevant mobile

operating systems and work on smartphones, smartwatches, tablet computers and
other mobile devices. By turning these smart devices into mobile terminals, mobile
application users utilize apps in various mobile-based platform.

As according to, by Feb 2014, over 95% market shares of mobile

operating systems in Hong Kong are picked up by android (67%) and IOS (28%). It is
obvious that we should focus on these two operating systems to cover more clients
with least effort.

Fig. 5 Market share distribution of Mobile OS [StatCounter(2014)]

31 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Epay provides service with installed Epay mobile application working on both
smartphone and smartwatch, which are connected via Epay account. The main
functions of phone-based Epay and watch-based Epay are different: the phone
manages the Epay account, while the watch verifies the payment by measuring and
matching the unique biometric characteristics such as fingerprint, retina and

User log-in interface iniPhone Payment verification in Samsung Gear

Fig. 6 Epay implementation in smartphone and smartwatch

3.2 Operating System

When evaluating a operating system, a list of acceptance criteria for these two target
system should be considered. Some requirements and their corresponding importance
weight are listed in table 7 in which evaluating metric 5 is the most important and 0 is
the least.

32 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Requirements Importance
System Reliability 5
Standard OS Version 5
Main Task Support 4
Development Security 4

App Version Control 4

UE & Sensitivity 3
Marketization & App Distribution 3

Table 7. Metrics for OS evaluation

Definition of Terms

a) System Reliability
Reliability indicates how consistently the device runs the application and service. It
concerns with disk written and the integrity of data stored in memory.

b) Standard OS Version
A standard and widely accepted OS could ensure UE and lower the development and
maintenance cost to the uttermost.

c) Main Task Support

Indicators like multi-functional support and information flow sustainability measure
the degree of main task support in relevant OS.

d) Development Security
Security indicates the capability of the system to protect itself from attack.

e) App Version Control

33 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

System programmer could update and maintain the application in OS and deliver it to
clients, realizing version and quality control and communicating with customers.

f) UE & Sensitivity
These characteristics describe user’s perceptions and attitudes towards OS.
Marketization & App Distribution
Mature application distribution channels provide decent platform for mobile
applications, which is good for both system designer and customers.


IOS is the mobile operating system designed and distributed by Apple Inc. It has been
utilized in various Apple portable devices such as iPhone, iPad and iPod. Unlike
Windows Phone and Android, IOS is just available in Apple devices. The software
development kit (SDK) released by Apple allows developers to make applications for
Apple portable devices, and USD 99 is charged for development program per year. Its
development environment, Xcode, is based on Objective-C.


Android is an operating system based on Linux kernel. Its source code is released
under Apache, thus allows free modification and distribution of software and mobile
applications. It is programmed in C (core), C++ and Java.

Android is an open source system. A survey shows that Android is the most used
platform among developers by 2013: it is used by 71% of the mobile developers

Requirements Importance Rating

34 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

IOS Android

System Reliability 5 4 3
Standard OS Version 5 4 3
Main Task Support 4 3 5
Development Security 4 3 2
App Version Control 4 4 3
UE & Sensitivity 3 4 3 Marketization & 3 4 3
App Distribution

Table 8 comparison of performance evaluation for IOS and android

From above table, IOS outperforms android by 104 to 89. However, considering huge
market share of android smartphone, it is necessary to take both these two OS into

3.3 Hardware

Mobile device platform is the supporter of mobile application and operating system. It
has huge influence on UE and system reliability. A list of requirements is as follows.

Requirements Importance
NFC (Phone only) 5
Feature Extraction 5
Processor 4
Screen Size & Resolution 3
Wireless Network 2

Storage Size 1

35 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Table 9 Metrics for hardware evaluation

Definition of Terms

a) NFC (Phone only)

NFC is the short for Near Field Communication. It is a set of standards for smart
portable device to establish radio communication via close contact.

b) Feature Extract (Watch only)

Biological feature exaction requires biometric sensor installed in the smartwatch and
efficient matching process.

c) Processor
Processor indicates the standards of CPU of target device. It reflects ability of
device’s to handle the task and process.

d) Screen Size & Resolution

The display resolution of screen is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension.
Quoting as width*height, the level of resolution is indexed by pixels.

e) Wireless Network
Any type of computer network is used to connect network nodes. Implemented and
administered by radio communication, wireless network is developed including cell
phone network, Wi-Fi local network and terrestrial microwave network.

f) Storage Size
Storage size indicates ability to retain digital data. In some devices, like Samsung
Galaxy series, storage size is expandable.

36 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Smartphone comparison

To compare the optimal performance of IOS and android system, we choose the
newest and most outstanding phone, iPhone5S and Samsung Galaxy S5, operating in
these two OS respectively for comparison.

Requirements iPhone5S Samsung Galaxy S5

NFC (Phone only) No Yes

Feature Extraction Yes Yes

(E.g. fingerprint)
Processor 1.3 GHz dual-core 2.5GHz octa-core
Screen Size & Resolution 4 inches 5.1 inches
640*1136 pixels 1080*1920 pixels

Wireless Network Wi-Fi, GPS Wi-Fi, GPS, DLNA

Storage Size (internal) 16GB 16GB, expandable

Table 10 comparisons of phone parameters for IOS and android

Smartwatch Comparison

To be the same with smartphone comparison, we choose iWatch and Samsung Gear 2
for contrast. Considering iWatch is not available so far, we select some reasonable
guess about its technical parameters for comparison.

Requirements iWatch Samsung Gear 2

Feature Extraction Yes Yes
Processor 700MHz 1GHz
Screen Size & Resolution 1.5 inches 1.63 inches
320*640 pixels 320*320 pixels

37 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Wireless Network Bluetooth Bluetooth
Storage Size (internal) 8GB 4GB
Table 11 comparisons of watch parameters for IOS and android

By combining two tables above together, we can evaluate IOS and Android roughly.
The below table summarize and score these two OS.

Requirements Importance Rating

IOS Android

NFC (Phone only) 5 1 5

Feature Extraction 5 4 4

(E.g. fingerprint)
Processor 4 3 5
Screen Size & Resolution 3 3 4
Wireless Network 2 3 4
Storage Size (internal) 1 3 3
Table 12 comparison of hardware evaluation for IOS and android

From above table, android outperforms IOS by 88 to 55. However, considering IOS
marketing strategy is the best performance in software rather than hardware, and this
strategy is widely accepted by the users, we couldn’t ignore the development of IOS.

3.4 Implementation method

Mobile applications could be recognized as native app, web app or their combination,
hybrid app. All of them could achieve decent performance in a degree. The
characteristics of these three types of applications are analyzed as follows.

38 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

3.4.1 Native App

Widely accepted applications like Microsoft Office run the local application directly
on the smart phone and the computer. Local applications are specifically developed
some type of operating system (such as IOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc.) and can run
on mobile devices themselves.


● Be able to access all the features of the phone (GPS, camera, etc.)
● Better speed, performance and overall user experience
● Support offline work (because it is running on the device rather than the Web)
● Support rich graphics and animation
● Can be found easily on app store and the home screen application icons
● Need to pay to download an application (App Store retain 20% - 30% of


● Higher development costs

● More limited range (only access to the device running on a specific operating
● Unknown deployment time (App Store approval process)
● Content Restrictions (App Store restrictions)
● Manually update to the latest version

Yellow Pages Group is a typical example for native app, which was developed for
local application on different platforms so that we can apply to different local
application store.

39 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

3.4.2 Web App

Web applications are basically designed for the site, and it also applies to mobile
browsers. Developers are working to develop a common Web programming language
that can run simultaneously in the mobile Web browser.


● Wide range of applications (covering all smart phones)

● Lower development costs
● Quick and easy deployment (no need to submit to App Store)
● No content restrictions
● Access to the latest version (no manual update requirements)


● Poorer and slower performance experience (most of the need to link the
● Poor user experience
● Poor graphics and animation support
● No abundant profitable opportunities
● Need to link the Internet
● Restrict user access to functions (such as camera, GPS, etc.)

Besides that, with the popularity of HTML5, functions in Web applications have been
improved very well. However, they still can’t be better than native applications.

Typical examples of Web applications is Financial Times (FT), they want to compare
local applications prefer to develop mobile Web applications. Although users must be

40 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

accessed through a mobile browser rather than the app store, but they have the same
appearance with local applications and experiences. Select the Web application
because the user must purchase 100%, 20-30% of the income App Store is also based
on this platform and get through the built-in applications (in-app) performed.

3.4.3 Hybrid App

Hybrid application, just as its name, is a mix of local application and web application.


• Support multi-platform access

• Phone functions are accessible
• Suitable for applications store
• Partial support offline


• Unknown deployment time

• User experience as good as native applications
• Performance is slow (required link network)
• The technology is still a new technology, not mature enough

Facebook is an example of hybrid application. It is suitable for different local

application store, but some of its components are the use of Web development, which
is why many users find that the application is running very slowly. Currently,
Facebook is planning to use local applications to replace hybrid applications in order
to improve its performance.

41 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

3.5 Data format feasibility

3.5.1 XML

XML, Which means extensible markup language, is a method of platform independent

representation of the data. We can create and edit XML documents via manual coding
because XML and HTML are built on the same foundation based markers. The main
purpose of XML include:

a) Data storage and information-centric documents

Data stored in XML is displayed in a different environment, being data-centric
information such as database lookup data.

b) Web services
Web service initially is used to pass non-HTML messages over HTTP. Now it
becomes the fundamental access to fields via Ajax for the Web site, serving as a
service-oriented architecture (SOA) to add interactivity and a complex message-based
application. XML Web service is an integral part. Web services in all major methods,
such as SOAP, REST or XML-RPC, are based on the XML.

c) Podcasts and other data federation

XML is the most common application data federation fields. Millions of users are
using the blog RSS feed subscribe to the latest information on their favorite blog. RSS
is an XML-based language.

3.5.2 JSON

JSON, which is short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data interchange
format that is convenient to read and write, also easy for machines to parse and

42 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

generate. It is based on JavaScript Programming Language. JSON is completely
independent of the use of language in text format, but also uses a similar habit C
family of languages, including C, C++, C#, JAVA, JavaScript, Perl, Python, etc.
These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.

3.5.3 Data Format Comparison

Through sending and receiving information, we can choose plain text and XML as the
data format in asynchronous applications. For example, Web information during data
transmission via a GET request is sent using a simple name/value pairs in text format,
and JSON data format is more suitable for use in Ajax web application than plain text
type. Data format is described as follows:


When expressing a data structure, a set of data should be stored together as a whole or
for the transmission. Under that circumstance, JSON and XML both could be used.

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format. It is easier to read, parse and generate
in machine. Most importantly, without having to learn a new API, JSON can be
parsed by JavaScript in eval () function, which is obtained through formatted data.

Compared to JSON, XML data format can be regarded as a heavyweight method,

which is mainly reflected in the parsing. XML could be parsed in two ways: DOM
and SAX. DOM parses an XML into a DOM objects as a whole, while SAX parses
the JSON text into an SAX object. Using DOM to parse XML is somewhat

43 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

complicated. There are some open sources of analytical procedures online. But it is
not particularly easy to understand for beginners.

3.6 Development environment feasibility

3.6.1 J2EE

J2EE is built with scalability, flexibility and ease of maintenance of the business
system. It offers a good mechanism that is equipped with following features:

a) Retain existing IT assets

Because businesses must adapt to new business requirements, the use of existing
investments in enterprise information systems, rather than re-enact comprehensive
program becomes very important. Thus, a gradual way the system built on the existing
server-side platform mechanism could better fit company’s needs. J2EE architecture
can take advantage of the user's original investment because the J2EE has broad
industry support and participation of some important enterprise-computing field of
vendors. Each vendor will provide existing customers without discarding existing
investments into the J2EE field portable upgrade path. Because J2EE platform-based
product can be on almost any operating system, hardware configuration existing
operating systems can be reserved for use.

b) Efficient development
J2EE allows companies to put some generic and tedious task to an intermediate server
vendor. So developers can focus on how to create business logic, and correspondingly
shorten development time. Services that senior middleware vendors provide are as
● State Management Service

44 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

It enables developers to write less code, no need to care about how to manage
the state, and develop program faster.

● Continuous service
It allows developers not to encode the data access. Logic can produce
applications that can generate more compact, and such applications are easier
to develop and maintain.
● Distributed shared data objects CACHE service
It allows developers to develop high-performance systems, greatly improving
the overall deployment flexibility.

c) Support for heterogeneous environments

J2EE can be deployed in heterogeneous environments to develop portable programs.
J2EE-based applications do not rely on any particular operating system, middleware,
hardware. Therefore, the rational design of J2EE-based program to develop once
deployed to various platforms. This typical heterogeneous enterprise-computing
environment is crucial. J2EE standard also allows customers to order third-party
components that are compatible with existing J2EE, and deploy them to a
heterogeneous environment, saving the entire program developed by the required fee.

d) Scalability
Enterprises must choose a server platform that should be able to provide excellent
scalability to meet a large number of new customers who operate on their business
systems. Based on J2EE platform, applications can be deployed on a variety of
operating systems.

e) Stable availability
A server-side platform must be able to operate around the clock to meet the needs of
our customers and partners. Unplanned downtime could result in disastrous
consequences. J2EE deploys a reliable operating environment, which supports the

45 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

long-term availability. Some J2EE deployed in WINDOWS environment, customers
can also choose robust and better operating systems such as Sun Solaris, IBM OS/390.
Best operating system in robustness can achieve 99.999% availability or 5 minutes of
downtime per year.

3.6.2 .NET framework

The .NET framework is a software framework that runs primarily on Microsoft

Windows. Its base class library provides functions such as UI and data access. Its
advantages are listed as follows.

a) Wide range choice of programming languages

. NET framework allows developers to develop in any language, so that the different
language development programs closer together.

b) Code amount reduction

. NET framework uses the highly modular design, allowing developers to focus more
on handling business logic, rather than spending time writing code on IDL and
Register. In ASP.NET, for example, many commonly used functions, such as
shopping carts, have been encapsulated into a common control.

c) XML / SOAP availability

.NET framework’s goal is to make software into services, XML and SOAP standards
-based integration series. We can simply note the required method calls. .NET
Framework will be able to convert them into a complete XML Web services.

d) Improved reliability of the application.

46 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

.NET framework introduces new technology to make the program run more reliable.
In addition, ASP.NET Web program also monitors the operation and the time interval
set by the administrator.

e) The performance is optimized

.NET framework optimizes the traditional Web programs. ASP.NET introduces
advanced compiler technology and caching features, which is 1 to 2 times higher than
the current ASP program performance.

3.7 RDBMS feasibility

RDBMS is short for Relational Database Management System. Relational data models
are used to store data and co-work with other applications. MS SQL Server, MS
Access, Oracle Database, MySQL and IBM DB2 are all typical and widely accepted
RDBMS. Considering the popularity and performance among these RDBMS, SQL
Server, Oracle and MySQL are selected for further analysis. Requirements and
relevant importance and ratings are listed and explained as follows.

Requirement Importance
SQL Server Oracle MySQL

Price 5 3 2 5
Performance efficiency 4 5 5 4
Platform integration 3 4 5 5
Language support 3 4 4 4
Tools integration 3 5 4 1
High availability 4 2 5 1
Interface operation 4 5 3 3
Security 5 3 4 4

47 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Table 13 comparison of integrated evaluation for RDBMS

Definition of Terms

a) Price
Oracle has the highest cost. It’s charging based on CPU. For an 8-core CPU, the cost
will be 8 * price. But for SQL Server CPU pricing, if a CPU has 8 cores, it will be 8 *
0.5 * price. And about MySQL, we always thought it was free, but in business
practices, certain amount of fees should be paid. The highest version of [MySQL
Cluster Carrier Grade Edition Subscription (5 + socket server)] will charge USD
20,000. In fact, at the beginning of the goods import, Oracle and SQL Server have
free version, which also can be used commercially. Although there will be some of the
feature limits, future upgrades will be very easy.

b) Performance
Comparing three databases, according to TPC's (Transaction Processing Performance
Council) analysis, in fact, Oracle is the fastest in processing performance. In terms of
trading volume and price, SQL Server is the most effective, and MySQL also has a
good performance.

c) Platform integration
SQL Server can only be used in the Windows platform, and on this platform it is the
best and fastest on the operation, while the other two databases can be used in cross-
platform, and in the Unix and Linux have very high level of stability and performance,
so the choice of platform for subsequent database also has a very large impact on the

d) Programming language integration

In fact, the three databases for any kind of programming languages can be accessed
and used, but as described in the previous paragraph, SQL Server performs the best

48 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

with .Net, and Java will choose Oracle, PHP will choose MySQL. Therefore, each
language has its own platform choice.

e) Tools integration
After installing Microsoft SQL Server actually we have a lot of tools and applications
contained. This is the reason why many people like SQL Server. No matter it’s the
report, or data conversion (ETL), or Business Intelligence (BI), etc., they are free to
use. And the integrity and function of the tools contained are quite similar with many
commercial software. For example, Reporting Service is a major feature. Generally
what we hear very often is the usage of Crystal Reports, but the price of this software
is very expensive. So it often produces software-licensing cost on the project, thereby
affecting the willingness of customers to purchase.

Oracle has TOAD to manage the interface. Of course, the cost is also very high. But
Oracle supports most third-party softwares, so this is one reason why most
manufacturers recommend. The initial tools in MySQL itself should be considered the
least, and also limited by the scale of support for third-party softwares. So it really is a
big test of the ability of the DBA.

f) High availability
In fact, the three databases all completely support for high availability. But Oracle has
architecture supporting RAC at Load Balance ( see below), so it seems to be slightly
better. While the other two in the database load balance part, are all completing
through the mechanism of replication. MySQL architecture is shown below. But
another reminder is that the current MySQL Proxy is still in the testing phase.

g) Interface interoperability
Among the three database softwares, Microsoft SQL Server interface is the easiest to
use and does not require much operation after setup. All SQL design, or management

49 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

functions, and many advanced settings like HA-order etc., can be set and used very

h) Security
In this part of the comparison, basically all these three are similar, wherever in
account management, data transfer, backup, encryption, etc.. They all have very good
performance. But Microsoft officials for security part has mentioned, their updates are
relatively less compared to other databases. Frankly this may be related to update size,
speed of error correction and other issues.

50 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

4 System Models Using UML

4.1 Use Case Diagram:

4.1.1 Phone:

Fig.7 Use case diagram of the phone part in Epay

There are 6 major use cases in the phone part: Registration, Add Cards, Delete Cards,
Check Statement, Set Upper Limit and Delete Account.

51 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

4.1.2 Watch:

Fig.8 Use case diagram of the watch part in Epay

There are 4 major use cases in the watch part: Bind, Unbind, Normal Pay and Upper

4.2 Scenarios of Use Cases:

4.2.1 Phone:


52 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Use Case Name: Registration
Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Registration

This use case describes the process on how a customer registers an

Pre-condition: The customer
chose the "Registration" at
the startup menu.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer clicks
the "Registration" in the
System response
system Home Page and sends
Step2: The system displays the
a request to the system. registration information.

Step3: The customer enters

personal information, email
Typical Course
of Events
address and password of the Step4: The system checks if the
email address is already
system then clicks "Submit". registered. If no, add the new
customer to Account. Step5:
Send a massage to customer to
confirm the registration.

Post-condition: The customer

has registered an account.

53 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Table 14 Scenario of Registration

Add Cards
Use Case Name: Add Cards

Actor(s): Customer
Scenario: Add Cards
This scenario describes the process on how a customer adds
Pre-condition: The customer has
already registered an account.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer enters the
log in ID and password.

System response
Step2: The system checks if
the password is correct. If yes,
Step3: The customer chooses returns a menu.
"Add Cards" and sends a request
to the system.

Step4: The system returns the

Typical Course Add Card Window and
of Events request card number.
Step5: The customer enters the
card number and then put the
card under the phone.

Step6: The system confirms

the card and requests the
password of the card.

54 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Ste7: The customer enters the
password of the card.

Step8: The system checks if

the password is correct by
linking to the bank. If yes, add
the card to the Card.

Post-condition: The customer

has added a card to the system.

Table 15 Scenario of Add Cards

Delete Cards
Use Case Name: Delete Cards

Actor(s): Customer
Scenario: Delete Cards
This scenario describes the process on how a customer deletes

Pre-condition: The customer

has already added some cards
into the system.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer enters the
log in ID and password.
Typical Course of

Step3: The customer chooses

"Delete Cards" and sends a System response
request to the system. Step2: The system checks if
the password is correct. If yes,
returns a menu.

55 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step4: The system returns a
card list.

Step5: The customer chooses

the card he/she wants to delete.
Step6: The system confirms
the card and deletes it.

Post-condition: The customer

has added a card to the system.

Table 16 Scenario of Delete Cards

Check Statement
Use Case Name: Check Statement

Actor(s): Customer
Scenario: Check Statement
This scenario describes the process on how a customer checks
the statement.
Pre-condition: The customer has
already made some transactions.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer enters the
log in ID and password.

System response
Step2: The system checks if
Typical Course the password is correct. If yes,
of Events returns a menu.
Step3: The customer chooses
"Check Statement" and sends a
request to the system.

Step4: The system returns a

56 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

transaction list.
Step5: The customer selects the
range of the date and then

Step6: The system filtrate the

transactions, calculates the
total payment then returns the
qualified transactions and the

Post-condition: The customer

knows the transactions he/she

Table 17 Scenario of Check Statement

Set Upper Limit

Use Case Name: Set Upper Limit

Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Set Upper Limit

This scenario describes the process on how a customer set the

Description: upper limit.


Pre-condition: The customer

has already registered an

Typical Course account.

of Events Actor Action
Step1: The customer enters the
log in ID and password.
System response

57 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step2: The system checks if
the password is correct. If
yes, returns a menu.

Step3: The customer chooses

"Set Upper Limit" and sends a
request to the system.

Step4: The system returns a

setting window.
Step5: The customer enters the
upper limit he/she wants to set.

Step6: The system confirms

the upper limit and save it to

Post-condition: The customer

has set the upper limit.

Table 18 Scenario of Set Upper Limit

Delete Account
Use Case Name: Delete Account

Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Delete Account

This use case describes the process on how a customer deletes

Description: an account.


Pre-condition: The customer

chose the "Registration" at the
Typical Course of startup menu. Actor Action

58 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step1: The customer clicks the
"Delete Account" in the system
Home Page and sends a request
to the system.

System response
Step2: The system returns the
deleting window and
requests the password of the

Step3: The customer enters

password of the account, then
clicks "Submit".

Step4: The system checks if

the password is correct. If
yes, delete the account.
Step5: The system delete all
the history transaction and
the cards
Step6: Send a massage to
Post-condition: The customer customer to confirm the
has deleted an account. deleting.
Table 19 Scenario of Delete Account

4.2.2 Watch:
Use Case Name: Bind

Actor(s): Customer
Scenario: Bind

59 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

This use case describes the process on how a customer binds
the watch to the phone.


Pre-condition: The customer

has already registered an
Actor Action
Step1: The customer clicks
"Bind" in the binding window
and then enters the account
name and the password.

System response
Step2: The system checks if
the account is exist. If yes,
check if the password is
Typical Course correct. If yes, returns a
of Events request for fingerprint.
Step3: The customer set the
fingerprint by putting his/her
finger above the screen.

Step4: The system checks if

the fingerprint is clear. If yes,
Step5: The customer set the store the fingerprint into
retina by looking the screen. Security and then request

60 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step6: The system checks if
the retina is clear. If yes, store
the retina into Security and
then send a massage to
customer to confirm the

Post-condition: The customer

has bound the watch and the
Table 20 Scenario of Bind

Use Case Name: Unbind

Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Unbind

This use case describes the process on how a customer unbinds

Description: the watch to the phone.


Pre-condition: The customer

has already bound the watch
and the phone.
Actor Action

Typical Course of Step1: The customer opens the

home page and then verifies the
Events fingerprint.

System response
Step2: The system checks if
the fingerprint is correct. If
yes, returns a menu.

61 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step3: The customer selects
"Unbind Account" in the menu.

Step4: The system returns an

unbinding window and
request verify retina.

Step5: The customer verifies

the retina by looking the

Step6: The system checks if

the retina is correct. If yes,
unbind the account.
Step7: Delete the fingerprint
and the retina information
which stored in the Security.
Send a massage to customer to
confirm the unbinding.

Post-condition: The customer

has bound the watch and the

Table 21 Scenario of Unbind

Normal Pay
Use Case Name: Normal Pay

Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Normal Pay

This use case describes the process on how a customer makes a

Description: normal pay.


62 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Pre-condition: The customer
has already bound the watch
and the phone.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer opens the
home page and then verifies the
System response
Step2: The system checks if
the fingerprint is correct. If

Step3: The customer selects the yes, returns a card list.

card he/she wants to use.

Step4: The system confirms

Typical Course of the card and returns a payment
Events screen.
Step5: The customer pays the

Step6: The system checks if

the payment is beyond limit. If
no, check if the payment is
Step7: If the payment is
successful, add the payment
information to Transaction.

Post-condition: The customer

has made a normal pay.

Table 22 Scenario of Normal Pay

Upper Pay

63 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Use Case Name: Upper Pay
Actor(s): Customer

Scenario: Upper Pay

This use case describes the process on how a customer makes a

upper pay.

Pre-condition: The customer

has already bound the watch
and the phone.
Actor Action
Step1: The customer opens the System response

home page and then verifies Step2: The system checks if

the fingerprint is correct. If
the fingerprint. yes, returns a card list.

Step3: The customer selects

the card he/she wants to use
Typical Course and then clicks the "Upper
of Events
Pay" button.

Step4: The system returns a

retina screen and request

64 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Step5: The customer verifies
the retina.

Step6: The system checks if

the retina is correct. If yes,
Step7: The customer pays the request pay.
Step8: The system checks if
the payment is succeed. If
yes, add the payment
information to Transaction.

Post-condition: The customer

has made an upper pay.
Table 23 Scenario of Upper Pay

4.3 Class Diagram:

4.3.1 Phone:

65 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.9 Class diagram of the phone part in Epay

4.3.2 Watch:

66 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.10 Class diagram of the phone part in Epay

4.4 Sequence Diagram:

4.4.1 Phone:


67 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.11 Sequence diagram of Registration

*remind( ): send a massage to tell the account has exist.

Add Cards

68 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.12 Sequence diagram of Add Cards

*requestNFC( ): open the NFC function. When the customer put a card near the
phone, the system can identify the card.

Delete Cards

69 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.13 Sequence diagram of Delete Cards

Check Statement

Fig.14 Sequence diagram of Check Statement

70 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

*calculateTotalPayment( ): calculate the total payment of the date the customer

Set Upper Limit

Fig.15 Sequence diagram of Set Upper Limit

Delete Account

71 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.16 Sequence diagram of Delete Account

*deleteTransactionList( ): delete all the transaction history.

*deleteCardList( ): delete all the card the customer stored in the Card.

4.4.2 Watch:


72 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.17 Sequence diagram of Bind

73 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.18 Sequence diagram of Unbind

*deleteSecurity( ): delete the fingerprint and the retina which stored in the Security.
Normal Pay

74 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

Fig.19 Sequence diagram of Normal Pay Upper

Fig.20 Sequence diagram of Upper Pay

75 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App


[1] CNNIC: China's Smartphone Mobile Internet Users Reach 330 Mln CNNIC,
[2] Bank Marketing Strategy, Jim Marous,

[3] 支付宝,微信支付,壹钱包对比, Online Finance Report, Section 13

[4] Developer Economics Q3 2013 analyst report
[5] Web App & Hybrid App & Native App development costs and user experience
[6] Native app vs. Web app,
[7] Database comparison,
[8] JSON vs. XML,
[9] Mobile OS Distribution Diagram,

1155036122 XIE, Yunjing

1155036151 YAN, Shijing

1155037142 ZHAO, Yue

1155037684 GUO, Yinpu

1155040796 WANG,Yuhao

76 Epay – Smart Offline Transaction App

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