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KUCHISAKE-ONNA (The woman with the cut mouth)


 Kuchisake-onna: Alejandra Escalante Origel []

 Samurai: Hugo Emmerich Gutierrez López
 Lover1:Alphonso Arguello Flores
 Lover2: Rodrigo Diaz Peñaloza
 Victim NO (VN): Karla Calderón
 Victim YES(VY):Suylen Canseco Toche
 Victim YES2 (VY2): Joyce Paulina Martinez Olivo
 Victim Run(VR):Rodrigo Díaz Peñaloza
 Victim Confused(VC):Mauricio Rodriguez Lopez
 Victim Candy(VCa):Mauricio Rodríguez López
 Narrator: Joseluis del Ángel Almada Garmendia
 Anonimous: Alfonso Arguello Flores

The play begins:

Narrator: Long time ago, in ancient Japan, a beautiful woman existed, [Kuchisake-onna enters] who was
married to a Samurai; she was very beautiful and desired by every man… [Lover1 enters]

Lover1: Beautiful young lady, please come with me. [With desire, pulls Kuchisake-onna].Everything is going
to be fine, your husband will never know

Lover2: Now come with me, lady, I can offer much more than they ever could. [lover2 pulls Kuchisake-onna]

Lover1: Hey hey hey, hold on, she was with me. Where did you come from?

Lover2: What do you mean? She was with me like 3 minutes ago.

[Lover1 and Lover2 leave fighting]

Narrator: In a fit of jealously, [Kuchisake-onna and Samurai enter] the samurai, decided to finish with the lies
of his wife [Kuchisake-onna kneels, Samurai draws his sword].

Kuchisake-onna: [scared] Honey, what are you doing? [Samurai step forward and point the sword to her
mouth] Please, stop [crying]

Narrator: He cuts her mouth, side by side. The last words she heard were:

Samurai: [Angry, swing de sword slowly]: Do you think you're beautiful? [Grabs Kuchisake-onna head]Who
will think you're beautiful now? [He leaves and stabs her]. [Kuchisake-onna goes offstage]

Narrator: After her death, her spirit becomes a Yokai, a demon.And so the samurai didn’t receive the
punishment he deserve, so now the Yokai decided to do something about it. [Samurai enters]

Samurai: Everything has been so quiet since she´s gone [noise]. What was that?

Kuchisake-onna: Hello, my love… [Kuchisake-onna enters]

Samurai: What?! You can´t be here! You´re de-dead! [Scared, throw himself to the floor]

K: Do you still think that I’m beautiful? [Curious]

S: O-of course not, you, you demon! I killed you! You don’t exist anymore! Leave now! [Nearly screaming]
didn´t you hear me? Leave me alone! [Screaming]

K: I’ll leave, but… let me… return you… the favor… [Grins and stab Samurai with scissors] [Kuchisake-onna
and Samurai go offstage]

Narrator: And so, the legend of this ghost began.

Victim NO: [enters] Oh God, it´s really cold outside! Uh? [Kuchisake-onna enters] Miss, are you lost? Do you
need any help?
Narrator: This person sees a woman with a surgical mask.

K: Do you think I´m beautiful, stranger?

Victim NO: Yes, your face looks pretty nice. Why do you ask that, miss?

K: No special reason, I think… [Takes off the mask] You´re flattering, and now, do you still think I’m

VN: [Scared]Oh my Gosh, ple-please, ge-get away from me, you monster!

K: [Takes big scissors and stabs VN] Almost the same words [K and VN go offstage]

Narrator: The result may be the same no matter what you say.

[Victim Yes and Victim Run enters]

VY: You must believe me! The problem that the teacher gave us doesn’t have any good answer, it can’t be

VR: I think you´re the one who’s wrong, look, if you gather these together they form a one, after that you
just split them in little equations, got it?

VY: Err… [Makes face that she understood] … no.

[Kuchisake-onna enters and fall]

VY: [sees Kuchisake-onna and go help her] Are you OK? Did it hurt so much? [Turns to VR] Hey! Bookworm!
Come on and help her!

VR: I’m coming! [Get near to Kuchisake-onna and VY]

K: Thank you, [stands up] I’ve got a question for you… Do you think I´m beautiful?

VR: Yeah, you’ve got quite a beautiful face, [VY turns to VR and nods] and apparently my partner agrees.

K: I’m so glad you said that [Takes off mask] and now? [Grins]

VY: [fearfully] O-of course you are! Who will be so stupid to s-say you’re not?

[VR runs far away, goes offstage]

K: I think you like my state, even when I see doubt; you’ll going to like it! I promise! [Takes out scissors and
cuts VY in the mouth]

Narrator: After you say yes twice to her, she’ll cut your mouth just like hers, but if you run, she won’t let you
until she catches and kills the one who denied her beauty.

[VR enters and sit down]

VR: I think I’m safe, oh god, she was horrible [shivers]

K: So, you don’t like me [sobs] I’m sorry [get near to VR] but I have to kill you [grins and stabs VR with

[Kuchisake-onna and VR go offstage]

Narrator: And also, the ghost isn’t invincible, you may confuse her

[On scene is the victim Reading a book when the Kuchisake-onna enters.]

K: Hello, stranger, I have a question for you, do you think I´m beautiful?

VC: (keeps the eyes on the book) did you ask me if I think you are beautiful?

[Close the book and start walking in circles around the killer]
VC: Well, the question here is what do you think about the beauty? For example, if you think I’m pretty it
depends just on what you think. So the answer for your question is do you think you are pretty? I will leave
so you can think about it. Have a nice day.

[The victim goes out of scene walking after that, Kuchisake-onna goes off-stage]

Narrator: But sometimes, this ghost can feel mercy, who knows? Maybe a piece of her humanity is still

[Victim Yes 2 enters and is talking on the phone]

Anonymous: Okay, I´ll do this part of the project, so we can go on and have it ready, it must be finished by
the evening.

VY2: thank you, I’ll have ready my part in that time so I can send it to you, see you tomorrow!

[VY2 ends the call]

VY2: Geez, the mist today’s heavy, I’m wondering if can get to my house in time.

[Kuchisake-onna enters]

K: Miss, hold on for a second, please!

VY2: [turns to K] Oh, what’s the matter? Is everything alright?

K: Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something, do you think that I’m beautiful?

VY2: Yes, your face is kind of lovely.

K: [laughs softly, takes off mask] and now? Do you still think that?

VY2: [mercy on her eyes] Of course, I don’t know what happened to you, but I bet that you’re still beautiful,
anyone can be it, and so you are.

K: [shows mercy and take out a ruby] please, take this as a symbol of the mercy you show me [Gives the ruby
to VY2], thank you. [Goes slowly off-stage]

VY2: Is this b-blood? Where did you get it? Who are y- [turns everywhere, and goes offstage]

Narrator: And so, the ghost likes the gifts, she may forgive you, if you give her something tasty.

[The victim is sited on a chair eating a bag of skittles.]

K: Stranger, do you think I´m beautiful?

VCa: It doesn’t matter; you don’t have to worry about that. There are more important things. For example,
have you tried this candy? It is delicious as hell. Do you know what? Take this bag and stop worrying about
anything else. Just enjoy it while I go to buy more. By the way, nice to meet you

[VCa goes off-stage] [Kuchisake-onna opens the bag, takes off the mask and eats a candy]

K: Not bad, I’m pleased, almost this one’s yummy, the man that gave me the tomato juice, which is the trash
that made him die.

[K goes off-stage]

Narrator: This is just a little bite of the things that this demon can do. Nobody knows when she’s going to
rest, or when, she’ll stop killing, take care. And thank you.

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