Thermodynamics - 2020 - Assignment 1-1

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Thermodynamics - Semester 1 2020 – Assignment


Assignment 1

• Due 10 PM Sunday 12 April.

• Please watch the lab videos provided before solving the problems.
• This assignment is worth 10% of the total subject mark.
• Must be completed individually.
• Submit online in Canvas.
o Three attempts are allowed for submission of one assignment.
o Submit a single PDF document. Other format of submission is not accepted.
Scanned submission must be legible for marking.
o Free scanning available in the ERC and the Baillieu Library.
• State all assumptions clearly and show all working legibly.
• Enclose a copy of problem sheet in the submission.
• Department Late Submission Policy is in effect (see Syllabus for details).

Thermodynamics - Semester 1 2020 – Assignment

PROBLEM 1 Turbojet Cycle Analysis (15 pts)

In the turbojet lab (watch video here), a model aircraft engine runs on a pure turbojet cycle shown in Fig.
1. The turbojet is not equipped with a diffuser. The measured turbine outlet temperature (state 4) is a
stagnation quantity. The compressor pressure ratio, P2/P1, is a function of the engine speed, Ω, as
expressed as

P1 2.76 ×10−10 Ω 2 − 9 ×10−6 Ω + 1.37

P2 /=

Using the conditions given in Table 1 and the data in Table 2, answer the following questions.

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 1: schematic of the turbojet engine

Table 1 Test conditions and properties of working fluids

T1 25°C Ambient temperature
P1 1 bar Ambient pressure
qfuel 43,000 kJ/kg fuel Lower heating value of fuel (kerosene)
ρfuel 0.81 kg/L Density of fuel (kerosene)
cp, air 1.00 kJ/kg/K Constant pressure specific heat of air

Table 2 Turbojet Lab Data Reporting

Engine speed Turbine outlet stagnation temp. Fuel consumption rate Load cell voltage
Ω (RPM) T4t (°C) (sec /100 ml) (V)
101,000 628 15.23 100.1
81,000 594 20.23 35.1
70,000 596 27.84 35.1
62,000 596 28.28 28.0
54,000 606 31.87 19.8
40,000 604 41.45 13.2

*Load cell voltage (V) is converted to thrust (N) at 1:1 ratio.

Thermodynamics - Semester 1 2020 – Assignment

1. Draw the T-s diagram of the cycle. (1 pt)

2. Conduct an ideal cycle analysis to the turbojet, and derive equations to determine the following
parameters using the measured data,
2a. the turbine-inlet temperature, T3 (2 pts)
2b. the exhaust velocity, v5 (2 pts)
2c. the air flow rate (2 pts)
Note: Do not use the measured thrust to derive equations as it is an output of the actual cycle.
3. Plot T3 and v5 from the cycle analysis in Part 2 against engine speed. (1 pt)
4. Compare the exhaust velocities, v5, with the speed of sound at the standard condition. Given the
engine cannot produce supersonic velocity, discuss how to understand the comparison result. (1 pt)
5. Calculate the thrust produced by the ideal turbojet cycle. Plot the calculated and measured thrust
versus engine speed on a same graph. (1 pt)
6. Discuss the reasons causing the observed differences between the two sets of thrust data. (1 pt)
7. Calculate the ideal cycle thermal efficiency (ratio of the useful output and the required input) and plot
it versus engine speed. (2 pts)
8. Determine the temperature and pressure at each state from 1 to 5, report them in a summary table
for all engine speeds. (2 pts)

Thermodynamics - Semester 1 2020 – Assignment

PROBLEM 2 Refrigeration Cycle Analysis (15 pts)

In the refrigeration lab (video), a water bath is cooled by a refrigeration unit whereas a heater is used to
compensate the cooling for temperature control.

The refrigerant used is R-290 (propane), with a density of 0.5 kg/L. The glass tube for measuring
refrigerant flow rate has a volume of 14 ml. Using the propane property table provided and the data
recorded in Table 3, answer the following questions.

Table 3 Refrigeration Lab Data Reporting

Water Temperature [°C] Pressure [kPa] Compressor Heater Refrigerant
Bath Evaporator Condenser Evaporator Condenser Power Power Flow Time
Temp. In Out In Out absolute absolute [kW] [kW] [s]

5°C -8 9 70 35 340 1150 0.23 0.25 7.48

10°C 1 14 71 39 460 1350 0.3 0.37 4.75

15°C 8 14 71 39 525 1350 0.25 0.37 4.76

Water bath temperature at 10°C

Consider an ideal refrigeration cycle

1. Draw the T-s diagram and use the two measured pressures to calculate the coefficient of
performance (COP) of the cycle. (2 pts)

Consider an actual refrigeration cycle

2. On the T-s diagram, mark the State 1-3 using the measured temperatures (do not mark State 4 yet).
For this actual cycle, the condenser is assumed to have zero pressure loss. (1 pt)
3. Consider the expansion process as isenthalpic, calculate the entropy at the evaporator inlet. Mark
the State 4 on the T-s diagram. (2 pts)
4. Using the T-s diagrams drawn in part 1 and 3, discuss the major differences between the actual
cycle and ideal cycle. (3 pts)
5. Calculate the COP of the actual cycle. (1 pt)
6. Conduct an energy balance on the water bath. Discuss if it is reasonable to assume that the bath is
well insulated. (2 pts)

Water bath temperature at 5°C and 15°C

7. Calculate the COP at both temperatures using the above actual cycle analysis. Mark the measured
pressures and temperatures on the T-s diagram. (2 pts)
8. Discuss in theory how the COP should vary with the water bath temperatures varying from 5°C to
15°C and whether the measured results are consistent with the theory. (2 pts)

R-290 (Propane) Temperature – Entropy Chart

2.0 MPa

1.5 MPa

1.0 MPa

0.5 MPa

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