Commercial Dispatch Eedition 4-15-20

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Wednesday | April 15, 2020

Some shoppers feel safer with new grocery store

restrictions; others taking them with grain of salt
Steve Gao,
holds a bag Columbus grocery stores said “Please wait here,” so he followed the
of hamburg-
er buns as complying with mayor’s When the masked clerk could not hear
him clearly, Scott had to lean in a bit further.
he leaves
Sunflower order on safety practices Scott is among many grocery shoppers
who frequent Kroger, which has implement-
Food Store on ed several policies to promote social distanc-
Military Road
Tuesday after-
to slow spread of virus ing during the coronavirus pandemic.
On Monday, Mayor Robert Smith issued
noon. Colum- letters to 25 food stores around the city and
bus grocery
established regulations to slow the spread of
stores are
Sean Scott stood waiting — from a dis- the coronavirus. However, not all customers
under more
strict guide- tance. favor the decision.
lines after Shopping for some rosemary and garlic to Among the restrictions, Smith required all
the mayor season the salmon he planned to cook, Scott food store employees to wear masks and other
ordered new went up to the meat and seafood counter at protection gear while working within six feet
safety prac- the Kroger in Columbus. of customers. Stores must also set up mea-
tices. Several feet away from the counter, the suring markers and signage to remind cus-
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff blue social distancing markers on the ground See GROCERY STORES, 8A

SOCSD becomes
second district
to leave GTECHS MUW’s Baptist Student Union director speaks
Peasant proposes
‘middle college
out about symptoms, dealing with coronavirus
program’ meant to

achieve the same goals For Sam Ivy, it didn’t start with a nag-
ging cough or a fever.
BY TESS VRBIN It started with a bad glass of sweet tea. Ivy is the director of the Baptist Stu-
dent Union at the Mississippi Universi-
The Starkville-Ok- ty for Women. He is also someone who
tibbeha Consolidat- has contracted and recovered from
ed School District COVID-19 coronavirus. As evidence of
became the second the latter, he spent most of Tuesday do-
district to cut ties ing yard work at the home of 94-year-old
with the Golden Tri- Daisy Poros, whose house is next door to
angle Early College the BSU.
High School with two “I feel fine now,” Ivy said.
Peasant Ivy most likely contracted the disease
unanimous votes by
the board of trustees at their Tues- during a week-long mission trip to New
day meeting. York City from March 7-13. He was ac-
Superintendent Eddie Peasant companying a group of 24 BSU members
recommended the board not renew from The W and East Mississippi Com-
the district’s memorandum of un- munity College.
derstanding with GTECHS, which “We were out everywhere, proba-
would have allowed the district to bly every borough in the city,” Ivy said.
continue sending students to the “When we got there (COVID-19) wasn’t
early college high school on East considered a big ordeal, but that had
Mississippi Community College’s changed by the time we left.”
Mayhew campus next school year. The city reported its first COVID-19
The district’s current agreement death the day after Ivy returned home.
with GTECHS will end on June As of this morning, the death toll in the
30. Peasant also recommended state of New York is almost 11,000.
the board reject a contract with While the most common reported
GTECHS for the 2020-21 school symptoms of the virus are coughing,
year. fever and muscle aches, Ivy said those Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Columbus Municipal School symptoms weren’t the first to appear for Sam Ivy does some yard work at the home of Daisy Poros in Columbus
District voted earlier this month to him. on Tuesday, a sure sign of his recovery from COVID-19 which he most
sever ties with GTECHS. See IVY, 8A likely contracted during a mission trip to New York City in early March.
GTECHS has 222 students from

Woman injured in shooting at Academy Sports parking lot

Police believe gun accidentally discharged from inside Public Information Officer Bran-
don Lovelady said this morning that
vehicle; victim teated at OCH and released the incident is still under investiga-
tion and did not say whether SPD has
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT call at about 1:38 p.m. In a tweet about made any arrests.
an hour later, SPD reported a weapon Local Academy Sports manage-
A female victim has been released appeared to have been accidentally ment said they are not authorized to
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
from the hospital after she was injured discharged from inside a vehicle in the comment on the shooting, and Senior
A woman was shot from the inside of a vehi-
in what Starkville police believe to be parking lot. Communications Director Alyssa cle in the parking lot of Academy Sports in
an accidental shooting Tuesday in the The victim was taken to OCH Region- Hasbrouck with the store’s corporate Starkville on Tuesday, police say. The victim
Academy Sports parking lot on Highway al Medical Center and treated for non office did not respond to a request for was treated and released from OCH Regional
12. life-threatening injuries, OCH Emergen- comment. The store remained open Medical Center, Emergency Services Director
Starkville police responded to the cy Services Director Michael Hunt said. after the incident. Michael Hunt said.


1 What color jersey does the overall lead- ON NEWS MEETINGS
er of the Tour de France wear? ■ Many April 17:
2 What is the only U.S. state quarter with COVID-19 corona- Lowndes County
the image of a king on it? virus related sto-
3 What TV Show, narrated by Kristen Bell, School Board,
ries are changing
concerns a blogger who writes about the extremely quick- 12:30 p.m.,
lives of Manhattan’s socialites?
4 What color ketchup did Heinz introduce ly, sometimes Central Office
Lillian McGregory as soon as we
in 2000, to go along with the usual red April 21:
Fifth grade, Annunciation publish a print
they’d produced for the previous 124
Columbus City

62 Low 35
years? edition of the
High 5 What director of “The 40-Year-Old paper. We want Council, 5
Mostly sunny
Virgin” and “Knocked Up” is credited with to assure our p.m., Municipal
discovering Seth Rogen? readers that we
Full forecast on Answers, 8B Complex
page 3A. are making every
attempt to print May 11: Colum-
accurate, timely bus Municipal
INSIDE news. Online sto- School District,
Classifieds 8B Food 4B ries are updated
6 p.m., Brandon
Comics 3B Obituaries 3A throughout the
day at cdispatch. Mya Sherod of Columbus loves the Central Services
Crossword 2B Opinions 6A
141st Year, No. 30 Dear Abby 3B com. color gray. Center


2A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 The Dispatch •

Fauci: ‘We’re not there yet’

on key steps to reopen economy
Health officials don’t yet
have the capabilities to Trump reverses course on power
rapidly test for the virus,
isolate any new cases
to ‘reopen’ states amid virus
and track down everyone WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Tues-
that an infected person day he’s open to some states “reopening” before federal
social distancing guidelines expire at the end of month, as
came into contact with he appeared to back off his claim of absolute authority to
decide when the time was right to act.
BY LAURAN NEERGA ARD Hours after suggesting that the bipartisan concerns of
AND JULIE PACE governors about his assertion of power would amount to
The Associated Press
an insurrection, Trump abruptly reversed course, saying
he would leave it to governors to determine the right time
WA S H I N G T O N Trump
and manner to revive activity in their states. Trump said he
— Dr. Anthony Fau- would be speaking with governors, probably on Thursday, to discuss his
ci, the government’s administration’s plans.
top infectious disease “The governors are responsible,” Trump said Tuesday. “They have to
expert, said Tuesday take charge.”
the U.S. does not yet Still, he insisted, “The governors will be very, very respectful of the
have the critical test- presidency.”
ing and tracing pro- Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the
cedures needed to Federal Emergency Management Agency have been preparing federal
begin reopening the nation’s econ- guidelines for states looking to resume normal operations. They were
omy, adding a dose of caution to expected to be unveiled later this week.
increasingly optimistic projections Democratic and Republican governors had sounded the alarm after One solution for oxygen at
from the White House. Trump asserted Monday that he and he alone would determine when home, away, and for travel
“We have to have something in and how to reopen the economy, despite clear constitutional limitations
place that is efficient and that we on federal powers. Introducing the INOGEN ONE
can rely on, and we’re not there yet,” It’s oxygen therapy on your terms
Fauci said in an interview with The social-distancing rules in place in start pulling back there will be in- No more tanks to refill. No more deliveries. No more
Associated Press. much of the country would have to fections. It’s how you deal with the hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable
Fauci’s comments come as Pres- occur on a “rolling” basis, not all at infections that’s going count,” Fauci oxygen concentrator is designed to provide
ident Donald Trump and others in once, he said, reflecting the ways told the AP. unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users.
the administration weigh how quick- COVID-19 struck different parts of Key is “getting people out of It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for
ly businesses can reopen and Amer- the country at different times. circulation if they get infected, be-
stationary and portable use, during the day
and at night, and can go virtually anywhere
icans can get back to work weeks Among Fauci’s top concerns: that cause once you start getting clus- — even on most airlines. Inogen accepts
after the fast-spreading coronavirus there will be new outbreaks in loca- ters, then you’re really in trouble,” Medicare and many private insurances!
essentially halted the U.S. economy. tions where social distancing has he added.
Trump has floated the possibility of eased, but public health officials At the same time Fauci is direct- Reclaim Your
reopening some areas by May 1 and don’t yet have the capabilities to ing critical government research, Freedom And
said he could announce recommen- rapidly test for the virus, isolate any he’s also one of the administration’s Independence NOW!
dations as soon as this week. new cases and track down everyone leading spokespeople on the vi-
Fauci said a May 1 target is “a bit that an infected person came into rus, spending hours each week by
overly optimistic” for many areas of contact with. Trump’s side during his lengthy,
the country. Any easing off the strict “I’ll guarantee you, once you daily White House briefings.

Call Inogen Today To

Request Your FREE Info Kit

Coronavirus relief checks won’t have to be repaid, feds say 1-662-573-4339

‘This is not an in an email.
The federal govern-
filed most recently — to
determine eligibility for
than $75,000 and phase
out entirely for those earn- © 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved.

advance and there ment uses information the payouts. Those pay- ing more than $99,000.
from 2018 or 2019 tax re- ments begin to get small-
is absolutely no turns — whichever was er for adults making more

obligation to pay
it back’
Treasury spokeswoman
Patricia McLaughlin
The Associated Press

CHICAGO — Videos
and online reports claim-
ing that millions of Ameri-
cans will have to repay the
relief checks they receive
from the federal govern-
ment under the $2.2 tril-
lion coronavirus econom-
ic recovery bill are not
The government be-
gan issuing the one-time
payments this week. Most
adults who earned up to
$75,000 will see a $1,200
payout, while married
couples who made up to
$150,000 can expect to
get $2,400. Parents will
get payments of $500 per
child. The checks will be
directly deposited into
bank accounts or mailed
to households, depending
on how you’ve filed your
tax returns in the past.
In recent days, social
media posts have falsely
claimed there’s one catch
to this money — that
you’ll eventually have to
pay it back.
“Next year, you’re au-
tomatically going to owe
$1,200 come tax season,”
one of the videos, viewed
hundreds of thousands of
times on YouTube, falsely
claims. The video has also
been shared widely on
social media platforms in-
cluding Facebook, Insta-
gram, Twitter and TikTok.
The U.S. Treasury De-
partment and Internal
Revenue Service, which
are working to deliver
the money to people, con-
firmed to The Associated
Press that households will
not have to pay back the
money in next year’s tax
“This is not an advance
and there is absolutely no
obligation to pay it back,”
Treasury spokeswoman
Patricia McLaughlin said
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 3A

Reeves closes schools through end of spring semester

Students to continue the spread of
COVID-19 coro-
trol and Prevention began rec-
ommending Americans take
As of Tuesday morning,
Mississippi State Depart-
virus than any other decision
we’ve made.”
distance learning navirus.
School dis-
social distance measures and
limit the number of people in
ment of Health reported more
than 3,000 confirmed cases of
Reeves said distance learn-
ing in the state will continue
throughout the state tricts throughout
the state, includ-
one place.
Reeves signed an executive
COVID-19 in the state. How-
ever, Reeves said Tuesday
through the end of the semes-
ter. Students are excused from
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT ing in the Golden order on March 19 closing that was significantly fewer end-of-year tests. Reeves also
Triangle, have schools through Friday, saying cases than models had pre- said state officials would work
Gov. Tate Reeves has or- been using dis- Reeves at the time that he may extend dicted when he initially closed with superintendents to imple-
dered all public school build- tance learning to educate stu- the closures if health experts schools, and that school clo- ment any summer programs, if
ings closed through the end dents since mid-March, when thought it necessary to curb sures have “had more impact necessary, to prepare students
of the spring semester due to the Centers for Disease Con- the spread of the virus. on slowing the spread of the for next school year.

Continued from Page 1A
Lowndes, Oktibbeha, Clay and “It’s up to them as to which indi- The COVID-19 pandemic is
Noxubee counties. The school is vidual students they accept, (and) “making it a little bit difficult” to get
designed for students who would always an individual family deci- the program ready for next school
not necessarily thrive, either social- sion on the student’s part,” he said. year, but it might happen, Peasant
ly or academically, in a traditional told The Dispatch.
high school and allows students the A less costly option SOCSD hopes to implement
opportunity to take college-level The proposed GTECHS bud- GTECHS’ “family-type setting” at
courses and graduate high school get for the 2020-21 academic year all its campuses with the reconfig-
with an associate’s degree. states that the base cost of sending uration of its schools starting in Au-
Students are accepted to one student to GTECHS is $6,609, gust, when the Partnership School
GTECHS on an application basis, so it would cost SOCSD $277,578 for grades 6-7 at Mississippi State
and home school districts receive to send the 42 students that have University is scheduled to open,
state funds for each student who at- enrolled. The dual enrollment fees Peasant said. AMS will become
tends there. would total another $25,360. Armstrong Junior High School
But Peasant said he is concerned This does not include the rough- for grades 8-9, and SHS will be for
that funding from the Mississippi ly $16,000 per year it costs to bus grades 10-12.
Adequate Education Program al- the students to and from EMCC, or “I think that sets us up to have a
located to SOCSD but diverted to the cost of individualized education better setting that would more simi-
Starkville students at GTECHS is programs for special-needs stu- larly compare to what they describe
actually paying for some students dents, Peasant said. at GTECHS,” Peasant said.
who previously were homeschooled Last week, when the CMSD EMCC President Scott Also-
or attended private schools. MAEP board of trustees ended its own brooks said in a prepared statement
funds are allocated to each district relationship with GTECHS on Su- this morning that it is “unfortunate”
based on a headcount of students perintendent Cherie Labat’s recom- two districts have decided to end
who attended district schools the mendation. Labat said it would cost their partnerships with GTECHS.
previous year. the district $130,000, plus transpor-
Peasant also said he does not
believe all students accepted to
tation and special education costs,
to send more than 40 students to
Partnership School
GTECHS match the intended tar- GTECHS. Board President Jason construction to continue
gets of “at-risk” or students trying Spears said this morning that with Construction of the Partnership
to be the first generation in their additional costs, it might be closer School will resume Thursday af-
families to attend college. to $250,000. ter it was temporarily halted due
“The purpose of our school is to Peasant said SOCSD can pro- to the pandemic, Peasant said. Co-
provide free and appropriate public vide the smaller class sizes and lumbus-based West Brothers Con-
education through public funds for dual enrollment opportunities that struction will work in small groups
students that live in our communi- GTECHS boasts, and the district adhering to social distancing guide-
ty,” Peasant said. “This program, did not have those options five lines, and they expect to be finished
from my research and the things years ago when it entered into the in four or five weeks, he said, put-
I know about it, has actually used GTECHS agreement. ting it back on schedule to open for
public funds to fund a private-type Starkville High School imple- the 2020-21 academic year.
setting.” mented three academic houses Gov. Tate Reeves announced
He estimated that about 40 this year: Technology, Engineer- Tuesday that schools statewide
percent of Starkville students at ing, Construction (TEC); Health will be closed for the rest of the ac-
GTECHS did not attend Armstrong and Human Services (H2S); and ademic year. This means SOCSD
Middle School, based on informa- Communication, Arts and Business can try to start summer school as
tion he received from the Lowndes (CAB). The initiative is meant to early in June as possible and start
County School District, the original expose students to skills they will deep-cleaning its buildings in the
fiscal agent for GTECHS. The par- need for their future careers. near future instead of waiting until
ticipating districts voted last year The houses “will coincide a lot the summer to sanitize them, Peas-
to transfer fiscal agency to EMCC better” with a program Peasant ant said.
so GTECHS students would not introduced to the board Tuesday The district continues to distrib-
have to transfer from their home called the “middle college pro- ute meals to students three days a
districts to LCSD in order to enroll. gram.” It will allow more students week, and Peasant said two donors
Starkville Academy, one of two to take college courses at EMCC recently provided face masks for
private schools in Starkville, has and receive an associate’s degree both the bus drivers and the food
had two students leave to attend with their high school diploma, it service workers.
GTECHS in the five years since the is aimed at the same “at-risk” stu- “We’ve been able to create the
program started, Head Master Jere- dents and it will only cost about safest possible environment that we
my Nicholas told The Dispatch. $3,000 per student, Peasant said. can with those programs,” he said.


vices using the personal al information to open able adult and was being Cheap thrills.
Mississippi woman information of a 77-year- additional accounts and held in Jackson County Go for a walk.
charged in identity old woman she assisted lines of credit, spending Adult Detention Center
theft over 2 years with bills and shopping. thousands over two years, on a $100,000 bond.
OCEAN SPRINGS — Tammie Scott, of Van- Ocean Springs Police
Police say a Mississippi cleave, had access to the Capt. Ryan Lemaire told
woman is facing charges victim’s bank accounts WLOX-TV.
for illegally buying and credit cards and Scott was charged with
$140,000 in goods and ser- used the victim’s person- exploitation of a vulner-

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thur.
Major 7:18p 8:10p
Minor 3:01a 3:46a
Major 7:45a 8:35a
Minor 1:29p 2:27p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
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Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
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The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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4A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 The Dispatch •

Court throws out Trump rollback of school nutrition rules

The 2012 rules required schools to transition pandemic are operating under
different standards and have
years-long clash over nutrition
standards championed by for-
dard that at least half of grains
served to students be whole
over time entirely to whole grain-rich options been able to request flexibility mer first lady Michelle Obama. grain-rich. It also eliminated the
on nutrition standards. The 2012 rules required schools final sodium target.
and gradually reduce sodium levels “None of this applies under to transition over time entirely In the decision Monday,
the current situation. This is for to whole grain-rich options and the Maryland court said the
BY CANDICE CHOI The ruling was in response to when we resume post-pandemic gradually reduce sodium levels. USDA had previously “spoke
AP Food & Health Writer a lawsuit brought by the Center school operations,” said Laura But school lunch operators op- exclusively in terms of delaying
for Science in the Public Interest MacCleery, senior policy direc- posed the standards, saying new compliance requirements, not
NEW YORK — After mak-
and Healthy School Food Mary- tor for the Center for Science in recipes were resulting in mushy abandoning the compliance re-
ing a brief comeback on school
land. the Public Interest. pastas and cardboard-like piz- quirements altogether.”
lunch menus, white bread and
The U.S. Department of Agri- But Diane Pratt-Heavner of zas, and that students were Under the relaxed rule this
other refined grains may be van-
ishing again when schools re- culture said it does not comment the School Nutrition Associa- throwing away more food. school year, Pratt-Heavner said
open after a federal court threw on ongoing litigation and it’s un- tion, which represents cafeteria To allow cafeteria operators cafeteria operators had report-
out the Trump administration’s known how the agency will pro- operators and food suppliers, time to adapt, the USDA had ed mostly sticking to the whole
rollback of school nutrition stan- ceed. The agency oversees the said tighter budgets and strained been postponing compliance grain-rich foods they had al-
dards. national school lunch and break- supply chains could make it even dates and granting waivers to ready incorporated into their
The U.S. district court in fast programs, which serve mil- harder to meet stricter nutrition temporarily let schools continue menus. But she said some took
Maryland this week said the lions of free and reduced-price standards once schools resume. serving select refined grains. advantage of the option to serve
administration did not give meals daily. “This is coming at a very dif- Then in late 2018, the agency some harder-to-replace refined
adequate public notice of the For now, closed schools that ficult and uncertain time,” she issued a rule saying it would give grain items like biscuits and
change, which had gone into have continued distributing said. schools greater flexibility by re- tortillas, without having to file
effect for this past school year. meals during the coronavirus It’s the latest twist in the verting back to a previous stan- paperwork.

Search for a COVID-19 vaccine heats up

NIH infectious disease chief: ‘No red flags’ so far late widely enough over the sum-
mer and fall, it might be possible to
BY LAURAN NEERGA ARD of testing could begin around June. finish larger studies slightly sooner
AP Medical Writer A third candidate, from Inov- than the 12 to 18 months he’d orig-
io Pharmaceuticals, began giving inally predicted — maybe toward
WASHINGTON — Three poten- experimental shots for first-step “mid to late winter of next season.”
tial COVID-19 vaccines are making safety testing last week in the U.S. “Please let me say this caveat:
fast progress in early-stage testing and hopes to expand its studies to That is assuming that it’s effec-
in volunteers in China and the U.S., China. tive. See, that’s the big ‘if,’” Fauci
but it’s still a long road to prove if Initial tests focus on safety, and stressed. “It’s got to be effective
they’ll really work. researchers in both countries are and it’s got to be safe.”
China’s CanSino Biologics has trying out different doses of differ- During a news conference in
begun the second phase of testing ent types of shots. China, authorities also cautioned
its vaccine candidate, China’s Min- But moving into the second that the studies must be done prop-
istry of Science and Technology phase is a critical step that allows erly.
said Tuesday. vaccines to be tested in many more “Although we are in an emergen-
In the U.S., a shot made by the people to look for signs that they cy, we cannot lower the standards
National Institutes of Health and protect against infection. of safety and effectiveness in the re-
Moderna Inc. isn’t far behind. The Last week, CanSino filed a re- views of vaccines,” said Wang Jun-
first person to receive that experi- port showing it aimed to enroll 500 zhi, a Chinese biopharmaceutical
mental vaccine last month returned people in this next study, compar- expert. “The public is paying huge
to a Seattle clinic Tuesday for a sec- ing two doses of the vaccine to dum- attention.”
ond dose. my shots. As of Monday, 273 of the The World Health Organization
NIH infectious disease chief Dr. volunteers had been injected, state this week counted more than five
Anthony Fauci told The Associated media said. dozen other vaccine candidates in
Press there are “no red flags” so far Looking ahead, Fauci said if the earlier stages of development being
and he hoped the next, larger phase new coronavirus continues to circu- pursued around the world.

Health care workers are 10 percent-20 percent of US virus cases

BY MIKE STOBBE The data is important researchers had data health care workers
AP Medical Writer new information but not on whether or not they were women, were white,
necessarily surprising, worked in health care. and were young or mid-
said Dr. Anne Schuchat, About 9,300, or 19 per- dle-aged adults. That’s
tween 10 percent and 20
who is running the fed- cent, of them were med- consistent with the demo-
percent of U.S. coronavi-
eral agency’s response ical professionals. That graphics of who works in
rus cases are health care
to the outbreak. Medical included 27 who died. health care, researchers
workers, though they
tended to be hospitalized staff have also been hit But the data varied said.
at lower rates than other hard in other countries: in how complete it was, About 10 percent of the
patients, officials report- Media reports said about researchers said. In 12 health care workers were
ed Tuesday. 10 percent of cases in Ita- states that did a better hospitalized with symp-
The Centers for Dis- ly and Spain were health job reporting on whether toms, compared with 21
ease Control and Pre- care workers. patients worked in medi- percent to 31 percent of
vention reported the first As of the middle of cine, around 11 percent overall cases. That may
national data on how the last week, the CDC had of cases were health care reflect the younger age
pandemic is hitting doc- reports of more than workers. of the workers, as well as
tors, nurses and other 315,000 cases in the U.S. Compared with U.S. prioritization of testing
health care profession- The new report focused cases overall, larger pro- for health care employ-
als. on about 49,000 for which portions of diagnosed ees, the report said.


Eula Mae Harless

Obituaries with basic information including vis- ine Brown both of Caledonia and Lisa
itation and service times, are provided free of
Fields of Tennessee; and five grand-
charge. Extended obituaries with a photograph,
detailed biographical information and other de-
Memorials my be made to Amer- Eula Mae Cochrane Harless, age 82, of
tails families may wish to include, are available Columbus, MS, passed away April 12, 2020, at
for a fee. Obituaries must be submitted through ican Cancer Society Clay County
funeral homes unless the deceased’s body has Unit, P.O. Box 966, West Point, MS her residence.
A private family graveside service will be
been donated to science. If the deceased’s 39773. Eula Mae Harless
body was donated to science, the family must Services: Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at Pineview Memory
A private family graveside Gardens of Selma, AL. Memorial Gunter Peel
provide official proof of death. Please submit all
obituaries on the form provided by The Commer-
Betty Courtney service will be held.
Pineview Memory Gardens Funeral Home & Crematory 716 2nd Ave. North
cial Dispatch. Free notices must be submitted AUSTIN, Texas — Betty Jean 2nd. Ave. North Location location is in charge of arrangements.
to the newspaper no later than 3 p.m. the day Courtney, 79, died April 14, 2020, at Mrs. Harless was born May 24, 1937, in
prior for publication Tuesday through Friday; North Austin Medical Center. Lenore Prather Aliceville, AL, to the late Sam and Louise Martin
no later than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Arrangements are incomplete A private family graveside
service will be held. Cochrane. She was a graduate of Aliceville High
edition; and no later than 7:30 a.m. for the and will be announced by Memorial Friendship Cemetery School. Mrs. Cochrane worked in the insurance
Monday edition. Incomplete notices must be Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Cre- 2nd. Ave. North Location
received no later than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday profession as an office manager for many years
matory College Street location of and was a member of the East Columbus Church
through Friday editions. Paid notices must be
Columbus. Robert Clarke
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion the next day Incomplete
of Christ.
Monday through Thursday; and on Friday by 3 2nd. Ave. North Location In addition to her parents, she was preceded in
p.m. for Sunday and Monday publication. For Robert Clarke death by her husband, Olen Edward Harless; and
more information, call 662-328-2471. COLUMBUS — Robert John Betty Courtney brothers, Wallace, Charles, James and Eugene
“Bob” Clarke, 58, died April 13, 2020, Incomplete Cochrane.
Barbara Harris at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden College St. Location Survivors include her son, Edward Harless
WEST POINT — Barbara Jean Triangle. Arrangements are in- and his wife Jackie of Moody, AL; sister, Martha
Harris, 65, died April 13, 2020, at complete and will be announced by Dr. William Gates Spencer of Columbus, MS; brother, Ronny
NMMC-Tupelo. Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home Incomplete
Cochrane of Aliceville, AL; and grandson, Daniel
The family will have a private me- & Crematory Second Avenue North Harless.
morial service at a later date. Robin- location of Columbus. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
son Funeral Home of West Point is in Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
charge of arrangements. William Gates TN, 38105-9959.
Mrs. Harris was born Nov. 22, WEST POINT — Dr. William
1954, to Phyllis Annell Josey and the Gates, 82, died April 15, 2020, at Du-
late Robert Jean Holmes. gan Nursing Home in West Point.
In addition to her mother, she is Arrangements are incomplete
survived by her children, Ashley and will be announced by Memorial Sign the online guest book at
Pearson, Samantha Henley both of Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crema-
West Point and Church Sanders of tory Second Avenue North location 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Florida; siblings, Susan Rollins of of Columbus.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 5A

Justice Department takes church’s

side in First Amendment suit
Greenville city leaders argued Temple Baptist Donald Trump’s reelection appeal
to devout conservative voters rests
Church’s drive-in services violate stay-at-home in part on his vocal advocacy for re-
ligious freedom, making the issue
orders and could have put people’s lives in jeopardy a politically potent one for his ad-
ministration to take up.
BY COLLEEN LONG, MICHAEL tisan lines that mark the nation’s The Kansas Supreme Court up-
BALSAMO AND EMILY overall divide. held Democratic Gov. Laura Kel-
Greenville city leaders argue ly’s move to limit faith gatherings
The Associated Press
the services violate stay-at-home to 10 people, while a federal judge
WASHINGTON — The Justice orders and could have put people’s in Kentucky sided with a church
Department took the rare step on lives in jeopardy. Church officials that challenged the Louisville may-
Tuesday of weighing in on the side believe they have been singled out or’s restrictions on drive-in Easter
of a Mississippi Christian church for their religion, especially after services.
where local officials had tried to eight police officers were sent last The church has been in Green-
stop Holy Week services broadcast week to ticket the faithful, $500 ville for more than 65 years. Scott
to congregants sitting in their cars apiece, for attending services, in- said his congregants, about 125 in
in the parking lot. cluding the pastor’s wife. all, are mostly older and on fixed
As the coronavirus pandemic “We haven’t missed one Sunday incomes, and aren’t tech savvy, so
spread, leaders at Temple Baptist in 45 years,” Scott said. “We love the radio broadcast was a way to
Church in Greenville began hold- our people. This is a way we can keep them connected.
ing drive-in services for their con- preach to them. We’re afraid of the Greenville Mayor Errick D.
gregation on a short-wave radio coronavirus as much as anybody Simmons, a Democrat, said Tues-
frequency from inside an empty else. And if we thought we were day that city officials had received
church save for the preacher. putting our people in danger at all, calls about people at drive-in
Arthur Scott, the 82-year-old we wouldn’t do this.” church services getting out of
pastor, said Tuesday that it was a Even after the mayor said Mon- their cars.
good compromise for his group, a day they would not have to pay the Simmons said the ban on such
“wonderful way to preach the gos- fines, the church is pursuing a law- gatherings remains in place to try
pel and still it’s like they are there,
but you can’t go out and see them,
suit saying their First Amendment
religious freedoms were violated.
to save lives as the highly conta-
gious virus continues to spread.
Are You Ready
but you know they’re there.”
The federal involvement adds
The Justice Department sided with
the church.
He has also called on Republican
Gov. Tate Reeves to issue clear
to Discuss Your
to the rising tension over recon-
ciling religious freedom with pub-
With federal prosecutors now
weighing in, the national debate
statewide guidance on whether
people are allowed to congregate Long Term
lic health restrictions designed to over how far coronavirus gather- for worship during the governor’s
fight the pandemic, disputes that ing limits can go to restrict religion statewide stay-at-home order that Care Options?
are playing out along the same par- could get even louder. President remains in effect until April 20.
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Tuesday would require
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of lawmakers spearhead-
ing the legislation in the Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
race, ethnicity, sex, age House. “We are less likely 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
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The Associated Press tion in the Senate, said tus, among other demo- ty and affordable health Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
in a statement. “To effec- graphic information on care and more likely to
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ocratic lawmakers on the virus and ensure our for COVID-19. The infor- ditions. The stark racial
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response is robust and eq- mation would be posted disparities in COVID-19 *Background information available upon request.
islation to compel federal uitable, we need compre- to the Centers for Disease cases and deaths are a
© The Dispatch

health officials to post Providing Our Clients Expertise With

hensive national data on Control and Prevention disturbing reminder of
data daily that breaks Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
who is getting infected, website. that reality.”
down COVID-19 cases who is getting treatment, The CDC so far has
and deaths by race and and who is dying.” released racial and eth-
ethnicity. The latest Associated nicity data pertaining
The lawmakers say Press analysis of available only to March hospitaliza-
the demographic data is state and local data shows tions in 14 states, which
needed to address any that more than 30 percent showed black Americans
disparities in the national of those who have died as roughly one-third of
response to the corona- from COVID-19 are Afri- those patients.
virus outbreak, which is can American, although The legislation also
taking a disproportionate blacks make up roughly requires HHS to pro-
toll on African Americans 13 percent of the popula- vide a summary of final
and other nonwhite popu- tion in the areas covered COVID-19 statistics in a
lations. in the analysis. report to Congress, no
“Because of govern- The Democratic law- more than 60 days after
ment-sponsored discrim- makers sent a letter the public health emer-
ination and systemic rac- March 28 to Health and gency has ended.
ism, communities of color Human Services Secre- “History has shown
are on the frontlines of tary Alex Azar urging us that in the face of any
this pandemic,” Massa- federal release of the de- public health crisis, com-
chusetts Sen. Elizabeth mographic data. The data munities of color dis-
Warren, one of several has not been released. proportionately suffer,”

Liberty University sued for not refunding student fees

BY DENISE LAVOIE Donald Trump politically. that it is ‘open’ is an illu-
The Associated Press The lawsuit said that sion being put forth to
despite efforts to down- try to keep money that
RICHMOND, Va. play the pandemic, the should be returned to stu-
— Liberty University
university stopped pro- dents and their families,”
has profited from the
viding services and ac- the lawsuit said.
COVID-19 pandemic by
tivities by moving classes In a statement, Liber-
refusing to refund thou-
online, closing its campus ty said it has “tirelessly
sands of dollars in room
and board and other fees to visitors, prohibiting attempted to balance the
owed to students after the gatherings of 10 or more needs of students, em-
school moved classes on- people and closing indoor ployees, and the commu-
line last month, a federal recreation and fitness nity as it has navigated
lawsuit filed Tuesday al- centers. through the unprecedent-
leges. “In other words, the ed health challenges pre-
The lawsuit filed in University’s statement sented by COVID-19.”
U.S. District Court in
Lynchburg accuses the
university — one of the
nation’s largest and most
prominent evangelical in-
stitutions — of purporting
to remain open so it could
refuse to return fees paid
by students and their par-
ents for the remainder of
the spring semester.
The lawsuit also ac-
cuses Liberty and its
president, Jerry Falwell
Jr., of putting students at
risk by telling students
they were welcome to re-
turn to campus following
spring break in March.
The suit cites com-
ments and tweets made
by Falwell in which he
downplayed the serious-
ness of the pandemic and
implied that the govern-
ment shutdowns were an
attempt to hurt President
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


It costs to have good,
aggressive journalism
onsider this, with apologies to Jona-
than Swift, a modest proposal. Or call
it — apologies to Charles Dickens — a
tale of two cities.
We begin in 2000 as Napster, a service
that allowed music lovers to receive mu-
sic without paying — i.e., to steal it — is
meeting its Waterloo. Sued into submission
by the music industry, it has agreed to start
charging users a subscription fee and to cut
the industry a slice of the money pie, paving
the way for pay services like iTunes and
Spotify. Leonard Pitts
In 2020, we take for granted that this is
how we get our music, but in 2000, those who had grown used to
music being as free as sunshine and rain were apoplectic. “Music,”
one of them wrote, “is not something which should be copyrighted
and sold and still owned by the musician.”
If that plaint sounds painfully naive to you, be advised that a
similar sentiment stalks the business of newspaper journalism. I’m
thinking of the folks who hit me up on Twitter each week, morally
affronted at the idea of — gasp! —paying for journalism. I actually
empathize. Paywalls are annoying and household budgets, limited — LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
especially now. But see, I also empathize with journalists, who, like
musicians, have car notes to pay and children to feed.
Interestingly, some in the newspaper business are working to
adopt the music-business model, to give readers a way to pay a
Voice of the people
once-monthly fee and have access to all the papers. So far, none of Thinks Starkville’s withdrawal from pharmacy and groceries.
The one scary thing about this shutdown
the nascent services has managed to revolutionize the delivery of GTECHS is unfair
news the way iTunes did for music. is church’s closures. I know the “church” is
It is not fair to the students what they
A 2019 analysis by the web platform Medium suggests that one not the building, but the people. I fully under-
are doing. They claim to do what’s best for
reason — there are many — is that while people want the news, few stand the reason for this, but I see how easy it
the students but not allowing them to finish
are willing to pay for it. It quotes a study from the Reuters Institute at is to lose some of our basic rights. There are
what they started is just not fair. As a parent
the University of Oxford that says only 8 percent of Americans have those that tried to close gun dealers down,
of an upcoming junior at GTECHS, I am
an ongoing online news subscription. For comparison: 16 percent pay but want to keep abortion clinics open. Drive
not pleased with their decision to end their
for music, 23 percent for video. in worship services in Greenville are illegal,
So, here’s the modest proposal: Support local journalism. Value but drive in liquor stores are OK. There are
Jackelynn Kent
it as much as you do Spotify and Netflix. Value it enough to pay for those in government that have no problem
it. Especially now as advertising revenue shrinks in this collapsing in oppressing our basic rights. We are on a
economy and an industry that was already stressed faces new cut- slippery slope, so we need to be careful and
backs, furloughs and layoffs. Open letter to Lowndes County School watch our government.
Which brings us to the tale of two cities. One is Cleveland whose Board On one hand we have seen “models” of the
epidemic from the academic scholars pre-
newspaper, The Plain Dealer, is in a death spiral. This, after the own- Amid recent events regarding GTECHS
er, Advance Publications, in an apparent union-busting move, laid and its partner schools, I am emailing you dicting “Armageddon.” On the other hand,
off 22 out of 36 newsroom employees earlier this month, reassigning to express a sentiment that I am sure the we see how wrong they were. Who do we
most of the 14 who remained to cover areas outside of Cleveland. Ten GTECHS family would agree with me shar- believe? The present administration has dealt
asked to be laid off, leaving Cleveland, a metro area of more than 2 ing. GTECHS is an amazing opportunity with this pandemic with what information
million people, served by a newspaper with just four reporters. for students not only to get a head start on they have been given. We are in uncharted
The other city is Miami, where my home paper, The Miami their higher education, but also as a chance waters with more unknowns than known
Herald, is suing to force the state to release the names of elder-care to become part of an amazing, supportive facts. I hope we can agree that on one thing:
facilities where the coronavirus has been detected. Gov. Ron DeSan- family that truly cares about its students, We are all Americans and each of us can do
tis was evidently alarmed enough that his general counsel pressured both academically and otherwise. These our part. Each day we are finding out some
the Herald’s law firm to back out of the suit. The paper has engaged teachers and staff members have provided positive things. America has the greatest
another firm, and the lawsuit continues. That’s the kind of aggres- us with such a welcoming environment medical research team in the world. Finger
sive, hold-power-to-account local journalism that makes me proud of to learn in, and they have pushed us to pointing, accusations and half truths do not
my profession. think for ourselves rather than follow the solve anything. Each of us has a part to play.
What’s happening in Cleveland, on the other hand, makes me bandwagon at the cost of our own opinions There are those that are using this crisis
anxious — not simply for my profession, but for my country. Because and values. This program allowed me to to change this country not for good, but for
where power is not held to account, there can be no democracy, start over the social aspect of my academic control. Ronald Reagan said, “Free people,
only authority, only tyranny. So the modest proposal offered here is career and helped me learn to come out of worthy of freedom and determined not only
actually quite the bargain, one they’d happily snap up in Cuba, Syria my shell and make new friendships in an en- to remain so but to help others gain their
or Sudan. vironment where I felt accepted and visible, freedom as well.” If you believe in prayer, this
Yes, it costs to have good, aggressive journalism. But it costs even and it has challenged me to learn through is a good time to pray for our country and
more when you don’t. applying my knowledge and coming to my each other. Together we can beat this.
Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, own conclusions with teachers who are God Bless America!
is a columnist for the Miami Herald. Email him at lpitts@miamiher- genuinely passionate about their subjects Lee Roy Lollar and the education of their students. Ripping Columbus
away this opportunity from those already
in the program and future students looking Asserts that letters are factual
to apply would be devastating, as it would I saw in last Fridays Dispatch that Paul
come at the expense of our GTECHS family, Mack seemed to be critical and compli-
OUR VIEW our learning opportunities, and our ability mentary of my letters to The Dispatch. He
to make the decision of wanting some- stated that when I go beyond local topics that

Wise spending in thing different for our education and our

futures. These last two school years that I
have spent at GTECHS have been the best
the facts tend to disappear. He stated I had
shown no evidence Scott Colom was backed
by George Soros. I want to make certain that

uncertain times academic experience of my lifetime, and

I implore you to consider what you would
be destroying by taking this opportunity
anyone who reads my letters understands
everything I put in a letter is documented,
verified and factual. I am an adult so this will

or those who filed their 2019 taxes with direct deposit, the away from us current students and all those be the only time I humor him by giving him
Congress-authorized stimulus funds are beginning to show up future students who would never have a some of the research evidence. If he takes
in bank accounts this week. chance to see what it’s like to be a part of the time to do a little research of his own he
As part of the $2.2 trillion package, an additional $600 is distrib- such a wonderful family. Thank you for your will find the Colom-Soros collaboration in the
uted for each child in the household. time and consideration. following publications: The Clarion Ledger
Those whose personal income is above $75,000 will see smaller Abby Romig 10/15/15, New York Magazine 3/27/18,
checks as well as families whose income exceeds $150,000. GTECHS Sophomore The Commercial Dispatch 10/17/15, The
In Mississippi, which has among the lowest per-capita incomes New York Times 3/30/17, Mississippi Today
in the nation, the vast majority of citizens will receive the maximum GTECHS is important to my daughter 8/20/18 and The Washington Post 11/9/19 to
amount. as well as myself! This program has been a name a few. My only dealing with Mr. Colom
For some, the money could not arrive soon enough — especially great way for my daughter and her class- was with a bad check written to my business.
for those who have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 virus. For mates to have opportunities they would His office kept the check I turned in for 30
others, the money will create a little “breathing room” in the house- otherwise not had. These young women and days and returned it to me stating they would
hold budget. men have started on a path of educational not attempt to collect it. Forrest Allgood’s
There are still others for whom those funds may not be needed success and to take that away from them staff always collected checks for me with a
now, but could be in the future. There are likely those employed now would be cruel, unfair and possibly 100 percent success rate. If Colom’s office
now who may find themselves unemployed at some point as we detrimental to them. I implore you PLEASE won’t even attempt to collect a check, what
continue to make our ways through this crisis. allow GTECHS to continue at least long other laws do they refuse to enforce?
The money will be well-received, but it’s likely to be sufficient. enough for the ones already in the program I have never mentioned Trump in any of
There are already efforts in Congress to distribute another round of to complete it. my letters or the election, but it sounds as if
stimulus payments. My daughter began this program in faith you would like for me to start. I can’t change
In the meantime, we urge caution. that it was going to be available for her to your mind and you certainly won’t change
Undoubtedly, the arrival of what many Mississippians may complete. Don’t take that away from her or mine. We have a lot of problems and corrup-
consider a windfall, may lead to binge-spending, which is a reckless anyone else please. tion in our city government, and I hope we
approach and not what the stimulus was designed to address. Thank you so much for your understand- can work together to at least change this.
Under normal circumstances, putting the money directly back ing and consideration of this very important Kerry Blalock
into the economy — especially into locally-owned business — is issue. Columbus
a good outcome. While that still applies, it is remains prudent to Callie Grant, mother of Abby Romig,
spend wisely in these uncertain times. We all need to be thinking Caledonia A letter to the editor is an excellent way to
as long-term as our circumstances permit. participate in your community. We request the
We do not know what the future holds. But we do know that tone of your letters be constructive and respect-
there may be a time coming — if it hasn’t already arrived — when In this together ful and the length be limited to 450 words.
every dollar will matter. When you do need to spend, we strongly Would you not agree we are living While commentary on national issues is
encourage you to spend with locally owned businesses. Doing so in perilous times? The coronavirus has always welcome, we limit candidate endorse-
has a more positive impact on our neighbors. broadsided the entire world. Industry and ments to one per letter-writer. We welcome
One thing is almost certain — COVID-19 will usher in a new era businesses large and small have closed. A all letters emailed to or
of austerity and will continue until we are able to resume normal stay at home order has been issued by local mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the
activities. and state government except for necessary Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-
Let’s make sure we use these funds wisely. movement for health and welfare such as 0511.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 7A

Obama endorses Biden as the

best leader for ‘darkest times’
Former president expected to headline fundraisers pected to do so soon, according to a
person familiar with her plans who
for Biden and public events in key swing states, if spoke on condition of anonymity to
discuss her thinking.
such gatherings can still be held during pandemic Two other prominent Democrats
who have yet to publicly back Biden
BY ALEX ANDRA JAFFE, JULIE PACE gressive foil to Biden during the are former President Bill Clinton
AND BILL BARROW Democratic primary. The Vermont and Hillary Clinton, the party’s
The Associated Press senator ended his campaign last 2016 nominee. Hillary Clinton has
week and threw his support behind been in regular touch with Biden,
Biden on Monday. including several times since Sand-
— Former President
The former president called ers dropped out of the race, accord-
Barack Obama en-
Sanders an “American original” ing to an aide.
dorsed Joe Biden on
and backed his frequent call for Obama avoided intervening in
Tuesday, giving the
presumptive Dem- “structural change.” But he also the Democratic primary, but fol-
ocratic presidential said that while Democrats “may not lowed the race closely from the
nominee a boost from always agree on every detail,” they sidelines and is eager to take a more
the party’s biggest Obama must unify to defeat Republicans. active public role. He’s expected to
fundraiser and one of “The Republicans occupying the headline fundraisers for Biden and
its most popular fig- White House and running the U.S. public events in key swing states,
ures. Senate are not interested in prog- if such gatherings can still be held
“Joe has the char- ress,” he said. “They’re interested given social distancing guidelines
acter and the expe- in power.” during the coronavirus pandemic.
rience to guide us Sanders reiterated his support of After his endorsement was re-
through one of our Biden on Tuesday, saying it would leased, Obama sent a fundraising
darkest times and be “irresponsible” for his own sup- appeal to Biden supporters, asking
heal us through a long Biden porters not to back the former vice for donations ranging from $5 to
recovery,” Obama said in a 12-min- president. $100.
ute video in which he argued the “I will do everything I can to help The endorsement will test wheth-
coronavirus pandemic reinforced elect Joe,” Sanders said in an inter- er Obama can transfer his personal
the need for better leadership. view. “We had a contentious cam- popularity to Biden. While the for-
The endorsement marked paign. We disagree on issues. But mer president is seen favorably by
Obama’s return to presidential pol- my job now is to not only rally my a wide swath of Democratic voters,
itics more than three years after supporters, but to do everything he was also a deeply polarizing fig-
leaving the White House. He didn’t I can to bring the party together ure during his two terms in office.
mention his successor, President to see that (Trump) is not elected During his presidency, Democrats
Donald Trump, by name and in- president.” lost about 1,000 legislative seats
stead sought to bridge the ideologi- Elizabeth Warren is the only for- around the country, starting with
cal divide among Democrats. mer Democratic presidential candi- disastrous 2010 midterms that also
Obama commended Bernie date who hasn’t yet backed Biden. cost the party control of the House
Sanders, who was the leading pro- The Massachusetts senator is ex- and many statehouses.

Far-right US politicians label lockdowns anti-constitutional

‘Quarantine is only supposed to be issued just before his own
caucus exiled him.
vaccine becomes avail-
for sick people not mandatory for After Washington state
Gov. Jay Inslee issued the
“Quarantine is only
supposed to be for sick
healthy law abiding people’ earliest U.S. mandatory people not mandatory for
healthy law abiding peo-
Washington Rep. Matt Shea closing of schools and
businesses, Shea ques- ple,” Shea wrote on Face-
BY NICHOLAS K. constitutional actions tioned whether Inslee book. “Otherwise consti-
GERANIOS against United States cit- would use the state’s Na- tutionally and legally that
The Associated Press izens,” according to a De- tional Guard to enforce starts creeping into mar-
cember report into Shea’s his orders and if he would tial law territory.”
SPOKANE, Wash. force inoculation of resi-
activities paid for by the
— In deeply conserva- dents after a coronavirus
Washington state House
tive eastern Washington
state, a prominent state
lawmaker kicked out of
his Republican Party cau-
cus labels the coronavirus
as a foreign bio-weapon,
accuses Marxists of using
the pandemic to advance
totalitarianism and rails
against lockdown restric-
tions imposed by the
Democratic governor.
A California teleconfer-
ence last week to consider
sport fishing limits in ru-
ral areas unprepared to
handle influxes of anglers
descended into chaos
— with callers branding
state officials as “fascists”
and declaring it was time
to “make fishing great
Across the U.S., elect-
ed officials from Pennsyl-
vania to Oklahoma suspi-
cious of big government
and outraged with orders
to close churches, gun
stores and other business-
es deemed non-essen-
tial insist that the public
health response is being
used as an excuse to tram-
ple constitutional rights.
The shutdowns rein-
force long-held beliefs by
some that governments
would eventually use a na-
tional emergency to limit
civil liberties and the vit-
riol is particularly strong
across the pine forests
of eastern Washington
state — where conserva-
tive Rep. Matt Shea is a
co-founder of the Coali-
tion of Western States, a
loose federation of poli-
ticians suspicious of big
government, plus militia
Its goal is to “stop un-

Send in your
church event!


Religious brief
8A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
“The first thing that started getting chills, so “Our apartment here in es that there is no single presents itself should be a dent who did test, but the
happened was that I lost I took my temperature. It Starkville is only 480 symptom that indicates sign for people to be more results came back nega-
my sense of smell and was 100.4. That’s when I square feet, so I knew she the virus. active in seeking medical tive,” he said.
taste,” he said. “That Sun- called the clinic.” had been exposed.” Symptoms can vary care. Ivy counts that as a
day after I got back from After talking to some- Abby never showed and can present at differ- “I’d say it’s better to blessing.
New York, I was taking a one at a local clinic, Ivy symptoms, though. Now, ent times, Woodard said. over-react than under-re- “I’m 24 and in good
drink of some sweet tea. It went in for a visit the next more than four weeks “We haven’t had a act,” he said. health,” he said. “But
tasted like sugar water. I day where he was test- after Sam’s return from COVID-19 case yet (at Ivy said he and his wife since March 15, I was
remember thinking, ‘This ed for strep throat and New York — well beyond Allegro),” Woodard said, extended their self-quar- carrying the virus unbe-
is the worst sweet tea I’ve flu, both of which came the 14-day period when vi- “but I’ve been reading antine for five days past knownst to me. Working
ever tasted in my life.’” back negative. He still rus carriers are believed a lot about what’s been the health department’s in ministry, it’s not hard
Ivy assumed the loss of hadn’t developed a cough, to be most contagious — happening in other plac- recommendation. for me to come across
taste and smell might be though, but the clinic did she still hasn’t shown any es. I’ve read about the “We wanted to be extra people who are at a high-
pollen-related or, perhaps test him for COVID-19, symptoms. loss of sense and smell. cautious,” he said. er risk. I’m thankful that
a nasal infection. He treat- then sent him home with The things we look for He said none of the stu- I was cautious and had
ed it with over-the-count- orders to self-quarantine. in the virus are the re- dents who traveled with information and took it
er sinus medicine and The results came back Symptoms vary spiratory symptoms — him appear to have con- seriously. I realize how
never gave it a thought. on March 24, confirming Ivy said he didn’t show fever, cough, shortness tracted the virus. dangerous it could have
It wasn’t until four days that Ivy had COVID-19. other signs common to of breath, but from what “There was one stu- been.”
later, on March 19, that he Upon confirmation, the virus — coughing, I’ve read, other symptoms
realized there was some- Ivy’s thoughts turned to shortness of breath, tight- are sometimes present
thing more serious going his wife Abby, whom he ness in his chest — until and the symptoms don’t
on. married in December. the day he got his test re- necessarily present at the
“I was working at home “By the time I knew sults back. same time with each pa-
that day and began to feel I had it, we had been at Dr. Jim Woodard of Al- tient.”
a little light-headed and home together for nine legro Clinic in Columbus Woodard said the un-
dizzy,” he said. “Then I or 10 days,” he said. said Ivy’s story emphasiz- certainty of how the virus

Grocery stores
Continued from Page 1A
tomers to
keep six feet
from each
S o m e
stores had
a l ready
had simi-
lar policies Smith
in place, while others
worked Tuesday to enact
those measures by the
end of day deadline.
Dan Price, manager
at Food Giant, previously
told The Dispatch em-
ployees were not required
to wear masks before the
mayor-issued regulations.
Markers are now in place,
and signs reminding cus-
tomers to keep a safe dis-
tance are set up at every Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
checkout lane. Donna Gainer returns her shopping cart as she finished loading her car with grocer-
Joe Murphy, who ies she bought at Kroger Tuesday afternoon. Gainer said the regulations in place
make her feel safer out shopping.
shopped at the Sunflower
Food Store on Military The requirement that
Road weeks ago, said employees should wear
there have been some masks proved assuring
changes compared to to Kelly Thompson and
his last time there. Em- Paula Fuller, who were on
ployees weren’t wearing their way to the Food Gi-
masks back then as they
ant on Tuesday.
are now, he said, and the
“They are around more
store on Tuesday made
people than we (are),”
announcements on air
Fuller said. “It makes you
about social distancing.
feel safer.”
“It was refreshing to
hear that … the store is Donna Gainer, a Kro-
taking serious measures ger shopper, said she sup-
in following the federal ported the restrictions
guidelines as well as the
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff on food stores, especially
Food Giant now requires all employees to wear masks those requiring employ-
city of Columbus,” Mur- and has signs promoting social distancing in place fol-
phy said. ees to wear masks and
lowing a set of regulations Mayor Robert Smith imple-
However, other cus- gloves.
mented Monday.
tomers on Tuesday ex- “I feel just a little bit
pressed mixed feelings well before Smith’s edict “We shouldn’t have to safer,” Gainer said.
about the policies that issued this week. stand back that far,” he Although she believes
were put in place to pro- Scott said the fences said. in taking precautionary
tect them. around Walmart entranc- And despite the rising measures during the pan-
At Walmart, fences es seemed inconvenient number of infections and demic, Gainer said, she
were set up weeks ago and unnecessary. deaths from the coronavi- finds comfort in her faith.
at both entrances to sep- “You got to walk around rus pandemic, Scott said “I think God is in con-
arate customers going the whole thing just to get he did not feel it is as se- trol,” Gainer said. “That
in and out of the store, inside the store,” he said. rious as conventional wis- lessens my anxiety a lot.”
with a yellow line drawn “I feel like that’s a waste dom has claimed it to be.
between two lanes, em- of time.” “(The government is)
ployees said. Signs hung Employees who handle making a big deal and
on the line said, “Thank food for customers should they are scaring people,”
you for practicing social wear masks, Scott said, to he said.
distancing. Please keep at prevent spitting or talking But many more
least 6 ft. apart,” and the over the food. However, deemed the new regula-
number of customers that he said, social distancing tions helpful to ensure
can be in the store at one at the counter felt point- their safety during the
time has been limited, less. pandemic.

Mississippi woman gives $1,200

stimulus check to food pantry
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ents are also set to receive been getting food dona-
an additional $500 per tions from other places,
BAY ST LOUIS — child. including military bases
A woman donated the Lambert said she and Walmart.
$1,200 relief check she doesn’t need the money Mississippians over
received from the federal and gifted it to the pantry 60-years-old are allowed
government to a Missis- to help feed hungry peo- to pick up food once a
sippi food pantry amid the ple in the county. “That’s month from the pantry,
coronavirus pandemic. what we all need to do,” while those under that
Sheron Lambert gave she said. “Open our age can get food every
the one-time stimulus hearts first.” three months. Roberts
payment to the Hancock Sandra Roberts, a vol- said everyday foods, in-
County Food Pantry, unteer at the pantry, said cluding peanut butter, are
WLOX-TV reported Tues- she got “chills” after see- one of their most expen-
day. The checks are part ing Lambert’s donation. sive purchases.
of the $2.2 trillion eco- “She felt like we needed it According to the state’s
nomic recovery bill that more than she needed it,” Health Department, there
will give a $1,200 payout she said. Aside from Lam- have been 3,087 coronavi-
to individuals and $2,400 bert’s monetary donation, rus cases and 111 deaths
to married couples. Par- Roberts said they have in Mississippi.

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief


Former MSU
will transfer
McCray-Penson’s identity will be layered, but her expectations are clear to Florida St.
Ex-Mississippi State
defensive lineman Fabien
Lovett announced Mon-
day that he will transfer to
Florida State.
Lovett initially tweet-
ed April
3 that he
was leaving
MSU, after
ing with
“Wtf” to a
s i n c e - d e - Lovett
leted tweet
from new
head coach Mike Leach
depicting a woman knit-
ting a noose for her hus-
The redshirt freshman
from Olive Branch has
three years of eligibility
remaining and will be a
sophomore for the Semi-
noles in 2020.
Lovett will join former
Mississippi State defen-
sive run game coordina-
tor and linebackers coach
Chris Marve, who left
Starkville for Tallahassee
in the offseason.

Caledonia in search of
Josh Lucas/ODU Athletics new basketball coach
Nikki McCray-Penson was officially introduced as Mississippi State’s new head coach in a virtual press conference Tuesday. Stops under Pat Caledonia High School
Summitt, Dawn Staley and others have given the former Old Dominion coach varying systems and ideas to forge her own path in Starkville. is in the market for a new
boys and girls head bas-
BY BEN PORTNOY head coaching job at Old same thing — there was her team’s identity will see, her transition took ketball coach following Dominion, McCray-Pen- incredibly high praise for be layered with influenc- time. McCray-Penson the retirement of former
son breathed life into a Nikki’s competitiveness, es. Stops under Summitt, would frequently show coach Gary Griffin.
STARKVILLE — Nik- program that had looked her personality, her abili- Staley, former WKU head up late to team activi- Griffin, who took over
ki McCray-Penson isn’t ties. Summitt was fed up. both programs at Caledo-
lifeless since legendary ty to recruit, her attention coach and current Geor-
shying away from expec- Even McCray-Penson’s nia in May 2017, retired
coach Wendy Larry left in to detail and her ability to gia Tech head coach Nell
tations. Then again, why in March, he told The
2011 — guiding the Mon- break down the game of Fortner, among others, mother, Sally Coleman,
would she? Dispatch. He also taught
archs to a 13-win turn- basketball.” have given her varying got involved. But when
As a player, Mc- driver’s education at Cale-
around in 2019 before Speaking with the me- systems and ideas to it clicked, it clicked. She
Cray-Penson twice donia.
winning the Conference dia via teleconference on forge her own path. was an all-American her
earned SEC Player of the He had been the head
USA regular season title Tuesday, McCray-Pen- She also noted the junior and senior year.
Year honors under Pat boys basketball coach at
this past year. son was introduced as dribble-drive offense Her aforementioned pro-
Summitt at Tennessee. Columbus High School
fessional career followed.
She was a three-time
WNBA All-Star and won
“We’re going to have an identity where we step out on McCray-Penson devel- from August 2016 to
May 2017 before being
oped a discipline and
gold medals at the 1996
and 2000 Olympic games
the court, and teams are going to know that, but it’s devotion to her craft that replaced by Anthony Car-
lyle. Before that, Griffin
she hopes to instill in her
with Team USA.
Jumping into her
going to be a fun, exciting brand of basketball.” players today.
was an assistant with the
Falcons for 16 years.
Nikki McCray-Penson “If you’ve ever seen me
coaching career in 2006, Caledonia put a listing
success followed. As an But now at Mississip- the eighth head wom- Vic Schaefer pioneered play, I did the little things,
on the Mississippi High
assistant at Western Ken- pi State — a school that en’s basketball coach during his eight years and I took a lot of pride in School Activities Associ-
tucky, the Hilltopers won has reached two national in school history. And in Starkville has its own that,” she said Tuesday. ation’s online job board
the 2008 Sun Belt Tour- title games and one Elite while the over-30-minute influences in her team’s “If you’ve watched our on Tuesday, seeking a
nament title and reached Eight over the past four session was littered with play. team at Old Dominion, basketball coach who
the semifinals of the 2007 years — McCray-Penson questions on assistant But for all the outside we were a team that’s can teach social studies
WNIT. A nine-year run isn’t settling for her past coaching hires and next ideas McCray-Penson has going to play very fast. or driver’s education. In-
at South Carolina under success. Rather, she’s em- moves in recruiting, the endured in her over three We’re going to put a lot terested applicants can
Dawn Staley brought the bracing the future chal- former Tennessee stand- decades in the game, she of pressure on you. We’re contact Gregory Elliott at
Gamecocks four SEC reg- lenge of greatness. out’s answers on team wants her teams to mimic going to have an identity gregory.elliott@lowndes.
ular-season titles, three “We talked to many in identity and future suc- her own playing style, one where we step out on the or (662) 356-
conference tournament this industry,” MSU Ath- cess offered a glimpse that boils down to three court, and teams are go- 2003.
championships and the letic Director John Cohen into MSU’s newest bench words: fast, pressure and ing to know that, but it’s
2017 national title as well. said in his opening state- boss. hard-working. going to be a fun, exciting SOURCE: From
Finally, in her first ment. “Everyone said the For McCray-Penson, As a player at Tennes- See COACH, 2B Special Reports


Catching up with MSU signee Taylor Middlebrook

BY THEO DEROSA las Hospital, and the Alex- career, and the mentality away, isn’t fazed. honors three times and pitchers.” ander High School senior she espoused will likely “(C)oming in, it’s gon- garner a No. 42 ranking Middlebrook told The
has always been partial to serve her well on a skilled na be a fight,” she said. “I on Extra Inning Softball’s Dispatch that she chose
Taylor Middlebrook the medical field. So she — and crowded — Bull- feel like it doesn’t really 2020 prospect list. Mississippi State over
is ready to forge her own decided on a new major dogs roster. matter. The best of the “Taylor is a LSU, Arkansas and other
path. for her time in Starkville: Mississippi State went best should play.” smooth-fielding infielder interested schools, cit-
In November, when the biological sciences, along 25-3 before its season end- Based on her high with a great glove that can ing the Bulldogs’ “fami-
star infielder from Doug- the pre-med track. ed due to the COVID-19 school resume, the in- play middle infield as well ly-based program.”
lasville, Georgia, signed But Middlebrook coronavirus pandemic, coming freshman can as third base,” Mississip- “The coaches have a
to play wants to work with ba- and the NCAA recently list herself in that elite pi State coach Samantha relationship with the play-
softball at bies, she said, as she ruled that all 23 Bulldogs group. She hit .589 with Ricketts said in a press re- ers,” she said. “I felt like
Mississippi hopes to carve out her are entitled to an extra 12 home runs in her soph- lease when Middlebrook I could talk to my coach
State, she own niche rather than fol- year of eligibility. Four of omore season at Chapel signed with the Bulldogs. about anything other than
listed her low her mom’s trail. the team’s five seniors are Hill High School in Doug- “She is athletic with great softball. That’s really
intended “I feel like this year, set to come back, along lasville and opened her speed and has a knack what was most important
major as I really became my own with Middlebrook’s fellow junior season with four for coming up with clutch to me during my recruit-
marketing. Middlebrook person and figured out 2020 signees: Addison homers and nine doubles hits on the biggest stages. ment process.”
That’s no what I actually want to Purvis and Kylie Taylor. in just her first 10 games She has definitely shown Middlebrook commit-
longer the plan. do,” Middlebrook said. That’s a lot of return- at Alexander. that she is the type of hit- ted to Mississippi State
Middlebrook’s mother The slick-fielding, ver- ing talent — but Middle- But it’s Middlebrook’s ter you want up with the when she was a freshman
Marcia is a surgical tech- satile infielder is awaiting brook, who said she could defensive skills that game on the line against at Chapel Hill and Vann
nologist at WellStar Doug- the start of her collegiate see herself starting right helped her earn all-state some of the nation’s best See SOFTBALL, 2B
2B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 The Dispatch •


Former NFL execs Polian, Kirwan look ahead to strange draft

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that everything will run to get the best deal. The ly, I get that, but it pro-
smoothly, and a mock decision maker, he is not vides a respite from the
Bill Polian ran many an draft will be held soon as going to have the visual terrible news that comes
NFL draft, making him a test. But really, this is contact with them that he repeatedly, and in lots of
the main man in the room uncharted territory. NFL usually has. How fast can cases has changed the
for several successful teams are in a sea of un- they respond to make the lives of our fellow citi-
franchises. certainty as they prepare move? zens. Anything you can
Next week, the Pro for a draft like no other. “Take Pete Carroll do to lighten the burden
Football Hall of Famer The collection of infor- and John Schneider (in is probably a good thing.”
knows who the guys in mation has been strong, Seattle). They’re in sepa- From a football sense,
demand will be for all 32 but hardly as thorough as rate rooms and they have though, Kirwan wonders
teams: the techs. in normal times. Cancel- three guys making phone
“I would say simply, I-T, why a potential delay
lations of pro days, in-per- calls in other places and
I-T, I-T,” Polian explains. wasn’t in the NFL’s game
son visits and workouts at a salary cap guy in their
“Make sure from the out-
set your communication
team headquarters, and
in-depth medical exams
ear. There’s a lot of pres-
sure that goes into that
“Doing a first-time Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

draft with a coach and
is seamless and flawless. by team doctors adverse- when we had a system
GM together, and they
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
If you can get the name ly affect preparation for when we were under nor- placing puzzle based on
of the pick in on time and each franchise. mal circumstances. don’t know each other Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 6 2 8 3 7 4 1 5 9
can effectuate trades, the That said, Polian and “I think when it all gets that well, and now adding ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 1 9 6 2 5 8 7 4

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

rest of it is relatively easy. former NFL executive cleared up, you’ll only be all of these technical ele- based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 7 5 9 1 8 6 3 2
“If there are glitches Pat Kirwan point directly trading with your best ments will add more pres- grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 5 9 2 1 8 6 7 4 3
in communications, for to team scouts who, like friends who you can pull sure,” he says. “I thought given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 8 3 1 7 4 2 9 6 5
example as we saw in the every other year, were on off a deal with.” we could have moved the object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 7 6 4 5 9 3 2 1 8
early stages of the pan- the road gathering data One topic Polian and draft back until the mid- contains the1same to 9 number
9 4 6 8 3 1 5 2 7
demic, with Zoom and since last summer. So Kirwan disagree on is dle of May and not affect- the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 1 8 3 2 5 7 4 9 6
other platforms, that is a clubs with the strongest actually staging the draft ed it (adversely). that each row, each
level increases from
problem. What happens personnel staffs, who usu- next week. Several gener- “I think it reeks too column and each 2 5 7 4 6 9 3 8 1
3x3 boxtocontains
if you can’t communicate
Difficulty Level 4/14
ally have an edge heading al managers had sought much of people who never
and the clock is running into the draft, could have a delay into May at least, the same number only once. The difficulty level
ran a draft. I respect that
out? It’s up to the I-T an even bigger advantage. something the owners increases from Monday to Sunday.
we are in an entertain-
guys at both the club and But as Kirwan points shot down quickly. Could ment business. But the
league to make sure that out, the logistical limita- there be competitive ad- GMs were told to shut up,
everything works — and tions caused by the coro- vantages for some teams basically. I want to know
that they have a fail-safe. navirus pandemic could by maintaining the status where the impetus was,
“If I were running a outweigh some of that quo? who thinks the show must
club,” adds the man who diligence — particular- “It’s largely moot
go on? It shows a lack of
built the Bills, Colts and ly in attempting to make because it isn’t being
real understanding of the
Panthers through the trades. pushed back,” Polian
draft, “I’d take a little moment.
“Trading, which has says. “In a certain sort of
more time to make sure become a bigger part of offbeat sense, it is proba- “If I hear level playing
I rehearsed everything the draft than ever, be- bly a good thing to have field one more time. ...
for the actual draft. We comes problematic,” says now. While it is trivial in Take two teams where the
would always make sure Kirwan, who like Polian is the extreme compared to biggest decision maker
all the communications an analyst for SiriusXM, what is going on every- gets the virus and can’t
work and everything lines which will cover every where, it takes people’s make the decisions. What
up, but do it all in spades selection in the seven minds off the news they is the thought process
now. Don’t take for grant- rounds from April 23-25. are hearing. and policy if that hap-
ed they will work.” “Say we are all in a “There is an argument pens? That part of it does
The league and teams room and three guys are that players getting these not create a level playing
say they are ensuring working phones, trying rich contracts is unseem- field.”

Continued from Page 1B

1 Dumbstruck
7 Unwanted
11 Lively dance
12 Longing
13 Acts the
14 Tooth part
15 Start a round
17 Plays the
20 Bank job
23 Director
24 Brown in the
26 Kinsey topic
27 Lobed organ 2 “The Simp- returns
28 Seventh sons” bartender 21 Crunch kin
Greek letter 3 Stout relative 22 League
Courtesy of Caitlyn Hackney
29 Blow up 4 Lemon rind members
Taylor Middlebrook bends down to field a ground ball during Alexander High School’s senior night game against 31 Mai tai base strips 24 Put a stop to
Bremen on Sept. 16 in Douglasville, Georgia. Extra Inning Softball named the MSU signee its No. 42 prospect. 32 Pigs’ digs 5 Lake near 25 Bowler, for
33 Nile snakes Buffalo one
Stuedeman headed up dlebrook was watching. Desiree Lewis and Madi- she said. “They truly de- 34 Looked 6 Finished 30 Latitude
the Bulldogs, but when She bought a FloSoftball syn Kennedy — the Bull- served to finish out, and I lewdly 7 Wave rider 33 Rework
Stuedeman and the school account to watch tourna- dogs’ starter at shortstop feel like they would have 37 Hearty dish 8 Serial crime 35 Take in
parted ways last summer, ment games on her iPad, this season — from their finished out on top.” 39 Track bet investigators 36 Trade show
Middlebrook was uncer- and she even made a time together in the Bir- She’ll come to campus 43 Wife of Zeus 9 In the past 37 That woman
tain of who would replace few trips to Starkville — mingham Thunderbolts in the fall, expecting her
44 Show up 10 Got together 38 Brewed
her. roughly three and a half travel ball organization. 45 Relaxed 16 Midwest beverage
time at Mississippi State 46 Packing a
“I was kind of scared in hours away — to watch With the players — airport 40 Bee follower
to be “fun, challenging punch
between, not knowing if early-season games at who are “like sisters,” 17 Grounds 41 Leather hue
(and) different” — and 18 Calendar 42 Museum
coach Ricketts was gonna Nusz Park. she said — Middlebrook
be the coach or not,” she “I love watching it, but shared the highs of the hoping for even more suc- DOWN entry focus
said. “I’m actually really it’s like, ‘I want to be out best season in school his- cess in 2021 than the Bull- 1 Crunch targets 19 Folks with
glad that coach Ricketts there, too,’” Middlebrook tory and the lows of its dogs enjoyed this spring.
got the job.” said. abrupt and devastating “We were set up this
This spring, as Rick- She bonded with cur- end. year, and we’re gonna be
etts excelled in her first rent Mississippi State “They all worked so really set up next year,”
year at the helm, Mid- freshmen Kiki Edwards, hard this offseason,” Middlebrook said.

Continued from Page 1B

brand of basketball.” McCray-Penson inherits Her team’s identity will it fits me and my person-
As for expectations, a team that should be a mimic her own, and the ality, but I’m a compet-
McCray-Penson was top-10 squad national- sky-high expectations itor. In my DNA is win-
open about her vision. ly entering the 2020 -21 will be embraced. ning championships. I
In a brief spiel, she laud- season — whenever that “I took a really good want to be playing on the
ed Schaefer for his ele- may be given the ongo- blueprint from Tennes- last day every season.
vation of the Bulldogs ing COVID-19 crisis. But see, from South Car- That is a beautiful thing.
from SEC doormat to for the first-year head olina, and I took that I know what it feels like.
perennial Final Four coach, two things are for to Old Dominion,” Mc- I know what it tastes
contender. Now making certain based on Tues- Cray-Penson said. “I like, and it’s a beautiful
the program her own, day’s teleconference: kind of shaped it the way thing.”

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 3B


Larson fired after sponsors walk over slur

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS old Larson on Tuesday could ultimately be an microphone, he asked his No. 42 Chevrolet as long obvious that this was the
in what he described as eight-figure blunder. spotter, “You can’t hear as Larson was in the car, only appropriate course of
CHARLOT TE, N.C. “an emotional call” — the Larson loses his 2020 me?” That was followed Ganassi had to act. Ross action to take.”
— As sponsor after spon- only move possible to sta- salary plus the massive by the N-word. The slur Chastain, under contract Larson apologized in a
sor dropped Kyle Larson bilize his organization. payday expected from his was directed at his spot- as a development driver video posted on his social
after he used a racial slur “I told Kyle he can next contract. If he even- ter, who is white. for Ganassi, will likely
during a live-streamed media accounts.
come back from this; he tually lands with another He was suspended replace Larson whenever
virtual race, his NASCAR can even come back from team, it will surely be at a without pay by Ganassi racing resumes. “I made a mistake, said
team owner was backed this with our team,” Ga- far discounted rate than Monday, then suspended “After much consider- the word that should nev-
into a corner. nassi told The Associated the value he had built indefinitely by NASCAR. ation, Chip Ganassi Rac- er, ever be said,” Larson
Chip Ganassi could let Press. “But there really since moving full-time to Larson, who is half Japa- ing has determined that said. “There is no excuse
McDonald’s and Credit wasn’t any choice.” NASCAR in 2013. nese, was ordered to com- it will end its relationship for that. I wasn’t raised
One Bank and Chevrolet Larson’s stunning The unraveling be- plete sensitivity training, with driver Kyle Larson,” that way. It is just an aw-
pull their funding and downfall took less than gan Sunday night when but primary sponsors Mc- Ganassi said in a state- ful thing to say. I feel very
bankrupt his team, or he 48 hours, unusual in its Larson appeared to lose Donald’s and Credit One ment. “As we said before, sorry for my family, my
could cut ties with the details and coming with communication on his Bank pulled their support the comments that Kyle friends, my partners, the
driver he had plucked sports everywhere basi- headset with his spotter within hours. Chevrolet made were both offensive
NASCAR community and
from sprint car racing cally shutdown during while competing in one of suspended its relation- and unacceptable espe-
and groomed into an elite the coronavirus pandem- the iRacing virtual events ship with Larson, and all cially given the values of especially the African
stock car driver. ic. The most coveted up- that have grown in popu- but one commercial part- our organization. As we American community.
It was essentially out of coming free agent in NA- larity during the sports ner indicated they were continued to evaluate the “I understand the dam-
Ganassi’s hands. SCAR lost almost every hiatus. walking away. situation with all the rel- age is probably unrepair-
He fired the 27-year- sponsor he had in what During a check of his Without funding on the evant parties, it became able, and I own up to that.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: explaining the etc., and I’m on the verge of
I live in a problem and tears or already crying.
densely ask if there is I know I’ll have to meet his
populated luxury anything she can parents someday, but I don’t
high-rise apart- do to muffle the know how to approach it. I
ment building in sounds you are feel overwhelmed just thinking
a busy downtown hearing. (It might about it. Please help. — SO-
neighborhood be something as CIALLY ANXIOUS
that has a diverse simple as moving DEAR SOCIALLY ANXIOUS:
mix of residents. her bed away I hope you are receiving
I have lived here from the wall or professional help for your
for four years and placing it against social anxiety. You should not
ZITS have never really a different one.) approach meeting your part-
had many issues, However, if she’s ner’s parents with a negative
until recently. uncooperative, attitude. Smile, put your best
My next-door as a last resort, foot forward and try to make a
neighbor works do discuss your good impression.
in the medical
Dear Abby problem with Keep in mind that this is
field that at times the building not a performance review, a
has very late or early hours manager. I assure you, it won’t professor you need to give
associated with it. I also work be the first time he or she has you a good grade or anyone in
in a field that has odd hours, heard something like this, or authority. They are parents of
so I am empathetic. My issue the last. a son whose past judgment
is, she has a new boyfriend DEAR ABBY: I suffer from about partners may have
she is intimate with anywhere a moderate to severe case of been less than stellar, and of
between 2 and 4 a.m. I am a social anxiety. I’m now in my course they have concerns.
light sleeper and get awak- first relationship with a partner It would be nice if they
GARFIELD ened by their sessions togeth- who tends to move fast, and thought the moon rose and set
er. I can hear her voice and at whose parents have recently on you, but if they don’t, will
times, jostling of furniture. been asking to meet me. This it affect your relationship with
I have thought about telling has caused tension in our your partner? If the answer is
the building management, but relationship as well as in his yes, then he may not be ma-
it would be obvious that the relationship with his parents. ture and independent enough
complaint would have come Because of some past to be having a romance with
from me, and I don’t want that. experiences with previous anyone. Hold a good thought
I also don’t want to cause partners, his parents have pre- and stop hiding out.
embarrassment to either of conceived notions about me, Dear Abby is written by
us. How can I address this which makes me feel all the Abigail Van Buren, also known
delicately, without causing em- more reluctant to meet them. as Jeanne Phillips, and was
barrassment, or must I suck it I don’t like feeling vulnerable, founded by her mother, Pauline
up and suffer? — SLEEPLESS especially with people who Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
IN CHICAGO don’t know me. One counsel- at or P.O.
your neighbor a sweet note
ing session with a boss, a pro-
fessor, someone in authority,
Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April who have had the opportunity to when originators are in the
15). Good enough isn’t good help before but didn’t. room. You’re such a person.
enough for you this year. You’re TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your fresh ideas are just part
going for greatness on all Your daily life doesn’t automati- of the package that comes with
levels, starting with improving a cally include telling people how you. You won’t even realize how
relationship or striking up a new much they are loved. That’s creative you’re being.
one that makes your personal something you have to add. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
life sing. Your work dynamic will You’ll go out of your way to show You’ve extended yourself.
change, allowing you to develop people you value them. You’ve worked hard to learn,
talents and devote more of your GEMINI (May 21-June 21). get hands-on experience and
BABY BLUES time to what matters to you. Your best friends are some- see what others needed you
Gemini and Cancer adore you. times also the ones who give to see. Now it’s your turn to be
Your lucky numbers are: 8, 33, you the most grief, extra work understood and to let people in
2, 22 and 18. and drama. Be open to breaking on what you’re dealing with.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). old habits and finding new ways VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Make it a point to get more sup- of interacting that serve every- You were eager for good to tri-
port. Know who has your back, one better. umph over evil. Now you realize
is on your side and will promote CANCER (June 22-July 22). it’s not so much about good and
and help you. Rule out those The norms go out the window evil as it is about power and
how a game is played. Rules will
get broken by all sides.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You’ve tuned into the whispers
of trends and dramas. These
are soft words that are not to be
BEETLE BAILEY taken too seriously as they can
so easily drift when the wind
blows a different direction.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You can’t help but notice
that everyone has a void. As
much as you’d like to fill in the
blanks and supply what’s need-
ed, don’t rush to do so. More
listening and understanding
must happen first.
21). If it doesn’t bring you
challenge, money or joy, then
what does it bring you? Your
MALLARD FILLMORE answer to this question may
have you cutting something out
of your life.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Sometimes you think if
ideas were dollars, you’d be
much richer. And what if they
are? Apply your sign’s famous
follow-through now. Brain-
storm... you’re on to something!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Interruptions are costly.
Even once an hour is too much.
Precautions taken to make
yourself difficult to interrupt
FAMILY CIRCUS will ultimately save you from
wasting your hours.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You can always make your
natural impressionability work
for you. For instance, fill your
eyes, mind and experiences
with beauty and you become
even more beautiful.

A rose between two thorns

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

my quarantine go-to
Orange eggs Benedict with hollanda-
ise sauce make breakfast special.

Try this
for a gourmet

kip the cereal and frozen
foods for a spread like these
orange eggs Benedict with
a homemade hollandaise sauce.
With six servings, it’s perfect for a
family breakfast at home.
Find more breakfast recipes at


Serves: 6

Orange hollandaise:
2 egg yolks
1 orange, juice only
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon white vinegar
6 eggs 1/2 cup butter, softened
Versatile tuna can play a leading role while we’re making more meals at home. Bell peppers, red onion and olives are 6 French baguette slices, 3/4-inch thick
just three flavorful ingredients in this Mediterranean tuna salad. Customize it by substituting other favorite veggies. each
6 thick slices ham
BY JAN SWOOPE 1/2 cup orange marmalade Orange zest, for garnish

n To make orange hollandaise: In small
“ eek 5,” I wrote in bowl, add egg yolks, orange juice and
Sunday’s square on the salt. Blend until combined. Gradually
hanging calendar in add melted butter into egg mixture while
the hallway at home. Each Sun- blending. Set aside.
n In skillet, add water halfway up sides.
day square for the past few weeks Add vinegar. Bring to simmer. Break eggs
bears a similar proclamation into water to poach. Cook 3-4 minutes
— Week 1, Week 2, and so on — until whites are cooked through and
marking the passage of time since yolks are still runny. Using slotted spoon,
remove eggs and drain on paper towels.
this coronavirus began changing n Spread butter on one side of bread
our daily routines. For many of slices. Place bread in skillet and cook un-
us, a colossal change is that we’re til golden brown. Add ham to same skillet
home. And as much as we love and cook until browned on both sides..
home, 24/7 home is almost more
n To assemble, spread bread slices with
orange marmalade. Top each with one
home than we bargained for. That slice cooked ham and one poached egg.
kind of home means three meals Pour hollandaise over eggs and garnish
to fix every day. By Week 5, it with orange zest.
means blankly gazing into kitchen
pantries and freezers, wondering
how to avoid making the same
thing ad nauseum. (And asking
ourselves what to do with that can
of beets we bought because it was Nutritious
the last lonely canned vegetable on
the grocery shelf. Or, is that just
eating at home
Beets aside, I’ve come to realize FAMILY FEATURES
that humble tuna has emerged

Tuna-carrot cakes with garlic lemon aioli take less than a half hour to prepare.
as sort of a steady-Eddie in my f spending additional time in
quarantine cuisine. First and minced onion flakes (or onion pow- 24/7 home, here are a couple of the comfort of your home has
foremost, my husband and I really der) and garlic powder. Or maybe recipes that might wake things you rethinking the family menu
like tuna salad. Second, I stocked next time add a splash of lemon up. The first is a Mediterranean and looking for new ways to enjoy
up on packets of tuna (so much juice to brighten things up. Versa- tuna salad full of veggies. Use it nutritional meals, rest assured
easier than the cans, in my opin- tile tuna can go so many different on sandwiches or on top of greens. you can make better-for-you food
ion). Third, without much effort, I ways. A prominent brand of tuna Customize it with your favorite choices without losing mouthwa-
can pretend I’ve done something packets even makes it easy for us, vegetables. The second recipe is a tering taste.
special by adding chopped pe- offering variations like Thai deli tuna-carrot cake with garlic lemon Easy, efficient at-home recipes
cans, grapes or apples, or even a style tuna, hot buffalo style tuna aioli. Both of these can vanquish like Thai coconut lime freezer
bit of Cajun seasoning. Or make and lemon dill flavored tuna. same-ole, same-ole. chicken, burrito beef and cauli
a version with salt, pepper, dried If you’re in a tuna rut at your See TUNA, 5B mac and cheese can all be made in
less than an hour while reducing
the intake of carbs and unnec-
essary sugars. All are part of a
balanced Atkins low-carb life-
style, a long-term, healthy eating
approach focused on high-fiber
BUTTER TOGETHER carbohydrates, optimal protein

How to use it up
and healthy fats.
The eating approach, which
is a more flexible version of the

popular ketogenic diet, offers a
am trying to bacon from was mighty thin and ugly, responsibility than ever
balanced mix of foods containing
squeeze all breakfast, but it tasted good. before to “use it up, wear
fiber-rich and nutrient-dense
the life out spinach, and And I have the leftover it out, make it do, or do
carbohydrates while focusing on
of every crumb Colby jack. ham bone simmering away without.” reduced levels of refined carbo-
and scrap that Mine included in the slow cooker right This recipe is hands- hydrates, added sugars and the
comes into our leftover taco now with a few potatoes. It down one of my favorite “hidden sugar effect” – when car-
home from the meat, peppers will become loaded potato ways to do that. It’s a bohydrates convert to sugar when
grocery store. and onions, and soup for tonight’s dinner. version of fried rice, but digested. You don’t see the sugar,
Julia and I pepper jack Thank goodness our I prefer to think of it as but your body does.
made quiches cheese. awesome local grocery “scrambled rice” because Introducing your family to
a few nights We’ve made workers are working it really is not as formal or smarter food choices can also
ago using the Amelia Plair egg scrambles around the clock to be strict as the dish you might support your immunity. According
proportions of out of leftover sure shelves are restocked, buy from your favorite Chi- to research published in “The
meat, vegeta- potatoes au or I’d really feel like I was nese restaurant. The taste American Journal of Clinical Nu-
ble, cheese, and egg we gratin and Easter ham. turning into Laura Ingalls is very similar, though. trition,” simply substituting whole
found in a quiche recipe Easter pie was leftover Wilder out here. I cannot give every grains for refined grains has a
but substituting what was cream cheese filling As it is, I know I am single possible substitu- modest effect on gut microbiota
already in the house for spread over a graham abundantly blessed to be tion that this recipe will and immunity. Refined grains
the specifics. She made cracker crust and topped able to get what we need. accommodate, but trust have had most of the fiber milled
one that included leftover with sliced strawberries. It But still, I feel a greater See BUTTER TOGETHER, 5B See NUTRITIOUS, 5B
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 5B

No bread flour? No problem

BY MATT KEMP to make a stunning offering. the United Kingdom — has delicate technique than pound- five days, until the mixture is
The Associated Press Ken Forkish’s white bread posted a recipe online which ing the mixture on a kitchen bubbling and full of life.
with 80 percent biga recipe, uses plain flour — roughly surface and allows the carbon The main point? Don’t be

from his 2012 book “Flour, equivalent to pastry flour in the dioxide created by the yeast intimidated by people who try
re you struggling to find Water, Salt, Yeast,” is perfect United States. to remain in the loaf, creating to complicate the process.
bread flour and fresh
for these testing times. It uses “It has less protein than more air bubbles and making “Sourdough is not a bread,
yeast at the moment? If
a mixture of flour, warm water bread flour, but a combination of the final product less dense. it’s a way of using a different
so, you’re not alone.
and a tiny sprinkling of dried more water and a longer rising Finally, if you’re out of type of yeast. It’s a slow process
With millions of people
yeast as a 14-hour pre-fer- time than home bakers might both instant dry yeast and — that’s all it is. It’s become a
across the globe stuck at home
due to lockdown measures mented base for a larger loaf, be used to makes the most of it all-purpose flour, French baker fashion thing, which I despise.
imposed during the coronavirus which is bound to impress your for great results,” says Young, Richard Bertinet has some It’s not. It’s a way of baking. You
pandemic, many people are family. adding: “Even if your first handy hints about sourdough need to simplify it in your head
choosing to make their own It’s worth noting that Fork- loaves aren’t pretty, they’ll still — a method which dispenses a bit more,” explains the baker.
bread, rather than venturing ish’s recipes use all-purpose taste delicious and, like every- with shop-bought yeast entirely Instead of constructing the
to the local store to buy their flour, rather than bread flour, thing, you’ll get better with in favor of a natural fermenting loaf using the stretch-and-fold
weekly fix. meaning that — hopefully — experience.” “starter” — made solely of flour technique, Bertinet recom-
But how does one make a you might be able to locate Rather than kneading the and water. mends his own “slap and fold”
loaf a bakery when yeast and supplies online or in grocery dough, Young promotes the While whole-wheat or rye method, where the dough is
bread flour seem as precious stores. “stretch and fold” technique, flour are preferable to create a lifted into the air, slammed
and rare as gold dust? If your search for both bread whereby flour, water and a small starter, Bertinet says that you down onto the workbench, then
The first option to consider, and all-purpose flour proves amount of yeast are mixed to- can use anything you have in folded over itself — strength-
if you have a stash of bread fruitless but you have yeast at gether in a bowl and then, once your cupboard — just mix equal ening gluten bonds in the flour
flour but only a small amount hand, Chris Young — the co-or- every hour, the home baker quantities of flour and warm and increasing air in the fin-
of yeast, is a slow-rise loaf. This dinator of England’s Real Bread lifts one section of the dough water in a container, store in ished loaf. The secret, again, is
needs less than quarter of a Campaign, which champions at a time and folds it over to the a warm place and repeat the plenty of water and a long, slow
teaspoon of instant dried yeast independent bakeries across opposite side. This is a more process every day for around fermentation.

Continued from Page 4B
out of them, leaving a air and seal bag. Freeze bag
refined carbohydrate flat up to 1 month.
n To cook: Thaw in refriger-
that impacts your body ator overnight. Heat oven to
the way sugar would. Opt 350 F.
for whole grains to get n Place in glass 8-by-8-inch
the fiber you need, along pan and bake 20-25 minutes.
with protein and healthy
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 8 hours
FREEZER CHICKEN 2 pounds beef arm chuck
Prep time: 8 minutes roast
Cook time: 22 minutes 4 tablespoons green taco
Servings: 4 sauce
1 teaspoon minced garlic Getty Images via
1 3/4 cups coconut milk 2 large scallions or spring This Thai coconut lime freezer chicken can be ready in
2 tablespoons basil onions, chopped about half an hour.
1 tablespoon xylitol (sugar 1 jalapeno pepper, diced
substitute) 2 teaspoons chili powder Nonstick cooking spray n Remove stem and leaves
1 ounce cilantro 1/2 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon salt, divided from cauliflower. Cut into
1 ounce fresh lime juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 head large (6-7-inch diame- small pieces and place in
1/2 teaspoon salt ter) cauliflower boiling water; cook un-
1/2 teaspoon garlic n Trim fat from beef. In slow 1 cup heavy cream til crisp-tender; about 5
1 teaspoon lime zest (op- cooker on low heat, cook 2 ounces cream cheese minutes. Drain well then pat Getty Images via
tional) beef, taco sauce, garlic, 1 1/2 teaspoons ground between paper towels to Cauli mac and cheese helps reduce carbs and unnec-
20 ounces boneless, cooked onions, jalapeno, chili powder, mustard remove moisture. essary sugars in a healthier family diet.
chicken breast cumin and salt 8 hours, or 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar n In medium saucepan over
20 ounces broccoli flower until beef is tender. cheese, divided medium heat, bring cream to cheese, garlic, remaining cauliflower.
clusters n Using two forks, remove 1 clove garlic, minced simmer. Whisk cream cheese salt, white pepper and pepper n Pour into baking dish and
beef and shred. Mix beef with 1/4 teaspoon white pepper and powdered mustard sauce, whisking until cheese top with remaining cheese.
n In bowl, mix coconut milk, 1/2 cup cooking juices before 1/4 teaspoon pepper sauce into simmering cream until melts; about 1-2 minutes. Bake 15 minutes until
basil, xylitol, cilantro, lime serving. smooth. Add 1 cup cheddar Remove from heat and stir in browned and bubbly.
juice, salt and garlic. For more n Heat oven to 375 F and
citrus flavor, add lime zest, if prepare 9-by-9-inch baking
desired. CAULI MAC AND CHEESE dish with nonstick cooking
n Add chicken, broccoli and Prep time: 10 minutes spray. Heat large pot of water
sauce to 1-gallon zip-top Cook time: 40 minutes to boiling and add 1/2 tea-
freezer bag. Squeeze out any Servings: 6 spoon salt.

Continued from Page 4B
Cook time: 5 minutes
TUNA SALAD Garlic lemon aioli:
Prep/total time: 15 minutes
Serves 5 (serving size 1 cup) 3/4 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon lemon juice or orange juice
2 (5-ounce) cans of tuna packed in water or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
olive oil, drained and flaked 1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup minced carrots (approximately 2
carrots) Tuna-carrot cakes:
1/2 cup minced celery (approximately 2 celery 3/4 cup fine corn flake crumbs, divided
sticks) 1/3 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup minced yellow bell pepper (approx- 1/3 cup shredded carrot
imately 1 small bell pepper; substitute with 2 tablespoons chopped green onion
orange, red or green bell pepper if preferred) 2 tablespoons dill pickle relish or finely
1/4 cup minced red onion (substitute with chopped dill pickle
yellow or green onion if preferred) 1 can (12 ounces) tuna in water, drained and
1/4 cup minced olives (substitute with pickles flaked
if preferred) 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon olive oil Chopped green onion (optional)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) n To make garlic lemon aioli: In small bowl,
Salt to taste (optional) combine yogurt, lemon juice, garlic powder and
salt. Cover and refrigerate until serving time.
n In a medium size bowl combine the carrots, n To make tuna-carrot cakes: In medium bowl,
celery, bell pepper, onion, olives, tuna and olive combine 1/2 cup corn flake crumbs, yogurt,
oil. carrot, onion and relish. Add tuna; mix well.
n Season with black pepper, cayenne pepper n Place remaining corn flake crumbs on piece
and salt. Mix well. Serve as a sandwich on of wax paper. Shape tuna mixture into eight
whole-grain bread or on top of salad greens. 3/4-inch thick patties. Lightly coat both sides
(Source: North Carolina Cooperative Extension, of patties with crumbs.
Stanly County Center, from medsinstead- n In large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook patties in hot oil 4-6
minutes, or until golden brown, turning once.
Stir aioli. Spoon dollops on patties. Garnish
TUNA-CARROT CAKES with additional onion, if desired.
(Source: Family Features-Marcia Stanley, MS,
WITH GARLIC LEMON AIOLI RDN, on behalf of Milk Means More. See more
Prep time: 15 minutes recipes at

Butter Together
Continued from Page 4B
me when I tell you that it SCRAMBLED RICE ■ Push rice to the edges of
will easily absorb nearly the pan, leaving as much bare
skillet in the middle as possi-
any changes you wish to Butter (about 4 tablespoons) ble. If your pan is not nonstick
make. I cannot think of Diced onion (about 1/2 cup) or you would like to add more
Garlic (2-3 cloves, minced)
a single ingredient that Cold rice (about 2 cups)
butter or oil at this time, add
cannot be substituted or Fresh eggs (2-3) it and wait for it to melt. Crack
eggs directly onto bare area
left out if necessary, so Soy sauce (or coconut amin-
of skillet. Salt eggs liberally.
please feel free to use os; just salt will do in a pinch)
Salt (to taste) Stir eggs as they begin to set.
what you have on hand. Cooked, diced vegetables (op- A bit of rice will begin to mix
The measurements I tional, about 1/2 to 1 cup) in with the egg; that is fine,
Cooked, diced meats (option- but your meal will cook much
give are approximations faster if you are able to cook
al, about 1/2 to 1 cup)
and based on the ones I the eggs through in the mid-
used when I started mak- ■ Place a large skillet or dle of the pan before mixing
ing this dish decades Dutch oven over medium them with all the rice.
heat. Melt butter in pan. Add ■ When eggs are done or
ago. They are nearly nearly done, mix them togeth-
diced onions. Cook and stir
infinitely adjustable. until onions begin to become er with the rice in the pan.
Amelia Plair is a mom translucent. Add garlic and Add soy sauce. Add meat and
and high school teacher in cook for another minute. Add vegetables. Continue to cook
cold rice. Stir and cook for until shiny appearance dis-
Starkville. Email reaches appears, indicating eggs are
another few minutes, just long
her at mamabadger- enough to coat rice with some completely cooked. Taste. Add butter and warm it up. salt or soy sauce to taste.
6B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 The Dispatch •

You’re at higher risk.
If you’re 65 or older, you are at higher risk of getting very sick
from the coronavirus. You must take extra care of yourself.

Stay home if you can.

Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least
20 seconds.
Avoid touching your face.
Disinfect frequently touched objects.
Wash up after being in public spaces.
Stay about six feet away from others.
If you’re sick, stay home and away from others.
If you have symptoms of fever, dry cough and shortness
of breath, call your health care provider before going to
their office.

We are all at risk, and some more than others. In challenging times, the
choices you make are critical. And their impact is significant. Help slow
the spread of coronavirus.

Visit for the latest tips and information from the CDC.


The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 7B
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